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 Toy Tanks 



 Rodney Luck 



 Rodney Luck 






















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Toy Tanks v3.0.1

Reduced Recoil!

[ 2022-07-08 17:02:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

Livestream v1.3 - 2022 Summer Sale!

Toy Tanks - 2022 Summer Sale!

Hey Everyone, I hope your all having a wonderful summer so far :-) Toy Tanks is back and better then ever!

The full game will be 42% off on here and on Steam! The game is now up to version 1.3, this new version contains a total of 60 levels, the option to detach your cursor from your tank, new enemies, new bosses and more!

This is the deepest sale Toy Tanks will have for the remainder of the year, normally Toy Tanks is $11.99(USD), but with the summer sale, lasting for exactly 2 weeks, the game is now $6.95(USD)!

There is always the demo version of the game if you are just interested in giving it a go!

Here's a taste of some of the new content you can expect to see in the 2022 summer sale:

The design philosophy behind the new levels is more experimental then the original, first 30. I wanted to explore different concepts and try and push the player a bit more with harder tank combinations and deadlier terrain. Some of the new levels really require some thought, tanks acting like keys to doors that must be completed first before the next sub objective can be pursued. What do I mean by this, a simple example of a tank that acts like a key is the Healer tank, when positioned correctly it can be near impossible to destroy the tank that it's healing - you first need to take out the healer. There is a bunch of sub-objective based levels in this latest version of the game, some of them are sort of like mini puzzles. And if that's too difficulty you can always try and brute force your way through with the various offensive tactics you've developed while playing :-). Nothing needs to be solved in only one way.

Overall, I am fairly happy with the state of the game right now. I believe there is a solid number of hours of playtime available, the balance is good, the accessibility options are solid, The game is well rounded at the moment and that makes me really happy given how important the project was to me on a personal level.

If any of you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the discord community or email: rodneyluckhurst@gmail.com

Thank you all again for giving this a read, Have a wonderful Summer!

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-06-26 08:41:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Livestream v1.3 - 2022 Summer Sale!

Toy Tanks - 2022 Summer Sale!

Hey Everyone, I hope your all having a wonderful summer so far :-) Toy Tanks is back and better then ever!

The full game will be 42% off on here and on Steam! The game is now up to version 1.3, this new version contains a total of 60 levels, the option to detach your cursor from your tank, new enemies, new bosses and more!

This is the deepest sale Toy Tanks will have for the remainder of the year, normally Toy Tanks is $11.99(USD), but with the summer sale, lasting for exactly 2 weeks, the game is now $6.95(USD)!

There is always the demo version of the game if you are just interested in giving it a go!

Here's a taste of some of the new content you can expect to see in the 2022 summer sale:

The design philosophy behind the new levels is more experimental then the original, first 30. I wanted to explore different concepts and try and push the player a bit more with harder tank combinations and deadlier terrain. Some of the new levels really require some thought, tanks acting like keys to doors that must be completed first before the next sub objective can be pursued. What do I mean by this, a simple example of a tank that acts like a key is the Healer tank, when positioned correctly it can be near impossible to destroy the tank that it's healing - you first need to take out the healer. There is a bunch of sub-objective based levels in this latest version of the game, some of them are sort of like mini puzzles. And if that's too difficulty you can always try and brute force your way through with the various offensive tactics you've developed while playing :-). Nothing needs to be solved in only one way.

Overall, I am fairly happy with the state of the game right now. I believe there is a solid number of hours of playtime available, the balance is good, the accessibility options are solid, The game is well rounded at the moment and that makes me really happy given how important the project was to me on a personal level.

If any of you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the discord community or email: rodneyluckhurst@gmail.com

Thank you all again for giving this a read, Have a wonderful Summer!

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-06-24 06:54:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks v1.3 - 2022 Summer Sale!

Toy Tanks - 2022 Summer Sale!

Hey Everyone, I hope your all having a wonderful summer so far :-) Toy Tanks is back and better then ever!

The full game will be 42% off on here and on Steam! The game is now up to version 1.3, this new version contains a total of 60 levels, the option to detach your cursor from your tank, new enemies, new bosses and more!

