Fixed the Joldurbraan Boss fight and added several optimization to improve performance.
- Joldurbraan boss fight should now be completable in all cases. The fight is back to sequenced/gated mechanic with ice walls separating each enemy as originally designed and fix issues with collision/navigation to correct enemy movement.
- Added an "Input Queue enabled/disabled" option has been added to the Game section of Settings, allowing players to select and use the previous input handling mechanics.
- Corrected false positive cases when saving Settings.
- Optimization to the iteration and searches of items in inventory
- Reduce hitching and total time dungeon floors take to load by adding cache-friendly lookups to spawn selection.
- Optimization for Shadow casting lights by disabling shadows when Shadow quality is lower than 3 (High)
- Disabled distance field lighting for small objects that will not contribute to this lighting, reducing the GPU cost on lower performing devices.
[ 2024-08-20 00:14:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Were happy to announce (and patch) some excellent improvements to Dungeons of Sundaria. They include improvements and fixes to Combat, Audio, and the player Camera. This patch also includes improvements to the Lady Everleen Boss fight so that it is much more fun and less problematic. As always, thank you for playing! Warren, Industry Games
Combat improvements to make ability selection and melee combat much more responsive and fluid.
- Input | Handle input buffer overflow and loss due to ability failures, allowing for both hold-to-click or rapid-press play styles
- Combat | Modified hit detection to improve the flow of melee combat Camera Improvements The player camera has a number of improvements to fix popping and smooth out transitions to make for a better overall experience.
- Camera | Adjusted offset of camera collision to prevent camera push back due to running into things in front of player
- Camera | Prevent enemy weapons from causing player camera pushback
- Camera | Remove camera affecting collision from some projectiles that cause camera pushback
- Camera | Add option to slightly increase or decrease the size of the camera collision
- Graphics | Remove delay causing just exploded destructible affecting the camera before collision being ignored Sounds Fixed bugs and tuned the attenuation so they play correctly in numerous instances throughout the game.
- Audio | Lady Everleen and her Handmaidens should once again play foley sounds
- VO | Prevent enemy characters outside the current fight area and/or boss arena from responding to VO announcements
- Sound | Enemies that are part of boss fights should now correctly announce their VO events to their boss fight counterparts and not the entire dungeon
- Reduce attenuation of Lady Everleen so her voiceovers are heard from farther away Lady Everleen Boss fight was reworked to improve playability and be more intelligible to the player.
- AI - Lady Everleens Life Drain should now only target players, fixing combat engagement and VO on nearby AI
- Boss | Lady Everleen will continue to use her Focusing Gaze, removing protection her handmaidens for a short duration, the entire time the handmaidens are alive
- Boss | Correct detection for bosses being contained within their fight, fixing triggered boss mechanics such as doors
- VFX | Change visuals of Lady Everleens Focusing Gaze to only target live Maidens which have not yet been revealed
- Boss | Reduce cooldown of Lady Everleens Focusing Gaze, giving more opportunity to attack the healing Maidens
- Boss | Lady Everleens Handmaidens now correctly target a player immediately when switching from healing to attacking
- Boss | Lady Everleens aura has slightly more distinct VFX to help identify it
- Boss | Adjust Lady Everleens colors to be all red and distinct from her maidens
- Boss | Lady Everleens Handmaidens now use a visible shield, as opposed to becoming invisible during their protected phase
[ 2024-07-24 03:21:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's patch fixes various bugs and issues.
- Fixed Dungeon warning dialog showing incorrectly
- Fixed crash that may occur on a number of AI and abilities across the game
[ 2024-04-16 20:07:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Afernoon, Today's patch brings a game improvements and big fixes.
Recommendation System
We have heard player feedback regarding confusion with the appropriate level players should be when attempting different levels of content. The old recommendations were prior to the full unlock of all dungeons and this system needed to be updated with the correct levels. In addition to this, the quality and level of gear when attempting this content is also important to player success. To help a player be more successful in the content we have done several things [olist]
Improved Loot Quality
We wanted to incentivize players to play all dungeons rather than only trying the highest dungeons due to higher chance of improved quality drops. All dungeon bosses (with a boss chest) will now have some chance to drop higher quality loot. The chance to drop higher quality loot now improves with the depth in the dungeon you progress to (i.e. level 4 bosses have much higher drop chances of higher quality loot and the first boss of a dungeon). [olist]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with center keep gates in Grasslands causing them to be too small
- Reduced damage on Snowtek
- Fixed issue text on crafting screen not localizing
[ 2024-03-31 16:50:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's patch fixes issues with immune enemies such as Botanist Juran in the Grasslands.
[ 2024-03-14 17:23:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Afternoon, Today's patch brings a number of improvements and big fixes.
Loot Updates:
We have heard player feedback regarding endgame progression feeling to grindy in terms of item scaling and crafting results. We have improved this system with the following changes.
Star Items (End-Game Tiers):
Starred items are designed to be end-game items that drop from NPCs, Crafting and Bosses once the player has attained level 20. The number of stars on an item is (and has always been) limited by the quality of an item with Superior (Green items) having up to one star possibility, Rare (Blue items) two stars, Epic (Purple) three stars, Legendary (Red) Four stars and Eternal (Light Blue) five stars. This is regardless of how the item was obtained (NPC, Crafting, etc). The following changes have been made to star item loot drops. [olist]
We implemented the following gameplay changes based upon player feedback, we continue to work on additional improvements so please keep sending your feedback.
- Improvement to AI logic. AI abilities will no longer block load if used while waiting for their corresponding assets. Instead the ability will be temporarily unavailable and not chosen by the AI, preventing hitching related to the block load.
- Potion cooldowns have been reduced from 20 seconds to 4.
- Crafting fragment drop quantities have been improved from 1 per drop to 3 per drop.
- Bosses now have a chance to drop higher quality essences to make crafting more viable.
- Fixed issue where corpses were sometimes difficult to loot and players would receive no notification of loot.
[ 2024-02-27 20:41:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Morning, Today's patch brings further optimizations and performance improvements, as well as fixes some various UI bugs. Thanks, Industry Games
[ 2024-02-02 17:18:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Morning, Today's patch brings a number of improvements and bug fixes.
Loot Updates:
We have been monitoring your feedback and drop rates across the game, and have decided to greatly reduce the amount of Common items the player receives from defeating enemies. [olist]
Difficulty Updates:
We have been pleased with the first round of difficulty adjustments based on reducing enemy scaling from Heroism. Today's patch makes further adjustments to game difficulty by adjusting the baseline scaling of dungeons for Nightmare difficulty. We feel these changes should provide a more appropriate power progression through the game. but as always we look forward to your feedback!
- Improved navigation in Ragewind Castle
- Expanded in-game errors to provide more relevant information
- The damage reduction buff gained during the Slygoth and Norgoth encounter in Ragewind Castle now has a duration of 60 seconds
- Champion's Cleave ability attack range improved for smaller races
- Further optimizations to Ragewind Castle to improve performance
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed some issues that prevented players from looting Cric's Treasure Chests
- Client should no longer crash when Ogre's use Throw Boulder
- Fixed various issues with the floor mechanic during the Lorg encounter in Icy Depths
- Fixed various object collision issues
- Fixed some enemy issues where they were using the incorrect version of an ability
- Cleric's Heavenly Strike's cooldown should work correctly for clients in cooperative mode
- Fixed a drop rate issue with the Bulwark of the Undead Crusher from the Crypt Lord encounter in the Crypt of Horrors
[ 2024-01-29 16:59:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Developer Update
Greetings Adventurers!
We first wanted to take a moment to thank all of our players for your bug reports, feedback, suggestions, and all of the other input youve provided to us. We understand there are some pretty critical bugs right now, as well as other major improvements players have requested, so with todays update we wanted to dive in to some of our top priorities right now.
Holiday Event
The Holiday Event will be concluding at the end of the month. We let it run a little longer due to some of the accessibility issues. We hope everyone has enjoyed this event.
Backups and Losing Progress
We are fully aware of the issues occurring right now regarding losing progress and not having the expected backup files and this has been a top priority for us. We thank you for your patience while we work through these. During our review of crash reports and other test results of data loss, we have found that players using mods/cheats/and trainers have a very high chance of losing game progress during cooperative play. Additionally, we have discovered that being in a group hosted by a player using these types of additions also has a very high chance of causing data loss. We have several improvements to these systems that are currently going through our internal testing process, and we hope to push these out as soon as we feel they are in a good place to improve these two areas. If you are a player that has experiences data loss during cooperative play and would like to help us test these changes within our test environment, please contact Trup in our official Discord.
For our Xbox players, we are continuing to work on performance and stability improvements for both solo and cooperative play, as well as squashing regression bugs and other issues.
Additional Features
We are continuing to work on adding Damage Numbers as well. We will provide more details in a future update.
Thanks to our resident Chonky, Dungeons of Sundaria as arrived on Speedrun.com. https://www.speedrun.com/Dungeons_of_Sundaria
Patch Notes:
- Additional improvements to performance and stability
- Call of Oblivion Set Assassinate does not trigger a cooldown for 3 seconds after using Phased Carnage changed to 5 seconds.
- Reduced damage of Ice Charge by 30%
- Reduced brightness in Heavenly strike
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected use of non-localized string for NPC and enemy names on clients of multiplayer games
- Correct enemy check that would sometimes cause AI to attack friendly AI
- Fixed issue with text on Class Weapon Bonus descriptions
- Fixed issue with Channel Heal, it should now heal the caster as well as their target
- Channel abilities that overload should be reliable for clients and see the overload effects/cooldown of the ability
[ 2024-01-17 17:45:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Morning, Another day, another patch for Dungeons of Sundaria. Thank you for all of the reports as we continue to work through improving performance and fixing bugs. This patch brings a number of balancing changes to the game. We've reduced the amount of scaling enemies receive from Heroism and we've reduced some scaling multipliers based on the Difficulty setting of a dungeon. With these changes, we have also made several adjustments to class abilities, and have added some CC break effects to existing abilities.
Heroism Changes:
- Reduced Heroism scaling on enemies by approximately 52% less health and 22% less damage.
- Removed additional enemy Heroism scaling on Hard and Nightmare difficulties. Heroism enemy scaling will be the same across all difficulties. Previously, enemies on Hard and Nightmare had additional scaling from Heroism.
Class Changes:
- Bind Wounds cooldown changed to 16s
- Skin of Stone cooldown changed to 18s
- Unstoppable duration reduced to 6s
- Regen duration changed to 6s
- Regen Rank 1 healing amount increased to 10%, Rank 2 to 15%, Rank 3 to 20%
- Regen cooldown changed to 12s
- Channel Heal should again heal the Cleric
- Channel Heal ranged increased by 15 meters
- Heavenly Strike now removes all loss of control effects on the Cleric when used
- Healing Vapors cooldown changed to 16s
- Ranger's Flask now removes all loss of control effects on the Ranger when used
- Ranger's Flask duration changed to 4s
- Removed the target requirement from Phantom Strike
- Phantom Strike cooldown changed to 12s
- Shadow Mend cooldown changed to 16s
- Shadow Cloak duration changed to 6s
- Fire Armor now removes all loss of control effects on the Wizard when used
- Cauterize cooldown changed to 16s
- Improved performance in Ragewind Castle
- Improved performance in Grasslands, Crypt of Horrors and Dark Hollow.
- Moved the chest in the final Tower in Dark Hollow to make it more easily lootable
- Improved scrolling functionality during Character Creation in splitscreen mode
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed various enemy sound issues.
- Fixed a scaling issue with Clones created from Ember Eruption, both on the baseline ability and the Void Clones spawned from the Chaos set.
- Fixed an issue with Phased Carnage and Arbiter's Fury auto casting as a client
[ 2024-01-11 16:50:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Morning! Today's Patch Notes are below: King Duskborne
- Ice Cloud will only be used two times now, once at 90% health and once at 50% health
- Imprison will be limited to one player only on cooperative play
- Spectral Spearmen begin when King Duskborne reaches 75% health and set cooldown to 20s
- Improved sound on Xbox
- Improved frame rates on Xbox
- Optimized the Ricton the Risen fight in Ragewind Castle to improve performance
- Optimized objects across dungeons to improve performance
- Optimized event batchers to improve performance
- Removed Immunity from Wasp Lord Juran in Grasslands
- Fixed an issue causing Quest objects and NPCs to not spawn correctly
- Fixed multiple issues with game saving that should result in an overall improvement to how the game saves progress and how often saves are performed.
- Rogue's Blades of the Demon Lords will correctly reduce the cooldown of Phased Carnage when Phased Carnage deals the killing blow.
- Wizard's Flame Weaver's Design will correctly increase the range of Ember Lance.
- Cleric's Tools of the Prophet will correctly target a nearby ally with Regen
- Champion's Bladed Bastion should correctly increase Melee Power with a Shield equipped
- Fixed various dungeon loading issues in Ragewind Castle
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Zlindrog fight from resetting properly in Ragewind Castle
- Fixed an issue with Iro Coldlight's Eye Blast in Ragewind Castle for cooperative play
- Fixed various issues with Boss Portraits
[ 2024-01-05 13:02:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy Friday and Happy New Years! Today's patch has various behind-the-scenes improvements and optimizations, as well as some bug fixes and other changes.
- Fixed casting Shadow Mend and Stealth in quick succession causing the player to break Stealth and slowly stand up.
- Fixed an issue with players unable to Navigate to the Snowman with a controller
[ 2023-12-29 21:55:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Evening, Small update with a few fixes. We are working on further improvements to Duskborne, Juran, level loading and auto attacks, among other things. Thanks for all the feedback!
