Couch Co-op Fest
75% OFF
Feb 10 - Feb 17
And don't forget
+ 50 % OFF all Bundles.
Happy Fest.
[ 2025-02-10 20:14:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Winter Sale
55% OFF
19 Dec - 2 Jan
+ Bundles at 50% off.
[ 2024-12-19 19:32:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Autumn Sale
50% OFF
Nov 27 - Dec 4
Don't miss the Bundles.
[ 2024-11-27 19:13:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tobruk Sale
75% OFF
Nov 13 - Nov 20
November 13, 1942.
The Eighth Army captures Tobruk and Montgomery says: "We have completely smashed the German and Italian armies".
[ 2024-11-13 18:47:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Brenner Pass Sale
75% OFF
October 4 - October 11
October 4, 1940.
Mussolini and Hitler meet at the Brenner Pass.
[ 2024-10-08 09:44:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Surrender Sale
75% OFF
August 28 - September 4
August 28, 1945.
The Japanese sign the surrender agreement in Rangoon.
[ 2024-08-28 19:19:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
75% OFF
July 19 - July 26
July 19, 1944.
The U.S. 34th Division captures Livorno on the Italian coast.
[ 2024-07-19 18:35:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Summer Sale
75% OFF
Jun 27 - Jul 11
All French ships in British ports are seized by the Royal Navy.
German troops reach Franco-Spanish border.
Romania agrees to cede Bessarabia to the USSR.
French C-in-C in Syria accepts armistice terms.
Japanese troops occupy part of the Hong Kong peninsula.
German forces capture Bobruisk and Przemysl. Hungary declares war on the Soviet Union and agrees to send troops to help Army Group South.
Denmark severs diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
World War II Today: June 27 - The FBI announced the capture of eight Nazi saboteurs The FBI announced the capture of eight Nazi saboteurs who had been put ashore from a submarine on New Yorks Long Island.
Convoy PQ-17 sets sail from Iceland. It consists of 35 merchants, 3 rescue ships and 2 tankers for refueling and is heavily loaded with 297 aircraft, 594 tanks, 4246 lorries and gun carriers, plus an additional 156,000 tons of cargo. The convoy is to be guarded by 21 close escorts, 7 warships from a cruiser covering force and a further 19 warships in a distant covering force. All told 1 aircraft-carrier, 2 battleships, 6 heavy cruisers, 23 destroyers, 4 corvettes, 3 minesweepers, 2 AA ships, 4 ASW trawlers are to protect the convoy. Additionally, 15 submarines, six of them Russian are placed ahead of the the convoy.
Dr. Heinisch, the German administrator in the Przemysl area, issues a public instruction. Every Ukrainian or Pole who attempts by any means whatsoever to impede the campaign for the deportation of Jews, will be shot. Every Ukrainian or Pole found in a Jewish quarter looting Jewish homes will be shot. Every Ukrainian or Pole attempting to conceal a Jew will be shot. In the next month, 24,000 Jews from western Galicia, Heinischs district, pass through Przemysl. All are taken to Belzec and killed.
German troops begin to outflank the British positions at Mersa Matruh. As this happens the British start to withdraw towards the El Alamein line, confirming radio intercepts that had indicated they would.
The British gain Hill 112 in Normandy.
The Red Army recaptures Orsha on the Dnieper and destroys the trapped German 53rd Korps near Vitebsk. Further gains are reported by the Russians at Mogilev to the South of Vitebsk.
The American Army captures the port city of Cherbourg, France.
The U.S. Sixth Army reaches Aparri, effectively ending the campaign on Luzon.
In a sure sign the war is winding down, the Ford company lays off workers at its Willow Run airplane factory near Detroit. The employee force is reduced to 4,000, from a peak of 42,000 workers making B-24 bombers.
[ 2024-06-27 18:46:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Civita Castellana Sale.
75% OFF
June 8 - June 15
June 8, 1944.
The U.S. Fifth Army continues its drive North in Italy, taking Civita Castellana.
