So that's it, following the first feedback I received, I decided to develop a real multiplayer mode, next to the existing local. It's still in alpha and there's a good chance you won't find someone to play with you at all time. But it's there, and it works ! Right now it's the most simple way to do multiplayer: you go in "multi" and announce you're ready to play. Anyone around can accept your offer and the game starts from that point. I strongly encourage you to use the game discussion page to organise timeframe to play. From that point, I plan to add : - A way to select units to play with - Some integration with Steam (like play with friends) - Different multiplayer scenarios (today it's a really simple skirmish) - Some basic leaderboard stuff Here you go! I hope you enjoy that, it's been quite difficult to do right and the server is relatively small yet, but I think it's a good start. There will probably be bugs and weird behaviors (hopefully nothing serious). Please post on the discussion pages if that happens, I'm around regularly. My aim for that feature (as well as for the whole game) is to keep things simple and go forward without overpromising anything I can't do properly. Thanks to your feedbacks and support, I'm really happy with the way the game is evolving. Apart from that in the next month I will : - correct AI bugs - arrange a couple of things regarding the difficulty curve - add the last music and sound effects to the game - revise every texts in the game best regards, Francois, game dev
[ 2015-05-13 13:15:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
So that's it, following the first feedback I received, I decided to develop a real multiplayer mode, next to the existing local. It's still in alpha and there's a good chance you won't find someone to play with you at all time. But it's there, and it works ! Right now it's the most simple way to do multiplayer: you go in "multi" and announce you're ready to play. Anyone around can accept your offer and the game starts from that point. I strongly encourage you to use the game discussion page to organise timeframe to play. From that point, I plan to add : - A way to select units to play with - Some integration with Steam (like play with friends) - Different multiplayer scenarios (today it's a really simple skirmish) - Some basic leaderboard stuff Here you go! I hope you enjoy that, it's been quite difficult to do right and the server is relatively small yet, but I think it's a good start. There will probably be bugs and weird behaviors (hopefully nothing serious). Please post on the discussion pages if that happens, I'm around regularly. My aim for that feature (as well as for the whole game) is to keep things simple and go forward without overpromising anything I can't do properly. Thanks to your feedbacks and support, I'm really happy with the way the game is evolving. Apart from that in the next month I will : - correct AI bugs - arrange a couple of things regarding the difficulty curve - add the last music and sound effects to the game - revise every texts in the game best regards, Francois, game dev
[ 2015-05-13 13:15:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Linux Concent [416.66 M]
- Devouring Stars - Soundtrack
There are so many games set in space, willingly limiting their scope to new instances of Star Wars-style ships, blasters and myths. Devouring Stars is an attempt at expanding the horizon of "celestial" games, focusing on the eerie beauty and poetry of distant stars, blackholes and mysterious corners of our universe.
What if you could litterally unhook the stars? What if you could be a galactic-sized entity?
In Devouring Stars you play a tribe of godlike entities trapped in Tartarus, a corner of the universe as far beneath hell as heaven is high above the earth. Hunted by 4 other tribes, you have been given the ability to draw your own fate. But to what extent?
Devouring Stars uses a couple of unique mechanics to create a different experience on the RTS and space exploration genre. Your entities have the ability to "devour" starfields, creating dynamic nebulas that will protect them. There's no tech tree or building facilities in Devouring Stars: your entities are able to merge in order to create advanced units with special abilities. Depending on the set of entities you start the game with, you will be able to go for different strategies that will evolve during the game.
Devouring Stars is mainly inspired by Dan Simmons' Illium but also by games like Homeworld, Eufloria, Starcraft or Faster Than Light.
- 15 advanced entities to unlock by merging the 4 basic ones (earth, air, fire, water). Each advanced unit has a specific ability like freezing enemies, controling them, attacking them from afar...
- Generated starfields offering a wide range of beautiful and differently balanced layouts
- Thousands of different settings through generated scenarios
- Direct attack, escape route, diversion... many ways to go through the game depending on your strategic choices, your entities and your enemies
- 4 enemy tribes with specific features and behaviors
- Unique particule system able to display thousands of dynamic stars
- And some well hidden secrets...
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Processor: 1.6 GHz DualCoreMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: 256 MB 3D Graphics Card with OpenGL support
- Storage: 500 MB available space
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