Uploaded build 0.64 to default branch
Crystal Goliath Rework (Boss 2):
The rework to the second boss's mechanics has finally arrived!
Changed the functionality and flow of the boss fight, each colored crystal will now give the boss the ability to periodically summon a specific mechanic during the fight.
Red Crystal: Added a star of crystals that emerge over time, dealing damage to any player hit. Red crystal buff changed from 2 attack damage to 10% attack speed for the boss.
Blue Crystal: Added a ring of crystals that emerge in circular rings, dealing damage to any player hit. Blue crystal buff increased from 15% movespeed to 20%.
Yellow Crystal: Added a pool of crystals that spawns under a random player, and stays until the boss is killed. Stepping on it will damage you. Yellow crystal Damage Reduction boss buff decreased from 20% to 10%
New phase 4 that is triggered when the boss is below 10% health on hardmode, the boss will rapidly use every crystal mechanic every 3 seconds.
Crystals will now spawn in this repeating specific rotation, rather than being randomly chosen: Blue, Yellow, Red.
Removed the mini crystals that would come out of the floor underneath players, slowing them.
Multiplayer Changes:
Client player ping is THE REAL PING to the host now, and represents the desync delay in ms to the host.
Delayed the player from spawning due to large network loads being sent while generating a floor, should majorly reduce lag at the START of a floor.
Increased floor load times to help combat initial desync at the start of a new floor.
Developer's Note: We are actively working on a solution for the large amount of desync and lag especially noticeable on higher floors. This is a complicated issue we believe is being caused by the high number of mobs, we are still testing possible solutions and trying to find a more permanent fix!
Added new torch talent Vigilant Ward; "After using the spell "Cauterizing Flames", greatly reduce the hit chance of all nearby mobs.".
Completely reworked Flash Strike into Flash Blitz; "If any player goes down, gain a burst of movement speed.".
Reworked Stay BACK! to grant weapon range instead of knockback, it also now requires 3 points for its max effect.
Doubled the amount that In Darkness talent "grants torch duration on kill" gives you.
Changed Savior to require only 1 point for max effect, increased buff duration from 10 seconds -> 15 seconds.
Changed Light The Way to now give dodge chance instead of movement speed, gives more stat per point and has a 1 second cooldown.
Changed Blinding Power to just give critical strike chance with torches per point.
Increased Taunt's range.
Added new connection between Taunt and Reinforced Helmet.
Changed Knight's proc chance from 5% per point to 25% total, now has 3 max stacks.
Changed Lumberjack's proc chance from 5% per point to 25% total, now has 3 max stacks.
Lowered Basic Ballistics critical strike damage per point from 20 -> 15.
Changed Agile to require 1 point instead of 3, it still gives its full 15% damage multiplier.
Changed Improved Focus Panic to give dexterity instead of dodge chance.
Lowered Faster FASTER's cooldown from 30 seconds -> 20 seconds.
Added a border to Dirty Steel Helmet and Horned Helmet icons.
Changed Obsidian Pommel's damage from 100% -> 150%, lowered its attack speed reduction from 15% -> 10%.
Eye of the Beholder now procs when having 25% critical strike chance or less, instead of just when less than 25% critical strike chance.
Added new player voicelines.
Added text while spectating: "You can be revived at a ritual altar!".
Increased FOV slider max to 140.
If a stat is above the max or min value that can affect your player, the capped value is shown in parenthesis, while the actual is on the left: 500% (90)
The scale of the player now determines the pitch of their sounds (Ant Man makes the player's voice and sounds higher pitched).
Stopped mobs from constantly pushing themselves into you: gave them a minimum attack range.
Moved large yellow crystal in ritual room to make the altar darker.
Removed a red crystal that was causing collision problem in crystal mine 2 door room.
Lowered the chance to get a legendary weapon after sacrificing an epic in the ritual room.
Fixed a blocking blue crystal in one of the Crystal Y Rooms.
Fixed crimson slosh stalactite spawning immediately after one was destroyed.
Fixed obsidian arrowhead talent not really working.
Fixed a MAJOR bug with stats that caused some buffs' stat effects to become infinite on you without having the buff.
Fixed a bug that caused extracting-with-an-item tasks to not complete.
Fixed missing collider on pillar of small crystal caverns room.
Fixed a bug with biome ambient sound.
Fixed issue with the Goliath Ripper's collider.
Fixed collision issue in Crystal Extraction room.
Fixed players being able to use extracts on a boss floor before the boss is killed.
Fixed glass poker talent not working at all.
Fixed Steady Aim talent buff only proccing every other talent proc.
Fixed talents like Searing Combo, and Obsidian Edge occurring 1 proc late.
Fixed Swift Strikes not working.
Fixed Footwork always being active regardless of how much movement speed you have.
[ 2023-11-29 12:07:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
As a dwarf searching for treasure and glory, you'll find that your journey can be quite tough without some allies at your side. Each player uses their own personalized talents, spells, and items to help defeat treacherous bosses.
Crawl through the caves alone or with a group of friends! Cave Crawlers supports up to 10 players in one game. You must rely on the great strength and wit of your teammates to defeat the threats deep in the caves. Be careful though, the power of the caves grows as more dwarfs adventure together.BIOMES
As you explore, players will find complete environment changes, new enemies, and new items in each biome. In these biomes, you may stumble upon trapped rooms that contain magnificent rewards.BOSSES
Biomes will include their own themed boss. Each boss has its own challenging mechanics that must be overcome to gain access to the next biome. Bosses drop their own unique loot.DEATH
At the beginning of your journey, you will be able to create one character. Each character has its own set of items and expertise talents. When a character dies, they are permanently dead.LIGHT
The caves are extremely dark, players must make use of their limited light. Torches burn out over time, yet players may use their flint and steel in the darkest of situations.TALENTS AND SPELLS
Choose your path with over 100+ talents at your disposal. Will you ravage enemies with an axe? Swing extremely fast with a dagger? Heal allies with a torch? Become a tank and block attacks? Try each path and forge your own builds.ITEMS
Many unique and powerful items can be found throughout your journey. Each weapon has its own personal talent, helping you defeat increasingly difficult enemies.- Memory: 8 GB RAMStorage: 200 MB available space
- Storage: 200 MB available space
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