In celebration of the recently launched Commander: Modern War, it has added the ALL IN 1 bundle, where you can get the bundle at 60% off. Commander: Modern war features a two-sided single-player campaign where you can play as the Alliance or the Coalition, as well as skirmish maps where players can battle against up to seven other commanders. Players will also be able to customize their experience by choosing different parameters on the maps, such as the number of players involved in the battle, faction, team, colors, and many others. With the addition of a Map Editor, players can even create their own custom maps to battle on. The gameplay in Commander: Modern War is both challenging and rewarding. Players will need to deploy their units strategically to take advantage of the terrain and use specialized units to counter their opponents. As they progress through the game, they will be able to recruit new units and capture different locations, ensuring a steady income to keep their army growing. The release of Commander: Modern War is sure to be a hit with fans of turn-based tactical games, and those looking for an immersive, action-packed gaming experience. With its extensive single-player campaign, skirmish maps, and Map Editor, there is no shortage of things to do in this exciting new title. So why wait? Get ready to experience the thrill of modern warfare and take control of your troops in Commander: Modern War.
[ 2023-02-11 21:15:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! [New]
- Added the DARK MAGE
- Stepping on logs during battle will stagger with -1 action point, with the respective information tooltip on the tile info panel.
- Large potions are available at the Trader after area 4 is unlocked
- Added a lot more random names for characters
- Fix typos on some events
- Set message when inventory is full when trying to buy more at the Trader
- Fix bug causing items to be sold when the inventory was open at the Trader
- Fix error consuming items in the town that would not refresh the inventory or the characters
- Fix conjurer Ability 1 swap between sword/bow tooltip displaying wrong information about the mouse shortcut. (left -> right)
- Storage price has been updated and will be according to difficulty. (updated two weeks ago without updating notes)
- Rented storage capacity on the Trader has been updated to 50.
- Fix bug prevented from displaying character stats panel correctly on the town with more than 12 characters.
- Fix bug that would make displaying wrong current action points while in town
- Fix bugs that were impacting the chance of getting some diseases
- Added more visual information on the type of attack power (attack power or magic power)
- Fixed bug causing moving from a muddy terrain to a high ground costing only 1 AP
[ 2022-05-27 21:42:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Tooltips ON/OFF option on settings
- Current Gold display for Trader, Tavern, and House interactions
- Button to Show/Hide console while in town
- Update the game icon
- Added an additional animation speed while on battles. Now there's 2x 4x 6x 8x. (previously was 2x 3x 4x)
- * Stamina required for abilities. *
- * Stamina Vial increased restore value from 12 to 15, Stamina Potion from 25 to 30. *
- Cheese and vegetables' stamina restore value increased by 1
- * Increased hit chance starting values for all player characters *
- Hit Chance surplus points after 100 will subtract on the dodge and block chance on the battle resolve
- Will no longer spawn flowers, items, graves, and other interactable objects in ending points (points where it will set the following path)
- Half-vamp bat form would still trigger spiked traps and other ground traps
- Fix the bug that would cause text on speech balloons not to display
- Fix bug causing traits not to display when triggered
- Fix the incorrect description of the 'Caring' positive trait
- Fix the Bleeding description
- Stunned and frozen characters could still dodge and block attacks
* Since some values are saved within the savegame files, characters and items already saved will still use old values.
New characters and items will have updated values.
Stay tuned for more.
Have a great weekend, and stay safe!
[ 2022-05-07 20:24:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
New stuff just arrived. Hope you enjoy it!
Check it out!
- Added extra tooltip on the Inn
- Added breakable rocks at area 2 (Badlands) and area 4.