- Can no longer kick players in splitscreen through the ingame menu's party menu.
- Fixed trade menu being too small in side-by-side split screen.
- Zorack's ice should break on the client when it does on the host
- Fix party menu not updating
[ 2023-12-22 23:12:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! This patch contains the following changes and fixes:
- Added hinting for virtual keyboard
- Fixed various issues with Resuming Dungeons in progress
- Reduced the value of the ability duration attribute for Shadow Cloak, Skin of Stone, and Ranger's Flask
- Reduced Ranger's Flask duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
- Increased the attack speed of Justice Strike and Ambush by 30%. We will be making further improvements to these abilities to open up the animation lock period to create a smoother ability transition in a future patch.
- Further fixes and improvements to King Duskborne
- Removed some erroneous collision blockers
- Added some collision blockers to the Umatoxian encounter
[ 2023-12-22 03:28:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Winter Holiday Event Arrives in Sundaria!
Our new Winter Holiday Event is now live! Players may find candy canes while slaying the many denizens of Sundaria and can speak with the Festive Snowman in Galdrin's Crossing to exchange them for goodies.
Threat Improvements:
We've made some improvements to how threat is generated by players and how aggro affects when enemies choose to change targets. The following improvements have been made:
- Champions will now generate the most amount of threat of all classes while using Shields.
- Champions while using Two-Handed Weapons and all other classes have had their baseline threat reduced.
- Added distance from target threat modifiers to enemies. Players within melee range of enemies will generate more threat against the enemy than players outside of melee range.
- Added threat change thresholds so that players below the top threat target must exceed the top threat target by a certain amount before an enemy changes targets.
- Adjusted the threat calculations for taunt effects from Champion abilities.
- Increased the range and taunt duration of Cull the Weak for Champions.
General Improvements:
- Added a new boss door to the Artorian encounter inside Ragewind Castle to prevent unintended resets and shenanigans.
- Improved various interactions, functions, and error handling for XBOX.
- Removed switches required to unlock the door to Inquisitor Hargon in the Crypt of Horrors.
- Improved navigation for several areas across all dungeons.
- Updated Compendium entry for Spell Penetration to Magic Penetration.
- Removed duplicate B key and readded V key to Virtual Keyboards. We are bery sorry for this.
- Improved Mine Carts in the Icy Depths.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue that wasn't counting the defeat of the last boss of a dungeon as completing the dungeon.
- Fixed an issue that could cause primary abilities and blocking to repeatedly be used without input.
- Fixed an issue with Igor not always spawning in Ragewind Castle.
- Fixed various issues with the King Duskborne encounter in the Icy Depths.
Future Improvements:
We wanted to thank everyone for their continued support and feedback for DoS. We've heard your requests for damage numbers and larger maps and we are looking into these and other suggestions for areas of improvement. Please continue to let us know of any bugs, suggestions, or anything else! Thanks! Industry Games
[ 2023-12-21 16:02:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Morning, Update patch has been deployed for all platforms:
- Fixed an issue that could cause frequent hitches and stuttering
- Increased the radius of Champion's Cull the Weak and increased the taunt duration to 6 seconds
- Fixed various display issues with Drog'al appearing as Human
- Removed dungeon completion requirements for entering Ragewind Castle
- Removed Stomp from Quoron on the Praxidar encounter in Ragewind Castle
[ 2023-12-13 12:47:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Time has Arrived!
Today, Dungeons of Sundaria officially launches out of Early Access! We know players want to jump right in to the new content, so without further delay, here are the Release Notes:
Ragewind Castle:
Our 8th dungeon, Ragewind Castle arrives. Venture into this fearsome dungeon to uncover what evil machinations have been behind the evil afflicting Sundaria. Introducing 18 new bosses, 1 new armor set, 2 new weapon sets and a new general armor set for all classes, Ragewind Castle promises to be a challenge for even our most seasoned veterans.
The Drogal Arrive:
With this release comes our newest race, the Drogal fearsome Lizardmen creatures. Playable with all classes, its about time DoS had another huge player race!
Game Improvements:
- Improved Player Combat functionality when using class abilities while holding down the attack for a classes primary attack ability.
- Added Cric's Hidden Treasure Chests to all Dungeons
- Added the Backups Menu to Galdrin's Crossing so that players may check their Backups when they lose progress without returning to the Hero Selection Screen
- Improved Splitscreen scaling and functionality
- Improved multiple Game Menus and menu functionality
- Improved Kadrick's Pattern and Crafting Menus with proper sorting and organization of learned patterns
- Improved Quest flow during quest chain from the Icy Depths to the Dreadforge
- Improved Dungeon Resume functionality
- Improved the King Joldurbraan fight in Icy Depths. This encounter no longer requires players to defeat his champions in order. Players may now engage this encounter in any order they wish, just don't be surprised if all of them pounce on you when attacking their king.
- Improved Steam Deck virtual keyboard functionality
- Improved Scrolling text functionality
- Improved Enemy Navigation across all dungeons to reduce instances of enemies getting stuck on dungeon objects
- Added Boss indicators to the minimap
- Added new achievement for completing Ragewind Castle
Class Changes:
- Added additional location checks for the Rogue's Phase Port ability to improve it's success rate
- Increased the attack speed of Champion's Brutal Strike ability by 30%
- Removed the Invisibility portion of Ember Eruption which was causing combat reset issues
- Reduced the increased range on Fire Armor provided by the Wizard's Fire Lord Armor Set
[ 2023-12-12 16:37:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Adventurers!
Today, we are super excited to announce that Dungeons of Sundaria is exiting Early Access and officially launches on December 12th, 2023! The culmination of years of hard work by our small team, along with this invaluable community, has helped us to achieve this incredible milestone. We are happy to announce that Dungeons of Sundaria (DoS) will officially launch the 1.0 full version of the game simultaneously on PC (Steam), Sony PlayStation4 and PlayStation5 consoles, and Xbox Series X|S.
The Official Launch will include our 8th dungeon, Ragewind Castle, which we hope will challenge even our most seasoned veterans. Introducing a new armor set and two new weapon sets for each class. Ragewind Castle is filled with dozens of new enemies and bosses. There are more of Crics hidden treasure caches and the thing everyone cares about the real Cursed Key!There is also the addition of a new playable race, the Drogal, which are large, hearty Lizard type creatures. These, like all races in DoS, are playable across all classes.Finally, this update will include many bug fixes, upgrades, and improvements to game mechanics.
As our time in Early Access comes to an end, we wanted to take a moment to extend our heartfelt thanks to our players for all you have done for us and for all the support during EA. From reporting bugs, making suggestions, and slaughtering the denizens of Sundaria in co-op and splitscreen gameplay modes, your contributions to Dungeons of Sundaria have been invaluable.
Industry Games is a small studio, and we have always tried our best to be a group of gamers making a game that we wanted to play along with our players which was improved by the feedback of our community. Many of our updates throughout Early Access such as updating the crafting system, race changes, seasonal content, and gameplay adjustments were made directly from your feedback. Thank you. Our community is awesome.
Does this mean we are done with Dungeons of Sundaria? Hardly!We are excited about the future of Dungeons of Sundaria. We have regular updates planned that will add further interesting advancements to the game.So please, let us know your thoughts here on Steam or join our active Discord server and chat with the Developers directly.
Industry Games Team
Warren John Attila Thuan Jason Jeff Chad - Dominic
[ 2023-12-07 21:55:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Adventurers!
We want to thank everyone for taking part in the Harvest Festival. Today's patch has some game improvements and bug fixes. Thanks for playing and keep those reports coming!
- Added Virtual Keyboard for PC players supported in character create name entry and delete character confirmation entry
- Improved boss phase transitions for Juran and Wutu in the Grasslands.
- Improved boss phase transitions for Turgamax/Furn and Ssisx in the Dark Hollow.
- Improved boss phase transitions Juran and Wutu in the Grasslands.
- Improved NPC Melee ability targeting.
- Improved Quest rewards and make text more concise.
- Interacting with quest/merchant NPCs now occurs on key up, not key down. This is to prevent accidentally interacting with an NPC on down and then for example selling an item on up.
- Improved Cone abilities to correctly handle point-blank hits
- Added better support for thumbstick scrolling in widgets without using game and UI input mode
- Improved the Valu'naltha fight. Lumia Shards move slower, have a smaller explosion radius, and are no longer fully CC immune. Increased the size of Ground Eruption to better show the area of effect of the ability.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with minion naming during the Enraged Forest encounter.
- Fixed Escape keybinding for the Cancel action being cleared from player bindings.
- Fixed Backstab bonus damage to ability tooltip.
- Fixed merchants no longer showing their buy tab when the player empties their inventory.
- Fixed hitting esc from the party menu in the ingame menu showing the apply settings prompt.
- Fixed party menu focus issue for host.
- Fixed an issue with Ember Lance not showing correct stack counts
- Fixed an issue with Skin of Stone not receiving bonus attributes
- Fixed some enemies spawning in the ground across dungeons
[ 2023-11-17 01:08:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Adventurers!
Today's patch has some game improvements and bug fixes. Thanks for playing and keep those reports coming!
- Halloween Event bosses will now spawn on all difficulties. Their health and damage scales accordingly along with the amount of loot. These bosses have had their damage and health reduced on Nightmare by 40%, rewards on Nightmare are unchanged,
- Backups button will now be highlighted by a shader when a recent backup may be newer than the most recently played session that was loaded
Bug Fixes:
- Lorg's floor should fall smoothly on clients
- Fixed issue with Whisper of Spider Queen Pods causing spiders to spawn incorrectly.
- Fixed issue with Lady Everleen spawning incorrectly.
[ 2023-10-31 23:09:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Adventurers!
Today's patch has some game improvements and bug fixes. Thanks for playing and keep those reports coming!
- Improved creating and customizing a player character for clients
- Added a standalone Party Menu in the game menu for managing Party actions for solo and splitscreen play.
- Further improvements to text scaling for Item tooltips
- Disabled Oculus VR and OpenXR plugins to prevent unintended compatibility issues
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed some areas where Graal could become stuck
- Reapplying Fire Armor while Fire Armor is already active will work properly now
- Fixed an issue with Malorath's Tremor Slam attack
- Fixed an issue where the Crypt Lord's chain wouldn't properly display for clients
- Fixed an issue where controllers were not being properly detected on PC
- Fixed multiple UI issues for multiple languages
- Fixed an issue with coloring on equipment stat comparisons
- Fixed various tooltip UI issues
- Fixed an issue with Cryomancer Blod's statues not always spawning correctly
- Fixed an issue with Valu'Nalthala getting stuck on environment objects
- Fixed an issue preventing Valu-Lumia from moving at the correct speed
- Fixed various issues with the Party Member UI
- Fixed an issue with The Migion ragdoll physics
- Fixed an issue with Gweyir Dorra not always selecting the correct item to upgrade
- Fixed some issues with the Joldurbraan encounter
- Fixed an issue with the Lochladan encounter
- Fixed an issue with Floating Skulls from not properly dying
- Fixed some bad spawns in the Whisper of the Spider Queen encounter
[ 2023-10-28 02:30:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Morning Adventurer's!
We apologize the last patch removed the Halloween Event enemies. We have corrected this issue and they should be available again on Nightmare difficulty. Due to this, we will be extending the event to November 7th, so get them apples!
- Updated Quest readability and UI
- Improved AI ability focus and view rotation
- Added option in trade/storage to withdraw/deposit/select all coins
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with Husks walking through closed gates in the Festering Bog
- Fixed Victor Von Vindinskarl levers not activating on death
- Fixed a rare occurence of AI in the immediate vicinity of just-spawned players being at Normal difficulty instead of the chosen difficulty
- Fixed Halloween bosses not spawning in Nightmare
[ 2023-10-20 20:34:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Evening Adventurers!
We wanted to update our players with some adjustments to the Halloween Event and some additional bug fixes. Pumpkin Head and Lil Pumpkin Head will no longer spawn on Normal and Hard.
- Increased the currency cap to 9999p 999g 99s
- Players can no longer trade more currency than their trading partner can accept
- Currency can no longer be deposited/withdrawn from the bank if there isn't room for it
- Heroism effects are reapplied and recalculated when applied during characters spawning, ensuring accurate values
- Increased range of Justice Strike from 1.5m to 3m
- Continued improvements to the item tooltip UI element to improve readability and performance
Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect Fire Lord Fragment on Harvest Watcher Merchant. Players may exchange the incorrect fragment for the correct one at the merchant
- Fix an issue with Regent Korbas' attacks missing in Crypt of Horrors
- Fixed an issue causing the Wizard's Ember Eruption Clone to despawn early
- Fixed an issue causing the Wizard's Vortex to not properly apply Conduit
- Fixed item purchase menu slider not working
- Fixed an issue that could cause the gate at Victor Von Vindinskarl in Icy Depths from respawning after his defeat
- Fixed an issue that could cause King Joldurbraan to respawn upon resuming Icy Depths
- Fixed various animation issues with Spider Queen Ceradia in Lair of the Ceranids
- Removed infinite chests from the game
- Fixed Heroism menu showing the wrong player's class in splitscreen
- Fixed an issue with spider enemies in the Lair of the Ceranids getting stuck against walls and other objects.
[ 2023-10-19 03:17:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed issues with Lair of the Ceranids
- AI should igore Elite Scout Tehsav
- Using Ambush with stalker effect active will deal the correct amount of damage
- Justice Strike will deal the correct amount of Holy Damage
- Fixed issue with camera angle on Cric's Shrine in the Dark Hollow
- Fixed issue with Cric spawning outside his cell in Icy depths
- Fixed issue with Enraged Forest encounter VO not always playing
- Increased the size of merchant buy menu text, and increased the size of currency text
[ 2023-10-12 23:28:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Halloween has Arrived in Sundaria!
We are happy to announce that the Halloween Event is live. During this event, players may speak with the Galdrin's Harvest Watcher in town to begin. Players will be tasked with obtained Candy Apples from the bosses of Sundaria. Players may exchange the Candy Apples at the Watcher for rewards.

