2021 Development Logs & Bug Fixes
3/13/21 - Updated the performance display, now it can display VRAM (GPU) and Memory - Began work on creating the performance display an option in-game 3/14/21 - Performance monitor can now be turned on or off and be saved in the games saved option file - Updated the progress manager in-game to swap between achievement and normal save files - Added a new screen before the warning to let the player know about the use of headphones - Reverted Coles original walking speed from the one recently set 3/15/21 - Retouched the loading screen audio loop to remove any popping - Redid the main menu loop to remove a popping issue 3/16/21 - Updated the minimal requirements for the game after learning that one of the testers was not able to play due to shader material issues 3/17/21 - Finalized the first bugfix test and confirmed it official 3/18/21 - Upgraded the Unity Engine to 2020.3.0 f1 LTS 3/19/21 - Updated Coles character reference to show him in complete side view - Designed more clothing for Cole and updated the names of a few - Moved the project files over to an external hard drive as the master file to work on the go if needed 3/21/21 - Drew out the next few segments of Altitude A - Retouching the tutorial progression to have a better progression 3/22/21 - 4/11/21 - Added clouds to the game which may only appear in Altitude A & B - Cole Design v3 completed in 2D - Cole v3 model progress completed - Added typing sfx to the dialogue system to add more detail - Updated the scripts to use indents instead of spaces which was bugging me for a while - Updated Coles animation system to now use Blend Trees - Readjusted Coles proportions, leaving him looking more like a chibi and upgrading him to v3.1 - Updated the rendering order in the game, now I can place facial creatures on front of Coles face like a comic book layer - Got a 2nd monitor installed and can now multitask to keep better focus - Updated and optimized a bit of the camera script - Created the UI design for the Upgrade Tree system - Updated the skybox rendering to allow UI GFX to transition with ease - Balanced out the math of Major and Minor Puzzles in every Altitude (World) - Cole v3.1 complete with a full IK rig and will be soon be animated - Added in detailed UI for the upgrade system - Cole v3.1 is now rigged and ready to be animated
4/12/21 - Updated the tier names and their descriptions - Added in the lock and unlock system in the upgrade tree - Added in the progress tracking and interaction system for the upgrade tree 4/13/21 - Readjusted the weights that influence Coles body - Added tooltips into the editor to allow any reminders of the functionality of certain scripts - Updated the Upgrade Tree to be able to include 2 types of blue lock requirements together instead of only 1 - Updated the structure of the tree to now group nodes into categories 4/14/21 - Forgot to add the tier tracking in the Upgrade Tree, but now its there - Finished adding in every main upgrade tree node & tier - Updated the tree script to be able to lock tiers levels without the need for requirement locks to have them be sequential - Added any remaining nodes I forgot to add 4/15/21 - Cole Reanimation - Redid the animation events for Coles footsteps - Added some Bevel to the Iso-Rotation Plate 4/16/21 - Updated the detail of the structures in-game - Redid and adjusted the UV mapping of certain structures to create a better color progression - Retouched some of the animation poses to be more pleasing - Updated the accuracy of the opacity dithering to cover more area instead of a single ray 4/17/21 - Touched up Coles walking animation one more time - Updated internal numeric values to be more specific and keep a better accuracy - Adjusted the animation speed in Coles animator blend tree - Updated the polygon structure of cattails and structures - Began work on constructing something very important - Updated the font atlas to include new text characters - Finished the notes for something special - Began some work on an input text parser 4/18/21 - 4/20/21 - Added a few more points for vegetation in Altitude A - Began work on updating the trigger script to use a new system instead of the current one - Lost some sketches of Altitude A, so I have to recall from memory - Updated the structure of the triggers to have better control and visibility - Finished the structure of the triggers with better functionality - Updated every trigger from the warning screen to the loading screen - Finished any missing types from the new trigger system 4/21/21 - 8/21/21 - Fixed the text sizing on the page based dialogue system in Altitude A - Designing the layout and details of Altitude A - Every Minor and Major puzzle for Altitude A has been written - Added new UI for Minor Puzzle introductions - Reorganized the folders to keep animations tidied up - Updated a few triggers in the tutorial along with an upgrade on the controller - Updated a couple of grammatical mistakes - Updated the bug fix count on the list, it was off the total by 8 - Updated the pushable interactive type to restrict movement to 1 axis depending on the direction being pushed - Updated the physics system to require the player to press a button when initiating the hoist and climbing commands - Updated the footstep sound detection to improve accuracy - Translated some of the old triggers to the new ones - Finished slicing and organizing the mass majority of audio files in the game - Upgraded the engine to 2021 to fix a file writing issue - Deleted the old trigger system and optimized the Iso-Rotation animations - Filled missing faces from certain objects - Updated Coles color bitmap to adjust the tones of his hair and eyes - Updated the warning screen to give a Do NOT Try This At Home warning - Updated the Isometric System, now it can calculate points in real-time! - Balanced more detail and decoration in Altitude A - Added some new special effects to give more of a natural feeling - Updated the prefabs of certain puzzle bases to make them easier to slap in - Updated some UI flaws and some trigger mishaps after the input detection was updated - Created a new testing field to build and flesh out features - Optimized the Isometric System and retouched its editor - Added a new rule to perspective, Light Path Compatibility - Updated and minimized the camera stack - Uploaded a new mechanic teaser with up to date details - Updated the isometric shadow system to be reduced to 2 lines and no new objects - Updated the editor to show the difference between player and object translation - Updated the shadow rendering again to cover less ground during Isometric Translation - Isometric System restructured and optimized from v3 Revision 11 to v4 Revision 0 - Lowered the time step value in the Fixed Update to run at a faster iteration without much consequence for other features - Updated the system to run only in the Fixed Update is its able to run faster than the framerate - Updated the system to v4 Revision 2, still working as well as Revision 0 so no need to restart the system playtest - Repaired the Main Menu UI after some input triggers got messed up - Retouched Coles walking animation to fix the foot and limb IKs to remove some stiff movement - Added use of the Scene Template package to streamline the process of creating sections and levels - Made some more progress on the official OST - Updated the checklist to be more detailed - Readjusted and updated some of the tier names and points in the Upgrade Tree - Adjusted the stair-step sizing - Updated the water shader to use noise as faux refraction - Isometric System v4 test concluded, the system is stable and in working order! - Added in arrow animations and sprite updates in the Upgrade Tree UI - Added in arrow navigation into the Upgrade Tree - Added in Requirement(s) display in the Upgrade Tree, showing the node locks before the tiers - Optimized and renamed some of the code that makes up the Upgrade Tree - Removed Node Locks as the selection arrow will be locked in a certain range and the player will get a notification of a newly available node in the upgrade tree - Added in animation based on node selection and input, allowing