🎮 Full Controller Support

Ninano now support Traditional Chinese and Portuguese.
You can change the language in the title screen - Language. If you see a case where the text output is not working properly, please report it and I will fix it.
- Changed the font of some languages to a more readable font. - You could buy confession items at the general store when you had a resident you could date, but now you can buy them at the general store without any conditions. - Slightly increased the width of the dialogue character name window. - Changed the background color of the skill app description window from brown to gray for readability.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed rice was not visible in the general store. - Fixed some sound effects were not affected by the option - sound - Sfx value. - Fixed the position of the reward text and image was strange when the quest app was first opened. - Fixed the reward item name in the quest app went over the screen if it was long. If no critical bugs are found, this will likely be the last update of the year. The next update aims to add more items, food, recipes, and resident conversations. It will probably take some time until the next patch. I hope you all finish this year well and have a happy new year.
[ 2024-12-31 01:50:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Slightly reduced game loading time. May vary depending on computer specifications.
- You can now sort refrigerator item slots. - When you put not moving seafood such as seaweed in a Fishbowl, it will be randomly located at the bottom of the Fishbowl.
Bug fixes
- Fixed fish in an installed Fishbowl would float upwards - Fixed Fishbowl could not be installed next to each other - Fixed fish would not move if you put not moving seafood in a Fishbowl, took it out, and then put fish in it - Fixed weeds would sometimes be generated in the same location on the ranch - Fixed Weird Dish would always come out when you raised the rarity in 'Follow Recipe', closed the window, and cooked at a lower rarity in 'Cook Freely' - Fixed dishes with a higher level than the original level would sometimes come out when 'Cook Freely' - Fixed the brightness was different from other places when at the Mine Entrance - Fixed the preview of installed items would appear reversed left and right
[ 2024-12-18 09:21:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone. A user reported a bug that caused the game to freeze. It was an issue that occurred when moving from the Ranch to the Stores the after seeing Koby's green heart event. I thought that the game freezing was a big issue, so hotfix was released with this bug fixed first. I appreciate to all the users who provided feedback. I will continue to improve the gameplay experience. If you find any other issues, please let me know by Steam Discussion or the official Discord server. Thank you!
[ 2024-12-14 09:13:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You can now craft 'Grass Sculpture' at the crafting table. When you place a 'Grass Sculpture' in ranch, weeds will no longer grow. This was added to reduce the hassle of having to manage weeds in ranch every time, and to also serve as a decorative element. - When it gets dark in the evening, streetlights installed throughout the town will turn on. - You can now use the help app with a controller.
- Changed the color of the 'Mayonnaise Maker' image to be cleaner - Changed the color of the 'Oil Extractor' image to be cleaner
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the colors of the fur obtained from the pink rabbit and the yellow rabbit were swapped - Fixed unlocking potions in the potion shop did not require money, but could not be progress when the money was below a certain level - Fixed the number of materials required to unlock 'Treasure Chest Potion' in the potion shop was not counted - Fixed the color of the grass in the underground lake of the mine did not match the season - Fixed the interior of one of the residents moving in was affected by the weather - Fixed the cursor was not initially visible when opening the quest app while using a controller - Fixed the cursor was not initially visible when opening the help app while using a controller
[ 2024-12-11 13:26:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- From now on, when you open the Quest app, the unlocked items will be displayed first. Pressing the Sort button will sort by unlocked items first or quest ID ascending order. - You can show or hide resident icons by pressing the Filter button in the Map app.
- Add three new quests called 'Expand new area'. The goal for 'Expert Ranch Owner', which is unlocked by clearing 'Ranch Rookie', was too high, so I decided that there should be quests that acts as a bridge between the two quests so that many users can follow the goal. - Add three magic accessories that increase the growth rate of animals. Each item can be obtained as a quest reward or a village construction reward.
