Alpha 1.5.2 Added new crossbow reload anim Fixed gambeson weighing Server session fixes New Greataxe out of combat animations AI can update teams Updated lighting on all maps Fixed issues with Party markers Tutorial only shows up in survival mode now Fixed issues with dropped item replication Fixed external wall placement Added Party leader support Improved Party UI Fist running animation fix Added new longsword bash anim Updated Main Menu Fixed skin colors being bugged Added Global smelting multiplier Added Gathering multipliers for Raid mode Fixed Chase mechanic Fixed banner not being detected in raid mode unless it was loaded from a save Raid mode players always spawn with clothes now Fixed doors not autoclosing in Raid mode during sieges Scoreboard has a team color indicator Updated animal roaming behavior Added a Gathering phase barrier to RRaid-Small_p Added better attenuation to all animals Max ping shows in server details now Fixed issues with Inventory changes not registering for UI events Increased crafting cost of arrows Fixed Camera perspective not working Fixed Bench inventory size Removed armor template menu Bandit Raid Loadout tweaked Fixed issues with locks in Raid mode Fixed up Last Team Standing not working Reduced movement acceleration Added Item Blacklists for Starting Loadouts in Arcade gamemodes Added a setting for auto placing locks if they are in your inventory New Crafting Menu Lowered Banner Render range Fixed Building menu not updating resource count Fixed Hauberk Weighing Polished up Emote animations Fixed Melee system not working for NPCs Polished up Peaceful mode animation Added Loot Balloons Bear overhaul Parties now work in all gamemodes Ally markers disappear on death now Muted players can't invite you to a party now Fixed Scoreboard menu archor not working New Scoreboard UI There is an notification when you drop an item on the ground now Added Building limit to Banners Petards can now misfire Petards can no longer be stacked in the same spot quickly Projectiles affect buildings properly with ownership checks Added a Windows Icon to the game Better server reboot handling when EOS fails Fixed Settings UI scaling on different resolutions Updated Drop Equipped Weapon Input Updated Emote Menu Animals can be parried now Trees now respawn and are persistent when they are chopped down Added server RCON support Fixed issues with weapon swapping Fixed not being able to spawn in Survival Updated Credits menu Algara Isle graphical touchups New Animation system for Combat Fixed Inventory UI scaling issues Archery Aiming total rework Optimized Items on the ground and projectiles Fixed Crafting multiplier not working on queued stacks of crafts
[ 2025-02-08 13:12:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Mr. Z here, today well be going over some quick updates on where weve been lately.
As stated before were all coming back from the new year's vacations so work has been slow as of late.
Now were mostly back in gear and the updates have begun again with Patch 1.4.8 having been released a few days ago.
During the break I opted to get some work done on Raid mode and get it up to par, Ive always enjoyed playing it and wanted to make some much needed improvements to it. Now we have a map that has 4 teams. Progression is substantially faster with good loot scattered around the center of the map.
You can leave gold coins in your teams banner and buy loadouts from the banner directly. There's a few other new features, but all in all, Raid mode has never been more fast paced to play so were restarting our weekly Raid mode playtests in each region. Raid mode is a really fun way to experience the gameplay loop quickly so I encourage people to join our playtests on the weekend.
Another thing weve been up to lately is replacing all the animations in the game with new motion captured animations. It's been a slow process but the difference in quality speaks for itself. Lots of locomotion animations have been implemented already.
Soon, the swing animations for the combat will be getting revamped. Anyone who thought of holding off on practicing the combat system should get ready to get practice soon as the final animations get implemented over the coming months.
Ultimately, our goal with Renown is to reach a stable EA release in June this year. One of the best ways weve been able to improve the games stability is by holding large public demos of the game and getting as many people playing as possible.
To that end our highest priority goal currently is preparing the game for an open beta. The main things holding us back are some server performance issues that make playing the game with a very high player count extremely unstable.
Specifically, we have some issues with the building system that require a rewrite, also we need to upgrade the engine to UE5.5 for some needed optimizations.
Well be keeping people posted on when the open beta is coming, so make sure to subscribe to our announcements channel in our official discord and our steam page. It's likely well do stress tests as well to see how the new optimizations hold up, so if youre a backer stay tuned for those as well.
On behalf of RDBK I wish everyone a happy new year and hope to see you all playing the game later this year on launch day.
[ 2025-01-08 11:45:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a fairly short update to let you know were still working hard, and a little of what weve been up to.
Well also go over our current plans for re-opening for a public demo in the near future.
What has the team been up to?
Currently were taking the time to address core issues which wed have been unable to tend to, without the support from the crowdfund.
One major area is the Animation Overhaul.
KZ and Delta have been working hard on the locomotion sets which is what you physically see as characters walk, run and turn.
For the last couple of months this has effectively been going full time. The attached Gifs directly show this work.
Mr.Z needed to travel for a few weeks but used personal funds to purchase a laptop so he could keep support going for the project while away.
Given hes back, the team is currently starting on Combat Animations.
Mr. Z has also been hard at work doing fixes and various other optimisations, leading us back to another Open Demo.
A lot of other work going on, has been distinctly less sexy but is none the less very important.
Without getting into too much boring detail;
Anti-cheat Systems will greatly help with cheaters and toxic players.
All players will have access to VOIP due to the removal of the Xsolla Launcher.
Bugs with Epic Online Services and servers disappearing are under investigation.
Improvements to the Tech Tree and other key UI work.
Required work for eventual backer skins distribution and implementation.
Weve been able to bring Moxie back on the team for Programming support thanks to the Crowdfund.
Hes been working on the Steam Skin Integration, and currently is fixing up the new player tutorial.
Whats going on regarding another open demo?
Were just getting back to a place, that another Open Demo is about due to really stress test out the recent changes.
Firstly, we would like to apologize for any testers put off by the lower population on servers and lack of organized events.
As mentioned, the crowdfund has allowed us to address some really important areas.
However, its hard to drive a car, when the engine is in pieces on the shop floor.
If were able to stress test a lot of the changes and fixes, it provides the exact data we need to keep improving the base experience in the game.
It should be noted were not expecting all these new changes to work perfectly.
Veteran players will know to expect issues, but for our newer backers, please dont be worried if the demo is a bit wild.
If things go badly, it provides us invaluable information.
If things go well, then were another step closer to Early Access.
Either way, it should hopefully be a fun time and expect to see a boom in populated servers while the events ongoing.
There's still a couple more things we want to change and optimize, but well be putting out news regarding said Open Demo over the coming weeks.
On behalf of the entire Renown team, Id like to say another huge thank you for another year of amazing support and encouragement for this project.
We truly couldnt do it without you, and were really excited about what Renown could become this year.
As always, till next time.
[ 2024-12-19 19:58:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha 1.3.3 Server Optimizations Fixed an issue with servers window not refreshing properly Toggling autoclose off clears the auto behavior now Added Terracing map features to Algara Isle Added new Rivers to Algara Isle Improved the Chat bubble Fixed some issues with animations Raid mode gatherphase 15 mins -> 20 and is server configureable Added more Iron to raid map Added breakable Pots and Baskets Fixed some AI pathing issues Fixed Chatbox turning on when the message isn't supposed to be seen Added Signages on the roads pointing to Settlements Added New Research Window Added New Item description window Added New Recipe window Added new NPCs New Reclaimer Forge Model New MOTD menu Fixed Building menu not showing construction resources Fixed Archer loadouts not spawning with arrows Fixed peaceful mode canceling out when using attacks that aren't bound to LMB Fixed Siege Timer indicator Alpha 1.3.2 Reworked Tech Tree Fixed an issue with resource nodes not spawning Added the building optimizer Fixed audio occlusion issues Algara Isle updates Fixed inventory showing in research menu Fixed reclaimer forge not being placeable You can split stacks by holding shift and left clicking now Fixed an issue where team selection wasn't loading properly in team modes Fixed some building placement issues Raid mode improvements Added more starting resources Added gold ingots in banners to move them once easily Added starting components Players in raid mode can now spawn on unclaimed team owned beds that aren't on spawn cooldown Added tier indicator to workbench indicators Chat requires a player to validate first Fixed campfires being required for some recipes Added additional logging for admins Technical debt clean up You can assign marker colors for players/friends in the settings menu now Added last used code button to code locks Added a chat bubble to players who are typing, and a talking animation Added a heart beat sound effect when low on hp Fixed server travel breaking servers Fixed melee attacks not cancelling peaceful mode Alpha 1.3.1 Fixed AI melee attack hit detection Fixed last bandage not being applied Fixed fire arrows being pickup able Fixed issues with arrows bouncing off surfaces Unowned buildings show their hp bar now Reduced Zweihander size slightly Fixed issue with vanity mode allowing players to switch to melee mode Fixed stamina costing twice for ground hits Tweaked resource rates from nodes Reduced champion loot Fixed npcs switching weapons when staggered Players can no longer repair items while in combat Lots of landscape fixes Fixed new river areas not slowing down players New POIs have been polished up Added a Reverb effect for being indoors New sound effects Fixed an issue with sound looping when moving vehicles Spear was buffed New Tech Tree New Ocean mesh Fixed issues with the chat box not going away Admin fixes Added r.HZBOcclusion toggle to video menu Triangle Half wall meshes added Fixed a duping bug Fixed building destruction not being synced sometimes Improved player reporting functionality
[ 2024-10-05 03:00:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Mr. Z here!
Last Dev blog I said I was going to discuss some of Renowns game design and that's what well be doing today.
During the demo we had our largest number of players yet, over 1000 at one point even. This meant we got to stress out the game servers extra hard and we got a lot of performance data out of it. It also meant we got to see what high pop gameplay looks like.
One of the things I noticed during the demo is a lot of players were not crafting their own gear, but finding it from looting. Going forwards well be adding more ways to acquire tier 2 gear from looting to support this more active playstyle. Weve added many new POIs to the map so there will be way more ways to acquire better gear without having to craft it. Of course tier 3 gear will always need to be crafted, and looted gear wont be a replacement for crafting.
Another thing that happened is groups were rushing through the tech tree way too quickly. We are in the process of finishing up a new tech tree that allows players greater choice as to which weapons to unlock while also making it more difficult to rush the research. Also to note, all our servers were running at x2 resource gold coin gain which made it super easy to tech up. We will also be adjusting costs accordingly so that rushing plate armor and t3 weapons isnt super trivial and also be running our playtests at x1 gold rates going forwards.
There was definitely an overabundance of resources during the demo, this was by design to onboard new players more easily. For the next demos well be running the game the way it was meant to be played with x1 rates. There are also now less resources in general spawning in the map to encourage players to roam around more instead of staying near their homes. Gold and Silver were especially too common and have been made rarer. Animal Hunting grounds should also become more contested now.
Raiding bases was a little too easy in the demo, due to the abundance of resources. Weve made the Sappers axe a little harder to unlock and silver much rarer so people dont get raided so easily so early. That being said, Ive added an even earlier raiding tool, fire arrows .They can be used on plaster and wood doors. Fire arrows do not cost silver, so they can be used to cheaply raid any really underdeveloped bases quickly. Petards will be getting many changes so players arent able to use them so quickly to explode their way through a base. Another issue with petards is the placement range, its way too far so the attackers do not place themselves in nearly enough danger when blowing through a base, this will be addressed soon with a big rework.
As far as Gear disparity goes, having better weapons is much more beneficial than good armor, so costs will have to be adjusted to account for this. Plate armor is also not quite good enough I feel and would benefit from being stronger but also more expensive so it really fits into the elite armor role. Additionally, the damage resistance calculation isnt quite giving the results I want and will be tweaked to make higher tiers more useful, especially against lower tier weapons. We dont want to see sticks being used to beat plate armored players to death so easily.
Were now in full production towards preparing Renown for Early Access release, some things that will be coming is an animation rework of many of the attack animations, shield gameplay rework, UI polishing, server + client optimization, and additional map improvements.
In the next Dev blog Ill be discussing some of the UI improvements that have been in the works lately.
[ 2024-10-02 02:41:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! As always I need to say a massive thank you to our amazing backers. The recent Kickstarter campaign is just the thing we needed to keep us in the game. This dev blog is more of a general update to let you know our broad plans for Renown in the next few months. Well also be going over wrapping up the Kickstarter campaign. Whats the plan for Renown going forward? With a combination of the Kickstarter funding, the ongoing feedback from our backers and the recent demos, we feel were in a very good place to move forward. The next steps for Renown are not very sexy, but theyre super important. Weve identified these as the primary areas that need improvement: Improvements to server infrastructure to reduce crashing. - Server browser needs to be more consistent and streamlined Anti Cheat Implementation and improvements to Admin Tools Building optimization and Fixes Allow for more player buildings and fix building exploits (Floating bases, double walling etc) Key UI changes primarily focused on the Tech Tree Ongoing Bug Fixing Combat Animation Overhaul Effectively, if we can help alleviate the exploits and cheating, improve the overall server stability and building optimisation, the game will be in a very playable state. Alongside this were working on some key UI changes. The major example being an overhaul of the Tech Tree to make it much more usable. Another major area we want to address is Combat Animation. Almost all the animations specifically relating to combat are still place-holders from our earliest version of Renown. The issue we ran into with the Mocap animation, is that Mr. Z is still needed for the extremely high level implementation of the attacks. Due to the high precision nature of melee games, a key amount of design programming is required. Mr. Z will no doubt have a more high level explanation of this process in the future for you. Weve also begun work on the stretch goal inclusions from the Kickstarter. The first area weve started on is the Sound Overhaul given how important hearing is in a survival setting. Well have more from our expert MattGibsonMusic in the next update. Thank you to everyone whos taken the time to report bugs. Weve got a very detailed log to work through. This will be an ongoing process as more pop up, and other ones get squashed. The End of our Kickstarter Campaign Thank you so much to all Backers! Another bit of news to announce is that well be ending our Fundraising efforts for the time being. Steam has a limit of 5,000 Default Release Steam Keys. These are the full game steam keys well be sending out as part of the crowdfunding perks when we hit Early Access. Currently were standing at just under 4,500 backers so were effectively forced to end the campaign. For this reason, (and because it just seems unethical) we didnt want to announce early and create a sense of FOMO or some other bad sales tactic. Steam is very strict with Key rules. Weve been trying for a month to get more Testing Keys but they won't budge, so we dont want to risk going over the Release Key limit. This means if youve already backed, youre right as rain for continued testing all the way till we get the game onto steam Early Access. If youve missed out, dont fear, well still be doing Steam Demos in the future to help stress test the game. We cant make any promises right now when the next one of these will be that said. Again, a massive thank you from our entire team for anyone whos helped support our work, either in the past or the recent Kickstarter. We are super excited for the future of Renown, and it thanks to you folks we can keep working at it. Stay tuned in the next couple of weeks for another update from our team relating to our progress and future plans. Till next time.
[ 2024-08-15 16:29:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Everyone
As always, a huge thank you to our amazing backers and supporters. The Kickstarter being a success is a huge win for the future of Renown. A big shout out to our moderators here on discord for their awesome help likewise.
So weve got a bit of a more wordy update for you. Given it's been a little bit, we figured it best to go into detail about what the team has been up to.
Kickstarter Send out waves Xsolla store, and the future of our Crowdfund.
The first thing I wanted to clear up is how were currently handling Testing Key send outs for our Kickstarter and our PlayRenown store.
Due to how Kickstarter works, we need to manually send out the keys. This means that we take the data, extract anyone already sent a key, format that and send it off to Xsolla to distribute.
Learning from our previous Indiegogo, there isnt really a way to directly automate this process from Kickstarter/Indiegogo. This also means were required to send Kickstarter keys in waves due to the volume of support were receiving. Currently Kickstarter waves are sent Wednesday at 9:00 AM CEST - 12:00 AM PDT - 6:00 PM AEDT.
The alternative we came up with is to use https://playrenown.com/ if youd like to support our work. It has a much more limited range of tiers but has many more payment options including PayPal and others, alongside the keys being sent automatically on Backing.
As was promised to our original backers, the legacy skins will be unavailable for purchase and thus exclusive at the end of the month. We really appreciate the community's understanding in letting us bring those back for a short run. It directly helped with the success of this Kickstarter, and thus the future of our work.
Well likely do a fairly full swap over to the Xsolla storefront in the near future as well, so all backers are directly getting keys sent instead of waiting for a week.
Mental Health Break/Working Holiday
One thing I just wanted to raise with the community so anyone new doesnt think were lazy buggers slacking off, is that were completely exhausted after this campaign. Preparation started in March, and weve been going full tilt since then.
Chatting about it as a team last week, the solution is a quick Mental Health Break/Working Holiday. Basically for the next two weeks, our work might be a bit slower and more random/fun (Mental Health part) but well still be around doing tickets, chatting with the community and generally keeping on (Working Holiday part).
The downside of this, and the reason I bring it up, is things might be a bit slower for the next two weeks. We really appreciate the understanding of this community, and a quick rest will do wonders for future progress.
Onto some much more relevant updates, Mr. Z has been kind enough to do a big explanation of his recent work;
Update from Mr. Z
Mr. Z speaking here, today Ill be going over some of the more technical aspects of our recent demo and how things have held up (or not!).
This current demo did surprise me quite a bit in how well it held up under stress. We had the help of modern server hardware on some of our servers and some very clutch optimizations.
We were able to achieve a player count of about 70-80 with stability for a much longer period of time than before. We even had working voice chat this time, the last demo the voice chat was causing massive server instability and had to be disabled.
Of course it wasnt all good news, after about twenty thousand buildings were placed on the map, we started running into fairly serious performance issues. Fixing this is going to be the focus going forwards in the optimization department and once it's done I believe we can have a stable full week wipe with at least 64 player servers.
We may also need to enforce more sensible building limits as people built so large this time around that one extremely large clan base was costing up to 11% of the building performance on the server.
Due to the popularity of this demo we ran into another issue, Cheaters and griefers Going forwards a lot of work is going to be done with Anti Cheat and Moderation measures. There's a lot of things cheaters can mess with currently and while not totally devastating, the fact there was no anti-cheat at all in the demo meant they could do it with impunity.
Were glad to see the game got so much activity that this has finally become a high priority issue to deal with. Despite being a bad thing to have cheaters, it's a very good sign that were making good progress towards getting the game ready for early access.
Another thing that went quite well for us in this demo is the map expansion that KZ worked on, which gave players enough space to build out their bases this time. More of the map is spread out, perhaps too much right now for our current supported player counts, but once the game is stable at 100 players it should be an ideal size.
The additional POIs on the map added way more variety to the gameplay experience. It also made it so that smaller groups and solos could stick to the borders of the map and be relatively unmolested by larger clans who prefer to stick near the center, which has the higher concentration of loot and PvP encounters. One very hopeful thing to note is that the map expansion didnt actually reduce performance by a perceptible amount, yet the map size is significantly bigger now.
