Uploaded build 0.808 to default branch
To stay up to date on what we're actively working on, feel free to join our discord where we post regular development updates in our #development-updates channel, and often we pop in chat to chat with players or answer questions! https://discord.gg/cRD7ZhJChw
New Items:
Added new epic dagger Pyrestone Stabber, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new epic sword Blade of Rivendale, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare dagger The Twinblade, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new rare hatchet Terrible Tomahawk, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new rare potion Lava Resistance Potion, which can be found within the Molten Collapse.

Item Rebalancing:
Changed Elemental Shiv from Epic -> Legendary rarity. Nerfed Elemental Shiv's damage from 16 -> 10, reduced strikes per Elemental Flurry from 3-8 -> 1-5. Remodeled Soul Slasher item art. Reworked Soul Slasher's weapon effect: "Killing a mob has a 10% chance to grant you the buff Stolen Soul. Stolen Soul increases your attack speed and block chance by 3%. Taking damage removes your Stolen Soul stacks. Having more than 20% block chance causes your critical strikes to have a 50% chance to slow you by 10% for 10 seconds. " Reworked Stalagmite Shiv: "Deal 1 extra damage per hit when striking a mob effected by the dagger talent "Serrated Blade"." Increased Serrated Poker's bleed damage from 100% -> 200% per tick. Increased Bloodforged Mass's damage from 32 -> 35. Increased Jeweled Golden Rapier's damage from 7 -> 8. Increased Devastating Cleaver's damage from 17 -> 19. Increased Gilded Longspear's damage from 16 -> 18. Increased Venenum's damage from 8 -> 9. Increased Acidic Slammer's damage from 19 -> 22. Increased Quicksilver Broadsword's damage from 20 -> 22. Increased Gorestrike's damage from 20 -> 24. Increased Wyrmslayer's Spear damage from 20 -> 21. Increased Boulder Basher's attack speed by 8%. Increased Guard's Greatsword damage from 18 -> 19. Increased Fiery Waraxe's damage from 19 -> 20. Increased Searing Kris's damage from 10 -> 11. Increased Fur Lined Boots dexterity from 3% -> 8%. Increased Dark Leather Boots critical strike chance from 4% -> 5%. Changed Leather Boots critical strike chance from 3% -> 0%, increased dexterity from 0 -> 10%. Changed Leather Hood block chance from 5% -> 0%, increased dodge chance from 10% -> 13%, changed threat from 5 -> 0. Changed Ranger's Hat critical strike damage from 10 -> 0, increased reload speed from 0 -> 10%. Changed Obsidian Pommel to effect all melee weapons, updated description. Changed Sharpened Sword to broadsword weapon type. Nerfed Blackstone Bow weapon damage from 14 -> 12. Nerfed Molten Bow weapon damage from 16 -> 13, reduced attack speed by 12%.
Volacno Changes:
The Lava Wyrms during the Orange Crystal phase can no longer shoot fireballs while the lava is rising. Changed the lava to rise and sink faster. Volacno can no longer enrage. Stonelings can no longer throw rocks during the boss fight. Stunning Volacno grants a damage multiplier to all players.
Molten Collapse Changes:
Added a sound for taking damage in lava. Upon taking damage in lava, the players velocity is redirected upward, significantly increasing the bounciness of lava. Lowered Magma Guard health. Magma Guards can no longer turn during his poke attack. Increased Magma Guard attack cooldowns. Lowered Stoneling health. Stonelings will now only throw rocks if the targeted player has been unreachable for a certain amount of time. Lowered Lava Wyrm health. Lava Wyrm fireball velocity reduced. Lava Wyrm firebreath attack slowed down slightly. Lowered Fiery Cyclone health. Fiery Cyclone charge distance slightly reduced. Fiery Cyclone charge attack animation slowed down.

Misc Changes:
Added setting "Spell Ready Sound" that when enabled, plays a sound when a spell comes off cooldown. Spell slots will now pulse when a spell comes off cooldown. Added new target dummy model and sounds in experimental version. Added new rock formations in some dwarven caves rooms. "Kill Me Later" can only store a maximum of 2 damage in one hit. Changed "Healthy Gambler" perk from "50% chance to deal 2 additional damage" to "30% to deal 1 additional damage". The Forgotten Catacombs Entrance room can no longer spawn on floor 9. Increased damage gained from dagger spell "Bloody Combo" from 10% -> 20%. Reworked dagger talent, Trickster: "Dealing damage to a mob effected by "Poisoned Blade" has a low chance to increase your dodge chance for a short duration. Dodging an attack removes all stacks of this buff." Lowered how fast you can scroll in scroll views. Lowered the number of kills required to complete the "Ghastly Presence" task to 10.

Fixed the VSync setting not disabling the FPS limit in the settings. Fixed the Imposter achievement not achieving. Fixed players not playing a voice line when spawning on the boss floor. Fixed the one of the Molten Collapse idle voice lines playing multiple times at once. Fixed the player from being infinitely stunned after opening chat while laying on the altar. Fixed bees not being affected by volume settings. Fixed mobs teleporting when colliding with metal gates. Fixed the Bombastic game mode not working. Fixed the Bombastic game mode not starting the next round when all players have died. Fixed mob descriptions going off screen. Fixed being able to see the mimic's loot table in the mob bestiary. Fixed Crystal Snakes giving 1 slayer score instead of 2. Fixed Swift Heavy Strike sword talent not working. Fixed Hero's Sword weapon proc not working. Fixed Burn torch talent preventing you from putting points into ranged talents. Fixed various spelling errors within expertise talents. Fixed clipping issues with some beards and specific shirt skins. Fixed a mob navigation issue on the upper section of the Crystal Mega Room. Fixed Lost Cache task not being completed when entering supply camps within Crystal Caverns and Molten Collapse. Fixed flint and steel strikes rarely staying in the world after going down an exit rope. Fixed Quicksilver Broadsword not considered a Broadsword weapon type. Fixed Blackstone Bow firing wrong arrow model. Fixed various different arrows shot from bows sticking into objects for only 15 seconds, instead of 30. Fixed various spelling errors on items. Fixed bugged mimic spawn in the spikes of Medium 2 doors Dwarven Caves room. Fixed Improved Heavy Strike not working. Fixed clipping through floor of entrance to mob pit room. Fixed various spelling errors in task descriptions. Fixed Rainbow Pants incorrectly being underneath Chainmail Pants in skins list. Fixed Dark Leather Helmet, Bracers, and Boots not spawning in chests. Fixed fog flashing in Heroes' Rest by changing fog buff to 2 max stacks. Fixed various items not being in chest loot pool. Fixed the lava not resetting if Volacno is killed during the lava rising phase. Fixed the player's colliders being disabled when on Volacno's arms or shoulder during his death. Fixed the escape menu player health bars overlapping. Fixed players being able to heal or take damage while downed. Fixed the Cave Rat having glowing red eyes after death. Fixed some lava sections not applying the under-lava screen effect. Fixed Ghastly Presence task being granted at level 1 instead of 15.
[ 2025-02-23 07:04:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.806 to default branch
Volacno Nerfs:
Lowered Volacno's base health by 20%. Lowered the amount of Stonelings that spawn when Volacno slams his fists together. Added a delay before Volacno slams and throws up players during the pillar mechanic. Dev Notes: We hope these changes help make the boss fight more fun and less frustratingly impossible. We initially missed the mark with the difficulty of the fight, and plan to continue to make balancing changes where needed. We will be keeping a close eye on the community's reception and feedback towards the fight's mechanics and balancing. Volacno is our biggest boss fight ever, and while we do want it to be very challenging, it should still be fun and not feel overly punishing.
Added new rare torch Magma Torch, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new epic polearm Ebonfire Pike, which drops off Volacno. Added new epic dagger Ebonfire Slasher, which drops off Volacno. Tarnished Hero's Pike is now considered a spear item type.
Misc Changes:
Added the ability to view your total character slots and their source when hovering over the "Unused Dwarves" button. Holding space in lava will now forcefully push you upwards. Made the first few rocks of the jumping lever puzzle in the Molten Collapse easier to jump between. Solo players can now complete the jumping lever puzzle. Adjusted torch talent Safety Torch description, increased effects AOE range. Lowered the required damage to complete the Punching Bag achievement. Punching Bag achievement now has a progress bar on Steam. Removed fog from The Unknown. Removed random kickable rocks in Crystal 3 Door Room. Increased Volacnos slayer score from 200 -> 500. Lowered Crystal Goliath's slayer score from 400 -> 350. Increased slayer score of Goblin Shaman from 10 -> 50. Increased slayer score of Goblin Warriors from 1 -> 2. Increased slayer score of Lost Soul from 1 -> 5. Increased slayer score of Crystal Snakes from 1 -> 2. Increased slayer score of Stonelings from 1 -> 3. Increased slayer score of Lava Wyrms from 3 -> 25. Lowered slayer score of Fiery Cyclones from 15 -> 7. Lowered slayer score of Living Flame from 8 -> 1.
Fixed collider spawning in doorways of Forgotten Catacombs, preventing you from walking any farther. Fixed collider on minecart rails of Ambushed Supply Route preventing you from crawling into the room if a crawlspace spawned infront of it. Fixed the Goblin Shaman pushing you indefinitely. Fixed the Goblin Shaman's spike trail attack not spawning spikes sometimes. Fixed deactivated passes not granting awarded character slots. Fixed the lever jumping puzzle room from spawning for solo players. Fixed missing collider on wall in Forgotten Catacombs. Fixed Cheap Shot proccing when a spell is casted. Fixed Headstones not playing a sweeping sound when dusted. Fixed expertise talent Power Play having no buff duration. Fixed axe talent Viking coming from dagger talent Defensive Reflexes instead of Defensive Cleave. Fixed mobs spawning in floor during a certain generation of Molten Ravine Room. Fixed Dwarven Caves version of Lost Miner's Supply Cache spawning instead of the Crystal version within the Crystal Caverns. Fixed Bronze Pocket Watch item effect. Fixed arrows colliding with geyser damage colliders. Fixed Imposter achievement not working. Fixed Headache task proccing when the player gets stunned. Fixed spelling error in Volacno bestiary. Fixed spelling error in Ebonfire Longblade description. Fixed Ready To Strike's description. Fixed fog not appearing in Hero's Rest Event Room.
[ 2024-12-21 08:46:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.8 to default branch
To stay up to date on what we're actively working on, feel free to join our discord where we post regular development updates in our #development-updates channel, and often we pop in chat to chat with players or answer questions!
Removed Plague Rat event.
From 12/19/24 - 12/23/24 players will have 50% increased experience gains and an increased chance to find Rare, Epic, and Legendary items from chests.
From 12/19/24 - 12/27/24 there will be a Cave Crawlers themed art contest with a cash reward! Join our discord and look for the art-contest channels for info on how to submit.
Update Trailer:
Summarized Notes:
Added new biome: The Molten Collapse. This biome can be found between floors 21-30.

Added new boss Volacno, which can be found on floor 30.

Added 7 new mobs
The Dwarven Caves:
Cave Rat Forgotten Guardian
The Molten Collapse:
Magma Guard Fiery Cyclone Stoneling Living Flame Lava Wyrm

Reworked multiplayer with a lobby/room search.
You can now see all public rooms in your current region. You can only join a public room if your dwarf's highest achieved floor is 4 or under.
New Features:
Clicking on the Room Name, Difficulty, or Players category at the top will sort the list by that category. Refresh button. The room list auto-refreshes every now and then. Join Random button that allows you to join a random room from the list. Added a chat window while in a room.

Added 7 new achievements. Added 42 new items. Added 8 new perks. Added 21 new voicelines. Added 4 new event rooms.
Reworked Forgotten Crypts into Forgotten Catacombs which requires a key to enter.