- Added interactions with houses (3 different interactions can happen)
- Increase max characters limit to 16
- Left-Click on a character card to open the char info panel while on the quest job
- Fix bug on the town, clicks on character cards while interacting with the Temple, Blacksmith, etc., would make the Char Info panel appear
- Added 'Esc' shortcut to deselect the Selected current ability
- Rep Panel and Objectives Panel close all other panels on opening
- The Trader and Tavern panel would remain open after the next path or the end of the job
- Empty inventory with no items, could not equip a gem
- Fix a bug allowing to hire more characters than the limit
- Fix bug allowing to resurrect beyond characters limit
Stay safe!
[ 2022-04-25 13:33:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
New stuff just arrived. Hope you enjoy it!
Check it out!
- Added Druid character class
- Added Achievements
- Option to disband a character
- Fix the bug, after loading a game, buying an item would give a stuck the game and not refresh any further
- Display of wrong reward values after a successful job
- Added Esc tooltip where it applies
- Fixed a bug causing the game to get stuck at an event
- Characters that are sleeping can't use the library or the blacksmith
- Fix class names on the characters for hire panel
- Recovering at the Temple has the same effect in resetting the days needed to be able to become tired
- Resume peace songs immediately after the end of a battle
Stay safe!
[ 2022-04-21 22:34:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time to announce the official release of Paths & Danger. The game is no longer in the design phase or beta stage. After so many days of EA and work since was started to being made, the time has come for a full release.
All the polishing needed and the feedback given by everyone has helped to put the game as it is now. It obviously doesn't mean it ends here. Otherwise, the game will be continually upgraded and updated, and as it has been here, monthly (or every 2 weeks) updates with more content and features will continue.
Paths & Danger, as it stands, is a wholly compelling and fun game to play. The reasons for the early access are no longer valid. The current state of the game proves and justifies that.
There are no DLCs planned. All significant future updates or great new content add-ons will always be given to Paths & Danger for free to any Paths & Danger user.
A big thanks to everyone who contacted for suggestions/feedback and helped develop the game.
Get Paths & Danger now with 20% OFF!
[ 2022-04-15 17:05:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
New stuff just arrived. Hope you enjoy it!
Check it out!
- Add intro storyline cinematics
- Added new options: Show Grids, Main Mouse Button (left or right)
- Added missing actions and effects of all amulet items
- Added missing positive traits, effects, and actions
- Added missing negative traits, effects, and actions
- Added more conditions and diseases that could affect your characters
- Added broken spirit effect on characters
- Added Main Theme for menu
- Added other new sounds for many situations
- Mouse to move the camera on borders like an RTS
- Items on ground floating animation
- Added animation fx effects for Inn, Library, Blacksmith, and Temple on town
- Added traits information on the character for hire at the Inn
- Added more information about different difficulty settings
- Added conditions status effect info outside the characters' stats panel f
- Added animation speed for player characters while in battle (now it works the same way as the speed up the enemy turn)
- Balanced different difficulties settings
- Refresh inventory if open when picking an item on the ground
- Upon placing a character on a temple slot for treatment or blessing, auto-selects the character
- Fixed door sounds on selecting town options, open-door sound when opens, close-door sound when closes, instead of both at the same time
- Improved transitions between scenes
- Added weeds tumbling effect to Badlands area
- Added a small informative panel to Catacombs
- Improved Fire & Ice Wizard staff sprites
- Balance all player characters starting stats
- Alternative mouse button to the main mouse button selected will deselect any selectability(RMB or LMB to deselect ability)
- Flowers will spawn whenever a shrine spawns
- Chance for a trader to sell flowers
- Improved trader items to sell according to the current state of the game
- Fixed bug causing not able to unequip gem if inventory was empty and not the gem sack
- Balanced Fire Wizard spell abilities
- Balanced Ice Wizard spell abilities
- Balanced Paladin abilities
- Balanced Half-Vamp abilities
- Balanced Rogue abilities
- Fix gives opposite traits that negate a feature's positive or negative effect. For example, one can't be Disloyal if one has the positive attribute of Loyal.
- Fixed Ice Wizard ability 4 bug causing the game to get stuck
It is advisable to start a new game to make a new save file to overwrite previous ones. Old save files might encounter trouble loading. If not, well, good.