- The fishing shop's closing day has been changed from Friday to Monday. I thought that if the fishing shop and blacksmith are closed on the same day, there would be significant restrictions on the content that can be enjoyed when your fishing rod is broken. Ravi, the owner of the fishing shop, also changed her schedule to match the Monday closing. - The reward for the 'Ranch Rookie' quest has been changed from 'Brush' to 'Cat Paw Gloves'. I decided that it would be easier to play the game if it was easier to place animals in the early stages of the game. - The reward for building a cafe has been changed from diamonds to magic accessory.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed text cut off if it was long - Fixed couldn't eat meat made with a cultured machine until you turned game off and on again - Fixed character would be drawn on the armrest of the sofa when sitting on it - Fixed selection would sometimes not work properly when moving pages on Resident app by using controller - Fixed cursor move strange when scrolling on Quest app by using controller
[ 2024-12-06 08:15:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Improved Contacts App
Many users said want to get more information from the Contacts app, so I have made the following changes to reflect the feedbacks. - The app name has been changed from Contacts to Residents. - It will show you the current intimacy level by drawing a heart. (The exact number is not shown on purpose.) - It will show you the detailed information of the selected resident on the right side of the screen. (Illustration, name, job, loved gifts) - The loved gifts will be shown when the intimacy heart is purple or higher. - It will show you how the color of the heart changes. - It will show you the maximum intimacy level for each resident. - It has been changed from scrolling to page mode. - Some text is currently translated by a machine, but it will be replaced when the translation company completes the translation.
Codex app changes
- The size of the fish detailed information UI has been made slightly larger. - Fish that appear in all seasons will be marked as 'All Seasons' instead of 'Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter'. - It will show you a silhouette instead of a question mark for fish that you have not caught yet. - The background image has been changed to a color and pattern that matches the water.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Aquarium Staff House would not activate until the game was restarted after building the Aquarium - Fixed Gourmet Yogurt's category being incorrectly set to Eggs instead of Food
[ 2024-11-29 13:41:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Convenience Improvement
There was a opinion that it was difficult to know today in the calendar app, so I changed the background color of today's date to make it easier to see at a glance.
I changed the following two things to make the game easier to feel by increasing the income sources in the early part of the game. - Changed the selling price of Herb from 0 Jelly to 2 Jelly. - Changed the ranch to have grasses growing here and there on the first day of the game.
- Added Discord button on the bottom left of the title screen. Clicking the button will connect to the official Discord server. - Added layouts when using a controller in 'Option - Controls'. - Added a controller image to show which function is mapped to which button when using a controller in 'Option - Controls'. The button positions in the image may be slightly different from the actual controller.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where new grasses would not created when there were less than a certain number of empty spaces in the ranch.
[ 2024-11-24 18:03:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Discord server opened
I created a Discord server to receive your opinions, bug reports, etc. smoothly. Since I am not familiar with Discord, I have hired a Discord manager to help me run Discord for a while. The manager will manage the server and respond to users for about 2~3 months, but the period may change. I will also check Discord from time to time. You can enter Discord through the link below. https://discord.gg/XwRXkRYKXu
Improved convenience
Change control keys
From now on, you can change the control keys as you like in Options - Controls. (Some special keys such as Insert and Home are not possible) If you configure the control keys only with the keyboard without a mouse, some functions may not work. I will support perfect control without a mouse through a future update. I tested various things on my own, but since I modified a large part of the game, there may be parts that I missed, so things that worked before may not work in the current version. If you find any strange problems with the controls, please let me know and I will fix them.
Workbench UI
When crafting items at the workbench, the UI has been modified so that you can craft items in units of 1, 10, or 100 instead of just 1. You can change the quantity by pressing the button with the mouse, or by using WASD based on the basic control keys.
