We completely reworked the progression system of the game. Read more: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1124180/view/3707081777770392781
Do not hesitate to buy the full game, the sale ends in a couple of hours!
Changes since 1.15.11
NEW: A display of the total number of the active contracts in the active contracts panel
NEW: Added cycle start times to experience point cycle report
NEW: Added horizontal scrolling on active contracts panel for smaller resolutions or UI scales
NEW: Added option to ignore tier requirements to 'New game' settings
NEW: Added sortable column of possible contract improvements to active contracts menu
NEW: Added tier threshold configuration to the level editor
NEW: Clicking accept contract in offered contract focus view will show the next leg until all legs are shown once, clicking accept after that will accept the contract
NEW: Configuration UI for AutoBlocks
NEW: Configuration UI for Tracks & Switches
NEW: Configuration UI for Tunnels
NEW: Experience point cycle report shows on hover over experience points
NEW: Game will be auto saved each time a new cycle starts
NEW: Hint for current players explaining new progression model
NEW: Multiple hint modals are allowed to be shown on game load
NEW: Narrative chapter about giving the player red experience points to unlock freight or regional trains in the red category
NEW: Note narrative chapters that reminds the player of the importance of increasing the experience points
NEW: Offered contracts message hint
NEW: Progression notifications pop up once next tier is reached, red upgrades are affordable and star is awarded
NEW: Reach tier 2 of the green category chapter was added in the story of Jozic
NEW: Score panel now shows successfully handled trains per cycle
NEW: Stars added to endless maps in main menu to track completion of throughput goals
NEW: Stars are rewarded for throughput in endless maps
NEW: Time Speed buttons can be set configured in the options, defaults are 1, 3, 10 and 25.
NEW: Train alerts tooltips to explain their meanings
NEW: Updated active contracts menu to the new UI style and made it fullscreen
NEW: Warning tooltip about shifting all the schedule legs for the station visit view minus buttons
UPDATE: Active contracts toggle has been moved out of the general bottom bar (!828)
UPDATE: Added button to view required upgrade if another upgrade requires it to be installed first
UPDATE: Added enter and backspace bindings to Yes and No keybind
UPDATE: Added sorting by contract experience point rewards to active contracts panel
UPDATE: Auto signal & Departure sensor costs halved
UPDATE: Automated contracts manager icon updated
UPDATE: Available station display under system upgrade menu made functional
UPDATE: Bottom bar buttons will be shown next to the time panel and the upgrades button is now next to build button instead of being above it
UPDATE: Building tracks, tunnel or wall is paused upon opening system upgrades or active contracts menu
UPDATE: Changed available station icon on system upgrades menu
UPDATE: Changed next tier indicator look in experience points cycle report to match upgrade menu
UPDATE: Changed upgrade tier progression bar tier indicator visuals
UPDATE: CheckTimetableSubtask in the tutorial now has a subtask to select the upcoming trains and a subtask to wait for that train arrival time
UPDATE: Close system upgrade menu button now shows as binding instead of button with binding hint
UPDATE: Closing contract configuration focus view reopens active contracts screen when it was open before
UPDATE: Coach yard imbalance calculation will now ignore regional trains
UPDATE: Com and IC in CY detail hidden when not present on save
UPDATE: Com and Urban trains are allowed to be delayed up to 2 minutes without losing the experience point (was 1 minute)
UPDATE: Contract rejection penalty charged once contract is accepted after trial (was: after first subsequent contracted train entered game)
UPDATE: Create schedule of contract leg from actual visits just as each trial train finishes (was: once last leg trial train finished, causing eventual changes being lost)
UPDATE: Default UI scale updated to accomodate Active Contracts without horizontal scrollbar
UPDATE: Default keybind for Active Contracts changed to (I) to prevent conflicts
UPDATE: Dispatch Office not ignoring border stations when being built. Regional contracts generation updated to force owning station as the first or last station if being a border station.
