Uploaded build 0.8 to default branch
To stay up to date on what we're actively working on, feel free to join our discord where we post regular development updates in our #development-updates channel, and often we pop in chat to chat with players or answer questions!
Removed Plague Rat event.
From 12/19/24 - 12/23/24 players will have 50% increased experience gains and an increased chance to find Rare, Epic, and Legendary items from chests.
From 12/19/24 - 12/27/24 there will be a Cave Crawlers themed art contest with a cash reward! Join our discord and look for the art-contest channels for info on how to submit.
Update Trailer:
Summarized Notes:
Added new biome: The Molten Collapse. This biome can be found between floors 21-30.

Added new boss Volacno, which can be found on floor 30.

Added 7 new mobs
The Dwarven Caves:
Cave Rat Forgotten Guardian
The Molten Collapse:
Magma Guard Fiery Cyclone Stoneling Living Flame Lava Wyrm

Reworked multiplayer with a lobby/room search.
You can now see all public rooms in your current region. You can only join a public room if your dwarf's highest achieved floor is 4 or under.
New Features:
Clicking on the Room Name, Difficulty, or Players category at the top will sort the list by that category. Refresh button. The room list auto-refreshes every now and then. Join Random button that allows you to join a random room from the list. Added a chat window while in a room.

Added 7 new achievements. Added 42 new items. Added 8 new perks. Added 21 new voicelines. Added 4 new event rooms.
Reworked Forgotten Crypts into Forgotten Catacombs which requires a key to enter.

Added a Cave Collapse mechanic. When half of the alive players uses an exit, this will cause a cave collapse timer to appear, periodically shaking the caves, producing falling rocks, and dealing damage to all players. All players that fail to use the exit by the end of the timer will die. Greatly expanded Polearm, Dagger, Sword, Axe and Hammer expertise talent trees.
Detailed Patch Notes
Added new multiplayer lobby system Replaced the old multiplayer screen with a lobby/room search. You can now see all public rooms in your current region. You can only join a public room if your dwarf's highest achieved floor is 4 or under. New Features: Clicking on the Room Name, Difficulty, or Players category at the top will sort the list by that category. Refresh button. The room list auto-refreshes every now and then. Join Random button that allows you to join a random room from the list. Added a chat window while in a room.
Added new event room Heroes Rest, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new event room Molten Ancient Ruins, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new event room Ambushed Supply Route, which can be found within the Dwarven Caves and Crystal Caverns. Added new event room Forgotten Catacombs Entrance, which requires a key to access the Forgotten Catacombs. Renamed Forgotten Crypts to Forgotten Catacombs. Added Lava Geysers. Added a Cave Collapse mechanic. The first player to use an exit will cause a cave collapse timer to appear, periodically shaking the caves, producing falling rocks, and dealing damage to all players. All players that fail to use the exit by the end of the timer will die. Added closed gates that randomly spawn inbetween each room within the Molten Collapse. Added ladders. Added colliders to mob pit room to prevent players getting stuck behind fallen bridge. Added breakable Clay Pots. Added floating rocks that sink after a delay when more than one player or mob stands on them. Lowered the spawn chance of a chest in Crystal Caverns 3 Door Medium Room. Increased spawn chance of chests in Crystal Caverns Mega Room. Updated loot pool of potion spawns in Spider's Nest event room. Added a backpack spawn in the Lost Miner's Supply Cache event rooms. Reworked mob pit room in Dwarven Caves, added a new ladder and bridge section. Added more stalacmites to 3 door Dwarven Caves room. Added a new chest spawn in the Spider Nest event room. Removed darker rocks in Dwarven Caverns start room. Added a new rock pile spawn in both Dwarven Caves exit rooms. Lowered spawn chance of Ancient weapon loose loot spawns in Crystal Caverns 3 Doors Room. Some Catacombs coffins may spawn a Lost Soul when opened. Added a new ladder to Dwarven Caves Large 3 Doors Room. Revamped minecart code. If the minecart falls off the tracks, you are automatically exited. Added a 30 second failsafe delay to exit the player while on the minecart. Change the minecart tracks to be less bumpy. The player's camera is no longer locked while riding the minecart. Added more trinkets to rock pile loot table.