- When the decision button cannot be pressed while using a gamepad, only the reason why it is impossible is displayed and the control key icon is not displayed (to display the text better). - When purchasing an item while using a gamepad, the size of the item description text has been increased so that it is more visible. - The UI explaining the control keys in the tutorial has been resized and positioned to match the new control key setting system. - When selecting to create or move a building in the carpenter's shop while using a gamepad, it has been changed to start in the center of the ranch.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the game freezing at the logo screen when running the game with a corrupted options file. From now on, if there is a problem with the options file, automatically delete the existing file and create a new one. - Fixed some pixels of the shorts being empty during the player character tool charging animation - Fixed the strange shadow of the bag inside the house when the character is first created - Fixed the control key help not appearing in the lower right corner when creating a building, moving, etc. in the carpenter's shop - Fixed the cursor position error when using a gamepad in the map app - Fixed the cursor appearing when selecting the quantity of items while using a gamepad at the workbench - Fixed the item selection cursor moving when selecting the quantity of items while using a gamepad at the workbench - Fixed the item name being cut off because it was too long when operating with a gamepad when purchasing items in the store
[ 2024-11-19 04:58:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Items - Fence
Added 25 types of fences and fence gates. The number of fences you can make has increased by default, and fences that can be made by learning the crafting instruction have been added. Fence crafting instructions can be purchased at the Acorn Studio (carpenter's shop).
Convenience Improvement
I received feedback that the left and right mouse icons were difficult to distinguish, so I changed the colors of the two icons to make them easier to see at a glance.
Difficulty Ease
- Reduced the number of eggs required to repair an elevator. Also, the number of eggs required varies depending on the difficulty. - When using a Fishing Rod or Copper Fishing Rod, the probability of easy fish appearing has been increased by approximately 3 times compared to before. All other fishing rods have the same probability of fish appearing.
Added Features
- You can now open the map directly via the controller shortcut key. - Added items that can be picked up at the Hoho Mountaintop.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Vulcan's and Charlotte's spirits not disappearing sometime. - Fixed input freezing when trying to get rewards twice in the quest app by controller. - Fixed being able to interact with building doors during festivals. - Fixed unintended consequences when installing a Processing Machine in the mines. - Fixed fish biting the bait while paused after casting a fishing rod. - Fixed difficulty description text being cut off during character creation. - Fixed long item names shown beyond the UI.
Discord server may will be open next week.
[ 2024-11-07 12:02:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed the occasional brief lag in the game. If you are still experiencing this issue, please leave a comment with your CPU, GPU, and RAM specifications. The lag that occurs when there are many animals in the ranch is still being resolved.
Improved convenience
Changed the UI so that you can purchase multiple items in the store in units of 10 or 100, not just 1. You can change the number by pressing the button with the mouse, or by using WASD based on the basic control keys.
Reduced difficulty
When you faint from hunger, you lose a fixed amount of money, which I judged to be a factor that greatly reduces motivation in the early stages of the game when you are not yet familiar with the game. To prevent this, you will now lose a certain percentage of your holdings, and an upper limit has been set. The percentage and upper limit vary depending on the difficulty and the year of the game. For example, in the Year 1 of the Managable difficulty, you will lose the smaller amount of 10% of Jelly or 1,000 Jelly. Below is an example based on the Managable difficulty, Year 1, and have 5,000 Jelly. Previous: 5,000 - 3,000 = 2,000 Jelly left Current: 5,000 * 90% = 4,500 Jelly left
Some texts that were translated by a translator have been replaced with texts translated by a localization company.
I plan to open a Discord server in November to smoothly receive users' opinions, bug reports, etc. It is also intended to create a space for users to communicate with each other. Once I create a Discord server, I will post it on the Steam store page.
New features
- You can buy drinks from vending machines.
- When you create a new game, after the intro ends, you start inside the house instead of the ranch. - You can go outside after picking up the bag inside the house.
Bug fixes
- Fixed not able to unlock new animal in the animal shop (Plucky) when you don't have certain amount of Jelly. - Fixed that villagers go to awkward locations right before moving to other locations. - Fixed that some villagers move to unintended locations. - Fixed that the actual number of materials needed and the number of hints don't match when opening a processing tool. - Fixed a typo where the price of a single lottery ticket at the general store (Brown) was 1,000 Jelly but was displayed as 10,000 Jelly. - Fixed that the game options didn't move when using the left-handed control keys. - Fixed the awkward image of the aquarium exit border. - Fixed that the shadow of the animal was drawn over the animal.