This is the deepest sale Toy Tanks will have for the remainder of the year, normally Toy Tanks is $11.99(USD), but with the summer sale, lasting for exactly 2 weeks, the game is now $6.95(USD)!

There is always the demo version of the game if you are just interested in giving it a go!

Here's a taste of some of the new content you can expect to see in the 2022 summer sale:

The design philosophy behind the new levels is more experimental then the original, first 30. I wanted to explore different concepts and try and push the player a bit more with harder tank combinations and deadlier terrain. Some of the new levels really require some thought, tanks acting like keys to doors that must be completed first before the next sub objective can be pursued. What do I mean by this, a simple example of a tank that acts like a key is the Healer tank, when positioned correctly it can be near impossible to destroy the tank that it's healing - you first need to take out the healer. There is a bunch of sub-objective based levels in this latest version of the game, some of them are sort of like mini puzzles. And if that's too difficulty you can always try and brute force your way through with the various offensive tactics you've developed while playing :-). Nothing needs to be solved in only one way.

Overall, I am fairly happy with the state of the game right now. I believe there is a solid number of hours of playtime available, the balance is good, the accessibility options are solid, The game is well rounded at the moment and that makes me really happy given how important the project was to me on a personal level.

If any of you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the discord community or email: rodneyluckhurst@gmail.com

Thank you all again for giving this a read, Have a wonderful Summer!

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-06-23 16:57:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Detachable Aiming Cursor!

Added the option to detach your aiming cursor from your tank!

[ 2022-06-01 18:01:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks(v1.2.5) - Linux Port!

Toy Tanks - Linux Port!

[h2]Hey everyone, I'll keep this one short and sweet as I have tons of work to do! You can expect another 10 levels to be added to the campaign before the weekend is over! That makes for 60 levels in total - twice as many I had at the 1.0.0 launch![/h2]

[h2]Toy Tanks now has a Linux port woo hoo!!![/h2]

[h2]Also, join the discord community if you'd like to keep up with development!

- Rodney :-)[/h2]

[ 2022-05-28 16:10:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks v1.2.0

Another 10 levels released! Makes a total of 50 levels now in the Campaign experience!

- New enemy tanks were added
- Various bug fixes (Achievements related)
- Balance updates (Made things easier)

[ 2022-05-22 00:13:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks v1.1.0!

Hey everyone!

This update marks the first major update to game since launch wooohoooo!

I was able to add ten more levels in this update, bringing the total amount of levels to 40! These new levels will be apart of the campaign but under a new format I'm calling adventure! Adventure will be a longer form of level, more then just 10 like the standard campaigns, and will feature much greater diversity in design, enemy choice...etc. This is all to say I can experiment a bit more freely under this format and not worry so much about easing players into the game.

Adventure also features 3 new enemy types! Of which appear semi-randomly throughout Adventure! Dark Orange, Dark Purple, and Dark Blue are enemy tanks that have most of their stats semi randomized! Orange specializes in multiple shots, Purple in aggressive dash attacks, and Blue in precision. Along with having semi randomized stats there is also the chance that these tanks have a powerful gadget: Tracking shots, explosive shells...etc

Playing a level in adventure will have extra variety with the introduction of these Dark Series of tanks. Another layer to consider when taking on a level!

Of course all of these levels don't just highlight these semi-randomize tanks. There is a structure/flow to each of these levels, much like in the standard campaign.

I hope you all enjoy, and let me know if you have any feedback!

ps. These levels can be accessed by going to campaign and scrolling through to the 4th page :-)

- Rodney

[ 2022-05-17 00:22:06 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks v1.0.4

  • Balance Updates!

[ 2022-05-13 02:32:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks v1.0.3

  • Fixed Tanks healing when in-game menu is paused

[ 2022-05-13 00:02:37 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks v1.0.2

Bug Fixes --

  • Playing custom levels wouldn't end correctly when completed - Fixed

[ 2022-05-12 23:19:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks - v1.0.1

Hey Everyone! Few changes here...

  • Increased overall health of all playable Tanks
  • Fixed bug in the options menu

That's all for now :-)

[ 2022-05-12 19:06:51 CET ] [ Original post ]

Toy Tanks version 1.0 is out now!