the player to hold down the cycle buttons without issues - Added in state saving to keep the state of the upgrade tree per save file - Added lock visual detection for saving the state of the tiers and progress - Updated arrow restriction selection and lock cycling - Finished the remaining functionality needed for the Upgrade Tree - Updated the structure of the upgrade tree to allow it to be saved and loaded - Continued further composition work for Iteration After Iteration - Updated the Upgrade Tree to be integrated with the same order as the Pause Menu - Renamed and redid the achievements - Updated the progress saving control editor to be more neat and easy to handle - Updated the main menu animation to have a nice zooming effect - Updated the warning screen to display a better version of Cole wearing headphones - Updated the main menu starting animation to be more dynamic - Continued work on a few more teaser clips - Published a new screenshot and the Main Menu Theme audio spectrum - Reorganized the folders and removed any unused assets in the project to clean up the size - Updated the engine to the newest 2021 build - Tweaked the main menu animation to have better color and brightness control - Updated the loading screen with fixed hexagon opacity and tip styling - Updated stair designs to have wooden rails underneath to keep them connected - Updated Coles footstep detection to have a higher and more realistic accuracy - Updated the visualizing of the opacity translator - Updated the box colliders for stairs and structures - Continued making adjustments and details for Altitude A - Designed Cole one more time to match the comic book style, however, no new model was made - Updated the character alias files - Added some minor details to the main menu to add more dynamics to it - Updated the screenshots on the official steam page to show more of the game, even if its not showing much of Altitude A - Updated Coles colormap to have a better collection of colors and ease of adjustment with UVs - Retouched the footstep one more time to fix some accuracy issues - Reduced collision detection on objects that dont need them - Began a new draft of the Major Puzzle theme - Drew another major character in the series that will be shown later in the game - Fixed some proportion issues I found in Coles character sheet - Updated the UI for notifications and adjusted the loading screen colors - Updated the start-up sequence for the main menu - Updated the hero image for steam - Change the editor windows for creating more level design faster and efficiently - Continuing graphical updates and tweaking to improve the games presentation - Added new images to the official indev website - Tweaked the opacity dithering speed to be more smooth - Finished the new graphical assets for the Steam page - Initiated a new major UI update to have the style match the new cover and header - Retouching the files to reduce the size - Added Visual Logs to the official Discord server [Server Link, still in construction but interactable] - Added a fun new detail to the Warning screen to make it more entertaining to look at in a way - Created new SFX to give dynamics to the UI - Finished the Warning screen UI design - Restructured the Main Menu scene - Sorted audio tracks to mixers for easier control when its time to implement options - Created the style sets to produce the UI faster - Created new dynamic and interactive UI animations - Created new methods of fading out multiple objects with only 1 property instance - Started a design for a settings menu as before, the game didnt have one - Added in a slight bevel detail into the hex UI to fit the in-game lighting and style - Added in a new use of Audio Mixers and Snapshots to create new effects and clean up the board - Increased controls to the settings to be able to have more internal control and numeric accuracy - Updated file saving to be more optimized and handle any new file types I need to add - Updated the pre-existing options class to have the capabilities needed to work with both the Pause and Main Menu - Added in better file integrity for progress tracking in-game and linking to Steam - Broke 150+ lifetime wishlists on Steam! - Finished the internal structure for the options saving/loading - Created and organized some layout templates - Optimized lines in file saving that were duplicates of others - Added in the UI for setting the in-game performance stats - Finished the UI for the options menu - Finished the remaining functionality needed for options - Added a special secret - Redid the transitions for Bolt Node [Blue Hex] UI to be reusable and easy to edit - Utilized Sliders more to reduce the need for position interpolation - Updated the template scene for creating levels faster - Continued work on translating the site design to HTML - Restricted saving in the DEMO as its not needed - Updated the SFX for rotation - Updated the introduction for when you start a new game - Removed any unused audio files - Updated the animation that plays depending on the state of the Iso-Rotation Plate
8/21/21 - 8/28/21 - Finished the structure for the basic UI on the official website - Completed the needed internal structures for the new sites home page - Created a template to slap in whenever I need to make new content - Created the concept and structure for the Projects page - Began work on fixing Coles body proportions on his reference sheet - Recomposing one of the new soundtracks for the Demo - Updated the font adjustments when resizing a desktop window 8/29/21 - Optimized assets to speed up background loading - Published the website to public beta 8/31/21 - Finished fixing Cole's proportions on his reference sheet - Updated the Main Menu UI to be more organized - Created a new LED glow in-game - Created the new Start sequence for the main menu
9/1/21 - Finished the Main Menu startup sequence - Finished adjusting some of Cole's clothing - Created a new dynamic background for the Main Menu - Finished Hex Node UI pop up animations - Adjusted the speed of the floating hex icons in the background 9/2/21 - Restructured the file saving protocol to be much more optimized - Updated the loading control to load the correct scene that was last played or needs to be played - Adjusted the startup sequence to show more detail - Added a new detail to the dynamic background - Finished creating the new Pause Menu - Added in the functionality of the new Main Menu - Updated the order of scenes in the project - Began work on creating the new Dialogue System UI 9/3/21 - Restructuring of the intro for the story has begun - Fixed some broken bits from the Dialogue System - Finished the new style for Page Dialogue systems 9/4/21 - Finished restructuring the introduction - Created the new style for regular in-game Dialogue boxes - Renamed the categories of certain objects in-game 9/5/21 - Finished writing the script for the introduction to Minor Puzzle 4 - Updated the controls for the dialogue system - Translated each line into the new Dialogue Box system - Updated the template for level creation - Created the starting point for the transition from the story plot to the actual level 9/8/21 - Started recording the lines needed for Minor Puzzle 4 - Created a rig and fixes for a new possible Cole v4 model 9/9/21 - Began sequencing the introduction for Minor Puzzle 4 9/9/21 - 9/18/21 - Began work on fleshing out Cole v4 in 3D space - Began work on creating something for a server I co-own with my little brother [Will NOT impede development] - Continued posting to Twitter once again - Finished creating the new hair for Cole v4 - Added Sprite Controls for dialogue - Fixed 2D Cole's "Tired" expression 9/19/21 - 9/20/21 - Finished recording the needed lines for the introduction for Minor Puzzle 4 - Finished Cole's rig and weight paints 9/21/21 - 9/22/21 - Gave Cole his gloves, shirt, and pants - Updated Cole's model transformations and mesh to be cleaner - Updated Cole's hierarchy of parent and child objects - Redid Cole's colormap for his body and clothing - Updated the skybox and camera controls in-game to satisfy Cole v4 - Updated the dialogue system to now handle run on events - Updated the