Added perk "Reuse and Recycle" with desc: "When using a bandage, there's a 20% chance that it won't be consumed." Added perk "Blowback" with desc: "Doubles the knockback you receive from mob attacks." Added perk "Kill Me Later" with desc: "Taking damage has a 50% chance to prevent that damage, and store it as a debuff. If damage is not stored, you take all damage stored over the next few seconds." Added perk "Blastproof" with desc: "You're immune to explosive damage from other players." Added perk "Rebound" with desc: "Taking damage resets the cooldown of the spell 'Dash.'" Added perk "Endurance Spark" with desc: "Striking with flint and steel temporarily reduces how fast your torch loses duration." Added perk "Twisted Luck" with desc: "When a mimic swallows your weapon, there is a 20% chance it will upgrade to a higher rarity." Added perk "Deceptive Fortune" with desc: "Increases the chance to find mimics by 4%." Deceptive fortune mimic perk stacks with players. Changed Crawler's Crate perk from a Circle to a Square slot, reworked to stack crates based on how many players have the perk equipped, up to 10.
Added a "Go Online" button that allows players with an active internet connection to reconnect to the multiplayer servers. Added the ability to swap between passes. Added an in-game player list when you press escape. You can see every players healthbar, as well as view their Steam profile. Added a "Steam" button on players in a lobby that takes you to their Steam profile. Added multiple Molten Collpase rooms to be shown in the main menu background. Changing any volume slider in the settings now changes the current volume while the settings is open. Getting within range of an interactable while holding the interact button will start the interaction with that object, without having to press the button again. Added warning for playing with more than 5 players. Set default FPS limit to 300. Buff text is now colored.
Added floor 30 boss Volacno Added new mob, Stoneling. Added new mob, Magma Guard. Added new mob, Cave Rat. Added new mob, Living Flame. Added new mob, Fiery Cyclone. Added new mob, Forgotten Guardian. Added new mob, Lava Wyrm. Added Lava Wyrm mounting with saddle Added a screen effect when the player is inside the Crimson Slosh. Added a very short delay to the Crimson Slosh's damage collider. Bats will now only start spawning on floor 3. Ranged mobs will try to get LOS of the player before attacking. Mimics now drop chest loot.
Added new task "Rocky Record". Added new task Ghastly Presence. Added new task Grave Robber. Added new task Grounds Keeping. Added new task Extreme Flower Picking Added new task Stone Smashing. Added new task Timed Terror. Added new task Headache. Added the rare skin Weathered Chainmail Pants as a reward from the task Grave Robber. Added the rare skin Cobalt Gloves as a reward from the task The Huntsman. Lowered level requirement to get the task Big Threat from 20 -> 15. Updated icon to the task The Goblin's Grand Plan. Updated Lost Equipment task description. Updated Missing Quota task description.