Stay safe!
[ 2022-04-15 13:45:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
New stuff just arrived. Hope you enjoy it!
Check it out!
- Added three new areas with new events and encounters
- Added new enemy witches to the new area and other new enemies
- Added all main story quests to play in each area
- Added the Catacombs, where you can check your already deceased companions and revive them.
- added new storyline quests
- added new enemies, abominations, skeletons, vampires, wicked men, new witches, etc.
- unique new dangers and specific conditions for each new playable area
- Added improved AI according to the difficulty settings
- Added new sounds for quests completed and animations
- Healer healing can now cast spells on allied units such as guards and others.
- Greatly increase the difference between difficulty settings
- Upon storage items on the rent storage, it will display graphically being filled
- Fixed a bug where a loop would be created when an enemy died on a trap.
- Fixed game would not finish when the last player character died on a trap.
- Improved AI for melee characters and ranged characters
- Improved AI according to difficulty
- Descriptions of the abilities of characters for hire on the Inn
- Balanced experience needed to level up characters
- Some UI changes to the main menu on the town to be easier to access them
- Fix a bug that would make the game stuck on the job, "Go on a patrol."
- Balanced Inn rent bed/drink/ eat prices
- Rent storage price update
- Improved some background images
- Fixed some typos and other minors issues
Stay safe!
[ 2022-04-09 16:09:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
New stuff just arrived. Hope you enjoy it!
Check it out!
- New area map with new events and enemies and new dangers
- New enemies, the Initiate Witches, skeletons, and vampires.
- Added a new class to play with, the Healer.
- Added information about XP points to spend after level up
- Added level up sound, and now a character may level up while on the town (consuming XP orbs)
- Added dig grave sound
- Improved the Archer Rain of Arrows ability sounds.
- Added sound when the game is lost
- Added sound when a player character dies
- Added new tooltips for Inn, Library, Blacksmith, and Temple
- Improved ambushes, enemies can no longer spawn on road tiles
- Added information when a character gets the reckless status
- Added equip/unequip sounds for all items
- Ice Wizard, Glacial Shield ability now can be cast to anyone.
- Fire Wizard, Fire Aura ability now can be cast to anyone.
- Ambushing enemies will now display a smoke animation
- When providing bandages to a guard at an event, he will provide gold in return
- Farmer being attacked by bandits event will first move will be to flee, to have a chance to survive after the battle is over
- Display new animation when health is gained through the half-vampire ability, health steal actions, and the healer ability
- To check who is the character card while on the battle, mouse over a card to see the corresponding character
- Fixed Hero Syndrome bug that would case to happens, without having the trait
- Fixed a bug that would cause to have unlimited gold when picking up lost satchels
- Enemies would spawn a tree on ambushes
- A bug caused the character's main panel not to refresh heath after drinking a potion
- Picked up flowers not displaying on the log
- Experience not updating while on the town after consuming XP orbs.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to cycle between two characters while in battle
The next update will focus more on AI, especially for normal and hard difficulty settings.
Expect new maps too! And new enemies!
Stay safe!
[ 2022-03-06 20:05:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
New stuff just arrived!
Check it out!
- Tavern and Trader buildings while on jobs are now available to interact, offerings goods and supplies for the road.
- Added graves that can be looted but require stamina points to dig.
- Added lost satchels to be gathered for loot.
- Added a rename character option, so now you can rename any player character at will.
- Added throw-away items ability on the inventory.
- Gold loot will no longer appear as an item. Instead, it will automatically be added to the total gold count.
- Added a total gold count on the inventory
- Added Rogue speeches when the character breaks from the invisibility and attacks.
- Added unique speeches for each class that a character will use and raise their Spirit.
- Added stats animation when a character uses the Inn to restore health, stamina, or Spirit.
- Added a message on the log when a character picks a flower.
- Added prompt messages about quitting the game while on the town and in a quest.