- 5 new weapon pattern rewards
- Class Set Fragments
- Magical Cores and Tokens of Change
Itemization Updates:
After listening to player feedback since our recent SAM patch, we have made additional improvements to itemization in general:
- Weapons will now always roll at least 1 element and a Bonus to the Primary Class Ability (Slash, Smite, Aimed Shot, Eviscerate, Fireball)
- Weapons may now have a maximum of 4 element damage rolls on them.
- Mighty Blow Threat was removed from some Champion Armor
- Improved Malorath's Lightning Barrage visuals
- Increased font size in character select buttons
- Changed interface settings layout. Separated Split Screen to its own section
- Improved Arch Demon of Nu texture so it's more readable
- Improved Quest dialog text scroll box will now return back to the top on the next page.
- Increased Commander Griev's damage on Nightmare Difficulty
- Players can no longer complete a quest without enough inventory space to accept the rewards.
- Item stack size and XP bar readability improved
- Improved scaling and layout in the Painter menu for narrow/wide aspects
- Removed Armor Penetration from Wizard Items
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Malorath Defile scaling, should now correctly represent the area impacted
- Fixed where players could not enter stealth due to Stalker buff removal of ability
- Fixed spiders getting stuck after spawning from pods
- Fixed camera clipping inside Holdurbrans room, and Victor getting stuck on his bone piles
- Fixed Plaugemaster Verix should no longer cancel his own ability Void Prison
- Fixed split screen players not setting their initial ready state, causing the ready up mechanic to not be consistent
- Fixed entrance skip in Festering Bog
- Fixed enemies being stuck in the Festering Bog
- Fixed potential bug where item generation version may have been wiped when upgrading
- Split Screen corrected screen size ratio
- Fixed Issue with Reginald and Rorann not resetting
- Removed advanced combat effects from Mimic NPCs
- Fixed issue with Demon Lord Malorath dropping additional unintended loot
- Fixed Merchant, Salvage, and Upgrade menu hints updated to reflect correct bindings
- Fixed Upgrade Menu so you can no longer open the upgrade menu for an unupgradeable item by using the keyboard/gamepad activate button
- Fixed issue with Minimaps not loading. Minimaps now load correctly when resuming a dungeon and when joining/rejoining a multiplayer dungeon in progress
- Fixed Hero name/class/level text blocking clicks in the Lobby
- Fixed an issue with completed Dungeons not resetting properly
- Fixed merchant sell list changing focused item when clicking outside of the sell confirmation window
- Fixed combined level (level + heroism) being used by lootable chests instead of just character level
- Fixed item icon showing stacks size of zero in places like purchase confirmation window
- AI Should once again look toward players while in combat and able to hit players in a down state
- Lady Everleen should no longer randomly teleport beneath the floor and become stuck
- Fixed an issue with Cone of Fire itemization causing the bonus applied to be higher than designed
[ 2023-10-11 22:52:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Afternoon! This patch aims to address some bugs introduced in our last major content patch. We wanted to take the time to thank everyone again for reporting these issues and having patience with us while we addressed them. We are also aware that this list does not include all of the reported bugs, but we wanted to get these fixes out to the players while continuing to work on the remaining ones. Lastly, we apologize again to everyone for losing their Kadrick patterns. As a token of goodwill, we've added 1 new pattern for Branded Weapon fragments to Kadrick for all classes. As always, please report any new issues in Steam/Discord, and thanks for playing!
Bug Fixes:
- Kadrick has remembered all of the patterns he forgot.
- Lady Everleen is no longer hanging out below the floor.
- Re-enabled Crit Chance as a possible attribute on Accessories.
- Fixed attribute scaling from level 15 to level 20 items.
- Actually removed Cauterize Healing, Cone of Fire Cooldown Reduction and Mighty Blow Threat generated from possible attributes on Wizard/Champion gear.
- Fixed an issue with long loading screens.
- Fixed the Kindled weapon buff for Wizards.
- Fixed an issue that was causing abilities to populate into empty ability bar slots when dying or using a checkpoint.
- Fixed an issue with weapon swapping for clients in multiplayer games. Champions, go Brutal Strike stuff now.
- Removed the Combat Effects system from destructible objects and other things that should not have had it. That scary barrel will no longer Bolster (sorry).
- Also removed the Wizard's ability to put destructible and other objects to sleep. Again, scary barrels can't be put to sleep anymore.
- Fixed an issue that prevented people that dropped from a multiplayer game from being unable to loot a boss chest upon rejoining.
- Fixed an issue with new items not generating correct prefixes/suffixes.
- Fixed an issue with Dye vendors not working properly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause certain abilities to be cast indefinitely without a button press.
- Fixed the issue with the Wizard's Destruction set casting free Flame Blasts.
- Fixed an issue with quests that could not be progressed in certain languages.
- Fixed an issue with the Bank being unresponsive when first interacting with it.
- Fixed an issue with idle traps for client players in multiplayer games.
- Fixed some issues with Shademaker and Darkmaster Cenophax damage output.
- Fixed some UI issues with new attributes not properly showing up in the Character screen.
- Fixed some UI issues with new attributes not properly updating their corresponding abilities.
- Fixed an issue with Ambush not correctly displaying the cooldown.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the gate near Victor Von Vindinskarl to reappear after defeating him.
- Fixed an issue with Kadrick not selling Frozen Patterns.
- Fixed an issue with Valu'Nalthala not healing correctly.
- Fixed an issue with Necrolord Ioba's boss door behaving incorrectly.
- Taskmaster Scarn is now immune to crowd control effects.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Cric not to sell his items.
- Weapon materials that load after a weapon is equipped will correctly be applied once loaded without re-requipping.
- Fixed Ogre attacks that were not landing on the player.
- Fixed an issue with Turgamax and Furn audio.
- Fixed issue with Hashushu not dropping the correct loot for Wizards.
- Fixed sell/storage/etc. menus not behaving the same on double-click and key press, causing some menus to not behave correctly.
- Fixed other player's characters becoming visible while using turntable menus (painter, appearance change, etc).
- Fix textures loading but not applying to armor until a map loaded.
- Defeating Ceranid Lord Andosecun will disable the fire traps in his arena.
- Fixed issue with duplicate stat on 2h Champion items which caused 6 stats instead of 7 sometimes.
- Auras from player damage (e.g. poison arrow) should correctly apply damage.
- Correct auto-aim/homing behavior of Magic Missile
[ 2023-09-28 03:43:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Adventurers! This is a small bug fix patch correcting some of the issues players have encounter with our latest feature patch. Thank you for all of the reports! We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we worked through these issues. As an added bonus, we've increased the drop chance of higher quality items on Nightmare difficulty.
- Fixed an issue with Ambush not correctly consuming the Stalker buff
- Fixed an issue causing Crafted items to cost no gold
- Increased Champion Threat generated by Shield Bash and Shield Throw
- Fixed an issue with items having the incorrect amount of stats
- Fixed an issue causing Cryomancer Blod to not always spawn
[ 2023-09-17 02:41:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Dungeons of Sundaria Adventurers!
We have quite a few updates and improvements introduced with this patch and are excited to share them with you today. Highlights:
- UI Improvements
- New Class Abilities and Class Updates
- Updated Bonus Ability Attribute Scaling
- New Bonus Ability Attributes
- New Level Cap
- Updated Crafting
- New Signature Abilities
- New Combat Effects
UI Improvements:
We appreciate all of the feedback we've received regarding the challenges with the UI and are happy to announce the following improvements:
- Abilities will now display precise countdown timers
- Abilities will now show a small display when they are ready to be used again
- Optimized the Minimap
- Revamped the Heroism Screen to improve readability
- Revamped the Inventory Screen to improve readability
- Improved UI Scaling and Menu Sizing for Splitscreen Play
- Improved Scrolling functionality in Splitscreen Play
- Quest Dialog size increased and scrolling functionality for controllers added
- Added friendly text to Town NPCs
- Added Class Descriptions to the Character Creation Screen
Class Abilities and Class Updates:
As we previewed in a prior Developer Update, all Classes are receiving some new skills, passives, and/or ability updates with this patch. Additionally, many existing class abilities have had their animations and VFX improved.
- New Ability - Brutal Strike - Brutally Strike your enemy for 160% Physical Damage and automatically change to your next equipped weapon. On a successful weapon change, your next Brutal Strike deals 300% increased damage.
- New Passive - Bladed Bastion - You become fortified by the blade, increasing your Melee Attack Power based upon your Block Amount.
- New Passive - Vicious Strikes - Increases your damage by 15% for 5 seconds when you Critically Strike with a Two-Handed Weapon
- New Ability - Justice Strike - Strike an enemy, dealing 120% physical damage and 120% holy damage. Justice Strike also heals you for 2% of the damage done.
- New Ability - Arbiter's Fury - Conjures a hammer to strike your target, dealing 300% physical damage and stunning them for 3 seconds. Hammers continue to strike nearby targets for 3 seconds.
- Ability Update - Divine Shield - Shields all Allies within range, providing crowd-control immunity and absorbing 20% of their health as damage for 15 seconds. 30 second cooldown
- New Ability - Blasting Shot - Jump backwards while firing multiple mines in front of you. Enemies that trigger the mines take 300% physical damage and an additional 135% physical damage over 3 seconds.
- New Passive - Nature's Warden - You are empowered by Nature, reducing damage taken by 100% of your bonus Movement Speed.
- Weapon Specialization Update - Enforcer now also increases Critical Strike Damage
- New Ability - Ambush - Ambush your target, dealing 200% physical damage. Ambush will consume Stalker to deal an additional 300% physical damage.
- New Ability - Vortex - Conjures a Vortex that tracks after enemies, dealing 180% Void Damage to nearby enemies per second 8 seconds.
- New Passive - Conduit - Dealing Fire Damage increases your Void Damage by 15% for 4 seconds. Dealing Void Damage increases your Fire Damage by 15% for 4 seconds.
- Ability Update - Ember Eruption - Conjures a clone that draws the attention of all nearby enemies before erupting into flames, dealing 450% fire damage.
Updated Bonus Ability Attribute Scaling
We have added many new attributes in the form of Bonus Ability rolls to loot tables for all classes, and have removed a few that were causing scaling issues at the very top end of gearing. To address these issues, weve adjusted the values of Bonus Ability Rolls based upon the base cooldown duration of abilities and/or the type of ability. The following provides an overview of these adjustments:
- Bonus Ability Rolls for Abilities with a cooldown of 8 seconds or less remain the same
- Bonus Ability Rolls for Abilities that affect the Duration of an Ability reduced by 33%
- Bonus Ability Rolls for Abilities that affect a Defensive Ability reduced by 57%
- Bonus Ability Rolls for Abilities that have no cooldown reduced by 33%
- Bonus Ability Rolls for Abilities with a cooldown of 8 to 12 seconds increased by 67%
- Bonus Ability Rolls for Abilities with a cooldown of more than 12 seconds increased by 130%
Bonus Ability Attributes
As mentioned above, we've added additional Bonus Abilities rolls for all classes. Below is a list of all new Bonus Abilities rolls players may now receive on equipment, and the ones that were removed:
- Brutal Strike Damage
- Skin of Stone Damage Reduction
- Skin of Stone Duration
- Upheaval Damage
- Arbiters Fury Damage
- Channel Heal Healing Amount
- Divine Sacrifice Damage
- Exorcism Damage
- Heavenly Strike Damage
- Heavenly Strike Duration
- Holy Blast Damage
- Justice Strike Damage
- Blasting Shot Damage
- Blight Arrow Duration
- Blight Arrow Damage
- Deadly Shot Damage
- Poison Arrow Damage
- Salvo Damage
- Salvo Duration
- Rangers Flask Damage Reduction
- Rangers Flask Duration
- Rapid Fire Damage
- Ambush Damage
- Assassinate Damage
- Backstab Damage
- Phantom Strike Damage
- Phased Carnage Damage
- Tomahawk Damage
- Chaos Orb Damage
- Ember Eruption Damage
- Ember Lance Damage
- Flame Blast Damage
- Fire Armor Damage
- Magic Missiles Damage
- Meteor Damage
- Vortex Damage
- Champion Mighty Blow Threat
- Wizard - Cauterize Healing
- Wizard - Cone of Fire Damage
Increased Level Cap to 20
With this patch we have increased the level cap to 20 in anticipation of Ragewind Castle. For players already into their Heroism journey, any experienced gained will go towards leveling up to 20. Once players reach level 20 Heroism will activate/reactivate.
Updated Crafting
We have made some improvements to Crafted items to address some of the frustration with creating dead items. We understand that players feel Bonus Health and Bonus Power are mandatory stats on equipment before that piece can be considered usable. Based on this, we have made some adjustments to Crafted items. Now when players craft Legendary Quality equipment, that equipment will always receive either Bonus Health or Bonus Power, but will be limited to only receive one Bonus Ability Roll. When crafting Eternal Equipment, that equipment will always receive both Bonus Health and Bonus Power, but will be limited to only receive two Bonus Ability Rolls. Additionally, Epic Quality Crafted items and below will never roll Bonus Ability Rolls.
To Summarize:
- Eternal Always has Bonus Health and Bonus Power. Limited to 2 Bonus Ability Rolls
- Legendary Always has 1 of Bonus Health or Bonus Power. Limited to 1 Bonus Ability Roll
- Epic and Below Never rolls Bonus Ability Rolls
- Common Quality Essence 1 Silver
- Superior Quality Essence 10 Silver
- Rare Quality Essence 1 Gold
- Epic Quality Essence 10 Gold
- Legendary Quality Essence 100 Gold
- Eternal Quality Essence 1 Platinum
Combat Improvements
We are always striving towards improving combat, and today we would like to share with you two new systems coming to Dungeons of Sundaria.
Signature Abilities
With this system, all classes have received 3 Signature abilities capable of extra Critical Strike effects. When you score a Critical Strike with one of these abilities, your Character will perform a new extra action.
Champion Signature Abilities:
- Brutal Strike Will perform an additional attack for 50% of the damage done
- Mighty Blow Will perform an additional attack for 50% of the damage done
- Shield Bash Will perform an additional attack for 50% of the damage done
Cleric Signature Abilities:
- Heavenly Strike Will send down a second strike for 50% of the damage done
- Holy Light Will send out a second orb for 50% of the damage done
- Justice Strike Will perform an additional attack for 50% of the damage done
Ranger Signature Abilities:
- Deadly Shot Will perform an additional attack for 50% of the damage done
- Poison Arrow Will explode on the target, applying the damage over time effect to nearby enemies
- Salvo Will root the target in place for 2 seconds
Rogue Signature Abilities:
- Assassinate Will perform an additional attack for 50% of the damage done
- Backstab Will perform an additional attack for 50% of the damage done
- Phased Carnage Will perform an additional attack for 50% of the damage done
Wizard Signature Abilities:
- Cone of Fire Will light the target on fire, dealing additional damage over time
- Flame Blast Will conjure a small Meteor to hit the target for 50% of the damage done
- Magic Missiles Will fire a small Chaos Orb for 50% of the damage done
Combat Effects
After attacking an enemy for some time there is a chance for a new Combat Effect to occur. The chance for a Combat Effects to occur is based upon the dungeon difficulty, enemy difficulty, and how long the enemy has been attacked. On Normal difficulty it will be easier to trigger a Combat Effect against an enemy than it will be on Nightmare difficulty. Additionally, enemies will always have a chance to initiate a Combat Effect when they reach 20% health. When a Combat Effect is triggered, it can come as either a beneficial effect or a detrimental effect on the enemy.
Enemy Buffs:
- Enemy gains Crowd Control Immunity
- Enemy deals Increased damage
- Calls nearby enemies for help
- Flees to nearby enemies for help
- Humanoid enemies will drink a potion to restore some health
- Non-humanoid enemies will clone themselves
Enemy Debuffs:
- Enemy cannot perform any Actions
- Enemy takes increased Damage
- Enemy takes increased Critical Strike Damage
- Enemy takes additional damage over time
- Enemy attacks more slowly
Ragewind Castle
Development continues on Ragewind Castle, the 8th dungeon ahead of our official launch. With Ragewind Castle, we've tried to go a step further by creating some of the most fun and engaging encounters released to date. Today, we wanted to provide a few new images from the dungeon.