[ 2024-06-07 12:53:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
75% OFF
May 2 - May 9
2 May, 1945.
The German Army in Italy abides by the Caserta agreement and surrenders to the allies, with hostilities ceasing at 12 noon GMT.
[ 2024-05-02 17:33:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Buy it in a Bundle and get the game almost for free.
75% OFF
Until April 2.
[ 2024-03-27 02:30:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
3 new bundles, all at 50% off.
If you already own a game, pay only for the new ones.
Bundle is the best way to get a good deal on Ace Pilot Pacific which was just launched.
Check it out.
[ 2024-03-12 12:29:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
After a year and a half, Ace Pilot Pacific is almost ready.
Dog Fight over Pearl Harbor or Wake Island during World War 2 against the Japanese.
Have a look and add it to your Wishlist.
[ 2024-01-13 14:04:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
75% OFF
November 21 - November 28
November 21, 1943
Field Marshal Kesselring is appointed commander-in-chief of all German forces in Italy, while Rommel leaves his command to organize the Atlantic wall.
[ 2023-11-22 02:32:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Operation Torch Sale
70% OFF
October 22 - November 5
October 22, 1942
First transports for Operation Torch, the Allied landings in North Africa, depart Britain (cargo ships).
While the British and Commonwealth militaries successfully pushed the Axis powers across the Sahara Desert to Tunisia, the remaining western territories in North Africa were under the control of the Axis-allied Vichy French government. The Vichy French had hundreds of thousands of soldiers spread throughout Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. During the strategic planning of the American intervention in North Africa, the political situation of the Vichy French territories was revealed to be more complex than originally anticipated. While the western portions of North Africa were officially part of Frances colonial empire, the Axis-allied Vichy French were the governing faction in the war, and the political perspectives of the local population of Free French exiles, pro-Vichy French groups, members of the French Resistance, and the diverse indigenous locals would make the American intervention strategy that much more difficult to consider. The amphibious landings in North Africa had tens of thousands of American and British soldiers landing in the cities of Casablanca, Oran, and Algiers over the course of several days in November 1942. Heavy casualties were incurred at the landings of Oran, as the combined American and British landing forces came under attack from Vichy French crossfire. In spite of the unexpected resistance by the defending Vichy French, the American soldiers successfully secured the landing zones in all three main cities, establishing an Allied beachhead across the coasts of Morocco and Algeria. The successful Operation Torch saw the American armies gain their first major victory in World War II. Paratroopers and Rangers from the U.S. Army were also successfully used for the first time at the landings around the city of Oran. Difficulties in reaching the shoreline on the amphibious landing craft helped the Allied commanders examine different methods of delivering soldiers from the sea to the land, which would later help them form more successful landings in Italy and France. Over the next several months, the American and British armies advanced respectively from the west and the east, trapping the remaining Axis powers in Tunisia. In spite of the successful advances, the Allies suffered a major defeat at the Battle of Kasserine Pass in February 1943. Due to the heavy casualties sustained by the American forces in the battle, the commanding general of the U.S. II Corps was replaced with the newly promoted Lieutenant General George S. Patton Jr. Pattons strict regulations for his soldiers and his rigorous training exercises helped the American armies win against the Axis forces at the Battle of El Guettar in April 1943. With the American and British armies defeating the Germans and Italians in the combined Operations Vulcan and Strike in May 1943, the Axis powers were completely pushed out of North Africa. The final surrender of the Axis powers on May 13 marked the conclusion of the Allied campaign in North Africa and laid the foundation for the invasion of Sicily two months later.
[ 2023-10-22 17:53:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
70% OFF!
September 8 - September 22
September 8, 1943
Eisenhower announces the Italian unconditional surrender.
German reserves are rushed to Italy in the wake of the cease-fire between the Badoglio government and the Allies.
On September 8, 1943, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower publicly announces the surrender of Italy to the Allies.
Germany reacted with Operation Axis, the Allies with Operation Avalanche.