Added a Cave Collapse mechanic. When half of the alive players uses an exit, this will cause a cave collapse timer to appear, periodically shaking the caves, producing falling rocks, and dealing damage to all players. All players that fail to use the exit by the end of the timer will die. Greatly expanded Polearm, Dagger, Sword, Axe and Hammer expertise talent trees.
Detailed Patch Notes
Added new multiplayer lobby system Replaced the old multiplayer screen with a lobby/room search. You can now see all public rooms in your current region. You can only join a public room if your dwarf's highest achieved floor is 4 or under. New Features: Clicking on the Room Name, Difficulty, or Players category at the top will sort the list by that category. Refresh button. The room list auto-refreshes every now and then. Join Random button that allows you to join a random room from the list. Added a chat window while in a room.
Added new event room Heroes Rest, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new event room Molten Ancient Ruins, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new event room Ambushed Supply Route, which can be found within the Dwarven Caves and Crystal Caverns. Added new event room Forgotten Catacombs Entrance, which requires a key to access the Forgotten Catacombs. Renamed Forgotten Crypts to Forgotten Catacombs. Added Lava Geysers. Added a Cave Collapse mechanic. The first player to use an exit will cause a cave collapse timer to appear, periodically shaking the caves, producing falling rocks, and dealing damage to all players. All players that fail to use the exit by the end of the timer will die. Added closed gates that randomly spawn inbetween each room within the Molten Collapse. Added ladders. Added colliders to mob pit room to prevent players getting stuck behind fallen bridge. Added breakable Clay Pots. Added floating rocks that sink after a delay when more than one player or mob stands on them. Lowered the spawn chance of a chest in Crystal Caverns 3 Door Medium Room. Increased spawn chance of chests in Crystal Caverns Mega Room. Updated loot pool of potion spawns in Spider's Nest event room. Added a backpack spawn in the Lost Miner's Supply Cache event rooms. Reworked mob pit room in Dwarven Caves, added a new ladder and bridge section. Added more stalacmites to 3 door Dwarven Caves room. Added a new chest spawn in the Spider Nest event room. Removed darker rocks in Dwarven Caverns start room. Added a new rock pile spawn in both Dwarven Caves exit rooms. Lowered spawn chance of Ancient weapon loose loot spawns in Crystal Caverns 3 Doors Room. Some Catacombs coffins may spawn a Lost Soul when opened. Added a new ladder to Dwarven Caves Large 3 Doors Room. Revamped minecart code. If the minecart falls off the tracks, you are automatically exited. Added a 30 second failsafe delay to exit the player while on the minecart. Change the minecart tracks to be less bumpy. The player's camera is no longer locked while riding the minecart. Added more trinkets to rock pile loot table.
Added perk "Reuse and Recycle" with desc: "When using a bandage, there's a 20% chance that it won't be consumed." Added perk "Blowback" with desc: "Doubles the knockback you receive from mob attacks." Added perk "Kill Me Later" with desc: "Taking damage has a 50% chance to prevent that damage, and store it as a debuff. If damage is not stored, you take all damage stored over the next few seconds." Added perk "Blastproof" with desc: "You're immune to explosive damage from other players." Added perk "Rebound" with desc: "Taking damage resets the cooldown of the spell 'Dash.'" Added perk "Endurance Spark" with desc: "Striking with flint and steel temporarily reduces how fast your torch loses duration." Added perk "Twisted Luck" with desc: "When a mimic swallows your weapon, there is a 20% chance it will upgrade to a higher rarity." Added perk "Deceptive Fortune" with desc: "Increases the chance to find mimics by 4%." Deceptive fortune mimic perk stacks with players. Changed Crawler's Crate perk from a Circle to a Square slot, reworked to stack crates based on how many players have the perk equipped, up to 10.
Added a "Go Online" button that allows players with an active internet connection to reconnect to the multiplayer servers. Added the ability to swap between passes. Added an in-game player list when you press escape. You can see every players healthbar, as well as view their Steam profile. Added a "Steam" button on players in a lobby that takes you to their Steam profile. Added multiple Molten Collpase rooms to be shown in the main menu background. Changing any volume slider in the settings now changes the current volume while the settings is open. Getting within range of an interactable while holding the interact button will start the interaction with that object, without having to press the button again. Added warning for playing with more than 5 players. Set default FPS limit to 300. Buff text is now colored.
Added floor 30 boss Volacno Added new mob, Stoneling. Added new mob, Magma Guard. Added new mob, Cave Rat. Added new mob, Living Flame. Added new mob, Fiery Cyclone. Added new mob, Forgotten Guardian. Added new mob, Lava Wyrm. Added Lava Wyrm mounting with saddle Added a screen effect when the player is inside the Crimson Slosh. Added a very short delay to the Crimson Slosh's damage collider. Bats will now only start spawning on floor 3. Ranged mobs will try to get LOS of the player before attacking. Mimics now drop chest loot.
Added new task "Rocky Record". Added new task Ghastly Presence. Added new task Grave Robber. Added new task Grounds Keeping. Added new task Extreme Flower Picking Added new task Stone Smashing. Added new task Timed Terror. Added new task Headache. Added the rare skin Weathered Chainmail Pants as a reward from the task Grave Robber. Added the rare skin Cobalt Gloves as a reward from the task The Huntsman. Lowered level requirement to get the task Big Threat from 20 -> 15. Updated icon to the task The Goblin's Grand Plan. Updated Lost Equipment task description. Updated Missing Quota task description.
Added new rare key Catacombs Key, which drops off Ancient Guardians. Added new rare backpack Potion Pouch, which can be found in the Dwarven Caves. Added new common hammer Blackstone Hammer, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common sword Blackstone Rapier, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common sword Blackstone Broadsword, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common axe Blackstone Hatchet, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common axe Blackstone Battleaxe, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common dagger Blackstone Dagger, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common polearm Blackstone Spear, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common dagger Battle Knife, which can be found in the Dwarven Caves. Added new rare hammer Boulder Basher, which drops off Stonelings. Added new epic dagger Elemental Shiv, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare sword Quicksilver Broadsword, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common trinket Molten Sharpening Stone, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new epic item Leather Saddle, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common boots Fur-Lined Boots, which can be found in the crystal caverns. Added new rare helmet Defender's Helm, which can be found in the molten collapse Added new epic axe Soul Slasher, which can be found in the Molten Collapse Added new common bow Blackstone Bow, which can be found in the molten collapse Added new rare polearm Wyrmslayer's Spear, which drops off Lava Wyrms. Added new rare potion Dodge Potion. Added new rare trinket Noble's Necklace, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new rare bow Marksman's Longbow, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare dagger Venenum, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare axe Devastating Cleaver, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare polearm Gilded Longspear, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare sword Guard's Greatsword, which drops off of Magma Guards. Added new epic hammer Bloodforged Mass, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new epic polearm Serrated Poker, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added 4 new epic weapons which drop off Volacno: Ebonfire Cleaver, Ebonfire Slasher, Ebonfire Pike, Ebonfire Longblade. Added new epic boots Magma Resistant Boots, which can only be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new common helmet Dark Leather Hood, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common boots Dark Leather Boots, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common trinket Dark Leather Bracers, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare dagger Searing Kris, which is dropped off Living Flames. Added new rare trinket Bronze Pocket Watch, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare helmet Assassin's Bandana, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare axe Fiery Waraxe, which are dropped from Fiery Cyclones. Added new rare hammer Acidic Slammer, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Changed Blacksteel Helmet to spawn on floors 21 and above. Reduced the highest floor various Crystal Caverns weapon drops can spawn at. Attack Speed Potions now additionally increase your reload speed by 20%. Majorly improved bees flying system, they should be more consistent and useful now. Bees can no longer go through walls. Changed potion buff effects to show the potion's icon instead of the buffs icon. Increased Basic Sword's block chance from kill effect from 2% -> 4% per stack, changed max stacks to 5. Increased Basic Hatchet's bonus damage proc chance from 15% -> 20%. Changed Molten weapon set from rare -> common quality, increased the earliest floor they can be found on from 21 -> 25. Lowered Molten Blade's heavy strike critical strike damage increase from 150% -> 100%. Lowered Plate Fighting Helmet's block chance from 40% -> 30%. Increased Horned Helmet's block chance from 17% -> 25%, additionally increased movement speed from 0% -> 5%. Reduced the cast time of the Magical Beads "Healing Aura" spell to 1.5 seconds. Certain potions now have a specific Stack Type, and can no longer be stacked together. The Crystal Torch can no longer be found past floor 20. Recall Potion is no longer in the Refillable Potion pool. Reworked Theznud's Slayer's weapon effect to: Casting "Heavy Strike" increases your critcal strike damage by 150%, but additionally reduces your attack speed by 15% for 4 seconds. Reworked Luminous Halberd's weapon effect to: While above 10% movement speed, you have a 25% chance on hit to reset the cooldown of the spell "Dash". Reworked Blade of Lightning to: 15% chance on swing to gain Lightning Speed. Lightning Speed increases your attack speed and movement speed by 3%, but additionally reduces your critical strike chance by 5%. Lasts 4 seconds per stack. Sharpening Stone, Crystal Sharpening Stone, and Molten Sharpening Stone now all give +1 Added Damage. Rebalanced which weapons can be found on which floors within chests, especially with rare and epic weapons. Strange Sword can now only be found on hardmode. Increased base damage on Ancestor's Battlehammer from 15 -> 19. Reduced critical strike chance of Hellish Cleaver from 12% -> 10%. Increased critical strike chance of Cultist's Cutter from 10% -> 12%. Increased critical strike chance of The Crimson Blade from 12% -> 15%. Cobalt Weapons now stop spawning at floor 15. Changed various Crystal Caverns weapons to stop spawning past the early floors of the Molten Collapse. Increased critical strike chance of Sword in a Stone from 10% -> 13%. Increased critical strike chance of Hero's Sword from 12% -> 15%. Increased critical strike chance of Cageblace from 12% -> 15%. Lowered critical strike chance of Cobalt Axe from 12% -> 10%. Lowered critical strike chance of Cobalt Spear from 12% -> 10%. Lowered critical strike chance of Cobalt Hammer from 12% -> 10%. Increased base damage of Gorestrike from 11 -> 20, critical strike chance from 8% -> 17%. Gorestrike can now be found within the Molten Collapse. Jeweled Golden Rapier can now be found within the Molten Collapse. Increased Jeweled Golden Rapier base damage from 5 -> 7, critical strike chance from 8% -> 15%, talent proc damage from 2 -> 5. Updated Leather Hood item Icon. Crystal Sharpening Stone can no longer be found past floor 20. Nerfed Digested Steelbow damage from 18 -> 15. Increased Beetle's Breaker critical strike chance from 13% -> 15%. Lowered Goliath Greatsword damage from 25 -> 21, lowered critical strike chance from 20% -> 17%, changed bonus critical strike damage proc rate from every 8 -> 4 hits. Lowered Goliath Gutter's critical strike chance from 18% -> 17%, lowered critical strike damage bonus from 20% -> 0%. Lowered Goliath Ripper damage from 12 -> 10.
Added 7 new achievements. Added battle pass selection functionality Added 21 new voicelines. Added player voiceline interactions. Buff durations above 60 seconds will now be converted into minutes. Added a slight delay on scrolling to save some network usage. Added buff stack types, where the maximum number of active buffs of the same type is determined by the buff's specified max stacks. The bestiary is now sorted by mobs' native biome. Added new loading screen tips. Added custom Steam status. Other player health bars now display the player's downed time left bar.
The "Set Floor" button now also loads the floor. Using the "Heal" dev command a downed player will now revive, as well as heal them. Added button "Equip Floor Kit" in the Experimental Tools panel that fully equips your player with a weapon, potions, and gear based on the current floor. Added the ability to spawn mobs in the Experimental Tools panel.
Changed spell "Crushing Blow" to spell "Windrazor" with desc: "Spin your weapon around you, striking nearby enemies for weapon damage, stunning them, and dealing increased knockback." Item talent cooldowns are now saved between floors. Added spell "Death Sentence" with desc: "Strike your enemy dealing 50% weapon damage, this places a Death Sentence on the struck mob. After 6 seconds, Death Sentence deals 50% of all damage taken during that time. If the mob dies before Death Sentence deals its damage, the stored damage is split between all nearby mobs and dealt instantly." Added a new polearm expertise talent Shocking Snare: Stunning a mob additionally slows them for 10 seconds. Added new hammer talent Follow Through: After casting the spell "Slam", gain attack damage for a short duration. Changed dagger talent "Ant Man" to stay in effect even when you are not holding a weapon, adjusted description. Changed Soporific Ingredient and Secret Tactics to choose one type talents. Added talent choices, where activating one talent prevents you from activating another. Added new hammer talent, Sacred Seal: "After casting the spell "Holy Strike", grant a random nearby player additional attack damage for a short duration." Nerfed axe talent Heavy Swings critical strike damage per point from 50% -> 35%. Spaced out later axe talents a little, did not change any connections between talents this is simply a visual change. Added a new axe talent icon. Added new axe talent, Swift Cleave: "Chance on hit to reduce the cooldown of "Cleave" by 1 second." Reduced Critical Knockout max points from 2 -> 1, increased stun duration per point from 1 -> 2 seconds. Added new axe talent, Critical Cleave: "Dealing a critical strike reduces the cooldown of "Cleave"." Added new hammer talent, Fortified: "Blocking an attack or taking damage has a high chance to give you and a nearby player increased attack speed." Increased Dazing Strike max points from 1 -> 2, lowered Chance To Hit reduction per point from 15% -> 10%, changed Chance to Occur to scale with number of points. Added new dagger talent, Improved Dazing Strike: "Appling "Dazing Strike" additionally has a 50% chance to stun the affected mob for 1 second." Changed Leadership to occur when you deal a critical strike, instead of when you kill a mob. Added new sword talent, Intimidating Aura: "After casting any spell, all nearby mobs take 10% increased damage from all sources for a short duration." Added new polearm talent, Expose Weakness: "Stunning a mob increases its damage taken for 4 seconds." Added new armor talent, Blowback: "Blocking an attack has a chance to stun up to 3 nearby mobs for 3 seconds." Added new ranged talent, Mobile Maniac: "Casting either "Dash" or "Evasion" while holding a ranged weapon increases your movement speed by 3% per stack until you stand still." Added a new talent type, choose one talents. Changed Degen and Brittle Blade to choose one type talents. Added polearm talent "Hasty Windrazor" with desc: "Dealing damage has a chance to reduce the cooldown of the spell "Windrazor"." Added new expertise talent icons. Moved hammer talent Improved Thundering Blows. Swapped Protector and Weighted swings talent positions. Added new polearm talent Hasty Windrazor: For each target struck with the spell "Windrazor," reduce it's cooldown. Added new hammer talent Blood Rush: Casting the spell "Slam" greatly increases your critical strike damage for 3 seconds or until you deal a critical strike. Added new hammer talent Lightning Quick Combo: Casting the spell "Thunder Crash", grants you 100% movement speed for a brief moment. Changed blood rush to "Casting the spell "Slam" greatly increases your critical strike damage for 3 seconds." Added new ranged talent Favored Winds: Low chance on hit to reset the cooldown of Rapid Fire. Added new dagger talent Trickster: Dealing damage has a 20% chance to increase your dagger critical strike damage by 15% for 10 seconds. Removed connection between Slasher and Hack n Slash. Added connection between Hold The Line and Taunt. Reworked Forgotten Power: Gain a huge burst of critical strike chance after casting "Heavy Strike". Sword talent Counter Strike no longer needs max points from Brute Gold to reach, updated talent description. Added new sword talent Self Made: Gain a 20% damage multiplier for 5 seconds after casting "Heavy Strike", "Heavy Strike" no longer increases the damage a mob takes when struck. Added new sword talent Improved Heavy Strike: The spell "Heavy Strike" increases damage the struck mob takes by an additional 10% on hit. Added new sword talent Reverberating Blows: Casting "Heavy Strike" now increases the damage taken of all nearby mobs by 30% for 4 seconds. Added new sword talent Swift Heavy Strike: Reduce the cooldown of the spell "Heavy Strike". Updated Lucky Strikes talent description. Moved sword talent Fencing Practice, added connection from Defensive Reflexes. Added sword talent Swift Precise Thrust: Low chance on hit to reduce the cooldown of the spell "Precise Thrust" by 2 seconds. Added new hammer talent Plated Up: Blocking an attack increases your critical strike damage for a short duration. Added new hammer/axe talent Powerplay: Stunning or slowing a mob has a low chance to increase your damage. Added new hammer/axe talent Mishmash: Casting any spell increases your attack speed for a short duration. Nerfed hammer talent Pummel's critical strike chance per point from 4% -> 3%. Nerfed hammer/axe talent Mighty Maniac's critical strike chance per point from 6% -> 5%. Reworked dagger talent Dagger Swipper: Mob hits have a 15% chance to grant you increased attack speed, and additionally reduced critical strike damage for 4 seconds. Increased sword talent Sword Swiper's damage range from 1 -> 1.5 per point, increased it's cooldown from 2 -> 5 seconds, updated description. Added new sword talent Edge Of Glory: Casting the spell "Precise Thrust" resets the cooldown of "Sword Swiper". Updated sword talent Leadership to additionally proc its effect when you cast Precise Thrust. Added new sword talent Steel Tempest: Whenever the talent "Sword Swiper" occurs, you have a chance to gain increased attack damage for a short duration. Increased sword talent Keeping Distance's max stacks from 2->3. Added new sword talent Confident Slashes: While above 3 weapon range and using a Rapier, critical strikes have a low chance to give you confidence, increasing your attack speed gradually over a duration before fading away. Added new sword talent Improved Confidence: Whenever "Confident Slashes" ends, some of your confidence lingers increasing your damage with Rapiers by 10% for a short duration. Added new armor talent icons. Rearranged many of the visual connections wtihin the armor expertise tree. Added new armor talent Ego Boost: Having 50 threat or more increases your block chance. Added new armor talent Ancestor's Favor: Hitting a mob increases your block chance by 1%. All applications of this buff on your character are removed upon triggering a Boon. Added new armor talent Heroes Boon: Gaining 5 stacks of "Ancestor's Blessing" grants all players "Heroes Boon" which increases damage done for 10 seconds. Added new armor talent Warrior's Boon: Gaining 10 stacks of "Ancestor's Blessing" grants you "Warrior's Boon" which makes you immune to damage for a brief moment. Reworked armor talent Intervene: After any player goes down, gain a huge burst of movement speed. Added new armor talent Brave: Whenever a Boon occurs, gain increased block chance for a short duration. Added new armor talent Vampire: Blocking an attack marks the mob who struck you as "Bitten", grealty slowing their movement speed until killed. Blocking an attack no longer ignores damage dealt to you. Added new axe talent icons. Added new axe expertise talent Brutalist: "Casting the spell "Cleave" or "Death Sentence" increases your critical strike chance for a short duration." Reworked axe expertise talent Pitcher: "Critical strikes have a chance to increase the damage of your next hit." Reworked axe expertise talent Obsidian Edge: "Every third swing increases your critical strike chance until your next hit." Added new axe talent Defensive Cleave: "Blocking an attack resets your cooldown on "Cleave"." Added new axe talent Viking: "Dealing damage with a hatchet has a low chance to deal a huge amount of weapon damage. This effect cannot deal a critical strike." Added new axe talent Warlord: "Casting "Cleave" with a battle axe GREATLY increases your battle axe critical strike chance for 2 seconds or until you deal a critical strike." Added new axe talent Devastating Blows: "Casting any spell has a low chance to increase your battle axe critical strike damage by 200% until your next critical strike." Added new axe talent Grippier Grip: "Increases axe attack damage." Added new axe talent Viking Battleshout: "Whenever the talent "Viking" occurs, increase all players attack speed for 10 seconds." Added new axe talent Iron Resolve: "While above 100% block chance and wielding a battle axe, casting "Cleave" deals one damage to you and increases your damage by 20% for 5 seconds ramping up by 20% every second to a maximum of 100%. The damage from this talent can be blocked or dodged." Added new armor talent, Twilight Chomp: "Killing a mob that has the "Bitten" debuff on them heals you." Added new armor talent, Dark Leech: "Dealing a critical strike to a "Bitten" mob has a very low chance to heal you." Added new hammer talent, Impact Mastery: "While at or below 30% critical strike chance, you have greatly increased critical strike damage." Added new hammer talent, Heavy Reinforcement: While at or above 65% block chance, gain greatly increased critical strike chance. Added new hammer talent, Shattering Momentum: Casting the spell "Thunder Crash", has a chance to reset the cooldown of "Slam". Added new hammer talent, At Any Cost: Gain block chance for a short duration after losing health. Added new hammer talent, Unbreakable: "While at or above 65% block chance, dealing a critical strike reduces your block chance by 20% but additionally increases your damage dealt by 10% for 10 seconds." Removed armor talent Tank's max stacks, reduced cooldown from 3 -> 1 second. Nerfed hammer talent Pummel's critical strike chance from 4% -> 3% per point. Swapped Pikeman and Critical Surge positions in polearm tree. Added new polearm talent, String Em Up: "Casting the spell "Jab" reduces the cooldown of "Windrazor"." Added new polearm talent, Cheap Shot: "Dodging an attack stuns all nearby mobs for 1 second." Polearm talent Improved Vengeful no longer needs max points in previous talent to reach. Added new polearm talent, Quick With It: "Casting the spell "Windrazor" greatly increases your dexterity for a short duration." Added new polearm talent, Dashingly Dodgy: "Casting the spell "Dash" greatly increases your dodge chance for a brief moment." Added new polearm talent, Improved Jab: "Casting the spell "Jab" increases your attack speed for a short duration." Removed connection between Holy Aura and Blaze of Life.
Fixed Improved Thundering Blows damage reverting damage dealt after effect ended. Fixed talent "Improved Thundering Blows" not proccing. Fixed fog not working in The Unknown. Fixed health bar bug. Fixed Cave Crawlers taking greater than 30 seconds load on startup, causing crashes for many players. The game now loads in ~3 seconds, 10x faster. Fixed spectators not leaving the game after all players have left. Fixed dead bats floating in the air. Fixed collision issue with a specific web in Spider's Nest event room by rearranging some of the room. Fixed joining players disconnecting from server after failing to connect to the hosts region, with the error "InvalidRegion." Fixed the spectating UI covering the boss health bar. Fixed the Character Slot reward in the battle pass not displaying it's name. Fixed players with the "Undying Will" talent instantly dying after a boss fight has ended. Fixed game chat not scrolling down when a message has been received. Fixed on crit talents dealing their talent effect to the wrong mob. Fixed weapon "Earthen Spike" not actually dealing damage when the spikes appear on the mob. Fixed colliders on some hanging stalactites in Dwarven Caves. Fixed player's audio pitch lowering while in a minecart. Fixed an issue that caused no common weapons to spawn on floor 4. Fixed issues with Abandoned Minecart Exit event room clipping into other rooms by adjusting room geometry. Fixed weapons sometimes not breaking crates when thrown at them. Fixed some items not being able to be picked up when dropped ontop of a crate. Fixed skull pendant trinket showing on character model. Fixed Thunder Crash description not including spell's coolodown. Fixed the "Enchanted Trident" not causing a lightning chain after dealing a crit and killing a mob. Fixed spelling errors in task descriptions of Stylish Exit and Tough Guy. Fixed issue with rocks spawn in rock climbing room. Fixed grammar error in Forgotten Miner's Helmet name. Fixed and changed colliders on various stalagmites. Fixed Goliath Gutter not hitting plague rats correctly. Fixed being able to have the Ant Man talent's size without the talent being activated. Fixed model rotation issue on Ancient Twinbow. Fixed model rotation issue on Adventurer's Backpack. Fixed minecarts spazzing out while in multiplayer lobbies. Fixed minecarts being affected by bombs. Fixed hovered buff info not spacing the stat name correctly. Fixed flying mobs wandering into walls and getting stuck on them. Fixed mobs wandering extremely short distances. Fixed mobs not correctly prioritizing certain attacks first. Fixed an issue with colliders in Crystal Caverns Mega room. Fixed floor of Golaith's Burrow causing scorpions to rarely spawn outside the room Fixed the Spider attack still being able to hit the player too far into the animation. Fixed ready counter showing incorrect values after readied players have left. Fixed some tick over time buffs granting stats after expiring prematurely.
[ 2024-12-19 20:59:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Cave Crawlers!
The release of the 0.8 update including the new Molten Collapse biome is on the horizon: we plan to release the update on Thursday, December 19th at 3PM EST. This update took us 6 months to complete, and it's patch notes are triple that of our largest update's notes.
The 0.8 trailer is out!
You can watch it here: [previewyoutube=kygfEz9hICE;full][/previewyoutube] Please share this around, we've worked very hard on the 0.8 update and we are very excited to hear what you think in the comments section!
Increased XP Event
Along with the update, we will increase experience gain by 50% and greatly increasing your chance to find Rare, Epic, and Legendary items from chests! This event will begin with the 0.8 update's release, and run until December 23th.
Art Event
Are you an artist? Think you can make some sick Cave Crawlers art? Along with 0.8 on December 19th, we will be holding an art contest with a cash prize in our discord: https://discord.gg/bUPT3bT7hk. More info will come with the update's launch!
Here's a quick list of a few major additions coming with the 0.8 update:
3rd biome, The Molten Collapse New boss, Volacno Public Lobby Browser/Matchmaking 7 new mobs Over 40 new items Crypts Rework Slayer Score Expertise Expansion Vanguard Pass & More!
[ 2024-12-15 21:57:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Playtesting for the 0.8 update has begun! If you'd like to have a chance at joining us, hop in the discord: https://discord.gg/bUPT3bT7hk and assign yourself the @Playtester role. We will ping @Playtesters with info on how to join! Our first few playtests will be invite only. Soon, testing will be publicly available through the "experimental" Steam branch. There, anyone who'd like to test out 0.8 for themselves will be able to without needing an invite to a playtest. We will announce when the 0.8 update is pushed to the "experimental" branch through our Discord. If you'd like to know exactly when it goes live join the Discord! The version we'll be testing is NOT a complete version of 0.8 and will be missing content/features. During testing, you WILL encounter bugs and issues. Please report any bugs through the Steam forums or in our #default-bugs Discord channel. This is crucial for us to identify and fix them before the release.
Release Date:
Unfortunately, we've had to delay 0.8 to October as we don't want to rush out an incomplete or broken update. We really want the Molten Collapse to be an amazing experience for new and returning players alike. We hope 0.8 is as fun for you as it is for us, and we're excited to reveal the exact release date during our coming Molten Collapse trailer. The trailer will be released here on Steam, our YouTube page, and in our Discord very soon!
Sneak Peeks:

Crypts Rework:

New Mobs:

[ 2024-10-04 19:00:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Crawlers! Two months have gone by without a new update, our longest gap since releasing onto early access. We've been hard at work on our biggest update yet: 0.8! In 0.8, we are going to release the 3rd biome spanning from floors 21-30, along with some of the other additions we'll be showcasing below!
To stay up to date on what we're actively working on, feel free to join our discord where we post regular development updates in our #development-updates channel, and often we pop in chat to chat with players or answer questions! https://discord.gg/bUPT3bT7hk
New Biome Reveal: The Molten Collapse!

The Molten Collapse is the 3rd and most challenging biome coming to Cave Crawlers! Prepare your dwarves for a true test of skill, as this treacherous layer introduces some of the toughest and most complex enemies we have ever created, found only within these fiery depths. The cavern's walls are rugged and brown, scorched by the intense heat emanating from nearby pools of molten lava that bubble and crackle ominously. The ceiling and walls are often a chaotic maze of stalactites, hiding the dangerous new enemies lurking around every corner. Within the Molten Collapse, the very air shimmers from the heat found this deep below the surface. Venturing into the Molten Collapse isn't just about braving its deadly inhabitants; the environment itself is a constant threat. Are you daring enough to delve into this inferno and conquer the dangers that lie within? Graphics and lighting shown are WIP and subject to change.
New Mob: The Stonelings

The Stonelings are said to be the remnants of ancient dwarves who once inhabited the molten collapse, a treacherous cave biome filled with lava. Long ago, these dwarves mined deep into the earth, seeking precious minerals and forging mighty weapons. However, a catastrophic eruption trapped them within the fiery depths. Over time, their souls fused with the surrounding rock and magma, transforming them into the stone-skinned Stonelings. Now, these vengeful spirits guard the molten collapse, eternally bound to the place of their demise, attacking any who dare to intrude on their final resting place. These are one of the most basic mobs which can be found residing within the Molten Collapse. Stonelings can often be found in small groups, and will stumble their way towards any threat, swinging wildly in an attempt to strike them with their rocky fists. If a threat is too far away, or unreachable to the Stonelings, they will pull boulders out of the earth below them to throw at their target.
New Loot Source: Pots

Seeing as wooden crates aren't exactly flame-proof, crates within the Molten Collapse have been replaced by clay pots containing similar loot. They're quite satisfying to smash!
More To Discover!
This is only a small peek into the Molten Collapse. A whole new set of enemies to fight, new loot to acquire, and of course a final boss on floor 30 are all to be discovered in 0.8!
Public Lobby Matchmaking:

A new system to allow you to find other players and begin new runs together is coming with 0.8! What does this mean for the existing lobby system and how is this different? The public lobby system will allow you to set multiplayer lobby from private to public, below are the differences: Private lobbies can only be joined if you have the room's code, or have been sent an invite to the lobby through Steam. Public lobbies can be joined using the new lobby search system, which will be the first screen you see when you click "Together" on the main menu. You can also join a public lobby using either of the private lobby methods. You may only start or join public lobbies with characters who are set to begin their adventure on floor 1, in most cases being a fresh character. Characters saved to floor 5 or higher will have to host or join a private lobby. Along with the new lobby system, we also added a text chat to use while in a lobby.
New System: Slayer Score
Slayer Score is a new way to earn expertise points in 0.8. Instead of gaining expertise based on how many mobs you've killed, you will now earn expertise by gaining "Slayer Score" from mobs you defeat. The amount of score you gain is dependent on how tough an enemy was to defeat. For example: the easy-to-kill Slime grants 1 Slayer Score, where as the hard-to-kill Crystal Scorpion grants 5 Slayer Score. These numbers are subject to change!
Expertise Expansion
Every weapon's expertise tree is being expanded with 0.8. This expansion is still work in progress, but below are some examples of talents that we have already added and begun testing with internally! New Hammer talent, Sacred Seal: "After casting the spell "Holy Strike", grant a random nearby player additional attack damage for a short duration." New Hammer talent, Fortified: "Blocking an attack or taking damage has a high chance to give you and a nearby player increased attack speed." New Axe talent, Swift Cleave: "Chance on hit to reduce the cooldown of "Cleave" by 1 second." New Axe talent, Critical Cleave: "Dealing a critical strike reduces the cooldown of "Cleave"." New Dagger talent, Improved Dazing Strike: "Appling "Dazing Strike" additionally has a 50% chance to stun the affected mob for 1 second." New Sword talent, Intimidating Aura: "After casting any spell, all nearby mobs take 10% increased damage from all sources for a short duration." New Polearm talent, Expose Weakness: "Stunning a mob increases its damage taken for 4 seconds." New Armor talent, Blowback: "Blocking an attack has a chance to stun up to 3 nearby mobs for 3 seconds." New Ranged talent, Mobile Maniac: "Casting either "Dash" or "Evasion" while holding a ranged weapon increases your movement speed by 3% per stack until you stand still."
New Crawlers Pass:
With the release of 0.8, we plan to release a new purchasable crawlers pass. This new pass will have 31 tiers consisting of 29 fresh new cosmetic skins to customize your dwarves with, and 2 additional character slots earnable within the pass. Similar to the current pass, there will be various free cosmetic rewards to earn for those who choose not to purchase the pass! This will NOT replace the current crawlers pass, the "Expedition Pass", nor will it prevent you from purchasing or progressing that pass after its release. If you own both passes, you will simply choose which pass you would like to earn experience towards.
Final Thoughts:
0.8 is the largest and most challenging update to Cave Crawlers yet. There are many other additions we didn't discuss: new perks, tasks, items, and much more! We are very excited to see what you think of the Sneak Peek, so please discuss your thoughts in the comments below as well as in our official discord. Finally, when should you expect 0.8 to release? We expect update 0.8 to be ready sometime in September. We have a lot more to share, with a new trailer and an announcement of the exact release date coming once we get closer to release!
[ 2024-08-14 23:00:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.726 to default branch
Increased the weapon range of all daggers from 1.6 -> 1.7. Reduced spawn chance of Abandoned Minecart event room. The Abandoned Minecart event room can no longer spawn multiple times on the same floor. The Ancient Door event room can no longer spawn multiple times on the same floor. Changed hammer talent Crushing Strikes to occur anytime a mob is killed, instead of occurring when killing a mob in a single strike.
Added solution if a player's internet connection is lost during a game. Some mobs will now rotate themselves to align with the floor. In multiplayer, mobs will target another player if the current targeted player can not be reached. Removed description from Diamond Pickaxe. Removed description from Crystal Necklace.
Fixed Forgotten Miners Helmet sitting too high on the character model's head. Fixed the major frame rate drops originating from a pile of dead plague rats. Fixed spiders not waking up while a player holds a torch in the Spider Nest. Fixed the player not dying while standing in spikes. Fixed mob health bars not popping up when shot with a ranged weapon. Fixed the "Magic Beard Oil" perk not showing up for other players. Fixed Cursed Blade phantoms not attacking the player. Fixed Cursed Blade talent not proccing. Fixed being able to move while reviving a player. Fixed mobs targeting the Goblin Shaman after his spike attack deals damage to them. Fixed the player taking damage from their own projectile while having the "Return To Sender" perk equipped. Fixed the webs in the spider room casting a square shadow. Fixed the wrong skin showing as selected when swapping between the customization of different dwarves.
[ 2024-06-16 00:39:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.722 to default branch
Plague Rat Event:
Plague Rats have been unleashed from the opening of the Ancient Door! You'll find large groups of Plague Rats infesting the caves, being bit by a Plague Rat grants your dwarf a strange debuff...