physics and controller values to better suit Cole v4 - Updated the level template - Continued further construction on the introduction sequences 9/22/21 - 9/27/21 - Finished Cole's clothing - Continued with some missing functionality in the pause menu - Continued work on animating Cole - Updated the development logs to know be written using Revue - Released a new audio preview for one of the soundtracks - Updated the clips on Steam, Twitter, and YouTube - Updated the clips on YouTube to now link the game's credentials on YouTube Gaming - Updated the banner for the YouTube channel and the watermarks - Adjusted Cole's rig to fix an issue regarding the bend and shape of his... tuchus - Updated the clips and pics on the Steam page to show some up to date items which will be replaced with better ones once gameplay is possible - Adjusted the weight paints on clothing near the waistline to prevent unnatural curves - Readjusted Cole's walking animation 9/28/21 - 9/30/21 - Finished optimizing Cole's hair, reducing the polygon count by more than half - Updated the Isometric Perspective system to adjust to Cole's new changes - Updated the Isometric Shadow rendering methods to a more reliable structure - Updated the footstep detection system to respond to ground per foot better - Created a temporary running animation for Cole - Continued composition for completing "Beyond The Mind" - Updated the trigger system to clean up some structures
10/1/21 - 10/12/21 - Upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11 - Began work on restructuring the website to be mobile compatible - Continued work on the Major Puzzle Theme - Finished adding website flexibility to cater more than just mobile devices - Restyled every content element on the site to be more vibrant - Adjusted the footstep detection to now not play a sound when a foot isn't on the ground - Adjusted some of the structures of the triggers to remove some redundancy - Updated the graphical assets on the steam store to have a better background - Finished sequencing dialogue for the introduction to Minor Puzzle 4 - Released some new clips on the official YouTube channel - Updated the credits to keep usernames up to date - Adjusted some components of the introduction to Minor Puzzle 4 - Began translating Cole into animated 2D space - Continued further work on soundtracks, including "Iteration After Iteration" and "Perplexing Puzzles" - Created a special... bonus draft for something to be heard in-game - Finished creating the base for 2D Cole - Created a simple rig for the eyes, continuing on to the eyebrows and other facial features - Created a few tests to check the flexibility of the face rig - Reorganized the scene hierarchy in-game - Did an EQ and render on a few audio assets to fix any issues - Restructured some UI in terms of render order - Created a simplistic face rig, excluding the mouth and nose 10/21/21 - 10/28/21 - Added a special bonus track that you'll hear soon - Created a new shader for handling Video to UI display - Began work on creating Cole's 2D animations - Optimized Cole's rig and 2D base - Added a new mouth system to Cole's rig - Have a new theory for a real-time in-game audio editor to control instrument tracks - Finished Cole's 2D rig - Updated the movements to the first clip in the introduction - Reorganized a few UI hierarchies - Updated a few instrumentations for "Beyond The Mind" - Reorganized audio projects to be easier to surf and edit - Added new controls for animation and dialogue continuing - Added a couple of new UI animations - Updated the movements to the first clip in the introduction
10/21/21 - 11/13/21 - Restyled solo window and vertical window UI - Updated Cole's rig to contain a better mouth with a tongue - Added a new Video to UI shader for animated clips - Added a new video control to dialogue - Added a delay control for when input will be sent during dialogue - Created some new structures for better efficiency with Video to UI translation - Created a new version for Beyond The Mind as a bonus - Finally acquired a new laptop to keep up with regular work speed and emulate my desktop power - Lines 1 through 8 have been animated and placed in-game - Almost at 200 lifetime wishlists! - Lines 9 - 32 in progress 11/13/21 - 11/27/21 - Surpassed 200 lifetime wishlists! - Began work on creating a new and physically efficient controller - Updated the camera controls to be able to have no dynamic edits - Updated handling of the Perspective System to be more efficient in rotation control - Updated the handling of controller input and set up to remove issues from the old controller - Implemented better use of kinematic equations for physics calculations and actions - Added in the bases for the physics interaction involving Cole walking, jumping, hoisting, or climbing over an obstacle - Began work on recomposing the Main Menu theme to have a better atmosphere, composition, and mastering mix - Created a new auto jump system for Cole to dynamically check if he can reach an area or not - Began writing some information text for the player to see when they begin to learn about the physics system, among a few other things - Updated the auto jump system to work with physical interaction, allowing further areas to be reached creatively - Recompiled the auto jump system to let Cole know when to not jump to reach an area due to gravity being enough - Updated the auto jump system to better handle ground and platform detection- Updated a few variables in the system to be able to allow Cole to cover more ranges if the player later upgrades his physical stats - Updated the auto jump system to have Cole either run when he needs to, either at the speed needed to reach the area or at his current maximum running speed - Updated the auto jump locomotive velocity control to not change if Cole is running when he needs to walk
11/27/21 - 11/31/21 - Finished classes and can now continue working on the game at a better pace - Wrote new info text and categories for mechanics - Created a new official wiki for the game - Continued adding to the official wiki to give more information and details about Cole - Began work on redesigning Cole to v4.2 for a better look and creation - Created more artwork of Cole 4.2 for design and concept reasons - Updated the cover art for the game - Began work on creating Cole 4.2 in 2D - Cole 4.2 2D has now been translated and created - Created a new 2D rig for Cole 4.2, now he has a lot more expressive capabilities - The 3D version of Cole 4.2 has been started - Created a new method for streamlining rigged models - Including a new standard of detail and graphic design for objects to now be textured instead of colored via a bitmap - The base model for 3D Cole is complete, just needs a few more touches - Created a new official wiki for the game - Added in a new animation for the main menu - Rewrote the progression for Altitude A to make it easier to read and sort - Updated the premises and goals of some Minor Puzzles - Created a new official wiki for the game - Updated some structures in the game's new physics system - Added in some new artwork into the cycle gallery - Started a new animation organization system to help control the amount of work needed for clips and to keep everything shorter
