0.9.0 beta is finally out, feel free to switch branches to get the stability and balance fixes 2 months early! Current changelog: [0.9.0]: + You can open the door * Implement enemy volt stat * Rework save stars + Add the great statue + Add dodge stat + Add the forge + Add fall stat + Add essence + Add story chapter 2 + Boss HP fix + Add story chapter 3 * Map display has no gaps between rooms * Fix bug with labeled entities - Rework save display to hide some useless info + Saves now store what chapter your in * Title screen depends on the auto load save rather than overall + Add fractional levels * Stat indicators look a bit nicer * Rework shop stat rendering * Fix haptics crash * Fix special input hint * Move new game button to top of save list * Fix overlap with tutorial text and input hints * Fix some projectile bugs + Add some more names to the credits * Fix issue with intro cutscene - Curses can only be cheated in when the free cheat is enabled too * Fix some music volume lower stacking bugs * Fix cutscenes not playing sometimes + Boss bars now show hp * Fix float formatting crash * Fix luck related crash + Add crash screen + Add Scardy Bee to area 5 * Fix broken arrows not breaking * Fix transparency of stat indicators
[ 2025-03-04 00:09:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix controller icon display issues * Fix steam leaderboard display * Fix steam input issue * Fix player hp not saving * Fix alot of assorted ai bugs + Hitbox cheats show enemy ai info
[ 2025-01-24 22:36:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
+ Add translation system for cutscenes and credits * Fix credits draw input hints * Fix Player updating on map * Fix enemies updating on map * Fix some bugs with ui input hints + Add level pallette mixing back in * Damage icon is an arrow head + Add setting to show stat names rather than icons + Player now has a hp bar that shows on damage * Fix the you killed everything message * Offscreen enemies can now die * Fix some weird bow rendering issues + Add soul gain indicator * Cleanup rename ui * Cleanup save settings ui * Fix items rendering under holes + Add invincibility time on level reload * Crates drop 10 arrows now instead of 11 + Add arrow gain indicator * Fix soul count on death screen * Fix some odd ui bugs in settings * Fix some strange lighting bugs + Add lighting fade in levels 26-30 * Boss has 100x hp + Add an indicator for when you get a Curse. + Small optimization in friendly anger behavior + Bees can now fly when wandering around * General ui scaling and bug fixes * Reword some weird splashes * Fix alot of misc crashes * Rework steam integration backend
[ 2025-01-22 18:40:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Some major performance fixes * Fix news crash on http error
[ 2024-12-22 16:22:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
+ Add accessibility wizard * Start balancing the game + Changelog shows on launch if the game updated + Accessibility wizard shows on launch if needed * Fix steam timeline icon issues * Fix steam achievement requirement issues + Add game_stats command
[ 2024-12-19 14:56:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Bugzerz,
(Man I still really regret typing that... I'll get used to it eventually... I hope.) Bugz's next update is way closer than anyone was expecting, given that I released 0.8.0 just a week ago from tomorrow. So I'm here to announce that public testing is coming real soon, the beta will be here by 3/3/25, which will give me some much-needed time to confirm balance changes. Along with that date, 0.9.0 will be coming out on the Bugziversary 5/5/25. So mark your calendar, and start preparing for your party!
So what's 0.9.0
You may remember the last road map update labelled it as the "Kitchen update." However, that was just an internal name to avoid you guys asking about it! This way I could introduce this massive update at a point where its further along in a way that will hopefully get everyone excited! Although I'm not going to be announcing content in it quite yet, I can announce the name which should shed some light on its important features.
Stop rambling, what's it called?
Bugz 0.9.0 will be called... Drum roll please... Souls, Tolls, and Stories.
I'm a bit underwhelmed. What else can you show???
Here, take some complementary screenshots with some [strike]nondescript[/strike] content spoilers!

