Hello Adventurers!
The next few weeks will be a bit quieter from our side and youll see a delay between the update for a simple reason - holidays. Most of our team will take a break and rest before the big final push for the main release.
There will be a few minor releases along the way, but we are currently preparing the 1.0 release along with everything else thats necessary. So today we want to give you a small outlook over the coming changes.
Final Stage
We are currently working on the last stage for the Main Story, the final Lord will be awaiting you in a special stage that works a bit differently from the previous environments. We dont want to spoil too much at this point. After completing the final stage youll be able to unlock and play with some additional end game content.
Weve been asked many times about additional languages. Weve finished our localization system so the game can display different languages, and were now in the process of getting a language pass on the English version. After that the translations are coming. New languages will be added before the 1.0 release and depending on the success of the final release we might add even more. Currently, we target more than 10 additional languages, including German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese (BR/PT), Spanish and a few more that we are going to announce later.
When we started with Halls of Torment, we were less conscious of how the endgame will look like. Now that we have more content and a final destination in mind, well tweak some knobs to bring it up to a certain standard and make it more viable for you to play with different classes, abilities, and items.
This means that many things will get improved, but also that few things will need to be reduced in their effectiveness. These changes will be implemented and tested with smaller updates before the 1.0 release.
Shrine of Torment
The Shrine of Torment will be our late game mechanic that gets unlocked in stage 5, the Chambers of Dissonance. In the future the Agony mode will be part of this shrine instead of being a switch in the default stage selection. Additionally there will be the option to activate artifacts that create new challenges in the halls. New artifacts will be obtainable from different sources while playing the game. Artifacts will have various effects on your runs; for example, some of them spawn traps in the level, reduce the run time to 20 minutes, spawn additional enemies, or temporarily slow your movement down after youve used your main weapon.
A big thanks here for all the community suggestions we got, there were certainly more than we can implement until the 1.0 update!
Other Improvements
We are working on multiple smaller things as well. One of the next quality of live improvements will be a quest tracker that shows the progress of a previously selected quest during your run. It also comes with the quest board as a part of the pause menu, so you can inspect your quests mid-run. And of course we are still working on bug fixes, making the game more stable, and improving its performance.
We hope this outlook makes you excited for our future updates!
Thanks for your support!
Chasing Carrots
[ 2024-04-04 12:51:06 CET ] [ Original post ]