Further within the dungeon, players will enter a large battlefield and encounter Zzorack the Deathbringer.

Improvements and Bug Fixes:
- Optimized Rim Shading
- Optimized Dungeons and reduced texture memory demand
- Improved environmental asset LODs
- Fixed Hitboxes on Ogre enemies
- Ogres Palm Smash attack now should correctly hit targets
- Decreased volume on Imp sound effects (wing flapping)
- Boss chest highlights should now be visible by the player that owns the chest
- Defeating the final boss in a dungeon should now reset the dungeon correctly
- Fixed issue where exit portal could stall and not travel correctly
- Fixed issue with inconsistent player icons
- Fixed Backstab tooltip to show correct range
- Fixed bug with Assassinate and Phased Carnage that could proc endless critical hits
- Fixed Malorath Bonus Boss Loot chests not dropping the correct boss loot on resume session when a boss had been previously killed
- Fixed Issue with Minimap loading incorrect floors at times
- Fixed issue with dodging while on ladders or in mine cart
- Fixed an issue with menu item slots not showing until focused
- Fixed issue where completing a specific quest for a merchant NPC could invalidate their buy tab until they are talked to again
- Fixed issue with Hulking Gnolls dropping incorrect loot
- Reduced damage of Gnolls in Alchemy area of Grasslands on Nightmare
- Reduced Husk damage on Nightmare
- Arcane Rituals: A Study of Dark Magic by Asbestor Crucible may now be sold
- Fixed issue with Ettin NPCs that were able to clone themselves
- Fixed Victor Von Vindenskarl spawn and checkpoint to ensure correct spawning
- Fixed essence sell amount to be consistent with scaling factor of quality
- Fixed issue where altars could be impacted by status (stun, etc)
- Fixed (reduced) Nightmare scaling in The Festering Bog
- Improved Navigation on all dungeons
- Fixed issue where Thokmog and Lomarg would drop incorrect fragments for Rogue and Wizard
- Fixed an issue with Phase Port not triggering Stalker
[ 2023-09-14 23:17:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers! Summer has finally arrived, with it, the long-awaited Steam Summer Sale! From today until July 13th, Dungeons of Sundaria will be 50% off for the Steam Summer Sale! Fight dangerous creatures and discover the lands of Sundaria at one of our lowest prices yet! Get your copy here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/587520/Dungeons_of_Sundaria/
[ 2023-06-29 17:08:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello adventurers!
This patch brings several new features, including a Minimap, the new Beacon ability, and several other improvements and fixes. We hope these changes aid you in your progression through the game. We will continue to add features and improvements based upon player feedback. Thank you for playing and helping us develop a better game.
Dungeons of Sundaria has a Minimap! Players will now find the Minimap to aid them with their dungeon navigation.

Some things are best left as secrets, and so not all rooms are or may be visible
Beacon Ability
In addition to the Minimap, we have given all classes a new ability called Beacon. This ability is available from level 1, and provides the player with the ability to summon up to five visual beacon to track their dungeon progress.

When a sixth beacon is placed, the first beacon will disappear. Beacons will not persist when advancing to a new level and are only visible to the player that created them.
Trade Interaction
We have listened to your feedback regarding trade interactions, and have made the following changes. The ability for players to trade within a dungeon has been removed and replaced with a new Trade System accessible through the Party interface. This allows players to trade at greater distances and with greater ease. We believe this is a better solution and thank players for their suggestions.
Camera Adjustment
Players have asked for the ability to adjust their camera, and we are happy to announce that you can now adjust the camera settings in the game menu. The camera settings are variable and limited due to abilities and player model positioning. We look forward to additional feedback on these new camera settings.
Map Save Support
Players will now save and resume progress on a per-Dungeon basis. Get our there and help your friends!
Gameplay Improvements
Reduced push force on Lady Everleens Focusing Gaze. Fixed issue with NPC AI ability options that would cause melee NPCs to disengage in the middle of certain fights. Ranged NPCs will still flee sometimes as part of their behavior. Fixed issue with portals having incorrect collision at times. Fixed issue with Rat King that would cause him to be untargettable by certain abilities. Fixed issue with weather VFX that would cause incorrect visibility when players die. Fixed issue with clients reconnecting to host. Fixed issue that could cause crashes on Playstation. Thanks for playing, and thanks for all the great feedback!
[ 2023-06-29 02:58:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers!
Today, we want to share you with some of the Quality of Life Updates coming to DoS with the release of Ragewind Castle, as well as some early previews of the updated Lizardman race!
Ragewind Castle:
With Ragewind Castle, players will spend time both outside and inside of the dungeon. Today, we wanted to share a few sneak peeks at some of the environments players will experience inside the dungeon.

As players traverse the inner chambers of Ragewind Castle, they will also encounter the Ramparts, an explorable outdoor area filled with fun and cozy enemies!

Quality of Life Updates:
With the release of Ragewind Castle, we are adding some much-needed quality-of-life features to dungeons. The first improvement is that Dungeon Progress will now be saved for each individual Dungeon. Players will be able to retain their progress in each dungeon, rather than having it force a reset by choosing to start a new dungeon. We will also be adding new options for the dungeons that allow players to choose to start from the beginning of the dungeon, or from approximately the halfway point. We feel this change will allow players to better target certain bosses and drops and make dungeon runs more enjoyable overall. Lastly, we wanted to share with you an early preview of the new, highly-requested, minimap!

Finally, we are proud to present the updated Lizardman race, which will also be available with the release of Ragewind Castle.

We want to again thank our players for their feedback and continued support!
[ 2023-06-18 19:29:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers!
We wanted to thank everyone for your feedback and support during our Early Access launch of Dungeons of Sundaria. With the recent release of the Festering Bog, we wanted to take some time to talk about the features we are working on and what players can expect to be released with our next dungeon.
Final Dungeon Ragewind Castle
We are excited to announce that Ragewind Castle will be Dungeon of Sundaria 8th instance. With the defeat of Demon Lord Malorath, the path to Ragewind Castle has been laid bare. Join the denizens of Sundaria in their assault against Ragewind Castle and learn the truth behind the horrors rampaging across Sundaria.

Ragewind Castle will feature more than a dozen new bosses, one new Class Armor Set, and two new Class Weapon Sets. In addition to Ragewind Castle, there are many other updates coming. We hope to preview some of the new boss set items as we approach the launch of Ragewind Castle.
Class Updates
With the launch of Ragewind Castle, all Classes will receive some new abilities and passive effects! With this weeks Developer Update, we wanted to provide an early preview. Please note that these are all work in progress and must not be considered final.





In addition to the above new Class Abilities, some classes will also be receiving new Passive abilities to further enhance their gameplay! We hope to provide more information about these abilities in the future and look forward to hear your initial feedback.
Quality of Life Updates
We have heard the feedback regarding several Quality of Life updates, such as improving trade functionality, enhanced camera options, maps, and other improvements. We are carefully considering each of these improvements and will provide more information on some of them coming to DoS with the launch of Ragewind Castle.
Developer Interview hosted by Chonky!
We are also happy to announce that Chonky will be hosting a developer Q&A/AMA Session with some of the DoS Team on June 9th at 3pm EST!

Again, we want to thank everyone for playing DoS and we ask that you all continue to provide feedback to our team. Please join our Discord community where our Developers engage in daily discussions with our players. Lastly, we want to close with a small teaser for an upcoming update, most likely due sometime after Ragewind Castle's release.

[ 2023-06-01 17:51:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fix clients reconnecting to a host after changing characters and spawning with their previous character
[ 2023-05-26 03:16:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers! This weeks patch brings additional fixes based upon feedback.
- Fixed NPC spawn in The Festering Bog that prevented quests from being completed.
- Fixed issue with melee power only accessories dropping in the Icy Depths. All classes should get appropriate stats on their items in the Icy Depths now.
- Fixed issue with Quoron class loot, it should be appropriate now.
- Fixed issue with the Strange Trinket casting at level 1 instead of level 3.
- Fixed the Blighter not showing a boss card on death regardless of order in which they are killed.
- Fixed issue where Phase Port and Phantom Strike would target invulnerable NPCs.
- Fixed Issue with Warlord Torgoth's gate not functioning correctly upon resuming dungeon.
- Fixed issue with the Festering Bog's town gate not working correctly upon resuming dungeon.
- Fixed issue with game saves being behind backups on consoles
- Master Ricton's followers should no longer be in a stuck state for players joining the fight after it begins
- Plagueclaw will now correctly tether should you move too far from his spawn area.
- Blocking will now activate the block effect faster.
- Smoulderwing fight mechanics have been adjusted to make the fight more challenging.
- King Joldurbraan will remain invulnerable until his partners have been defeated.
[ 2023-05-24 00:32:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers! This weeks patch brings some fixes based upon feedback from the latest major patch, The Festering Bog.
- Armor and Weapon Fragments are now able to be sold, please do so carefully.
- Improved Loot amount and quality in the Festering Bog. Added Armor Set fragments to various boss loot chests in The Festering Bog (Nightmare), from other dungeons.
- Improved the navigation in Malorath's arena
- Fixed an issue where Archdemon of Nu could walk off the ledge of a platform.
- Fixed the Blighter not showing a boss card on death when killed in order various order.
- Fixed Issue with Enraged Forest Bosses not scaling correctly on Nightmare the result is the damage has been increased.
- Reduced damage of Plagueclaw Belcher on Nightmare.
- Fixed Iron Seeds spawned treants so they should no longer spawn into the ground.
- Fixed missing boss door from Enraged Forest Arena, it should now spawn correctly.
- Fixed Champion of Mog's Fire Slam ability telegraph to more closely match the visual effects.
- Fixed issue when equipping the Fire Lord armor set, armor bonus should calculate correctly. All buffs should be recast after replacing any equipment.
- Fixed scaling issue where Wooden dummy health would be immense rendering them unhittable, their health is now capped at 10,000,000.
- Fixed Iochok Shrine spawning a second shrine when loading from the checkpoint before it.
- Fixed Boss Fights with that could initialize twice if started by a checkpoint.
- Fixed issue with Dwarves in The Festering Bog missing their visibility when being interacted with.
- Fixed Pit Boss Pippa Boss card incorrectly referencing the Dreadforge instead of The Festering Bog.
- Fixed missing collision to gates in The Festering Bog
- Fixed Torgoth's gate so it can no longer be walked through before/after his fight.
- Fixed Malorath's portal spawn on client.
- Plagueclaw will no longer transform the player into a Husk. This ability was unstable and problematic so it has been removed. Plagueclaw's damage has been increased on Nightmare as an offset for the Husk transformation removal.
[ 2023-05-05 21:47:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello adventurers! We are excited to bring you the next content update including a new dungeon, gameplay enhancements, and many optimizations in this patch.
The Festering Bog