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the player from being able to pause after the page dialogue system was used - Fixed a problem with FPS capping where over 60 would cause loading to take too long and dialogue syncing would be too fast - Fixed a bug that would cause Cole to move continuously if the player unpaused or hit the ground again - Fixed a bug that would cause issues with detecting the ground which would prevent the player from being able to send input - Fixed a bug where if the player spammed pause, theyd still be able to move Cole around - Fixed a bug where clicking the Resume Adventure button in the pause menu would allow the player to spam and break the menu - Fixed a bug where input would not reset after the triggers were updated to read multiple keys - Fixed a bug where the gallery would have problems swapping and enabling/disabling content - Fixed a rotation speed issue with the direction Cole is facing when rotating your Perspective - Fixed some velocity still being maintained if Cole stopped moving during interactions - Fixed shadow rendering when Coles render layer was changed - Fixed an issue with shadows in Isometric Perspective, they now complete themselves to prevent the system from being broken visually - Fixed an issue with shadow artifacts and accidental incomplete shadows being rendered in the Isometric System - Fixed a bug where the isometric renderer would still be active, even after it was supposed to be shut off to prevent accidental render layer issues - Fixed scaling issues with shadows, they now return to their normal values instead of it being all 1s - Fixed a bug where standing at a translation point, rotating, then rotating back to that point would cause the isometric shadows to render incorrectly - Fixed a bug where like before, rotating would cause issues, except if you moved before you rotated, the shadow would spaz before stabilizing - Fixed a bug where the isometric shadows would jitter instead of following smoothly - Fixed a bug where the isometric shadows would not follow Coles animator, which would cause animation jumping - Fixed a bug where the shadows would have trouble being in the correct places and visibility if more than 1 point were active in the same direction group - Fixed a bug where delayed shadows would exist if you were rotated to a new direction and were in the vicinity of a point - Fixed a bug in System v4 where the shadow would still be active if you spammed rotation - Fixed and reduced the rate of a slightly noticeable shifting issue when positioning shadows in v4 - Fixed a rotation issue in v4 where if you rotate, moved, and rotated at the same time and were near a point, the shadow would have a delay before matching Coles rotation - Fixed a well-hidden bug where the shadows in v4 would still be active if you were a certain distance from the point and not within the same ground level - Fixed a bug where the selection arrow wouldnt lock in place correctly, causing it to freeze when displaying information about another node - Fixed a bug where the arrow updating would cause incorrect id targeting of categories and nodes - Fixed an issue where the before and after tier upgrade along with the requirement prompt text would cycle through the previous tier levels and locks instead of showing the current ones instantly - Fixed a bug where the lock check cycle would clear tier locks, even if the requirements to unlock it werent met yet - Fixed a bug where node locks would be ignored if the first tiers lock requirements were already met - Fixed a bug where the tree would break if a node was maxed out - Fixed a bug where the tree would not update tiers if it saved and loaded the last state the tree was in - Fixed a bug where the pause menu would no longer read input after the scene to scene translator was updated - Fixed an issue where the Quit To Main Menu wouldnt load the Main Menu- Fixed an issue with stair rails not being rotated correctly on the import - Fixed and removed an annoying warning for the shadow rendering not having an audio footstep signal - Fixed a bug in the Audio triggers that would count the transition as clear if the value surpassed 2 decimal places - Fixed a bug with file integrity that would cause save files to accidentally delete when no flag to delete them was set - Fixed a bug where the file creation and loading would be stuck in a loop, creating and deleting existing files - Fixed an accuracy issue where Coles foot would still play the incorrect sound despite the surface his feet take-up - Fixed an issue where the file creation would break if options UI is empty - Fixed an issue where loading would erase and reset the file integrity system - Fixed an issue where audio channels would not update when the game loaded in the settings in the warning screen - Fixed an issue where the Menu Iso-Rotation plate would stay active despite the introduction no longer playing - Fixed an issue where the Main Menu buttons would reset their animations once a new game was about to start - Fixed an issue where the Dialogue Page System would break if the page triggers index was equal to the page count - Fixed a graphical issue with Cole v4's import, he no longer has improper faces due to scaling - Fixed a bug where the Dialogue Page System would incorrectly trigger run on events - Fixed an issue where the controller physics would not act accordingly once it was updated for v4 - Fixed a bug where animations would no longer play once the new animations were imported and placed into the current animator controller - Fixed an issue where the pause menu would only close the main panel if a secondary window was opened - Fixed an issue where Cole's hair would not track his head bone correctly - Fixed an issue where the renderer responsible for making sure Cole is visible during translation would make his projection abnormally large - Fixed a calculation issue where shadows would remain broken in the Isometric Perspective system if the player were at the point of interest - Fixed a shadow translation issue where the shadows would spaz if the player walked back and forth on a Perspective point - Fixed an issue where an error would be thrown with trigger tags - Fixed sequencing issue where even after dialogues were finished, they would reset - Fixed an issue where the animation to UI rendering would result in a noticeable black screen - Fixed an issue with the Perspective system where translation points would stop working if turned on, but continue if turned off - Fixed an old rotation lag issue where if you rotated and moved, Cole would have some delay instead of moving in the correct direction immediately - Fixed a bug where the shadow rendering in Perspective would not render correctly once the new control setup was in place - Fixed a bug where Cole would continuously bounce despite him still being on the ground to move on, or him not being close enough to the ledge - Fixed a bug where Cole would bounce if the player ran and stepped off a platform they just landed on after landing on it - Fixed a physics calculation that would leave Cole stuck in continuous locomotion - Fixed a bug where Cole didn't run at the appropriate speed needed to reach a platform farther and taller than him, yet still, be able to reach farther and lower ones - Fixed a bug that caused Cole to jump over obstacles that were lower and closer to him, despite the fact that he can just fall and he'd land safely - Fixed issues with Cole being incorrectly influenced by weights, even if his weights were set to be very light - Fixed an issue where the auto jump system would stop working if there
[ 2022-01-14 19:27:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
3/13/21 - Updated the performance display, now it can display VRAM (GPU) and Memory - Began work on creating the performance display an option in-game 3/14/21 - Performance monitor can now be turned on or off and be saved in the games saved option file - Updated the progress manager in-game to swap between achievement and normal save files - Added a new screen before the warning to let the player know about the use of headphones - Reverted Coles original walking speed from the one recently set 3/15/21 - Retouched the loading screen audio loop to remove any popping - Redid the main menu loop to remove a popping issue 3/16/21 - Updated the minimal requirements for the game after learning that one of the testers was not able to play due to shader material issues 3/17/21 - Finalized the first bugfix test and confirmed it official 3/18/21 - Upgraded the Unity Engine to 2020.3.0 f1 LTS 3/19/21 - Updated Coles character reference to show him in complete side view - Designed more clothing for Cole and updated the names of a few - Moved the project files over to an external hard drive as the master file to work on the go if needed 3/21/21 - Drew out the next few segments of Altitude A - Retouching the tutorial progression to have a better progression 3/22/21 - 4/11/21 - Added clouds to the game which may only appear in Altitude A & B - Cole Design v3 completed in 2D - Cole v3 model progress completed - Added typing sfx to the dialogue system to add more detail - Updated the scripts to use indents instead of spaces which was bugging me for a while - Updated Coles animation system to now use Blend Trees - Readjusted Coles proportions, leaving him looking more like a chibi and upgrading him to v3.1 - Updated the rendering order in the game, now I can place facial creatures on front of Coles face like a comic book layer - Got a 2nd monitor installed and can now multitask to keep better focus - Updated and optimized a bit of the camera script - Created the UI design for the Upgrade Tree system - Updated the skybox rendering to allow UI GFX to transition with ease - Balanced out the math of Major and Minor Puzzles in every Altitude (World) - Cole v3.1 complete with a full IK rig and will be soon be animated - Added in detailed UI for the upgrade system - Cole v3.1 is now rigged and ready to be animated