[ 2024-10-27 13:03:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
New feature - Help app (Tutorial enhancement)
There were many opinions that the tutorial did not provide enough information, so I added a help app to supplement this. Information available in the Help app is unlocked according to the game progress. You can check game-related information at any time by opening the Help app. Those who were playing the game before may feel that the help opens at a somewhat unexpected time, but the help app is not forced to open very often, so please read it lightly and move on. In this version of the Help app, I have put the text translated with a translator, and I am currently translating it to a translation company. As soon as the translation is complete, I will replace the text.
Bug fix
Fixed the screen shaking differently than intended when you first go to the mine entrance.
Next update goal
I would like to prioritize game optimization and bug fixes. It is better than before, but I received reports that the game slows down overall when you raise a lot of animals. I will improve it so that it does not slow down even when you have a lot of animals. In addition, there are times when there is a short lag in the middle, so we will improve this along with the above issue if possible.
[ 2024-10-18 17:17:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Improved performance when there are many animals raised in the ranch. - Improved performance when there are many moving characters (player, residents, animals). - Improved water tile animation performance.
- Starting from the 100th floor of the mine, elevators used to appear in 10-floor units, but now they all appear in 5-floor units. - Instead of elevators appearing more frequently, the mines get slightly wider each time you reach a certain floor. - This was done to prevent cases where sudden floor unit changes were often mistaken for bugs.
The hour and minute hands of the clock tower in the Complex move according to the game time.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed one of the Kana romance event cutscenes where Kana's direction was set incorrectly. - Fixed one of the Rumi romance event cutscenes where the direction was incorrect. - Fixed one of Lloyd's romance event cutscenes where it stopped in the middle. - Fixed Bruce's newspaper reading animation not playing. - Fixed others.
[ 2024-10-16 14:01:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
The number of ores required to craft tools in the Smithy has been reduced, and products that can be obtained from animals have been added as materials. These changes were made to reduce the dependency on Mine and strengthen Ranch Management. Since tools are consumable items with durability, the number of materials required has been set to a small number. (Varies depending on difficulty) The cost required to craft all fishing rods have been reduced.
Convenience Improvements
- If there is no bait in the bag when casting a fishing rod, a speech bubble will be displayed to inform you. - To prevent accidentally returning to the title screen or quitting the game from the pause menu, a confirmation window will now appear when pressing a button to confirm whether you really want to proceed. - To prevent the speech bubble from being covered by the tooltip when giving a gift to residents, the tooltip will temporarily disappear until the speech bubble disappears.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bait was not consumed when fishing failed - Fixed the price of fishing rods sold at fishing shops was set too low
[ 2024-10-14 16:15:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Features
Selling Animals
You can now sell animals. I've added a button to sell animals to the information UI that appears when you interact with an animal. Choose which one you think is more profitable: keeping the animal and selling it at the right time. The selling price of an animal depends on its intimacy level and age. - The higher the intimacy level of the animal, the higher the selling price. - When the age exceeds a certain point, the older it gets, the lower the price. - The Easy difficulty is not affected by age because the animal's lifespan is infinite.
Magic Accessories
I had previously disabled the effects of some magic accessories due to problems with their effects, but now you can gain various effects when you wear accessories. Each accessory has different effects, such as increasing maximum HP and movement effects. Magic accessories can be obtained through various routes.
A special background music plays when the player character falls asleep.
