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 Golfing In Aether 
































 Full Controller Support 


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 DunGen VR Depot [902.67 M] 

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Golfing In Aether Update Released [1.5.12]

For this weeks update I've implemented a couple quality of life improvements as well as fixes to any reported issues.

Join via invite code
With this additional feature you can now invite players who aren't on your friends list to private or friends only sessions. The way this works is via generating an invite code which will be a unique 10 digit code that is only valid for that session. You can share this outside the game via any means you want, and then players will be able to enter that code on the join game menu to reach your session.

An example where this could be useful is perhaps if you were to have a clan or group you play with, but don't have every member you want to invite on your friends list. So rather than have an open session you can still create a private one but just share this code with whoever you want.

In terms of security the invite code is only created when you request it. The number itself is 10 digits and unique, plus only valid to that session. This means if you end the session and create a new one you'll need to generate a fresh code. You can press the invite code button again within the same session and it will display the code previously given to you.

Onscreen keyboard improvements
This is whats used by gamepads when creating a local player profile or naming your multiplayer session. What I've changed is build in support for more characters for localization in a future update, I've also made some of the buttons more pronounced and use more recognisable symbols so its easier to tell what does what.

Various other changes
Check the full notes below for all the changes made, if you are aware of any issues then please let me know so they may be hotfixed.

One thing I specifically fixed this update after it was reported earlier today was an issue with the shared input mode not working correctly. This has all been fixed and I've corrected a few other minor things while testing it.

Patch Notes

  • Added ability to create an invite code you may share with other players as an additional method of joining. The point of this is so you can have a private or friends only session but allow someone not on your friends to join if given the code. Invite codes are only generated upon request and unique to that specific session.
  • Fixed an issue relating to shared input mode with hotseat mode. Other local shared input players were not getting loaded in correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where mouse and keyboard inputs were not loading seamlessly with other shared input players.

  • Added improvements to lighting in ES3.1 for winter theme in order to make more consistent with appearance as found in the full DX12/Vulkan render.

    Fixed potential to open accessibility menu and a different menu at the same time with gamepad (if pressing multiple buttons).
  • Added improved onscreen keyboard for create player and server names.
  • Fixed the local player settings (via game menu) not allowing gamepad navigation to reach zoom out button for remapping due to an incorrect column span.
  • Fixed some text strings.

Discord Server
Be sure to check out the official discord server with channels for Golfing In Aether and my other various projects.

[ 2023-08-03 22:20:40 CET ] [ Original post ]