At the foot of the Ragewind Mountains lies a vast bog. Corpses have decomposed into great festering peat for centuries as armies sought to siege the mountain castle. Now, this bogland is enthralled by a great host of Undead, their shambling husks wandering the murky waters. Your quarry lies within Ragewind Castle, but first, you must traverse the Festering Bog. The Festering Bog is a new map to explore with ten new bosses to challenge the most seasoned veterans. The Festering Bog is the 7th dungeon to arrive in Dungeons of Sundaria. Introducing 10 new bosses set in a challenging outdoor swamp environment that even the most seasoned adventurer will enjoy.
All Current Dungeons and Difficulties Unlocked
We unlocked all dungeons through the Festering Bog at the start of the game. The final dungeon, Ragewind Castle, may require unlocking the previous dungeons. In addition to dungeons being unlocked, we have unlocked all current difficulties by default. A guide has been implemented for players recommending the approximate level the content was designed for. Attempting harder dungeons at level 1 is at your own peril! Map selection will warn players if they are 5 levels or more below the recommended level.
New Armor Dye Merchant
Cletus Thornhue has recruited help from his sister Myrna to travel with the town caravan to the Festering Bog to support the adventurers there with new armor colors. You will find Myrna in the starting camp in the Festering Bog.
Split Screen
We have improved the player experience in split screen. On guest or local accounts, players can now select their save game data, allowing e.g., player "3" to use player "4" save data when there are not 4 players present. In addition to this, controllers detected on the PC will prompt the player to ask if they would like to add a split-screen player, not doing so automatically for all detected controllers.
- Improved the Bonus Abilities granted from armor sets. Previously they were set at level one and are now granted at level 3.
- Improved labeling for item tiers (stars) has been adjusted to be more legible, and comparisons between items with possible tiers (lvl15) and items without possible tiers (
Improved navigation and pathing in the Dark Hollow. - Fixed game saves that occur when backgrounding the game on console should now save correctly in both the backups and the primary save.
- Fixed issues where slow connections with large accounts will not receive their data as clients, resulting in loss of session data.
- Fixed issue with Hit/miss detection so that it now uses latency compensation and handles high-ping clients.
- Fixed melee abilities that rely on server time accuracy during high ping being unable to hit targets.
- Fixed Boss doors to consider Z height of the teleporting players capsule to prevent teleporting into the ground.
- Fixed Boss fights setting their completion state with the game state so that final boss fights do not allow respawn exploits.
- Fixed merchant menu not being completely navigable on gamepads when the item list was not completely full.
- Fixed issue where bosses could take large amounts of invalid damage.
- Fixed Holdurbraan not entering combat from his frozen state.
- Fixed issue where enemy damage scalars could potentially be added multiple times.
- Fixed NPC health scaling being truncated in some circumstances.
- Fixed Minecart spawning levers, they now correctly wait until the summoned minecart is ridden before being able to be reactivated to spawn a new cart.
- Fixed paper doll widget not showing the character after speaking to a Painter or Barber in Galdrin's Crossing.
- Fixed how tabs are closed when exiting the NPC interaction window.
- Fixed the painter menu not clearing unpurchased preview colors when closing the menu.
- Fixed camera so it no longer resets when changing race/gender outside of the Hub.
- Fixed turntable mode not restoring position/rotation when switching race/gender.
- Fixed character creation's initial randomization only applying once.
- Reduced ability knockback force of AI Salvo and Holy Blast by 50%.
- Fixed Divine Sacrifice so it does not re-target once activated, allowing the player to "fire and forget" their target.
- Fixed Exorcism so it does not re-target once activated, allowing the player to "fire and forget" their target.
- Fixed issue with Phased Carnage triggered from bonus ability when using Phase Port, it no longer triggers cooldown of Phased Carnage.
- Fixed issue with Flurry bonus, it should correctly increase damage.
- Fixed issue with ability effects that could cause false hit reports.
- Fixed networking issues of Master Ricton Worshippers.
- Improved AI Ice Cloud ability replication on clients.
- Fixed Master Rictons spawn position so he doesnt spawn into the altar.
- Fixed Master Ricton worshipper shields to now work correctly on clients and they should no longer float above the floor.
- Fixed Bonus Phased Carnage ability from giving repeated free bonuses.
- Fixed Cone of Fire cooldown not being calculated properly.
- Fixed Ember Eruption attempting to do the return teleport even if there was no valid target to initially teleport to.
- Fixed Avatar not applying its damage buff.
- Fixed Regen's ability description referencing the wrong set bonus value for the healing amount.
- Removed the damage reduction buff from High Summoner Gabriela on Nightmare difficulty.
[ 2023-04-29 02:48:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Adventurers! The Quest is over; Sundaria's Chosen One warrior is Dawnfire! Congratulations! Now they'll join the design team for the upcoming dungeon armor set! Thanks to everyone who participated and shared their fantastic heroes and backstories! We will have more events coming soon, so stay tuned and join our Discord Community to be the first one to know! Happy looting! https://store.steampowered.com/app/587520/Dungeons_of_Sundaria/
[ 2023-04-11 18:00:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers!
We are happy to announce that starting today until April 3rd we will start our Outfit Contest!
Show everyone whats your best gear and style and tell everybody why you think its the best in Sundaria!
The winner will have the chance to take part in the designing process of the new armor set for the upcoming dungeon with the Development Team :eyes: !
Check out our Twitter announcement and our Discord Community to know how to participate :crossedswords:
[ 2023-03-22 18:41:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers! We are glad to inform you that starting from today, Dungeons of Sundaria will take part in the Steam Spring Sale at a whopping 50% off until March 23rd! This is the perfect chance to increase your party number and to start raiding dungeons together with your friends! https://store.steampowered.com/app/587520/?utm_source=steamnews&utm_campaign=springsale23
[ 2023-03-16 17:00:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers! This weeks patch brings the next phase of class improvements to the game, a new test area and some bug fixes.
New Combat Testing Area
We have heard from the players that they would like an area in game to test out abilities, rotations and setups outside of standard dungeon combat. Players can find a new area in the latest patch in the Crypt of Horrors dungeon to do this. The camp is located outside the dungeon gates just down the road from where players load in to the dungeon. There is a single target dummy for solo testing and a few target dummies in close proximity for larger group testing. We intend to possibly add more things to this area in the future.
Class Improvements
We will begin our next phase of improving the classes over the coming months. Below is a list of the initial changes. Champion
- Reduce cooldown of Upheaval
- Increased Shield Throw damage bonus given by Wrath of the Crypt Lord Set
- Increased Shield Bash, Shield Throw and Aggression damage bonus given by Wrath of the Crypt Lord Set
- Increase damage of Heavenly Strike
- Increased the damage of Holy Light
- Increased the damage of Divine Sacrifice
- Increased the cooldown of Divine Shield
- Increased the damage and Healing bonus of Avatar given by the Garb of Holy Order Set
- Increased chance to perform a free Regen given by the Garb of Holy Order Set
- Increased the damage of Holy Light, Holy Blast, Divine Sacrifice given by the Vestments of the Harbinger Set
- Increased the duration of Heavenly Strike given by the March of the Demon Lord Set
- Increased the damage of Deadly Aim
- Increased the healing of Healing Vapors
- Increased the damage of Poison Arrow
- Increased the damage of Toxic Arrow
- Increased the damage of Blight Arrow
- Reduced the cooldown of Rapid Fire
- Reduced the cooldown of Ranger's Flask
- Reduced the cooldown of Paralyzing Shot
- Reduced the cooldown of Salvo
- Increased the damage of Poison Arrow and Blight Arrow bonus given by Guise of the Crypt Stalker Set
- Increased the damage of Backstab
- Increased the damage of Phased Carnage
- Increased the damage of Phase Port
- Increased the damage of Assassinate
- Reduced the cooldown of Tomahawk
- Reduced the damage of Eviscerate
- Fixed issue with Backstab range to activate. It now matches the abilities range, preventing cases where the ability is used but fails to hit because the target is too far
- Increased the damage of Ember Eruption
- Increased the healing of Cauterize
- Reduced the cooldown of Meteor
- Reduced the cooldown of Chaos Orb
- Increased the damage of Flame Blast and Meteor bonus given by Vestments of Destruction Set
- Increased Flame Blast damage bonus given by Infamy of Demon Lords Set
- Increased the cooldown of Fire Armor
- Fixed Ember Eruption teleport. It now correctly teleports the player back to their cast location if the ability is cancelled
- Fixed issue with town interaction of NPCs on clients
- Fixed physics object on destructibles so they are correctly destroyed by abilities
- Fixed reliability of hit normals on destructibles from melee weapons, making them fracture more reliably when destroyed
- Fixed issue with Smoulderwing and Umatoxian AI collision causing them to get hung up during their fights.
- Fixed issue where Joldurbraan navigation was destroyed and not correctly restored causing NPCs to navigate incorrectly.
- Fixed issue with Joldurbraan boss doors so all fight NPCs can move correctly.
- Fixed issue with Flame Lords. They should no longer use cooperative abilities when one has died and should not regenerate health when shielded
- Falling damage caused by Smoulderwing and Quoron who have launched players in air are now capped by percentage of max health and should no longer kill players unpredictably
- The cost for upgrading items has been reduced (in terms of essence and magical cores required).
[ 2023-03-15 02:00:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixes and Improvements Fix crash on PlayStation when interacting with Dreadforge. Fix crash when joining a multiplayer game currently in the Hub. Improve loading screen transitions. Game Changes/Fixes Removed stun from Monstrous Spiders in the Whisper of the Spider Queen encounter. Removed stun from Wraiths in Crypt of Horrors on all difficulties. Removed stun from Ettin Chieftain in the Dark Hollow on all difficulties. Change Assassinate activating farther than its trace distance. Reduce AI Salvo knockback by 25% multiplicate and reduce additive by 50% Added support for switching weapons without releasing held abilities. While holding a repeat-fire ability, pressing other abilities on cooldown will not end the repeat-fire ability. Fixed issue where Ranger Frozen Leather Fragments would not unlock with quest turn in. Fixed issue with cloaks that grant bonus experience. They should now grant the appropriate experience (which has been increased to 10% also) Fixed Old Ironhide not spawning in the Grasslands. Bonus Health stat is now applied after factoring in health added by items. Fixed changing races resetting ability bar layouts. Moved hub NPC cameras for Singen and the market artist back to where they were for viewing the character turntable. Footstep sound added for elementals. Added ice sounds to Cold Snap ice ring. Miscellaneous Dye color data table added new colors 26-51 Fixed typo in confirmation window when start a new dungeon.
[ 2023-03-03 23:35:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Adventurers!
Below are a list of Hotfixes in this patch.
- Optimized abilities async load all possible animations when the ability is given and those async loaded assets have their reference held to prevent latent-block loads
- Optimized unused references from Hub Champion Trainer Fromar and AI Spec component
- Optimized trade component to player character, reducing the add to world and tick cost of non-player characters
- Fixed tooltips and various strings not being localized text
- Fixed gear stats showing differently in languages other than English
- Fixed additional stats not showing on item detail (i.e. Shield Bash Damage) to item display detail
- Fixed map selection menu now shows the last checkpoint's map and difficulty in confirmation prompts.
- Fixed upgrade menu allowing unupgradeable items to be selected if the inventory tab is changed.
- Fixed outline shader to fix rare cases of splitscreen player highlights blocking highlights on other player screens.
- Fixed Cull the Weak, it should now pull multiple targets to you.
Thanks for playing!
[ 2023-02-16 18:30:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Adventurers!
This is a small group of hotfixes we wanted to get in this week. We appreciate all the feedback.
- Optimizated pool size of Umatoxians' effect and disable require world data
- Fixed search results for finding groups, all available groups should now show in party finder.
- Fixed Eviscerate attack sequence to be normalized increasing accuracy of hit detection
- Fixed Slash attack sequence to be normalized increasing accuracy of hit detection.
- Fixed issue with Dwarf Miners in the Grasslands, they have returned to the ground.
- Fixed issue where Cleave Damage would not show up on 2H Champion weapons resulting in fewer stats appearing than expected.
Thanks for playing!
[ 2023-02-14 22:22:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello adventurers! This patch brings improvements and fixes to various content.
Token of Change
Visit Singen at the Hovel to be awarded a Token of Change. This will allow all characters one race change free of charge.
- Increased Blessing of Might Power bonus
- Increase damage of Charge
- Increased damage of Cleave
- Increased healing of Bind Wounds
- Increased duration of Aggression
- Optimized Ice Cloud ability to appear smooth on clients
- Fixed stackable items at the same index in different inventories that were not combining when dragged on top of each other and incorrectly swapping
- Fixed inventory swap bug causing disabled items to be enabled in the UI
- Fixed an issue where players could not change appearance even with correct currency
- Fixed an issue with Joldurbraan and Joldurn, should no longer climb or leap off the railings in their area
- Foreman Zeebo should always spawn once again
- King Duskborne should always spawn once again
- Reduced push force of AI Flame Blast
- Removed stun from Lady Everleen
- Fixed Crombul the Mad portal to Tower Guardians not persisting when starting from checkpoints after Tower Guardians have been engaged
- Fixed Slash 2H Hammer Attack speed to be what it was previously
- Removed Molabog Pushback and reduced push force of attacks
- Reduced push force of Salvo
- Fixed Incorrect call to player receiving items during a trade causing that trade to not save
- Reduced damage of fire wall
- Removed Rain of Meteors ability from Umatoxian clone
- Reduced damaged of Lake of Flames on Guardian Drakmora
- Removed Threat Increase from Mighty Blow
- Removed stun from Commander Targrim
- Increased Thokmog and Lomarg Flame Pylon cooldown from 20 to 30 seconds
- NPC abilities that pull players in should now function correctly.
- Pin Strike no longer will Knockdown and stun players
- Fixed issue with various NPCs in the Dreadforge spawning out of bounds
- Removed Charge from Ash Gorger Ability Set
- Fixed issue where Ankatehrun would sometimes spawn incorrectly
- Improved 2H Hammer Smite Animation speed with set items equipped
- Corrected damage application of Flame Spikes
Thanks for playing!
[ 2023-02-14 01:52:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello adventurers! We are excited to bring you the latest dungeon update, along with additional content and improvements to Dungeons of Sundaria.
The Dreadforge
The Dreadforge is the 6th dungeon to arrive in Dungeons of Sundaria. Introducing 16 new bosses, a new Class Weapon Set, and deadly new enemies. We hope The Dreadforge will be an engaging and challenging new dungeon experience for all you adventurers.

Singen Vagabond Barber Extraordinaire
Singen has finally unlocked his true potential. Hes become a master of the barbering ways, although hes still grumpy old Singen. He has opened up shop in the Galdrins Crossing Hovel! Visit him to change or customize your character, including race, gender, and appearance.

Crafting 2.0 - Star Level Upgrades
A mysterious new villager who goes by the name of Gweyir Dorra has arrived in Galdrins Crossing. Gweyir provides players with the magical means to increase the Star Level on items.

Upgrade at Gweyir Dorra
Gweyir Dorra is a new NPC who resides at the Blacksmith in Galdrins Crossing. Players may speak with Gweyir Dorra to add and upgrade the Star Level of items. Gweyir can add and upgrade the star level on Level 15 and higher Superior, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Eternal items. How it Works To begin adding and upgrading the Star Level of an item, speak with Gweyir Dorra and select an item.

After selecting an item, players will be able to view the item at the current Star Level and the upgraded Star Level. The type of attributes and bonuses will remain the same when upgrading an item, but with an increased Star Level for higher values. In order to add and upgrade the next Star Level of an item, players will be required to offer Gweyir some Essence, Gold, and a new item a Magical Core.

Magical Cores are a new item required to add and upgrade the Star Level of items and may be obtained from Dungeon bosses. While the end boss of a Nightmare or higher difficulty dungeon will always drop a Magical Core, players will still sometimes find Magical Cores from lesser bosses and in easier dungeons. In addition to requiring Gold and Magical Cores, players will also need to provide Gweyir with enough Essence. The quality of Essence required corresponds to the Quality of the item being upgraded. Finally, the maximum Star Level of an item will be limited by the Quality of the item. The following is the maximum Star Level of an item based on quality:
- Superior 1 Star
- Rare 2 Stars
- Epic 3 Stars
- Legendary 4 Stars
- Eternal 5 Stars
- ??? 6 Stars
New Item Attribute Account Bound
We have been listening closely to your feedback and are happy to introduce the new Account Bound item property! Previously, items were often Soulbound, and this prevented players from trading items between their own heroes. Account Bound items allow players to freely store and transfer items through the Bank among all heroes on their account.
New Feature Account Wide Dungeon Unlocks
We are pleased to announce that unlocking new dungeons and difficulties is now account-wide. When a player unlocks a new dungeon or difficulty on one hero, that dungeon and difficulty will be unlocked for all heroes on your account.
New Feature Party Level Range Selector
We are happy to announce the implementation of a level range selector in the party tab. Players can now select the level range they want to allow into their party. This will enable players to focus their groups on a specific level range suited to their desired multiplayer experience.
New Feature Improved Backup System
There have been some unfortunate save data losses occurring for a few of our players. As such, weve decided to upgrade how we perform saves within Dungeons of Sundaria. Were happy to announce that we have revamped the existing save functionality and have created a new Backup system. Dungeons of Sundaria now creates and maintains the last 5 restore points for player accounts. These restore points are automatically created whenever a player completes a major milestone, such as reaching a dungeon checkpoint or defeating a dungeon boss. In the event of an unexpected game crash or other events that may have caused data loss in the past, now players should be able to view and restore their account from one of the created Backup restore points. How it Works On the Hero Selection screen, players will see a new Backup button below their hero list. Selecting this option will open the Load Backup UI menu. From here, players may select and preview an existing Backup restore point.