- When the mouse is hovering over a battle card, it will display which character corresponds.
- Added a sound for level up, blessing at a temple or shrine.
- Half-Vampire Bat transformation will now ignore terrain costs.
- Fixed using 'C' shortcut for the Conjurer to swap conjured weapon
- Inventory now refreshes upon receiving faction reward.
- Inventory now refreshes upon spending flowers on Shrines across the map
- Increase money reward on Badlands Area.
- Fixed in the Create a Gem Slot panel that would create a gem slot on the wrong selected character
- Consuming items while in the town would not refresh the character
- Elementals will not get the Bleeding status effect.
- Fixed a bug that would cause if an enemy died in its turn would make the previous character turn available.
- Changed the way save files are created.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a character while in town not to be able to level up if it consumed XP orbs
- Fixed a bug that caused the character panel while on a quest to not refresh upon consuming an item.
- Fixed sound volume of some sounds being too loud.
- Fixed typos and other grammatical errors in all languages
- Balanced characters stats values
- Fixed other small errors in values
The way that saves files was changed, it's recommended to start a new game.
The update is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux versions.
See you in the next update!
Have fun!
[ 2022-02-17 16:10:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
New stuff just arrived!
Check it out!
- Added a new enemy, the Sand Scorpion, that can be found at the Badlands levels.
- Added new audio for humans characters when they die
- Added new audio for beasts such as Rogus and Werewolves when they die
- Added ambient sound for Badlands level
-Added mouse wheel button shortcut for moving all characters (same action as SPACE BAR), added info about it on the tutorial too
- Added info about the spike trap tile
- Greatly improved game performance through a RAM saving process
- When Paladin charges and pushes an enemy back to a spiked trap on Badlands now do damage
- Fixed an error that would not show the dead player character at the end of a job/quest
- War Engineer first ability (shoot the Scorpio weapon) now shows the possible targets with a target icon
- Fixed typos on tutorials
- Fixed Conjurer bow hit not displaying proper blood animations
- Fixed Gold reward as an item on the Factions and Reputations panel would create an item instead of being added to the total gold value
- Fixed stats values not getting refreshed/updated after using the pray action on a Shrine along the way
The update is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux versions.
See you in the next update!
Have fun!
[ 2022-01-27 21:51:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
We bring news and exciting new stuff.
Check it out!
- Added a new character to play: the Conjurer
- Added Elementals to be conjured ( Fire, Ice, and Rock Elementals)
- Added new sound effects for different actions
- Added a new battle song
- Added spiked traps for the Badlands area levels.
- Added information about the current level and experience for the next level on character cards
- Added extra info messages for different actions
- Increased save formation by 1 tile
- Fix error while loading localization files that would result in wrong localizations results
- Fix wrong display of images and descriptions on Paladin class
- Fixed not saving the NPC animation speed from session to session
- Fixed faction reward, rewarding more than 1 item
- Fixed re-appearing wrong sprites upon characters (error derived from reusing certain assets)
- Fixed displaying death characters icons while in the battle sequence
- Wrong names of enemies fixed
- Fixed spelling errors
The update is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux versions.
See you in the next update!
Have fun!
[ 2022-01-16 20:08:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
First, update since Paths & Danger was launched in early access.
In this update, we address some issues reported by our players as well as many others.
Mac and Linux versions are now available too!
So here's the list:
- Added macOS and Linux support
- Spanish localization
- Portuguese localization
- Added tutorial for all classes
- Added a few extra tooltips for different buttons
- Gold sound when items are sold
- Fixed NPC animation speed option
- Fixed temple slot 1 click to set a character on a blessing slot
- Fixed displaying the wrong area selected while on a job
- Balanced Half-Vampire and Paladin stamina ability costs
- Character can still use the main attack ability without stamina with a penalty on damage
Regarding the Spirit feature.