- A 2*2 sized rock appears starting from the 90th floor of the mine. - The indoor tiles have been changed to completely black.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed not being able to eat cooked food until you turn the game off and on - Fixed some long hair hairstyle animations showing empty pixels - Fixed not being able to install items by pasting them in the mines - Fixed 2 vaccines being consumed at a time - Fixed selling skill effects not being applied when selling items to a wholesaler immediately - Fixed buying tools from the shop and then buying the same tools again with reduced durability - Fixed being able to craft items even when there is not enough space in the bag. - Fixed being able to dig with a shovel on cracked ground in the mines without breaking rocks - Fixed 2 empty tiles in the pharmacist's house floor - Fixed being able to pass through some part of the display case in the lower right corner of the animal shop - Fixed feed growth not being applied as indicated in certain conditions - Fixed the intimacy levels of pigs, turkeys, and meat cows being displayed higher than their actual levels.
[ 2024-10-13 17:14:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
After adding various things and fixing bugs, I tried to upload an updated version, but I found an urgent issue, so I'm uploading a new version.
You can now craft or buy buckets.
Previously, buckets were only available as a gift when you first start the game. If you sold them or used that as cooking ingredients, you would not be able to water animals, which would prevent you from progressing further in the game. To prevent this, buckets can now be crafted at the Workbench, and purchased at the Animal Shop. You can get a new bucket in either way.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the UI on the left side of the screen not disappearing when pressing the X button when doing House Construction in the carpenter's shop - Fixed a pixel of a certain hairstyle not being filled in when swinging a tool - Fixed the skirt color appearing as purple during some animations, such as when squating or standing up - Fixed the Make button being activated even when there was not enough space in the Bag at the Workbench
[ 2024-10-10 13:33:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug fixes:
- Fixed date text at the bottom left of the screen going over two lines in some languages - Fixed all Codex showing ? after loading the game until catching a new fish - Fixed donated icon appearing when hovering over buttons with ? in the Codex - Fixed white squares appearing in some cooking ingredient lists - Fixed incorrect ingredients of some cooking recipe - Fixed animals coming back to life when saving and loading the game after slaughtering them - Fixed slaughter costs being paid differently than what was displayed on the screen - Fixed being able to proceed even if slaughter costs were insufficient - Fixed money not being consumed when Decorating Village at the Community Center - Fixed the sound of rain being heard in the Mine Entrance - Fixed ending credits not playing
[ 2024-10-08 16:14:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tooltip Added
- Tooltips appear when you hover over some interactable objects or when the player gets close to them. - Tooltips can be turned on or off in the options.
Difficulty Reduction
The overall difficulty has been slightly reduced by adjusting Processing Tools and the amount of HP restored by food. Details are as follows:
1) Processing tools
- Reduced the overall item production time and increased the selling price of item by processing tools. - Decent Animal Feed Maker 20 minutes -> 30 minutes - Good Animal Feed Maker 40 minutes -> 30 minutes - Great Animal Feed Maker 60 minutes -> 30 minutes - Oil Extractor 60 minutes -> 40 minutes - Fermenter 150 minutes -> 100 minutes - Mayonnaise Maker 150 minutes -> 120 minutes - The selling price of Cooking Oil made with the Oil Extractor has been slightly increased. - The selling prices of items made with the Fermenter and Mayonnaise Maker have been increased by approximately 60-70%.
2) Food Recovery Amount
The HP recovery amount of most foods currently available in the game has been increased by about 30%. Foods that originally had low recovery amounts may not have a significant difference.
Convenience Improvements
- Recipes or blueprints that have already been learned will be marked as 'Completed' in the shop. Duplicate purchases are still possible. - Speech bubbles are displayed in 5 different types depending on the preference of the gift given to the villager. - When you open a Trough, only feed is highlighted in the bag, and non-feed items are displayed in a darkened state.
- The number of items sold by traveling merchant has been changed from 6 to 10. - The grade of items sold is now displayed in the daily report.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the issue where all contacts of villagers who have never met you were unlocked. - Fixed the issue where the calendar said 'Spring Fishing Competition' when it was a cooking competition in the summer. - Fixed the issue where honeybee feed could not be put in the Feed Maker. - Fixed the issue where the description of the axe was incorrectly displayed when making blacksmith tools. - Fixed game freezing when selling items after learning the 'Credible Seller' skill. - Fixed incorrect setting of items that unlock turkeys and beef cows in the Animal Shop. - Fixed incorrect greeting when not purchasing items from the Carpenter's Shop.