Added new rare key Catacombs Key, which drops off Ancient Guardians. Added new rare backpack Potion Pouch, which can be found in the Dwarven Caves. Added new common hammer Blackstone Hammer, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common sword Blackstone Rapier, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common sword Blackstone Broadsword, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common axe Blackstone Hatchet, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common axe Blackstone Battleaxe, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common dagger Blackstone Dagger, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common polearm Blackstone Spear, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common dagger Battle Knife, which can be found in the Dwarven Caves. Added new rare hammer Boulder Basher, which drops off Stonelings. Added new epic dagger Elemental Shiv, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare sword Quicksilver Broadsword, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common trinket Molten Sharpening Stone, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new epic item Leather Saddle, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common boots Fur-Lined Boots, which can be found in the crystal caverns. Added new rare helmet Defender's Helm, which can be found in the molten collapse Added new epic axe Soul Slasher, which can be found in the Molten Collapse Added new common bow Blackstone Bow, which can be found in the molten collapse Added new rare polearm Wyrmslayer's Spear, which drops off Lava Wyrms. Added new rare potion Dodge Potion. Added new rare trinket Noble's Necklace, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new rare bow Marksman's Longbow, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare dagger Venenum, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare axe Devastating Cleaver, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare polearm Gilded Longspear, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare sword Guard's Greatsword, which drops off of Magma Guards. Added new epic hammer Bloodforged Mass, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new epic polearm Serrated Poker, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added 4 new epic weapons which drop off Volacno: Ebonfire Cleaver, Ebonfire Slasher, Ebonfire Pike, Ebonfire Longblade. Added new epic boots Magma Resistant Boots, which can only be found within the Molten Collapse. Added new common helmet Dark Leather Hood, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common boots Dark Leather Boots, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new common trinket Dark Leather Bracers, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare dagger Searing Kris, which is dropped off Living Flames. Added new rare trinket Bronze Pocket Watch, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare helmet Assassin's Bandana, which can be found in the Molten Collapse. Added new rare axe Fiery Waraxe, which are dropped from Fiery Cyclones. Added new rare hammer Acidic Slammer, which can be found within the Molten Collapse. Changed Blacksteel Helmet to spawn on floors 21 and above. Reduced the highest floor various Crystal Caverns weapon drops can spawn at. Attack Speed Potions now additionally increase your reload speed by 20%. Majorly improved bees flying system, they should be more consistent and useful now. Bees can no longer go through walls. Changed potion buff effects to show the potion's icon instead of the buffs icon. Increased Basic Sword's block chance from kill effect from 2% -> 4% per stack, changed max stacks to 5. Increased Basic Hatchet's bonus damage proc chance from 15% -> 20%. Changed Molten weapon set from rare -> common quality, increased the earliest floor they can be found on from 21 -> 25. Lowered Molten Blade's heavy strike critical strike damage increase from 150% -> 100%. Lowered Plate Fighting Helmet's block chance from 40% -> 30%. Increased Horned Helmet's block chance from 17% -> 25%, additionally increased movement speed from 0% -> 5%. Reduced the cast time of the Magical Beads "Healing Aura" spell to 1.5 seconds. Certain potions now have a specific Stack Type, and can no longer be stacked together. The Crystal Torch can no longer be found past floor 20. Recall Potion is no longer in the Refillable Potion pool. Reworked Theznud's Slayer's weapon effect to: Casting "Heavy Strike" increases your critcal strike damage by 150%, but additionally reduces your attack speed by 15% for 4 seconds. Reworked Luminous Halberd's weapon effect to: While above 10% movement speed, you have a 25% chance on hit to reset the cooldown of the spell "Dash". Reworked Blade of Lightning to: 15% chance on swing to gain Lightning Speed. Lightning Speed increases your attack speed and movement speed by 3%, but additionally reduces your critical strike chance by 5%. Lasts 4 seconds per stack. Sharpening Stone, Crystal Sharpening Stone, and Molten Sharpening Stone now all give +1 Added Damage. Rebalanced which weapons can be found on which floors within chests, especially with rare and epic weapons. Strange Sword can now only be found on hardmode. Increased base damage on Ancestor's Battlehammer from 15 -> 19. Reduced critical strike chance of Hellish Cleaver from 12% -> 10%. Increased critical strike chance of Cultist's Cutter from 10% -> 12%. Increased critical strike chance of The Crimson Blade from 12% -> 15%. Cobalt Weapons now stop spawning at floor 15. Changed various Crystal Caverns weapons to stop spawning past the early floors of the Molten Collapse. Increased critical strike chance of Sword in a Stone from 10% -> 13%. Increased critical strike chance of Hero's Sword from 12% -> 15%. Increased critical strike chance of Cageblace from 12% -> 15%. Lowered critical strike chance of Cobalt Axe from 12% -> 10%. Lowered critical strike chance of Cobalt Spear from 12% -> 10%. Lowered critical strike chance of Cobalt Hammer from 12% -> 10%. Increased base damage of Gorestrike from 11 -> 20, critical strike chance from 8% -> 17%. Gorestrike can now be found within the Molten Collapse. Jeweled Golden Rapier can now be found within the Molten Collapse. Increased Jeweled Golden Rapier base damage from 5 -> 7, critical strike chance from 8% -> 15%, talent proc damage from 2 -> 5. Updated Leather Hood item Icon. Crystal Sharpening Stone can no longer be found past floor 20. Nerfed Digested Steelbow damage from 18 -> 15. Increased Beetle's Breaker critical strike chance from 13% -> 15%. Lowered Goliath Greatsword damage from 25 -> 21, lowered critical strike chance from 20% -> 17%, changed bonus critical strike damage proc rate from every 8 -> 4 hits. Lowered Goliath Gutter's critical strike chance from 18% -> 17%, lowered critical strike damage bonus from 20% -> 0%. Lowered Goliath Ripper damage from 12 -> 10.
