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New! New! New!

Hello new and old folks! Thank you so much for wishlisting COYOTE!

With the new year we had to reconsider where we are heading with COYOTE. Mostly that meant getting new funding and talking to publishers, but also getting COYOTE to the places where it belongs. To the players. To You!

With that in mind it was time to rework some things.
The store page got a brand new look. New descriptions, screenshots, graphics. And as cherry on top: A Gameplay Teaser.

Additionally, we decided to finally publish a demo/ gameplay preview for COYOTE in its current state.
Note, that this build is far from finished and rather a sketch of what COYOTE will become!

With these changes and the amazing Games From Germany Event we are very happy to welcome many new players and to receive your feedback! Join our discord and help to develop COYOTE further! Feel free to chat and ask questions!


[ 2022-02-15 15:20:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Dev Stream!

Join Micha and Flo talking COYOTE.

[ 2022-02-14 17:15:52 CET ] [ Original post ]

Postponement of the release date for COYOTE

Hello there,

We are pleased to announce that we will be postponing the release date for COYOTE until further notice. "So why are they happy?" you might ask yourself. Because we have a great luxury problem.

The number of ongoing and upcoming projects provides a very nice picture for the year 2022, because it is quite complete. This gives us the opportunity to take our foot off the accelerator and take a step back. In short: We are not forced to finish COYOTE as soon as possible and want to use this opportunity to talk to publishers about the release of COYOTE. In addition, we are considering the acquisition of funding to publish COYOTE as we believe it should be published.

If you feel like taking part in the development of our little darling, come to our Discord server and join the testing community.

[ 2021-11-18 16:23:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

COYOTE v.13 // Terrain, 3D-objects, frames fr 2D-Sprites, shadow and light

Welcome to Build 13 of COYOTE!

This update mainly brings improvements of a visual nature. As you can see, there is a new map with
terrain, a variety of 3D objects, lots of new frames for the 2D sprites and improved shadows and lighting.

Feel free to look around and explore the wasteland. There are no physics colliders yet, so you can walk anywhere for now!

Currently the ecosystem is not balanced, so the ecosystem will tip over rather
quickly and you will have a difficult time with it. We will try to take care of that in the next build.

What you can do:

  • Rhythms
    - You can display all the rhythms needed to reproduce the mouse and
    fox, play them and, depending on the species selected, perform an
  • Each action affects your supply of soul. When you
    multiply creatures, you give soul to the ecosystem. Conversely, you get
    soul from the ecosystem. The system behind this has demanded a lot from
    us in the last few weeks (see soul container in the changelog) and is
    only partially activated here. We will probably see more of it in the
    next build.
  • In the menu you can restart the level via the corresponding item if necessary.
  • The
    music is mixed according to the population of all living species. It is
    meant as an aid for the player to judge the state of the ecosystem.

What do we need from you?
  • Does the game crash from time to time? Is the crash reproducible?
  • Let the game run for 10 minutes or longer to see how it behaves on differently configured systems?
  • How do you like the mechanics of the rhythms? Is it fun to play a beat? What don't you like, what could be better?

an eye on the FPS (bottom left). How many FPS does your system usually
achieve? Are there any drops? If so, can you tell us what causes them?

Please share your feedback on our Discord-Server or by email to .

[ 2021-09-20 12:27:52 CET ] [ Original post ]

Thanks for Wishlisting COYOTE! Now we start playing Steam!

Hey People,

At first: thanks for wishlisting COYOTE! You are great! We're completely happy on how things are going. We thought it is time to start giving you some updates on how the work is going. So lets start playing the Steam Game:

Were actually planning the next test build, well call this v13 - lizard. If everything works as planned, we can publish it in early September!

If youre interested, check out our Discord Server and attract some attention in #testing. Were always looking for new testers and would be happy to have some of you on board.

[ 2021-08-24 15:26:10 CET ] [ Original post ]