This build is made with unreal engine 5 early access. Everything seems to be going well, except imparting velocity when standing on fast moving objects seems disabled to me as a developer. That means the "space" levels in the 2d mode dont work properly. the the level Rat Rocket in the 3d mode has been disabled.
introducing mechanic: clipping/ghost
you can clip through very thin walls. This also adds two jumps to your total jump count, if used when you are out of jumps.
updated intro levels. After the apartment cutscene you now load into "Pond", which leads to tutorial_map_x
other stuff i did, but didn't document, and are now lost, yet present.
Thanks for checking out the development process!
There is a now a link to the android beta and discord in the main menu of the game
This game is still in development. Your game “Pets” glitches because your real pet takes a leak on it. Can you make it through and fix the glitching game?
You find a retro console at a garage sale. One of the games “Pets” falls victim to a pee attack and suffers severe damage (this wouldn’t have happened had you paid attention to your real pet instead of your virtual one). Play as a character in the glitching game. Speed-run or explore every nook-and-cranny. Gain achievements and pet skins. Discover the lore of GlitchPets!
(more story/cutscenes still being implemented, expect updates to all content)
Link to the Discord can be found in the game, under the credits section
lots of content already// Go Back to the Portal_Room at any time from the ESC menu// change pets with tab, P, // respawn with R, select // zoom with 1/2, 2ndary triggers or mousewheel // Triple jump with triggers, face button, spacebar, mouse1, look around with mouse/game joystick, move with ASWD/Joystick
66+ animals / pet skins with way more to come (all unlocked in multiplayer, collected in singleplayer)
Simple yet challenging game mechanics, movement, acceleration, & 3 jumps to keep momentum or slow it down