Added 7 new achievements. Added battle pass selection functionality Added 21 new voicelines. Added player voiceline interactions. Buff durations above 60 seconds will now be converted into minutes. Added a slight delay on scrolling to save some network usage. Added buff stack types, where the maximum number of active buffs of the same type is determined by the buff's specified max stacks. The bestiary is now sorted by mobs' native biome. Added new loading screen tips. Added custom Steam status. Other player health bars now display the player's downed time left bar.
The "Set Floor" button now also loads the floor. Using the "Heal" dev command a downed player will now revive, as well as heal them. Added button "Equip Floor Kit" in the Experimental Tools panel that fully equips your player with a weapon, potions, and gear based on the current floor. Added the ability to spawn mobs in the Experimental Tools panel.
Changed spell "Crushing Blow" to spell "Windrazor" with desc: "Spin your weapon around you, striking nearby enemies for weapon damage, stunning them, and dealing increased knockback." Item talent cooldowns are now saved between floors. Added spell "Death Sentence" with desc: "Strike your enemy dealing 50% weapon damage, this places a Death Sentence on the struck mob. After 6 seconds, Death Sentence deals 50% of all damage taken during that time. If the mob dies before Death Sentence deals its damage, the stored damage is split between all nearby mobs and dealt instantly." Added a new polearm expertise talent Shocking Snare: Stunning a mob additionally slows them for 10 seconds. Added new hammer talent Follow Through: After casting the spell "Slam", gain attack damage for a short duration. Changed dagger talent "Ant Man" to stay in effect even when you are not holding a weapon, adjusted description. Changed Soporific Ingredient and Secret Tactics to choose one type talents. Added talent choices, where activating one talent prevents you from activating another. Added new hammer talent, Sacred Seal: "After casting the spell "Holy Strike", grant a random nearby player additional attack damage for a short duration." Nerfed axe talent Heavy Swings critical strike damage per point from 50% -> 35%. Spaced out later axe talents a little, did not change any connections between talents this is simply a visual change. Added a new axe talent icon. Added new axe talent, Swift Cleave: "Chance on hit to reduce the cooldown of "Cleave" by 1 second." Reduced Critical Knockout max points from 2 -> 1, increased stun duration per point from 1 -> 2 seconds. Added new axe talent, Critical Cleave: "Dealing a critical strike reduces the cooldown of "Cleave"." Added new hammer talent, Fortified: "Blocking an attack or taking damage has a high chance to give you and a nearby player increased attack speed." Increased Dazing Strike max points from 1 -> 2, lowered Chance To Hit reduction per point from 15% -> 10%, changed Chance to Occur to scale with number of points. Added new dagger talent, Improved Dazing Strike: "Appling "Dazing Strike" additionally has a 50% chance to stun the affected mob for 1 second." Changed Leadership to occur when you deal a critical strike, instead of when you kill a mob. Added new sword talent, Intimidating Aura: "After casting any spell, all nearby mobs take 10% increased damage from all sources for a short duration." Added new polearm talent, Expose Weakness: "Stunning a mob increases its damage taken for 4 seconds." Added new armor talent, Blowback: "Blocking an attack has a chance to stun up to 3 nearby mobs for 3 seconds." Added new ranged talent, Mobile Maniac: "Casting either "Dash" or "Evasion" while holding a ranged weapon increases your movement speed by 3% per stack until you stand still." Added a new talent type, choose one talents. Changed Degen and Brittle Blade to choose one type talents. Added polearm talent "Hasty Windrazor" with desc: "Dealing damage has a chance to reduce the cooldown of the spell "Windrazor"." Added new