- [262.4 M]

I'm so grateful for the positive reception to the 2.0 changes, and I'm hoping that this update can make CozyTyper a better training tool & game for everyone! If you are interested in the development process of 2.0 and beyond, check out the free dev logs!
New Features
New Workspace Customizations
- Modern Radio
- Modern Monitor
- Snake Plant
Unit Progress Indicator
- In the top bar, you will now see your progress through respective unit for your currently loaded content. If you have completed that unit, it will instead show your total progress through that level of content.
Progress Redesign
- Due to popular request, all 4 unit types are available from the start of the game, and progress is now focused on advancing each individual unit. It is still recommended to start with quotes, but you can now choose your own path through the content.
Keyboard overlay
- The will now show the home row for the selected layout.
- There is now an additional toggle button on the overlay itself as well as the top bar.
Mouse Cursor
- Added the CozyTyper 1.x mouse cursor.
Welcome Screen
- Added a start screen similar to the original CozyTyper.
Bug Fixes
- Various updates to database content! Big thank you to everyone who has been submitting corrections!
- Classic and YOTO parsers have had their tooltips fixed!
Known Issues
- Radio tooltip is not loading properly for the first song upon loading.
- Linux - Low cursor flash speed combined with high typing speed can cause the cursor to disappear momentarily.
[ 2025-02-21 15:33:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
2.1 Preview available on the updatepreview beta branch. These changes are due to go live on the default branch in one week! I have been going through all the reviews and feedback about the new update, and I am so grateful that people are enjoying the new changes! There have been a few small friction points, and this patch should smooth those out! Primarily, the progress has been reworked so the path of quotes->poems->stories->code is still recommended, but players are able to start with, and work on any unit they choose. These units will still have sub progression, ie you cant do quotes level 2 until you pass quotes level 1! Quotes 1, Poems 1, Stories and Code will now be open to the player right away. There are a few new quality of life updates as well as 3 new workspace customizations! Full patch notes available in the game and will be posted with the update post new week! If you are interested in seeing a preview live, or the process of working on CozyTyper or any of my other / upcoming projects, come check me out live on Twitch! (I will be live today at noon est!) If you prefer to read your updates, and want to keep tabs on development, check out my free dev logs! Have a great weekend daphii
[ 2025-02-14 16:09:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thank you for your patience over the holidays while I took a few days to recoup! I really appreciate everyone using the content report tool, I have fixed all the reported errors, and added the new submissions!
Bug Fixes
- Audio settings toggles now functioning as expected.
- Various content errors fixed.
- Content submissions added.
Known Issues
- Some values are causing display issue in the graphs. If this is happening to you, please go to this discussion post and let me know!
[ 2024-12-26 13:49:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
More Cozy, More Typer!
Two and a half years ago, a dear friend and I cobbled together a little project. Initially, it was just tool to help me learn colemak-dh on my new keyboard. We had the crazy idea to package it up like a game and see if we could maybe make the app fee back from Steam. Neither one of us could believe the traction it got, nor the overwhelmingly positive response. We had big plans for expanding it beyond quotes, but we were both otherwise committed for the foreseeable future. While my friend has moved onto new career choices (to which I lovingly wish her the best!), I have started my own game dev studio, silly little games. After graduation my first step was a 6-month game jam, which pushed me to learn so much more than I thought myself capable of! Afterwards I was eager to move onto a new project, but I also wanted to revisit CozyTyper to, as I saw it, finish the job! The whole codebase was a mess. Looking back, Im surprised it worked at all! I needed to start from scratch and rebuild using all the new skills and tools I had picked up. After a few months, I was able to rebuild CozyTyper with some really exciting new additions like scrolling text and customizable font sizing / alignment. I have also added a ton of new workspace customizations. Now you can change not just the ambience, but the desk, the radio, the computer etc! Some only have one option right now, but the pipelines have all been built to allow me to add new content / customization really easily! While the update is ready to go, I am far from done with CozyTyper! I look forward to adding more and more content as time goes on! If there is content you would like to see in CozyTyper, then please use the Submission Form! I hope you all enjoy the new changes, but if anyone is looking to play the old 1.x versions, you can select those branches from the Steam Beta settings for CozyTyper!
Exciting Stats
(Since Feb 2023) [olist]
- 3.2 million quotes entered.
- 76% used the manual (correction) parser.
- 14% used the classic parser.
- 10% used the yoto parser.
- 56% used the box cursor.
