Hello everyone!
Today is the day we look into the future of United Assault, Beyond Enemy Lines and evaluate the latest 'Next Game' survey. There is a lot of new stuff coming in 2022 to play. Lets get started!
United Assault - Normandy'44 is a massive success for Polygon Art and the quickest selling game we ever build! I have big planes for United assault and here is what's coming next:
I'm very Happy to announce:
Click for full screen view
United Assault - Battle of the Bulge is a standalone expansion to United Assault - Normandy'44 and an open world rogue lite FPS set in 1944's depiction of Ardennes.
As a british paratromy you are assigned to a mission, few would qualify for. You are tasked to infiltrate enemy territory and locate, infiltrate and destroy one of germany's secret V2 factories in the Ardennes. You'll come along heavy enemy resistance, try to weaken their defense by destroying their tanks, equipment and by gathering secret documents.
What is new?
- Playing as a british paratrooper and deploying on a parachute into the game.
- Authentic british World War 2 weapons
- Larger and more detailed towns and cities
- Drivable vehicles scattered around the gameworld
- The story is now directly integrated into the main gamemode
- Procedural generated underground bunkers complexes (like dungeons)
What does this mean for United Assault - Normandy'44?
More updates, features and improvements! I'm not going to abandon United Assault - Normandy'44! Both games are build with the same code base and allows me to patch new features and improvements from Battle of the Bulge back into Normandy '44. All gameplay, gunplay and AI improvements will find it's way into Normandy'44 as well as several new weapons! If you don't want Battle of the Bulge, you still benefit from its development and get regular news updates.
Looking even more into the future?
I plann to expand United Assault with 2 additional standalone expansions in the same form as Battle of the Bulge. Those are:

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Beyond Enemy Lines is returning in 2022 with a major update to Beyond Enemy Lines 2 and an entirly new game!

Beyond Enemy Lines 2 is getting a free update to a Enhanced Edition! This update will bring new content, improved game- and gunplay, enhanced visuals and major performance improvements. The before canceled DLC Beyond Enemy Lines 2 - Origins will be added for free to the game.

Click for full screen view Features:
- A new, fully voiced 8 mission long campaign of the reimagined Beyond Enemy Lines 1 Story
- All other DLC contents will be free for all owners of the base game
- The price will increase from 24.99 to 29.99 to get in line with the Console versions
- Improved update pipeline for faster updates in the future
- Contails all map and mission improvements of the console version

Beyond Enemy Lines - Rising Dragon is the newest entry in the Beyond Enemy Lines franchise hitting Steam Early Access in Summer 2022! Beyond Enemy Lines - Rising Dragon is a modern warfare shooter set in the Quang-Xiong Island, an autonomous island in the east chinese sea. The island is of great military importance and the source of numerous conflicts. Whoever hasmilitary control over this territory, is in close range to attack china, taiwan, japan, as well as south and north korea. Satellite intel reports a lot of recent activity on this island and satellite fotos indicate chinese forces occupied the island. China denies this information and confirms that it has not sent any troops to the region. We cannot verify the credibility of the statement, nor can we verify the identity of the occupiers. We need to get to the bottom of this mess. You need to be careful - we dont want a major international incident out of this. Features:
- Powered by Unreal Engine 5 with Lumen Global Illumination and Reflections
- Command your own Squad
- Modern arsenal of highly detailed weapons
- Large, complex missions with full tactical freedom
- Mid mission checkpoints
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The Next Game Survey
I asked on Social Media, Steam and other platforms what you want to see in the future. Here is the evaluation of this survey with 983 participants at the time of evaluation.

Click for full screen view The majority of you (60%) want to see a new Singleplayer game developed. The diversity in genres you want to see us develop was a majot supprise. FPS games are by far (35%) the most requested games, as we develop mostly FPS games this is no big surprise. Followed by this are Simulation (14%) and Role Playing (13%) and Third Person Shooter and Action Adventire (12%). Beyond Enemy Lines - The Role Playing experience? How would this sound to you? We will continue to focus on FPS games but will definitly consider developing smaller games in the other genres in the future. We also asked which game you would like to see next. 35% of you want to see a new franchise, 28% a new Beyond Enemy Lines and as United Assault is still a very fresh game it already gathered a respectful 23%. As both Beyond Enemy Lines and United Assault got new content and games revealed in this news, let's jump to the new franchise ... The new franchise We asked for suggestions which game you would like to see. And apparently you have a very clear goal in mind for us. You want to see from us in the future: A Singleplayer FPS with focus on Story, more linear gameplay with occasionally larger areas with more freedom. The games you mentioned where shocklingly simmilar.

You frequently Menitioned Golden Eye and other 007 games as well as No One Lives Forever. We will follow your wishes and start concepting a new James Bond/No One Lives Forever like franchise together with you in 2022. More on this will follow next year!
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What do you think about the Announcements and the survey? Leave a comment to share your toughts and feedback, join our Discord Servers to get directly involved into the development and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more news!
[ 2021-12-10 11:33:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- United Assault - Normandy '44 Depot [8.35 G]
You are a US army paratrooper dropped into enemy territory to prepare the D-Day. Your mission objectives vary form destroying Panzer IV tanks, Flak 88 cannons to obtaining secret documents or even liberate an entire town. After completing your objectives, exfiltrate and claim your rewards.
Higher ranks will unlock new weapons and allow you to customize your start loadout.
- 15 towns and settlements based on their real world location
- Dynamic mission generator
- Passive Multiplayer
- Over 15 authentic weapons (7 available at early access start)
- Detailed progression system
- Uncover a mysterious secret protected by highly trained german troops
- Nvidia DLSS 2.0 support
Now available with free Content Update #01!
- Doubled the size of the open world
- 4 new Towns
- Utah Beach as accessable area
- improved AI
[ 6014 ]
[ 3502 ]
[ 3995 ]