🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [82.6 M]
🌟 Special thanks to our amazing supporters:
✨ $10 Tier: [Geeks Love Detail]
🌈 $5 Tier: [Benedikt][David Martínez Martí]
Hello again, Custodians! We've got a bunch of good things in this patch across the board. First things first, let's start with the functional changes.
Greetings, Custodians! We are delighted to announce the launch of the official wiki!
Patch 1.1 is coming soon, with a small fistful of gameplay upgrades, and a large fistful of polish like typo fixes and small bug fixes. However, in the meantime, we've been working hard with the lovely people over at https://www.wiki.gg/ to launch the game's official wiki. They were incredibly helpful throughout the process of getting the wiki looking good and ready to go.
This is an open call for all in the community to come document what you want, and to ask questions about what you can't document. As the devs, we will continue to keep up on the wiki as we go forward and will happily provide specific answers direct from the code if need be.
Modding resources are also great to put on the wiki, as we've continued to have a few dedicated modders active in the discord. It's truly a delight to interact with you all, so we look forward to seeing some of you on the wiki!
Just remember:
The OST for Endless Dark has been updated. - Added the 11th track, Terminus (it was slow getting out of mastering) - Updated default bitrate to 320kbps - Added option for lossless OGG download
Today is another bugfix patch, along with a little optimization. - Fixed an issue that kept the Adhoc achievement from unlocking - Fixed an issue that could cause the teleport_player function to infinite loop and crash the game - Fixed an issue that kept the dilemma score from being applied at the end of the game - Fixed a rare crash involving the paperdoll - Fixed being able to repair consoles with insufficient parts - Adjusted map loading to optimize it slightly; the performance increase is not drastic, but has nonetheless helped the game run on at least a few marginal systems - Fixed a number of minor typos Most of the fixes today relate directly to people reporting stuff on the Steam Forums and talking to us on Discord, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have problems playing the game - we're eager to help!
Today's a bugfix update, nothing too special. - Fixed a crash associated with attempting to Quicksave on the main menu - Fixed a crash associated with attempting to load an empty Quicksave - Fixed the Linux build failing to launch - the November Steam update broke it, and we only just now realized - Game version string now indicates if you are running the Windows or Linux build (so we can better diagnose stuff like builds failing to launch in the future) Take care of yourselves, Custodians!
It's finally here, friends. There have been a toothgrinding number of delays, but today, we are proud to finally present you 1.0, the full release of Endless Dark. We'll dive straight in.
Today is another decent update as we push to the end.
Hello again, Custodians! It's been a lot longer than any of us wanted, getting where we're going. Unfortunately, the terrible luck that plagued the dev team for the first entire half of this year has continued, only mildly abated by the increasing improbability of the run. Unlike in our game, life's dice rolls are not guaranteed to be fair. That has not stopped us from continuing to work on the game as we can, and we are proud to bring you today's update as a token of our determination.
* Added a new insanity: "REDUCTION IN FORCE", which forces you to make some hard decisions * Attempted to fix a bug in LOVE's GetSaveDirectory function not handling special characters properly * Added a lot of debugging around failing to save or load games If you have difficulty saving or loading the game, please let us know.
Another mod update today. - Number of available hooks increased to 100 - Large-scale reorganization of internal game logic - All functions that are a good idea for modders to call are now in modapi.lua, with documentation on what everything does and any salient semantics. - Strictly internal or one-off game functions are collected in game.lua, with documentation on what everything does and any salient semantics. We can't really keep modders from calling these functions, but in general it's going to be a bad idea to do so. - Lastly, and most importantly: The modding framework has been expanded to allow for fully custom Custodians to be supported in mods. We even added a handy function to quickly assign personality tags to the existing events so you can support personality shifts very easily! In addition, Endless Dark now has it's own section on Nexus Mods, along with a tutorial mod to help modders get started. Everyone can expect more documentation, along with a 'modding bible' that has some more fully fleshed out direction on the modding framework, coming up pretty soon. Keeping up the pace to 1.0! See you soon, Custodians!
