Another small update today, continuing to flesh out the modding framework on advice from our awesome community on Discord. - Added 59 hooks for mods to inject code at various points. These hooks include, but are not limited to: onload -- Evaluated only once, after the module has finished loading ontick -- Evaluated every frame, whether or not a game is in progress onactive -- Evaluated every frame, if a game is in progress and is active (there is not a pending event, the user is not stuck in a menu or cutscene, et cetera) onnewgame -- Evaluated when a new game has begun onturnend -- Evaluated when the turn has ended, after all other logic has processed onturnstart -- Evaluated when a new turn has started, after all other logic has processed onnightmaretriggered -- Evaluted when the user WILL have a nightmare this turn (but may not have actually fired yet) onhavingnightmare -- Evaluated when the user is within a room-based nightmare (not a visual-only nightmare), including Airlock, Containment, Maze, and Nowhere onfatiguegain -- Fires when the player gains fatigue onstressgain -- Fires when the player gains stress onpsychosisgain -- Fires when the player gains psychosis onfatigueloss -- Fires when the player loses fatigue onstressloss -- Fires when the player loses stress onpsychosisloss -- Fires when the player loses psychosis (very rare) onpressuregain -- Fires when the player gains pressure onpressureloss -- Fires when the player loses pressure onarcfinished -- Fires when a story arc completes ondeeploregained -- Fires when deep lore is gained from the observation window onmemoryunlocked -- Fires when the player unlocks a memory (even if they already had unlocked it) oninsanitygained -- Evaluated when the player gains a new random insanity (Does not check certain event or task-specific insanities) onrandomdamage -- Fires when the Director damages a random system (Does not fire when certain events/tasks deliberately damage a specific system) onpassengerdied -- Fires when a passenger dies for any reason onpodscontaminated -- Fires when some or all pods become contaminated onpodcondamage -- Fires when a pod is damaged due to being contaminated onairlocktoggled -- Fires when the inner airlock is toggled onbreakersurge -- Fires when a breaker surge occurs onpowersurge -- Fires when a power surge occurs (random lock or overclock of all systems) onshuffleinsanity -- Fires when the player (generally ANNIE) shuffles insanities onconsolesabotage -- Fires when a console is sabotaged onconsolerepair -- Fires when a console is repaired onsystemglitched -- Fires when a system becomes randomly glitched (may not cover all cases) onpermaglitched -- Fires when a system becomes permanently glitched onsystemdisabled -- Fires when a system becomes disabled (may not cover all cases) onsystemlocked -- Fires when a system becomes locked (may not cover all cases) onsystemoverclocked -- Fires when a system becomes overclocked (may not cover all cases) onsystemhardened -- Fires when a system becomes hardened (may not cover all cases) onsystemlosesoverclock -- Fires when a system loses overclocked (may not cover all cases) onsystemsabotaged -- Fires when the player sabotages a system onsystemrepaired -- Fires when a system is repaired (NOT emergency repaired) onsystemrepairfail -- Fires when a repair fails onsystemerepaired -- Fires when a system is emergency repaired onsystemerepairfail -- Fires when an emergency repair fails onpowertoggle -- Fires when power to a system is toggled (on or off) onbreakeropened -- Fires when a breaker opens onbreakerclosed -- Fires when a breaker is closed onbreakerdamaged -- Fires when a breaker is damaged onbreakerrepaired -- Fires when a breaker is repaired onbreakerreplaced -- Fires when a breaker is replaced onthrusterdamage -- Fires when a thruster is damaged onmemoryapply -- Fires when the player gets their memory bonuses assigned at the start of a new game onapplydilemma -- Fires when the player's dilemma reward or penalty is applied at the start of a new game onscaredofdoors -- Fires when the player panics when interacting with a door due to Entamaphobia ondirectorstart -- Fires when the director (RNG function) starts ondirectorend -- Fires when the director (RNG function) ends ongameloss -- Fires when the game ends in a loss, but before endgame flag is set ongamewin -- Fires when the game ends in a win, but before endgame flag is set oncooldownevent -- Fires when the player is going to get a cooldown event due to having a bad time onreactordamaged -- Fires when the reactor takes damage onobservationtoggled -- Fires when the observation window has been toggled to open or close
[ 2024-06-12 06:57:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [82.6 M]
You, the Custodian, are a sentient machine onboard a sleeper colony ship, charged with keeping it intact. No combat, enemies, or NPCs await you - only a myriad of system failures and the decay of your own sanity as you whittle away the decades in isolation. Hundreds of story events and a deep narrative keep each iteration of you intrigued. Customize your own chassis, repair the ship, and keep your passengers alive long enough to win... something. Can you uncover the intent behind your own creation before you slip into robo-dementia?
The ship is shadowy in more ways than one. Ancient agreements and long-forgotten understandings conspire against you to keep you in your place. Doing your work. For however long the long-absent conspirators wanted.Explore a deep narrative that evolves over multiple playthroughs, and choose how you deal with each new revelation. Not all truths will set you free, and some things are better left unsaid.
For a more mechanical challenge, try the optional endless mode. In this mode, the only objective is to propel the ship as far as you can before you inevitably lose your passengers, your mind, or both. Contend with the confusing oddities of the ship and its myriad catastrophes with a specially written CRISIS CYCLE. Three impending crises, promising grievous and irreparable damage, will be shown to you. Use your intuition, born of your intimate awareness of your vessel, to discern which two crises are lies, and which one is the true threat! Choose wisely - the Crisis will not be gentle if you fail to prepare for it.PLAYABLE...
Endless Dark has been designed from the start to be eminently playable for Custodians with their own histories. The game has a specially chosen color palate to be visible for numerous kinds of colorblindness, even full monochromacy. Large, clear text makes messages readable at a glance. All Custodians need only bring their willingness to do, explore, and grow.Busy Custodians also need not fear; distinct, bite-sized turns with effortless autosave allows for drop-in, drop-out play.
Control things your way; the game is fully playable with a gamepad only, keyboard only, or mouse and keyboard.
With over 50,000 words (and growing!) of random events, spread over dozens of dilemmas, and a finely tuned Director that applies just the right amount of pressure, Endless Dark is designed to never present the same situation twice. Fight and overcome, or struggle and succumb, the next time will always be different.- OS: Ubuntu 18+Memory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: HardwareStorage: 400 MB available spaceSound Card: Any
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Hardware
- Storage: 400 MB available space
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