Spirit of characters is supposed to be a way to keep the characters traits and features in check, for example, a character that is 'Coward', if have a low Spirit it will be more probably for the trait to take into effect, same for the opposite. Although this feature is not fully implemented, this is the main point of Spirit.
For the next update (in a week or so), a new character class is in the works, the Conjurer, more map elements will be added too, interactable elements, and improvements for the existing features and a few new missions and events too.
See you next update!
Have fun!
[ 2021-12-14 19:38:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings everyone!
Early Acess of Paths & Danger is now available!
Our dedication to this project can now be seen on Paths & Danger, there is a lot of potential in this game, we hope you see the same in this game.
Since the game is under development, there will be a lot of room to improve the existing features and add new content.
Now our focus is to bring Paths & Danger to the release state, in other words, release its full potential as a game!
Please if you have suggestions, bugs to report, or any other feedback, we would be much appreciated hearing from you. Please do so at our Steam game group or by joining our discord channel.
Stay tuned and see you soon!
[ 2021-12-03 19:06:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all!
We are proud to announce that the Early Access version of Paths & Danger is coming on 3 of December!
We are looking forward to having you onboard.
Paths & Danger right now is in a phase of adding the existent content and adding new content.
Since the game's still in development it would be great to have feedback from you.
Paths & Danger has its stands, is a very compelling and fun game to play, we really hope you enjoy it and, with your help, make it a lot better for everyone.
Let's make it happen!
Stay tuned!
[ 2021-12-01 21:28:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! We are pleased to announce our little Indiegogo campaign is now live! Indiegogo is a fantastic opportunity for us to connect with fellow gamers, note suggestions throughout the game design process, and get a preview indication of the project's commercial success. Not to mention, with financial help, we can take the game to the next level. We're talking about additional gameplay features, better graphics, hire a musician to produce an epic soundtrack, and expand our team to help shorten the development process, and above all, peace of mind to work even harder. Please consider supporting our game, and we promise to give you the best gameplay experience in return! With your most welcoming support, we can achieve success in this campaign
Our campaign link Paths & Danger - Indiegogo Campaign
Join our discord channel Discord Channel
[ 2021-10-07 18:15:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
One day remaining to launch our Indiegogo Campaign!
Meet some of our good guys!
Are you ready?
Visit our pre-launch page and sign up to be alerted when launch! Paths & Danger - Indiegogo Campaign
Join our discord channel Discord Channel
[ 2021-10-06 20:27:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Three days remaining to launch our Indiegogo Campaign!
While journeying your party will encounter foes, friends, and neutrals characters, some will lead to direct hostilities, others will give you the chance to choose but always expect the unexpected.
Different terrains will offer either a bonus or a penalty. Usually, the high ground will offer an advantage either defending or attacking.
Weather will impact the terrain as well, for example, on heavy rain dirt terrains will lead to wet terrains that will have a negative impact on the character's actions.
Visit our pre-launch page and sign up to be alerted when launch! Paths & Danger - Indiegogo Campaign
Join our discord channel Discord Channel
[ 2021-10-04 21:18:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Six days remaining to launch our Indiegogo Campaign!
Let's talk about characters' conditions. Especially diseases and blessings.
There are numerous diseases that characters can get, from common colds to more severe pneumonia, also characters can break and fracture bones, all of these ailments will negatively impact your character's stats and these characters may be more of a burden in a group. All sorts of conditions can be treated at the temple.
Also at the temple and shrines characters can choose from many different blessings that will grant a positive bonus that will last a few days. Some character traits may impact these blessings as well.
Visit our pre-launch page and sign up to be alerted when launch! Paths & Danger - Indiegogo Campaign
Join our discord channel Discord Channel
[ 2021-10-01 18:30:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Eight days remaining to launch our Indiegogo Campaign!
More about characters...
Characters have unique traits and featuresthat may give or take when you expect less. Some traits affect while in battle others affect out of battle.
There are good traits and bad traits, so be careful who you choose to, they may bring more trouble than solutions.