Hey everyone! The time has finally come - Toy Tanks is Officially released on both Steam & Itch.io! They are both currently running at 25% launch discount - This'll run from now until the 19th of May, lasting exactly 1 week!

What a journey its been - Thank you all so much for giving the game a look! I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without everyone feedback and support - Genuinely - Thank you!

Okay now lets get into some of the new bells and whistles - Player Tanks, I mentioned before that there are 8 tanks to play as, some unlockable, some you'll started the game with! Here they are -

Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, and Amber! These four will be the beginning catalyst for your adventure! Each of them play a little different, and depending on how you want to play you'll have to choose carefully!

Emerald is an all-er-round-er, He's pretty good at most of what matters. Jack of all trades if you will.

Ruby is specialized, she's great at tracking down her enemy, quick and agile. She can take you by surprise if your not watching! If used properly, she transfers much of her momentum into the speed of her shot, allowing her to hit much higher shot speeds than normal!

Sapphire strength comes from her ability to take risks, She can dish out more shots then both red and emerald, and dash more too - Sapphire's philosophy is quantity over quality, while she may not have the fastest shot or the quickest step she can certainly overwhelm her opponents given the opportunity.

Amber is a bit harder to use, but for some he may prove to be all the more satisfying, Amber specialized in a single bolt shot that travels really quickly at the start but slows overtime. He is the sniper of the group and he can do some serious damage when in the right hands!

Double Shot, Ring Leader, Tank-Bot, and Gold all feature some sort a of unique quirk that drastically changes how you approach each level!

Double Shot does what it says on the box - He can shoot two shots at once! That's his special form of fire though that can only be triggered by activating your special (X Button or Right Bumper on your Xbox controller, or "E" on keyboard and mouse). His normal pattern of fire is an alternating one, left right left right... you get the idea. Hard to use - Fun to master.

Ring Leader is the hardest of the unlockable to unlock - The rest you'll get by simply beating the campaign so I wont spoil how exactly you can get him on your team! But I will tell you what he does, using your special you summon a ball that can be pushed, shot, throw, dribbled around the level - Once an enemy gets close to this ball it begins to track them down until it explodes right next to them! You can do all sorts of cool stuff with this one!

Tank-Bot has a strange firing pattern that isn't easy to describe, he shoots fast and in a straight like - plus his shots contain a ton of punch & knockback! But he severely lacks in range, don't worry though - He's decked out with one of the best movement sets in the game so closing the gap shouldn't be hard!

Finally there is Gold, He features a Gatling gun approach to his rate of fire. He shoots a ton, and I really mean a ton, of small bullets in a spread out pattern. They do less damage then normal but there's just so many of them that if you can manage to track your enemies movements with good lead you'll be the most dangerous tank out there!

There's tons more to go over if your interested - Check out my last devlog going over some other stuff a bit more in detail!

Also Join our Discord!

[ 2022-05-12 18:30:14 CET ] [ Original post ]

New Tanks, Levels, Gameplay, And More! - The Final Stretch!

[h2]Hello fellow couch co-op enthusiasts and Toy Tank enjoyers, [/h2]
[h3]We are exactly 1 week away from the full release of Toy Tanks on Steam, Wishlist the game now (It helps me out a ton)![/h3]

[h3]For the special occasion I went ahead and updated the demo, Check it out if you got the chance![/h3]


  • The Current & Final state of the Demo (New Content Added!)
  • The Full Release (Much More Content!)
  • Upcoming Plans (Even More Content? - YES)
  • A Massive Thank You - Personal note.


The Toy Tanks demo has gone through a tone of changes over the years. Seriously, I posted the first version of this game back in June of 2020! Since then so much has happened - I am very grateful to have the opportunity to impact so many people. So where do we stand now at the start of Summer 2022?

The demo will now contain the entire first campaign, all 10 levels, including the first Boss! Be careful though - You may need to team up with some of your friends to take this one on! Solo player? Ohhh you'll be tested, but trust me, nothings impossible! Learn his patterns and find his opening!