4/12/21 - Updated the tier names and their descriptions - Added in the lock and unlock system in the upgrade tree - Added in the progress tracking and interaction system for the upgrade tree 4/13/21 - Readjusted the weights that influence Coles body - Added tooltips into the editor to allow any reminders of the functionality of certain scripts - Updated the Upgrade Tree to be able to include 2 types of blue lock requirements together instead of only 1 - Updated the structure of the tree to now group nodes into categories 4/14/21 - Forgot to add the tier tracking in the Upgrade Tree, but now its there - Finished adding in every main upgrade tree node & tier - Updated the tree script to be able to lock tiers levels without the need for requirement locks to have them be sequential - Added any remaining nodes I forgot to add 4/15/21 - Cole Reanimation - Redid the animation events for Coles footsteps - Added some Bevel to the Iso-Rotation Plate 4/16/21 - Updated the detail of the structures in-game - Redid and adjusted the UV mapping of certain structures to create a better color progression - Retouched some of the animation poses to be more pleasing - Updated the accuracy of the opacity dithering to cover more area instead of a single ray 4/17/21 - Touched up Coles walking animation one more time - Updated internal numeric values to be more specific and keep a better accuracy - Adjusted the animation speed in Coles animator blend tree - Updated the polygon structure of cattails and structures - Began work on constructing something very important - Updated the font atlas to include new text characters - Finished the notes for something special - Began some work on an input text parser 4/18/21 - 4/20/21 - Added a few more points for vegetation in Altitude A - Began work on updating the trigger script to use a new system instead of the current one - Lost some sketches of Altitude A, so I have to recall from memory - Updated the structure of the triggers to have better control and visibility - Finished the structure of the triggers with better functionality - Updated every trigger from the warning screen to the loading screen - Finished any missing types from the new trigger system 4/21/21 - 8/21/21 - Fixed the text sizing on the page based dialogue system in Altitude A - Designing the layout and details of Altitude A - Every Minor and Major puzzle for Altitude A has been written - Added new UI for Minor Puzzle introductions - Reorganized the folders to keep animations tidied up - Updated a few triggers in the tutorial along with an upgrade on the controller - Updated a couple of grammatical mistakes - Updated the bug fix count on the list, it was off the total by 8 - Updated the pushable interactive type to restrict movement to 1 axis depending on the direction being pushed - Updated the physics system to require the player to press a button when initiating the hoist and climbing commands - Updated the footstep sound detection to improve accuracy - Translated some of the old triggers to the new ones - Finished slicing and organizing the mass majority of audio files in the game - Upgraded the engine to 2021 to fix a file writing issue - Deleted the old trigger system and optimized the Iso-Rotation animations - Filled missing faces from certain objects - Updated Coles color bitmap to adjust the tones of his hair and eyes - Updated the warning screen to give a Do NOT Try This At Home warning - Updated the Isometric System, now it can calculate points in real-time! - Balanced more detail and decoration in Altitude A - Added some new special effects to give more of a natural feeling - Updated the prefabs of certain puzzle bases to make them easier to slap in - Updated some UI flaws and some trigger mishaps after the input detection was updated - Created a new testing field to build and flesh out features - Optimized the Isometric System and retouched its editor - Added a new rule to perspective, Light Path Compatibility - Updated and minimized the camera stack - Uploaded a new mechanic teaser with up to date details - Updated the isometric shadow system to be reduced to 2 lines and no new objects - Updated the editor to show the difference between player and object translation - Updated the shadow rendering again to cover less ground during Isometric Translation - Isometric System restructured and optimized from v3 Revision 11 to v4 Revision 0 - Lowered the time step value in the Fixed Update to run at a faster iteration without much consequence for other features - Updated the system to run only in the Fixed Update is its able to run faster than the framerate - Updated the system to v4 Revision 2, still working as well as Revision 0 so no need to restart the system playtest - Repaired the Main Menu UI after some input triggers got messed up - Retouched Coles walking animation to fix the foot and limb IKs to remove some stiff movement - Added use of the Scene Template package to streamline the process of creating sections and levels - Made some more progress on the official OST - Updated the checklist to be more detailed - Readjusted and updated some of the tier names and points in the Upgrade Tree - Adjusted the stair-step sizing - Updated the water shader to use noise as faux refraction - Isometric System v4 test concluded, the system is stable and in working order! - Added in arrow animations and sprite updates in the Upgrade Tree UI - Added in arrow navigation into the Upgrade Tree - Added in Requirement(s) display in the Upgrade Tree, showing the node locks before the tiers - Optimized and renamed some of the code that makes up the Upgrade Tree - Removed Node Locks as the selection arrow will be locked in a certain range and the player will get a notification of a newly available node in the upgrade tree - Added in animation based on node selection and input, allowing the player to hold down the cycle buttons without issues - Added in state saving to keep the state of the upgrade tree per save file - Added lock visual detection for saving the state of the tiers and progress - Updated arrow restriction selection and lock cycling - Finished the remaining functionality needed for the Upgrade Tree - Updated the structure of the upgrade tree to allow it to be saved and loaded - Continued further composition work for Iteration After Iteration - Updated the Upgrade Tree to be integrated with the same order as the Pause Menu - Renamed and redid the achievements - Updated the progress saving control editor to be more neat and easy to handle - Updated the main menu animation to have a nice zooming effect - Updated the warning screen to display a better version of Cole wearing headphones - Updated the main menu starting animation to be more dynamic - Continued work on a few more teaser clips - Published a new screenshot and the Main Menu Theme audio spectrum - Reorganized the folders and removed any unused assets in the project to clean up the size - Updated the engine to the newest 2021 build - Tweaked the main menu animation to have better color and brightness control - Updated the loading screen with fixed hexagon opacity and tip styling - Updated stair designs to have wooden rails underneath to keep them connected - Updated Coles footstep detection to have a higher and more realistic accuracy - Updated the visualizing of the opacity translator - Updated the box colliders for stairs and structures - Continued making adjustments and details for Altitude A - Designed Cole one more time to match the comic book style, however, no new model was made - Updated the character alias files - Added some minor details to the main menu to add more dynamics to it - Updated the screenshots on the official steam page to show more of the game, even if its not showing much of Altitude A - Updated Coles colormap to have a better collection of colors and ease of adjustment with UVs - Retouched the footstep one more time to fix some accuracy issues - Reduced collision detection on objects that dont need them - Began a new draft of the Major Puzzle theme - Drew another major character in the series that will be shown later in the game - Fixed some proportion issues I found in Coles character sheet - Updated the UI for notifications and adjusted the loading screen colors - Updated the start-up sequence for the main menu - Updated the hero image for steam - Change the editor windows for creating more level design faster and efficiently - Continuing graphical updates and tweaking to improve the games presentation - Added new images to the official indev website - Tweaked the opacity dithering speed to be more smooth - Finished the new graphical assets for the Steam page - Initiated a new major UI update to have the style match the new cover and header - Retouching the files to reduce the size - Added Visual Logs to the official Discord server [Server Link, still in construction but interactable] - Added a fun new detail to the Warning screen to make it more entertaining to look at in a way - Created new SFX to give dynamics to the UI - Finished the Warning screen UI design - Restructured the Main Menu scene - Sorted audio tracks to mixers for easier control when its time to implement options - Created the style sets to produce the UI faster - Created new dynamic and interactive UI animations - Created new methods of fading out multiple objects with only 1 property instance - Started a design for a settings menu as before, the game didnt have one - Added in a slight bevel detail into the hex UI to fit the in-game lighting and style - Added in a new use of Audio Mixers and Snapshots to create new effects and clean up the board - Increased controls to the settings to be able to have more internal control and numeric accuracy - Updated file saving to be more optimized and handle any new file types I need to add - Updated the pre-existing options class to have the capabilities needed to work with both the Pause and Main Menu - Added in better file integrity for progress tracking in-game and linking to Steam - Broke 150+ lifetime wishlists on Steam! - Finished the internal structure for the options saving/loading - Created and organized some layout templates - Optimized lines in file saving that were duplicates of others - Added in the UI for setting the in-game performance stats - Finished the UI for the options menu - Finished the remaining functionality needed for options - Added a special secret - Redid the transitions for Bolt Node [Blue Hex] UI to be reusable and easy to edit - Utilized Sliders more to reduce the need for position interpolation - Updated the template scene for creating levels faster - Continued work on translating the site design to HTML - Restricted saving in the DEMO as its not needed - Updated the SFX for rotation - Updated the introduction for when you start a new game - Removed any unused audio files - Updated the animation that plays depending on the state of the Iso-Rotation Plate
8/21/21 - 8/28/21 - Finished the structure for the basic UI on the official website - Completed the needed internal structures for the new sites home page - Created a template to slap in whenever I need to make new content - Created the concept and structure for the Projects page - Began work on fixing Coles body proportions on his reference sheet - Recomposing one of the new soundtracks for the Demo - Updated the font adjustments when resizing a desktop window 8/29/21 - Optimized assets to speed up background loading - Published the website to public beta 8/31/21 - Finished fixing Cole's proportions on his reference sheet - Updated the Main Menu UI to be more organized - Created a new LED glow in-game - Created the new Start sequence for the main menu
9/1/21 - Finished the Main Menu startup sequence - Finished adjusting some of Cole's clothing - Created a new dynamic background for the Main Menu - Finished Hex Node UI pop up animations - Adjusted the speed of the floating hex icons in the background 9/2/21 - Restructured the file saving protocol to be much more optimized - Updated the loading control to load the correct scene that was last played or needs to be played - Adjusted the startup sequence to show more detail - Added a new detail to the dynamic background - Finished creating the new Pause Menu - Added in the functionality of the new Main Menu - Updated the order of scenes in the project - Began work on creating the new Dialogue System UI 9/3/21 - Restructuring of the intro for the story has begun - Fixed some broken bits from the Dialogue System - Finished the new style for Page Dialogue systems 9/4/21 - Finished restructuring the introduction - Created the new style for regular in-game Dialogue boxes - Renamed the categories of certain objects in-game 9/5/21 - Finished writing the script for the introduction to Minor Puzzle 4 - Updated the controls for the dialogue system - Translated each line into the new Dialogue Box system - Updated the template for level creation - Created the starting point for the transition from the story plot to the actual level 9/8/21 - Started recording the lines needed for Minor Puzzle 4 - Created a rig and fixes for a new possible Cole v4 model 9/9/21 - Began sequencing the introduction for Minor Puzzle 4 9/9/21 - 9/18/21 - Began work on fleshing out Cole v4 in 3D space - Began work on creating something for a server I co-own with my little brother [Will NOT impede development] - Continued posting to Twitter once again - Finished creating the new hair for Cole v4 - Added Sprite Controls for dialogue - Fixed 2D Cole's "Tired" expression 9/19/21 - 9/20/21 - Finished recording the needed lines for the introduction for Minor Puzzle 4 - Finished Cole's rig and weight paints 9/21/21 - 9/22/21 - Gave Cole his gloves, shirt, and pants - Updated Cole's model transformations and mesh to be cleaner - Updated Cole's hierarchy of parent and child objects - Redid Cole's colormap for his body and clothing - Updated the skybox and camera controls in-game to satisfy Cole v4 - Updated the dialogue system to now handle run on events - Updated the physics and controller values to better suit Cole v4 - Updated the level template - Continued further construction on the introduction sequences 9/22/21 - 9/27/21 - Finished Cole's clothing - Continued with some missing functionality in the pause menu - Continued work on animating Cole - Updated the development logs to know be written using Revue - Released a new audio preview for one of the soundtracks - Updated the clips on Steam, Twitter, and YouTube - Updated the clips on YouTube to now link the game's credentials on YouTube Gaming - Updated the banner for the YouTube channel and the watermarks - Adjusted Cole's rig to fix an issue regarding the bend and shape of his... tuchus - Updated the clips and pics on the Steam page to show some up to date items which will be replaced with better ones once gameplay is possible - Adjusted the weight paints on clothing near the waistline to prevent unnatural curves - Readjusted Cole's walking animation 9/28/21 - 9/30/21 - Finished optimizing Cole's hair, reducing the polygon count by more than half - Updated the Isometric Perspective system to adjust to Cole's new changes - Updated the Isometric Shadow rendering methods to a more reliable structure - Updated the footstep detection system to respond to ground per foot better - Created a temporary running animation for Cole - Continued composition for completing "Beyond The Mind" - Updated the trigger system to clean up some structures