- 25% used the bar cursor.
- 19% used the underscore cursor.
2.0 Patch Notes
New Features
Three New Modes!
- Practice longer form content with Poems! Poems are rich text formatted, so you will use return to move to the next line, as if you were typing in a text editor!
- Short stories will push your long form practice to the next level. Short Stories are broken up into sections, and your progress and stats are tracked individually per section.
- Code snippets will challenge even the most experienced typists with both rich text formatting and heavy use of symbols. Tabs are adjustable, and your tab inputs will be inserted as your preferred length, with spaces to mimic a standard IDE setup.
Content Progress Bar
- In order to help you better visually track your progress through the content, a progress bar will appear when needed that represents the number of total lines in the content. These indicators will change colour to indicate both progress, and errors left on previous lines.
- In Short Stories, the progress bar works a little differently. Each Indicator represents a section of the story and that section will fill up as you work your way through it. The indicators will also show if you have previously successfully completed a section or not.
Content Report Tool
- If you notice an error in a quote and want me to take another look at it, use the content report button, fill out the correction and submit. This way I can address error reports directly.
Keyboard Overlay
- Display an overlay just below the screen to help you keep from looking down at your fingers! Missing your layout? Let me know and I will add it!
International character variations
- For those of you who have been having issues with specific characters due to international layouts (ABNT ? for example). I have added a system to check for variations of any character, but I need to collect more data on which characters are causing people problems. Please use the character report tool if this issue is happening to you, so I can have the data added to the character variation database, so you can play without issue!
On-Screen Settings
- You no longer have to quit out of the typing screen in order to change the settings! Just click on the buttons in the top left to see the options.
On-Screen Reporting
- If you find an issue of any type, click the report button on the in game screen to bring up different reporting options. Currently, you can report content / suggest any edits, report issues with character registration, or any other general bug / suggestion. The content error and character registration error windows gather information that will help me fix those issues much quicker.
Email Notifications
- When you get a new email from Anita, you will see a notification in the bottom right which will take you to that email in your inbox!
- Longer Content - Content length is now unlimited.
- Vertically Scrolling Content - Content will scroll automatically with your position to facilitate unlimited content lengths.
- Character accuracy stat page redesigned as a histogram.
- The graph display has been redesigned to separate the new content types.
- 65 new achievements have been added to replace the old 1.0 set.
Bug Fixes
- Various quote errors fixed in database.
Known Issues
- Radio tooltip is empty for the first song upon loading.
- Typing sound missing for ` key.
- Linux - Low cursor flash speed combined with high typing speed can cause the cursor to disappear temporarily.
On-going Updates and Help
- One of the biggest focuses with 2.0, was better long-term support. If you come across any issue or just want to leave your feedback, please make use of the in-game reporting tools! That way, I cant miss it!
- I am already working on some new customization options and content additions for the next update, so stay tuned!
Support / Stay Informed
- I have been publishing regular publicly available dev logs on my patreon! Check them out here! - Patrons get early access to new content / previews / access to the patron discord!
[ 2024-12-18 23:41:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is just a quick little note to remind everyone that the achievements have been reworked in anticipation of the upcoming update, and those changes should already be visible in your Steam library! For more information about the achievement rework and for a sneak preview of some exciting stats, check out the Dev logs! We are so close to 2.0, I cant wait! daphii
[ 2024-12-11 13:31:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Customization
I have added a wholly redesigned settings menu, with a live preview to see all of your typing options in real time! You can now change even more about the workspace, including desk ornament, computer, radio, desk etc! Read more about it in this updates Dev Log.
The community spoke out overwhelming in favor of a redesign to match the new update, even if that means removing old achievements. This is going to be happening shortly, so I would recommend taking a screenshot of the old achievements you got if that is something you find meaningful! More details it in this updates Dev Log. The 2.0 update is getting closer, I cant wait to get it out for everyone! daphii
[ 2024-11-25 14:19:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Who doesnt love a graph? The play menu and stats menus are built out!
I have added over 50 content suggestions, new stories and poems, and 3 new programming languages. If you want to learn more about the development process, or vote and comment on upcoming changes, check out the free dev logs!
As a reminder, all CozyTyper players are automatically in the playtest!
For more info on how to launch it, check here! I cant wait to hear what you think! daphii
[ 2024-11-16 00:33:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
I am so excited to bring these features live for testing!
