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🌟 Special thanks to our amazing supporters:
✨ $10 Tier: [Geeks Love Detail]
🌈 $5 Tier: [Benedikt][David Martínez Martí]
Hello Adventurers! We just fixed a few bugs, some of them critical that could block progress with certain characters. The Lord of Greed and Scriptor could not be damaged by projectiles which we could fix this morning thanks to your feedback. Change Log: - Lord of Greed would not take damage from projectiles. - Scriptor could not be rescued by using projectiles. - Demonic Grasp (Rare) variation wasn't working. - Master's Vice would increase base HP by 1 instead of reducing it. - Increased the Champion spawn rate in Vault after 30 minutes. Stay Fresh! - Chasing Carrots
Hello Adventurers! After yesterday's patch we got your feedback that some issues were remaining in the game, we did our best to fix the first batch of them ASAP! - Fixed language selection in the game for Vietnamese and Tradition Chinese - Demonic Craze was not properly triggering when falling below 100 HP - Kugelblitz (Peak) Trait now properly adds movement speed to the ability - Movement Speed of the Beast Huntress now scales properly with level ups Thank you for the feedback and your support! Also there have been exactly 666 Soundtracks being sold on the first day of release Stay Fresh - Chasing Carrots
Hello Adventurers! We just released a small hot fix for players not playing in English fixing the Shrine of Torment description. Please note that the additional "defense" line will be fully translated in a future update. Stay Fresh - Chasing Carrots
Update 2024-10-10 Latest changes: - Movement Speed per Torment Level has been changed back from 2.5% to 2.0% - Blood Catcher bonus has been slightly reduced, but heal was increased on higher rarities. - Polishing the shard display in the End Screen. - Adding the current Game Version to the End Screen. - Fixed the Artifacts "Restless Wheel" not accelerating Agony increase. - Fixed an issue were the Cyclops from the Ember Eye would trigger Artifact quests to be completed. - Fixed Plated Boots (Boost), uncommon and rare values were swapped. - The targeting range of Summons now adjust with their attack range. - Beast Huntress' Dedication was adjusted so that the base range does not scale so much, making it more likely for the Hound to attack more enemies. -----------------
Hello Everyone! We just fixed the first batch of bugs. To make sure you get the latest update restart Steam (Or on Steam Deck leave the game and turn it off/on) - Fixing crashes with the Scriptor Rescue in Frozen Depths. - Lord of Greed should now properly spawn the Archaeologist's Threads that enable you to recover uncommon items. - The Vault should spawn normal and progress quest in a normal pace now after 30 minutes. - Make it more clear that it's on purpose that the Wellkeeper disappears with all your money. - Wellkeeper can no longer be talked to when he should be gone. - Horde Summoner II quest is now properly tracking. - Swordsman's Stance V will now properly be displayed. - Golem Trait "Devastion" no longer reduced the Force of everything. - Critical Prowess Quest had a wrong description, this quest is Shield Maiden only! - Cleric and Shield Maiden quests to get the rank V traits for metabolism and parry do work now. - Fixed a bug where quests would not pop midrun. - Fixed that the outro no longer gets displayed when dying in the Vault. - Fixed that uncommon items could be retrieved through the well, this has to be done via the special Shrine activated by the artifact "Archaeologist's Threads" Notes: - Holy Relic has been accidentally removed with the 1.0 patch from stashes, but we won't attempt to fix this as this may cause more issues. Please just recover the item again - thank you! - Torment Shards could not be found before the language update, if you have little or none because you haven't played in the past three months, this is intended. Thanks for your support, we'll keep an eye open for further reports and feedback over the coming days and weeks. Stay Fresh - Chasing Carrots
Hello Adventurers! We have a small update today, mainly to adress broken, untranslated or wrong localizations in the game. Aside from that we have been also looking in a few issues with the UI. We also fixed an issue that equipped items might not correctly trigger signals in the game that may be required for quests or other features. Most prominently fixing the issue that item damage was not tracked properly. This could happen to all items and should now work properly. Stay Fresh! - Chasing Carrots
Hello Adventurers! Thank you for the quick reports. Selecting Electrified Orbs would cause the game to crash. This issue has been fixed. Cheers - Chasing Carrots
The update can be accessed early by switching the game under "properties" -> "betas" to the experimental branch. Experimental Update: 2024-05-10 Live Update: 2024-05-14
Experimental Release: 2024-03-11 Main Release: 2024-03-13 (delayed) There are still slow downs in the game that we haven't found the source yet. The update for the main will be rescheduled to a later date. ----- Last Update: Updated the experimental branch: - Fixed a lag issue with the Arcane Rift - Elemental Rift no longer spawns as extra Rifts - Fixed descriptions - Fixed a bug that not all electrify applies from Kugelblitz were counted for the Specialist quest. (Note: Crits through Sorceress traits do not count on purpose) -----
Hello Adventurers! We are sorry for our Japanese players, we've accidentally patched a Japanese localization test into the game that made the text broken on Japanese systems. We've reverted this and fixed some other issues along with it!