Another small update today, continuing to flesh out the modding framework on advice from our awesome community on Discord. - Added 59 hooks for mods to inject code at various points. These hooks include, but are not limited to: onload -- Evaluated only once, after the module has finished loading ontick -- Evaluated every frame, whether or not a game is in progress onactive -- Evaluated every frame, if a game is in progress and is active (there is not a pending event, the user is not stuck in a menu or cutscene, et cetera) onnewgame -- Evaluated when a new game has begun onturnend -- Evaluated when the turn has ended, after all other logic has processed onturnstart -- Evaluated when a new turn has started, after all other logic has processed onnightmaretriggered -- Evaluted when the user WILL have a nightmare this turn (but may not have actually fired yet) onhavingnightmare -- Evaluated when the user is within a room-based nightmare (not a visual-only nightmare), including Airlock, Containment, Maze, and Nowhere onfatiguegain -- Fires when the player gains fatigue onstressgain -- Fires when the player gains stress onpsychosisgain -- Fires when the player gains psychosis onfatigueloss -- Fires when the player loses fatigue onstressloss -- Fires when the player loses stress onpsychosisloss -- Fires when the player loses psychosis (very rare) onpressuregain -- Fires when the player gains pressure onpressureloss -- Fires when the player loses pressure onarcfinished -- Fires when a story arc completes ondeeploregained -- Fires when deep lore is gained from the observation window onmemoryunlocked -- Fires when the player unlocks a memory (even if they already had unlocked it) oninsanitygained -- Evaluated when the player gains a new random insanity (Does not check certain event or task-specific insanities) onrandomdamage -- Fires when the Director damages a random system (Does not fire when certain events/tasks deliberately damage a specific system) onpassengerdied -- Fires when a passenger dies for any reason onpodscontaminated -- Fires when some or all pods become contaminated onpodcondamage -- Fires when a pod is damaged due to being contaminated onairlocktoggled -- Fires when the inner airlock is toggled onbreakersurge -- Fires when a breaker surge occurs onpowersurge -- Fires when a power surge occurs (random lock or overclock of all systems) onshuffleinsanity -- Fires when the player (generally ANNIE) shuffles insanities onconsolesabotage -- Fires when a console is sabotaged onconsolerepair -- Fires when a console is repaired onsystemglitched -- Fires when a system becomes randomly glitched (may not cover all cases) onpermaglitched -- Fires when a system becomes permanently glitched onsystemdisabled -- Fires when a system becomes disabled (may not cover all cases) onsystemlocked -- Fires when a system becomes locked (may not cover all cases) onsystemoverclocked -- Fires when a system becomes overclocked (may not cover all cases) onsystemhardened -- Fires when a system becomes hardened (may not cover all cases) onsystemlosesoverclock -- Fires when a system loses overclocked (may not cover all cases) onsystemsabotaged -- Fires when the player sabotages a system onsystemrepaired -- Fires when a system is repaired (NOT emergency repaired) onsystemrepairfail -- Fires when a repair fails onsystemerepaired -- Fires when a system is emergency repaired onsystemerepairfail -- Fires when an emergency repair fails onpowertoggle -- Fires when power to a system is toggled (on or off) onbreakeropened -- Fires when a breaker opens onbreakerclosed -- Fires when a breaker is closed onbreakerdamaged -- Fires when a breaker is damaged onbreakerrepaired -- Fires when a breaker is repaired onbreakerreplaced -- Fires when a breaker is replaced onthrusterdamage -- Fires when a thruster is damaged onmemoryapply -- Fires when the player gets their memory bonuses assigned at the start of a new game onapplydilemma -- Fires when the player's dilemma reward or penalty is applied at the start of a new game onscaredofdoors -- Fires when the player panics when interacting with a door due to Entamaphobia ondirectorstart -- Fires when the director (RNG function) starts ondirectorend -- Fires when the director (RNG function) ends ongameloss -- Fires when the game ends in a loss, but before endgame flag is set ongamewin -- Fires when the game ends in a win, but before endgame flag is set oncooldownevent -- Fires when the player is going to get a cooldown event due to having a bad time onreactordamaged -- Fires when the reactor takes damage onobservationtoggled -- Fires when the observation window has been toggled to open or close
* Added over 50 new mod system hooks, bringing the current total to 59. More will be added, along with documentation for in-game functions, to make modding easier.
Today is a small update to fix some problems with the Steam integration release. - Fixed a rare crash bug - Fixed a potential softlock during the tutorial. - If you earned a memory prior to the Steam integration release, it should now automatically pop all the associated achievements. See you soon, Custodians.
As we continue to march toward 1.0, we've made the decision to keep releasing bit by bit what we HAD hoped to release all at once - in a continuous effort to prove our commitment to seeing things through, despite the continuing efforts of the Horseman of Pestilence.