The demo now contains 8 modifiers, some new, some old. For those that don't know - Modifiers are rule changes players can choose to activate for any Gamemode they like. One of my favorites so far is called Rainbow, this dastardly modifier swaps out all of the standard tanks in the level with completely random ones from all different parts of the three campaigns! And yes, Bosses can spawn too!

PvP has always been a large part of the couch gaming experience. I mean, c'mon now - Who hasn't wanted to whip their controller at a wall after playing super smash bros? Because this experience is such an important part of gaming, I really wanted to have some form of pvp in the demo so as many people as possible could give it a go!

Much like pvp a large portion of the custom level creator's content will be locked off for the demo. Yet it will still be available! Constraints breeds creativity - You can still make some really awesome levels! And for the tech savvy ones of you, you can actually edit level files directly in a text editor as I've went out of my way to make those files (That can be shared btw) as human understandable, and readable as possible!

There will be two tanks available to unlock for the demo. One you'll get by beating the first campaign's Boss(Level 1-10), the 2nd you'll have to figure out on your own - This one is a secret! Playable tanks (Both unlockable and otherwise) have their own unique quirks and abilities, try a few out and see which one works best for you :-)


It's been a long few years but the game will finally come out on Steam for $11.99(USD) - around $9.99(USD) with the launch discount - On May 12th!

[b](30+ Levels, 15+ Types of Enemies, 3+ Bosses, Mini Bosses, 16 Modifiers, 8 Playable Tanks, 4+ Unlockable Tanks)

The campaign is absolutely packed with content, a majority of my development time was focused on handcrafted every nook, cranny, and detail of each of these levels. Each level contains unique Terrain, Hazards and of course enemies. The Terrain is suited to work well with the fluid movement(Physics) of the game - Verticality is a factor, although I do try to keep it's use reasonable haha. Hazards are also a big part of each levels design. We have nearly 10 hazards in the game! They will: Bounce, Burn, Slow, Throw, Shoot, Fling, Knockback, Damage, Disorient, and reorient you if your not careful!

(Cardboard, Black, Turquoise, Yellow, Orange, Steel, Pink, Light-Green, Crimson, Tracer, Nano, Commander... And More!)

Each standard enemy has a personality: Some are aggressive and will charge your position, some are calculated and careful attempting to keep a distance. Some try to complete some sort of side objective (Healing or Evolving), Some try to flank and surprise. No two tanks are alike, and they each interact with the players and one another differently.

(Unlockable Included: Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Quartz, Jade, Two-Shot, Gold, Amber, and *Secrets*)

I really wanted to make choosing a tank a core part of the gameplay experience. The goal was to design each tank in such a way that the strategies you used for one tank would necessarily transfer over to another - As in you'd have to relearn how each tank handles and adjust your playstyle accordingly. This allows different types of players to focus on different parts of the gameplay and incentivizes teamwork.

(3 Maps, Stocks, Timer, and additional Gamemode Modifiers - Launch Rate)

PVP will come with three different maps. A dense map with dangerous hazards, A floating island surrounded by lava, and a more open, many pathways, nothing too dangerous map. They each play very differently and require dynamic and varied strategies to remain the champion for long. Right now free for all is the only way to play, I intend on adding other sub-gamemodes to pvp in the future. One of the fun additional modifiers this gamemode makes available is Launch Rate. You can set this value to double or even triple what it is normally, greatly increasing the power of any pushing force!

(40+ Items total! Hazards, Tanks, Bosses, Blocks... etc)

The custom level creator enables to create millions of unique kinds of levels. The feature has two types of "Resolutions" that can be flipped back and forth between. You can go from making broad sweeping changes with one resolution, to really focusing on those finer details with the other resolution. An interesting quirk of the CLC is that it allows you to spawn enemy tanks that aren't on the same team as one another. This can allow for interesting multi-way fights between different teams. This can also be done for players as well, doing so actually allows players to make their own pvp/team gamemodes if they so desire!