Currently there are 10 poems, 10 Python snippets, and 5 short stories, as well as 1200+ quotes available to test. If you want to learn more about the new modes or their development process, check out the dev logs!
As a reminder, all CozyTyper players are automatically in the playtest
For more info on how to launch it, check here! I cant wait to hear what you think! daphii
[ 2024-10-05 00:04:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
The 1.3 EOL build is up as the default branch now, which means we are back on MacOS! There were a few months where I chose to remove the mac listing as it was no longer stable! Good news, that is all behind us now, but if you continue to have trouble, please reach out on the community forums and I will get back to you ASAP! For anyone who wants to participate in the ongoing playtest for the 2.0 update, I would encourage you to check out the dev logs for details on the new changes and how to join in. All current CozyTyper players can get started with it today. Do you use a us-intl or a ABNT keyboard layout? This community post outlines how you can help make CozyTyper accessible to anyone regardless of region specific hardware! I cant wait for your feedback, so 2.0 can be the best it can be! Stay Cozy! - daphii <3
[ 2024-09-25 00:24:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello again, CozyTypers! I have some really exciting news, I am working on some big quality of life changes, and some fun new features for CozyTyper. I will be using Steams playtest feature in order to test the builds before they go live! Currently the playtest is invite-only, but I am hoping to expand that once I get the update to a more complete state! I will be posting major updates about playtest on the Steam Community forums, but I will also be posting more frequent minor updates on Patreon. As always, the dev logs are public for anyone to view! Right now, the first playtest post is live and outlines the plans for CozyTyper and how to get an invite - if that is something you are interested in! Read the updates here! I am really excited for the future of CozyTyper, and I look forward to building it with all of you! daphii <3
[ 2024-09-19 16:59:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed input bug on Mac OS Sonoma
- Edited credits to adhere with Steam guidelines.
- Moved to a new save system
I plan to set the 1.3 build live on the default branch shortly, but would really appreciate the help of anyone using Mac OS Sonoma to try to using the 1.3 branch to see if that fixes your issue! I have confirmed it fixed on multiple machines, but I have limited access as a solo developer! Your old save files will not be removed, and I recommend to leave them in place. The new system will read your old file, and then save all new data to the new file. This was intentional in case of any unforeseen issues, your old save file should not be modified in any way!
How do I get the 1.3 branch?
Go to CozyTyper in your Library, click the cog button, or right click on the game and click 'Properties...' then go to the betas tab go to the 'Beta Participation' dropdown menu and click cozytyper_1.3_eol. Steam will download the update and you should see "Selected Beta" and "cozytyper_1.3_eol" beside the play button.
[ 2024-09-19 16:24:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello CozyTypers! It has been a little while; I am all finished my undergraduate degree! It was a long road but so worth it! It was hard to imagine finishing it, but I finally made it over the finish line! What Im most excited about is being able to focus my full efforts into developing this silly little studio into a real career! This brings me to topic of this announcement, my new game Daedalus! Its a twin-stick pixel art action game, set in Greek mythology. If that sounds at all interesting to you, I humbly ask that you check out the store page and add it to your wishlist! This is immensely helpful in getting the game to be discovered by potential players. There is a Demo planned for release in January, with the whole game releasing on February 12th. If you are interested in learning more about the development of Daedalus, the ongoings of the studio, or are looking to help support future development than please check out the Patreon! All Dev Logs are available for free, with some behind the scenes looks and early beta access for paying patrons. My patrons have been immensely helpful in testing Daedalus and providing footage for the trailer, I could not do this without their support. Thanks again for giving CozyTyper a shot, you all have made my dreams of game development into a reality. Stay Cozy! - daphii
[ 2023-12-20 18:27:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Read more about this update and the processes we used to make it happen on our Patreon - available for anyone to read, patron or otherwise!
Quote Database Overhaul
- Each quote has been checked one by one for any grammar or spelling issues.
- All punctuation has been normalized and more info can be found [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2063420/discussions/1/3758852249528348005/]here.
- Over 150 new quotes have been added - including many community suggestions.
Bug Fixes
Achievements & Stats
- All accumulation achievements have been rewritten to include any and all progress, regardless of resetting your story mode progress.
- Stats are uploaded at the end of each day, or any time that you go back to the menu.