[ 2024-12-18 19:58:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
+ Add final intro cut scene + Add github mod integration for linux * Fix issues with input boxes + Add add mod menu * Rework mod menu * Cleanup ui for changelog * Cleanup ui for leader board * Cleanup ui for roadmap * Fix contrast settings + Add silver star to title for ea purchases + Add game speed setting to accessibility settings + Add mono audio setting + Add optional sans font * Fix input hint text max size + Add quick load button * Move new game button to the saves menu + Add save indicator icon + Game now saves after credits * Fix bug with mod loading screen transitions * Fix crash when loading bad sheet * Rework tutorial once again + Animate quit game * Fix some audio bugs with intractable objects * Increase time slow down when the player takes damage * Fix credit rendering + Fix some wording issues + Add ghost anti-pedes to tutorial * Fix haptic issue in shop - Remove max projectiles setting as it did not affect performance * Reduced particles is now a slider * Fix font emoji never unloading issue * Make input hints a little more readable in game * Fix a major issue with curses * Fix inconsistencies in input repeat rates * UI resets scroll values on navigation + Add border to swipe transitions * Add setting tab transition * Fix input hint ui not showing some things + Add suggestion button * Fix focus when binding keys + Add compendium back in + Free items now count towards completion * Fix transition audio + Mod loader plays a sound once all mods are loaded - Control now does nothing on save creation menu * Reupload achievement art + Update steam rpc art * Reword some weird references in splash texts. * Fix bug with keyboard binds - Remove advanced UI setting + Add stat UI setting + Add Previous and Next tab binds to settings + Add F1-12 key icons into data sheet + Add full screen toggle rebind setting * Fix input UI bug + Add curse UI mode setting + Add swap UI setting * Hide UI setting hides input hints * Scripted some the joke language generation * Saves are very stable, remove warning from changelog * Fix roadmap to show new plan + Add dynamic steam cloud support + Changelog now dynamically generates * Fix water rendering issue in some menus + Ship some art and screenshots with game + Add steam timeline icon support * Rework save edit menu navigation * transitions no longer affect the cursor * Rework rename menu * Update tutorial colorscheme * Draw coins in tutorial + Add beta branch setting + Add tp command - Remove state command + Cleanup console help - Remove uid command + Add aim assist adjustment setting * Player velocity resets on death * Camera shake resets on death * Stat indicators only show in game * Rework audio fadeout between levels and worlds * Rework debug console * Fix pause game bug when you alt tab after death + Phantom bugz are now always angry * Boss numbering is more consistent * Fix level text after boss 1 * Rework early access end cut scene * Fix saving after early access cut scene * Fix some achievement related bugs + Add shop open sound + Add some people to credits + Add hints for available shop items + Add hint for first level * Fix some random mod crashes * Add new boss music in
[ 2024-12-12 12:48:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Bugzerz,
(Man I really regret typing that...) The next massive Bugz will be coming out on 12/12 to get people excited I decided to leak the development change-log so far. I also want to take this chance to formally announce the road map for future updates as it is right now, which will still be accessible in game. Initially 0.8.0 was supposed to be a full content update. However, I realized that if I were to do that, the update would probably not come out until mid 2025, and so I decided to push some well needed UI/UX, accessibility support, and general polish all up on my To-Do list. So all of the currently planned updates have been pushed down a version number (though the planed dates have remained generally the same). Version 0.9.0 will be introducing a system currently in development called the kitchen and while I wont go into specifics, this is designed to bring the current end of progress to around level 250 or so. After that, version 0.10.0 will bring some cosmetic collectables and wrap up the story. Finally if all goes to plan that will leave 0.11.0 to finish up things that I need to do before release (problaby just bug fixes and the EA badges ). So to wrap up the notable updates until release: 0.9.0 will be the kitchen update. 0.10.0 will be cosmetics (and pets). 0.11.0 will be polish and cleanup. 1.0.0 will be the final non EA RELEASE!!!