First up today is an oft-requested feature: DEM CHEEVOS!
We've long planned to have the Memories in game be achievements that you unlock on Steam. The equivalency practically writes itself. The question was always the integration to Steam, which we've now taken the time to move through and figure out. It's entirely possible that we will add some other hidden achievements as we continue forward, but for today, please enjoy the new 25 achievements that also come with in-game functionality.
Another thing we have long planned is for Steam to help tell the story of what you're up to in the game. We've put a lot of work into Endless Dark putting you into the moment. Now, your friends will be able to see exactly what kind of moment you're having:
This is, again, something we hope to expand as we push toward 1.0. As always, don't hesitate to join the discord or post your thoughts on the forums! We love to hear from our players and frequently respond based on what people are talking about. Heck, big shout out to calebzz for, just a few days before this update, asking us about Steam Achievements! This update's for you, friend.
There's a few other goodies in today's update, too.
Most notably, take another look at the options page:
In addition to the long-overdue organization, it's also got a few new knobs to turn in order to customize your soundscape. SFX deals with the specific sound effects like the dot-matrix printer and the repair ratcheting, creaks are specifically the ship groaning in the distance (this, specifically, had reports of giving certain players the WRONG kind of anxiety), and environmental audio refers to the other far off clanking and clunking you hear in the game. Big thanks to Emily Aster for highlighting the value in a number of these changes. Check her out next time you head to twitch - she and we agree that Big Hats are Praxis!
Finally, as a writing update: Work continues on the finale, but as part of that support, all four hundred and nineteen Mission Commands (MCs) are now in the game. You will continue to see a random assortment of them on many turn activation screens, but an upcoming update will let you look them up specifically at the currently-unused console in the Command antechamber.
In the meantime, you can contemplate why we had specifically 419 MCs. Why not one more? It is a mystery.
Now then, back to work on 1.0. See you soon, Custodians!
So, March has come and gone, and with it, our hopes to release 1.0 around the one year in EA mark. Unfortunately, today's update is not 1.0. And we feel that requires a bit of explanation. As our credits page hopefully makes clear, Endless Dark has a number of lovely contributors and lots of wonderful talent behind it, but the core team is exactly two people: Soulmata, and myself (Coolguy). Soul and I work together very tightly and complement one another in very fundamental ways. It is what has allowed us to keep up with development despite both of us having full-time jobs and heavy family obligations. It's a fantastic cooperative dynamic that I really treasure. This makes it especially painful when one of us gets knocked out. Unfortunately, starting in late January, Soul had: 1) COVID 2) Bronchitis 3) Flu 4) Pneumonia One after another, in that order. I kept trying to push the game's development forward for a while by redoubling my own efforts. However, after it became clear that this was a very serious illness, I came to the conclusion that the only humane and sane thing to do was to was to just STOP and let the process happen. In hindsight, that was the correct thing to do. It has been an absolute nightmare watching my friend of over 20 years struggle with a series of serious infections, any one of which could have easily taken a turn for the worst. I don't pretend to be able to contemplate the nightmare Soul went through actually living it. I was generally unwilling to come out with details of this story until it was behind us for a couple of reasons, but first and foremost was that the matter was very stressful for both Soul and I. Discussing the matter required energy that he was better off spending on healing. And considering we lost almost three months to this battery of infections, I am further convinced that was the correct thing to do. If we were a larger studio, there would have been more considerations, but with the size of the team as it is, I strongly feel it was the correct call to prioritize health over everything else. The good news is that the team is now healthy again, and we intend to prove it by releasing today's patch! This patch is not large, but it does fix a large fistful of bugs that we've seen from various streamer friends showing off the game the last few months, and bugs we have identified from our own playthroughs on Twitch. This version of the game has almost 40 hours played publicly with zero observed bugs, even minor ones. There's definitely still number of balance and design issues we want to work out, but this version of the game is as rock solid stable as it has ever been.
It has been an extremely busy 30 days here. As we are getting to the finish line and finding we know precisely what to do to make Endless Dark the best game it can be, that is spurring a huge burst of creativity that is all going into the game. There's a ton to go over, so let's take it at the heading level. That'll hopefully keep it together better.
This update is relatively small in terms of lines of change, but it includes two new features that have profoundly impactful changes on the game, so we wanted to put a few more words into this update. The two most chronic antagonists in this game are doors, and the weather. Today's update actually gives you tools to deal with both.