For the first few months or so post release I intend on supporting the game with free updates mostly revolving around adding polish, reinforcing stability, adding support for other platforms(Mac and Linux), input remapping, and other quality of life improvements. Along side this I will also be chipping away at the creation of an additional gamemode, as detailed below*

[b]Gauntlet (The semi-custom/semi-randomized rouge-like | Will be included in a free update post release)

Gauntlet was something I really wanted to make it into the game before release. But put simply, it just need a bit more time in the oven. The general idea behind gauntlet was to create something that lends itself to the chaos - Both for players and the opposition alike. Balance be dammed, this was more about players "breaking" the game as opposite to fitting inside of it. In the Gauntlet gamemode players will fight through a variety of levels featuring semi-handcrafted semi-randomized terrain, hazards, enemies, and configurations. Every so often, after completing one of these levels, the player would be taken to the shop where they could buy an upgrade or two. Improve one of your stats or take on a Gadget, kinda like a super power of sorts that changes how your tank plays. An example of a gadget would be Explosive Dashes or a Floating Jump. The tanks you'd fight against would be semi-randomly generated so they wouldn't look, feel, or fight like any of the tanks in the Standard Campaign.


Hey again everyone, this moment is a special one for me. I've put every part of myself in this project over the past 3+ years. It's almost as if I am losing a part of myself that I've been growing and nurturing all this time. It's scary, very scary. A whirlwind of emotions, and I'm not exactly sure how I am supposed to process them.

But one thing I do know for certain is this - Thank you. Making it this far, following me along my journey, even if your just someone who played the demo for a few minutes a year ago. You are exactly what I am doing this all for, and to know I was able to generate a few extra smiles - That means more to me then words can describe. Again, Thank you. You've all given me a chance, that's not a favor I will never forget.

I started my game dev career because of a little game called Wii Play, A collection of mini games that came out in 2006 (A very hard couple of years). To keep things short and simple, my parents at the time were getting a divorce. Fights happened often, and my brother and I didn't really understand what was going on. All we saw was the outcomes, The screaming, yelling, sometimes things got physical. It was hard, it was just hard. One of the few things I looked forward too during those times was video games. One game we absolutely loved was a mini game in Wii Play, the tanks mini game to be exact. We played that game for hours, and were completely and utterly immersed in it's charm. We bonded, we healed. A core experience I share with my brother.

Since then, a lots changed - My mother passed away and My dad is still an ass-hat. But one thing that hasn't is my deep love for this medium. The desire to save someone like that game saved me. I'm only 22, and I cant say for certain, but making games may be something I want to do for the rest of my life. I'll still have to work my day job of course, but who knows. Maybe one day I truly could dedicate the time this hobby so viciously sucks away from you. But like I said, I love it. So I'll always keep trying :-)

Thanks one last time,

- Rodney

Whishlist the game!

Join the Discord Community!

[ 2022-05-06 18:10:20 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-28 06:41:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-25 03:54:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-23 05:20:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-20 00:40:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-19 06:29:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-18 05:06:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-16 05:17:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-12 18:33:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-12 05:49:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory! | Pre-stream!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-07 04:45:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory! | Pre-stream!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-03-04 15:56:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Jump! Dash! & Shoot your way to Victory! | Pre-stream!

Hey everyone!

Toy Tanks has tons of brand new content to be showcased here for the Next Fest account. This is a project I've been working on since pre-covid! (Do we still remember those days?) I have a bunch of cool stuff to share with you all: New Enemies, Hazards, Boss Battles, Levels, Modifiers, and much more! I am really excited!

This game has really been a labor of love for me, it's something I've wanted to do for many years but finally mustered up the motivation to commit to once I saw Silohawk's video on Wii Play Tanks. That game meant so much to me when I was younger. It's hard to describe the impact it's had on my life. And yeah, It's just one game, but It came to me during a time when I really needed it. Ever since then It's really just hung out in the back of my mind as another vessel for good memories. Making Toy Tanks is my opportunity to give back to that game, to that memory, to do for someone else what that game did for me.

It's my first game and although it may be rough around the edges, I am proud of what I've created here.

If anyone of you have the time to check out the free demo please do so, feedback is always appreciated, we have a discord server with a wonderfully kind community helping to support the game, this is the perfect place to offer up ideas, suggestions, and criticism, I will read it all.

I hope to bring a few more smiles into the world, and I hope that this project can help me do just that.

Thanks again everyone,

- Rodney :-)

[ 2022-02-28 05:52:34 CET ] [ Original post ]