For example, Oliver the Troublemaker here, could not hold his nerves and temper and started a useless tavern fight, spoiling the meal and the drink.
His actions did not have any beneficial effect.
Visit our pre-launch page and sign up to be alerted when launch! Paths & Danger - Indiegogo Campaign
Join our discord channel Discord Channel
[ 2021-09-29 20:50:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! Nine days remaining for our campaign on Indiegogo! So today we gonna talk a bit about our character's classes. Each class has its advantages in some situations and may not be so good in others. It's crucial to pick the best team and know their abilities to get the best of them. Each class with all sizes and shapes! Each class has 4 unique abilities to use. Let's take a look at these:
The Rogue
Assassin Attack -> Rogue's primary attack may set bleeding on hit. If the target is marked, increases Invisible -> The character becomes invisible for a number of turns. There's a chance of being spotted if moves next to a foe. +Hit Chance while invisible. Mark Target -> The target becomes marked -2 Armor, - Block/Block projectile chance. Blinding Powder -> The target becomes confused and will engage in erratic actions, also loses Dodge chance.
The Half-Vampire
Vampire Strike -> The Half-Vampire main attack. If a target is Bleeding increases max damage, may set bleeding on hit. Drain Life -> Drains the life of a living target, converting the damage to Health. (+Healh if the target is bleeding) Bat Teleport -> Transforms into a bat form and instantly moves to the target area. Strength of the Blood -> Converts Healths Points and gains additional action points, increased attack power, and hit chance.
Visit our pre-launch page and sign up to be alerted when launch! Paths & Danger - Indiegogo Campaign
Join our discord channel Discord Channel
[ 2021-09-28 22:18:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all! We decided to re-launch our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, for those that have been following us and are waiting for some news of Paths & Danger, a big thanks for keeping inspired and sending us messages of support. A bit about us. We are a team of two persons, for the past 2 years, we've been developing Paths & Danger funded by our own pockets and our passion for game development. Paths & Danger has been a very challenging game to make, as we envision the game and to get the very best result of our work we are launching a crowdfunding campaign to ensure it goes the best way possible. Well, stay tuned! As we approach the launch date, we will talk more about us, the game!
Visit our pre-launch page and sign up to be alerted when launch! Paths & Danger - Indiegogo Campaign
Join our discord channel Discord Channel
[ 2021-09-27 20:33:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings everyone!
Paths & Danger demo is available now!
For all around the world, watch the developer playing the Paths & Danger demo on 21 June.
If you enjoyed please consider support the game for furthering the development process on Kickstarter
Kickstarter Page
[ 2021-06-16 17:13:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Paths and Danger Linux [539.36 M]
Welcome to Paths & Danger
Paths & Danger is a procedural turn-based RPG with a dark twist. Join in on an adventure where you must gather a balanced group of heroes to embark on a series of jobs and quests and uncover the great mystery surrounding the province of Westwall.
To complete jobs you must travel many paths in which you have to deal with random encounters and different situations and make the best of it.
Upon completing jobs, you must hire and recruit new members for your party, each with different skills. You can also increase the success of your adventures by improving your character's gear and equipment. Plus, pack up all sorts of potions, loot precious gems and gold to help you along the journey.
Main Features
● Lead groups of different characters, each one with unique abilities and weapons
● Manage your heroes stats to get them stronger
● Deal with dangerous circumstances and quests
● Solve the story of the mystery surrounding the town of Westwall
● Fight in a strategic turn-based combat system on a hex grid
● A deep atmospheric environment that suits different world places
● Emerge in a diverse stunning dark fantasy world
● Roguelike features, including permadeath
● Procedural map generation giving endless replay
Are you worthy of facing an uncertain fate?
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. updated
- Processor: Minimum Resolution - 1336x768.
- Memory: 512 MB RAMStorage: 600 MB available space
- Storage: 600 MB available space
[ 6092 ]
[ 3458 ]