expertise talent icons. Moved hammer talent Improved Thundering Blows. Swapped Protector and Weighted swings talent positions. Added new polearm talent Hasty Windrazor: For each target struck with the spell "Windrazor," reduce it's cooldown. Added new hammer talent Blood Rush: Casting the spell "Slam" greatly increases your critical strike damage for 3 seconds or until you deal a critical strike. Added new hammer talent Lightning Quick Combo: Casting the spell "Thunder Crash", grants you 100% movement speed for a brief moment. Changed blood rush to "Casting the spell "Slam" greatly increases your critical strike damage for 3 seconds." Added new ranged talent Favored Winds: Low chance on hit to reset the cooldown of Rapid Fire. Added new dagger talent Trickster: Dealing damage has a 20% chance to increase your dagger critical strike damage by 15% for 10 seconds. Removed connection between Slasher and Hack n Slash. Added connection between Hold The Line and Taunt. Reworked Forgotten Power: Gain a huge burst of critical strike chance after casting "Heavy Strike". Sword talent Counter Strike no longer needs max points from Brute Gold to reach, updated talent description. Added new sword talent Self Made: Gain a 20% damage multiplier for 5 seconds after casting "Heavy Strike", "Heavy Strike" no longer increases the damage a mob takes when struck. Added new sword talent Improved Heavy Strike: The spell "Heavy Strike" increases damage the struck mob takes by an additional 10% on hit. Added new sword talent Reverberating Blows: Casting "Heavy Strike" now increases the damage taken of all nearby mobs by 30% for 4 seconds. Added new sword talent Swift Heavy Strike: Reduce the cooldown of the spell "Heavy Strike". Updated Lucky Strikes talent description. Moved sword talent Fencing Practice, added connection from Defensive Reflexes. Added sword talent Swift Precise Thrust: Low chance on hit to reduce the cooldown of the spell "Precise Thrust" by 2 seconds. Added new hammer talent Plated Up: Blocking an attack increases your critical strike damage for a short duration. Added new hammer/axe talent Powerplay: Stunning or slowing a mob has a low chance to increase your damage. Added new hammer/axe talent Mishmash: Casting any spell increases your attack speed for a short duration. Nerfed hammer talent Pummel's critical strike chance per point from 4% -> 3%. Nerfed hammer/axe talent Mighty Maniac's critical strike chance per point from 6% -> 5%. Reworked dagger talent Dagger Swipper: Mob hits have a 15% chance to grant you increased attack speed, and additionally reduced critical strike damage for 4 seconds. Increased sword talent Sword Swiper's damage range from 1 -> 1.5 per point, increased it's cooldown from 2 -> 5 seconds, updated description. Added new sword talent Edge Of Glory: Casting the spell "Precise Thrust" resets the cooldown of "Sword Swiper". Updated sword talent Leadership to additionally proc its effect when you cast Precise Thrust. Added new sword talent Steel Tempest: Whenever the talent "Sword Swiper" occurs, you have a chance to gain increased attack damage for a short duration. Increased sword talent Keeping Distance's max stacks from 2->3. Added new sword talent Confident Slashes: While above 3 weapon range and using a Rapier, critical strikes have a low chance to give you confidence, increasing your attack speed gradually over a duration before fading away. Added new sword talent Improved Confidence: Whenever "Confident Slashes" ends, some of your confidence lingers increasing your damage with Rapiers by 10% for a short duration. Added new armor talent icons. Rearranged many of the visual connections wtihin the armor expertise tree. Added new armor talent Ego Boost: Having 50 threat or more increases your block chance. Added new armor talent Ancestor's Favor: Hitting a mob increases your block chance by 1%. All applications of this buff on your character are removed upon triggering a Boon. Added new armor talent Heroes Boon: Gaining 5 