Added backpacks, backpacks can be worn in a new backpack slot and grant your player additional inventory slots to store items. Added new rare backpack Adventurer's Backpack, which can be found in the Crystal Caverns. Added new common backpack Linen Pouch, which can be found in the Dwarven Caves.

Added 2 new backpacks, details above. Added new epic sword Hero's Sword, which can be obtained by pulling the sword out of the stone. Added new epic hammer Brutal Basher, which can be found in the Crystal Caverns. Added new rare trinket Crystal Necklace, which can be found in the Crystal Caverns. Added new rare consumable Dynamite, this replaces bombs in crates past floor 10 and is much more powerful. Added spell "Remove Sword From Stone" learned by holding the "Sword in a Stone" weapon. Updated Sword in a Stone description: "Attempt to remove the sword stuck in the stone, if successful this item will turn into Heros Sword. If unsuccessful, lose 1 HP. Can only be attempted once per floor." Completely reworked Sharpened Hatchet item talent: 10% chance on hit to reduce the cooldown of Faster FASTER! by 4 seconds.
Offline Mode and Co-op Improvements:
Cave Crawlers can now be played offline without an active internet connection. Your data is stored locally while offline and your data will be saved to the cloud once you reconnect to the internet. Added Steam Cloud support, migrating player data from PlayFab to Steam Cloud. Game codes now have the region token in their name, allowing players to automatically connect to another player's region when given a code from another region. Setting your region in the "Together" screen now saves.
Reworked and doubled the size of the goblin village, added more goblin and loot spawns. Updated loot pool under Goblin Tents. Updated Abandoned Minecart Event Room in both biomes to include an additional entrance, it can also now spawn on the main pathway of the cave, adjusted room spawn chance.

Added Hexagon perk Vital Vision: "Allows you to see mob health bars." Added Hexagon perk Healthy Gambler: "Max health is increased by 2, but mob attacks have a chance to deal 2 additional damage." Added Square perk Combat Cache: "The first chest opened on every floor guarantees a weapon." Added Circle perk Magic Beard Oil: "Scare your foes with a mighty beard!" Reflected projectiles from the Return To Sender perk will now damage mobs.
Added 5 new achievements.
Moved positions of various Torch expertise talents in the Torch expertise talent tree. Reworked Safety Torch, removed cooldown, chance to occur lowered from 100% -> 50%, "Hitting another player with a torch sets up to 6 nearby mobs around the struck player on fire for 4 seconds, dealing 100% weapon damage every other second." Reworked Savior: Whenever a player goes down, gain revive speed until the player is revived. Reduced Light The Way max points from 2 -> 1, increased dodge chance per point from 2 ->4, updated description. Reduced Inspiring Presence max points from 4 -> 2, increased health restored per point from 1 -> 2, removed cooldown, changed to have a max uses per floor of 2, updated description. Reduced Stay BACK! max points from 3 -> 2, increased weapon range per point from 0.3 -> 0.5. Reduced Hulkanizer max points from 8 -> 3, increased damage per point from 1 -> 3, increased buff duration from 4 -> 6 seconds, increased cooldown increase per point from 1 -> 3 seconds, updated description. Reduced Sear Armor max points from 3 -> 2, increased block chance per point from 2 -> 3. Reduced Ring of Fire max points from 3 -> 1, increased weapon damage dealt from 100% -> 200%, increased proc chance from 22% -> 25%, updated description. Increased Torch Swinger max points from 2 -> 3. Increased Get BACK! knockback per point from 3 -> 5. Adjusted connections between Torch and Bow tree.
Added new hammer expertise talent Crusader: Dealing a critical strike reduces the cooldown of "Holy Strike". Adjusted talent connections in Hammer expertise tree.
Changed Revenge to strike up to 5 nearby mobs, instead of just 1.
Reduced Lucky Strikes max points from 5 -> 3, increased critical strike chance per point from 2% -> 3%.
Added setting to disable blood effects. Lowered Plague Rats xp per kill from 10 -> 7. Lowered the number of spider kills needed to complete Dagger Expert from 30 -> 20. Changed the Hexagon Perk Slot talent description to be more clear.
Fixed being able to revive players and do actions at the same time. Fixed spelling errors in various task descriptions. Fixed an issue causing some doorways in the crystal cavern hallways to be too tight. Fixed Jab granting a 10% damage multiplier instead of a 5% damage multiplier, updated Jab description. Fixed Inspiring Presence not working. Fixed clipping issue with ravine hallway room clipping into other rooms. Fixed floating rocks in crystal caverns 3 doors room. Fixed reduced ChanceToHit stat not working on mobs. Fixed Obsidian Pommel striking damaged mobs instead of the mob hit. Fixed mob navigation issues in Standard 2 doors 2 room. Fixed floor terrain in Ancient Shrine room. Fixed the blocked, dodged, and downed icons not being aligned with the health-bar heart. Fixed some tasks that checking their objectives multiple times at the end of a game. Fixed some info pop-ups not correctly staying on the screen. Fixed multiple spells not causing the player's hands to be full during their spell animation.
[ 2024-06-10 00:18:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.717 to default branch
Fixed various issues with Ancient Door event room. Fixed colliders in new rooms added in 0.71. Fixed spiders spawning in the air above spikes where bats should spawn instead. Fixed spelling error in Molten Blade description. Fixed dagger talent In The Shadows incorrectly coming from Critical Perfection instead of Big Lots.
[ 2024-05-17 08:10:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.71 to default branch
Added two new rooms to the Dwarven Caves.

"Within the crystal hue, at the doors to an ancient path, fulfill what the bones could not."
Added new epic sword Azureshadow Blade, which can only be found on hardmode. Added new epic trinket Vial of Poison, which can only be found on hardmode. Added new rare torch Expedition Torch, which can be found in the Crystal Caverns. Added new rare trinket Black Belt, which can be found in the Crystal Caverns. Added Diamond Pickaxe to the hard mode loot pool. Removed Diamond Pickaxe from the player's starting inventory.

Dagger Balancing
Increased Basic Dagger's critical strike chance from 3%->5%, increased attack speed from 0.4 -> 0.35 seconds between swings. Increased Snake Shanker's attack speed from 0.4 -> 0.35 seconds between swings, increased poison proc chance from 15% -> 25%. Increased Sharpened Dagger's critical strike chance from 8%->10%, attack speed from 0.45 -> 0.4 seconds between swings. Increased Carmine Cutter's critical strike chance from 10%->14%, increased attack speed from 0.5 -> 0.45 seconds between swings. Increased Cobalt Dagger's attack damage from 4 -> 5, lowered attack speed from 0.4 to 0.45 seconds between swings, increased critical strike chance from 10% -> 12%. Increased Crystal Shard Shank's critical strike chance from 12% -> 15%. Increased Mithril Dagger's critical strike chance from 13% -> 15%. Increased Eternal Ruby Blade's critical strike chance from 13% -> 16%. Increased Ichorspike's critical strike chance from 15% -> 17%. Increased Molten Dagger's attack damage from 10 -> 11, increased critical strike chance from 13% -> 15%. Reworked Parrying Slashes to increase 20% critical strike chance per point instead of 50 critical strike damage per point. Changed Sharpened Dagger's item proc critical damage increase from 15% -> 20%, duration from 2 -> 10 seconds, max stacks from 10 -> 4. Removed the cooldown on Concussive Execution, reduced knockback from 25 -> 20. Removed text popup from dagger talents Soporific Ingredient and Secret Tactics.
Hammer Balancing
Increased the base weapon range of all hammers from 2 -> 2.2. Increased Storm Smash's weapon damage from 14 -> 15. Increased hammer talent "Blunt Force Trauma's critical strike damage per point from 20 -> 25. Increased Thundering Blows slow effect from 12% -> 15% per point. Increased hammer spell Thunder Crashes knockback multiplier from 2x -> 3x, updated description. Swapped hammer talent Protector's talent position with Pummel. Changed hammer talent Hammer Specialist, instead of increasing hammer weapon range by 0.2 it now increases hammer attack damage by 2. Changed Protector to increase block chance of all players on a floor, instead of only nearby players, updated description. Changed Retribution Aura to proc whenever any player goes down, instead of whenever any player dies, increased cooldown from 20 -> 120 seconds, can now only occur 3 times per floor. Changed Protector's talent icon. Changed Pummel's talent icon. Changed Retribution Aura's talent icon.
Torch Balancing
Increased Basic Torch's attack damage from 1 -> 2, increased critical strike chance from 1% -> 3%. Changed torch talent Safety Torch to do its AOE around the hit player, instead of your player.
Item Balancing
Increased the AOE range of the talent proc effects from Bat Blade, Jade Hatchet, Battle Axe, Hellish Cleaver, and Slimy Chopper. Increased Dwarven Pickaxe's critical strike chance from 0% -> 3%, increased knockback from 5.5 -> 6. Increased proc chance of Droogan's Slicer from 25% -> 50%. Increased Crystalline Longsword's critical strike chance from 10% -> 13%. Increased sword talent Hamstring's slow effect from 10% -> 13% per point. Increased drop chance of Obsidian Pommel by 0.5%. Slightly increased the floor beenades start spawning at. Changed Hellish Cleaver's item proc from kills instead of critical strikes. Changed trinket Crystal Stinger effect from dealing 1 damage per second -> 35% weapon damage per second. Lowered Cobalt Axe's critical strike chance from 15% -> 12%. Lowered Mithril Axe's critical strike chance from 15% -> 13%. Lowered Lost Dwarven Axepick's critical strike chance from 15% -> 13%.
Mob Balancing
Reduced the crimson sloshes hit box size slightly.
Players now spawn with 2 extra starting expertise. Lowered the beard size back to normal. Debuffs by default can no longer be right-clicked to remove.
Fixed Ancient Shrine Brazier sounds not using the effects volume. Fixed a possible error with the Ritual Altar. Fixed spelling errors in Lost Cache. Fixed color of rock in Extraction Room. Fixed door on Crystal Caverns room to fix mobs not pathing through doorway. Fixed Goblin Village spawning spiders instead of goblins. Fixed Soporifc Ingredient not working. Fixed Goblin Warrior's dropping Crude Goblin Spear instead of Obsidian Pommel. Fixed the Mimic's bestiary mob view. Fixed players being able to "Get In" the abandoned minecarts instead of using them as an exit. Fixed duplicate large text screen pop-ups. Fixed trinket slot appearing faded. Fixed perks un-slotting when the game is re-opened. Fixed Crude Goblin Spear applying dot to previously damaged mob instead of hit mob. Fixed tasks that require you to extract with an item not completing on extraction. Fixed Warrior's Badge having incorrect item description. Fixed player spectating after being revived at an altar. Fixed Ritual Altar not deleting the sacrificed item sometimes. Fixed Circle Slot 1 wrongfully granting a starting expertise point.
[ 2024-05-16 09:03:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.706 to default branch
April Fools Event:
Increased beard size by 50%.

Added new gamemode "Bombastic" that can be played in multiplayer lobbies. Players spawn with infinite bombs and a completely destructible floor which has a pit of spikes underneath. Last dwarf standing wins!

Added new common pickaxe Diamond Pickaxe: "Allows you to dig and craft using blocks." New players now start with a Diamond Pickaxe instead of a Dwarven Pickaxe. We do not have a set-in-stone end date on when this event will end. We'd like feedback on if/how this content should stay in the game!
Added perk "Eternal Souvenir" with desc: "Drop a random item from your inventory when you die." Added perk "Quarry Queller" with desc: "Increases pickaxe damage by 100%." Changed "Final Crawl" to proc regardless of distance to nearest player: "When downed, your crawl speed greatly increases."
Added achievement "Tier 1 Crawler" with desc: "Defeat the Crimson Slosh on Normal mode or higher." Added achievement "Tier 2 Crawler" with desc: "Defeat the Crystal Goliath on Normal mode or higher."
Lowered mob health by 10% on Normal and Hard difficulties. Increased the number of expertise points players receive by 20%. Buffed "Basic Hammer" damage from 5 -> 6
Misc Changes:
Added United Arab Emirates as a region option in the settings. There is something new in the crystal caverns...
Fixed goblin bandage not healing on the final heal tick. Fixed spell Holy Strike resetting it's spell charge even when you miss the attack. Fixed an invisible collider in the Crystal Mega room. Fixed mobs not being able to walk up a pathway in the Crystal Mega room. Fixed "Lost Cache" task completing when you walk into the Ancient Door room. Fixed Cloak of Shadows showing on the character. Fixed collision on doorway into Goblin Camp event room. Fixed armor talent Threatening not applying to hammers. Fixed Silver Ring description. Fixed achievement "Lone Wolf" not working. Fixed the kickable crystals in the Crystal Caverns start room going through walls. Fixed bees attacking invisible mobs. Fixed player snapping to the floor when dropped by the Crystal Scorpion. Fixed mimics from being buffed by AOE before they are awaken. Fixed bug where players could join a game after it has started. Fixed game crashing when a player disconnects during loading. Fixed typo in Stalagmite Shiv description.
To stay up to date on what we're actively working on, feel free to join our discord where we post regular development updates in our #development-updates channel, and often we pop in chat to chat with players or answer questions! https://discord.gg/cRD7ZhJChw
[ 2024-04-02 17:35:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed the spell "Evasion" causing the player to not be able to interact with anything. Fixed the Hexagon prestige reward not granting permanent access to the Hexagon perk slot. Fixed slotted perks not saving after closing the game. Fixed perk "Lancer" not working on crates and some mobs. Fixed hammer tree being un-hidden. Fixed Circle slot in expertise tree being named Expertise. Fixed spell key text not displaying the new controller button when input swaps to controller.
[ 2024-03-30 03:48:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.7 to default branch
To stay up to date on what we're actively working on, feel free to join our discord where we post regular development updates in our #development-updates channel, and often we pop in chat to chat with players or answer questions! https://discord.gg/cRD7ZhJChw
From 3/29/24 - 4/1/24 players will have 50% increased experience gains and a higher chance to get Rares and Epics from chests.