UPDATE: Experience point cycle report is now also shown when hovering over the tier progression bar in the system upgrades menu
UPDATE: Experience points now count up or down when value changes instead of being instantly set
UPDATE: Improved navigation highlighter visuals
UPDATE: Improved the fluency of the tutorial, chapters do not pile up anymore and the timing of the chapters activation has become more effective
UPDATE: Increase system upgrade menu scrollbar width and fixed some minor graphical issues
UPDATE: Input field visual corner radius reduced
UPDATE: Keybind icons now optionally show the keyboard binding as when gamepad is active instead of always
UPDATE: Localizations (de: research; no: tutorials, ui; zh-Hans: ui)
UPDATE: Localizations (nl: research, tutorials, ui; no: tutorials, ui; zh-Hans: tutorials, ui)
UPDATE: Localizations (nl: tutorials, ui; no: tutorials, ui)
UPDATE: Localizations (nl: tutorials, ui; no: tutorials, ui; zh-Hans: ui)
UPDATE: Localizations (nl: tutorials, ui; no: ui)
UPDATE: Localizations (nl: ui; no: ui; zh-Hans: ui)
UPDATE: Localizations (no: achievements, tutorials, ui)
UPDATE: Localizations (no: research, tutorials, ui; zh-Hans: research, ui; en: ui)
UPDATE: Localizations (no: ui)
UPDATE: More upgrades are now allowed to be unlocked in the demo of the story of Jozic
UPDATE: More visible tracks in Contract Configuration
UPDATE: Moved system upgrade menu context area to left of screen
UPDATE: Non-acting auto signal can be cleared with secondary action
UPDATE: Offered contract details now show total experience point rewards for contract instead of reward per leg
UPDATE: One-off FR contracts are generated at Dispatcher Office
UPDATE: Part of Reg trains reward (compensation for intermission) is fixed, not depending on travel time & speed
UPDATE: Possible contract reward improvement displayed as number in Active Contracts
UPDATE: Prepare time for trains reusing other trains (e. g. subsequent legs of multiple leg Reg trains) prolonged to 2 minutes so there is more time to reuse the train or pull it from a Coach Yard.
UPDATE: Prepare time for trains reusing other trains change reverted
UPDATE: Prototype trains are showing real timetable in its bottom bar
UPDATE: Re-balancing contract types - reward for Com increased by and reward for IC decreased by so now IC is approx. more rewarding than Com with the same speed and 2 times more rewarding when both going their max speed (was: 4 & 7 times more rewarding respectively)
UPDATE: Red traffic entry - reaching 8 green points per cycle gives 3 red xp points to unlock either Freight or Regional trains
UPDATE: Regional trains can be stabled in the Coach Yard, only when Upgrade is installed
UPDATE: Replaced system upgrade hold to install with seperate click button
UPDATE: Reversing speed (when control post not in the front) matched to lowest track speed (40 km/h) to delay the turn-around problem solving in the gameplay (was: 30 km/h)
UPDATE: Secondary action now also closes system upgrades menu
UPDATE: Show station signs of concerned stations in Contract Configuration
UPDATE: Some upgrade will always be selected when the system upgrade menu is shown
UPDATE: Some upgrades now require others to be installed first
UPDATE: Subtitles background color for better reading in the tutorial
UPDATE: System Upgrades descriptions revised
UPDATE: System upgrade context panel is hidden when clicking away from upgrade
UPDATE: System upgrade description now only auto scrolls when a pointer device is not in use
UPDATE: System upgrade menu binding now also closes the system upgrade menu
UPDATE: System upgrade menu button shown on top of menu
UPDATE: System upgrade tier seperation lines made brighter
UPDATE: Tier progression bar current value indicator now shows left of current value instead of right
UPDATE: Tier progression bar on system upgrade panel now better shows when all goals are reached
UPDATE: Time speed tooltip now contains hint how to customize time speed
UPDATE: Train alerts do not sound & animate once train with alert clicked / hovered
UPDATE: Unavailable cycle report data is hidden
UPDATE: UnlockAutoblocksChapter will zoom out the camera back to where it was automatically after it zoomed in
UPDATE: Unlocking all tiers either by debug menu or by hint menu will make sure that you have at least 3 red points to be able to progress in the red category
UPDATE: Urban trains unlock Coach Yard
UPDATE: Waiting train icon remains selected when mouse moves out when clicked
UPDATE: trains on time per cycle progress bar hidden when recorded maximum was 0
REFACTORING: Unlock auto accept train chapter now matches the new system upgrades (still missing the narrations)
FIX: 'Advanced Tracks' speed upgrade could not be installed
FIX: Active contracts panel total contract count was misaligned
FIX: Auto accept and Auto reverse toggles in the station configuration view were not interactable even though there effect was applied on the trains
FIX: Auto accept and auto reverse toggles in station configuration view were not interactable after toggling them off
FIX: Automation was not triggered when sensor was built at the track end (e. g. after speed was upgraded in segment ending just where the sensor is)
FIX: Autosaves after cycle end were corrupted because saving happened in mid-state
FIX: Autosaves created when cycle starts were not cleared
FIX: Available stations indicator on system upgrades menu did not update properly
FIX: Backward compatibility for saved WaitForDepartureSubTask when it's saved in a broken state
FIX: Bubny hint narration of the trial train in the tutorial was being played each time the train visit Bubny station
FIX: Building bottom bar was not shown after closing upgrades or active contracts panel when build mode was active