In the next dev blog Ill be discussing some game design (rather than technical) focused topics about how the demo went and what well be making significant changes to. There's a lot to talk about between the combat and survival mechanics so it may need to be a two parter dev blog for next time
KZs Progress Update
Kz has also been hard at work doing some majorly large arts tasks. So far hes:
Designing and optimizing more Interesting/bigger points of interest also planned to make current Point of interest more interesting alongside more interesting Npcs to go with
Heres a list of what he has planned:
* Not currently on the map
Winterhold Village
Fishing town
Coastal Keep
Northwest Village
Bandit camp
*Trader camp
*Rus camp
*Mongol Camp
*Viking Village
*Port Village
*Port Centre
*Port docks
*Port Keep
Island Castle
*Mine caves with crumbled entrances
Npcs planned:
Winterhold peasants
Winterhold guards/archers
Winterhold swordsmen
Winterhold Knights
Winterhold lord
Dewsbury Guards
Dewsbury Merchants
Yarlford Fishermen
Elkmire Soldiers
Calchester Knights
Calchester lord
Caershire Villagers
Thirsty Swan barkeep
Thirsty Swan Drunkard
Selasund Peasants
Selasund Vikings
Dannamore Nobles
Dannamore Cooks
Dannamore Knights
Dannamore Lord
Brimdurn Peasants
Brimdurn Monks
Brimdurn Champion
Brimdurn Guards
Brimdurn Knights
Brimdurn Lord
Brimdurn Sailors
Woodland bandits
Woodland Travellers
Steppe Travellers
Travelling merchants
Street Riff Raff
He has also been working on cleaning up the armour system and killing as many Clipping issues as possible.
so far he has fixed:
broken chainmail texture on Jupon
Jupon under leathervest
Jupon over Pauldrons
Jupon over breastplate
Jupon under certain breastplate
all coifs sit correctly over armour now
fixed Peasant vest under jupon
fixed Coif clipping issues
fixed emblems not working on jupons
Fixed emblems not working on tabards
Fixed hosen clipping through boots
fixed character skin clipping on some characters skins
fixed archer helmet clipping with arming cap
fixed gambeson clipping with breastplate
fixed Womens hosen clipping with shirt
Fixed monk outfit bulging out
fixed mail hauberk clipping through leather vest
fixed overthrow rigging issue
fixed gambeson broken under peasant vest
fixed tunic clipping through leather gauntlets skin
fixed broken tunic under peasants vest
fixed broken womens tunic
Fixed peasant shirt clipping through leather vest
Once we have polished most of the clipping issues off he will look into getting all the backer skins up to scratch and ready for EA
We will show these off in game via sneak peaks. He also has plans for optimization work making sure nothing is detrimental to fps.
Of course, theres also implementing all the points of interest and increasing map polish.
Again thank you so much for the awesome support folks. Well be putting out another dev blog in a couple of weeks with our overarching plan for the coming months.
[ 2024-07-21 09:49:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
As always a huge thank you to all our amazing backers, both in the past and from our Kickstarter.
Ive got some quick-fire updates for everyone so lets dive in!
The One for All Renown Demo Starting June 27:
So, were firstly very excited to announce the return of Renowns Alpha Demo as promised to the community.
Its only been a couple of weeks so dont expect big changes. However Mr.Z has been working hard at fixing what he can, trying to improve stability and optimisation.
For the duration of the Demo, full testing access will be open on steam if you know folks who are keen to try Renown but havent backed or played yet.
We should hopefully be posting launch and wipe times for each region soon.
Our Community Manager Volker has also been kind enough to whip up a Server Region Survey.
This survey will directly help inform us of which servers were missing, need more of, or are solid. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-rFISah0j7lTWrvLMh6j_H7TdkJ4FmhFoWY6pOJI7bWYWCA/viewform
Kickstarter Credit Notice:
One thing Kickstarter suggests we remind the community.
If youve pledged on Kickstarter, payments are sent to your card/bank during the first week after the 27th.
The recommendation is calling your bank if youre worried about the payment. Otherwise, if you have any issues, they should email you, letting you know.
Testing Key and Title Distribution:
Likewise, well be starting our Title and Key Distribution after the 27th. We do need to beg for some patience from the community as were doing so.
Testing keys will be sent out via Email during the Demo so all backers will still have access to the game at this time. Due to the steam testing key policy, were forced to use Xsolla testing keys for a while longer.
I want to reassure all backers that Early Access and the Full game will be on Steam. Xsolla is only our stop gap measure to ensure all Backers have testing access to the game.
Discord Titles will be available via the Get-Backer-Roles bot channel. Well put out another update with specifics on how to use this Bot to get your titles after the 27th.
Xsolla Store Alternative backing methods PayPal, Google pay and other:
Well also be bringing back our Play Renown Storefront for backers who are outside the Kickstarter backing regions, or for those without credit card access.
This store will have the exact same pricing (excluding currency conversion) as the Kickstarter, and purely functions as an alternative for those who arent able to use Kickstarter.
This site should be coming back online sometime soon after the 27th.
Also please see attached for some awesome photos coming out from KZ's new work on Lighting Systems. These are still in testing and should hopefully be coming to a patch soon.
We very much hope folks will enjoy The One for All Renown Demo. Thank you again for the amazing support of our work.
Till next time.
[ 2024-06-24 23:50:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! As always, a huge thank you to our amazing backers and supporters. A big shout out to our mods here on discord likewise. Weve got some big news regarding the next couple of weeks. Return to the OTK Expo 2024: Firstly, and in no particular order, weve been invited back to exhibit at the OTK Expo 2024. In this case were not running in the competition (given that would be a bit unfair given we won in the past), but well be doing an interview update segment during the Expo Stream. If you'd like to see an early pre-view of just our segment: [previewyoutube=5uocudpl-rE;full][/previewyoutube] Well be linking the Expo Stream, when it goes live. This will be running on the 4th of June. Steam Open World Survival Crafting Fest (27th May to 3rd June PST) Were also very excited to be taking part in the Steam Open World Survival Crafting Fest between the dates of the 27th of May and 3rd of June, on the Steam Platform. That means between these dates well be running a free open demo of the current survival alpha. If youve got friends looking to try Renown out, or to just better understand the state of the game, this is a great way to try it out. These events have also always provided us with huge amounts of both game data, and player feedback. Extended Survival Map Ready Algara Another area were hyped about is our new extended survival map Algara. You can find a lot more details about this map in our previous dev blog. Without overly going over the same, its roughly 60% larger than our previous survival map, and has an emphasis on increased building space for player bases. In the future itll also act as our test bed for the new PGC biomes weve created but are causing trouble when all combined onto our 4x4km map. The map is currently playable for backers. Renown: The Final Crowdfund The last area of anxiety and excitement for our team has been preparation for a final Crowdfund during this event. As you know, were extremely grateful to the community here and our backers whove made our work possible this far. However, were still only a small team of dedicated folks going for just over 4 years now. Weve been doing a lot of meetings with Publishers and Venture Capital. The problem with this is at best we lose creative freedom, and in the worst cases (looking at the paperwork), they take control over the entire community, project, marketing and even when/where we can launch. Kz has been working hard on a whole new set of cosmetics, and well be providing new titles and packages. Well of course be offering testing and full game access as before at the lowest same price as on our store page. Please see as follows for a pre-launch link to the new campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/playrenown/renown Itll be going live with the Steam Open World Survival Crafting Fest. One thing we really didnt want, was to create a sense of pressure or FOMO on our old crowdfund by announcing this one early. Well be closing the old Indiegogo in the next few hours, and well be temporarily taking down our Xsolla Play.Renown when the fund goes live. This will likely see a return in the future, however with the updated packages. As always, should this campaign fail, weve got plans for redundancy and fall back. We are dedicated to getting Renown out on steam, no matter what. Again thank you to our amazing testers and backers. We truly couldnt have gotten this far without you, and were super keen to keep going. Till next time.
[ 2024-05-26 00:22:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome Renowners, Mr. Z here with some exciting news about a new map and changes to our backend.
One of the biggest complaints weve had in our Survival playtests has been the lack of space to build bases on the map, given the map was originally designed for a 4 Team Raid mode, this is quite understandable. Fear not because weve addressed these issues by completely revamping the map. The newly named map: Algara Isle, now has the shape of an island with water on all sides, and the former map boundary cliffs have been removed.
The overall size of the map is roughly 60% bigger, but that doesnt tell the whole story. Originally, the Winterhold castle area took up a pretty large proportion of the map, with the area being unavailable for player bases. Most of the new areas with this map extension have added quite a bit more building space for players. Weve also added brand new POIs to the map to give players more locations to fight over and to spread the loot a bit more, as it was too concentrated in the Winterhold area, which let high performing groups of players dominate most of the loot too easily.
Here KZ wrote us some details on what the goals of the new map expansion are:
Main Goals of the Map Expansion:
Increased Space for Building: The primary objective was to provide players with more room to construct without feeling crowded.
Enhanced Player Interaction: Despite the expanded area, maintaining player encounters was crucial to fostering community and interaction.
Abundance of Points of Interest (POIs): To prevent the expansion from feeling like a mere walking simulator, numerous POIs were scattered throughout, offering exploration and activities.
Balanced Development Opportunities: Ensuring that building in the outer regions remained worthwhile was a key consideration.
Integration of Features and Optimization:
Gradual Introduction of Biomes: The expansion serves as a platform for introducing and refining biome mechanics, allowing players to experience varied environments.
Incremental Feature Testing: Features from the larger map are being methodically integrated and tested in the expansion, optimizing functionality and player experience over time.
Continuous Improvement: The expansion provides an opportunity to address existing issues in the larger map, refining gameplay and performance iteratively.
Theres a couple of questions many of you must be thinking, why did we expand the old map and what's going on with the upcoming survival map? As many know, navigating the waters of game development is a very volatile experience, and often requires changing course quickly. Weve made a slight course correction as we were expecting to be able to release a new map around this time, but unfortunately we ran into a lot of obstacles along the way. The biggest of which was performance issues that we havent been able to resolve yet. When making the new map we decided to use a new system for placing foliage in Unreal 5 called PCGs. It produces some pretty impressive and organic looking results but unfortunately it has nuked our performance to well below our intended targets.
Given the time crunch were currently under (we only have 4 developers), we decided to revamp the old existing map to alleviate most of the issues players had with it as it was pretty playable already. Thankfully, the expansion of the old map seems to have had no effect on performance. There were also other performance issues with the full survival map, and we havent had enough playtesting on it to balance out all the Loot and POIs. A map extension to our old map seemed like the obvious thing to do and it seems to have paid off as well be getting it released in a major patch shortly.
So whats the plan with the full survival map? Our focus right now is shifted at the Steam Open World Survival Crafting Fest at the end of March. Thats right, were doing another demo and this time for a Festival, were going to have a lot of players during the festival so this is the perfect time to gather up the gang for a new wipe. After that demo ends were going to redirect and redouble our efforts back into the full survival map. Were very excited to get it playable since the maps large size is also going to necessitate the introduction of rideable Horses to the game, which have been expected for a long time.
We have some other good news relating to the backend of the game.
Were now using Epic Online Services (EOS). EOS gives us 2 new features weve been badly needing, a good anti-cheat service and VOIP. To be perfectly clear, the game is still coming to Steam without question, EOS is compatible with Steam and lots of games on Steam are using it lately.
Anti-cheat has long been on our minds, despite the game still being in Alpha weve already attracted the attention of hackers. Nobody likes hackers, weve all played many games that have been ruined by their presence, so were taking a proactive approach early to deal with them.
One key feature that was missing in our last playtest was Voice chat. Its a very integral feature of PvP open world survival games and its absence was felt pretty strongly. We were relying on a duct tape solution for voice chat that was sending the voice data through the same game server that players were on, but unfortunately that has massive performance issues and simply doesnt scale to the player counts were expecting. Were now using Epic Online Services Voice, which shifts the performance costs of Voice chat to the Epic Backend instead of our game servers. We cant wait to see what silly antics players will get into now that Voice chat works again.
Well have another dev blog soon with a big announcement, follow our announcements channel on our official Discord and Renown on Steam to stay appraised.
[ 2024-04-24 11:04:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha 1.1.7 Fixed recipes missing Axeheads Fixed networking issues that caused lag Optimized animals path finding Fixed issue with Barrel shield Fixed a bug with the Bed respawn timer Fixed not being able to click the spawn buttons while being raided Fixed not being able to spawn in while the game is saving Final save warning is 10 minutes now Rewrote NPC spawning logic Fixed many NPC spawns Throwing weapons cost stamina now Fixed Petard sound attenuation Fixed an issue where the inventory would disappear randomly Fixed not being able to move Banners Fixed Alt Overhead Morph to Slash anim with Greataxes Fixed an issue where all Furnaces would stop smelting Fixed Petard Damage detection and added a more reliable splash radius against players You can now input queue an arrow after firing Fixed an infinite arrow bug
[ 2024-03-27 07:36:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha 1.1.6 Fixed Scoreboard scaling Fixed Servers Display Fixed Server crash issue Fixed issue with Saving Fixed issues with Party system Added Save Snapshots Improved Player Banning admin tool Changed silver smelt from 20 ore to 10 ore Fixed Poleaxe recipe Fixed Banners not taking damage Fixed issue with maintenance cost naming Reduced cost of components from merchants Fixed issue with pitch on some weapons Fixed admin messages not appearing in chat filter
[ 2024-03-25 02:05:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha 1.1.5 Added Pole to Research tree Lowered costs of components Fixed Audio issue with Furnaces Fixed Home page Fixed a duping bug Fixed an issue with stagger Fixed anim blending on legs Fixed Merchants being naked Tweaked the Loading screen Added a new Quit prompt Updated animations Added the Encyclopedia, which contains a Survival tutorial in it Fixed Petard research Fixed Crossbow draining stamina when loaded
[ 2024-03-23 03:19:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
As always, a huge shout and thank you to our amazing backers and supporters. The team has been cracking away at the project since our last update. Well have a larger more dev focused blog coming soon, but this one relates to some exciting events and changes coming in the next couple weeks. Firstly, were very excited to announce well be running an Open Demo Stress test on steam between 23/03/2024 to 30/03/2024 . This will likely be our last time publicly demoing our older survival map. Were specifically looking at testing how the UE5 changes have affected a large, populated server. For the event well have one large pop survival server per region, with multiple survival smaller servers for stable gameplay. Likewise, well of course have Duels, FFA, TDM and LTS servers as always. One fan Favourite game mode, Mr.Z has been working hard to bring back is Raid Mode. For folks who never got to play this game type, it's effectively a slimmed down and sped up version of the survival game. Players start on 2 teams and small premade bases and resources. After a short window of safety, players go straight to raiding without all the grind related to a full survival wipe. We hope this game mode will not only be a good thing for the Demo, but hopefully a way to get you folks as our backers having fun again week to week. Well be putting out another Dev blog soon detailing all the work going into the new survival map, but were hoping this is a bit of fun till were able to get that map testing. One other area we wanted to bring up for full transparency, is that well be doing a small reduction in our pricing. Firstly, well be taking $10 USD off the price of the Loyal Supporter pack. Wed planned on doing this in Beta but given the ongoing cost-of-living crises around the world, it seemed better to move now. The other thing well be doing is implementing regionalised pricing. If you use a currency other than USD, it should mean reduced conversion fees and the like. Given all our support has come from you folks, we didnt want it to seem like were pulling a sneaky on the price. Likewise, as gamers we hate that feeling of buying a game, then the price goes down the next day. Well be implementing these changes at the same time as our Stress Test, if any potential backers wanted to hold off till then, to save a little bit. Again, folks thank you so much for the amazing support, Bug hunting, feedback and just encouragement you give us. If youve got anyone whos interested in checking our Renown, please let them know about the Stress test. The more we can get, the merrier. Likewise well be having running updates going here on discord, so dont forget to invite folks https://discord.gg/Tr2DxFh And don't forget to follow the event here on discord! https://discord.gg/renown-687527527245414508?event=1220206353151299614 Till next time.