stacks of "Ancestor's Blessing" grants all players "Heroes Boon" which increases damage done for 10 seconds. Added new armor talent Warrior's Boon: Gaining 10 stacks of "Ancestor's Blessing" grants you "Warrior's Boon" which makes you immune to damage for a brief moment. Reworked armor talent Intervene: After any player goes down, gain a huge burst of movement speed. Added new armor talent Brave: Whenever a Boon occurs, gain increased block chance for a short duration. Added new armor talent Vampire: Blocking an attack marks the mob who struck you as "Bitten", grealty slowing their movement speed until killed. Blocking an attack no longer ignores damage dealt to you. Added new axe talent icons. Added new axe expertise talent Brutalist: "Casting the spell "Cleave" or "Death Sentence" increases your critical strike chance for a short duration." Reworked axe expertise talent Pitcher: "Critical strikes have a chance to increase the damage of your next hit." Reworked axe expertise talent Obsidian Edge: "Every third swing increases your critical strike chance until your next hit." Added new axe talent Defensive Cleave: "Blocking an attack resets your cooldown on "Cleave"." Added new axe talent Viking: "Dealing damage with a hatchet has a low chance to deal a huge amount of weapon damage. This effect cannot deal a critical strike." Added new axe talent Warlord: "Casting "Cleave" with a battle axe GREATLY increases your battle axe critical strike chance for 2 seconds or until you deal a critical strike." Added new axe talent Devastating Blows: "Casting any spell has a low chance to increase your battle axe critical strike damage by 200% until your next critical strike." Added new axe talent Grippier Grip: "Increases axe attack damage." Added new axe talent Viking Battleshout: "Whenever the talent "Viking" occurs, increase all players attack speed for 10 seconds." Added new axe talent Iron Resolve: "While above 100% block chance and wielding a battle axe, casting "Cleave" deals one damage to you and increases your damage by 20% for 5 seconds ramping up by 20% every second to a maximum of 100%. The damage from this talent can be blocked or dodged." Added new armor talent, Twilight Chomp: "Killing a mob that has the "Bitten" debuff on them heals you." Added new armor talent, Dark Leech: "Dealing a critical strike to a "Bitten" mob has a very low chance to heal you." Added new hammer talent, Impact Mastery: "While at or below 30% critical strike chance, you have greatly increased critical strike damage." Added new hammer talent, Heavy Reinforcement: While at or above 65% block chance, gain greatly increased critical strike chance. Added new hammer talent, Shattering Momentum: Casting the spell "Thunder Crash", has a chance to reset the cooldown of "Slam". Added new hammer talent, At Any Cost: Gain block chance for a short duration after losing health. Added new hammer talent, Unbreakable: "While at or above 65% block chance, dealing a critical strike reduces your block chance by 20% but additionally increases your damage dealt by 10% for 10 seconds." Removed armor talent Tank's max stacks, reduced cooldown from 3 -> 1 second. Nerfed hammer talent Pummel's critical strike chance from 4% -> 3% per point. Swapped Pikeman and Critical Surge positions in polearm tree. Added new polearm talent, String Em Up: "Casting the spell "Jab" reduces the cooldown of "Windrazor"." Added new polearm talent, Cheap Shot: "Dodging an attack stuns all nearby mobs for 1 second." Polearm talent Improved Vengeful no longer needs max points in previous talent to reach. Added new polearm talent, Quick With It: "Casting the spell "Windrazor" greatly increases your dexterity for a short duration." Added new polearm talent, Dashingly Dodgy: "Casting the spell "Dash" greatly increases your dodge chance for a brief moment." Added new polearm talent, Improved Jab: "Casting the spell "Jab" increases your attack speed for a short duration." Removed connection between Holy Aura and Blaze of Life.
