Hello everyone!
As always a massive shout out to our awesome community for your amazing support. Likewise much thanks to our awesome moderation team here on discord.
This is two weeks worth of developer meeting notes so apologies for the multiple discord announcements. To clarify, were currently working towards our next combat patch. Given the time over the holiday break, and a lot of work done, this patch has had a ton of work put into it.
However I must be clear that while were making great progress, were still a little way away from our initial raid simulation modes. We hope to follow this new patch with regularity, leading right to the Raid modules and beyond.
Without further adieu;
Mr. Z
Added indicator when you Stagger from parrying
Capped max Rotation on slash
Kick anim fix with Greataxes
Marker color fixes
Can Shield equip and put away
Survival Item Bug fixing with ItsMoxie
Work on Shield customization
New melee weapon swing trails
Play testing survival mode
Armor and Shield Destruction (Swapping on broken weapons)
Kanban board reorganisation
1 Hander combo times made slower
Flinch time increased for Handle Hits
Alt modes for polearm where you hold weapon shorter
Polearm timing tweaks (handle hits also working)
Team damage changes
Hit stop on teammates
Knock back on slopes improved
Animation technical miniblog
Handle hits for all shafted weapons
Fixed stamina regen bug
Fixed Polearm bash tracers
Peaceful mode animation fixes
Ruins map setup and testing
Character Skeleton work
First person anims for polearm movement
Parry from Riposte to help with missed combos weapons
Handle hits Sound cue added
Damaging items on the ground by hitting them
Greataxe peaceful animations
Mantling added
Stagger state on weapon/shield destruction
Axes now do bonus damage to shield
Killbot is alive again
NPC melee combat is back with new features
Added Icon scaling support to the HUD markers
Gif of bots fighting each other in a duel
Respawning issues in TDM fixed
Team switching fixed in TDM
Gore system rework
Screenshake when you hit objects
Weapons on the back work again
Mordhau grip and halfswording modes
Improved Loadout Menus
New Default Loadouts with the new equipment
Fixed Altmode would persist when you would switch weapons
Increased spear combo times
Fixed Loadout bugs
WIP Tattoo support
Next week
Bug fixing for TDM, LTS and Shields, and fix respawning bugs
Make build for a playtest
Implement Moss map
Face Tattoos
Fixed A Bug Causing Loadouts To Break When Deleting Or Editing Name
Fixed A Bug Causing Loadouts To Not Let You Select Default Loadouts Other Then Knight
Fixed A Bug Causing Spawned Items To Have 0 Durability
Armour durability now works
Equipment Durability Now Shows In Inventory
Durability For Armors no longer Get Reset When picking them up off the ground
Equipment durability now has a durability bar even when equipped. it also updates live when you're using the inventory when someone hits you.
So if you got hit in the thorax by someone sneaking up on you... You'll know that
Added Weapon Durability bar for equipped weapons
Added Armour Stands
Adjusted The Way Equip And Unequipping Works
Bug with armor stands fixed
Fixed duplicate huds being spawned in
Fixed UI putting you into 3rd person when toggling from the inventory out of it
Fixed clients when updating their banner info when switching
Fixed bug with parts of the main menu open
Fixed switching teams respawning twice
Fixed Initializing players was counting as death
Fixed bug with spectating wasnt working
Fixed bug with spectating wasn't working at aimed player
Fixed a dead players weapon put into hotbar wasn't giving weapon
Weapons and Armor equip properly now
Fixed weapon not always spawning with correct durability values
FFA and TDM now spawn properly as survival game
Warnings for when you can't build in build mode
On screen keys for building mode
Added Siege tower
Half walls
Added Blacksmiths workbench model
Fixed morph targets issues with coifs
New Ruins Duel map
Furnace model added
Reimported all the character and armor assets
Finished Refiner workbench
Added ColorID for Gore meshes
Added ColorID for Knight gore meshes
Next week:
Art fixes
Metal Bracers to Tier 3 Gauntlets
Add more customization patterns
Tanner and Tailor workbench models for raid mode
Improved Ragdoll physics
Preproduction on the new Survival map biomes
Tier 3 building mesh collisions
Gifs for animations
Performance testing all the new trees
Worked on Raid map
Colour graded the trees
Megascans wind and colour on trees editing
Sound design review with Matt
Meeting with Matt to do new raid sounds
Work on Cinematic videos
Attachments Pieces for Buildings
Renders for Building pieces ready for marketing
Collisions on Attachments should be fixed
Forest map finished (Map RFFA-Moss_p)
Cinematic of Castles for dev blog
Development video pre-planning
Rendered a 360 video of castle
Renders of Flythroughs of the new levels
Developer update
More posts on instagram and other social media platforms
Conducted private playtests of the latest build
Posting on Twitter, Insta and Reddit
Posting Photos over the course is this month
Workflow for Youtube Shorts
Added new Vestibule map, Duel courtyard
Vestibule map polish pass
Please dont forget to share our discord around if you can: https://discord.gg/Tr2DxFh. Likewise if youd instant access to our current Combat Alpha (moving into survival mode in the future) or just to help suppor the project, links can be found at: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/renown--2#/ and https://playrenown.com/
Again thank you very much for the support, dear community. The team is working hard, and well have more patches coming soon, and centrally more updates as we progress.
Till next time
[ 2022-03-01 04:58:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
The combat system functions with a set of easy to learn, hard to master fighting mechanics. The system is also built so that it is very easy to understand, allowing new players to easily learn the basics. As players become comfortable with the system, their developing level of skill becomes a major source of enjoyment.
The building system uses an easy-to-understand and deploy method. This allows for greater depth when creating both small and large castle or village-type structures. From a small house with only a door, players expand into fully customized castles, creating structures truly unique to the person's ability and experience.
The raiding system represents the pivotal activity that all types of players can undertake in-game. What’s the point in building a great castle if you can’t level someone else's to the ground. In a way the players are always in an “Arms Race” to see who can build the strongest, smartest, and most awe-inspiring structures. We want to provide you with just as awe-inspiring weapons, siege engines and all the utilities required for an ongoing medieval war.
Key Game Features:
- Fast-paced medieval survival with a strong emphasis on melee combat.
- From building humble farms to huge fortresses, the choice is with the player.
- A focus on horses, carts, and cavalry warfare.
- Custom armor system that deflects ranged attacks.
- Group systems for making Claims, taking titles, giving ranks and more.
- Server Progression and Wipe systems, for an engaging and vastly replayable experience.
- Tools for Community Hosts to help tailor their servers. Future plans for extensive moddability.
- Functioning Combat Alpha waiting for players
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