[ 2024-03-21 03:54:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.1.4 First person animation updates Fixed Scoreboard rendering Fixed Upgrade menu closing when releasing E Fixed Pebbles not stacking Fixed item tier showing wrong sometimes Increased stack sizes Components are cheaper Components craft faster Added Mace weight and Manganese recipes Removed swing grunt from tools Removed stamina cost from tools Changed equip anim on 2handed tools Fixed Flinch canceling crossbow load Fixed up some typos on the home page Updated the intro video Fixed NPCs not running Fixed issues with bed respawns Fixed issues with movement networking
[ 2024-03-19 01:01:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.1.3 Fixed too many quivers spawning Fixed Cooking menu scaling and moved Fuel time text Changed Resource stack sizes to 600 and components to 60 Fixed catapult exit positional desync Fixed issues with Freelook Disabled 3rd person freelook Fixed Equipment durability not updating visually ie armor taking damage from a hit Fixed naked merchants again Fixed Bed respawns spawning with default gear in Raid mode Fixed POI spawners Fixed networked movement Increased max ping to 255 Enabled voice chat for all game modes except survival Reduced gold coin costs of components Direct message when a bed is assigned to you by a friend 1.1.2 Fixed Naked Merchants Added Timegate on Particle effects from building dmg Fixed NPCs spawning under the ground Fixed Coif slot Fixed quiver sockets Fixed some one hander anims Fixed Tier display on some items Fixed Black Alder collision Doubled Resource gain rate in Survival mode Added Sapper's Axe (Hand ram replacement) Admins can extend wipe time manually Fixed Cookers with no fuel staying on forever Fixed Voting to extend time Doors in Raid mode spawn with autoclose turned on Fixed Loot respawning Added Cooking time Multiplier Raid mode has a x4 Multiplier on Cook speed now 1.1.1 Fixed Trunk Pivots Fixed Primitive weapons Fixed Freelook Rotation Fixed Vendor visuals Fixed Tannery and Loom Fixed Deer LODs Added tiers to tools and misc items Added more Doors to castle Added NPCs to castle basement Barrels auto pickup dropped items on destruction Timegate some system messages for non-admins Disabled Peaceful mode First Spawn for a wipe is 5 secs in Survival Animation updates You can chat in the Deathscreen now Reduced recovery window on resource gathering tools Updated Item icons Pattern Fixes Stone and Brick doors look different now 1.1.0 Animation cleanup Fixed issues with character skin rendering Fixed blood particles Fixed portcullis textures Updated resource node textures Fixed an issue where you could damage your own buildings in raid mode Fixed an issue with vendors Scaled down furnaces slightly Fixed destruction meshes spawning on server Disabled campfires Fixed an issue where you could not click recipes sometimes Fixed recipe sorting logic Added Resource crafting category Added a Show all Recipes toggle Fixed Recipe searching Reduced Raid mode resource gain rate to x4 Reduced Deer hp Research bench is easier to craft now Fixed some issues with one handers Fixed Hair material Fixed asset issues in Survival map Fixed Coif clipping Fixed Barrel shield clipping Updated Shield anims Added Footstep sound effects for characters not on the screen Fixed bandit camp respawn times Simplified weapon stat tooltip Fixed bandages dropping too commonly Tweaked weapon drop rates Fixed up some weapons looking wrong on weapon racks Added Tier number to items Tweaked swan resource rates Fixed being able to open building menu with the inventory opened Added a server limit to the amount of dropped items in the world Reduces the frequency of system messages in chat Fixed an item duping issue Fixed weapon pivots Fixed freelook in first person Added Loom and Tannery (automated Leather and Cloth crafters) Fixed some UI issues in the research menu Main menu Overhaul Added a Wooden Flail Fixed dead animal networking issues Fixed up the Downed anim, including the camera not updating Added an Intro Movie Added Raid banner icons on the compass Fixed spawning issues in Raid mode Added POIs to the Small Raid map Removed safe zone spawn option in Raid mode Fixed issue with bag interaction Disabled wipes on Raid mode Updated one hander anims Vehicle placement fixes Added Component Merchants to Raid mode Fixed up Lighting on Medium map Fixed gather phase not working correctly in Raid mode Added starting items to banners in Raid mode Fixed issues with picking up dropped items Fixed Merchant visuals Fixed stagger not working properly Added WIP localization support (Audio Menu) New Languages are French, German, Portuguse, Russian, Spanish Fixed being able to shoot your own buildings to cause a raid alarm to go off Added a visual background for the Loadout menu Fixed Weapon and Armor selection in the Loadout menu Fixed issues with Loadout man not updating correctly Updated Death Screen Changed Ambient Audio Players spawn in peaceful mode by default Fixed some main menu visuals Fixed Trunk performance issue Disabled Small Battering Ram Fixed some issues with the Server screen Fixed death anim playing while downed Improved Parry detection Fixed an issue with Wipe time being calculated incorrectly Updated Throwing weapon damages Fixed Fists movement anims Fixed spinning on projectiles Added stick to new player spawns, stick can now harvest resources Reduced some instances of stuttering while moving Fixed Projectiles sticking to walls incorrectly
[ 2024-03-16 00:56:28 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed issues with animal networking Fixed Banners in Raidmode not working correctly Crafting refresh time should be faster now Fixed siege ladders not placing on enemy banner zones Fixed an issue with particle effects Fixed an issue where loot buildings would stop networking correctly Fixed being able to invite players to a party outside of Survival mode Added Player name clone handling Added a warning for when upgrading fails Fixed a lot of technical debt Fixed bandages and throwing weapons switching to a new weapon without an animation sometimes Fixed being able to place 2 banners in the same spot Fixed being able to pickup petards that were lit Fixed a server performance issue with characters Added Projectile sticking to surface support Added a delay before a partially drawn bow can be fired Fixed an animation issue with crouching Fixed an issue where water movement speed would persist forever Doubled boulder damage from catapults Run speed is reset to minimum speed when lunging ends now Fixed sign posts not working Fixed hoarding not being placeable Fixed repair costs for some furniture items Fixed Stair collision issues with Triangle stairs Fixed Roof collision issues Added a message for repair cost for items that were consumed by repair Stamina drain from drawing bows now increases over time Added climbable ladders to Winterhold Castle's gates
[ 2024-02-16 20:02:04 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed the bug reporter not working Fixed chase mechanic not working properly Fixed attack Lunge not working Fixed banners not being able to be upgraded Fixed being able to aim the crossbow without stamina Fixed the deathscreen appearing sometimes when it shouldn't Weapons no longer take damage when kicking Increased the amount of animals in the map Fixed weapon rack repair costs
[ 2024-02-09 23:16:28 CET ] [ Original post ] Added Resource gain multiplier to server configs Fixed Hand Rams not working Fixed issues with placing buildings inside banner zones Improved AI memory Fixed Map Camera not working Fixed networked movement on Animals Fixed animals not despawning when harvested fully Increased falling damage min distance Fixed banners not being moveable Fixed coffin chest pickup Fixed footstep detection Fixed custom names not working for furniture Fixed Camera issue when server is doing final save Added Primitive Quiver recipe (Fiber) Fixed issue with Death screen showing up randomly Added a Loot sack Castle gates can no longer be opened by players Reduced saving system messages verbosity Fiber is more commonly found now Fixed issue with Resource spawn areas being too big Fixed issue with banners not calculating maintenance properly Fixed an issue with armor durability Fixed Icons rendering incorrectly when rotated Fixed crafting tooltip being too transparent Fixed External Inventory window looking different Fixed Fuel time not being shown correctly Fixed inventory menus not being closed when moving too far away Improved anim blending for fists and movement
[ 2024-02-07 22:59:36 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed bows not working in Loadouts Fixed an issue where depleted nodes would spawn in for clients Fixed crafting menu crash Fixed Player name not Saving Fixed Pain volumes in castle enabling too soon after the event starts to end Fixed issues with Keylocks Crash fixes Added more building Icons Fixed issue with Inviting to parties being visible all the time Fixed animal spawners not working Fixed broken window mesh in castle Fixed Brick hall model Fixed bleeds not persisting Fixed castle doors not being damageable Fixed issues with FOV Added a game icon Fixed Equipped bandages not attaching to player model properly Removed spatializing from own footsteps Reduced crate hp to 60 Fixed multiple issues with placing roof pieces Fixed AI ignoring players who were attacking them with projectiles Fixed an issue with the jump landing animation Fixed AI roaming logic Fixed weapon not equipping in TDM automatically Fixed issues with Encyclopedia Movement networking optimization Added Key lock recipe to defaults Opening Inventory closes build menu now Can add mallets and gold to the banner now Fixed shaft and pole recipes Fixed poles not being craftable Added Max stack count indicator for some items Added Ranged zoom sensitivity slider Fixed crossbow not working Added notification for firing bows without the correct quiver Fixed castle event not ending Fixed kick tracers Added peasant vest icon Fixed chat box staying up forever Added better admin teleport support Fixed issues with arrows Fixed javelins and throwing axes throwing incorrectly Added Icon for Manganese Added new Icons for Roof buildings Added Floor Hatch Icon Fixed issues with resource node networking Added Icon for Peasant Vest Fixed missing floors in one of the houses Barrel HP lowered to 40 Fixed map buildings taking damage when they were disabled from recieving damage Fixed UI crafting menu crash Fixed NPC inventories being bugged Added admin spawning of animals Revamped Main Castle and dungeon Fixed up throwing weapons Fixed placement of roofs Fixed input bug with Throwing weapons Fixed issues with animals not roaming Fixed Knight Baron Loadout Fixed Kick with Fists not costing stamina Added Icons for resource harvesting on the Crosshair Added ability to Invite to Party by Interacting with other players Fixed Painting furniture Icons Fixed Loadouts with Quiver not granting ammo Closing the Inventory menu clears search filters Fixed issues with the context menu Sleepers inside castle now die when the gates close Saves now show date of next wipe Fixed issues with UV maps on some building models Disabled External walls until further notice Reduced Banner build size slightly Disabled Melee Lunge until further notice Increased Max item Stack size on most items Tweaked FPS display, added FPS display toggle setting Lowered the cost of building maintenance considerably Closed off some of the underground areas that aren't ready yet Added Wipe time on the Server browser details Many CPU optimizations, weaker CPUs should see a big improvement Fixed issues with equipping weapons on the character Fixed some issues with Geese npcs Players can't select weapons while the inventory is open now Reworked some character initialization code Fixed up performance issues with the lighting on the survival map Fixed issues with Catapult shots not exploding properly Fixed Catapult shot not doing damage sometimes Crafting and Gear menus can be toggled by pressing 1 and 2 Updated the Look of Gold nodes Fixed issues with player pitch Fixed Hand Axe weapon not working correctly Cook times in furnaces have been adjusted Adjusted some early game research costs Fixed Item Name visibility problems Updated stairs model to visually block under them Disabled belts until further notice Fixed Hand Rams not working properly Added Barrel lid shield Added a Coffin shaped Chest Fixed issues with placing Petards Fixed some player input issues Items on the ground now combine into a bag if theres too many nearby Fixed an issue with respawn time being reset Fixed issues with Running not working properly sometimes Fixed issues with furnaces not saving correctly Fixed being able to attack while placing furniture Fixed an issue with Fuel checks on furnaces Added a Ping limit to servers Fixed issue with character LODs breaking customization Bow aiming system has been completely revamped Added better projectile collision Improved shooting anim blending Fixed debug models from AI system showing up ingame You can now hold attack to resource harvest Fixed an issue that would cause infinite ammo for bows Fixed some camera logic on the character Fixed items equipping to different slots inconsistently Improved warning messages for placing buildings Keylock recipe now requires stone instead of iron ore Primitive Tools can be repair without a workbench now Increased gather rates on all tools Fixed UI scaling on the Death Screen Fixed Archery Target placing wrong building model Fixed issues with Resource mining from Nodes Fixed Patrolling NPCs staring off in the wrong direction Fixed NPC archers not working properly Fixed Siege ladder not having correct HP when picked up Wall torches and other placeable light sources are now on by default when placed Added more warning messages for picking up buildings Added new Hats; Byzantine Peasant hat, Rus hat, Mongol Added new Pavise Shield model Added new peasant Vest (Chestplate slot) Changed Dirt rendering on armors to be more visible Removed Mallet damage bonus to buildings Fixed some issues with Holding item warnings Fixed some clipping issues with the Jupon Projectile Deflections reduce less damage when holding a ranged weapon Fixed issues with Portcullis rendering Added an opening sound to crates Pavise Shield can be deployed on the ground as a static defense Fixed Ladders being useable from behind Added new Gates to the Main castle Fixed issues with floating barrels in some areas of the map Updated the weapon throwing aiming system to work like the new bow system Fixed a crash related to the crafting menu Fixed Crafting recipes ordering logic Fixed Scrollbar scaling on the crafting menu Mineable stones on the map have more resources now Fixed some resource nodes not being mineable Fixed a clipping issue with the Windmill POI Fixed overhead Map camera not working properly Early game weapons are easier to craft Removed Torches from Peasant NPCs Fixed First person Run not working properly Revamped the Save System Fixed Sleepers being invisible Fixed Weapon slots on external inventories being highlighted Fixed issue with lock placement
[ 2024-02-03 16:00:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Mr. Z
Welcome Renowners, we have some great news for everyone today. After several weeks of private testing weve finally reached a good level of stability and optimization to return to regular weekly playtests.
Many parts of the game had a lot of prototype code that had to be overhauled. Now every gameplay mechanic has had an optimization pass to work well in the context of a big multiplayer open world survival game. This is a big milestone for us as it is the first big completed step towards releasing the upcoming survival map.
Optimization for client side and server side performance has been the main focus, but also lots of other things were improved as well, as you can see below. If you were having performance issues with the game before, you should find significantly improved performance in this patch.
Whats new:
New pieces of furniture
New early game items
Added Ping limits
Deployable Pavise
Building system improvements
Added Floor hatch
Ranged combat overhaul
Added new keys for opening locked doors at POIs
Winterhold Castle Revamp
Many AI improvements
Many bug fixes and QoL improvements
Substantial optimizations for client and server
Automated Wipes
Maintenance system
Loot system rebalancing
Crafting rebalancing
Well be planning to do an official Stress test in the coming weeks, so we can prepare Renown for a public demo some time soon. Well need as many testers as possible to fill up the servers so stay attentive for an upcoming announcement of that.
[ 2024-02-03 14:55:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
As always, wed like to say a huge thank you to our amazing community. We know weve been a bit quiet on the updates front lately. Hopefully this dev blog will help explain why.
So, the best place to start would be to show not tell. Thanks to Jesse-Delta for his great work on the showcase.
Please see as follows for a showcase of our recent progress;
Over the last few months, the three main areas of development have primarily been:
-The swap from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5
-The total animation overhaul
-Creation of the new 4x4km map with new biomes.
One of the reasons weve been a bit short on news, is we didnt want to be one of those teams screaming about how Unreal Engine 5 will solve all of our problems. While a great tool, nothing in game design is ever that easy.
In our case we did a lot of estimating what could be useful from the new systems which are available to us now.
Then it was a matter of when to do the swap over, our logic is it's better to do it now when we are in alpha instead of later as it would be more time consuming and riskier.
Ive asked if Mr. Z could prepare a more skilled explanation of the physical effects from the swap over.
There have been various new developments since the last time we spoke. Many systems changes and optimizations have been made to allow for a giant open world map, mocap work is full swing, and UE5s new features are being fully utilized now.
As some may have noticed, a new survival map was briefly tested to iron out all the issues of scaling up to larger map sizes. I may have jumped the gun a bit with the map as I ended up making it 8x8 kilometers. Its good to test a bigger than expected map as our final survival map is around 4x4 km so this gives us quite a bit of breathing room. Lots of systems had to be changed for this to work, including the ingame map menu, the way resources are populated in the world, additional systems for placing points of interest in the map, and on a more boring note plenty of code had to be optimized or rewritten for this to work. It was quite a time consuming ordeal but Im glad weve taken care of all the large obstacles for the final survival map to be technically feasible.
Alongside this work, we have also gone into full production with the new mocap animations for the characters. Weve been quite busy with retargeting all the motion capture animation data to our character and getting them into the game itself. Lots of work had to be done on the animation controller to support a wider array of animations. Where it stands right now is were part way through implementing the Longsword animations, so hopefully it wont be too long until we can have at least one animation set using fully motion captured animations. Motion capture is a very lengthy process but were confident with this type of workflow now and were very excited to get these animations finished and in our backers hands.
The switch to Unreal 5 has been fully completed, meaning were using all the new systems weve intended to utilize and the legacy systems have been fully removed. What are these systems you may ask? For starters weve fully switched over to Chaos Physics, which is the new physics engine for Unreal 5 that allows for a higher degree of complexity in destruction physics. Were also now fully using World Partition, which is a new feature that allows us to build substantially larger game levels while still maintaining good performance. Another important feature were using is Lumen, which is a next generation lighting engine for the game. It has done wonders for the look of the game, especially with how much better the armors look in real lighting now. Finally, were also using Nanite, which is another next generation feature, what it does in effect is it makes LODs (Level of Detail) models obsolete, by removing the jarring transition of models to lower detail ones thats plagued 3d video games since the first days.
2024 will be a very productive year for us going forward, were making very rapid progress on the game, but it is a big game to make especially for only a handful of developers working on it. As weve seen time and time again theres no use in rushing out an unfinished game just to get it in peoples hands quickly. So well give a proper release date when were confident we can actually deliver a game were proud of.
Well have more regular updates coming in the near future as we move past the transition to UE5 including more words from Mr. Z
Ive also asked if KZ could prepare a short note for you folks explaining in detail his side of stuff a bit more. It should be noted while a team effort, what youve seen in the above showcase is largely the result of KZs hard work.
The last few months have seen significant progress on the art front. A lot of work has been done to establish a strong foundation for the new year. Essentially, much time has been dedicated to developing the new map. This endeavor has presented substantial challenges, considering it's no longer a small map; it's a world. Nevertheless, we are making good progress.
We began by designing how we wanted to shape the world itself and envisioned all the interactions across the map that we would like to see or open up possibilities for. Our approach prioritized function before form. From the ground up, we designed additional biomes to give the world a more rounded feel.
A big challenge was to design the transitions between biomes, but a lot of thought was put in, and tests were conducted, and I think we got there on the feeling of traveling seamlessly through the biomes while still feeling inline.
We have expanded from one biome to nine, including Meadows, Forests, Swamp, Snowy Fields, Snowy Mountains, Steppes, Arid, Canyons, the Desert, Beaches, and rivers to break it all up. Safe towns have been developed for some of the major biomes, and while these are still being fleshed out, they are mostly completed.
Specifically, there is a big castle with a town and port included in the Meadows biome, a Norse Village in the mountains, a Steppes village, and finally, a Desert Town. Lastly, a lot of thought and work have been put into the placement of Points of Interest to keep players entertained with plenty to explore and fight over.
Fortunately, the new biomes have accommodated this effort and will introduce biome-specific Points of Interest, adding more intrigue to different parts of the world.
Hopefully well have some more of KZs work to show off for you soon!
Alongside all the topics Mr. Z has discussed, one main goal for the new year is to get organized weekly wipes going again as soon as possible. Weve had to put regular testing on hold for the UE 5 swap.
This means we can start to rebuild the weekly population on servers across the major regions of our backers.
Wed like to thank everyone again for their patience with the lack of activities and low pop over the last little while. Its an area weve keenly aware of and hope to address quick smart.
Well also hopefully have some more flashy news for you folks in the new year as we start to see the results of our recent work.
Again, folks from our entire team, thank you so much for your amazing support this year. The last 3 months (and this entire year honestly) have been tough but your enthusiasm and kindness are one of the main things keeping us going. We hope to have some good results to make you proud soon!
Thanks again and till next time
[ 2023-12-31 01:53:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.0.21 Fixed an issue with the center castle vanishing Fixed a message flood bug with placing furniture Fixed presets showing up research menu Fixed freelook Axis Added a Dungeon key to unlock some loot rooms 1.0.20 Fixed an issue with Research not working Fixed the nav mesh on the training map Improved door open mechanics Added Harvesting efficiency to item descriptions Fixed issue with plant fibers not disappearing when harvested Fixed resource node collisions Added missing house back to survival map Fixed issues with arrows Enabled some optimizations Fixed animals despawning when players are nearby Fixed some issues with item stacking logic Added automatic weekly wipes Fixed an issue with crafting stealing player input Fixed some issues with placing lamp posts and torches Catapults now have persistent durability when picked up Door opening mechanics improved Fixed a bug where placing furniture would bug out inputs Fixed up the crosshair not working properly New Archery aiming overhaul (WIP)
[ 2023-12-17 02:43:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.0.11 Fixed not being able to crouch with the minimap open Fixed healing well not working Tweaked healthbar UI Button in the corner of the chatbox is clickable now Added support for more complex looping behavior on Emotes Fixed issues with the training map not working Fixed silver ore not being mineable Fixed resource collection effects Added new furniture items Fixed issues with stairs support Fixed up lunge movement Fixed up decelleration from turning quickly Dropped items despawn faster if they're broken Dropped broken items can be interacted with to destroy them sooner Fixed issues with the Navmesh on Small_p Added effect on nodes partially mined out Doubled amount of resources on nodes Added a building anim Fixed building not making a sound effect Added Furniture to research menu
[ 2023-12-01 22:37:43 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed issues with item stacking Fixed issues with crafted items not showing up in the menu Fixed a bug with the Loadout system menu Fixed a bug with creating map markers Optimized animal movement Fixed dropped item physics Fixed not being able to sprint with a crossbow loaded Fixed a crash with the inventory Fixed issues preventing proper resource harvesting Reworked Bed system to work properly on a large scale map Fixed connection timeout being too long Fixed issues with resource spawning Fixed player marker being hidden by other markers Improved movement networking Grass under buildings now hides properly Changed FOV limits Fixed issues with FOV Added Floor Hatch Doors Reworked ladder climbing Fixed an issue where running would get canceled by crouch Fixed a bug with a character material Fixed movement speed boost from attacking applying incorrectly
[ 2023-11-29 01:00:58 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed AI not spawning in training map Improved the AI spawning Menu Disabled items with internal Inventories (Bags, belts, quivers) Fixed issues with the Loadout system camera Fixed being able to open chat while the HUD was toggled off Improved Server browser UX with sounds and visuals You can double click servers to instantly join Removed chicken sounds Fixes for Resource node Networking Improved the minimap Fixed issues with Auto run Fixed issues with the NDA screen Fixed issues with resource collection Fixed an issue with the crafting button Improved animation blending on the pelvis Fixed issues with servers not showing up in the server browser
[ 2023-11-14 13:03:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dev Update - Happy Halloween and News from our Team
Hello Renowners
As always a huge thank you to both our backers for their support, and to our community here for being awesome, as well as a shout out to our mod team on our official discord.