With Mussolini deposed from power and the earlier collapse of the fascist government in July, Gen. Pietro Badoglio, the man who had assumed power in Mussolinis stead by request of King Victor Emanuel, began negotiating with Gen. Eisenhower for weeks. Weeks later, Badoglio finally approved a conditional surrender, allowing the Allies to land in southern Italy and begin beating the Germans back up the peninsula. Operation Avalanche, the Allied invasion of Italy, was given the go-ahead, and the next day would see Allied troops land in Salerno.
The Germans too snapped into action. Ever since Mussolini had begun to falter, Hitler had been making plans to invade Italy to keep the Allies from gaining a foothold that would situate them within easy reach of the German-occupied Balkans. On September 8, Hitler launched Operation Axis, the occupation of Italy. As German troops entered Rome, General Badoglio and the royal family fled Rome for southeastern Italy to set up a new antifascist government. Italian troops began surrendering to their former German allies; where they resisted, as had happened earlier in Greece, they were slaughtered (1,646 Italian soldiers were murdered by Germans on the Greek island of Cephalonia, and the 5,000 that finally surrendered were ultimately shot).
One of the goals of Operation Axis was to keep Italian navy vessels out of the hands of the Allies. When the Italian battleship Roma headed for an Allied-controlled port in North Africa, it was sunk by German bombers. In fact, the Roma had the dubious honor of becoming the first ship ever sunk by a radio-controlled guided missile. More than 1,500 crewmen drowned. The Germans also scrambled to move Allied POWs to labor camps in Germany in order to prevent their escape. In fact, many POWS did manage to escape before the German invasion, and several hundred volunteered to stay in Italy to fight alongside the Italian guerillas in the north.
The Italians may have surrendered, but their war was far from over.
[ 2023-09-08 16:57:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
70 % OFF
July 26 - August 9
On July 26, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt seizes all Japanese assets in the United States in retaliation for the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China.
On July 24, Tokyo decided to strengthen its position in terms of its invasion of China by moving through Southeast Asia. Given that France had long occupied parts of the region, and Germany, a Japanese ally, now controlled most of France through Petains puppet government, France agreed to the occupation of its Indo-China colonies. Japan followed up by occupying Cam Ranh naval base, 800 miles from the Philippines, where Americans had troops, and the British base at Singapore.
President Roosevelt swung into action by freezing all Japanese assets in America. Britain and the Dutch East Indies followed suit. The result: Japan lost access to three-fourths of its overseas trade and 88 percent of its imported oil. Japans oil reserves were only sufficient to last three years, and only half that time if it went to war and consumed fuel at a more frenzied pace. Japans immediate response was to occupy Saigon, again with Vichy Frances acquiescence. If Japan could gain control of Southeast Asia, including Malaya, it could also control the regions rubber and tin productiona serious blow to the West, which imported such materials from the East. Japan was now faced with a dilemma: back off of its occupation of Southeast Asia and hope the oil embargo would be easedor seize the oil and further antagonize the West, even into war.
[ 2023-07-26 17:17:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
70% OFF
June 29 - July 13
On June 29th, 1944
70,000 troops of German Army Group Centre that are encircled near Bobruisk surrender to the Red Army. The Russians report that 16,000 Germans have been killed and 18,000 captured near Minsk.
[ 2023-06-29 17:37:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
65 % OFF
May 7 - May 21
The unconditional surrender of the German Third Reich was signed in the early morning hours of Monday, May 7, 1945, at Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) at Reims in northeastern France.
1. We the undersigned, acting by authority of the German High Command, hereby surrender unconditionally to the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces and simultaneously to the Soviet High Command all forces on land, sea and in the air who are at this date under German control.
2. The German High Command will at once issue orders to all German military, naval and air authorities and to all forces under German control to cease active operations at 2301 hours Central European time on 8 May and to remain in the positions occupied at that time. No ship, vessel, or aircraft is to be scuttled, or any damage done to their hull, machinery or equipment.