Previewing a Backup restore point will allow players to enter Galdrins Crossing on their Backup heroes to review the backup restore point.

While previewing a backup restore point, performing transactions in town, crafting items, or entering a dungeon will cause the previewed backup to become the current state. This will remove all existing backup restore points. The character icon and level highlighted in a yellow border refers to the character played during that save. If a player wants to stop previewing the backup restore point, they may simply return to the Select Hero menu, choose Backups and revert the backup restore point back to the current game state.

We would like to extend our apologies to players that have experienced data loss issues. We hope the new Backup Feature will add a layer of security to player data that was previously missing.
Balancing Changes
- Removed Heroism Enemy Scaling on Normal difficulty (i.e., Enemy are capped at their level 15 stats)
- Reduced Heroism Enemy Scaling on Hard difficulty by 50%
- Reduced the damage of Karg the Merciless, Karg the Unmaker, and The Crypt Lord on Normal difficulty
- Reduced the damage of Iothirs clones on all difficulties
- Ogres will now stop moving while using their Smash ability
- Removed Stun effect from most enemies on Normal and Hard difficulty (Bosses excluded).
- Joldurbraan Avatars have improved aim with their Tomahawk ability
- Enemies with group healing abilities will stop trying to heal thin air and heal the correct target
- Normalize Slash which should now properly hit targets
- Improved the Slash attack sequence
- Shield Bash and Cleave ability tooltips should now reflect Heroism passives
- Upheaval should now more frequently hit enemies
- Exorcism should have an easier time hitting targets through collision objects
- Exorcism should now more frequently be able to find enemies to strike
- Improved Heavenly Strike tooltip
- Heavenly Strike should now more frequently be able to find enemies to strike
- Improved Resurrection to not make players think the Cleric doesnt care about them because it didnt work properly
- Normalize Eviscerate which should now properly hit targets
- Phased Carnage VFX should now properly trigger
- Improved Phased Carnage tooltip
- Phase Port should now more frequently be able to find enemies to strike
- Phase Port should now still damage and stun the target even when it is unable to properly move behind the target
- Increased the cone size of Sleep
- Improved Sleep targeting to better hit enemies very close to the player
- Improved Cone of Fire to hit targets at the point-blank range more reliably
- Improved Ember Lance enemy tracking and hit detection
- Cacodemons should be easier to hit now
- Increased how long players may attack High Summoner Gabriela
- Enabling Show Player Outlines in Settings will now also show outlines around friendly stealthed players
- Improved enemy spawning mechanics to reduce pop in effects
- Renamed Soul Bound to Account Bound and improved functionality
- Improved ladder-climbing skills for party members
- Account Bound items should now correctly store in the Bank without shenanigans
- Boss Loot Chests will close after opening if they still contain loot but are still lootable for a limited time (i.e., if your inventory happens to be full while looting)
- Boss Loot Chests will now despawn two minutes after being looted
- Improved Boss Fight system performance and reliability
Bug Fixes
Enemies and Bosses
- Fixed an issue with wolves sliding while using certain abilities
- Fixed cases of AI being idle for several seconds while waiting for their next chosen ability
- Fixed an issue with Regent Korbas sliding while using certain abilities
- Fixed an issue with Athatheram not always spawning properly
- Fixed an issue with enemy projectiles not properly tracking players
- Fixed an issue with the Shademakers Golems Ability usage
- Fixed an issue where enemies with immunity could transform and maintain the immunity indefinitely
- Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to improperly walk through objects they shouldnt
- Fixed various issues with Clutch Lord Ssisx in the Dark Hollow
- Fixed an issue where the portal to the Tower Guardians in the Dark Hollow would not always spawn when Crombul the Mad was defeated
- Fixed an issue where Zothupthlu could not properly devour Aorin in the Grasslands
- Fixed an issue with enemies using frontal cone abilities without a player target
- Fixed an issue where Portal Master Xygogo in the Dark Hollow wouldnt intimidate players with his verbal assaults
- Fixed an issue with Grimfang Geomancers in the Grasslands not always using their abilities
- Fixed an issue with Lady Everleens Handmaidens in the Crypt of Horrors not always healing their Lady
- Fixed an issue with Master Rictons shield not always activating or deactivating properly
- Fixed an issue with Zerru and Fhu not waking up in Crypt of Horrors
- Fixed an issue with Cacodemons trying to knock themselves into the air
- Fixed an issue with King Holdurbraans boss card not showing up.
- Fixed abilities that require line of sight not checking before activation, causing abilities to execute when looking through walls, etc.
- Fixed an issue where King Joldurbraan and his allies could become confused when a Rogue uses stealth
- Fixed an issue where Forge Master Gru could spawn within his crystal
- Fixed Physical Affinity potion will now players buffs correctly.
- Potions and food affecting MAP, SP, RAP, armor, and resistance now increase correctly
- Fixed an issue where opened chests would still appear as closed
- Fixed an issue with the UI not properly updating from Glancing Blow
- Fixed an issue where stat-increasing consumables were not working properly
- Fixed various issues with Quest Dialog
- Fixed an issue with the gates in the Grasslands visually displaying their broken state
- Changing the game language should no longer randomize the Character at Character Creation
- Fixed issue with client travel
- Fixed game saves only occurring for all data if certain data changed (should catch most if not all cases of save data loss)
- Fixed an issue causing a portion of the Dark Hollow to not dynamically load, performance should be improved.
- Removed potential crashes occurring during async loading
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Downed players from properly recovering
- Fixed an issue that could prevent recently Downed players from properly moving
- Fixed an issue where group members could not see the host in the party list
- Fixed an issue where purchased crafting patterns from Kadrick would not show up under the crafting tabs
- Fixed a tooltip issue with the Wizards Vestments of Destruction set
- Fixed a lost focus issue while interacting with NPCs
- Fixed an issue where group members in a party could not always see weather VFX
- Fixed an issue where the ESC key would not always close an intended window
- Fixed incremental adjustment of Character Creation sliders using keyboards and gamepads
- Fixed an issue with having to double-click some button-like widgets in certain menus
- Fixed incorrect category on new Icy Depths ring and neck patterns (they are now under Special instead of Armor)
- Fixed Gamepad/keyboard navigation between buildings and NPCs of Galdrins Crossing, it now works correctly.
- Fixed issue with AI, it should no longer use abilities through walls that require line of sight
- Optimized/Reduced CPU cost of AI abilities
- Fixed ranged target assist that would sometimes target close objects rather than the desired target
[ 2023-02-07 20:39:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy New Year from Dungeons of Sundaria!
We hope all of you had a wonderful New Year!
Youve all been asking: When updates? Well, in 2023, we have several exciting features we would like to share with you all today. All features will be coming soon to Dungeons of Sundaria on both PC and Playstation.
Singen Vagabond Barber Extraordinaire
Singen has finally unlocked his true potential. Hes become a master of the barbering ways, although hes stayed grumpy ol Singen.
Singen has opened up shop in the Galdrins Crossing Hovel! Hes learned from the best and will soon be able to change a heros race, gender, and appearance.
Crafting 2.0 - Star Level Upgrades
A mysterious new villager who goes by the name of Gweyir Dorra has arrived in Galdrins Crossing. Shell be providing players with the magical means to increase the Star Level on items.
Upgrade at Gweyir Dorra
Gweyir Dorra is a new NPC who resides at the Blacksmith in Galdrins Crossing. Players will be able to speak with Gweyir Dorra to add and upgrade the Star Level of items. Gweyir can add and upgrade the star level on Level 15 and higher Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Eternal items.
How it Works
To begin adding and upgrading the Star Level of an item, speak with Gweyir Dorra and select an item.
After selecting an item, players will be able to view the item at the current Star Level and the upgraded Star Level. All attributes and bonuses will remain the same when upgrading an item, but with an increased Star Level for higher values.
To add and upgrade the Star Level of an item, players will be required to offer Gweyir some Essence, Gold, and a new item the Magical Core.
Magical Cores are a new item required to add and upgrade the Star Level of items and may be obtained from Dungeon bosses. While the end boss of a Nightmare or higher difficulty dungeon will always drop a Magical Core, players will still sometimes find Magical Cores from lesser bosses and easier dungeons.
In addition to requiring Gold and Magical Cores, players will also need to provide Gweyir with enough Essence. The quality of Essence required corresponds to the Quality of the item being upgraded.
Finally, the maximum Star Level of an item will be limited by the Quality of the item. The following is the maximum Star Level of an item based on quality:
- Uncommon 1 Star
- Rare 2 Stars
- Epic 3 Stars
- Legendary 4 Stars
- Eternal 5 Stars
- ??? 6 Stars
New Item Attribute Account Bound
We have been listening closely to your feedback and are happy to introduce the new Account Bound item property! Previously, items were often Soulbound, and this prevented players from trading items between their own heroes. With the Account Bound item property, players will now be able to freely store and transfer items through the Bank among all heroes on their account. Were looking forward to seeing some geared-out level 1 heroes!

New Feature Account Wide Dungeon Unlocks
We are pleased to announce that unlocking new dungeons and difficulties will now be account wide. When a player unlocks a new dungeon or difficulty on one hero, that dungeon and difficulty will be unlocked for all heroes on your account.
Improved New Backup Feature
There have been some unfortunate save data losses occurring for some of our players. As such, weve decided to upgrade how we perform saves within Dungeons of Sundaria. Were happy to announce that we have revamped the existing save functionality and have created a new Backup system. Dungeons of Sundaria will now create and maintain the last 5 restore points for player accounts. These restore points are automatically created whenever a player completes a major milestone, such as reaching a dungeon checkpoint or defeating a dungeon boss. In the event of an unexpected game crash or other events that may have caused data loss in the past, now players should be able to view and restore their account from one of the created Backup restore points.
How it Works
On the Hero Selection screen, players will see a new Backup button below their hero list. Selecting this option will open the Load Backup UI menu. From here, players may select and preview an existing Backup restore point.

Previewing a Backup restore point will allow players to enter Galdrins Crossing on their Backup heroes to review the backup restore point.

While previewing a backup restore point, performing transactions in town or entering a dungeon will cause the previewed backup to become the current state and will remove all existing backup restore points. If a player wants to stop previewing the backup restore point, they may simply return to the Select Hero menu, choose Backups and revert the backup restore point back to the current game state

We would like to extend our apologies to players that have experienced data loss issues and hope the new Backup Feature vanquishes these issues once and for all.
Looking Ahead to 2023
While we are excited to bring the above features to Dungeons of Sundaria, we have also been hard at work on the remaining Dungeons and other features expected for release in 2023.
The Dreadforge
The Dreadforge will be the 6th dungeon to arrive in Dungeons of Sundaria very soon. With 16 new bosses, a new Class Weapon Set, and deadly new enemies, The Dreadforge will definitely be an engaging and challenging new dungeon experience for players.

The Festering Bog
At the foot of the Ragewind Mountains lies a vast bog. Corpses have decomposed into a great festering peat for centuries as armies sought to siege the mountain castle. Now, this bogland is enthralled by a great host of Undead, with their shambling husks wandering the murky waters.

The Festering Bog will be the 7th dungeon to arrive in Dungeons of Sundaria. We will be providing additional information about the Festering Bog in a future developer update. This is the start of what we hope will be rewarding and engaging new systems and dungeons for players to further improve and challenge their heroes within Dungeons of Sundaria. See you all in the Dungeons!
[ 2023-01-11 16:34:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Adventurers! Winter is coming, and so is our biggest discount ever in the Steam Winter Sale! We are excited to announce that Dungeons of Sundaria will be a whopping 50% OFF, so make sure to snag it while you can. The sale starts NOW and runs until January 5th, 2023, so gather your party and prepare for an exciting adventure! https://store.steampowered.com/app/587520?utm_source=steam&utm_campaign=sales&utm_medium=wintersale22
[ 2022-12-22 18:01:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention adventurers!
We are excited to bring you the second part of the next addition to the world of Sundaria - Dreadforge. This perilous dungeon is sure to test the mettle of even the bravest of heroes!
Located deep within the dark and foreboding mountains, the Dreadforge is filled with terrifying enemies. Only the most skilled parties will be able to navigate the twists and turns of this treacherous dungeon and emerge victorious.
Dare to cross the treacherous bridge?
Beware the cages that hang above, for they may hold more than just shadows.
Enter at your own risk: the Dreadforge awaits.
Forged in the fires of the Dreadforge, the blacksmith's weapons are feared throughout the realm
Beware the Dreadforge guardians - they stand guard over the ancient secrets within
Beware the deadly lava falls of the Dungeon of Sundaria - one misstep could be your last
Enter the Dreadforge at your own peril - only the bravest adventurers survive its fiery depths
The greatest challenge lies ahead: three mighty foes stand between you and victory in the Dreadforge
Gather your bravest warriors and prepare to face the challenges of the Dreadforge. The adventure begins soon!
Join us on Discord to share your thoughts on the Dreadforge and connect with other adventurers!
[ 2022-12-15 19:47:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings adventurers,
After receiving many incredible entries, our team had the difficult task of choosing the winners, but we are thrilled to announce the top three screenshots. Here we go:
- Chonky
- Pendragon
- Jazz
We would like to thank all of the participants for sharing their amazing screenshots and showcasing their love for Dungeons of Sundaria. Keep an eye out for more contests and opportunities to win fantastic prizes in the future.
Once again, congratulations to Chonky, Pendragon, and Jazz on their well-deserved victories!
Embrace your inner adventurer in the Dungeons of Sundaria.
[ 2022-12-13 18:12:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Adventurers!
If you have been waiting for the perfect time to adventure with your party and explore the brand-new Icy Depths dungeon, now is the time!
Dungeons of Sundaria is 25% off starting today until Monday, December 12, 2022! Don't miss out!
[ 2022-12-05 18:50:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Adventurers, the time has come to boast of your epic moments and feats!
Show off your epic situations and moments with your fellow adventurers on the Discord server https://discord.gg/egRG9jtDeW in the #screenshot-submissions channel for a chance to win prizes such as Steam Gift Cards.
- Submissions may have minor edits such as coloration and filters.
- You can submit up to 3 total.
- The edits/original image must be created by you.
- Must be submitted on Discord by December 7th, 23:99 CST in the #screenshot-submissions channel;
- No discussions in the event channel please, but feel free to react to the artists posts and show some love! Your reactions will help with the final judging. Any discussions will be deleted from the channel to keep things clean;
- All submissions must follow the server's rules, and Discord Terms of Service.
- Judging will be done by Developers, the Community Management team, and Discord Mods.
- Judged on how epic the images qualities are
- The community is encouraged to use reactions on their favorites as well!
- 1st: 50$ Steam Gift Card + Social Media promotion + Discord Role
- 2nd: 25$ Steam Gift Card + Social Media promotion + Discord Role
- 3rd: 10$ Steam Gift Card + Social Media promotion + Discord Role
[ 2022-11-23 18:09:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers!
Dungeons of Sundaria is now 25% off during the Steam Autumn Sale! Get it now and get exploring, many dangerous dungeons await you, especially the newly unearthed Icy Depths.
[ 2022-11-22 18:17:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello adventurers!
We are excited to bring you the first dungeon update, along with additional content and improvements to the game.
The Icy Depths