It's been a little while since we last put out a public update, as weve been incredibly busy working behind the scenes on many different systems. Mr. Z has written an update for you to let you know what weve been working so hard on lately.
Weve always tried to make testing fun. What were currently doing is extremely important for the future of the game, but it's not as glamorous as shiny new features.
To say thanks for your patience the team (Mostly Mr. Z in his off hours), has created a fun new game mode for you.
We present to you:
Horde Mode
Currently done up in a Halloween theme, the Horde mode is your classic PvPvE wave survival onslaught of attackers.
One player is chosen as the Skeleton Lord to lead the enemy Horde.
Living Players attempt to survive until the time runs out.
If you die you become part of the Skeleton Army as it grows in size.
The last player standing is the winner, but for how long?
After they fall, the game starts again.
To be perfectly clear, this is something Mr. Z has been working on his own time in the last few weekends. The vast majority of development hours were not spent creating this game mode. That said, it still provides us with useful data, and we hope it will become a fun thing to keep you going!
Speaking for the entire team, we hope you have a very fun Halloween.
Mr. Z has taken the time to write up some of the majorly important work the Programming team has been up to behind the scenes over the last few months.
Mr. Z speaking, it's time for a general update on how development has been going over the last few months.
We've been incredibly busy and highly productive lately on many different things, one of the biggest has been reworking many old game systems.
Our goal lately has been to take the gameplay systems we've managed to make and essentially optimize the crap out of it. We've had enough playtests of survival mode to know what has been needed to be changed and we got excellent data on which things had poor client/server performance.
Many systems have had a partial/full rewrite, including but not limited to;
The saving system,
The base building systems,
Inventory systems,
Networking subsystems,
Resource gathering, and more.
The goal has been very simple, we want to optimize the game for higher and higher player counts, our goal for early access has always been 50-100 on a server and we're getting very close to reaching it.
One core system that had many hours of work put into it was the new base Maintenance system. Bases once built need resources for maintenance upkeep, these resources are stored in the banner's inventory. This is to ensure people don't just leave abandoned bases all over the map, as buildings will begin taking damage once maintenance upkeep payments are missed. Not only that but this mechanic also puts a soft cap on how big bases can realistically get, as you wouldn't want to build a base too big that farming the resources for the upkeep becomes prohibitively time consuming, especially for solo players and small groups.
Melee combat has also received lots of small improvements as I've been trying to spend more time dueling some of our best players to get a feel for what the highest level melee gameplay plays like. When work was still ongoing in the combat alpha, there weren't many people who could consistently beat me in duels and I'm happy to report that has changed.
Many mechanics with melee have been tweaked considerably to improve the likelihood of solo players being able to have a realistic chance of winning when fighting outnumbered. As well, the ability to aim your swing paths have been buffed considerably to allow more possibilities to outplay opponents through swing manipulation. Morphs and Feinting has received many changes to be much less of a gamble while still remaining a useful mixup during engagements.
In the near future we'll begin implementing the new motion capture animations for melee combat, that work is currently ongoing and we're looking forward to when it's ready to be pushed live.
ItsMoxie has been steadfastly working on a rewrite of many networking subsystems. In our playtests we were hitting pretty big networking bottlenecks so we're converting a lot of game systems to a more optimized networking model. Unfortunately the default networking model for Unreal Engine was optimized for small scale multiplayer arenas like that of Unreal Tournament, however fortunately for us because Epic Games also developed Fortnite we're able to use many of the systems they created for it for the purpose of optimizing large open world games. One of these features that we've implemented is called the "Replication Graph", it helps us support a far larger player count on a large open world map by optimizing the amount of work done by the server to update players in different regions of the map.
Thank you again dear folks. Well be putting out an update soon regarding our overall changes to UE5, Animation updates and most excitingly, the various biomes KZ has created for the new map. Weve got big things coming in the near future and were all stoked to show them when theyre ready.
Till Next Time
[ 2023-10-31 19:06:22 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed up some scaling issues inside the Scoreboard Fixed crouch canceling running input sometimes Fixed debug text in the sky Reworked Resource harvesting system for hunting Fixed a Damage volume in the Castle still staying active Fixed Plant Fiber node scaling Fixed a loadout selection bug Fixed equipped weapon buttons not updating sometimes Fixed missed swings that hit the ground costing double stamina Fixed resource node spawn handling causing nodes to disappear from the map
[ 2023-10-23 21:40:50 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed issues with Ranged weapon zooming Fixed issue with aiming states with ranged weapons Fixed not being able to unequip a loaded crossbow Added sockets on character for quivers and crossbows Projectiles can stick to surfaces now Fixed up Archery target Fixed Projectiles not dropping properly when hitting deers Fixed up Javelin throwing animations Toggle Always run is off by default now [Capslock] Enabled T3 tech again Added Fountain to Nook FFA Added a damage volume to the castle basement Fixed up a bug with maintenance costs causing it to be too high for small bases Maintenance costs are much lower overall now Added a new networking subsystem for resource nodes Fixed the gates on the castle not working sometimes Added maintenance cost alerts
[ 2023-10-21 17:59:28 CET ] [ Original post ] Crafting Menu fixes for crashing Currently selected weapon now shown on UI elements Optimized Rabbits Added Color Variation to Rabbits Movement System Optimizations Optimized Dropped items Optimized Sky Optimized Sleepers Optimized inventory replication Reduced NPC counts on the map slightly Fixed Merchants having invalid items Fixed Crossbowman Loadout Buffed Shelf HP Buffed Wood harvesting rates Disabled the Bear Networking Optimizations Added Maintenance costs Fixed Early release counting as a hit Fixed ground hits costing stamina even if you hit a player beforehand Buffed chained parry stamina gain Broken items on the ground now display with a broken name Fixed some input consumption issues Fixed silver item spawns Damaging buildings with a weapon now deals more damage to the weapon Added Damage bonus/malus display on landed attacks Fixed some recipe names Nearby Loot bags show up with held interact now (Hold E) Fixed Wood Gateway collisions Repair warning message is more clear now Lowered sound levels of door open/close Campfire has a crafting menu option now Fixed archery targets not being placeable Fixed some building placement warnings Better warnings for crafting items Fixed up player joined message displaying wrong names You can hold shift and drag and drop items to split them now Added Fat to loot drops Fixed some item dupe issues Fixed Clashing with fists Added a Bash cooldown from a Clash Buffed Morningstar Reduced attack lockout on being parried massively Fixed LTS not working properly Fixed some inconsistent gather rates for tools and nerfed the benefit from tool tiers Fixed item durability showing when it wasn't relevant
[ 2023-10-07 00:57:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
The free demo has gone live as of this post. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1488310/Renown/ The demo will run between the 21st and 28th of September. We'd like to thank all our backers for the immense support they've given us over these last few years, getting the game this far simply could not have been possible without their support.
[ 2023-09-21 17:04:12 CET ] [ Original post ] Tweaked Active Parry particle effect Gates in Winterhold castle have been fixed Added new Shoulder shield brigandine skins Fixed clipping issues with peasant gloves Fixed clipping issues with padded pants Tweaked Lantern lighting visuals Hair color tweaks Added new Trees Crossbow anims added Removed Riposte bashing Removed Miss combos Parry doubles deflection chance but doesn't reduce ranged damage directly anymore Increased combo time from bashes Code locks now causes damage on wrong guesses Fixed Door upgrading Removed Steel hand Rams Fixed alt click equipping on dead players Added the ability to have Placeable markers on the map Added Party support to placeable markers Added hitstop on friendlies (not in survival) Fixed issues with the scoreboard causing duplication Fixed items on spawn sometimes not being equippable Optimized UI Fixed performance issues with particles Party system remembers disconnected players Beds have their own icons on the map now Beds highlight on the map now Fixed performance issue related to audio Added direct IP join support Added skin for cuisses Added plate sabaton skin Ranged attacks no longer grant stamina Fixed eyepatch material Fixed AI spawning unarmed sometimes Tweaked HP values on animals, most no longer die in 1 hit Same faction NPCs will now hitstop on each other Fixed issues with crouch anims Fixed Cave material Improved vote to kick functionality Fixed landscape grass Added a primitive bow Added new item components for crafting weapons and armor Optimized furnaces Added support for a mission system Fixed the bug report menu Added high ping indicator Fixed voice chat audio Enabled Shader Model 6 Added chaos destruction support Added save support for Raid mode Added support for saving for raid mode banners Fixed held item bug Added support for Lumen lighting Added an elevator Removed stamina cost requirement for lunging Increased player radius slightly to mitigate facehugging Added new graphical toggles Removed boosting on players Fixed being able to certain actions while downed Fixed AI movement Added clash sound effect Run speed is now slowed down on sharp turns Added Parry from Recovery Added Combo into Parry Loadout menu fixes Tweaked morph timings Fixed recovery parries costing less than combo feint to parry Fixed crash related to research menu Resource bag is now checked for building costs Added ability to equip item in each slot Fixed last team standing Fixed drag and drop items causing bugs Added animation prediction Tweaked riposte window Stagger flinches reliably now Fixed under siege mechanic being unreliable Added mocap emotes Made AI spawns more reliable Added new Nook map Code locks require 8 digit keys Turncap is now more consistent Kicking now blends the player to a stop much faster Tweaked the parry boxes Increased stamina miss cost on weapons Added longer recovery for missing kick/bash Added vote to end match Fixed issues with crafting queue Added new ranged weapon anims Spruced up the Safe town Added workbenches to safe town Fixed AI spawning in castle when it was closed Fixed resource nodes Reduced parry window slightly Reduced feint cooldown Added server side melee tracers Fixed up deer movement Fixed server history tab Fixed stone croppings Added new icons for resources You can cancel out of holster with attack inputs Reduced sway on bows
[ 2023-09-20 06:54:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's time for a quick update about what has been going on behind the scenes here at RDBK Studios! We have been absolutely under the pump over the last few months transitioning to UE5. We felt the engine was in a state ready for us to make the change. It's a decently long process, but we are more or less back up and running now in UE5. Some people may see a decrease in performance for a few weeks. The previous optimization passes need to be reevaluated for systems such as nanite and lumen. We have added a toggle in the settings for lumen (improved lighting) if your graphics card is or isn't recent enough to handle it. On the UE5 front we will be pushing the current build for a stress test in the next couple days, keep an eye out for the announcement. Melbourne International Games Week is upon us and we have been invited to take part on steam. We will be running an Open Stress test throughout its duration, so be sure to let your mates know. Raid Mode and Survival will be the main focus points for the week. More information on Melbourne International Games Week linked below! https://gamesweek.melbourne/events/2023/migw-steam-festival-2023 In other news our motion capture workflow is well underway, here is a little video of the studio and our lead artist KZ taking on the role of Mocap Actor. [previewyoutube=2sJcgQPzKwE;full][/previewyoutube] We have almost completed our Fist and Unarmed peaceful animation set and you should be able to see portions of this in the steam demo. It will be a rough version with more clean up necessary. Thank you for putting up with the lack of information during these busy months. We will have some exciting new updates now that the UE5 swap over is behind us. As always thank you to all our backer's for allowing us to continue making our dream game become a reality! Looking forward to seeing you in the demo. Cheers - Jesse
[ 2023-09-14 01:06:13 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed Grandmace research Tweaked Catapult costs Updated some external wall models Fixed server browser bugs Fixed stacked items not working correctly sometimes Removed sickles from peasants Fixed deflection not working with ranged weapons Increased miss combo time Stab into Stab combo is slower Improved 2 handed axe kick animation Crossbow anims WIP Fixed code lock crafting Added new t2 pauldron skin
[ 2023-07-15 01:10:06 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed bug with server browser not showing when last joined the server Fixed issue with warning popup not working Fixed bug with resource nodes Added support for scars Added new helmet skins Added Bandits to the jousting fields and more loot Fixed issues with barrel loot spawning under the ground Added new destructible crates with more variety of loot in them Banners no longer give access to Locks Kills now grant instant hp Reduced club damage slightly Reduced amount of plant fiber in nodes Fixed helmet damage resistances Fixed arming sword damage Tweaked 1h weapon damages Tweaked arming sword cost Fixed collisions on trees Fixed code locks not working correctly Fixed Goedendag not being researchable Fixed beds not showing the correct amount of hp when spawning in Added warmup time to survival mode so slower loading players have more potential to load in before the match starts Removed HP regen on LTS gamemode Passive HP regen checks last offensive action time now before regening Fixed up combo anims on 2 handed axes Fixed movement with kick morphs Added attack lockout on Clashes so it resets initiative Increased miss combo time Added a clash indicator Increased lunge speed boost Parry Box and Extended parry box is bigger now Removed weapons making your player collision bigger or smaller Reduced windup time on many weapons (faster attacks) Fixed some wrong damage values on some weapons Reduced parry lockout time Fixed riposte bug Fixed alt mode bug Added cellar under winterhold castle Opened up basement entrance to the winterhold castle that is enterable through the mines Fixed bow equip anims not working sometimes Fixed projectiles feeling laggy and inconsistent to use Fixed Javelins being oriented the wrong way when thrown
[ 2023-07-13 03:22:49 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed Audio bug on Survival map Fixed research inconsistency AI now always staggers and never drops their weapons Disabled Day/Night cycle Beds now have markers on the map Fixed a bug causing ai not to patrol properly Fixed Cave material being broken Added new Warhorn sounds You can equip armor from dead bodies more easily now Bastard sword damage buffed Fixed issues with character render in inventory Tweaked some stab timings Added epilepsy warning Fixed swapping armors not updating worn model sometimes Increased arrow velocity by 20% Removed some furniture from winterhold that was causing pathing issues Gamma is now locked to 2.2 Added primitive weapons to Loadout menu Fixed tabard customization not working Increased distance of lighting on torches Destroyed items on the ground disappear sooner Character tab now shows by default in the Loadout menu Torches are easier to craft now Players start with a torch by default Disabled Mantlet Warhammer now requires primary weapon slots Fixed Goedendag bug Armor effectiveness preview toggles off in some contexts now Fists and Tools can no longer give lunge Fixed Lock position on external gate Fixed black outlines in the character render Renamed Dane Axe to Battle Axe and vice versa Fixed a health regen bug Sleepers don't have white clothes by default anymore Nerfed Pollaxe alt mode damage You can parry out of release after scoring a hit Lunge is shorter now Lunge stops when moving backwards now Lunge ends when attacks are cancelled now Lunge works with ripostes properly now Fixed issue with ground hits Fixed Kicks and Bash combos being slow Added a delay on morph to kick Players are granted hyper armor on scoring hits now Fixed knockback being too strong Increased miss combo time Head follows aim during attacks Mines are opened up again Added new resource nodes for the mine Reduced windup time on some weapons Increased helmet protectiveness Added stamina regen delay when leaving a running state Fixed jittering on movement sometimes Fixed footstep noise being inconsistent Input is now disabled when the server does the final save Fixed some issues with armor rendering Fixed siege warning not working sometimes Siege warnings are more accurate now Building destroy timer is 30 mins from 15 mins Resource gain was lowered from x3 -> x2 Silver smelting is half as efficient now Fixed External Tower collisions Fixed being able to build too close to enemy bases Removed hit trades and replaced with clashes Greataxe alt stab is working properly now
[ 2023-07-08 03:27:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changed bed roll model Fixed Club visuals Updated Bleed indicator Fixed some hairs being broken Added new peasant NPCs Fixed bag timers Fixed sign post text Updated resource HUD Optimized some brigandine models Added Multithreaded saves Equip context option now swaps gear Added categories to input menu Fixed broken gear not showing durability Fixed issue with renaming loadout Ctrl click looting now causes item to stack Resource bag handling fixes Disabled contextual pieces until refactor Multithreaded save loading Increased goedendag dmg Added Favorites and History to server browser Fixed exploit with bash Tweaked lunge to be more reliable Fixed brigandine research Bandaging prevents sprinting now You can no longer feint a morph that came from a riposte (Riposte -> Morph - Feint) Lowered durability on shields Hit particles cull properly now Bags are cheaper to research Reduced gold coins found in barrels slightly Inventory no longer goes dark when opened sometimes Building wheel now supports using the number keys 0-9 Sleeping characters can now be walked through Bed respawn times are 15 secs now (cooldown on beds is same as before) Fixed keylocks not working for teammates Hand ram costs steel now Rebalanced armor costs Armor damage resistances rebalance Fixed kick slowdowns on combo Added a chat queue for receiving messages before the UI had loaded in Sprint speed bonus goes away if walking into walls Added attack lockout on missed combo feint (miss attack -> combo -> feint) Added longer feint cooldown on morph feint Removed riposte on held blocks (shields) Parrying kicks with a shield now staggers you instead of only on hold block Fixed not being able to parry immediately after landing a strike Shield recovery is longer now Reduced stamina negation on held block Added Morph to Kick Fixed Pollaxe alt mode Getting staggered from stamina running out now disarms players remember to bring a backup weapon Added longer delay on stamina regen after combat actions Reduced parry lockout on shields Hold block no longer cancels attacks Miss combo times are more consistent across the board now Hold block now forces the player to walking Shield parry window is 50 ms shorter now Disabled changing gamma in menu Fixed Petards having broken ground checks Lowered upkeep costs Door HP has been lowered by half Siege damage has been halved Petard does 1000 damage now Research costs have been tweaked Siege weapon costs have been tweaked Added WIP Triangle Spiral Staircase Tweaked peasant weapons Fixed building issue with plaster pillars Fixed hair clipping through coifs Fixed error message for buildings being blocked in placement Fixed Shared recipes not always working Catapults spawn with no ammo now Fixed ladder exploit Furnaces can be picked up again Fixed Loot tables missing on some NPCs
[ 2023-07-01 14:13:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
This dev blog covers our ongoing move to a Full-Blown Survival Alpha, Changes to Indiegogo, alongside the Xsolla Launcher Swap for Alpha and Beta. Id like to say a special thank you to our dedicated testers who have been helping us with the survival pre-alpha. Weve had some nasty bugs and our testers' persistence in helping us sort these issues has been hugely important. Thank you again to all our backers and double to those dedicated folks who put in that little bit extra (You know who you are). Likewise, a big shout out to the moderation team here on our discord. Its been a little while since our last update, but weve not been idle. Lets get into it. Survival Alpha! So the big news is that were moving steadily towards our first Stable Alpha build featuring the Survival gameplay loop. We still have a lot we want to add, change, and improve but this build represents a big goal for the community. Our new Dev Vlog takes a head on look at this topic and covers: -Improvements to the building system with new textures, redoes of older tiers and the Stone External Wall Implementation. -New customization and Play Model Changes. -New Weapons for the T0/Primitive Level of gameplay -A focus on the new Survival Build as a whole. -An overview of the new progression system and how Silver is used as a raiding resource. -Points of interest including the new Castle Event -How Barrels and the road Network functions. -The new underground cave network Theres also discussion on some of the new quality of life features weve added, AI changes and more. A link can be found here: [previewyoutube=1j0h5FEQIII;full][/previewyoutube] Alpha vs Beta? One topic I want to face upfront is how weve decided to address Alpha vs Beta. Weve been working hard to get the survival gameplay implemented in a fun manner which accurately represents the end game we want to make. However, were very aware there are several key features/mechanics we still need to add such as Cavalry Warfare, Worker Buildings, the Renown System itself to name a few. Likewise, there are multiple areas we still need to re-do and improve such as Animations, The UI and various small but meaningful optimizations. By drawing the line down the middle, were able to get players going (on what we hope) will be a fun experience, which also directly helps us by providing invaluable testing data. Likewise given weve always been set on making a Survival game its very exciting for our team to have reached this goal, even if theres still a lot to be done. Big questions regarding the Xsolla Launcher, Indiegogo, and Beta Access. As weve said many times, were extremely grateful to our community for their very generous support of our work. Im sure folks will have plenty of questions regarding the new update and changes. Were always around here in discord if you want to ask. That said to head off any misinformation, Im going to do my best to answer some of the more glaring questions. 1. Whats with Steadfast Backers getting testing keys now if its an alpha? Weve decided were going to allow early testing access for our previous Steadfast Backers. Given how weve decided to deploy the Alpha, and that it may still take a while before we reach beta, we didnt see any reason to punish folks who have already helped support our work in the past. This also allows us to do a small expansion on the tester base in a controlled manner. You should be receiving your testing keys via email in 1-2 days. 2. What happens to Beta if that's no longer for sale? We are absolutely still going to be doing our Beta Phase release when we get to that stage of development. That said, given the confusion this has caused over the last few years weve decided to remove the ability to purchase Steadfast and Proud Backer tiers from our site going forwards. 3. Whats the deal with this new launcher then? What about Steam? This is something weve been slowly required to do as our community has grown. Steam limits the number of testing keys it's willing to distribute. By these rules were very much already at the upper limit of what theyll offer us. By swapping to the Xsolla launcher, we can ensure that tester keys keep coming to our backers and that we can honour our promises regarding the spare beta keys. It also means well never have any issues regarding running out of keys again and ensuring that keys are always sent immediately on backing. We want to be super clear: -The game is going to return to steam for Early Access. -This is only an intermediary stage for Alpha and Beta before the game returns back to Steam. -When we return to steam, youll receive your full game key with attached cosmetics, Titles, and the like. Customers with steam keys should be fine to keep using them for the foreseeable future for testing. Well be updating the Xsolla and Steam Builds in tandem and it does not matter which launcher you play from; both connect to the same servers. Again a huge thank you to all our amazing backers, our community here on discord and the awesome moderators who help keep it all together. Now that weve gotten past this big goal well be doing more regular updates to let you know how's it going. Till next time!