Added new main menu progression system "Perks" to the game. Most perks are attainable through Achievement completion. Perks can be dragged and slotted into the specific available slots, based on their slot type. There are 5 total perk slots and 3 different slot types: Hexagon, Square, and Circle. Perk slots are unlocked through the main menu talent tree. Slotted perks are shown under your player stats while in-game. Added 12 new perks, more will be added with every future content update. Hexagon perk Crawler's Will: "If everyone is down revive yourself with 1 health and have 3 seconds of immunity. Can only occur once per run. Does not stack with players. If multiple players have this perk, one will be randomly chosen to be revived." Hexagon perk Alchemist's Blessing: "Reduces your maximum health by 3. Drinking any potion fully heals you." Square perk Lancer: "Dash deals weapon damage, but its cooldown is doubled." Square perk Final Crawl: "When downed and distant from allies, your crawl speed greatly increases." Square perk Cognitive Reset: "Once per run, you can reset your talents for 60 seconds." Square perk Extra Supplies: "You've packed some extra supplies, your newly created players spawn with either a cloth bandage, a minor health potion, or a bomb." Square perk Starter Weapon: "Created dwarves will spawn with a random basic weapon." Circle perk Crawler's Crate: "Spawns an extra crate in the start room. Does not stack with other players." Circle perk Delver's Spark: "The light produced from a flint strike lingers for an extended duration." Square perk Return To Sender: "Hitting or pressing E on a projectile sends them back to the enemy." Circle perk Demolition Dash: "Allows the spell "Dash" to break crates." Circle perk Demolitionist: "Perk that increases the chance to get bombs from crates."
Added 16 steam achievements. Most Steam achievements unlock a perk that is tied to them, you can view which achievements unlock which perks in the perk tab of the upgrades section in-game.

Prestige now allows you to choose between multiple different rewards. Extra Trinket Slot reward is now automatically granted after prestige level 1 (you won't choose it as a reward, it will be automatically claimed). Re-organized the Prestige UI. Added 3 prestige rewards: +1 Max Health, Perk Starter Weapon: "Created characters spawn with a random basic weapon," Hexagon Perk Slot: "Permanently unlocks the Hexagon perk slot." Prestige will not reset with this update. Upon logging in after this update and going to the prestige screen, you will be prompted to claim several prestige rewards equal to your current prestige level.
Added new weapon type "Hammers" to the game. A whole new hammer tree with 20 new talents and 3 spells has been added to the weapon expertise talents.

Added 12 new hammers. Basic Hammer (Common) Battle Hammer (Common) Sharpened Hammer (Common) Cobalt Hammer (Common) Mithril Slammer (Common) Tarnished Hero's Hammer (Rare) Holy Warhammer (Rare) Carapace Crusher (Rare) Sword in a Stone (Rare) Ancestor's Battlehammer (Rare) Pungent Pounder (Rare) Storm Smash (Epic) Added 3 hammer spells:

Holy Strike: "Instantly strike your target for 125% weapon damage. Gain a charge after dealing a critical strike while this spell is equipped. Each charge increases this spell's damage by 125%. Requires at least one charge to use and consumes all when this spell's damage is dealt. 4 max charges. 20 second cooldown." Thunder Crash: "Smash the floor with your hammer, dealing 50% weapon damage to all mobs in front of you, and knocking them back." Slam: "Slam your hammer into the target, dealing 100% weapon damage. Always deals a critical strike. 20 second cooldown."
UI Rework:
Upgrades Menu Changed "Talents" button on main menu to now be "Upgrades" instead. This menu now holds the main menu talents, the perks menu and the prestige menu. Health bar Reworked health bar UI art. The heart will now shake and decrease in size when you take damage. Bars are added and removed based on max health changes.
Added 12 new hammers. Added new epic consumable Beenade that acts as an impact grenade and spawns bees. Added new epic sword Droogan's Slicer, which can only be found in hardmode. Added new rare trinket Skull Pendant. Added new rare trinket Warrior's Badge. Added weapon type Rapier to all swords using a rapier model. Added more items to coffin loot pool. The Refillable Potion floor use cooldown is no longer shared across all potions in your inventory. Changed the Legendary and Epic item rarity colors. Exploded bombs now explode any nearby bombs. Lowered the chance for commons to spawn in Hardmode difficulty. Obsidian Pummel now also effects Hammers. Plate Fighting Boots now also effects Hammers. Changed Horned Helmet to now effect Hammers and Polearms instead of Swords and Axes, buffed proc effect from 15%->40%. Nerfed rapier base weapon range from 2.2 -> 2. Nerfed Spider's Leg damage from 4 -> 3, increased its attack speed by .05 attacks per second, changed max stacks of talent from 5 -> 3, proc now correctly shows item icon. Changed Holy Light to grant a 12% movement speed buff for 15 seconds to players you hit, aswell as the previous light effect.
Added new event room Goblin Camp which can spawn in the Dwarven Caverns. Added new room Ancient Loot Room, which can be found in the Crystal Caverns. Added new room Ancient Door, which can be found in the Crystal Caverns. Doubled spawn chance of event rooms in Crystal Caverns. Slightly lowered spawn chance of Goblin Village. Slightly increased spawn chance of Caved-in Ancient Loot Room. Removed colliders off crystals on the roof of Goliath's Burrow boss room.
Added connections between torch and hammer tree. Added multiple new talent icons. Main Menu Main menu talent tree no longer increases the amount of expertise points a newly created player spawns with, instead you unlock perk slots where those talents previously were. Replaced main menu talent Firm Grip with Extra Agility, "Gain passive chance to dodge an attack." Rearranged parts of main menu talent tree. Removed main menu talent Extra Supplies. Daggers Completely reworked layout of dagger tree. Added 2 new dagger spells and 2 new talents. Added new dagger utility spell Shield Of Shade: "You look for an escape into the shadows, increase your dodge chance by 50% for 10 seconds. Can only be cast once per floor. 10 second cooldown." Added new dagger utility spell Bloody Combo: "Sacrifice 15% dodge chance for a 10% damage multiplier which lasts 10 seconds. Requires you to have at least 15% dodge chance to cast. 0.5 second cooldown." Added new dagger talent: Concussive Execusion, "Killing a mob causes your next hit within 3 seconds to have greatly increased knockback." Added new dagger talent: Hasty Havoc, "having 15% movement speed or more increases your attack speed." Critical Perfections max points changed from 3->2, Critical Strike Chance per point increased from 3%->5%. Secret Tactics max points changed from 3->1, duration per point increased from 6->18 seconds, dodge chance per point increased from 2->6. Soporific Ingredient max points changed from 3->1, stun duration per point increased from 1->3 seconds. Serrated Blade can now deal critical hits. Changed any dagger talents that previously needed a certain number of points to reach to 1 point. Changed dagger talent "In The Shadows" icon. Changed dagger talent "Revenge" max points from 2->1, damage dealt from 200%->300% damage per point, updated talent description. Changed dagger talent "Blood Rage" max stacks from 2->1, changed buff duration per point from 1->2 seconds. Updated "Faster Slices" talent description. Polearms Lowered polearm spell "Jab" damage multiplier on mob slain from 10% -> 5%. Updated polearm spell "Jab's" description. Nerfed polearm talent "Footwork" from 20% -> 7% dexterity per point, changed max points from 1 -> 2. Swords Added new sword talent Fencing Practice: "Increased weapon range with Rapiers." Buffed sword talent "Brittle Blade" sword critical strike chance debuff from -40% -> -35%. Nerfed sword talent "Duelist" attack speed from 25% -> 20%. Updated sword talent icons: Forgotten Power, Warrior, Counter Strike, Lucky Strikes. Axes Changed Mighty Manic max points from 3->2 and critical strike chance per point from 4 -> 6, changed to a hammer/axe mixed talent. Armor Buffed armor talent Threatening max points from 5->3 and threat per point from 2->5. Replaced Lumberjack and Tank armor talent icons.
Misc Changes:
Added singleplayer (Alone) pausing while the Escape menu is open. Added a randomize name button with a bunch of dwarf names. Added a setting to skip the battle pass pop-up after you die. Added FPS Limit setting. Added V-Sync setting. Removed the Refresh Rate setting. Changed Talents button to Upgrades button on the main menu. Locked the X axis on the main menu talent tree. Looking at an item while your inventory is full now shows "Inventory Full" text. When your inventory is full, you can now hold your interact key to swap your equipped item with the hovered item, as well as use items like potions. Tasks are now alphabetical, and completed tasks appear at the top of the list. Changed difficulty descriptions to include bullet points. Changed when cave sounds play.
Fixed Cloak of Shadows not spawning under pile of rocks. Fixed item durability not working correctly. Fixed the "Open" info text being shown while hovering over an opened chest. Fixed some Steam item icons on our item store not showing up. Fixed some moss positioning in various rooms. Fixed Refillable Potion not correctly rolling all possible items evenly. Fixed the Recall Potion not working after the Refillable Potion roll lands on it. Fixed Crude Goblin's Bandage from being on the Refillable Potion roll table. Fixed Shaman Scarf not proccing. Fixed Angelic Sword description. Fixed a huge bug that allowed you to stack your melee swings infinitely. Fixed the player moving at a higher speed during diagonal movements. Fixed buff tooltip pop-ups not showing when on the controller's mouse position. Fixed controllers not being able to use Offensive Spells. Fixed a bug where wearing two of the same trinket and removing one caused the trinket's proc to stop working. Fixed Magical Beads not unlearning its spell when the item is broken or un-equipped.
[ 2024-03-29 21:20:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 0.7 will be released this Friday, March 29th at 4PM EST!
Along with the update, we will increase experience gain by 50% and greatly increasing your chance to get Rare, Epic, and Legendary items from chests! This event will begin with the 0.7 update's release, and run until April 1st.
A quick few bullet points on our major new additions coming with 0.7!
Hammer Weapon Type Hammer Expertise Tree Steam Achievements Perk Progression System Health Bar Update Dagger Expertise Tree Rework New Rooms & Loot And A Lot More!

[ 2024-03-24 22:20:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've been working hard over the past month trying to get update 0.7 out to you as quickly as possible. Internally, the scope of the update has grown considerably. We believe the update is taking longer than what might be expected, so we wanted to give everyone a little sneak peek into just SOME of what we're working on!
New Weapon Type, Hammers:

Hammers, a whole new weapon type is being added to the game! Hammers are a slow-swinging, hard-hitting melee weapon with high knockback. With the addition of hammers, we will finally be filling that section on the top left of the expertise tree with the hammer expertise. Hammers will be a multi-role weapon being able to build into a support/tank build or a pure damage build. We also have a few awesome new spells in the works for hammers that should give it a distinct feel from the other weapons!
Prestige Rewards:

A highly requested and long-awaited addition has been more rewards past your first prestige! Along with prestige rewards, we are revamping the UI for the main menu talent tree to support the addition of more prestige rewards, and in the future, the perk system. We have a multitude of new rewards you'll be able to choose from whenever you prestige. An infinitely repeating reward is also planned but will more than likely not make it into this update. If your prestige level is CURRENTLY greater than one, after logging into the new update you'll be able to choose whatever prestige rewards your level has earned you. You will NOT miss any prestige rewards by prestiging BEFORE the update's release.
Sneak Peek:

Some secrets within the Crystal Caverns are best left undiscovered...
Dagger Expertise Tree Rework:

Daggers after the .66 combat rework have felt a lot tougher to use than other weapons, especially against large groups of enemies. While our design with daggers is to be a high-risk high single target damage weapon, it is currently not as powerful as we feel it should be and doesn't have the survivability it needs to compete against the other weapon types outside of boss fights. To help bring daggers up to where the other weapons are, we've done a complete reorganization of the dagger tree from the ground up. We looked at every talent and made changes to roughly 30% of the talents, as well as added one new spell and 2 brand-new talents! The picture of the new tree above is an earlier in-development screenshot, the final tree will look different but it should give you a good idea of what changes are coming. Added new dagger utility spell Shield Of Shade: "You look for an escape into the shadows, increase your dodge chance by 50% for 10 seconds. Can only be cast once per floor. 10 second cooldown." Added new dagger talent Concussive Execution: "Killing a mob causes your next hit within 3 seconds to have greatly increased knockback." Added new dagger talent: Hasty Havoc, "Having 15% movement speed or more increases your attack speed."
Final Thoughts:
This is only a portion of what's currently in development! We're excited to get this update out to you all as soon as we can! At least one feature is a complete secret that we're planning to leave out of the patch notes and let players discover for themselves in-game when the update releases ;) To stay up to date on what we're actively working on, feel free to join our discord where we post regular development updates in our #development-updates channel, and often we pop in chat to chat with players or answer questions! https://discord.gg/bUPT3bT7hk
[ 2024-02-25 19:35:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.669 to default branch
Added 4 new basic tasks, "Muffroom," "Prepare To Escape," "Silky Discovery," and "Lost Cache." Added Crystal Abandoned Minecart room to the Missing Mineshaft task. Changed "The Real Slimer" task required level from 1->5. Changed "Moss and Lichen" task required level from 3->1.
Balancing Changes:
The effect of knockback on mobs is increased by 15% (still 35% lower than in the 0.64 update). Crystal Goliath large crystals now constantly push you off if you are on top of them. Increased weapon range of all daggers by .1. Nerfed axe talent "Reacher" weapon range increase from .5 -> .2 per point. Enchanted Trident is now a Spear weapon type. Crystal Scorpion Decreased the cooldown of the sting attack by 40%. Spiked Slime Decreased thrust distance by 27%. Slowed down attack animation by 25%. Increased attack range by 13%.
FIXED CRYSTAL GOLIATH FIGHT NOT STARTING WHEN ALL PLAYERS ARE IN THE ROOM. Fixed players not being able to extract on any floor other than the boss floor after the boss is killed. Fixed tick buffs like bandages staying at 0 duration for a long time. Fixed revived players not having the same required mob kills as other players with the same expertise. Fixed Crystal Scorpions during the Goliath boss fight not swapping targets. Fixed Crystal Scorpions disabling player's colliders when dropped after a sting. Fixed certain daggers having more weapon range than they should.
[ 2024-01-18 03:47:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.665 to default branch
New Additions:
Added a double-check to help fix the boss fight failing to start when all players are in the room. Added a steam logo icon to skins that are purchasable through the steam store. While on a boss floor, if the player extracts or leaves before the boss is killed, they will be saved to that boss floor.
Balancing Changes:
When any mob thrusts during their attack animation and successfully hits you, they will bounce backwards relative to that thrust's speed. The Crimson Slosh should jump a little more often now. Changed Big Lots dagger talent to only requires 1 point in Critical Perfection to reach. Bats Increased the bat's attack cooldown by 50%. Decreased the bat's thrust distance by 35%. Bat's will now constantly attempt to get on the same Y level as the player while attacking them (way less above and below attacks). Spiked Slime Spiked Slime's attack range is even shorter. Spiked Slime's attack cooldown is 20% longer. Spiked Slime thrust distance decreased by 30%. Spiders Slowed down the spiders attack animation by 33%. Increased it's attack cooldown by 40%. Decreased thrust distance and speed by 20%. Lowered their turn speed by 10%. Snakes Increased the size of the snake by 10%. Increased thrust distance by 50%. Increased thrust speed slightly. Decreased attack cooldown by 10%. Based on your feedback, we are making a multitude of changes to the mobs to make them more fun to fight.
Fixed Strange Sightings task not allowing pick-up of a task item after it's objective has been completed. Fixed not being able to pick up items lying on the ritual altar after the ritual has been completed. Fixed being able to revive a previously dead player at the altar, bug by @.jaeshi Fixed crawl space boulders in Goliath's Burrow being incorrect stone color. Fixed floating kickable crystal in Crystal Caverns start room. Fixed trinkets not applying their stats. Fixed clicking on an un-owned skin not opening in the skin on the steam store. Fixed the character slot button not opening the character slot on the steam store. Fixed Spiked Slime not having an attack sound. Fixed players lagging during their jump. Fixed some players not spawning after generation in high player count lobbies. Fixed players being able to be revived for a second time in the same run on an altar while they are still alive. Fixed expertise tree showing you have fake points after being revived. Fixed revived players receiving negative stats. Fixed a collider in hallway 2.
[ 2024-01-17 00:21:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.66 to default branch
Combat Rework:

Changed all mob attacks to collision attacks, where the mob has to actually collide with your player using a weapon or body part during their attack animation. Added various new mob attacks, details in "Mobs:" section of patch notes. Reduced and adjusted the weapon range values on all talents, items, and weapons which effect weapon range. Halved the effect of weapon knockback on all mobs to balance the new collision based mob attacks. Multiple mobs now have trail effects indicating what will damage you during their attack animations. After a biome boss has been defeated, all dead/spectating players will now revive with an empty inventory, and full expertise points. Developer Note: We want feedback on how these new changes feel! Certain mobs may feel stronger or weaker after the rework and we plan to put out a patch soon after this update with any changes we feel are needed based on community feedback.

Added new Crystal Caverns 3 door loot room. Added new 2 new hallway rooms to both Dwarven and Crystal Caverns. Added Abandoned Minecart event room to crystal caverns. GREATLY reduced load time of each floor while playing multiplayer. Changed a crystal caverns room to have a doorway instead of a possible cave-in. Adjusted spawn chances of event rooms in Dwarven Caves, should see bomb loot rooms more. Adjusted mob spawns in Shrine rooms.
Bats Bats now ACTUALLY FLY, and are not constrained to the floor, meaning they can fly to ANYWHERE. New bat attack, a forward charge that deals damage on collision. Halfed the range at which you can hear bats flapping, and made their flapping sound volume fade out faster based on distance. Increased the size of the bats to make them easier to hit. Crystal Scorpion Completely reworked Crystal Scorpion sting attack, Changed the sting attack description to: "Piercing sting that attaches prey to the stinger." Crystal Scorpion claw attack animation is now slower and more predictable. Added a trail effect to Crystal Scorpion attacks. Removed the poison DOT from the Crystal Scorpion's sting attack. Crystal Goliath Changed Crystal Goliath main attack to be the Crystal Horn Stab attack, and modified it to be a mini thrust attack. Removed the damage that occurs to all players when the Crystal Goliath charges into a wall. Other Mobs Reduced the reach of the Spiked Slime's attack animation slightly. Lowered the max speed and movement acceleration of the Lost Soul, Phantom, and Crystal Scorpion. Reworked the Phantom/Lost Soul death effects. Made the buffs above mobs head about 10% smaller. Changed various mob attack descriptions. Updated The Crimson Slosh's description.
Added an arrow button to hide and show passive talent buffs. Added a green bar in the expertise tree that shows the progress to the next expertise point, and changed the required kills text to white. Any buffs that grant a negative value are now put in a separate area below the buffs. Majorly improved framerate while on the expertise and talent screens.

Expertise Added new polearm talent Critical Surge, "Damaging a mob increases your critical strike chance, lasts until you deal a critical strike.". Added new dagger talent Extended Blade; "Increases weapon range with daggers.". Added new connection between Armored Up and Battle Heat. Completely reworked ranged talent Artful Dodger, "Dodging an attack has a low chance to heal you.". Moved Discombobulation from Polearm tree to Armor tree, talent now procs using any weapon type, updated talent icon. Changed Close Quarters Combat to now only effect spears. Changed Sword Swiper talent description. Changed Ready to Strike from 2->1 max points. Updated Burn! and Greater Burn talent descriptions. Changed Burn! from 2 points -> 1 point, reduced its damage to half (was doing double the damage it should have.). Changed Lumberjack to now only require 1 point instead of 3 from Helmet Enjoyer to reach. Changed Fatal Tempo from 2->1 max points, added a 1 second cooldown. Keeping Distance nerfed to be more in line with new weapon range values. Moved dagger talent Dazing Strike farther down tree. Adjusted Hard Hitter talent description. Updated Prepared talent icon. Updated Healthy Dwarf talent icon. Updated Light Weight and Speedster talent descriptions. Main Menu Replaced Extendo Attacks main menu talent with Dexterous Stance: "Gain Dexterity, increasing your movement speed while swinging or attacking.".

Cauterizing Flames now requires 4 total damage to be dealt to players before it can be used, cooldown reduced to 30 seconds from 200. Added a charge bar above Cauterizing Flames indicating the progress to full charge. The Healing Aura spell icon changed to the Magical Beads icon, Healing Aura cooldown reduced to 30 seconds from 600. Cleave, Crushing Blow, Backstab, Jab, Precise Thrust, and Rip now hit with your weapon rather than just dealing damage. This will proc any weapon hit effects, like knockback.

Updated weapon range of most weapons, made weapon range more consistent per weapon type. Daggers = 1.5, Axes = 2, Swords = 2, Rapiers = 2.2, Spears = 2.5, Polearms/Poleaxes = 3. Added new rare trinket Cloak of Shadows. All potions have new item icons and models. The Refillable Potion now does the same on-screen random roll as the Recall Potion. Magical Beads now has a max durability of 3 and breaks when durability hits 0, casting Healing Aura reduces the durability by 1. Nerfed Dusty Cloak from 12% dodge chance -> 10% dodge chance. Updated Plate Fighting Boots item icon. Updated bomb item description. Torches Torch brightness now dims slower while above 20% duration, and quickly dims to black when below 20%. Torch duration no longer decreases after the player has been standing still for at least 3 seconds. Increased base torch duration of Holy Light from 200->300. Swords Reworked Cursed Blade's item talent: Dealing a critical strike has a 50% chance to increase your critical strike damage by 200% for 1 second. Changed Spider's Leg item talent to have 5 max stacks. Replaced Cobalt Rapiers talent with "Killing a mob increases your dexterity by 5% for 10 seconds. 1 max stack" Axes Increased Honeycomb Cleaver's attack speed, lowered its damage from 11 -> 8, lowered its knockback from 10 -> 8, added hatchet tag. Adjusted stat values of bees spawned from Honeycomb Cleaver. Updated Honeycomb Cleaver description. Changed Battle Hatchet's item talent to have 4 max stacks. Changed Battle Axe item talent from 100% weapon damage -> 80%. Daggers Increased most early game dagger's critical strike chance by about 20%-30% of what it previously was. Increased Basic Dagger's base attack speed slightly, increased item talent's buff from 1% attack speed increase -> 3%, gave it a max stacks of 5. Polearms Enchanted Trident now has the "Spear" weapon subtype. Lowered Motlen Poker's talent weapon range increase from 1 -> .5.
Added new task Dagger Training. Added new Cursed Dye beard color as a reward from the Strange Sightings task. Stopped the player from being able to pick up task items if the objective involving that item is already completed. Changed The Collector task to complete when you pick-up any of the required items, rather than having to loot them. Updated Missing Quota task to require 5 crates of crystals instead of 1, adjusted task description. Updated Lost Equipment task to require 3 of each tool instead of 1. Updated The Real Slimer task to require only 30 slimes slowed instead of 100, lowered experience rewarded on completion. Updated Dagger Expert task icon. Updated Drinker task icon.
Misc Changes:

Added a game update warning and pop-up on the main menu when the player's game is outdated (for real this time). Added a master volume slider. Once the flint striking animation is finished, previously held items are re-equipped. Optimized network calls during player spawning. Made music fade in way more slowly. Changed spectating info text to: "You will be revived once the next boss is defeated!".
Fixed the massive lag that occurred for joinees at the start of a floor! Fixed Goliath Gutter projectiles using the weapon you have equipped to deal damage. Fixed mithril arrow on Mithril Bow not correctly appearing on model. Fixed the crosshair from being in a previous state while spectating another player. Fixed shrine angel statue pop-up text to now show "Respec Expertise.". Fixed keybinds from being able to be used while rebinding a key. Fixed weird sliding that occurs when walking backwards into a wall. Fixed talent descriptions being cut off by your player level in the main menu talent screen. Fixed ambient sound sometimes bugging out. Fixed issue with crawl space rocks being the wrong color in crystal caverns shrine room. Fixed mob pathing issues in Dwarven Caverns Bridge Spike Room. Fixed the objectives UI being cut off in the Task interface. Fixed overtime tick buffs incorrectly removing more of a stat then they added over their duration, leading to a lower stat then the player started with. Fixed the Abandoned Minecart Exit minecarts from colliding with objects before the player has entered the minecart. Fixed mobs not de-aggroing when the target player instantly dies. Fixed the revival info from being shown while spectating and still alive. Fixed Greater Burn talent having incorrect previous talents. Fixed the pop-up talent info flashing rapidly. Fixed collider issues with large red crystal in 3 door crystal caverns room. Fixed torches going out in cursed blade room before any phantoms spawn. Fixed torch duration ticking down even when the torch is blown out by a Phantom. Fixed talent info pop-up not refreshing when points are added and removed. Fixed arrows beeing able to hit bees. Fixed Player Log File button. Fixed the talents hiding themselves after prestiging. Fixed all items with "Spear" in their name not having the Spear item type. Fixed dagger talent Agile not working.
[ 2024-01-15 01:59:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fellow Cave Crawlers!
The expedition pass is discounted during the winter sale from Dec 21st to Jan 4th. Drip out your dwarf with a variety of shirts, pants, and boots! Additionally the pass includes two character slots, allowing you to store more dwarves!
Happy crawling, CAVEEE CRAWLERRSS!!!
[ 2023-12-23 21:10:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.64 to default branch
Crystal Goliath Rework (Boss 2):
The rework to the second boss's mechanics has finally arrived!
Changed the functionality and flow of the boss fight, each colored crystal will now give the boss the ability to periodically summon a specific mechanic during the fight.
Red Crystal: Added a star of crystals that emerge over time, dealing damage to any player hit. Red crystal buff changed from 2 attack damage to 10% attack speed for the boss.
Blue Crystal: Added a ring of crystals that emerge in circular rings, dealing damage to any player hit. Blue crystal buff increased from 15% movespeed to 20%.
Yellow Crystal: Added a pool of crystals that spawns under a random player, and stays until the boss is killed. Stepping on it will damage you. Yellow crystal Damage Reduction boss buff decreased from 20% to 10%
New phase 4 that is triggered when the boss is below 10% health on hardmode, the boss will rapidly use every crystal mechanic every 3 seconds.
Crystals will now spawn in this repeating specific rotation, rather than being randomly chosen: Blue, Yellow, Red.
Removed the mini crystals that would come out of the floor underneath players, slowing them.
Multiplayer Changes:
Client player ping is THE REAL PING to the host now, and represents the desync delay in ms to the host.
Delayed the player from spawning due to large network loads being sent while generating a floor, should majorly reduce lag at the START of a floor.
Increased floor load times to help combat initial desync at the start of a new floor.
Developer's Note: We are actively working on a solution for the large amount of desync and lag especially noticeable on higher floors. This is a complicated issue we believe is being caused by the high number of mobs, we are still testing possible solutions and trying to find a more permanent fix!
Added new torch talent Vigilant Ward; "After using the spell "Cauterizing Flames", greatly reduce the hit chance of all nearby mobs.".
Completely reworked Flash Strike into Flash Blitz; "If any player goes down, gain a burst of movement speed.".
Reworked Stay BACK! to grant weapon range instead of knockback, it also now requires 3 points for its max effect.
Doubled the amount that In Darkness talent "grants torch duration on kill" gives you.
Changed Savior to require only 1 point for max effect, increased buff duration from 10 seconds -> 15 seconds.
Changed Light The Way to now give dodge chance instead of movement speed, gives more stat per point and has a 1 second cooldown.
Changed Blinding Power to just give critical strike chance with torches per point.
Increased Taunt's range.
Added new connection between Taunt and Reinforced Helmet.
Changed Knight's proc chance from 5% per point to 25% total, now has 3 max stacks.
Changed Lumberjack's proc chance from 5% per point to 25% total, now has 3 max stacks.
Lowered Basic Ballistics critical strike damage per point from 20 -> 15.
Changed Agile to require 1 point instead of 3, it still gives its full 15% damage multiplier.
Changed Improved Focus Panic to give dexterity instead of dodge chance.
Lowered Faster FASTER's cooldown from 30 seconds -> 20 seconds.
Added a border to Dirty Steel Helmet and Horned Helmet icons.
Changed Obsidian Pommel's damage from 100% -> 150%, lowered its attack speed reduction from 15% -> 10%.
Eye of the Beholder now procs when having 25% critical strike chance or less, instead of just when less than 25% critical strike chance.
Added new player voicelines.
Added text while spectating: "You can be revived at a ritual altar!".
Increased FOV slider max to 140.
If a stat is above the max or min value that can affect your player, the capped value is shown in parenthesis, while the actual is on the left: 500% (90)
The scale of the player now determines the pitch of their sounds (Ant Man makes the player's voice and sounds higher pitched).
Stopped mobs from constantly pushing themselves into you: gave them a minimum attack range.
Moved large yellow crystal in ritual room to make the altar darker.
Removed a red crystal that was causing collision problem in crystal mine 2 door room.
Lowered the chance to get a legendary weapon after sacrificing an epic in the ritual room.
Fixed a blocking blue crystal in one of the Crystal Y Rooms.
Fixed crimson slosh stalactite spawning immediately after one was destroyed.
Fixed obsidian arrowhead talent not really working.
Fixed a MAJOR bug with stats that caused some buffs' stat effects to become infinite on you without having the buff.
Fixed a bug that caused extracting-with-an-item tasks to not complete.
Fixed missing collider on pillar of small crystal caverns room.
Fixed a bug with biome ambient sound.
Fixed issue with the Goliath Ripper's collider.
Fixed collision issue in Crystal Extraction room.
Fixed players being able to use extracts on a boss floor before the boss is killed.
Fixed glass poker talent not working at all.
Fixed Steady Aim talent buff only proccing every other talent proc.
Fixed talents like Searing Combo, and Obsidian Edge occurring 1 proc late.
Fixed Swift Strikes not working.
Fixed Footwork always being active regardless of how much movement speed you have.
[ 2023-11-29 12:07:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.624 to default branch Changes: Bosses now only drop a number of items equal to the amount of players on the boss floor. Further improved player collision detection. Lowered spawn chance of Ritual Room in Crystal Caverns. Fixes: Fixed Ant Man allowing the player to bug through walls. Fixed being able to pick up a bomb after it exploded. Fixed a bug spot in the Crystal Mine Hallway room. Fixed projectiles dealing too much damage in multiplayer. Fixed health sacrifice not working in the ritual room. Fixed Spiked Slimes sometimes not dropping their spiked pools. Fixed not being able to hear other player's footsteps (FOR SURE THIS TIME).
[ 2023-11-17 05:04:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.62 to default branch
Strange Ritual Circle:
The Ritual Circle is a brand new event room we've added to the game. This event room has two primary uses, trading unwanted items for a random item of often better rarity, and more importantly reviving players who have permanently died in a run!
The Ritual Circle is an altar surrounded by a ring of candles. Purple runes glow along the walls of this cave which let you know the ritual can be activated. Dropping an item onto the altar, then lighting the candles surrounding it activates the ritual, trading the item sacrificed for an item of random rarity (typically better) as well as having a chance to revive a fallen player.
The odds of getting a better quality item are based on the rarity of the item you put in, the higher the rarity of the item you're sacrificing, the higher the odds of reviving a dead player or being given a powerful item! You can even be given hard mode exclusive items as rewards from the ritual.
If you don't want to sacrifice an item, you may sacrifice your own character's health instead by interacting with the altar without holding any item in your hands, which has the highest odds of reviving a fallen player.
Added a new way to find loot in the caves, piles of kickable rocks can now be found around corners of the caves rarely hiding consumables and trinkets underneath them.
Added new event room Strange Ritual Circle, which can be found in both biomes.
Added new small Crystal Mines room, which can be found only in the crystal caverns.
Added more moss to Dwarven Caverns.
Adjusted spawn chance of various event rooms in dwarven caves to be more level with each other.
Slightly lowered goblin village spawn chance.
Kickable rocks are now frozen in place until a player kicks or walks into them.
Removed rock from crystal caverns start room.
Added a 3rd spell slot, as well as a 3rd slot type called Mobility. The three types are: Mobility, Utility, and Offensive
Utility slot is green, Mobility is blue, and Offensive is red.
Created spell "Evasion" in ranged expertise tree with description:
"Must have a ranged weapon equipped.
Improved dash. Surges the player in ANY direction, applying a 50% movespeed reduction to any mob in your path.
6 second cooldown."
Added new talent Evasion where Confident Shooter used to be, moved Confident Shooter farther down Ranged expertise tree.
Added new connection between Fatal Tempo and Poleaxe Specialization.
Reworked Faster FASTER; After using the spell "Cleave", gain a huge burst of attack speed. 35% attack speed, duration 3 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds 1 max stack.
Buffed Safety Torch talent, increased cooldown.
Slightly buffed Ninja dagger talent.
Changed Backstab to deal 2x base damage and 5x back damage.
Trainer now gives 3 attack speed per point instead of 2, lowered max points to 3 from 5.
Increased Rip bleed tick damage from 50% to 150%, increased cooldown from 6 to 8.
Lowered max points required for full effect of Poisoned Blade from 3 to 2, increased max duration by 1 second, adjusted talent description.
Fixed Defensive Reflexes not properly leading to Dazing Strike.
Increased Shank Hank dexterity from 4 to 5 per point.
Removed connection between Crushing Blow and Fatal Tempo.
Added 3 new helmets.
Chainmail Hood (Common)
Plate Fighting Helmet (Rare)
Blacksteel Helmet (Epic)
Added 5 new rare molten weapons which can only be found past floor 20.
Molten Bow (Rare)
Molten Blade (Rare)
Molten Poker (Rare)
Molten Battleaxe (Rare)
Molten Dagger (Rare)
Items dropped from chests, crates, and a few other loot-tables will now roll for the dropped item type first, and then the rarity, this greatly helps loot variation.
Added new loot to Coffins.
Lowered the chance to get an escape rope to 1 percent.
Changed Crude Goblin Spear poison icon.
Halved the chance to get legendary drops.
Stopped the Holy Necklace from spawning in singleplayer games.
Ranged Rework
MAJORLY reduced the network load of firing projectiles.
Projectiles are now driven by the shooter, and should not lag or be delayed on the shooter's screen.
Arrows now stick into the collider they hit, allowing them to basically stick into anything. This means an arrow in a goblin's arm will move with the arm.
UI Improvements
Added prestige UI that shows your current prestige, future prestige, and the permanent rewards of each.
Added mini general explanations on each difficulty button.
Added a sword icon to the DPS counter instead of text.
Added a red Damage Flash outlining your screen when you take damage, this damage flash appears over all UI elements, including panels like the talent tree, this can be disabled in the settings.
Added a discount number right next to the Buy Now button in the expedition pass when a sale is active.
Added a user interface for using developer tools ONLY while in the experimental version of the game, this can be useful for testing on the experimental version.
Added the same explicit language filter as the character names use.
Changed the text shown when hovering over a task item to "Needed for task: *task name*".
Moved Screen Shake setting to the Game section.
Shortened the space between each hotbar slot.
Crystal Goliath
Added particle beam that projects from each Crystal to indicate that it's buffing the Crystal Goliath.
Crystal Goliath no longer does weird, inconsistent throwing of the player when charged into.
Added new task Strange Sightings.
Added new main menu backgrounds.
Added new dwarf idle voicelines.
Made mob attacks client side, meaning that joiners of a game will experience less desynced mob attack situations.
When the last alive player gets downed, there is now a 5 second delay before the game ends.
The first character you have is now used to previews skins if no character is selected.
The Utility spell keybind will be reset to G for all players once the update is released.
Utility spell slot is now default bound to G, while Mobility slot is default bound to R.
Offensive spell slot is rebound to Left Trigger, while Cave Crawlers chant is rebound to D-Pad Down, Mobility spell is now Left Bumper, while Utility is Right Bumper.
Fix that affected performance across the board, gaining 10s of frames in and out of game.
Fixed the discoloration of the main menu background. Almost DOUBLED the framerate on the main menu.
Fixed ambient cave sounds not playing correctly.
Fixed chests rarely not having loot in them.
Fixed a wall-bug spot in the Crystal Hallway Mineshaft.
Fixed bug spot in the Shrine room.
Fixed the player getting stuck on spike slime pools during the Crimson Slosh fight.
Randomness should be truly random now, fixed a few logistical errors.
Fixed talents that proc when any player blocks or dodges not working.
Fixed clients not being able to hear goblin grunts.
Fixed mobs being unable to attack you when you are standing on something.
Fixed a major issue with level-up calculation that caused the XP bar to be above full.
Fixed skip tutorial setting not persisting after relaunching while on the Experimental branch.
Fixed mobs not being able to walk out of the mob pit.
Fixed bat's ragdolls teleporting as soon as they died.
Fixed rocks above tunnel in crystal mega room.
Majorly optimized networking for the Crimson Slosh boss fight.
Optimized many common networking operations through batching, this helps reduce and remove desync.
[ 2023-11-16 10:02:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.613 to default branch
Store Update:
Added our new Molten Chestplate shirt which has glowing streaks of magma. This item can be purchased off our Steam item store page for $2.49.
We are also running a 25% off sale on the Expedition Pass temporarily reducing the price from $9.99 to $7.49! This sale will run from October 1st till October 8th.
Added a game update warning when your game needs an update.
Swapping between controller and mouse and keyboard input is now activated by either: moving the left joystick to activate controller input, or clicking to activate mouse and keyboard input.
Goblin Village event room now only spawns past floor 4.
Lowered the Goblin Village's chance to spawn.
Fixed large rock in crystal Mega room from being moveable with the player's body.
Fixed refillable potion only being a recall potion.
Fixed escape rope being able to be used infinitely.
Fixed Lost Miner's Supply Cache items falling through the floor.
Fixed Magical Beads item healing the caster twice when used.
Fixed torch duration talents not being calculated correctly.
Fixed gaps in the seems of some voxel models.
[ 2023-10-01 08:33:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.61 to default branch
Goblin Village:
The Goblin Village event room was this updates community-voted addition!
This event room can be found in the Dwarven Caves. The village is FILLED with both goblins and loot, this is the goblin's base of operations around the caves and contains our newest mob addition, the Goblin Shaman.
The Shaman is a new miniboss that can only be found in the Goblin Village, he does not have any melee attacks and instead has 3 different spells he can cast based on his combat situation:
"Earthen Eruption" is the Shaman's main attack, this summons an earthen spike trail leading towards its target dealing 1 damage whenever a dwarf is standing under the spikes as they arise from the ground.
"Elemental Shove" is the Shaman's secondary attack, only being cast whenever the Shaman is under attack from dwarves in melee range. The Shaman first casts a gust of wind which will push any nearby dwarves away, then he raises a circle of earthen spikes around himself which deals 1 damage to any dwarf caught in the spikes.
"Ring of Rejuvenation" This is the Shaman's final spell, only being cast whenever more than half of the mobs around him are less than 70% health, or if the Shaman's health is below 70%. After casting, the shaman will send out a ring of healing expanding from him healing any goblin which touches the ring for 30% of their total health. This spell has a 10 second cooldown.
The shaman has 4 different items he can drop on death which are exclusive to his loot table.
Controller Support:
Added official controller support!
Plugging in a controller will automatically swap your controls to it.
A small cursor circle will appear instead of your mouse that you can move around with the left joystick in menus.
Controller binds can NOT be rebound at the moment.
Added new event room Goblin Village, which can be found in the Dwarven Caves.
Added new event room Abandoned Miner's Supply Cache, which can be found in both the Dwarven Caves and Crystal Caverns.
Added various crystals, chest spawns, rocks to Crystal Mega Room.
Added random prop variation to Crystal Mega Room.
Moved candles in Cursed Blade room.
Adjusted spawn chance of all event rooms and extractions.