Legend speaks of a ruined city buried deep within the Teberon Mountain Range to the north. The mountains are treacherous. Few Sundarians dare travel this far north. Whispers float down to Galdrin's Crossing, speaking of Goblins - blue of skin and glowing eyes, feasting upon the power of the mountain. As you approach a ruined city on the far side of a lake, you gaze up in horror at a monstrous crowned skull carved deep within the rock. The Icy Depths is a new dungeon to explore, and with over a dozen new bosses, its sure to challenge the most seasoned veterans!
Goblins, goblins, goblins!

We are excited to introduce a new playable race for our players; Goblins have finally come to Galdrins Crossing. Players may now choose this race during character creation. We heard from players that they would like to change an existing character to another race, and this is a feature we are working on. We look to have this functionality available in the next content release.
New Item Sets

Armor Sets This content release brings with it new armor sets for all classes. Players will be able to receive set items as drops in addition to the fragments to purchase patterns for these sets. We will release the base armor set (non-set bonus armor) in two parts, with half of these patterns being available in this release and the remaining half being released with the next content release. Weapon Sets This content release introduces a new three-piece set for each class, including a new weapon. In addition, these sets will have ability bonuses like the new and existing armor sets. Additional Essence Caches We have heard feedback from our players regarding increasing the amount of essence that bosses will drop. We have added caches to specific bosses throughout the dungeons that will drop more essence for each player. In addition to this, the essence dropped will be at +1 quality (Normal will drop Epic Essence, etc.) This is our first step to crafting improvements with more coming in the next content release (Star level item improvements).
- Fixed Auto-loot items so that they now loot enemies who only have coin
- Fixed issue where set items were not counting toward set bonuses if equipped in a specific order
- Fixed issue where game settings would not save when quitting immediately after adjusting
- Fixed issue with UI text wrapping on purchase menus
- Fixed Issue with adjusting Heroism point increase and resets in multiplayer not saving
- Fixed issue with using back or close keybinds when using the Bank
- Fixed issue with fragments being sellable (enabling them to be accidentally sold)
- Fixed issue with dungeon difficulty delay in some dungeon regions causing loot to be incorrect quality (i.e., Chest of the Seven should now drop appropriate loot quality)
- Fixed issue where Shadow Cloak damage reduction would not decrease damage taken
- Fixed ability description formatting info for the duration in some cases (i.e., 4 seconds + 100% should show 8 seconds, not 5)
- Fixed issue with NPC combat behavior that could cause NPC timeout (NPCs should no longer have delays in between attacks)
- Fixed issue with players losing control (including crowd control or knockback effects) while climbing ladders
- Fixed various crash issues
- Fixed cases where players could not move after being downed or resurrected
- Fixed various impact particles not displaying correctly
- Fixed Drain Life ability on enemies
- Fixed issues with Lady Everleen and Handmaidens not displaying correctly, reduced healing time from 10 seconds to 6 seconds
- Fixed destructibles always affecting enemy navigation even after destruction
- Fixed enemies becoming stuck in combat for seconds without attacking
- Fixed enemies moving through destructible walls that were not yet destroyed
- Fixed characters, especially large ones, culling early when viewed from around corners/walls
- Fixed issue with chat in multiplayer
- Fixed initial camera in town displaying outside the map
- Fixed issues with various VFX that would cause screen artifacts
- Fixed various environmental collision issues
- Fixed issue with various keys being soulbound (they should no longer be)
- Optimized multiple materials and textures improving performance
- Improved NPC Voice Over and Dialogue performance
- Improved Gamepad navigation in certain menus
- Reduced damage dealt by Chancellor Iothir Clones on all difficulties
- Reduced Wutu damage while in Gnoll form.
[ 2022-11-18 18:13:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers! Gear up and get ready to do some boss raiding because the new Spectral Weapon set is only here for a limited time! Plunge into the realms of Sundaria and start collecting Candy Apple with your party to get this elusive weapon set before its gone! Candy Apple drop from bosses. And the higher the difficulty, the more Candy Apple theyll drop! Are you a champion? Cleric? Wizard? It doesnt matter; theres a spectral weapon pattern just for you! Heres a list with prices of all of them:
- Spectral Greatsword - 250
- Spectral Heater Shield - 150
- Spectral Hammer - 150
- Spectral Warhammer - 250
- Spectral Greatbow - 150
- Spectral Crossbow - 250
- Spectral Slicer - 150
- Spectral Battle Axe - 150
- Spectral Mageblade - 150
- Spectral Staff - 250

Additionally, youll be able to purchase an amazing Pumpkin Head for just 100 Candy Apples that you can wear to turn your head into a Jack-O-Lantern and randomly spawn a skeletal minion that will fight alongside you for a short amount of time!

Last, but not least, and to celebrate the spooky season, we are launching a 10% off sale! This is the perfect opportunity to get your party members to join in on your boss-slaying adventures throughout Sundaria! Remember to follow us on social media and join our Discord to never miss an update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/587520/Dungeons_of_Sundaria/
[ 2022-10-25 20:10:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed armor scaling bug that affected the stats of armor at higher levels (200+)
- Fixed Save Data bug that in certain circumstances would corrupt and lose player data.
[ 2022-10-01 00:41:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Industry Games Team September 21, 2022 Gilbert, AZ
From Left: Jason, Jeff, Chad, Thuan, John, Attila, and Warren. Not Pictured: Dominic (Lives East Coast)[hr][/hr]
A big thanks to everyone who has played and helped us improve Dungeons of Sundaria during Early Access so far. We are working hard on the next dungeons and are looking forward to these additions and many further improvements.
Till next time, Adventurers
Industry Games Team
[ 2022-09-30 17:28:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another Patch based on player feedback of our Major September Patch less than a week ago. We are iterating to improve game scaling and further balance it for solo and group play. Weve also made another pass on melee combat that makes both the Rogue and Champion feel very accurate and powerful. We have included some beginning improvements to Cleric and Wizard as well. The following fixes and refinements have been made.
- Heroism Scaling has been adjusted with a large reduction in NPC health and small increase in NPC damage.
- All classes now start with more health and gain more per level than previous as well.
- Group scaling has been made more consistent reducing NPC health per person added to group. NPC damage increases for players being added has been removed from Normal and Hard difficulties
- Nightmare scaling for health and damage increases have been made consistent across the four current dungeons
- Experience scaling has been increased. We wanted to clarify for players that experience gained while in a group is not split. You get the same base experience for killing an NPC in group as you would solo. In addition to this, players receive a bonus for group play that increases with each player added (ie a 4 player group receives more per NPC killed than a 2 player group). In short, the more players you add the more experience you gain per NPC killed. We did this to incentivize people to play together, so the more the merrier and the faster you will level.
- Item Quality has been overhauled and increased across all qualities starting with Superior (Green). You will now receive more stats per quality increase than previously. You should begin to feel the impact of equipping new gear faster.
- Star items will now have a consistent level increase per star gained, previously some star levels awarded a lower percentage of stats gained than the previous star level.
- Stars on weapons will now contribute a greater increase to stats than they had previously
- Fixed issue with weapon racks not distributing loot evenly among all classes (drop rates are now equal for all class items for all weapon racks).
- Increased the quality of items that drop from the tombs in Crypt of Horrors. Destructible loot distribution is unchanged.
- Increased Channel Heal range by 30%
- Increased damage and knockback range on Holy Blast
- Increased damage on Holy Light
- Increased damage on Heavenly Strike
- Reduced cooldown of Avatar
- Increased damage of Ember Lance
- Reduced damage of Cone of Fire
- Increased player Meteor cast speed by 15%
- Increased knockback range on Flame Blast
- Increased range of Sleep
- Attached collision updates for Slash
- Attached collision updates for Eviscerate
- Increased collision box size and adjust some notifies on Slash montages
- Law of the Zealot and Kindled set bonuses improved (added 15% Critical Damage and 30 Spell Penetration)
- Ember Eruption has been adjusted. We have plans to further change Ember Eruption in the future but the functionality has been adjusted to be more clear. While teleporting player functionality could become unstable if an ability was used. To fix this the animation will be locked during the ability for it's duration. As a tradeoff we decided to grant the player immunity from damage for the duration of the ability.
- Split Screen - players can now manage their inventories independent of other players.
- Split Screen - Option to increase font size added to the Options menu. Affects ALL font including items in Split-screen which dramatically improves the legibility of text in this mode.
- Split Screen - Fixed bug where players joining a game already in progress were unable to focus input on the name while creating a new character.
Loot Improvements
- Previously players had two options for loot, Free-for-All and Round Robin. Previously Round Robin would award loot that appeared Free-for-All but it was proximity loot at the group leaders level.
- Players now have three loot options to choose from. Round Robin, Round Robin (Smart) and Free-for-All.
- Dungeon Loot settings are locked during dungeon runs and must be changed prior to loading a dungeon. Dungeon Loot type currently cannot be changed during a dungeon run. We are working to add this functionality.
- Round Robin - Loot is awarded Round Robin regardless of player proximity to one another
- Round Robin (Smart) - Loot is awarded Round Robin based on player proximity to the kill
- Free-For-All - Loot is awarded to the first person to loot the object.
- When either Round Robin or Round Robin (Smart) loot is selected and a player kills an NPC (and NPCs only). The players level will be used to determine the item level for armor, weapons, etc. Players in the proximity of the kill will be on the eligible list for the item to be their level. Whoever "owns" the loot ability, it will be at their level when looted.
- Boss Chests will drop level based loot.
- NOTE: Loot from objects such as destructibles, weapon racks, tombs, chests and other non NPC generated loot objects will continue to scale at the group leaders level in all loot types. We looked at adjusting this but this is not a trivial adjustment due to game optimization reasons. There are no plans to adjust object loot level at this time.
- The proximity for loot ownership determination is approximately 40 meters.
- Non item based loot (silver, gold) will continue to be/appear Free-for-All
- Added Loot Level for Round Robin corpses and Boss Chests is now based on the looting players level
- Added Boss chests request an immediate save of player data
- Added AI updates for flying creatures
- Combat Improvement: Player animation frames are never dropped due to performance load balancing, resulting in same-accuracy of hits at all times
- Improved (reduced) the time it takes for loot to generate for chests
- Increased Item stats by quality (% increase per quality type)
- Increased star level stats on weapons
- Improved star stat level progression, now more consistent (10%) per level
- Improved Accept distance for Pick Ability AI Task uses the MAX(ability range, capsule radii) instead of adding them together
- Improved Tether check alternates between self and target distance checking
- Fixed achievements not completing when there are multiple players in the party
- Added Item detail and currency widgets support Increase Font Size
- Fixed Only host and owning client disable URO of player character mesh
- Fixed Character base supports vector offset for capsule attached components and disable URO on player controlled meshes
- Fixed RPC player preference changes to host so they are not lost when receiving persistence
- Fixed Eviscerate animations
- Fixed Last Target set if attacked but not attacking a current target
- Fixed exclusive input locking in split screen
- Fixed essence conversion not functioning correctly on clients
- Fixed incositency in Juran wasp phase. Juran should fly out of range, prompting players to dispatch added NPCs to return Juran to fight
- Fixed Juran combat height/auto height ability for wasp types.
- Fixed Iothir drain life and strength debuff not marked with asset tags as debuffs
- Fixed bad melee distance values AI were stuck on
- Fixed bad melee distance, likely causing range hysteresis of AI in melee
- Fixed Hud stats picks up instigator as last target when no target set
- Fixed Iothir drain life and strength debuff
- Fixed player preferences not saved when changed on the client
[ 2022-09-23 23:13:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Melee Combat Improvements
Weve listened to your feedback and spent a considerable amount of effort to completely revamp Melee Combat. Weapons will now hit based upon the weapon impact points on the foes you are fighting (and even multiple enemies). Also, larger weapons, now have appropriate hitboxes for their size while smaller weapons have been adjusted to match those as well. We believe that the melee combat experience is an improvement and look forward to your continued feedback. For the melee-based characters Rogue and Champion, the reticle will now be OFF by default but can be turned on in the Options Menu.
Melee Feedback while playing
In addition to improved hitbox detection, we have enhanced the impact animations and blood as well. We wanted to give the combat a more visceral feel and believe that this moves us closer to what players expect in a dungeon runner where you are fighting hordes of monsters.
The Galdrins Crossing bank is now open for business. Players will be able to store items in the bank and access them with all characters on their account. This was a heavily requested feature and as handy as it is we can see why.
Weve added TEXT translations to the game in the following languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish We hope this improves the game experience for the players who prefer these languages.
Data Integrity
In some rare instances during multiplayer disconnects, players data would be corrupted and lost. We greatly apologize to any players that have encountered this problems and lost characters as a result. Weve reworked player save data and included redundant save functionality to eliminate this completely. We thank you for your patience while we worked through this in Early Access.
Class Improvements
While the bulk of the class improvements were focused on the Champion and Rogue, we did address several issues that were brought to us by players for other classes.
- Overhaul of character targeting. Weapon hitboxes closely approximate the weapon held in terms of hit/damage location.
- Hit lag has been implemented to increase visual impact on target.
- Adjusted animations to allow better targeting with weapons
- Recklessness Class Weapon bonus improved adding 15% Critical Damage and 30 Armor Penetration
- Increased Mighty Blow and Cleave speed by 25%
- Increased Shield Throw damage across all ranks
- Increased Cull the weak taunt duration from 2 to 4 seconds
- Increased Might Blow damage across all ranks
- Increased animation rate of Aggression, Unstoppable, Skin of Stone to reduce the amount of time spent casting buffs while fighting
- Increased Cleave damage across all ranks
- Reduced Aggression healing received across all ranks
- Improved Shield Throw targeting and hit detection
- Fixed Blessing of Might not affecting players in range.
- Fixed Crypt Lord bonus where Charge would not apply stun
- Fixed issue with Champion weapons rolling with bonus stats that could not be used. Champion one handed weapons will no longer have Cleave and Mighty Blow bonuses. Champion two handed weapons will no longer have Shield Throw and Shield Bash bonuses
- Greatly Improved Channel Heal functionality, fixed issue where NPC could block heal target and added heal effect to intended target that is more visible. We intend to review all visual effects for the class when we do the enhancements in the coming months
- Hit indicator will now flash green when healing a friendly player
- Fixed issue with Heavenly Strike effect being inaccurate, visual effect now matches ability tooltip criteria
- Fixed issue with Divine Sacrifice explosion
- Hunter Class Weapon bonus improved adding 15% Critical Damage and 30 Spell Penetration
- Blight Arrow aura now correctly reflects the target area
- Toxic Arrow will now show appropriate debuff icon on targets affected by it
- Increased the damage of Salvo across all ranks
- Increased the cooldown of Healing Vapors
- Increased the physical damage of Poison Arrow across all ranks
- Fixed issue with Blessing of Finesse not affecting players in range
- Fixed issue of some NPCs not being paralyzed by Paralyzing Shot
- Fixed issue/Changed Morbs Set bonus, Healing Vapors now resets by using Rapid Fire
- Overhaul of character targeting. Weapon hitboxes closely approximate the weapon held in terms of hit/damage location. Hit lag has been implemented to increase visual impact on target.
- Adjusted animations to allow better targeting with weapons
- Increased Backstab trace radius (improving hit utility)
- Reduced the damage reduction of Shadow Cloak
- Reduced the damage reduction and healing of Vampiric Blades
- Fixed issue where Phase Port might target dead NPCs
- Fixed Phantom Strike Ability Icon
- Fixed Reaper's Garb 5p Bonus to require a successful Backstab hit to proc
- Flame blast will now knock back all targets in target area
- Fixed/Improved Cone of Fire cone to correctly reflect tooltip information
- Improved Wizard fire impact visual effects
- Fixed an issue with Ember Eruption networking
A Host of Additional Improvements:
- Players can now toggle group outlines (rim shaders) always on in the options menu.
- Trade menu now includes the option to trade coin
- Blood can now vary by creature type
- Improved Impact animations for melee weapon attacks
- Improved NPC ragdoll animations on death
- Improved various weapon particles
- Improved UI quantity selector (slider)
- Improved Boss Chest spawn logic
- Improved blood VFX and splatter decals
- Updated tooltips to show impact of Elixir and Food duration bonuses
- Added user preferences for disabling camera motion and increasing font size
- Added pre save integrity checks for client received account save data
- Optimize characters to improve load times
- Optimized Town loading times
- Optimized Loot generation
- Optimize performance impact of sending and receiving account data from multiplayer sessions
- Fixed an issue with boss fights where they would not reset correctly via checkpoints when they had already been completed
- Fixed issue where some NPCs attacks would not show correctly on clients
- Fixed an issue where ability auras would not show on clients
- Fixed Issue where two-handed weapons could have damage variance based upon the equipped hand.
- Fixed issue where abilities may not show hit reaction (particles/vfx not visible)
- Fixed issue where NPC voice trigger may activate incorrectly
- Fixed issue where NPCs could repeat voice triggers
- Fixed issue where cooldown reduction would not function correctly
- Fixed issue with Elixir and Food duration not working correctly
- Fixed issue where consumables would consume the incorrect slot, they will now consume from the first inventory slot that consumable appears in
- Fixed issue where gamepad could lose focus in town navigation
- Fixed bug preventing the eligibility of Master of Sundaria achievement. Completing requirements again, even if unlocked will unlock the Master of Sundaria achievement
- Fixed various quest text to clarify dungeon location
- Fixed issue where some hub buttons could not be selected while the camera is transitioning
- Fixed issue with class weapon bonuses not resetting on weapon swap
- Fixed issue where you could abandon the quest Olivers Demise and not be able to proceed. If you stopped here at some point, you may resume at either Captain Laurent or Oliver (he will spawn for you now) depending on where you left off
- Fixed Issue where Mimics would incorrectly reset dropping the incorrect amount of loot. Mimics will now drop one chest for each player with the appropriate amount of loot
Dungeons Improvements
- Fixed an issue where the portal to the Crypt Lord would not spawn when continuing from checkpoint after Verix had been killed
- Fixed network issues with Lady Everleen fight
[ 2022-09-17 02:04:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers!
The time has come to bring to you the second dev log for Dungeons of Sundaria.
This time it is all about the legendary Dreadforge, a fiery canyon filled with Orcs.
Please note that everything shown here is still a WIP and is coming soon!
Now let's jump into the canyon that is Dreadforge.
The Dreadforge
After traveling for days through this blistered land, you gaze ahead to a canyon carved deep within the desert the slight breeze bringing some respite. Could this be the home of the legendary Dreadforge? You hear growls and grunts coming from the canyon below. Concealed by smoke and ash, you are unable to make out the figures, but know all too well that they are Orcs. A sense of unease overtakes you; something has changed and only your keen senses pick up the subtle cues. The air is still. The canyon grows quiet. In the distance, you hear a mighty roar.
That concludes the second Developer Journal, Adventurers! We welcome you to continue the discussion on our Discord server! Also follow Dungeons of Sundaria on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Till next time, Adventurers Industry Games Team
[ 2022-09-08 20:25:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Adventurers!
We are excited to bring to you the very first dev log for Dungeons of Sundaria. We will be doing these to show you some sneak peeks and development progress on future updates for DoS!
This first one starts strong as well, with a new dungeon, improvements to melee, new languages, and more!
Please note that everything shown here is still a WIP and is coming soon!
So without further ado, let's hop into it.
New Dungeon Preview #1 The Icy Depths
Deep within the Teberon Mountain Range to the north lies the the human stronghold of Korumak. The mountains are treacherous. Few Sundarians dare travel this far north. Whispers for ages have come to Galdrin's Crossing about the downfall of the human stronghold. Now new rumors of Goblin marauders being seen in the region with icy blue skin and glowing eyes, feasting upon the power of the mountain. As you gather your allies you head to the Korumak on the far side of a lake, you gaze up in horror at a monstrous crowned skull which leads to the Icy Depths.