[ 2023-06-08 06:26:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Firstly and as always a huge thank you to our awesome community for your support this year. The hard work of our raid testers, the general enthusiasm and kindness of the community, and the overall reception to the project this year have all been overwhelming. So you may have seen our End of Year Update video. (If not the video is below!) This video covers our main goals and plans for the upcoming year. [previewyoutube=tVrLMXZDNyo;full][/previewyoutube] We had hoped to get the new map ready to be played before the end of year, but we decided given our limited time before the EOY, wed focus on getting our previous maps as bug free before we take a refresh and reset break. While being insanely blown away by the support weve received, I can confirm the effort of this year has thoroughly smoothed brains across the team. Due to team members having family holiday obligations, we decided it was best to take January 1st to February 1st as a break. This will help us take a breath, hopefully massage some wrinkles back into said brains, and overall come back swinging hard in February. Over this month, were going to still try to keep testing going (more for organized fun, then dev testing). Likewise while slightly slower well still be around on our discord, answering tickets, questions and making sure everything is going alright. Indiegogo keys will be sent every week as normal. When were back weve got some big plans to expand and crack into the next stage of the game. Without giving away dates (for which I cant promise just yet anyway) were aiming to get what were calling Raid Alpha 2.0 ready to go ASAP. This includes a new larger map, persistent save system and more teams moving into a dynamic team system. After that weve effectively got ourselves a survival game. After were feeling confident that the majority of bugs are squashed, and the game is as optimized as we can get it, well be aiming to enter Beta officially. We then plan to use beta to continue squashing and tuning, while adding missing core features such as our Animation Overhaul, Cavalry, Worker Buildings and several of our key ideas that make our game unique. Till then folks I just want to say another huge thank you to our backers and testers. The fact weve gotten this far as a small indie team is testament to the quality of our community and the support youve given us. It blows me away to think we started the year with a Basic Combat System Demonstration, and were ending it one step away from a real (if still very young) survival game. On behalf of everyone at RDBK Studios we hope everyone has a great holiday and new years. Again thank you all so much for an amazing year.
[ 2023-01-02 22:07:26 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed Repair costs for Weapons and Armor Players now move slower when crossing shallow water Reorganized Building wheel to fit pieces into Categories Fixed Rigging on Plate armor shoulders Added Triangle Roof Tops Players now can't build in a spot where a building was destroyed momentarily Added Encumberance and Deflection chance tooltips to Armor Fixed Bracers not protecting the hands properly Doubled the Durability of Hand Held Rams but also increased their gold cost Added a New Bed that respawns you faster Fixed up Battering Ram and Catapult movement sounds Ladders now work correctly with regards to enemy placed ladders Keep building radius is smaller now Upgrading pieces requires player to be standing in building zone Deflection chance on Plate armors has been lowered except for the Breastplate Lowered Parry compensation slightly Added Streamer Mode Fixed Plant fibers not spawning Plant Fiber clusters now align to the ground Plant Fiber clusters are now larger in size and number Fixed Storage containers not saving properly Fixed Armor stands not saving properly Added Volkskamp map (FFA,TDM, LTS) Increased Throwing weapon damage Increased Throwing weapon velocity Fixed Throwing weapons not having animations for other Players
[ 2022-12-24 01:17:52 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed issue with Garbage Collection Added Hurlbats Reimplemented Throwing weapons (G) to throw Bed Respawns are 30 seconds now Bed Respawns adds a 3 min cooldown on all nearby beds Fixed Autobalance not working correctly Bracers aim bonus added to Mail gloves and Leather gloves Properly implemented Crossbow Craft menu Icon scaling fixed Added distance checks to keeping inventories open Zoom in Holster mode with RMB Fixed Stone placements not having attenuated sounds Fixed armor stand armor models not clearing correctly You can alt click items on armor stand to fast equip them or double click them Added a Mantlet (Mobile cover)
[ 2022-12-03 18:06:39 CET ] [ Original post ] Optimized the servers Removed Autosort button disappearing Autosort now gives you a reason if it fails Autosorting is faster now Increased Catapult HP so it can survive 4 shots now from Catapults Fixed picking up Armor Stands Reduced Bash Damage Reduced Bash speed Increased time on Combo from Bash Doors are now only unopenable when under attack if they take singificant damage Fixed Stamina drain on parries not working Fixed Voice transmit volume being mislabeled in the Audio menu Fixed Steel Mallet not having a model Increased Bodkin arrow damage slightly Fixed banners not breaking when their supporting floor broke Fixed Bed spawns not working for Team 3 Fixed Raid mode not ending properly with more than 2 teams Fixed other gamemodes not working correctly with more than 2 teams You can now assign beds to teammates Increased Max item repair value to 100% from 67% Vehicles ignore dropped items now
[ 2022-12-03 02:45:19 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed issues with Replays Fixed an issue with the respawn timer Fixed a bug with the armor stand Fixed swapping armors with armor stands Fixed armor stands getting the wrong inventory reference Increased Armor stand collision size Fixed Stakes collisions Improved sword and shield running animation Fixed issues with Loot spawning in Crates Bodies now despawn after 15 seconds or 60 in Raid and Survival mode Item bags now last 15 minutes in Raid mode Fixed issues with Dropped Items (Weapons/Armor) Fixed Wheelbarrow slow turnrates Fixed Wheelbarrow camera position in first person Tweaked Wheelbarrow velocity Fixed Autobalance no longer working Fixed being able to pickup buildings that werent scaffoldings Added Keylock as a craftable item Fixed falling damage being inconsistent Healing queued up now gets reduced equal to the amount of damage recieved rather than completely cleared by any damage Fixed issues with placing keylocks on doors and gates Increased Parry compensation slightly Bodkin arrows now cost Steel instead of Iron Reduced Gold cost of Catapults and Siege Rams to 60 Cost of Grates and Portcullis increased to require additional Iron Fixed External doors not having height offsets Added Arrow mesh to Door previews so you can tell which way the door opens Fixed Mallets not doing correct damage to owned buildings Reduced Speed penalty from wearing armors Increased damage resistance of Brigandines slightly Increased damage of Bashes Decreased windup duration of Bashes Fixed issue with Alt mode Equipping Items now slows players down to walking speed temporarily Encumberance penalties to Ranged weapons from wearing armor are now more extreme Hold breath shooting mechanic is affected by Encumberance Reduced effectiveness of passive HP regen 2 handed swords have been buffed to compensate for the sturdiness of steel armors Reduced handle tracer size of most weapons with handle tracers Increase Pollax alt mode damge to plate armors Reduced health of some building pieces to combat honeycombing Retuned Arrow damage to be lower overall Ranged weapons and Shields have tool tips that show their stats Added Preset buttons to the Armor crafting menu to craft a full armor set (Leather, Brigandine, Plate) Knockback is now ignored when parrying multiple opponents at the same time Tweaked resource spawn rates in the Raid map to spread the resources out more evenly rather than the vast majority being in the center area Resources nodes that havent been mined now despawn later Fixed Deers spawning inside damage zones for the Red team The center High yield nodes in the Raid map now do not spawn until Gathering Phase ends Added a no Build zone in the center area to prevent people from building outposts there and claiming every resource node trivially Added a no build zone in the sky to prevent extremely tall buildings Fixed some rocks not being mineable Added the ability for admins to change the amount of teams in a match and add additional spawns for different teams Fixed the team UI banners using the wrong material Fixed Freelook neck blending Added a 50% damage resistance to all projectiles when parry is active Door autoclosing can now be toggled off Autoclosing doors wont close while the base is under attack Doors can now no longer open when they are under attack Portcullis had their HP lowered Ladders had their HP increased Stakes now deal more damage and more reliably Added a Wheelbarrow icon Added Icon to Stakes Added a Brazier Siege weapons now take full damage from Siege damage (Catapults can now shoot and kill each other effectively) Improved the Patch notes menu
[ 2022-12-01 14:32:31 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed vehicles breaking movement replication Tweaked shield hold block angles Reduced Parry angle Fixed stone amouns on stone croppings Fixed roof sockets Fixed preview building blocking upgrade traces Mail Hauberk is now 1:1 sized Tweaked armor costs to make it easier to bulk craft Increased Katzbalger damage slightly Increased Mace damage slightly Increased Waraxe damage slightly Bows now only go on the primary slot Quivers only go on secondary slot Resource bag only goes on secondary slot Bandages can now be placed on the toolbelt Wall torches are cheaper Cloth and Leather craft faster now Cloth is cheaper to craft Rebalanced fuel and charcoal costs Fixed resource bag not dropping properly Increased resource bag size Fixed Icon scaling Fixed Icon scaling when rotated Armor can no longer be repaired if it falls below 33% durability Added Battering Ram recipe Added many missing icons Bow Draw strength has a penalty on high encumberance (Slower projectiles, less damage) Added Steel tools Removed Unused keybinds Improved Roof placement Fixed issues with triangle floors Fixed up window directions Fixed issues with invisible resources nodes Improved some Emote anims Added noise that scares deer away to arrow impacts Improved deer AI Fixed damage resistances on buildings Fixed ladder dropping a full mesh Fixed command wheel opening while chatting Added starting beds to raid map banners Swapped context menu options for banners Reduced Maul damage Reduced Stakes cost Fixed some repair costs on buildings Tweaked Steel weapon costs Reduced Iron Hoe cost Added Primitive arrows for Shortbow Fixed lock position on Gate Beds now require a floor and banner Fixed warmup spawns Players now recieve a notification when they can't build while under siege that shows the time remaining Fixed a bug causing raid mode to never end Endgame screen shows proper winner now Fixed flying bug Rewrote Bed spawning system Fixed Pillars not working well with Walls and Floors Fixed Ladder volumes being hit by melee attacks Fixed boulders persisting Fixed Plant fiber cluster spawning in the same location as other Plant fibers Added Wheelbarrow for mobile storage Tweaked Raid time added from damage Scaffolds now have 1 HP
[ 2022-11-24 21:30:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone
Firstly, wed like to apologize for the absence of our regular dev updates in recent months. I want to assure everyone this is not a reflection on the teams efforts over this period.
Progress on development has been moving rapidly, so much so that when iv gone to write an update for you, there is already new topics to discuss. This all said as we grow closer to the initial raid mode, we hope to have the time and media to provide better insight going forward.
As always, a huge thank you to our amazing backers, and the wider community as a whole. We literally couldnt do it without you, and your support is a constant reminder that were on the right track. Likewise, a huge thank you to our awesome mod team here on discord for all the same reasons.
Ive written a Brief explainer/recap of what our daily work has been since OTK/Next Fest.
Likewise given weve got a lot to discuss. As such to avoid long drawn-out essays, well be attempting to bring back our weekly, or fortnightly updates.
Currently weve got an interview with ItsMoxie regarding our new Bandit and Animal AI. Kz and Mr.Z have attempting to tackle the animation problem themselves. Likewise, Delta has been doing some great stuff with External Fortress walls, Battlement attachments, and destruction meshes. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for these updates, and related art/media.
For this post, Mr.Z has written us a nice quick section regarding his recent exploits in archery/ranged combat development.
Dev Recap since OTK/Next Fest Expo
TL:DR Weve been carefully integrating survival elements for months, creating new maps and biomes. Weve had several internal tests which have been awesome fun, but theres still a lot to be done.
Full As folks might be aware, we had a great run after the OTK Games Expo, and Steam Next Fest. The results of this have been great for our marketing, and ongoing crowdfunding. That said were still only a small team, and we need to work within a scope we can manage.
In effect this means weve been selecting specific elements of survival gaming which we then prototype, implement, and then balance these elements to create the survival/combat experience that is our vision.
As an example, weve been running regular internal tests of the Initial Survival Build. If you looked at it from the outside, it has all the bells and whistles of a prototype for our full game. Players can currently: Harvest/Farm, Create Keeps with a verity of building pieces, Progress in technology via upgradable workbenches, Place beds for respawns, Hunt working AI deer and even engage in the first implementation of raiding.
However, it must be clear, on inside there is still much work to be done. The most prevalent ongoing activity is pure balancing. This includes everything from how much the first swords should cost, to how many hits of a battering ram should take down a door/wall.
Another factor to consider as we add new layers, (Archery for instance) it drastically changes the way the game is played, from how players act in the world to how bases are designed. Were basically attempted to layer these on as quickly as possible, while still adhering to the level of quality we like to aim for.
In this way were making really good progress towards our end goal. If we can keep going as weve been doing so, before to long (hard dates not being easy to predict), well reach a point where every layer has been implemented, and we can do a last balance pass before launching the raid mode to our backers.
That said i should remind folks that this is a slow process, and weve got a thing for quality. We cant wait to get the wider community to be playing and testing the initial raid mode, however well be doing our best to release it when we feel its ready.
Salutations Renowners, Mr. Z speaking! Over the past few months Archery mechanics have begun their first implementation. The goal of archery in Renown is to be a useful supplement to melee combat without becoming the dominant form of combat. We do not want the game to devolve into a shooter with every man bringing a projectile weapon to the fight, the focus of this game is melee combat first and foremost. That being said, Archery is meant to be a playstyle that allows people who are newer and less experienced at melee combat to be able to be useful in PvP without as much effort.
Archery has many uses, not just limited to PvP as hunting down deers with a bow is much easier than trying to run up to them with a sword in hand. There are 2 types of arrows, Bodkins (Anti Armor) and Broadheads (High Damage and Bleeding) points. The bows have many quirks such as how strongly they affect aiming difficulty, movement speed, firing rate, etc. One somewhat hidden mechanic is called Encumbrance. Encumbrance is when your equipped armor affects a lot of Bow mechanics such as how much Stamina is drained by aiming with the Bow and movement speeds with bows as well as difficulty to aim. Ideally for easier aim, one should desire to have a minimal loadout just including some gambeson and a helmet to avoid any Encumbrance penalties. Additionally using a Bow requires a quiver which takes up a primary weapon slot, same as the bow, so effectively one cannot use large 2 handed weapons while using a bow. I feel this is a good enough downside that archers are not expected to dominate in melee given the relative lesser power of one handed weapons compared to 2 handed weapons.
One thing to take special note of is that Bows do not use a random cone of fire mechanic for aiming, the arrow is always pointing where it will travel, aim difficulty comes from how hard the camera shakes while aiming. Another very important mechanic is deflection chances, good armors such as plate armors have a high chance to deflect Arrows which massively reduces damage taken, the deflection chance is also stronger the farther the projectiles have traveled so a smart Longbowman will want to prioritize shooting enemies at distances close enough that its possible to be threatened by melee opponents closing the distance. One should take special care to use armors in good condition as deflection chances drop the lower armor durability gets, that rusty plate of armor isnt going to be a strong defense against a good archer.
Additionally, there have been new bows added, namely the Shortbow and the Warbow. The Shortbow is the first Bow you can craft, as such it is the weakest of them all, however they are also the fastest firing and have the least penalties to movement and aiming. The Warbow on the other hand, is the slowest of the bows, the most damaging and longest ranging, it also has the least chance of having a deflection. However its Stamina requirements are absolutely massive and it would be a bad idea to get caught in close quarters with it.
Another new development is the return of Throwing weapons. In the past I experimented with allowing players to throw any weapon of their choosing. This proved to be a mistake as people chucking Zweihanders at incredible velocities which seemed very wrong. It also led to a lot of melee engagements being decided by a spontaneous weapon throw from one of the parties, which was hardly sportsmanlike. Given this, a complete rework of throwing was due, and now only specific dedicated throwing weapons are able to be used.