10/1/21 - 10/12/21 - Upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11 - Began work on restructuring the website to be mobile compatible - Continued work on the Major Puzzle Theme - Finished adding website flexibility to cater more than just mobile devices - Restyled every content element on the site to be more vibrant - Adjusted the footstep detection to now not play a sound when a foot isn't on the ground - Adjusted some of the structures of the triggers to remove some redundancy - Updated the graphical assets on the steam store to have a better background - Finished sequencing dialogue for the introduction to Minor Puzzle 4 - Released some new clips on the official YouTube channel - Updated the credits to keep usernames up to date - Adjusted some components of the introduction to Minor Puzzle 4 - Began translating Cole into animated 2D space - Continued further work on soundtracks, including "Iteration After Iteration" and "Perplexing Puzzles" - Created a special... bonus draft for something to be heard in-game - Finished creating the base for 2D Cole - Created a simple rig for the eyes, continuing on to the eyebrows and other facial features - Created a few tests to check the flexibility of the face rig - Reorganized the scene hierarchy in-game - Did an EQ and render on a few audio assets to fix any issues - Restructured some UI in terms of render order - Created a simplistic face rig, excluding the mouth and nose 10/21/21 - 10/28/21 - Added a special bonus track that you'll hear soon - Created a new shader for handling Video to UI display - Began work on creating Cole's 2D animations - Optimized Cole's rig and 2D base - Added a new mouth system to Cole's rig - Have a new theory for a real-time in-game audio editor to control instrument tracks - Finished Cole's 2D rig - Updated the movements to the first clip in the introduction - Reorganized a few UI hierarchies - Updated a few instrumentations for "Beyond The Mind" - Reorganized audio projects to be easier to surf and edit - Added new controls for animation and dialogue continuing - Added a couple of new UI animations - Updated the movements to the first clip in the introduction
10/21/21 - 11/13/21 - Restyled solo window and vertical window UI - Updated Cole's rig to contain a better mouth with a tongue - Added a new Video to UI shader for animated clips - Added a new video control to dialogue - Added a delay control for when input will be sent during dialogue - Created some new structures for better efficiency with Video to UI translation - Created a new version for Beyond The Mind as a bonus - Finally acquired a new laptop to keep up with regular work speed and emulate my desktop power - Lines 1 through 8 have been animated and placed in-game - Almost at 200 lifetime wishlists! - Lines 9 - 32 in progress 11/13/21 - 11/27/21 - Surpassed 200 lifetime wishlists! - Began work on creating a new and physically efficient controller - Updated the camera controls to be able to have no dynamic edits - Updated handling of the Perspective System to be more efficient in rotation control - Updated the handling of controller input and set up to remove issues from the old controller - Implemented better use of kinematic equations for physics calculations and actions - Added in the bases for the physics interaction involving Cole walking, jumping, hoisting, or climbing over an obstacle - Began work on recomposing the Main Menu theme to have a better atmosphere, composition, and mastering mix - Created a new auto jump system for Cole to dynamically check if he can reach an area or not - Began writing some information text for the player to see when they begin to learn about the physics system, among a few other things - Updated the auto jump system to work with physical interaction, allowing further areas to be reached creatively - Recompiled the auto jump system to let Cole know when to not jump to reach an area due to gravity being enough - Updated the auto jump system to better handle ground and platform detection- Updated a few variables in the system to be able to allow Cole to cover more ranges if the player later upgrades his physical stats - Updated the auto jump system to have Cole either run when he needs to, either at the speed needed to reach the area or at his current maximum running speed - Updated the auto jump locomotive velocity control to not change if Cole is running when he needs to walk
11/27/21 - 11/31/21 - Finished classes and can now continue working on the game at a better pace - Wrote new info text and categories for mechanics - Created a new official wiki for the game - Continued adding to the official wiki to give more information and details about Cole - Began work on redesigning Cole to v4.2 for a better look and creation - Created more artwork of Cole 4.2 for design and concept reasons - Updated the cover art for the game - Began work on creating Cole 4.2 in 2D - Cole 4.2 2D has now been translated and created - Created a new 2D rig for Cole 4.2, now he has a lot more expressive capabilities - The 3D version of Cole 4.2 has been started - Created a new method for streamlining rigged models - Including a new standard of detail and graphic design for objects to now be textured instead of colored via a bitmap - The base model for 3D Cole is complete, just needs a few more touches - Created a new official wiki for the game - Added in a new animation for the main menu - Rewrote the progression for Altitude A to make it easier to read and sort - Updated the premises and goals of some Minor Puzzles - Created a new official wiki for the game - Updated some structures in the game's new physics system - Added in some new artwork into the cycle gallery - Started a new animation organization system to help control the amount of work needed for clips and to keep everything shorter
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the player from being able to pause after the page dialogue system was used - Fixed a problem with FPS capping where over 60 would cause loading to take too long and dialogue syncing would be too fast - Fixed a bug that would cause Cole to move continuously if the player unpaused or hit the ground again - Fixed a bug that would cause issues with detecting the ground which would prevent the player from being able to send input - Fixed a bug where if the player spammed pause, theyd still be able to move Cole around - Fixed a bug where clicking the Resume Adventure button in the pause menu would allow the player to spam and break the menu - Fixed a bug where input would not reset after the triggers were updated to read multiple keys - Fixed a bug where the gallery would have problems swapping and enabling/disabling content - Fixed a rotation speed issue with the direction Cole is facing when rotating your Perspective - Fixed some velocity still being maintained if Cole stopped moving during interactions - Fixed shadow rendering when Coles render layer was changed - Fixed an issue with shadows in Isometric Perspective, they now complete themselves to prevent the system from being broken visually - Fixed an issue with shadow artifacts and accidental incomplete shadows being rendered in the Isometric System - Fixed a bug where the isometric renderer would still be active, even after it was supposed to be shut off to prevent accidental render layer issues - Fixed scaling issues with shadows, they now return to their normal values instead of it being all 1s - Fixed a bug where standing at a translation point, rotating, then rotating back to that point would cause the isometric shadows to render incorrectly - Fixed a bug where like before, rotating would cause issues, except if you moved before you rotated, the shadow would spaz before stabilizing - Fixed a bug where the isometric shadows would jitter instead of following smoothly - Fixed a bug where the isometric shadows would not follow Coles animator, which would cause animation jumping - Fixed a bug where the shadows would have trouble being in the correct places and visibility if more than 1 point were active in the same direction group - Fixed a bug where delayed shadows would exist if you were rotated to a new direction and were