Added epic trinket Magical Beads, which is dropped off the Goblin Shaman.
Added epic polearm Earthen Spike, which is dropped off the Goblin Shaman.
Added rare dagger Ritual Knife, which is dropped off the Goblin Shaman.
Added rare trinket Shaman Scarf, which is dropped off the Goblin Shaman.
Added epic item Escape Rope, which can be found in crates and Miner's Supply Caches.
(The escape rope is essentially a placeable extraction you and your allies can use to leave the caves at any time!)
Added epic potion Refillable Potion, which can be found in chests.
Added epic trinket Obsidian Pommel, which is dropped off Goblin Warriors.
Added epic trinket Humming Crystal, which can be found in chests.
Added rare boots Blastproof Boots, which can be found in chests.
Added rare trinket Silver Ring, which can be found in chests.
Added rare trinket Miner's Lunchbox trinket that spawns exclusively in Miner's Supply Caches.
Added common trinket Crystal Sharpening Stone, which can be found in chests.
Added common consumable Crude Goblin's Bandage, which is dropped off any Goblin.
Recall Potions now teleport ALL players to their destination.
Critical Strike Chance Potions now give Critical Strike Damage as well as Crit Chance.
Speed Potions now give Dexterity as well as Speed.
Doubled the bomb's damage against mobs.
Buffed Dirty Steel Bracers.
Speedy Boots now have a trail effect coming from each boot.
Changed Sharpening Stone Floor spawn range.
Removed revive potion from spawning in 1 player lobbies.
Added 4 new ambient music tracks that will randomly play based on which biome you are in. Music is synced across players in a run together. You'll soon be able to find these new music tracks on our official YouTube channel, a link to which can be found on the socials section of the main menu.
Dwarven Caves:
Prelude to Collapse - Adam Mansour
Subterranean Light - Adam Mansour
Crystal Caverns:
Dwarven Explorin - Adam Mansour
Crystalline Echoes - David Ripley
Dagger Tree
Added new talent, Evasive Reflexes: Having more than 40% dodge chance increases your dexterity.
Added new talent, Lethal Laceration: Mob hits have a chance to deal additional damage to the mob. This cannot deal a critical strike.
Revenge has a new connection between it and Soporific Ingredient.
In The Shadows now connects to Revenge instead of Soporific Ingredient.
Quick Reflexes now grants dodge chance, where as Defensive Reflexes now gives block chance, stats of both talents nerfed slightly.
Dazing Strike has a new connection to Defensive Reflexes. In The Shadows now requires you to have less than 30% block chance to proc.
Ranged Tree
Added new talent, Artiful Dodger: Dodging an attack increases your jump height for a very short duration.
Armor Tree
Push The Attack now grants you dexterity instead of critical strike chance.
Added new task The Goblin's Grand Plan.
Added controller support.
Added ambient music.
Added main menu setting to turn on random music.
Added auto sprint setting which allows your character to automatically sprint when holding a move key, holding shift with this setting makes you walk instead of sprint.
Added toggle sprint setting.
Added Controller sensitivities setting.
Added a setting to disable the controller.
Added HotbarCycleLeft and HotbarCycleRight keybinds to settings.
Added what region you are in while in a lobby.
Added USA South Central region.
Selecting a region will now tell you the legible name instead of the region's token, even when Choose Best is selected.
Scrolling through the hotbar now only scrolls between main hand weapons, not torches (but if you have the Burn talent, scrolling will include torches).
Pressing 'Escape' while binding a key now unbinds the key completely.
Doubled the xp gain on hardmode.
Trying to attack while sprinting will now stop your sprint, and allow you to attack.
Updated Cave Snake attack animation, added snake rattle before spitting on normal mode.
Changed placeholder cat message to be "Press chat key".
Tutorial pop-ups now show you the key you have bound used to hide the pop-up instead of the default key.
Movespeed now effects mob's movement acceleration as well.
Pressing your inventory key now closes you spell book and opens your inventory.
Working on mob ragdolls, bats have a test version of it now.
Added a setting to disable ragdolls.
If an item falls out of the world, it is now teleported back to the start room.
Fixed settings slider input value not taking decimal numbers.
Fixed streamer mode misspelled "Steamer Mode".
Fixed Close Quarters Combat talent not working.
Fixed a bunch of player clipping problems.
Fixed small issues with various rooms.
Fixed not being able to hide/show GUI when dead or spectating.
Fixed Crimson Slosh getting stuck on walls.
Fixed mob pathing on minecart tracks in Crystal Mega Room.
Fixed the boss music continuing to play forever.
Fixed slimes sliming boxes.
Fixed downed players being revived on the next floor.
[ 2023-09-25 01:23:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.59 to default branch @Dev Updates
Added moss to the Dwarven Caves, currently only in green but in the future multiple colors will be added!
Stalactites now have a chance to spawn with dripping water from them.
Various new additions to some Dwarven Cave rooms. (Chest spawns, new rocks/boulders, stalactites)
Changed Rock Climbing room to only spawn max once per floor.
Reworked some mob spawns.
Added new sword Champion's Greatsword, which can be found in the Crystal Caverns
Adjusted the floors certain crystal caverns items spawn on.
Reworked Ball of Crimson Slime Hardmode trinket.
Slightly nerfed Faster FASTER axe talent.
Adjusted Heavy Swings axe talent to require 2 points to reach 100% critical strike damage.
Rebalanced Berserker axe talent completely.
Added new task: Moss and Lichen.
Hovering over a task item will now display the required task.
Added an in-game text chat so you can communicate to other players as well as the /roll chat command.
Added a main menu music volume slider.
Adjusted the way you view stats so you can see the total of a stat as well as its practical effect to your character. (For example, if you have 121% block chance but you can only effectively use 100% it will now show both in the stats screen).
Added 5 new voicelines.
Majorly lowered the required xp to finish the first 6 tiers of the Expedition Pass.
XP gains have been rebalanced.
Added the ability to retire a character instead of deleting them, giving you xp based on your characters floor level and rarity of items in their inventory.
Added a tutorial pop-up when you learn a spell.
Added a region selection and ping counter on the hosting/joining screen.
Re-allowed character's names to contain numbers.
Added a poison icon for the scorpion's sting, as well as a stabbing sound when you are stung.
Fixed items not spawning past floor 20+.
Fixed projectiles not sticking into some objects and enemies.
Fixed projectiles causing a HUGE amount of network overhead.
Fixed prestiging not resetting task data.
Fixed Basic Training not working properly.
Fixed occasionally not being able to hear other player's footsteps.
Fixed player not being able to jump on boxes.
Fixed bug where player's downed timer would go negative if you have the infinite downed duration talent.
Fixed being able to shoot yourself with arrows.
Fixed mobs not being able to walk onto the braziers in the shrine room.
Fixed going to the next floor while the master is dead not working.
Fixed arrows being able to hit players.
Fixed degen talent not recalculating when swapping weapons.
Fixed the social buttons on the main menu not working.
Fixed loading in with a character on a high floor giving you xp, and being able to extract and increase that xp amount.
Fixed mobs getting stuck when their targeted player has taken an exit.
Fixed Mighty Manic talent and adjusted description.
Fixed battle hatchet description.
Fixed mobs rarely not playing idle animation.
If a player fails to load, their dwarf will be extracted and all other players will continue to the next floor.
[ 2023-08-08 04:08:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.548 to default branch @Dev Updates
Added new huge room to Crystal Caverns.
Added new jumping puzzle room to Dwarven Caves.
Slightly increased spawn chance of extracts in the Crystal Caverns.
Added mob spawn to Ancient Loot Room.
Dash now starts automatically with one point in it.
Torches Tree
Rearranged most of the torch early tree and connections to bow tree.
Added new torch talent "Safety Torch".
Added dark red text over the "Causes torches to be right handed" text in the burn talent.
Longer Life Torches now works with left handed torches as well.
Added new trinket Everburning Spark that can be found in both biomes on hard mode
Added new trinket Tiny Pizza Slice that can be found in the Dwarven Caves on hard mode
Added new polearm Luminious Halberd that can be found in both biomes
Added new axe Ancient Crystallized Hatchet that can be found in the Crystal Caverns.
Added new bow Pocketwhisper that can be found in the Crystal Caverns.
Nerfed Ancient Crystallized Rapier damage by 1.
Added multiple new voice lines.
Added a downed timer above a downed player's head.
Added a health bar pop-up when hovering over a player while you are holding a torch.
Added the interact key with the interactable pop-up text.
Added support for inverted mouse.
Added name filter to help prevent inappropriate names.
Made the dodge and block icon show up for longer.
Names now only include strings.
Changed error message when joining a lobby and either your version number is different or your region is different.
Changed Battleaxe Specialist icon.
Changed phase 2 on crystal golaith slow from -90% move speed to -50% move speed (The slow buff will be replaced with another mechanic in the near future).
Players now teleport back into the room they were previously in if they fall out of the world (if able).
Removed the interact key when hovering hover the bomb sign.
Removed all stalactite colliders (ceiling rocks).
Removed colliders from large hanging crystals in various crystal cavern rooms.
Reworked backend of talents, fixed various talent related bugs.
Further improved network overhead during attacking.
Performance should improve in all aspects slightly.
Fixed Sticky Skewer talent stunning player.
Fixed Serpent Strike not dropping.
Fixed not being able to revive downed players whose downed animation was bugged.
Fixed interactable text staying on the screen sometimes.
Fixed issue where mobs are stuck in each other, and appearing to duplicate once you get close.
Fixed main menu talent buffs doubling.
Fixed damage number popping up when going down floors.
Fixed mithril glaive collider.
Fixed tutorial bugs.
Fixed falling infinitely out of the world.
Fixed weird non-hittable dead mobs.
Fixed downed timer bugged out, and moved downed timer a bit higher.
[ 2023-07-26 09:03:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Uploaded build 0.508 to default branch
Added new mineshaft hallway room to Crystal Caverns
Separated Ancient Loot Room from Large Room. Added new section to both rooms.
Added new bomb sign to replace Dynamite. (In the future, dynamite will be used for a new wall you can blow up by lighting the dynamite with a torch)
Small adjustments to event room spawn chances
Increased height of spike pit kill barrier in Large Spikes room
Added and adjusted a couple rock formations in Dwarven Caverns rooms.
Completely reworked how Goliath Gutter works. Halved its attack damage, and added a brand new talent: Hitting a mob has a 50% chance to throw an axe dealing 100% weapon damage, and can chain up to 5 mobs.
Added new dagger Dagger Dagger, which can be found in the Dwarven Caves on Hard Difficulty
Added new trinket Holy Necklace, which can be found in the Dwarven Caves and the Crystal Caverns
Sticky Skewer talent rework, 25% chance on hit to stun the struck mob for 1 second.
The Cursed Blade will not miss an attack on a Lost Soul.
Blade of Lightning attack speed bonus from talent reduced from 5% to 3%
Made dash directional (left, right, and diagonals, no backwards).
Dagger Tree
Reduced Dagger Swiper's attack speed from 20% to 15%
Increased Dagger Swiper's proc chance from 4% to 5%
Reduced Stabber's from 2 points to 1 point
Polearm Tree
Increased Aggressive Stance points from 2 to 3
Increased Bloody Stream's chance to occur from 20% to 25%
Reduced Bloody Stream's weapon damage from .5 to .4
Adjusted Bloody Stream's description
Increased Ready To Strike's weapon range from .2 to .3
Increased Frontline's knockback from 3 to 4
Reduced Close Quarters Combat's attack speed from 5% to 4%
Lowered the cast time of jab spell to 0.1 seconds.
Axe Tree
Increased Renewed Stamina's block chance from 5% to 7%
Cleave spell can now hit crates.
XP on various tasks adjusted
Added new task called Basic Training
Adjusted snake description in Bestiary
All Crystal Caverns mobs now spawn in the unknown, including the Lost Soul. Majorly increased scaling health of the mobs as you go on in this biome.
Pressing V (or your chant button) while downed now will play the downed audio unranged, so all players can hear and find you.
Added 4k resolution (3840x2160)
Added new icons for poisons and bleeds (WIP on adding them to all existing talents/items)
Added voice lines when you've killed a boss, created a character, and more downed sounds.
Added a downed timer on the center of the screen.
Added attacking while prone, but halved your attack speed while prone.
Added a text pop-up only when you are above a certain ping, informing you that joining players may experience lag. Added an error pop-up if you try to join another lobby while you are already in one.
Capped all buffing potions max stacks to 1.
Fixed player not sprawling arms out on death while holding a torch or ranged weapon.
Fixed dagger talent "Revenge" killing the player.
Fixed some mobs infinitely walking into you while they try to attack.
Fixed spider's nest, spiders now will run towards a random player when awoken.
Fixed the spider's spider legs in the Spider Nest looking weird.
Fixed a collider issue on standard 3 doors.
Fixed Crit Chance potions not removing their critical strike chance.
Fixed Phantoms causing torches to be infinitely blown out.
Fixed helmets being a little too low on dead skeleton loot.
Fixed talents and items that gave you a stat based on another stat bugging out (on stat equal to talents).
Fixed the CAVE CRAWLERS chant not playing the same audio-clip on different clients.
Fixed Recall Potions working on boss floors.
Fixed being able to infinitely spam jump and fly.
Fixed Crushing Blow spell not dealing weapon damage.
Fixed stat checking talents not working.
Added a failsafe that triggers if the minecart has been still for too long, which then automatically readies your player.
Further improved the networking overhead during player attacking (basically working on reducing terrible latency).
Clicking on a skin you do not have only opens the steam page if its available on the steam store.
[ 2023-07-20 11:18:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Cave Crawlers is out, and FREE TO PLAY! We'd like to share a some of the latest and greatest features added to garner the excitement of our players!
Enchanted Trident: This is the very first legendary weapon added to the game! Unleash chain lightning upon your enemies, and witness the massive chains that can occur!
Ancient Shrine: The Ancient Shrine allows you to re-specialize your applied talent points. You must light the braziers to activate the shrine, and fight a huge group of angry mobs!
Dual Spells: You are now able to select two spells at a time, allowing for engaging gameplay using strategic decisions while you vanquish mobs, and die.
The Unknown: A mysterious biome shrouded by fog. Lost Souls wander around their own grave, and fiercely attack anyone willing to invade their space. This biome is meant to let players know that going further is futile.
Difficulty Selection: A stylish difficulty selection that effects various parts of your game, making it easier or harder to obtain the glorious loot in our caves. This really helps players who don't want such a difficult challenge, and vise versa!
Smaller Stuff!
Honeycomb Cleaver: Spawns bees when attacking! These fierce little bees attack whatever mobs they can for about 7 seconds.
Destructible Walls: These walls hold plenty of shiny loot behind them, but can only be blown up using a bomb, go try it! It looks EPIC!
Thank you to everyone who has play-tested our game in its early stages! All play-testers are granted a beautiful Indev shirt skin in the character customization. If you see someone with this shirt, show them some respect! They've been crawling through the caves for quite a while now.
Onward fellow Cave Crawlers!
[ 2023-07-11 06:46:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here's an overview of the features added in the past few months:
-Added the crypts
-New mobs: goblin, goblin warrior
-Added plenty of new tasks
-New weapon: Polearm
-Entire talent tree for Polearm
-Added trinket slot, and various new trinkets
-New permanent talent that stops the death timer while downed during bossfights
-Integrated player lobbies with steam lobbies
-Added bombs
-First legendary with chain-lightning: Enchanted Trident
-A LOT of bugs fixed.
MANY other features have not been described here. Frequent, real-time updates are shown in our official discord, where we also hold weekly play-tests! Come join us!
Onward fellow Cave Crawlers! Join us in the official discord to play during our weekly play-tests!
[ 2023-03-30 03:18:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
As a dwarf searching for treasure and glory, you'll find that your journey can be quite tough without some allies at your side. Each player uses their own personalized talents, spells, and items to help defeat treacherous bosses.
Crawl through the caves alone or with a group of friends! Cave Crawlers supports up to 10 players in one game. You must rely on the great strength and wit of your teammates to defeat the threats deep in the caves. Be careful though, the power of the caves grows as more dwarfs adventure together.BIOMES
As you explore, players will find complete environment changes, new enemies, and new items in each biome. In these biomes, you may stumble upon trapped rooms that contain magnificent rewards.BOSSES
Biomes will include their own themed boss. Each boss has its own challenging mechanics that must be overcome to gain access to the next biome. Bosses drop their own unique loot.DEATH
At the beginning of your journey, you will be able to create one character. Each character has its own set of items and expertise talents. When a character dies, they are permanently dead.LIGHT
The caves are extremely dark, players must make use of their limited light. Torches burn out over time, yet players may use their flint and steel in the darkest of situations.TALENTS AND SPELLS
Choose your path with over 100+ talents at your disposal. Will you ravage enemies with an axe? Swing extremely fast with a dagger? Heal allies with a torch? Become a tank and block attacks? Try each path and forge your own builds.ITEMS
Many unique and powerful items can be found throughout your journey. Each weapon has its own personal talent, helping you defeat increasingly difficult enemies.- Memory: 8 GB RAMStorage: 200 MB available space
- Storage: 200 MB available space
[ 6073 ]
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