We now have 3 types of throwing weapons: Throwing Axes, Throwing Knifes, Javelins, and in the future different kinds of medieval grenades. These weapons are able to be made early on in the tech progression and are a good supplement for a powerful 2 handed primary weapon or can even be used with a shield in hand. They are very useful for killing players who are running away or dealing damage before a melee engagement. Thrown weapons can be parried however so anyone ready for them is unlikely to be hit by them.
Given that the ranged combat has received so many new additions, it was also time to overhaul the Shield blocking mechanics. Shields now can block projectiles using their hitboxes rather than just giving complete immunity to ranged attacks in the past. More importantly, its now possible for Shields to block Projectiles passively, even when they are on your back or the side of your horse.
As always folks, thank you very much for your ongoing support and enthusiasm. Well hopefully have the next update out next week with either itMoxie on bandit and animal Ai, or Kz/Mr.Zs animation progress. Let us know in the discussion channel what youd rather see.
Till next time
[ 2022-10-06 21:46:29 CET ] [ Original post ] Tuned Footstep sound attenuation Loadouts are better Sanitized now Fixed issues with crouching while sprinting Fixed Bear overthrow skin Added Archer and Crossbowman Loadouts Fixed Crossbow quiver Fixed Crossbow aiming and projectile velocity Increased Grossmesser Combo and Windup durations
[ 2022-09-11 00:06:14 CET ] [ Original post ] Belt can store items Added Iron Hoe Quiver Ammo fixes Increased Arrow hitbox size Fixed Arrow trajectory being too high Added Broadhead arrows Added the ability to toggle different arrow types (Altmode Key) Added new Emote Increased chase mechanic time Fixed crouch speed bug Players dont disappear on disconnect now Fixed up bow handling of Ammo Added animations to the longbow mesh Fixed arrow orientation Lowered Intro music volume Added sockets for Bandages carried in equipment slots Added Bandaging animation Fixed equipping bastard sword while in altmode with a Shield
[ 2022-08-28 01:04:48 CET ] [ Original post ] Reduced Bash windup Lowered Fists and Tools damages Added Longer feint cooldown on consecutive feints Fixed some issues with Stagger Reduced Kick range Increased Base walk speed Increased Stamina miss cost across the board Removed hidden platform on Grove Fixed up Collision issues with the Bow
[ 2022-08-21 01:11:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed Projectile Collisions Removed damage on weapons from hitting the world Fixed not being able to drop quivers Added more Damage textures to Helmets Fixed Bandages Fixed weapon model not disappearing on Death Fixed being able to gather resources with Kicks Encumberance Mechanic for Ranged weapons (heavier armor and weapons make using bows harder) Encumberance increases stamina drain for bows Bow draw is cancelled when Stamina runs out Arrow properly gets destroyed when switching out of bows Fixed Combo into Parry timings Fixed up Archery anim replication Fixed up Parry Morph bug Fixed Crouching Speed Fixed Shield Model durability checking Increased turnspeed while kicking and increased recovery time Changed Action bar to Show item icons
[ 2022-08-13 11:12:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're proud to say we've received over 100,000+ wishlists, and we really wouldn't have made it this far without our wonderful community and our supporters.
A huge thanks to all of you who have supported us this far, and we can't wait to continue sharing this journey with all of you.
[ 2022-08-13 09:42:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Mr. Z here, to give everyone an update over what has happened recently. Almost immediately after the OTK expo where we won first place, we released an open Demo of the Combat Alpha for anyone to play. During the demo we saw tens of thousands of people play the game, give feedback, and spread the word about Renown. Things went much better than expected and we have the deepest thanks to all our backers who have helped and promoted the game to get this far.
We found many bugs as a result of the massive amount of new people playing the game, and throughout the last few months we've been fixing a lot of stability problems that were discovered. We have been splitting our development time between bug fixing, balancing combat, adding new features and working quietly on Raid mode.
As some may have noticed in the patch notes, there are sometimes things in there that seem related to Raid mode. This is because over the last month we've been mostly developing Raid mode and Survival mechanics now that the Combat Alpha has more or less reached its conclusion. We've been making very steady progress on Raid, as a Developer I can say that I've never been more relieved to see the game's core gameplay mechanics all working together harmoniously. Every week ItsMoxie and I have been playtesting Raid mode internally and discovering all sorts of bugs and tweaks to do, at the start we've been walking away from a test with an average of 50 tasks to care of and the number keeps getting smaller each week. We've been making a lot of progress on Raid and we want to make absolutely sure that the gameplay loop is as fun and bug free as we can, even in this early state it is in.
There were 3 other major additions to Renown during this time as well. Shield Destruction, Armor Destruction, and Archery. It is too much to go over in one Blog post so I will be discussing Archery next blog.
Shield Destruction mechanics were added recently with some expert modeling and texturing from KZ. The Shield models actually update as they are taking damage, with their textures and models changing, and they get especially destroyed with weapons like Axes. When a Shield is fully destroyed this causes the player to get staggered, this should help keep people playing overly defensive with Shields at a disadvantage.
Programming the Armor Destruction mechanics was fairly simple to add shortly afterwards. It became clear to us that our old Rendering system for Armor damage did not sufficiently convey damage details to players. As such, KZ spent many weeks authoring all the new textures as the process of making these impressive damage details is no trivial task at all, many models required a lot of reworks and improvements and attention to detail it takes to do this was nothing short of impressive. The results speak for themselves, with these new details we can say confidently that Renown has something many other games wish they would have.
The look of the armors has been designed so that someone can quite quickly see whether an armor piece is damaged or not and have a good idea of how damaged it is. When an armor has lost enough durability, its stats start to become less effective, when this happens is also when the first damage textures are blended in so there is a very clear connection between the artwork of the game and gameplay consequences.
Combat has also received many refinements since the Demo. Many balance changes were made, the movement system was redone, Parrying and Flinching was made more consistent, Kicks were reworked, the Swing manipulation was reworked, and there have also been improvements to 1vX combat.
[ 2022-08-11 10:30:16 CET ] [ Original post ] Added Ping Compensation to Bows Increased Arrow Damage Added Arrow Trails Fixed Arrow Collisions You can no longer sprint with a Bow Drawn Your movement is slower with a Bow Drawn Removed Flinch from Projectiles Fixed Arrow Canceling Ranged Weapon users can now be Flinched out of their Draws Added Stamina Drain while Drawn with a Ranged weapon Added Sockets for Bow on the Back Fixed Archery animations not blending correctly in Third person Reduced Cone of Fire with Bows Added Broadhead Arrows
[ 2022-08-07 00:40:48 CET ] [ Original post ] Tier 2 Damage textures Fixed Armor Damage mask not blending correctly Doubled Iron Tool durability Moved Notification Widget so it doesn't block the Compass Increased Turn Speed for Parries Fixed Shields not always showing up when equipped Increased Tier 1 Damage Resistances Added Toggle for Auto Balance (Admins) Swaped around order of Weapon Slots to Left to Right Peasant Damage Textures added Added Ammo Counter Fixed Shields on Back showing up broken Shields Block projectiles Added Longbows Added Quiver Added Bodkin Arrows
[ 2022-08-06 17:51:19 CET ] [ Original post ] Lowered Stamina Regen Penalty from wearing weapons and armor Reduced model sway from turning while doing attacks Fixed attack anims not working if a player fought for too long Removed Wallrunning exploit
[ 2022-08-01 03:22:29 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed issues with Servers Expiring from Server Browser You can no longer Crouch while in the Inventory Added more Quick Hotkeys for Inventory Management (Holding Ctrl or Alt while clicking items) Added a Server Name filter Fixed Zweihander being equippable on Sidearm slots Quick equipping Sidearms prefers Sidearm slots Added new Damage Textures for T3 Armors Changed Running movement to rubberband less Fixed shields sometimes being visible on your back in first person mode Reduced Active Parry window Fixed Shovels and Long Knife Added AFK timeout to for players Base Damage is now shown in the Damage log Slightly increased Grossmesser damage Increased Pollaxe Stab damage Reduced Release timings on some weapons that had overpowered Drags Reworked the Turncap to be more reliable and consistent Lowered how high you can aim attacks Parrybox extends further now
[ 2022-07-31 01:35:43 CET ] [ Original post ] Moved Debug options to separate menu New Pauldrons model Fixed Rondel Damage windups Increased Parry compensation Increased Greatsword damage Increased Double Axe overhead damage Added WIP kick checking Fixed Mail coif clipping issues Changed Greataxe anims to kick from right side Fixed Character head material sometimes breaking Fixed some server timing out issues Increased Turnspeeds with Overheads and Stabs
[ 2022-07-24 00:48:49 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed issues with Servers crashing Added Colleoni emblem Turncap Interpolates better between Idle and Attacking Fixed Frying Pan locomotion anims Improved Armor optimization Held Block with Shields now prevents Running at full speed Increased Durability of Peasant clothes Buffed Zweihander and Grossmesser stats Fixed Messer broken overhead animation Removed Altmode from Training Sword Increased Longsword Combo times Bash Tracers are less wide now Preview Map Camera works better now Falling Damage works correctly now Increased Morning Star Damage Reduced Attack Lunge while in the air Added Stamina gain on repeated parries Fixed Server browser Server listings having clickable elements Made Battle Axe short alt mode less short Increased attack lockout on Kicks Increased Kick Recovery time by 25 ms Fixed not being able to combo without Stamina from a hit Fixed Alt mode handling Darkened Item backgrounds in the Inventory grid Fixed Flat Helmet clipping issues Rebalanced most weapons to have more consistent stats, ability to drag, morph, turncap Reduced ability to turn heavily with horizontal slashes
[ 2022-07-13 07:25:51 CET ] [ Original post ] Loot bags are now destroyed instantly when emptied Fixed dropped weapons appearing destroyed sometimes Fixed Frying Pan anims Fixed Melee World Hits Sped up Morph anims by 10% Mace Damage increased by 5 Early Release Window on Stabs is longer than other swings now Fixed Claymore Anims Armor Rebalanced Damage resistance Better Armor Layers handling Fixed up issues with Servers not appearing in the Server Browser Parry Box size reduced Added Attack Lockout on Kick Feints for 400 ms Added a W.I.P. UI element for seeing how well Armor protects all your Character's Hit Zones (Useful to see how armor layering affects damage resistances) Fixed Inventory Icon scaling issues Fixed Training Swords
[ 2022-07-09 06:54:13 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed Auto Balance handling Fixed Linux not being able to launch the game natively Active Parry duration reduced by 100 ms Parry lockout increased by 25 ms Increased morph window by 20% Parry window reduced by 25 ms Riposte window reduced by 50 ms Fixed Houndskul tinting Fixed Breastplate model issues Reduced Shield Durabilities Increased Maul Stamina miss cost Texture optimization Changed up how Ripostes are handled Shield can no longer attack from a block unless its a Riposte Attacking from a Parry (without a Riposte) has a 100 ms delay Increased Attack from Parry cost from 5 -> 10 Players have more mobility while Kicking now Back Pedaling with a Shield is slower when holding a block Removed a Parry into Attack exploit You can no longer deal damage while Flinched Tweaked Release timings of most weapons to be longer Tweaked Stamina drain values to be lower on the strongest weapons Longsword combo times are longer Reduced Pavise Shield size Fixed not being able to Parry backswings Fixed Early Release tracers not working Added a God Mode to Admins Durability Damage to Armors is now spread out evenly between all layers that were hit Armor Damage Resistance is now Calculated more accurately taking into account the Durability of all Armors that were hit, this could lead to situations where your shirt could get destroyed before your plate armor Fixed up Emblem textures Added a Camera Offset setting so you can have a wider perspective in First Person without needing to increase your Field of View Added all the Quick Slot keys to the Input settings menu Fixed up First Person view with some Emote animations Overhauled the Emote Menu visuals Fixed Interaction aiming in Third Person Added a Hit Indicator Changed Player Marker texture Added new Emotes Added a Camera Perspective Toggle Fixed Emotes not respecting player aim Pitch
[ 2022-07-04 23:45:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Heads up, the Demo will be going down on the 30th, thanks again for playing the demo, We hope you all have enjoyed it. And especially a big thank you to everyone that gave us feedback on the demo, its been absolutely invaluable and is being used to improve the game in many areas going forward. The next big milestone in the future will be the first build of our Raid gamemode, which is designed as a test for many mechanics from our survival mode (building, crafting, hunting, gathering, sieging) but in a faster paced, team based, capture the enemy castle, type of context. Stay tuned for more announcements on that in the near future. If you'd like to continue playing and getting all the future patches, you can back the game with the loyal supporter tier at https://playrenown.com/
[ 2022-06-28 09:13:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the Renown Question and Answer Session with the Renown Developers. We're fielding questions on our discord: https://discord.gg/Tr2DxFh We might also take questions on the day from chat. We hope you enjoy, and thank you to our community for all the support
[ 2022-06-15 13:20:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the Renown Question and Answer Session with the Renown Developers. We're fielding questions on our discord: https://discord.gg/Tr2DxFh We might also take questions on the day from chat. We hope you enjoy, and thank you to our community for all the support
[ 2022-06-13 05:34:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! We were completely blown away with all the support we received during and after the event. These last couple of days the team has been completely at a loss of words and we've been so thankful to be a part of the event. It means the world to us, we're so thankful for the opportunity to be shown at the OTK event, and thank you to everyone who voted for us! To those who didn't make it to the event but would have liked to see our portion, here's a mashup video: [previewyoutube=tPJSKiJUbrE;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2022-06-13 04:38:30 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed issues with Voting Voting cooldown added Fixed an issue where the UI would bug out when you join a game Fixed issues with Spawning in LTS Added a leave server message in Chat Added a message for when admins log in Updated Player Markers Less aggressive Turp interpolation after attacks end Horizontal Slashes have a tighter Turncap now
[ 2022-06-13 01:40:42 CET ] [ Original post ] Added New Beards and Hairs Added Shield Damage effects Improved Female armor models Team Damage does Negative Score now Kills award 15 stamina instead of 5 from hits New Peaceful mode Anim for Shields Tools have proper animation sets now Tweaked Shortsword locomotion animations Equipping a shield now tries to Equip a Melee weapon with it as well Fixed Gamemode and Scoreboard menus not always closing Added Autoscramble to LTS mode Restricted horizontal Slash turn caps further Turncap mechanic now calculates more consistently Added Greataxe altmode transitions Updated Inventory UI Removed grass under floors of Vestibule Fixed up Spectator features Items on back now reflect their durability levels Improved Shortsword running animations Fixed issue with servers not properly restarting Added Weapon destruction mechanics, they now properly drop on the ground once destroyed with a unique destroyed model
[ 2022-06-08 23:07:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
So weve got a couple of interesting updates for you folks over the next few days.
Firstly and before you get your hopes up, weve been working extremely hard to get our initial raid mode all finalized, however it's not quite ready yet. Feature wise were very close but we want to try to polish and squash as many bugs as possible first. Well be putting out a detailed update on our plans for this process in the next few weeks.
What I am super excited to announce is that weve been selected to take part in the OTK Games Expo. For those who don't know this is a new indie game expo hosted on Streamer Asmongolds channel, joined by several other popular streamers.
Apparently hundreds of games applied, and weve been selected as one of the 30 picks.
As such weve got a brand new trailer to look forward to. Likewise our CEO Delta will be doing a Live Interview on stream.
We really hope youll like the trailer and interview but we also need to ask a favor of you kind folks. The Expo has a $50,000 USD prize selected by votes in chat. Its on june 8th at 11 am PT 1pm CT 2pm ET. If you'd like to see updates their twitter is https://twitter.com/OTKGamesExpo.
If youre able to attend on http://twitch.tv/Asmongold and help represent Renown, wed be hugely grateful.
Ultimately were very proud that weve been selected at all (which you've already helped us with greatly), and hopefully this is a great opportunity for some new folks to see the game regardless. That said if we can win, itll be a huge booster to the team right now.
Well be posting our next big piece of news on the same day so stay tuned.
Again thank you so much to our awesome community.
Till next time.
[ 2022-06-06 00:46:31 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixes LTS not showing correct player counts New Server backend New End of game Screen Fixed normal maps on underwear Character morph target fixes New Longsword Locomotion animations Shields hide during Emotes Fixed Shield Turncap Fixed weapons back not always rendering Added Shield Destruction Added Vote Kick UI Added new Beards Added new Hairs Increased Stagger Duration to 2.2 Quick looting by holding Ctrl and Clicking items Fixed Weapon anim references Nerfed T4 helmet Fixed Stagger animation
[ 2022-06-05 00:51:23 CET ] [ Original post ] New Inventory Icons Improved movement replication Increased Streaming Pool defaults Updated the Main Menu Increased VOIP volume Fixed Items on back not rendering sometimes Updated the Texture for the Damage Indicator Added new Texture for taking Damage on screen Tweaked Server Browser You can now Toggle Markers with L (On, Friends only, Off) Many art fixes with armor clipping Fixed Gamemode Timers showing incorrect time Fixed items showing as broken when they weren't supposed to have any durability Fixed suicide button not working Backspace now cancels key rebinding inputs Players now get kicked off their vehicle when it gets destroyed Added Player Avatars to Markers Added Global VOIP Updated One Hander anim Locomotion Added new 3rd person running anims for one handers Fixed shield hold block not always working New shield locomotion anims Team selection buttons work more reliably now New Team selection menu Improved Blood Spatters Added Blood pool on Death Added new particle effects for hitting different materials Fixed Eyes being hidden at the wrong time sometimes Fixed Head material not recieving decals Added First person vehicle support Fixed issues with Spectating Changed the Team colors slightly
[ 2022-05-31 03:20:27 CET ] [ Original post ] Increased Shield HP Reduced Handle tracer size for Greatsword and Zweihander Fixed Deathscreen not showing proper Weapon names Added Enemy Ping to Deathscreen Hosen protects Feet now Reduced Max Rotation with Slashes Reduced Parry Window by 25 ms Healing Wells now have Compass Markers Teammate Indicators are Yellow for Teammates now Extended Parrybox is smaller now Improved Movement prediction reliability Shield on back now properly hides when you equip it Fixed Emote menu persisting sometimes after death Fixed Stamina sometimes not regenerating Fixed Duplicate Entries in Loadout menu Fixed Input being defaulted constantly Reduced Release timings of many weapons Increased Time limit on Training map Improved player spawning logic to be more optimized and reliable LTS now properly gets rid of Lootbags between rounds Ping compensation now averages between attacker and defender Early Release window for Bashes and Kicks is now the old value Fixed issue with Always Run sprint handling Parrylockout is now skipped while Flinched Fixed up VOIP connection issues
[ 2022-05-07 16:00:30 CET ] [ Original post ] Improved Extended Parrybox collision handling Fixed not being able to see Shields that were dropped on the ground Fixed Shields not working correctly after being destroyed Admins using Admin commands now lets players know in the Chatbox Fixed issues with changing teams Added Autobalance to Team Modes Increased Bash damage with Fists Estoc damage slightly increased Reduced Parry lockout from Parry recovery Updated Vestibule map to be larger, and supports Team Modes now Fixed exiting Catapults causing input problems Last Round of LTS no longer spawns players after it ends Fixed First Person Crouch Camera orienting incorrectly Added more player spawns to some maps Attack Cooldown after feinting is longer after a Kick feint Fixed Crouching with a Shield playing the wrong animation Handle hit detecton is now more forgiving Tuned Alt Morph timings Fixed and issue with the Kick collisions coming from the wrong leg Boots Reduce falling damage now Added Bonus Fist damage based on Gauntlets worn Bloodied weapons are now more visibile NPCs now despawn after some time Servers no longer crash when NPCs die Fixed clans not registering properly Fixed issues with Escaping from the Main Menu Improved Main Menu handling Fixed an issue with Dead Players not dropping Weapons correctly
[ 2022-04-30 18:01:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
As always id like to express our teams thanks and gratitude to our amazing supporters and community here on discord. Likewise a big shout out to the moderation team here as always.