Change-Log "Leak"
[0.8.0]: QOL QOL & QOL + Add final intro cut scene + Add GitHub mod integration for Linux * Fix issues with input boxes + Add add mod menu * Rework mod menu * Cleanup UI for change-log, leader board, road-map and some other menus. + Add silver star to title for ea purchases * Fix contrast settings + Add game speed setting to accessibility settings + Add mono audio setting + Add optional sans font * Recolor intro * Fix input hint text max + Add quick load button * Move new game button to the saves menu + Add save indicator icon + Game now saves after credits * Fix bug with mod loading screen transitions * Fix crash when loading bad sheet * Rework tutorial once again + Animate quit game * Fix some audio bugs with intractable objects * Increase time slow down when the player takes damage * Fix credit rendering + Fix some wording issues + Add ghost antipedes to tutorial * Fix haptic issue in shop * Fix bug with arrow AOE - Remove max projectiles setting as it did not affect performance * Reduced particles is now a slider * Fix font emoji never unloading issue * Make input hints a little more readable in game * Fix a major issue with curses * Fix inconsistencies in input repeat rates * UI resets scroll values on navigation + Add border to swipe transitions * Add setting tab transition * Fix input hint UI not showing some things + Add suggestion button * Fix focus issues when binding keys
[ 2024-10-07 19:36:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix bug with advanced ui small stats * Fix demo builds * Fix boss skip issue
[ 2024-08-25 14:05:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix crash on all windows machines * Rework map data a bit * Fix a bug with player spawning * Fix an ai bug with lootable objects
[ 2024-08-17 19:05:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here to announce Bugz Bows and Curses will be adding modding support in the 0.7.0 Mods, Maps, and Mayhem update, it will publicly release in beta on 7/7/24, and officially release on 8/8/24. Don't worry though, I will still be releasing the regular QOL patches while this update reaches completion. A quick teaser of whats to come: [previewyoutube=tjFMS0YCKuE;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2024-06-03 15:02:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix UI and game scaling settings. * Fix offline crash. * Rework color blending. * Fix mouse speed. * Fix cutscene skip setting. * Fix clipboard buttons focus. * Aim assist rewrite. * Rework default settings.
[ 2024-06-03 11:44:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
+ Add new death animation. * Cleanup credits and intro. + Add skip to credits. + Add new save settings option. + Add reset settings buttons. * Fix a rare crash on boot. + Add haptic support. * Fix run timer. * UI navigation revamp.
[ 2024-05-31 11:52:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix input related bugs. * Fix bug with fade in after load. * Fix curse transition. * Rework some save data. * Add intro cutscene.
[ 2024-05-22 15:01:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
+ Add setting to disable transitions * Fix some input bugs * Cleanup cursor rendering with transition * Fix all transitions * Fix bug causing the first mouse click to be ignored + Add transition to new game menu
[ 2024-05-12 12:27:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Rework transitions between game states * Fix crash in sprite sheet packing
[ 2024-05-10 19:27:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Set tutorial and lobby to use 1-1 music + Add title music
[ 2024-05-05 19:26:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugz has finally reached a state where I can release it, So I did.
[ 2024-04-24 22:47:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- [0 B]
You play as an ant-ipede with a bow, as you go through levels you gain buffs and get stronger, but the stronger you are the more likely the AI is to run.
Key features:- Procedurally generated maps:
Never see the same map twice as these maps are generated In a fraction of a second every time you play.
- Believeable Ai with a fight or flight reflex:
AI that seems to think and react with reasonable actions.
- 50+ Items to collect:
Collect everything you want, with the growing amount of items in the game.
- Procedurally generated maps:
Never see the same map twice as these maps are generated In a fraction of a second every time you play. - Believeable Ai with a fight or flight reflex:
AI that seems to think and react with reasonable actions. - 50+ Items to collect:
Collect everything you want, with the growing amount of items in the game.
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04+
- Processor: 32 BitMemory: 128 MB RAM
- Memory: 128 MB RAM
- Graphics: Anything
- Storage: 30 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04+
- Processor: 32 BitMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Anything
- Storage: 30 MB available space
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