FIX: CheckTimetableSubtask was not being done when the first upcoming train arrives
FIX: Create route subtask from Bubny to Docks in tutorial was also fulfillable by creating an opposite route which is wrong
FIX: Departure & Routing sensor did now work when its platform / autoblock did not have signal at both ends
FIX: Description of dispatcher office was misleading
FIX: Elements with auto-hiding scrollbars where invisible or cut-off in some scenarios
FIX: Escape closed build mode before closing system upgrades menu
FIX: Game saving failed when experience point was granted during serialization
FIX: Incorrect train icon shown on system upgrades page tier progression bar
FIX: Info panel section scrollbar overlapped info panels content
FIX: Locked state of info panels was not saved
FIX: Main menu opened when closing system upgrades menu
FIX: Missing scroll bar in the add map page
FIX: More offered contracts upgrade requires 20 green points while the task in the tutorial asks you to get only 2 points
FIX: More stations upgrade preselected already installed upgrade instead of next one when attempting to buy platform
FIX: NPR in accept contracts chapter if contract was accepted without specifying the platforms
FIX: NPR in tutorial when a subtask is loaded and tries to get research that depends on the system upgrade menu being created
FIX: Navigation highlighter had incorrect size on interface configuration panel
FIX: Navigation in options menu was unable to select some settings
FIX: No sound played and system upgrade button was not toggled when opening system upgrades from a button that is locked by an upgrade
FIX: Performance issue in the buy autoblock chapter in the tutorial
FIX: Platform icon was too small in train label
FIX: Red system upgrade point costs had incorrect color
FIX: Red upgrades where not accessible with ignore tiers option enabled
FIX: Reg contracts never stopped at first leg origin
FIX: Reject penalty appeared for a moment after rejecting an fulfilled contract in Active Contracts panel
FIX: Reusing the train inside an auto block led to its crashing with itself
FIX: Rush hour get stuck when a train times out
FIX: Scrolling was disabled when it should not be
FIX: Second leg trial was eventually shifter to earlier time than pre-set when accepting the contract
FIX: Sensors tutorials get stuck if one of the trains left the map
FIX: Sensors were buildable at the autoblocks' end points
FIX: Shine effect in the SystemUpgradeContextPanelView when unlocking a new upgrade is not being hidden properly
FIX: Small icons of the unlocked items in rush hour on wave finished
FIX: Sorting live trains on active contracts panel did not work correctly
FIX: Station names where overlapping buttons on sensor configuration panels
FIX: Station sign backgrounds where visible over active contracts panel sorting bar
FIX: Story illustration english text missing 'a'
FIX: Story subtask highlighter was shown under system upgrades menu
FIX: System upgrade context panel could overlap menu buttons because it was too tall
FIX: System upgrade descriptions where cutoff when switching between upgrades with different description lengths
FIX: System upgrade locked reason was not always shown
FIX: System upgrade menu did not automaticly scroll to selected upgrade when necessary
FIX: T1 of oneway (red) traffic was not unlocked when reaching T2 of through (green) traffic
FIX: Table sorting header interaction area did not match text size
FIX: Throughput reward was shown with incorrect amount and position in system upgrade menu
FIX: Time resumed when installing upgrade but upgrades menu was still shown
FIX: Time speed multiplier allowed negative & fractional values in Options
FIX: Time was being paused when a new upgrade has been unlocked or a new tier has been reached
FIX: Title and description where cut off in system upgrade context panel
FIX: Train experience point reward indicators animated number change when first shown or briefly showed -1
FIX: Trains per cycle threshold rewards was overlapping tier indicator on system upgrade tier progression bar
FIX: Trains were spawning from 00:00 when Endless map contract prototypes had times < 8:00
FIX: Trial train hint was not being played when game set to other language than English
FIX: Unwanted scheduling of instances of rejected contract caused errors that prevented all other instances from being scheduled. Instances were scheduled because Rejected contract was changed to Fulfilled state if it was rejected just after last mandatory instance stopped in last scheduled station but before it departed from it.
FIX: Vertical platforms had random order in Station Timeline
FIX: WaitForDepartureSubTask was not being fulfilled in the Accept new contract chapter in tutorial
FIX: Walls were not created correctly when old map (level.txt) was loaded to Editor
[ 2023-10-10 07:22:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- DunGen VR Depot [559.96 M]
Rail Route - The Story of Jozic is a free, standalone expansion of Rail Route (set in our wonderful Prague map!). It utilises all of the core mechanics of Rail Route, including:
- Planning, building and automating your sprawling railway network
- Unlocking new commercial, freight and passenger contracts
- Researching new technology and automation methods for your railway
And, this standalone title contains our all-new narrative story, with dozens of dialogue lines to guide you along, reveal Jozic’s story, or provide some light-hearted jokes… And, since it’s completely free, what’s the wait? Jozic awaits!
- OS: Linux 64bit
- Processor: 1.6 GHzMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- OS: Linux 64bit
- Processor: 2.4 GHzMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]