Firstly on behalf of the team I'd like to apologize that its been a good while since our last update. While weve still kept working hard, basically everyone on the team has gotten sick in waves over the last month and a bit. That said were pretty much all back to fighting strength, and weve still kept up regular meetings, and work, while still getting in some good rest and recovery in.
On that note, I'm happy to announce were very close to our next Combat Hotfix. Our testers having been giving us some amazing feedback, and provided some great bug reports with replication videos/data. Id just like to say thank you again for anyone who's keen actively assisting in this process.
Were just waiting to do some final internal testing then well be pushing it live. Mr.Z will be putting out a full patch notes for our Testers to see whats specifically changed.
Likewise iv got our regular Mini-update for you. Given its several weeks of work put together the name might not be so accurate anymore. Apologies for any overlapping of tasks, weve done our best to make sure its succinct as possible. Lets crack into it;
Mr. Z
Released the Major Combat Patch
Fixed a bug where the HUD would be spawned twice when the map would restart
Fixed Default Loadouts having wrong Tiling values on the patterns
Added Blood Effects to the Body
Fixed Short Spear locomotion animations
Added Pollax Alt Mode where you flip the weapon and deal blunt damage
Fixed a bug where you could attack out of a parry and parry again unintentionally
Fixed an issue where the jump animation would loop forever instead of landing
Fixed Always Run Toggle not increasing sprint speed
Added Hair Tags for hiding/swapping the hair in certain situations with helmets equipped
Added Hair under Helmets support
Patch QA testing
Added Dedicated server beta branch
Added Linux Client build
Active Parry window is now based on the windup of that attack
Fixed Emote menu not closing when the player died
Added alt modes for certain weapons where you hold it shorter to make handle hits less likely and fight better in close quarters with polearms
Fixed a bug where draining stamina would not happening when you hit the ground
Fixed Shields not showing up on the Inventory Screen
Lowered Polearm Knockback
Upped Mordhau grip damage on Longsword
Fixed Parrying with the Maul in alt mode
Fixed Server Browser resolution scaling
Fixed Parry into Attack allowing you to Parry twice
Change Handle Hit to do damage based on Weapon Type as a Flat value
Attack Lockout is now shorter with Handle Hits
Slightly Increased Movement Speed
Increased Bash Recovery window
Reduced Turncap when Parrying
Removed Turncap while in Idle
Added New Emblems
Made sure Crouch takes priority when Always Run is True
Fixed bug with Exiting Vehicles breaking Melee inputs
TDM and LTS variants to Vestibule
Added support for Banners with customizable patterns
Fixed Siege Tower Physics asset
Melee combat balance Playtesting
Additional Melee Balancing
Fixed Battering Ram
Reduced Parry Lockout on missed parries
Buffed Estoc damage
Added Auto Balance to Team Modes
Admin Actions show up as Messages on the Chat Log
Fixed Shields not breaking properly
Fixed an issue with Longsword Mordhau grip altmode where it was not dealing correct damage
Finish Hotfix patch
Implement Weapon Destruction
Hand Battering Ram mechanics
Tech Tree
Fixed Equipment spawns in LTS again
Fixed LTS spawning issues
Fixed issues with switching loadouts
Fixed inventory bugs after map switched
Fixed Weapon Dropping
Added Game Phase feedback on HUD for Scoreboards
Added LTS grace period after spawning in
Scoreboards get reset after warmup ends
Held Weapons drop on death now
Dropped Items despawn faster on combat gamemodes
Updated gamephase UI
Fixed LTS healthbars when no one was alive
Fixed Killbot not spawning with any Gear
Fixed Bug with the Team HUD not updating Player counts
Fixed Dead Players persisting their bodies sometimes
Interaction traces are more accurate now
LTS spawning is more reliable now between rounds
Fixed dead player Lootbag was spawning with not enough slots
Fixed bug First Hit kills on the Death Screen not working correctly
Fixed Death Screen not showing correct HP/Stamina values of Killer
Fixed Death Screen showing up when you get respawned in LTS
LTS now pauses if no one is on the second team
LTS team health bars no longer reset after round end, added a grace period added so you can see it before the new round begins
Fixed FFA scoreboards being offcentered
TDM Kills needed for Team to win now shows on the scoreboard
New Tooltip for Scoreboard that shows a players Team Damage for spotting griefers
Players Joining LTS game in progress, now properly join Spectate
Spectating new player when target dies
Assist Kill Logic added
Score system tweaks
Improved Kill Feed Dialogue for Fists
Fixed LTS Spawning issues
Building System improvements
Fixed building pivot points
Fixed Furnitures placement
Fixed Raid team selection menu
Fixed Raid spawning logic
Fixed Raid mode scoreboard logic
Fixed HUD timers
Improved Context Menu
Drop down animation for Siege Tower
Added Tailor Workbench
Shield breaks properly and can be dropped on the ground now
Fixed an issue with Switching teams
Added Battering Ram and Siege Tower to the Siege Engineer building
Siege Engineer spawns Vehicles in the world now when it finishes producing them
Added functional Doors to Siege Tower that can be opened and closed
Added Base Banners
Healing Well fixes Shield Durability now
Changed LTS rounds limit to 10 from 7
QA testing
Processor Bench
Siege Engineer building improvement
Loot spawning in Crates
Additional Raid mode mechanics
Video editing
Audio editing for the video
Small Raid map preproduction
Updated the playrenown website with new screenshots
Fixed the banner
Designed part of the tech tree
Gifs for Indiegogo art update
New Raid map
Added Loot zones
Added Building Scaffolding models
Added External wall models
Destructed models for many building models
Added Collision Models for buildings
Updated Vestibule Map to be larger
Raid Map improvements
Working on Building System
Updating Steam Page
Improving Building Models
External Walls Models
Tech Tree
Cloth physics fixes
Fixed Hair clipping issues
Added Hair under helmet
New Horse model, fully rigged
Tier 1, Tier 0 , Tier 2 horse armors - Tier 3 to do, skin support later
Hair Tags for helmet short hair variants
Model skinning bug fixes
Added new Breastplate Skin, is now the new default
Hand Battering Ram Anims
Added Puffy shoulders Gambeson skin
Added Building Scaffolding models
Added new Weapon Destruction Models
Added Keep Banner models
Added Levers for Siege Towers for dropping doors
Added Torches to Vestibule dark areas
Updating Steam Page and artwork
Work on building system
Added blood masks to all weapons
Twitter and Instagram posts for the previous Dev Blog
Lots of Customer Support Tickets
Running community Play Tests
As always folks I'd just like to say thank you again and till next time.
[ 2022-04-29 08:12:19 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed Action bar not showing Shields and their durabilities Fixed hitting the ground not draining stamina Added Short hold Altmodes to many of the 2 handed axes Active Parry duration is now based on swing windup duration Added new Fist Parry sounds Added Reverb to SFX Added Hair variants for when wearing helmets Added Pollax alt mode with blunt side Added a Delete Prompt when Deleting Loadouts Fixed Emote Menu switching weapons Fixed Armor Morph Target LODs Loadout Menus redesigned New Death Screen that shows combat stats Fixed Active Parry Polearm animation set, new weapons; Halberd, Polehammer, Billhook, Bardiche Fixed many clipping issues with armors Stamina Regen starts later now Added new Longsword Locomotion animations New Scoreboard Increased Kick Recovery time Decreased Knockback on large weapons Increased Attack Lockout after being Parried Increased Knockback Improved Knockback code New Main Menu Added Leather Tinting for Armor Customization Added Nudity Toggle Weapons and Armor can now be Dropped and Picked up Reduced Waraxe Release timings by 25 ms Added damage impacts to player model Improved player capsule collision handling Weapons and Armor now get destroyed when they run out of durability Greataxe animation set, added new weapons; Doubleaxe, Battleaxe, Maul, Grand Mace, Pollax, Scythe Added Dodge Ability Tweaked melee attack direction input handling Fixed kicks not getting pitch applied to them Disabled Weapon throwing Fixed Shields Team colored underwear Dropped armors now have a new model while on the ground Added new Interactive crosshair that shows parry duration and parry recovery, it can swap the crosshair texture and have its scale tweaked Increased Parry Lockout time Tweaked turncap limits to be less restrictive with most weapons Added Player markers that display team status/friend status/friend Feint to Parry is now enabled by default Shields now show team color in team modes Certain weapons deal bonus damage to shields and armor New Melee swing trail particle on weapons Slowed down one handed weapon combo timings Added Handle hits to weapons with long shafts, handle hits deal less damage and flinch for longer Added Hit stop on teammates (still deals full damage) Improved Knockback on Slopes Tweaked maximum allowed rotation during swings to make landing overheads easier Added AltMode to Polearms where you hold it closer to make Handle Hits less likely Added Inventory screen (Tab) Equipment now has a durability bar in the Inventory Improved player hit boxes for better melee collision You can now Parry out of a Riposte Axes deal bonus damage to shields AI fixes Added Camera shake on world hits Added new Default Loadouts Added Mordhau grip AltMode to certain weapons, changes damage to be more effective against Armor Added Tattoo support Fixed Fists not equipping if player had no weapons Fixed Shield equip handling Added Always Run Toggle Added Metal bracers to Plate Gauntlets Added Training Sword Added indication for when a Shield does a Block or a Parry (Blocks take more durability damage and cost more stamina) Changed some of the character preview idles Added new Customization Patterns Pattern Customization now supports non-uniform tiling Improved Pattern editing menu Spectator FOV now matches FOV settings Added Damage taken direction Indicator Fixed Emblems textures Increased Bash Distances Shirts now protect the hand hitbox Added Moss level Added Vestibule level Added Ruins level
[ 2022-03-25 22:02:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
As always a huge thanks to our amazing Backers, our great community here on discord, and our awesome moderation team.
I've got our regular dev update for your reading. That said I thought explain first a little about what our current plans are regarding our next patch, and our movement towards the Initial Raid Module.
If youve been keeping up with our updates, you might have read between the lines that weve been doing a lot of survival development alongside the ongoing combat system work.
Effectively were attempting to combine the two, so that any bugs can be addressed early and more importantly we can figure out how to best optimize the game as we scale up into a larger world.
Our backers may have also noticed we haven't put out a patch in since the holidays. Weve got a big Combat Patch on the way, and there is a very long list of patch notes for you folks that well be dropping soon.
Long story short, were focusing on building up the background systems needed for a survival game, while still working on some fresh combat content for you to enjoy in the meantime.
Likewise well have a Dev Vlog under construction at the moment, which we hope to have on our Discord and Youtube very soon.
Without any further distraction;
Mr. Z
Last Team Standing fixes
Team Deathmatch fixes
Deleted a lot of old models and removed the technical debt
Testing Shield Mechanics
Implemented Moss map with LTS, TDM, FFA variants
Technical Animation improvements
Added Chest morph targets to the Man
Made sure the Characters equip fists on spawn if he has no weapons
Equip other one handed weapons with a shield already equipped
Always Run Toggle
Conducted a private playtest
Fixed the spawns on Vestibule
Fixed TDM round end logic
Fixed Map Camera not working properly
Unequip shields by Equipping the same shield again
Fixed Loadout Bugs
Added Wooden Training Sword
Tweaked Chat Box
Shield Mechanic bug fixes
Reorganization of our task list
Added Non uniform tiling for patterns
Added new Patterns
Fixed Pattern slider not matching
Added a map changing message in Chat
Fixed a Vaulting issue
Added Spectator matches selected FOV
Added Shield Damage from Parries being displayed
Fixed an issue vehicles breaking melee inputs
Added Direction Damage indicator
Fixed Emblems not showing when you select a skin for an armor
Added new Crosshair icon for Parry
Added Streaming Pool setting slider
Fixed Markers showing up incorrect in TDM
Added Greataxe Locomotion Torso animations
Fixed Respawning in LTS
Fixed an issue with Reconnecting breaking the Spawning Logic
Fixed an issue with spawning twice
Game Variable Spawn time
Counter for Respawn time
Fixed Shield Emblems
Fixed Bastard swords being equipped upside down when one handing them
Fixed Map Rotation
Changed how movement axis works for animation blending
Increased Bash Tracers
Added Hand Protection to Shirts
3rd Person Polearm movement animations
Fix Issues with Spectating
Finish Tattoo support, Face support
Continue on Gore
Testing the patches with all the changes and combat test
Fixing Inventory issues with durability on items
Durability Bar with a number on it
General bug fixing
Added Durability Numbers to Item slots
Color Coded durability bar
Fixed bug with durability bar not updating
Fixed bug with item slots not updating
Removed Decimal numbers
Corpse looting
Scoreboard added to LTS mode
Updated Scoreboard
Fixed Lootbags
Fixed Inventory refreshing issues
Fixed Loadout bug
Fixed Inventory persist on map change
Fixed Clan info on death
Fixed Loadouts overwriting each other
Fixed issue with durability when unequipping
Fixed issue with seeing your own bugged corpse after respawning
Fixed being able to take armors off players and their corpse updating
Added Delete loadout safety check
Reimported Siege Tower Model
Todo skeleton fixes
Phys asset fix
Fixed workbench pivot
Redid catapult animations
Fixed Catapult wheel visual bug
Tanner and Tailor workbench models finished
Model Fixes
Breastplate armor fixes
Added new customization Patterns, 19 in total
Fixed sabatons
Added Vambracers to Tier 3 Armor
Gambeson customization fixes
Fixed Peasant gloves coloring
Fixed Female bulge
Fixed neck guard on Breastplate
Fixed overthrow rigging
Mail coif no longer pokes through some helmets
Leather Vest doesnt clip with Tabard anymore
Fixed Female mesh
Chain leggings had morph targets added
Fixed Tier 4 helmet clipping issues
Padded Coif remade
Replaced belt with Bags
Added Character morph targets to hide nipples clipping through armor
Fixed Peasant Legs
Fixed Leather Gauntlet Tints
Removed Norse Hosen
Ruined Gloves added
Fixed brigandine belt
Fixed Painted Breastplate
Fixed leg clipping through cuisses
Color pass on Emblems
Fixed Emblems
Fixed belts having pattern problems
Fixed Siege Tower model
Added Hairstyles for underneath helmet
Marketing photos
Updating Steam page artwork
Siege Engine Render
Shield Renders
Dropped items Renders
Equipping and Picking up sounds Render
Workbench Renders
Updated Vestibule Map
Added Couple of Rooms on the side
Gifs and Videos for social media
TikTok video
Banners for Videos
Tweaked Moss map vegetation
Unreal meeting
Steam Highlight reel
Recorded renders for blog
Fixed Road model bugs
Added Loadout areas to new maps
New Crosshair Block Icon
Voice over for vlog
Get additional combat footage
Tech tree designing
Pickup weapon/items
Hover selects
Menu sounds
Tool hits
Plant hits
Stone hits
Catapult siege destruction
Projectile hit wood/stone
Projectile wooshing
Building Sfx
Handle Hits
Tweak Bows sfx
Javelin sfx
Throwing axe sfx
Shield Destruction sfx
Weapon and Armor break sfx
Death vocal sfx
Published Mini dev update on steam and reddit
Instagram updates
Sneak Peek posted
Imgur added
Tiktok setup
Social Media posting
Sneak Peek
Till next time folks, and thank you again for the amazing support.
[ 2022-03-16 15:36:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
As always a massive shout out to our awesome community for your amazing support. Likewise much thanks to our awesome moderation team here on discord.
This is two weeks worth of developer meeting notes so apologies for the multiple discord announcements. To clarify, were currently working towards our next combat patch. Given the time over the holiday break, and a lot of work done, this patch has had a ton of work put into it.
However I must be clear that while were making great progress, were still a little way away from our initial raid simulation modes. We hope to follow this new patch with regularity, leading right to the Raid modules and beyond.
Without further adieu;
Mr. Z
Added indicator when you Stagger from parrying
Capped max Rotation on slash
Kick anim fix with Greataxes
Marker color fixes
Can Shield equip and put away
Survival Item Bug fixing with ItsMoxie
Work on Shield customization
New melee weapon swing trails
Play testing survival mode
Armor and Shield Destruction (Swapping on broken weapons)
Kanban board reorganisation
1 Hander combo times made slower
Flinch time increased for Handle Hits
Alt modes for polearm where you hold weapon shorter
Polearm timing tweaks (handle hits also working)
Team damage changes
Hit stop on teammates
Knock back on slopes improved
Animation technical miniblog
Handle hits for all shafted weapons
Fixed stamina regen bug
Fixed Polearm bash tracers
Peaceful mode animation fixes
Ruins map setup and testing
Character Skeleton work
First person anims for polearm movement
Parry from Riposte to help with missed combos weapons
Handle hits Sound cue added
Damaging items on the ground by hitting them
Greataxe peaceful animations
Mantling added
Stagger state on weapon/shield destruction
Axes now do bonus damage to shield
Killbot is alive again
NPC melee combat is back with new features
Added Icon scaling support to the HUD markers
Gif of bots fighting each other in a duel
Respawning issues in TDM fixed
Team switching fixed in TDM
Gore system rework
Screenshake when you hit objects
Weapons on the back work again
Mordhau grip and halfswording modes
Improved Loadout Menus
New Default Loadouts with the new equipment
Fixed Altmode would persist when you would switch weapons
Increased spear combo times
Fixed Loadout bugs
WIP Tattoo support
Next week
Bug fixing for TDM, LTS and Shields, and fix respawning bugs
Make build for a playtest
Implement Moss map
Face Tattoos
Fixed A Bug Causing Loadouts To Break When Deleting Or Editing Name
Fixed A Bug Causing Loadouts To Not Let You Select Default Loadouts Other Then Knight
Fixed A Bug Causing Spawned Items To Have 0 Durability
Armour durability now works
Equipment Durability Now Shows In Inventory
Durability For Armors no longer Get Reset When picking them up off the ground
Equipment durability now has a durability bar even when equipped. it also updates live when you're using the inventory when someone hits you.
