Update 01 (2024-02-13):
Thanks for the quick feedback, we fixed several issues!
- Landsknecht quests could not be completed
- Sage would not be unlocked
- Possibly the screen flickering (we need feedback for that)
- An Arch was not able to be passed through
- Added missing trait & blessing icons
Update 02 (2024-02-14):
- Landsknecht, fixing the grenade spawn, they shouldn't rain amass anymore
- Landsknecht balancing adjustments, we'll keep trying a few things
- Sage transform to Default Weapon should now work on projectile abilities.
- Some items would not count for the item damage quest
- Adjusting new quests, specifically the kill quest in Chambers of Dissonance
If you don't get the update immediately, please try to restart Steam.
Greetings Adventurers
Today wed like to bring you the next stage for Halls of Torment: The Chambers of Dissonance. This update also introduces two new characters and will be released on the experimental branch for now. Currently, we are in the middle of polishing, balancing, and cleaning up the update. We are kindly asking for your feedback on the new content, specifically regarding its stability and performance.
Our estimate is that this test run on the experimental branch will take about a week before we make it available to everyone.
If you want to participate in this feedback round, please go to the game settings -> betas and enable the experimental branch.
As usual, were welcoming you to post your feedback and bug reports in the Steam forums and on our Discord server. It would be a great help for us if you could also mark your posts being related to the experimental branch.
Heres an overview of the incoming changes
- Performance improvements on all ends, general ones and for specific abilities and cases.
- Fixed some sources of common crashes. As per usual we ask you to send us crash dumps after every new update to find new unknown sources for crashes. Thanks for your continuous reporting, even if we cant reply to everyone!
- Trait Variants View: When selecting traits with multiple variants you can now display the mutual exclusive traits in a separate view (right mouse click, or LB on the gamepad).
Chambers of Dissonance
- The next stage that can be unlocked by defeating the Twisted Construct in Frozen Depths.
- Chambers of Dissonance quest board has been added.
- The Chambers feature a complete roster of new unique monster types, including three new bosses and a final Lord boss.
- The stage comes with its own new music track.
- The difficulty should be manageable for most regular players. Players that have maxed out their builds wont have any trouble unless maybe playing with Agony turned on. Were also looking forward to your feedback on this and might apply some adjustments in the final update.
- Can be unlocked in the Chambers of Dissonance.
- Quest board for Landsknecht has been added.
- Landsknecht-Mark has been added.
- Projectile focused character wielding a powerful arquebus and magic grenades.
- Magic grenades have a chance to be thrown every time when dealing damage with projectiles. Higher damage yields a significantly better chance.
- Landsknecht has 3 variants for each Trait, but from the total of 9, 4 are exclusive for the Landsknecht.
- Can be unlocked in the Chambers of Dissonance.
- Quest board for Landsknecht has been added.
- Sage Mark has been added.
- Characters main weapon is the first ability you choose at the beginning of the run.
- You start your run with a free ability selection.
- Sage traits are focused on abilities in general.
- The sage is quite knowledgeable and can always choose from the full set of abilities, even when picking up a scroll instead of a tome.
New Abilities
- Added Morning Star ability: a physical projectile/melee ability that gets a damage buff with force.
- Morning Star comes with three upgrades and a full set of traits.
- Morning Star is unlocked by completing Landsknecht quests.
- Added Spectral Fists ability which is a directly attacking summon ability.
- Spectral fists' special traits can influence other abilities or be strengthened by main weapon traits..
- Spectral Fists are unlocked by completing Sage quests.
Ability Changes
- Frost Avalanche rebalancing.
- Frost Avalanche got a new quest and ability upgrade.
- Spirit Warriors rebalancing, scales now with summon count improvements.
- Spirit Warriors Twin Warrior upgrade got replaced.
- Spirit Warriors got a new ability upgrade + quest.
- Hailstorm got a rebalancing: You need to drop the satellites from time to time so that the upgrades will keep doing their job.
- Hailstorm got an upgrade including a new quest to set enemies on fire.
- Kugelblitz received some changes to make it more useful, especially early on.
Other Changes
- Many smaller visual updates in effects and abilities.
- Added Physical & Magic Damage blessings.
- Multistrike III and Piercing Wind III traits have been added.
- New late run min-max traits unlocked through the Sage that can be used when reaching level 70.
- Frost effect damage has been reduced to a base of 80 while burn has been increased to 30.
- New layout for the Frozen Depths quest board.
- Total damage in endscreen has been changed to show the sum of all weapons, filtering out damage sources that have not been the player.
- New quest icons. (some are still missing, but will be added for the update next week)
- The HUD shows whether you have auto attack and/or auto aim enabled or not.
- Trait and ability selection screens have a selection feedback effect. UI effects can be turned off in the settings.
- Many smaller bug fixes
It is very likely that we will update the experimental branch a few times this week. All updates will be added to this announcement!
Stay Fresh
- Chasing Carrots
[ 2024-02-13 09:22:24 CET ] [ Original post ]