3. The German High Command will at once issue to the appropriate commander and ensure the carrying out of any further orders issued by the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and by the Soviet High Command.
4. This act of military surrender is without prejudice to and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by, or on behalf of the United Nations and applicable to GERMANY and the German armed forces as a whole.
5. In the event of the German High Command or any of the forces under their control failing to act in accordance with this Act of Surrender, the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and the Soviet High Command will take such punitive or other action as they deem appropriate.
Signed at RHEIMS at 0241 on the 7th day of May 1945. France
On behalf of the German High Command.
On behalf of the Supreme Commander,
Allied Expeditionary Force.
On behalf of the Soviet High Command
Major General, French Army
After the signing of the Reims accord, Soviet chief of staff Gen. Alexei Antonov expressed concern to SHAEF that the continued fighting in the east between Germany and the Soviet Union made the Reims surrender look like a separate peace. The Soviet command wanted the Act of Military Surrender, with certain additions and alterations, to be signed at Berlin. To the Soviets, the documents signed at Berlin on May 8, 1945, represented the official, legal surrender of the Third Reich. But the Berlin document had few significant changes from the one signed a day earlier at Reims.
[ 2023-05-07 17:05:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Spring Sale Extension
50 % OFF
On March 24, 1944
The Luftwaffe attacks London with 90 medium bombers (He-111s and Ju-88s), while the RAF bombs Berlin with 810 heavy Lancaster bombers. The RAF loses 72 bombers in this, the 16th and heaviest raid of war on Berlin. The Battle of Berlin is now over.
[ 2023-03-24 20:44:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Paraguay Sale
50% OFF
Feb 8 - Feb 22
On February 8th 1945, Paraguay declare war on Germany. Why so late?
Hoping to control the government through a more malleable military man, the "Old Liberal" cabinet named War Minister Higinio Mornigo president.
Mornigo quickly banned both Febreristas and Liberals and clamped down drastically on free speech and individual liberties.
The outbreak of World War II eased Mornigo's task of ruling Paraguay and keeping the army happy because it stimulated demand for Paraguayan export products--such as meat, hides, and cotton-- and boosted the country's export earnings. More important, United States policy toward Latin America at this time made Paraguay eligible for major economic assistance. A surge of German influence in the region and Argentina's pro-Axis leanings alarmed the United States, which sought to wean Paraguay away from German and Argentine solicitation. At the same time, the United States sought to enhance its presence in the region and pursued close cooperation with Brazil, Argentina's traditional rival. To this end, the United States provided to Paraguay sizable amounts of funds and supplies under the Lend-Lease Agreement, provided loans for public works, and gave technical assistance in agriculture and health care. The United States Department of State approved of closer ties between Brazil and Paraguay and especially supported Brazil's offer to finance a road project designed to reduce Paraguay's dependence on Argentina.
Much to the displeasure of the United States and Britain, Mornigo refused to act against German economic and diplomatic interests until the end of the war. German agents had successfully converted many Paraguayans to the Axis cause. South America's first Nazi Party branch had been founded in Paraguay in 1931. German immigrant schools, churches, hospitals, farmers' cooperatives, youth groups, and charitable societies became active Axis backers. All of those organizations prominently displayed swastikas and portraits of Adolf Hitler.
It is no exaggeration to say that Mornigo headed a pro-Axis regime. Large numbers of Paraguayan military officers and government officials were openly sympathetic to the Axis. Among these officials was the national police chief, who named his son Adolfo Hirohito after the leading Axis personalities. By 1941 the official newspaper, El Pas, had adopted an overtly proGerman stance. At the same time, the government strictly controlled pro-Allied labor unions. Police cadets wore swastikas and Italian insignia on their uniforms. The December 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Germany's declaration of war against the United States gave the United States the leverage it needed, however, to force Mornigo to commit himself publicly to the Allied cause. Mornigo officially severed diplomatic relations with the Axis countries in 1942, although he did not declare war against Germany until February 1945. Nonetheless, Mornigo continued to maintain close relations with the heavily German-influenced Argentine military throughout the war and provided a haven for Axis spies and agents.