in the vicinity of a point - Fixed a bug in System v4 where the shadow would still be active if you spammed rotation - Fixed and reduced the rate of a slightly noticeable shifting issue when positioning shadows in v4 - Fixed a rotation issue in v4 where if you rotate, moved, and rotated at the same time and were near a point, the shadow would have a delay before matching Coles rotation - Fixed a well-hidden bug where the shadows in v4 would still be active if you were a certain distance from the point and not within the same ground level - Fixed a bug where the selection arrow wouldnt lock in place correctly, causing it to freeze when displaying information about another node - Fixed a bug where the arrow updating would cause incorrect id targeting of categories and nodes - Fixed an issue where the before and after tier upgrade along with the requirement prompt text would cycle through the previous tier levels and locks instead of showing the current ones instantly - Fixed a bug where the lock check cycle would clear tier locks, even if the requirements to unlock it werent met yet - Fixed a bug where node locks would be ignored if the first tiers lock requirements were already met - Fixed a bug where the tree would break if a node was maxed out - Fixed a bug where the tree would not update tiers if it saved and loaded the last state the tree was in - Fixed a bug where the pause menu would no longer read input after the scene to scene translator was updated - Fixed an issue where the Quit To Main Menu wouldnt load the Main Menu- Fixed an issue with stair rails not being rotated correctly on the import - Fixed and removed an annoying warning for the shadow rendering not having an audio footstep signal - Fixed a bug in the Audio triggers that would count the transition as clear if the value surpassed 2 decimal places - Fixed a bug with file integrity that would cause save files to accidentally delete when no flag to delete them was set - Fixed a bug where the file creation and loading would be stuck in a loop, creating and deleting existing files - Fixed an accuracy issue where Coles foot would still play the incorrect sound despite the surface his feet take-up - Fixed an issue where the file creation would break if options UI is empty - Fixed an issue where loading would erase and reset the file integrity system - Fixed an issue where audio channels would not update when the game loaded in the settings in the warning screen - Fixed an issue where the Menu Iso-Rotation plate would stay active despite the introduction no longer playing - Fixed an issue where the Main Menu buttons would reset their animations once a new game was about to start - Fixed an issue where the Dialogue Page System would break if the page triggers index was equal to the page count - Fixed a graphical issue with Cole v4's import, he no longer has improper faces due to scaling - Fixed a bug where the Dialogue Page System would incorrectly trigger run on events - Fixed an issue where the controller physics would not act accordingly once it was updated for v4 - Fixed a bug where animations would no longer play once the new animations were imported and placed into the current animator controller - Fixed an issue where the pause menu would only close the main panel if a secondary window was opened - Fixed an issue where Cole's hair would not track his head bone correctly - Fixed an issue where the renderer responsible for making sure Cole is visible during translation would make his projection abnormally large - Fixed a calculation issue where shadows would remain broken in the Isometric Perspective system if the player were at the point of interest - Fixed a shadow translation issue where the shadows would spaz if the player walked back and forth on a Perspective point - Fixed an issue where an error would be thrown with trigger tags - Fixed sequencing issue where even after dialogues were finished, they would reset - Fixed an issue where the animation to UI rendering would result in a noticeable black screen - Fixed an issue with the Perspective system where translation points would stop working if turned on, but continue if turned off - Fixed an old rotation lag issue where if you rotated and moved, Cole would have some delay instead of moving in the correct direction immediately - Fixed a bug where the shadow rendering in Perspective would not render correctly once the new control setup was in place - Fixed a bug where Cole would continuously bounce despite him still being on the ground to move on, or him not being close enough to the ledge - Fixed a bug where Cole would bounce if the player ran and stepped off a platform they just landed on after landing on it - Fixed a physics calculation that would leave Cole stuck in continuous locomotion - Fixed a bug where Cole didn't run at the appropriate speed needed to reach a platform farther and taller than him, yet still, be able to reach farther and lower ones - Fixed a bug that caused Cole to jump over obstacles that were lower and closer to him, despite the fact that he can just fall and he'd land safely - Fixed issues with Cole being incorrectly influenced by weights, even if his weights were set to be very light - Fixed an issue where the auto jump system would stop working if there
[ 2022-01-14 19:27:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Isometric World: Frame of Mind
Jun 2022
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
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In this game, you play as 15-year-old Cole Andrews on a journey through a Virtual Isometric 3D world. He doesn't know exactly for sure how he got there, but all he knows is that he has to find a way out.
The only way to do so is to reach the emergency exit at the very top of the world. To reach the top, you'll have to go through many levels containing puzzles of varying difficulty, collect items to help you along the way, and surpass obstacles that will try to prevent you from making it to the end.
The world you are in isn't just a normal, euclidean, isometric world. It's a place built on illusion and visual tricks. In order to get past this and reach the end, you'll have to work with something special, perspective. More specifically, by rotating yourself 90 degrees at a time using a special item.
An area or item that seems far away can actually be up close just by turning 90 degrees in a certain direction.
Be warned! You won't always have this mechanic to help you out! You'll have to be smart and clever to beat every puzzle, obstacle, illusion, and more to get out of the Virtual World and back home to the real world.
The biggest thing to remember: "Everything is not what it seems..."
Good luck!
The only way to do so is to reach the emergency exit at the very top of the world. To reach the top, you'll have to go through many levels containing puzzles of varying difficulty, collect items to help you along the way, and surpass obstacles that will try to prevent you from making it to the end.
The world you are in isn't just a normal, euclidean, isometric world. It's a place built on illusion and visual tricks. In order to get past this and reach the end, you'll have to work with something special, perspective. More specifically, by rotating yourself 90 degrees at a time using a special item.
An area or item that seems far away can actually be up close just by turning 90 degrees in a certain direction.
Be warned! You won't always have this mechanic to help you out! You'll have to be smart and clever to beat every puzzle, obstacle, illusion, and more to get out of the Virtual World and back home to the real world.
The biggest thing to remember: "Everything is not what it seems..."
Good luck!
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. or CentOS 7
- Processor: Intel Core i5 8th Gen 2.00+ GHzMemory: 4 MB RAM
- Memory: 4 MB RAM
- Graphics: Any GPU w/Shader Model 4.0 capabilities
- Storage: 500 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
- Processor: Intel Core i7 10th Gen 2.00+ GHzMemory: 8 MB RAM
- Memory: 8 MB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
- Storage: 1 GB available space
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