AI improvement / Now AI has perception parameter: Shows how to deal traps. from no perception to utilize
AI improvement / Now AI has strategy parameter: How aggressive the AI is. from aggressive to defensive.
AI improvement / Now AI units can remove and pass spike trap or explosive jars or bone pillar by sacrificing themselves if necessary.
AI improvement / Now Utilize level AI units can utilize explosive jars.
AI improvement / Now Predict perception AI units can utilize teleport traps.
AI improvement / Aggressive units ignore fire or spike traps if necessary.
AI improvement / Some units can use move skills like hook-shot leap and teleport.
Balancing / Now bow skills and gun skills need arrows and bullets to use.
Balancing / Now quick draw increase arrows drawn or bullets loaded per turn.
Bug fix / Buff and Debuff skills in legendary items do not work properly.
Bug fix / Bug: Some perks are retained even after the last turn.
Balancing / RangerParty's hire point is decreased from 4 to 3.
Balancing / Now Boss Shoogos has hook-shot skill.
Crawl Tactics is a unique hybrid of tactical RPG and roguelike. Manage a party of adventurers and use the environment to your advantage to conquer the dungeon.
Turn-based tactical battles, pitting the team you built against groups of vicious enemies
Explore a different dungeon every time; some rooms are filled with peril, and others with helpful NPCs.
Powerful magic, and skills for all characters; many skills will surprise you.
Traps and hazards can be exploited by both you and your adversaries; take cover behind barrels or zap pools of water.