Fixed Improved Thundering Blows damage reverting damage dealt after effect ended. Fixed talent "Improved Thundering Blows" not proccing. Fixed fog not working in The Unknown. Fixed health bar bug. Fixed Cave Crawlers taking greater than 30 seconds load on startup, causing crashes for many players. The game now loads in ~3 seconds, 10x faster. Fixed spectators not leaving the game after all players have left. Fixed dead bats floating in the air. Fixed collision issue with a specific web in Spider's Nest event room by rearranging some of the room. Fixed joining players disconnecting from server after failing to connect to the hosts region, with the error "InvalidRegion." Fixed the spectating UI covering the boss health bar. Fixed the Character Slot reward in the battle pass not displaying it's name. Fixed players with the "Undying Will" talent instantly dying after a boss fight has ended. Fixed game chat not scrolling down when a message has been received. Fixed on crit talents dealing their talent effect to the wrong mob. Fixed weapon "Earthen Spike" not actually dealing damage when the spikes appear on the mob. Fixed colliders on some hanging stalactites in Dwarven Caves. Fixed player's audio pitch lowering while in a minecart. Fixed an issue that caused no common weapons to spawn on floor 4. Fixed issues with Abandoned Minecart Exit event room clipping into other rooms by adjusting room geometry. Fixed weapons sometimes not breaking crates when thrown at them. Fixed some items not being able to be picked up when dropped ontop of a crate. Fixed skull pendant trinket showing on character model. Fixed Thunder Crash description not including spell's coolodown. Fixed the "Enchanted Trident" not causing a lightning chain after dealing a crit and killing a mob. Fixed spelling errors in task descriptions of Stylish Exit and Tough Guy. Fixed issue with rocks spawn in rock climbing room. Fixed grammar error in Forgotten Miner's Helmet name. Fixed and changed colliders on various stalagmites. Fixed Goliath Gutter not hitting plague rats correctly. Fixed being able to have the Ant Man talent's size without the talent being activated. Fixed model rotation issue on Ancient Twinbow. Fixed model rotation issue on Adventurer's Backpack. Fixed minecarts spazzing out while in multiplayer lobbies. Fixed minecarts being affected by bombs. Fixed hovered buff info not spacing the stat name correctly. Fixed flying mobs wandering into walls and getting stuck on them. Fixed mobs wandering extremely short distances. Fixed mobs not correctly prioritizing certain attacks first. Fixed an issue with colliders in Crystal Caverns Mega room. Fixed floor of Golaith's Burrow causing scorpions to rarely spawn outside the room Fixed the Spider attack still being able to hit the player too far into the animation. Fixed ready counter showing incorrect values after readied players have left. Fixed some tick over time buffs granting stats after expiring prematurely.
[ 2024-12-19 20:59:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
As a dwarf searching for treasure and glory, you'll find that your journey can be quite tough without some allies at your side. Each player uses their own personalized talents, spells, and items to help defeat treacherous bosses.
Crawl through the caves alone or with a group of friends! Cave Crawlers supports up to 10 players in one game. You must rely on the great strength and wit of your teammates to defeat the threats deep in the caves. Be careful though, the power of the caves grows as more dwarfs adventure together.BIOMES
As you explore, players will find complete environment changes, new enemies, and new items in each biome. In these biomes, you may stumble upon trapped rooms that contain magnificent rewards.BOSSES
Biomes will include their own themed boss. Each boss has its own challenging mechanics that must be overcome to gain access to the next biome. Bosses drop their own unique loot.DEATH
At the beginning of your journey, you will be able to create one character. Each character has its own set of items and expertise talents. When a character dies, they are permanently dead.LIGHT
The caves are extremely dark, players must make use of their limited light. Torches burn out over time, yet players may use their flint and steel in the darkest of situations.TALENTS AND SPELLS
Choose your path with over 100+ talents at your disposal. Will you ravage enemies with an axe? Swing extremely fast with a dagger? Heal allies with a torch? Become a tank and block attacks? Try each path and forge your own builds.ITEMS
Many unique and powerful items can be found throughout your journey. Each weapon has its own personal talent, helping you defeat increasingly difficult enemies.- Memory: 8 GB RAMStorage: 200 MB available space
- Storage: 200 MB available space
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