Above: The main entrance of the Icy Depths!

Melee Combat 2.0
Champions and Rogues are about to turn the pain up to 1000! We've been hard at work on making multiple improvements to melee combat, including improved hitbox precision and enhanced feedback. Players can look forward to improved swing and impact animations, blood splatter visual effects, and sounds. We hope these changes will offer better control to our melee players to improve targeting and make the overall controls feel better. [hr][/hr]
New Languages Supported
We are pleased to announce that the following languages will be supported for all game text: Spanish, Japanese, Turkish, Russian, German, Italian, French, Chinese and Portuguese. Language options may be configured from the in-game Options menu. [hr][/hr]
Account Wide Shared Stash
We are super excited to announce that DoS will be receiving an Account Wide Shared Stash! A notorious Goblin Banker is arriving in Galdrin's Crossing to open the town's first bank. When completed, it will be a full-service shared stash, allowing players to store and transfer items across all heroes on their account. Players will receive their first large lockbox for free and can purchase additional storage space with in-game gold. [hr][/hr]
That concludes the first Developer Journal, Adventurers! This is something we are planning to do very regularly so plan to see a lot more of these in the future. We welcome you to continue the discussion on our Discord server! Also follow Dungeons of Sundaria on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Till next time, Adventurers Industry Games Team
[ 2022-09-01 19:11:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Friendly fire should no longer occur when using abilities while having weapons equipped which have elemental bonuses
- Fix sessions with 3 out of 4 players not being displayed in search results
[ 2022-08-04 00:32:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minor changes to try and reduce launch crashes and login issues experienced by some players
[ 2022-08-02 23:38:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Removed localization this is still under development and was not intended to be functional at this time. Localization will return when it is complete, apologies for the inconvenience.
[ 2022-07-30 16:56:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Boss fights now spawn chests for each player
- Fix for invalid Meteor strike hit location
- Fixed issue with gamepad allowing navigation behind current UI panel
- Fix for video mode thrashing when changing settings
- Fix for invalid sessions not being properly removed from the open party list
- Fixed issues with abilities damaging friends and/or not applying positive effects on friends
- Loot rules are now visible to all players
- Fixed channel abilities preventing death animations from playing
- Enemies that spawn from pods remain complete after players leave and return to the area
[ 2022-07-30 05:00:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix issue with gamepad allowing navigation behind current UI panel
- Fix video mode thrashing when changing settings
- Fix invalid sessions not being properly removed from the open party list
- Fix issues with abilities damaging friends and/or not applying positive effects on friends
- Loot rules now visible to all players
- Boss fights now spawn chests for each player
- Fix invalid Meteor strike hit location
- Fix channel abilities preventing death animations from playing
- Enemies that spawn from pods remain complete after players leave and return the the area
[ 2022-07-30 04:48:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fix party searches not finding sessions with open slots
[ 2022-07-28 19:10:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed several crashes in DirectX 11 renderer
- Fixed crash in DirectX 12 renderer
- Fixed rare crash with ability effects
- Fix startup crash affected by lower disk performance (e.g. when antivirus is scanning the game just after patching)
- Fix crash when changing maps and UI events occur during that load period
[ 2022-07-25 21:54:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Players will need to update before their hosted public sessions are always searchable
[ 2022-07-24 03:55:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Friends list is usable while matchmaking is busy
- Host level added to session advertisements
- Fixed cases of gamepad/keyboard icon switching not working
- Fix incorrect cases of connection issues warnings when joining a map
- Fix focus issues on Painter menu
- Re-enabled kicks/bans
- Adjusted party menu buttons
- Updated UnsellableItems list to include fragment items
- Fix unexpected additions/overlaps of abilities on ability bar
- Default ability now only equips to the first slot
- Adjusted gamepad nav in party menu member list section
- Fixed duplicate set items granting multiple stacks
- Fixed party list only showing one party when searching for any difficulty
- Fix issues with video mode changes and confirmation/resetting when unable to confirm
- Fix abilities causing friendly and self damage
- Fix main menu becoming unresponsive when unable to communicate with Steam
- Correct login issues not showing related errors to users when they start the game
- Crash report client now displayed when game crashes, please add description and send to us!
[ 2022-07-22 21:39:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed issue with going between fullscreen and borderless at different resolutions.
[ 2022-07-18 18:15:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
This game was a labor of love and as a sign of appreciation for all those who played our prior game and gave us the wonderful suggestions to make this game. We will be giving a FREE copy of Dungeons of Sundaria to all players who purchased our prior game Kings and Heroes. This game will show up in your game inventory shortly after launch on July 18th. Wed like to thank Steam for helping us give these free copies to our players. This isnt something they normally do, and they are working with us to make it happen. For more details, please read our prior post Welcome to Dungeons of Sundaria! We look forward to seeing you in the Dungeons of Sundaria! Warren Industry Games
[ 2022-07-11 20:53:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are happy to announce that Dungeons of Sundaria will be available on Monday, July 18th! We are a small team of gamers that love making co-op games. We launched our first game, Kings and Heroes a few years ago. The scope of that game was too large and the server costs too high, so we ultimately had to discontinue it. We took what the players told us they liked most about that game, the dungeons, and created Dungeons of Sundaria. This is a stand-alone multiplayer game that operates peer to peer, so it doesnt suffer from any of the cost issues we had with KNH. In all honesty, this is probably the game we should have made first. This game was a labor of love and as a sign of appreciation for all those who played our prior game and gave us the wonderful suggestions to make this game. We will be giving a FREE copy of Dungeons of Sundaria to all players who purchased our prior game Kings and Heroes. Were sure youll feel the care we put into crafting the challenging and fun dungeons and the many systems it contains. Currently there are 4 dungeons, 5 classes and 5 races. We will be adding 4 more dungeons and 2 additional playable races in the coming months for a total of 8 dungeons! This new content will also be released for FREE to all those who have the game. Again, we cant tell you enough how much we appreciate our players and would like to invite you to join us on Discord. Stay up to date on the latest content or stop by just to say hi. https://discord.gg/vchKSmknsb Thanks again, Warren Industry Games
[ 2022-07-11 20:10:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Dungeons of Sundaria Linux [7.27 G]
The Dungeons:
* 4 Unique Dungeons filled with hundreds of fiendish monsters and dozens of diabolical bosses.
* Three Levels of Difficulty: Normal, Hard, and Nightmare.
* Online single player or co-op up to 4-players.
* Local Split-screen multiplayer co-op up to 4-players (only requires a single game copy).
Make your Hero:
* Choose your Race: Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, or Orc.
* Choose your Class: Champion, Ranger, Cleric, Wizard, and Rogue.
* Customize the appearance of your Hero.
Become a Legend:
* Collect a huge variety of Weapons, Armor, and Accessories to customize your Hero and grow in power.
* Craft powerful equipment and become a force of reckoning.
* Embrace the Heroism system, allowing you to continually increase the power of your Hero.
[ 6076 ]
[ 1223 ]