[ 2024-10-06 15:24:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Modified Slaughterhouse Meat Fat Sales Price
The price of meat fat that can be purchased at the slaughterhouse was cheaper than the cooking oil that can be made from the oil extractor, so it was easy to print money using it. I decided that this did not fit the direction of the game where manage a ranch. So changed the price of meat fat sold at the slaughterhouse from 60 Jelly to 94 Jelly. It is still profitable to make cooking oil using meat fat obtained through slaughtering, not purchased meat fat.
- The amount of ore required to make an ingot has been changed from 1 to 5. - Increased the overall time required of Processing Tool.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the grade icon was not displayed in the item UI at the bottom of the screen. - Fixed a bug where player could use smartphone while fishing. - Fixed a bug where 1 quest was cleared immediately after the intro ended.
[ 2024-10-04 20:11:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug fixes:
- Fixed cows falling asleep in the morning instead of at night when certain conditions were met, making them incapable of action. - Fixed getting off in the wrong place when taking the cable car down from the top of a mountain. - Fixed villagers you've already greeted not showing up in Contact App and Map App. If they still don't appear in the app, they'll show up after a conversation. - Fixed Feed Makers wouldn't show up on the Workbench after build Animal Feed Storage. - Fixed an issue where buildings built in the carpenter's shop would be placed in a strange location when loading the game, making them invisible in the ranch.
[ 2024-10-03 22:01:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
When animals and other items are overlapped, interaction with animals is now prioritized. Previously, it was interacting with the closest object, but I decided that interaction with animals was more important, so made it possible to interact with animals first when overlapping with other items.
- Lowered the cost of Wood Splitting mini-game from 1,000 to 900 Jelly. - Increased the level of Wood Splitting mini-game difficulty that increases as the combo accumulates. - Increased maximum speed of Wood Splitting mini-game. - Every time the mine went down to the 10th floor, it got bigger, now every time it went down to the 5th floor. - The maximum area of the mine has expanded by about 1.5 times.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed cannot use Evolution Shard for pigs, turkeys and cows. - Fixed only one part of meat comes out when slaughtered, and no other part of meat comes out. - Fixed misstated description of piece of rabbit evolution
[ 2024-10-03 18:35:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- If player was eating food the moment player's Fullness reached zero, change it so that player's Fullness will be restored and won't faint.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed player's animation plays weirdly when Fullness reached zero while using tools. - Fixed cannot use Evolution Shard on honeybees. - Fixed Dairy Cattle Evolution Shard descriptions of strawberry and banana.
[ 2024-10-02 18:32:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changed the Exp formula required for level up.
In the previous version, the Exp was increased by 1 or 2 no matter what the action was, but now the Exp is different depending on the action, and the number of actions that can be obtained has increased. The following list is the behavior that can obtain Exp, and the amount of Exp that can be obtained when it is related to animal is higher than other. - Animal Conversation - Brushing - Pick Up Eggs - Milking - Cut Wools - Get Honeys - Slaughter - Animal Evolution - Cutting Grass - Fishing (depending on results) - Mining (depending on minerals) - Wood Splitting - Shoveling - Pick Up Fruits
- You can now purchase a basic fishing rod at Fishing Store. Instead of having money to buy, it is more expensive than making it at Red Band Forge (smithy).
- The maximum level based on Slow (Normal) difficulty level has been increased from 10 to 15. - Penalties were reduced from 3 days to 1 day when animals could not eat feed or drink water.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an infinite level up when the player reached maximum level.
Known issues (not yet resolved)
- Animal Escape from the Fence. - Player animation plays weird when fullness goes to zero while fishing or some actions.