[ 2023-03-10 17:30:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey There, CozyTypers! Our 5th Dev log is out on Patreon and is available for anyone to read, patron or otherwise! We explain more about our process of normalizing the quotes, and fixing the cumulation achievements. Read more here! Our previous dev logs are posted there if you are curious to check those out as well. TL;DR: All punctuation has been normalized. We are inspecting the quotes one by one to check for any errors. Quotes may contain certain oddities if that is faithful to the source. We are fixing the cumulative achievements so they work as people expected. - imophi
[ 2023-03-01 14:30:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Last weekend, we made a post about the perfection achievements and if they had a place in CozyTyper. We opened up a patreon poll as well as a straw poll for non patrons. The community voted and left comments to let us know what they were thinking. We are very grateful for everyone who participated and make their voices heard, your feedback helps us make the best decisions we can for our games!
The Results
[table] [tr] [th]Platform[/th] [th]For Removal[/th] [th]Against Removal[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Patreon[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]3[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Strawpoll[/td] [td]30[/td] [td]28[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Poll Totals[/td] [td]36[/td] [td]31[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Strawpoll Comments[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]3[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Steam Comments[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]9[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Comment Totals[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]12[/td] [/tr] [/table] When we look at the poll numbers, the community seems mostly split down the middle. However, when reading the comments, it seems pretty clear to us that people would prefer them left as is. Many of the comments put forth some great arguments for keeping the achievements as is, especially from those who have already achieved or are in the process of working on these achievements. Any decision like this is going to be tough to make, because we are likely to step on some toes either way! Overall, we think it is in the best interest of CozyTyper to leave the achievements in place as is.
What have we learned?
CozyTyper was our first major project outside of a game jam, and was put up on steam as a way of feeling like we had accomplished something. We had never imagined it would reach as many people as it did. This is both exciting and a bit embarrassing; exciting that people are enjoying the game we made, and embarrassing that our web of spaghetti code which best resembles a jenga tower during the penultimate move, is our first introduction to so many people. When we are working on our new titles, both our current work in progress and in new projects going forward, that we QA test the achievements outside of our team not just in a functionality sense but also how it feels as a part of the overall experience. We have learned so much from CozyTyper and are grateful to have a community that is willing to make their voices heard and stick with us while we learn and grow. Thank you to everyone who participated in the polls and commenting! Have any more thoughts/follow up questions? Lets us know in the comments. - imophi
[ 2023-02-15 19:23:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
One of the biggest friction points for CozyTyper has been achievements and the way that they work, so we want to try to bring these in line with what the community is expecting and feels right to you CozyTypers! We want to make some changes to the achievement system as we didn't initially communicate our intentions for these achievements at release, which you can read more about on our community discussions page. After a lengthy discussion regarding the 4 toughest achievements ( completing the 4 weeks without a mistake ), we thought the best thing to do would be to open up the idea of removing those 4 achievements as they feel against the general vibe of CozyTyper. To loop you into our perspective, here is what the main points of the discussion were:
- We wanted to create a higher tier of achievement beyond just accumulating total quotes. This led us to trying to follow the spirit of the game ( accuracy over speed ) to its logical conclusion, 100% accuracy. We recognized that this would be a rare achievement indeed, but we wanted to find a way to reward someone who managed such a feat.
- Because of the way that some people play games, those achievements were not seen as some far off goal, but one they were obligated to complete to feel they had finished the game. This is not wrong, it is just different from how we conceived it to be.
- Currently ~70 have completed at least 1 of these achievements, that is ~1% of players.
- If there were a way to convert achievements to legacy achievements similarly to the feat of strength system in World of Warcraft, or to exclude specific achievements from the 100% completion requirement similarly to PlayStation's Platinum system, then this would be a no brainer!
- Sadly our only other option is to outright remove them, which would allow those who have already 100% the game to keep that, despite losing the 4 perfection achievements. We really dislike that people will not be able to retain credit, and we are trying to weigh that against the frustration that these achievements are causing people.
- We are in a position where either decision will impose on people, and are struggling to find the best option.
Patreon Poll Link
Straw Poll Link
Thank you for helping make CozyTyper a better experience for everyone! - imophi
[ 2023-02-05 16:54:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Adjusted error stats screen to allow for a higher numbers of errors in the summary without line breaking.
- Daily grades are now based solely on accuracy instead of number of attempts.
- Reduced white space on WPM graph.
- Several quote typos fixed.
- Added suggested quote from community page.
- Fixed error which caused a hidden achievement to not trigger.
[ 2022-09-05 10:55:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Features
A new vaporwave radio station has been added, featuring two albums from