Update 01 (2024-02-13): Thanks for the quick feedback, we fixed several issues! - Landsknecht quests could not be completed - Sage would not be unlocked - Possibly the screen flickering (we need feedback for that) - An Arch was not able to be passed through - Added missing trait & blessing icons Update 02 (2024-02-14): - Landsknecht, fixing the grenade spawn, they shouldn't rain amass anymore - Landsknecht balancing adjustments, we'll keep trying a few things - Sage transform to Default Weapon should now work on projectile abilities. - Some items would not count for the item damage quest - Adjusting new quests, specifically the kill quest in Chambers of Dissonance If you don't get the update immediately, please try to restart Steam. -------------------------------------------
Update: In the first upload of the patch there is a bug where no monsters spawn on agony 5, this bug has been corrected. Please restart Steam to make sure you have the fix! Update2: Fixed the quests in the ending screen, the issues with the potion of oblivion and the normal chest not dropping uncommon variants in agony. Update3: Fixed the "Reach Agony" quests. Update4: Fixing FireSplinter info and Arcane Elements splinter are now also Magic.
Update - Known Bugs
Hello Adventurers! We have swiftly added a small fix for the "Wide Sweep" achievement. There has been a bug since the last patch that prevented counting the hit enemies with the Swordsmen. Thanks for the reports and your patience! Cheers - Chasing Carrots
How to join the beta:
Right-click Halls of Torment -> Properties -> Betas
Here set the beta branch to "beta"
Hi there! Were currently working on the next update and we wanted to give you a quick preview of whats coming and what you can expect. The upcoming update wont be a huge one, since it wont contain new levels or player characters. However, the new mechanics that are introduced will take about another week to be integrated and tested properly because they mesh in with a lot of stuff thats already there. Oh, and if you want to avoid any spoilers on what those new mechanics are all about, wed advise you to stop reading right now ;) So with no further ado, heres whats coming next:
How to join the beta:
Right-click Halls of Torment -> Properties -> Betas
Here set the beta branch to "beta"
How to join the beta:
Right-click Halls of Torment -> Properties -> Betas
Here set the beta branch to "beta"
How to join the beta:
Right-click Halls of Torment -> Properties -> Betas
Here set the beta branch to "beta"
Heyhey, I've read through the forums and attempting some easier bug fixes over the weekend. But please have patience with the team, it was a long week and we need the weekend to recover a bit. We'll address more issues afterwards. Please keep reporting bugs! Cheers Mara~
Greetings Pestkillers! Do you feel as much to squish bugs as I do? Great because I've got another list today for you all and also some additional information. If you have startup issues, crashes or audio crackling, please read until the end!
Hello my dear Tormented Souls! We have found false torment spreading among our brave heroes, so we decided to squish the pesky bugs bothering you and cursing some lords. Please keep reporting your issues, we'll continue the next days.
Hello everyone, First, wed like to thank you for all of your feedback and reports! When we launched the PRELUDE, we didnt expect it to become so well received. This week we dont have an update for the PRELUDE version. Instead were going to be live on stream playing the game and talking about future steps and changes. We invite you to join us for one or two cozy hours of Halls of Torment talk and play. Ask us any questions and celebrate the progress of the game with us! Stream Date: 30th March 2023 Stream Start: 18:00 CEST | 16:00 UTC | 09:00 am PST Link: https://www.twitch.tv/chasingcarrots We hope to see you there! - Chasing Carrots
Welcome, Adventurers! We are thrilled to announce that well be starting a closed playtest for Halls of Torment soon. We are opening registration for the playtest now and will invite the first players later this week. If youre excited for the game and want to help us with valuable feedback, head over to the playtest registration (link below, please read it carefully!) and join us. We are planning to invite new players in waves to get a good coverage, so please be patient after filling out the form. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback! --> Register here! (Google Form) <-- Cheers, Chasing Carrots
Greetings, adventurers! Only the most courageous or wicked have travelled to the Ashen Cliffsides where the gates to the Halls of Torment are looming over the desolate landscape. Some came in pursuit of riches, some in search of glory. Others believe great sources of wisdom lie shrouded beneath the Halls waiting to be revealed. Others again are sensitive to the great powers emanating from the depths; powers they cannot leave untapped, or worse, squandered on others. Today we want to introduce the first four player characters in the Halls of Torment roster. There will be many more in the future, but these were the first ones to arrive at the gates and set up camp.
Welcome to the Halls of Torment! Whats this, a new game? Indeed it is! And before I get into any details of what it exactly is and how its made, I think its important to explain how we got here in the first place. During the past five years weve made our previous game Good Company. Although it did find its wonderful audience and is still maintained, we felt a certain fatigue setting in. This journey towards the first 1.0 release was a taxing one and it had an immediate impact on how we thought about future projects. We want to learn from our past mistakes and achievements and so, long story short, we decided to do the following three things with our next game: [olist]
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