Hello pirates slashers,
Today we're announcing two things with one news:
The studio behind Steredenn & Flipon is happy to announce that it is back and alive!And we're working on a new arcade game: CTHULOOT!
Imagine Overcooked x Zelda.
Round up your friends to form a gang of semi-competent looters in search of the relics lost by the Great Old Ones.
Want more? You can try the DEMO now!
Visit the game steam page:
And of course, wishlist if you like and want to be updated, it's the easiest way to help us. :)
Don't worry, this will be the only message about this new game on Steredenn's page.
PS: If you read it til here, you may want a surprise? There's a "beta" branch on this game with a secret update waiting to be deployed.
Have fun!
Steredenns team.
Steredenn is a frenetic and chaotic space shooter, carved in big beautiful pixels, with insane boss battles. Embark in your ship and engage the fight against dreadful space pirates in a never-ending combat for your survival.
Steredenn is at the crossroads between a shmup and a rogue-like. Enjoy the infinite replayability of the game with its unforgiving gameplay, intense boss fights, (almost) randomly generated environments, twisted space events and a surprisingly large arsenal of weapons. Enhance your ship during your flight with many upgrades and forge your own path across the universe!
Beautiful art and spaceships.
Awesome boss fights.
Addictive, ruthless.
Endless arcade gameplay.
Quick and intense sessions.
INFINITE REPLAYABILITY: levels are (practically) randomly-generated.
ARSENAL: 35 weapons and 25 upgrades with many interactions and combos.
SCORING: beat your friends and be the best!
DAILY RUN: everyday, try to be the first in a special leaderboard where all players share the same run, guns and bosses. Beware, you only get one chance per day!
ARENA: Unlock a boss by defeating it in the normal mode. Then, train against it in a 1 to 1 duel. Your guns, your laws, your fight.