In this version:
- Stage Selection Wraps from last available to first
- Long Jumps can be triggered by a greater window of frames
- Stability Fixes for rare crashes in 8-4
- Title-screen crash addressed
- Title-screen "auto-start" bug due to controller input buffer fixed
- As per Ratttz, Pouelle's aviator shades show the message "FLYGAL" instead of "FLYBOY"
- Secret stuff tweaked.
Friend of Poulet ADooM is going to be tackling Poulet for the first time, Thursday July 28th, 11am EST.
This will be the first time anyone sees the FULL Poulet experience! If he beats the game, it releases!
Come wish ADooM good luck!
ADooM on Twitch!
The Evil Mahi Mahi returns, as the Poulet Adventure comes from Fantasy-Consoles to your PC.
Poulet Poulet is a simple but unique action Platformer. Each level is hand-crafted and play-tested to challenging and delightful perfection. Half Chicken, half-pinball, Poulet can beak-smash foes and bounce off of them, flying towards the next foe for a score-multiplying combo (or maybe to an untimely end!)
Victory awaits at the end of 32 (or more?) 2D stages across 8 worlds just like the platformer classics of back in the day. Set high scores, set speed-run records, and maybe discover a secret or two.