United States protests over German and Argentine activities in Paraguay fell on deaf ears. While the United States defined its interests in terms of resisting the fascist threat, Paraguayan officials believed their interests lay in economic expediency and were reluctant to antagonize Germany until the outcome of the war was no longer in doubt. Many Paraguayans believed Germany was no more of a threat to Paraguay's sovereignty than the United States.
[ 2023-02-08 15:27:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
60 % OFF
December 22 - January 05
Best discount ever.
[ 2022-12-22 18:09:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanksgiving Special.
Ace Pilot Europe + World War 2 Operation Husky 50 % OFF.
Get both during Thanksgiving weekend for almost the same price as one.
is it Christmas already?
[ 2022-11-22 13:57:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Don't miss this super Automne special in combination with the Thanksgiving bundle discount.
50% on top of 55% off, It's a Steal!
From the 22 to the 29 of November.
[ 2022-11-22 13:56:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Everyone loves a bargain.
World War 2 Operation Husky + Ace Pilot Europe at an additional 25% OFF.
Get both or the other game at 25% off anytime and on top of any existing discount.
This is another good reason to try them.
[ 2022-11-04 12:18:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
A brand-new game from HC is coming on the 24th of October.
Arcade style, dogfight with multiple WW2 aircrafts, do bombing runs, fly sea patrols, strafe trains and more.
[ 2022-10-09 16:17:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
50 % OFF
From September 30 to October 13.
The Four Days of Naples (Italian: Quattro giornate di Napoli) refers to World War II uprising in Naples, Italy, on September 28 to September 30, 1943 against Nazi German occupation forces, immediately prior to the arrival of Allied forces in Naples on October 1.
The spontaneous uprising of Neapolitan and Italian Resistance against German occupying forces, despite limited armament, organisation or planning, nevertheless successfully disrupted German plans to deport Neapolitans en masse, destroy the city and prevent Allied forces from gaining a strategic foothold.
The city was subsequently awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valor.
[ 2022-09-30 19:16:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Liberation of Paris Sale
50% OFF
From 19th of August to September 2nd.
Paris was liberated on the 19th of August 1944 and to celebrate the liberation WW2 Operation Husky is on sale for 2 weeks.
[ 2022-08-19 18:45:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
First anniversary sale 55 % OFF.
From July 8th to July 22nd.
World War 2 Operation Husky has been on Steam for a full year. I would like to thank everyone who gave it a try, and everyone who will. This is my first game and I did everything myself (nice)... With Version 2.0,
I added a few things that were missing in an effort to please my best critics. The game is a simplified wargame where rules are easy to learn and where setup, movement and combat are greatly helped by the interface. In this game you get in a fight quickly and you see the result of your decisions in no time.
[ 2022-07-08 17:40:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Enjoy 50% OFF during this summer sale.
You are looking for a fair fight, try WW2 Operation Husky V2.0
[ 2022-06-23 16:55:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
May 27 1941, German Bismarck sinking day SALE.
50% OFF
From may 27 to June 10.
You ask why celebrate the sinking of a boat in a tank game? well that was that or the sale of the first black light. :)
Bismarck, German battleship of World War II that had a short but spectacular career.
The Bismarck was laid down in 1936 and launched in 1939. It displaced 52,600 tons, mounted eight 15-inch (38-centimetre) guns, and had a speed of 30 knots. In May 1941 the battleship, which was commanded by Admiral Gnther Ltjens, was sighted off Bergen, Norway, by a British reconnaissance aircraft. Practically the entire British Home Fleet was immediately sent into action to intercept it. Two cruisers made contact off the coast of Iceland, and the battleship Prince of Wales and battle cruiser Hood soon engaged it. After destroying the Hood with a shell that exploded in the magazine, the Bismarck escaped into the open sea and soon began heading for Brest in German-occupied France. Sighted by aircraft 30 hours later (May 26), it was hit by a torpedo that crippled its steering gear, and the ship was bombarded throughout the night by battleships. On the morning of May 27 the King George V and the Rodney, in an hour-long attack, incapacitated the Bismarck, and an hour and a half later it sank after being hit by three torpedoes from the cruiser Dorsetshire. Of the some 2,300 crew aboard the Bismarck, only about 110 survived.
