- Fixed a bug where you could get random items from James recycler by selling first and then buying back the same item. This was caused by desync between player and server inventories
- James vendor UI is now removed if the player dies while it is on
- Added small space between the feather and bird meat. Sometimes caused the player to only get 2 meats and no feathers- There was an error when calculating the farming hat buff effect on the harvest. The 30% reduction was actually calculated for nearly 300% buff. Now should be milder
- Player placed chest can now be destroyed so they can no longer be used as fence
- Energy drinks gave big movement speed buff in the status effect ended in the water. Movement speed is now correctly restored
- Added the vendor price fluctuation system back after fixing the bug that caused all items to change to wood and matches. This system will drive vendor prices up and down randomly. Also players that buy and sell stuff to vendors will cause prices to change. Buying increases the price and selling lowers it. After a while price ticks near, it's original starting price. You can see the price change percentage next to the MK in vendor UI. James recycler will not be effect by this system.
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You have been assigned to travel to Longvinter Island to research everything that makes the island special.
You begin your expedition at one of many research camps around the island. Buy yourself tools, sell the resources you gather, and invest in new and more advanced equipment to compete against fellow researchers.
Key features
Hand-crafted open-world - explore, learn and take advantage of the surrounding nature. Learn the best fishing and berry spots and build your camp near them to maximize your income
PVP - You're not the only one trying to succeed on the island. Make alliances, defend and conquer new areas you find valuable
Building - You can build anywhere you want with anyone you want. Pick a spot for your tent, get yourself a campfire going, and start expanding. Store all your valuables inside the tent, which only you can access
Crafting - Instantly combine two or more items into something new at a workbench
Farming - Grow food for yourself or sell it to make money
Sandbox - Do whatever you want, wherever you want, with whoever you want. There are no rules or tasks. Make the game what you want it to be
Trading - Sell your knowledge and rare items to players that are willing to pay for them and make constant money from selling to camp vendors