[ 2024-10-01 18:30:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Add a smartphone virus app
- You can see what kind of animal epidemics are circulating in the current season. - When you enter the app, an icon appears in the upper right corner of the animal where the pandemic is circulating. - If you leave the alarm on, you'll see a message in the lower left corner on the first day of the season.
The problem of animals not being able to eat feed and water
- Found that animals could not eat feed or drink water even though they were in a position to access troughs and water containers. - It is a bug that has a great adverse effect on the progress of the game, so as a temporary measure,
I have made it possible to eat and drink troughs and water containers wherever they are.
- If I fully implement the function I originally intended in the future, I will enable it again.
- On rainy days, the water container is filled with water automatically.
[ 2024-10-01 05:21:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
You can now check the status of the animal.
If you interact to the animal after the conversation, you will see various information such as today's condition, life expectancy, and what you can do to the animal.
- Added an animation when using drugs and vaccines on animals.
- Fixed all the wrong translations that some residents received gifts on a normal day and said they received birthday gifts. - Fixed an issue where the game stopped when creating new characters. It was caused by a new option added in the previous version.
[ 2024-09-30 14:58:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Two Important Things.
1. Change UI 2. Fixed game freezing when you give a gift to Rumi.
UI change:
Changed the UI to make the item change more comfortable and intuitive. - The list of 12 items in the first row of the inventory is always show on the screen. - Removed pocket (item quick selection) that could be opened with the Tab key. - Changed smartphone from F key to Tab key. - Moved all of the frequently used controls to the bottom right of the screen. You can turn them on and off in the options.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed game stops when you give a gift to a Rumi. - Fixed allowed to open inventory in the middle of fishing. - Fixed the camera not being smooth when the taxi is moving in the intro cutscene.
[ 2024-09-29 19:48:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Press the M key and the map opens immediately. Bombs allow you to remove installed items within range. Sound effect noise removed. Increase the probability of low-level fish appearance that is easy to catch when the fishing rod level is low. Some sprite resources changed.
[ 2024-09-28 16:00:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Frame drops still occur, but fixed the game stopping for a long time. Increased the player's basic HP and the durability of the items, and lowered the price of some items. Set fishing mini game judgement little easier.
[ 2024-09-28 01:41:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Installed item can be broken with pickaxe and axe, not with mouse clicks. Add new item sold by animal shop and butcher shop.
[ 2024-09-27 15:43:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
One day when you are tired of your work, you happen to see an advertisement. They want to find someone to run a ranch in a village. Tired of working overtime every day, you decide to quit and go to the ranch!
The key to this game is to soothe the tired mind by raising animals, and to enjoy interacting with the villagers and growing up.
Raising an Animal
When it's a baby animal, it grows into different individuals depending on what kind of food it eats. The items that you can get are different depending on the type of adult, and you need to take care of each animal continuously!
Food and Cooking
You have to eat food whenever you get hungry. If you don't eat, you'll collapse and wake up the next day. You can cook with various ingredients. Ingredients can be obtained by raising animals, buying them at shops in villages, or collecting them near mountains or rivers.
Depending on the level of the fishing rod, the place where you fish, and the time, the fish you can catch changes. There are also some interesting fish that don't exist in reality. Catch over 80 kinds of fish!
Participation in the Festival
Various kinds of festivals and competitions are held every year in the village. There are cherry blossom viewing, fireworks, and horse racing competition, fishing competition, etc. Among them, the key is the Animal Contest, where people from nearby villages also participate. Let's raise animals to win the contest!
Communication with the Villagers
There are more than 30 residents living in the village. Some residents can meet only when certain conditions are met. There are 10 residents who can date and get married. If you want to be close or approach someone, talk to them and give them a gift!
There are many other contents waiting for you. Come to the ranch!
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or newer
- Processor: 2 GHz +Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 4000
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- OS: Linux Mint
- Processor: Intel Core i7-3770Memory: 8 MB RAM
- Memory: 8 MB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
- Storage: 2 MB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]
[ 1732 ]