[ 2022-05-27 18:19:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
To celebrate Leonardo da Vinci born on april 15, 1452
WW2 Operation Husky V2.0 is having a 50% SALE.
From April 15 to April 29.
Depicted above is Leonardo drawing of a tank.
[ 2022-04-15 17:00:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy Chinese New Year of the Tiger.
40 % off
From January 27th to February 3rd.
[ 2022-01-27 18:27:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Year Sale
40% OFF
On ww2 Operation Husky Version 2.0 (the South-East of Sicily)
From January 7th to January 21st
[ 2022-01-07 19:44:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Whats new in Version 2.0
- A new Map.
The South-East of the island.
- A new Grid.
Hexagonal disposition. Up to 6 directions of movements.
- New Counters.
The British, Canadians and Italians are joining the fight.
144 new counters for a total of 240.
- A new AI.
The strongest so far.
- New Historical Content.
Learn what forces were involved and where they came from.
- New Scenarios/Setup.
10 new ones for a total of 34.
- Variable Victory Zones.
- Multiple Landing Zones.
- More Money.
[ 2022-01-07 19:34:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Year Sale
40% OFF
On ww2 Operation Husky Version 2.0 (the South-East of Sicily)
From January 7th to January 21st
[ 2022-01-07 17:00:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Whats new in Version 2.0
- A new Map.
The South-East of the island.
- A new Grid.
Hexagonal disposition. Up to 6 directions of movements.
- New Counters.
The British, Canadians and Italians are joining the fight.
144 new counters for a total of 240.
- A new AI.
The strongest so far.
- New Historical Content.
Learn what forces were involved and where they came from.
- New Scenarios/Setup.
10 new ones for a total of 34.
- Variable Victory Zones.
- Multiple Landing Zones.
- More Money.
[ 2022-01-05 21:14:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Winter Sale 35% OFF until January 5th.
This will include Version 2.0 that is coming VERY soon.
[ 2021-12-23 11:11:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Halloween Sale 35% off.
From October 28th until November 1st.
[ 2021-10-28 17:00:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tabletop Fest Sale 30% OFF.
From october 21st to October 25th.
[ 2021-10-21 14:00:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
- ..
- Simplified Chinese added. Click on the Chinese flag at the beginning.
[ 2021-08-18 19:36:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Arrow color when playing against AI bug fixed. - Ghost units removed. - Bug causing crash during +3 reinforcements window fixed.
[ 2021-08-05 11:16:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Load and Save capability added. Offline, wifi or internet. Server modified. Over wifi and internet, the host control the load and save. Use L key to load and S key to save.
[ 2021-07-22 11:23:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New and improved Ai when playing against the computer. Added, a second level of difficulty.
- Confirm menu when restarting the game (E key).
[ 2021-07-19 20:03:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Music Button modified to work on release instead of when press. - Hide/Show Button modified to work on release instead of when press. - Confirm Exit menu modified to be on top of victory menu. - AI slow down during movements to be able to see all the moves.
[ 2021-07-17 18:29:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Music Button modified to work on release instead of when press. - Hide/Show Button modified to work on release instead of when press. - Confirm Exit menu modified to be on top of victory menu. - AI slow down during movements to be able to see all the moves.
[ 2021-07-16 21:04:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New Mac Icon. - New Confirmation Menu when pressing ESC key before exiting the game.
[ 2021-07-16 21:02:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- World War 2 Operation Husky Depot (Ubuntu) [762.94 M]
- OS: Ubuntu 14.4Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
[ 6076 ]
[ 1223 ]