So if you got hit in the thorax by someone sneaking up on you... You'll know that
Added Weapon Durability bar for equipped weapons
Added Armour Stands
Adjusted The Way Equip And Unequipping Works
Bug with armor stands fixed
Fixed duplicate huds being spawned in
Fixed UI putting you into 3rd person when toggling from the inventory out of it
Fixed clients when updating their banner info when switching
Fixed bug with parts of the main menu open
Fixed switching teams respawning twice
Fixed Initializing players was counting as death
Fixed bug with spectating wasnt working
Fixed bug with spectating wasn't working at aimed player
Fixed a dead players weapon put into hotbar wasn't giving weapon
Weapons and Armor equip properly now
Fixed weapon not always spawning with correct durability values
FFA and TDM now spawn properly as survival game
Warnings for when you can't build in build mode
On screen keys for building mode
Added Siege tower
Half walls
Added Blacksmiths workbench model
Fixed morph targets issues with coifs
New Ruins Duel map
Furnace model added
Reimported all the character and armor assets
Finished Refiner workbench
Added ColorID for Gore meshes
Added ColorID for Knight gore meshes
Next week:
Art fixes
Metal Bracers to Tier 3 Gauntlets
Add more customization patterns
Tanner and Tailor workbench models for raid mode
Improved Ragdoll physics
Preproduction on the new Survival map biomes
Tier 3 building mesh collisions
Gifs for animations
Performance testing all the new trees
Worked on Raid map
Colour graded the trees
Megascans wind and colour on trees editing
Sound design review with Matt
Meeting with Matt to do new raid sounds
Work on Cinematic videos
Attachments Pieces for Buildings
Renders for Building pieces ready for marketing
Collisions on Attachments should be fixed
Forest map finished (Map RFFA-Moss_p)
Cinematic of Castles for dev blog
Development video pre-planning
Rendered a 360 video of castle
Renders of Flythroughs of the new levels
Developer update
More posts on instagram and other social media platforms
Conducted private playtests of the latest build
Posting on Twitter, Insta and Reddit
Posting Photos over the course is this month
Workflow for Youtube Shorts
Added new Vestibule map, Duel courtyard
Vestibule map polish pass
Please dont forget to share our discord around if you can: https://discord.gg/Tr2DxFh. Likewise if youd instant access to our current Combat Alpha (moving into survival mode in the future) or just to help suppor the project, links can be found at: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/renown--2#/ and https://playrenown.com/
Again thank you very much for the support, dear community. The team is working hard, and well have more patches coming soon, and centrally more updates as we progress.
Till next time
[ 2022-03-01 04:58:48 CET ] [ Original post ] Updated Movement Smoothing Added LODs to all the Armors Fixed TDM gamemode Fixed Incompatible Items being allowed to be added to Loadouts Reworked Armor Tab Menu Reworked Armor Pattern Menu Reworked Movement Normalization Fixed Weapon switching bug Removed Alt Morphs Stab Morph from Alt attack is now slower Fixed Bloodiness on Weapons not Replicating Extended Parry Box now follows player's pitch properly Added Visor on T3 and T4 Helmets, K to Toggle (HUD visual only for now)
[ 2021-11-03 18:45:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Normalized Morph Timings to Match Windup Duration Added Parry Boxes Loadout UI fixes Added Early Release Tracers (Blue) Knockback from Kicks is lessened if they are Parried Reduced Parry Window to 375 ms Reduced Parry Compensation Min/Max 100/200 to 50/100 ms Shields can now be Equipped Fixed instances where Morphs were using the wrong duration 2 Handed weapons flinch for 1.2 seconds, regular flinch is 1 second Added Belt item (Currently does nothing) Fixed Players spawning facing the wrong way Fixed issues with the hud getting the wrong references Added healing wells to Grove FFA Fixed Emote Menu consuming Inputs Added Widget that indicates the map is switching Added the ability to tint leathers Fixed many bugs with the Spectator system
[ 2021-11-02 01:51:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
First, and as always thanks so much to our awesome supporters and backers. So far the feedback and bug reports from our testers have been very useful. Likewise a huge shoutout to our moderator team here on discord. So the big news of the day is were here to announce the winners of the art competition. Art Competition Winners To be more specific, KZ and the team have painstakingly gone over, and selected our top 10 favourites from the many entries. Wed like to thank everyone who took the time to enter the competition, and we can confidently say it was a close fight for the top 10. A voting announcement will be coming in the next 24 hours. This will have the top 10 submissions numbered, for your voting. All top 10 entries will be winning a testing key. Likewise all 10 icons will be coming to the game as an icon to be worn. However youll be voting on the top 5, to receive special prizes. The 5th and 4th places will be receiving Loyal Supporter Packages. The Third place winner will receive a Followers of Woden Tier Package. The Second place winner will receive a Landschneckt Package. Finally our first place winner will receive a Fallen Founder Tier. Well leave the voting open for roughly 48 hours, so invite your friends if youve got a favorite you want to see become the winner. It should be noted that you can give the prize to another member of the community if you wish, but we can't offer monetary refund prices for the packages. Alpha Update Summary So as folks might have seen, were well underway on our current Combat Alpha. Again I would like to thank all our awesome testers who have been helping improve the game. Weve already put out several patches in response to player feedback. The latest one was pushed today in fact. I wont get into specifics (especially considering that's Mr.Z's job), but some of the major patch features being worked on are: Overall combat balancing and bug fixing - Ensuring the core combat is as smooth as possible, by altering weapon swing times, the way attack inputs are handled, alongside a merade of small but important changes. New Maps and Gamemodes - We want to get playtests going on team based modes as soon as possible. We will be starting off with, team deathmatch and last team standing. It should be noted itll take a while to get all the maps and modes implemented and working perfectly. KZs New Painted Armour Sets and New Tier One Overhaul - We actually haven't shown this off too much just yet. Some photos of it can be seen in Sneak peeks, and in the last dev blog. Our next Dev Vlog however will have a dedicated section showing off these beautiful new armours. A new Ingame Bug Reporting System - By hitting F7 players can now report bugs and submit feedback directly in the game, instead of relying on discord as we currently are. While this is not the most flashy upgrade, its a vast improvement. W.I.P. Voice Over IP (VOIP) system - While this system is still early, it allows for localised voice chat conversations in game. This will be very useful going forwards into the team game modes, and beyond into survival. We had a great stress test with VOIP enabled it was a ton of fun. Experimental Spectator System - Again this is still in its early version, but it allows the player to zoom around the map, or from other players point of view (including their first person view!). This will be very handy for duels, last team standing and any tournament stuff we organize. Loadout System Overhaul - The programming team has been integrating the new UI weve had custom made, so it's not only more polished looking, but also a lot more functional than before. Likewise well be using these systems for future balance testing for Armour and Weapon sets. (edited) [10:05 PM] Upcoming Dev Vlog So the last topic I'd like to announce is our upcoming Dev Vlog. Without spoiling anything well be doing our best, to not only catch you up on recent events, but also show off some alpha footage, and to showcase the new artwork in the form of armours, customisation and the environmental changes. Were hoping to have this out to you in the next two weeks or so. Given were a small team, the creation of media can be slow, provided we need to keep working on development at the same time. That said the team has been smashing out the work lately, and were very stoked for another chance to show it off. If youd like to help support the game, and gain access to the current alpha or future beta alongside discord titles, our crowdfunding links can be found at https://playrenown.com/ or https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/renown--2/. Please don't forget to invite your friends and fellow gamers to discord. Every share helps keep momentum going in the project. https://discord.gg/Tr2DxFh Again thank you so much for your amazing feedback, support and general encouragement for the game. Given this, were in a great position to keep moving forwards well beyond previous strategic planning estimations. Till next time. Ashur
[ 2021-10-21 05:11:12 CET ] [ Original post ] Head and Neck are now the only body parts that take extra damage (+50%) Tweaked how Knockback and Lunge is handled Sprinting is now slowed down after getting Parried Carried Weapons are now Visible on Players Tree Branch is bigger and longer now Fixed up Ragdoll Physics Fixed not being able to Respawn in TDM and LTS Fixed up some Voice chat issues Added new Leather Bracers Finished adding Voice Chat indicator Fixed up Voice Attenuation Fixed Admins not being able to Change Maps manually Fixed First Person Arm Animation Blending Fixed many issues with the Loadout Menu Servers now should auto restart every 24 hours Servers should now switch maps even if there are no players online Added Leather Vest Players can no longer Sprint while in Release Melee State Fixed up Sprint Handling Players now Slow down their Sprint if their movement is too slow (like when spinning in place real fast) Knockback while in the air is stronger now Fixed Audio Slider to work with Voice Chat Recieve Volume
[ 2021-10-21 02:29:29 CET ] [ Original post ] Fixed being able to Dupe weapons Reduced Knockback on all weapons Tweaked Longsword Stab animation Fix Branch missing Idle animation Fixed Feedback Form (F7) not working Server Browser Correctly shows current map Kicks and Bashes aren't affected by Durability anymore Kicks and Bashes don't deal damage to weapons anymore Fixed Servers only allowing 16 players to join
[ 2021-10-16 22:53:13 CET ] [ Original post ] Arms now do tracers for hitting objects Added Ability to drop Weapons (Backspace) Added ability to pick up Weapons off the ground Reduced Speed Penalty on Weapons by Half Fixed Flinch in Recovery breaking inputs New Tier 1 Helmets Added T3 Arms with Bevor (Protects the Neck) Added Grove Map Added Painted Helmets Fixed Parry Queuing bug Added Painted Pauldrons Added T1 Boots Fixed up Girl Model Added Bug Reporting (F7) Decreased Kick Windup by 25 ms Bash Stamina cost from 10 -> 5 Fixed Parry Recovery Increased Stab Release duration on many weapons Fixed up Parry Knockback code Chase mechanic now makes Players 10% faster than the fastest Sprint Speed Kick and Bash no longer cost Stamina on Hits Bash requires a Hit to combo from You can now Parry out of a Riposte You can now Parry out of Release if you dealt Damage Added Experimental Voice Chat (B) Added new map TestingLevel_p Increased Bash Tracer Size Added an Attack Cooldown on Combo Feints Fixed Flinch handling Added a WIP Spectator mode Fixed up Lighting performance issues Fixed Flinch removing attack inputs incorrectly Increased Lunge Distances Fixed up Riposte handling Fixed Dodge and Emotes breaking attack inputs Fixed Weapon switching while attacking Team color is now shown on Player names Added the ability to Feint Kicks (experimental) Added First person Spectating Fixed Y Axis flip option not working Relaxed the Progressive Turn cap limits Reduced Kick Knockback Added Map Rotation Fixed being able to input attacks in Flinch and Attack Lockout FFA Round time is now 1 hour Increased Dodge Distances and made it take into account armor worn again Tweaked Sprint Handling, now Attack Lockout prevents Sprint acceleration Fixed up Map Camera not displaying the level properly sometimes Increased Parry Turn Speed Tweaked all Turn Speeds to be 30% higher Fixed Bots hitting the Player without being near him Fixed up many AI issues Fixed Fists and One Handed Weapons using wrong Holster animations Added the T1 Armors
[ 2021-10-15 00:09:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone.
As I always do, I'd like to say a huge thank you to our amazing @backers. The support weve received in the last few weeks and months has been amazing. Likewise a huge shoutout to our awesome moderator team here on discord.
So the big news at the moment is that our Alpha is underway! If you haven't seen the details of this, were doing it in three waves.
Wave One consisting of our Heroes of the Wall and Fallen Founders has gone out.
On the 22nd/23rd (depending where you are in the world), the next wave consists of each tier from The Landsknechts to The Merchants. To confirm, this roll out will be occurring in the next 24 hours.
The final wave will be the Loyal Supporter wave coming the week following. Sadly the Loyal Support bundle pack purchasers will need to wait for wave Three. We apologize for the unclear nature of any previous posts, and this delay.
After the waves have come in, well be enabling and disabling different sets of armour and weapons on a weekly basis, so we can rotate focus testing on specific items. This way we can set up various scenarios each week to test more survivalistic type areas.
The team is currently also working on new maps for testing, alongside the prototypes for gamemodes to keep things fun. We hope to use this, not only to keep the game fresh and enjoyable in testing, but to also help us gather specific combat data.
This week K.Z himself has done a write up for us regarding his recent armour and arts work. Of course his work speaks for itself, but we figure you folks might like some details.
In the last few weeks coming upto alpha, I have started the armour overhaul with tier 2 and 3. This is nearly completed, with additional skins to mix it up a bit. There will be more added down the line. The biggest challenge has been getting every piece of armour to work with every other piece of armour, which as you can imagine takes some time.
Due to the demands of the upcoming alpha, I have put creation on hold for now and put my focus into fixing things like touching up existing armour. This includes fixing up hair, customization, player models, fixing texture issues and the like. Armour clipping still has some way to go but I've been slowly and steadily eradicating the problem, bit by bit.
I have also put a lot of focus into optimization and helping get that fps up as much as I can. Of course optimization is a thing that should be thought of from the start of development and it has. Don't worry, these fixes are just helping to get that fps as high as we can and I'm sure this will continue through alpha all the way till release.
I know i said i've put a halt on the Armour but i've managed to squeeze in a new tier 2 tabard with cloth physics as demonstrated below. Overall all aspects spoken about are well in the works and going well and looking on track for alpha.
If youre interested in hearing from K.Z. more regularly in these blogs opposed to just images, let us know in chat.
As always Mr.Z has written up his own progress for you folks to have a read over.
From Mr. Z
Over this past month one of the things Ive implemented is Durability mechanics on both Weapons and Armor. Weapons lose Durability when hitting things and parrying incoming strikes. This means that after the weapon takes a bit of damage it starts to do less damage, eventually in the future a weapon fully breaking will cause it to shatter into pieces forcing you to drop it.
Armors on the other hand start to protect less the more damage they take, eventually not protecting the player at all. In the Survival game you will be able to repair these weapons and armors back into working condition though be aware that every time they are repaired they will lose a good amount of maximum durability to dissuade players from using items forever. They will also be able to be scrapped back into materials so they can be used to forge new items.
Now that Armors have durability proper I also decided to rework the damage resistance formula to take into account armors being layered on top of each other. What this means is wearing a gambeson under a chestplate provides additional damage resistances, all based on total durability. This has created the effect of making the Neck, Hands, and Feet the most vulnerable areas on the player since these areas do not have multiple armor layers. In the future I will be adding a Face Hitbox so the open faced helmets have the weakness of being completely bypassed by hitting the face.
As we approached launching the first Wave for Alpha, I spent a lot of time this month optimizing the game. We had some very serious hitching issues caused by the amount of Armors each character had on them. Fortunately these issues were resolved in time for the Alpha.
One of the last things the Melee combat needed from a feedback perspective was animations for when Melee Weapons impacted surfaces or when they were deflected by Parries. I was able to add a unique animation for each attack type in the game and Im very happy with how they turned out. Also I was able to add 2 new weapons to the game, the Katzbalger which is a later tech arming sword and the Sax which is one of the first swords players will be able to forge.
In the last week I spent some time on the animation systems of the game, trying to polish up what I could in time for Alpha. I was able to add new Idle and Running animations to the character and I even revamped the holstering animation, the character now walks around with his greatsword resting on his shoulder.
I was also able to quickly get in a simple Emote system, and I have to say I was impressed at how much some simple emotes increased the immersion of the game. Going forward into the Alpha I hope to get more animation sets done for all the different weapon types Renown will support as some of the placeholders I have are not in an acceptable state to be used at this moment. We hope to get an animator in the near future to go back and redo my placeholder animations, we expect this to make the fights look a lot more dynamic and lively but unfortunately we have yet to find a suitable candidate.
Currently all my time is being spent polishing up Melee Combat systems as with the first tester wave Im getting some very valuable feedback from our testers. Ive already made some changes to Morphs and Feints so they are easier to read and more consistent and Ive also tuned the balance on a few weapons, based on tester feedback. Im also developing some tools for myself to quickly rebalance weapon values so I wont have to do countless patches getting the Weapon balance right.
A lot of time has gone on into making the Combat Alpha as polished (for an early alpha) as humanly possible and Im very glad to see how far weve come in such a short amount of time.
Well likely get another dev blog out to you folks in the next fortnight, after the 3rd wave has come in, and weve seen how things went.
I should remind all our readers and backers that this is a Combat Alpha Test. Were doing everything we can to keep the quality and fun as high as possible, but we do actually need the testing data. Likewise there will be bugs, unbalanced weapons and a range of troubles.
This is exactly what we need your help fixing! The feedback weve already got back is amazing. Two separate patches have already been sent addressing multiple issues from our first week. We hope our next tier of Backers will have as much fun as we did this week, and will likewise provide us with some clutch information.
Again thanks so much to the amazing community. Huge shout out to the awesome backers and our moderator team.
Till next time
[ 2021-09-28 01:40:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Everyone Today is the day of our crowdfunding campaign. You can find the link to our indiegogo here https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/renown--2/x/26164579#/ Firstly thank you so much for all the passionate support until now and for this fight. Your help in this campaign will greatly effect and assist our ability to provide the game. Another incredibly useful way to aid the fight is to help spread the word of our project. Sharing our campaign and discord can be a huge contribution even if it doesn't feel like it. https://discord.gg/Tr2DxFh Again we'd like to humbly thank everyone who's given us their passionate support so far. No matter what happens in the near future, please understand that we're insanely grateful for your help and enthusiasm for our game.
[ 2021-05-31 13:00:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
The combat system functions with a set of easy to learn, hard to master fighting mechanics. The system is also built so that it is very easy to understand, allowing new players to easily learn the basics. As players become comfortable with the system, their developing level of skill becomes a major source of enjoyment.
The building system uses an easy-to-understand and deploy method. This allows for greater depth when creating both small and large castle or village-type structures. From a small house with only a door, players expand into fully customized castles, creating structures truly unique to the person's ability and experience.
The raiding system represents the pivotal activity that all types of players can undertake in-game. What’s the point in building a great castle if you can’t level someone else's to the ground. In a way the players are always in an “Arms Race” to see who can build the strongest, smartest, and most awe-inspiring structures. We want to provide you with just as awe-inspiring weapons, siege engines and all the utilities required for an ongoing medieval war.
Key Game Features:
- Fast-paced medieval survival with a strong emphasis on melee combat.
- From building humble farms to huge fortresses, the choice is with the player.
- A focus on horses, carts, and cavalry warfare.
- Custom armor system that deflects ranged attacks.
- Group systems for making Claims, taking titles, giving ranks and more.
- Server Progression and Wipe systems, for an engaging and vastly replayable experience.
- Tools for Community Hosts to help tailor their servers. Future plans for extensive moddability.
- Functioning Combat Alpha waiting for players
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