This update includes a few new insanities, a new nightmare, and a small fistful of bugfixes revealed on a stream. - Added more sound to new game screen - Clarified in tooltips that FRANK loses stress for allowing passengers to die, rather than only when killing them. - Made overclocked systems immune to glitch - certain glitches could rob a system of overclocked, so this should make it easier to keep engines and/or nav OC'd to catch up to the tension wall - Chatty memory now gives extra machine parts if you would already start with the Chatbot - Stopped other modules from showing up on the memory core aug slot - Fixed progress not being erased if you removed the memory core - Tracking Failure will no longer allow you to prematurely escape nightmares - Player robot will now lose coolant when panicking (as per certain insanities) - Added labyrinth nightmare - Added 4 new insanities - Cruise Control, Automysophobia, Sciophobia, and Flipped Bits - Fixed Robbie's emergency repair bonuses not applying to emergency repair on the pods, even though the tooltip claimed they were - Fixed paperdoll scaling - Fixed the game timer not setting itself to 0 when a new game is started - Various tooltip and event fixes Shoutouts to TheLastRoboKy for revealing a lot of the bugs fixed in this patch.
This update includes a ton of customization options and an overhauled new game page, letting you tweak your game in dozens of ways to suit your desired experience. Chief among them is REAL-TIME MODE, which completely changes the dynamic of the game in many ways. This also includes a lot of the meta progression content we want to include, such as ship persistence across games, and more. A lot of these details will be detailed in later updates as we aren't yet done working out how their mechanics will work, but the existing tooltips are all accurate. * Real-time mode added * Mono audio mode added in Options menu for those having rare no-audio issues * 22 customization options for each game are now available * Overhauled new game page will show you in great detail exactly what your starting position will be
With Arc 9 done and the story complete up to the grand finale, you may be asking yourself: What does that finale look like? And how will this game look on full release? Well, we have some thoughts to share with you on that.
With all arcs complete, I had some time to sit down and add some features I wanted as well as look at performance improvements. To that end, 0.9.2 brings a huge performance lift - as much as 50% - in framerates. A lot of logic behind the scenes changed, so if you notice unusual behavior, please come join us on Discord and tell soulmata all about it. NEW FEATURES: * NEW ROOM - INCINERATOR. Used for some ship persistence and insanity tasks, the INCINERATOR will need to be fired if your previous run resulted in any number of passengers dying. * SHIP PERSISTENCE - Certain ship states - particularly system damage states - are now preserved between runs. If you leave a lot of stuff broken, the next Custodian will still have to clean up your mess. This can be toggled on/off as a game setting. * Spacing yourself by any means will also kill all passengers and reflect such in your scoring BUGFIXES: * A wide variety of logic changes to improve performance, boosting framerates as much as 50-60% * A few typo and continuity fixes
A bugfix and performance update, following issues spotting during live streams. * Arc selection and game settings are now respected if you change difficulty * Certain narrative arc tasks will be ignored by scrambled HUD to avoid an arc softlock because you can't read * Numerous task and progression issues with arc 4 corrected * Arc 3's secret door will be restored if you choose to replay it, allowing progression again * A few map fixes, decorations, and changed lighting to better illuminate certain halls * Large performance issue related to determining the player's map position addressed (about a 10% change) * Hallucinating that everything is a door will include the tops of the cryo pods * Observation Window shutter will continue retracting when you open the action menu * Tooltips no longer render during transitions, showing you old or incomplete data A big shout out to Tomato "pre-nerf wins" Gaming (twitch.tv/tomato) for helping us identify a lot of these improvements.
Today's update is a giant step forward on a lot of fronts; the game has hit a ton of new milestones and we're eager to share them with everyone.
We keep marching forward, and we're thankful all of you are here with us.
* Several accessibility improvements following pank's stream * Several bugfixes following pank's stream * Tile rework in progress * A new game settings menu will appear when starting a new game
On the road to having Steam achievements, I wanted to make them more than just a little popup and a picture saying you did this or that. I wanted achievements to be built into the lore of the game and part of the meta - and thus, instead of achievements, you have MEMORIES.
Memories are just that, the Custodian remembering bits of their past incarnations, and applying them to their current campaign for effects. Memories and achievements are entirely identical - you unlock them by doing a specific thing in game, and then, in future games, can activate that Memory for some small bonus. The number of Memories you can have active at once grows slowly over time, and a few DANGEROUS memories will allow you to turn on more memories at once in exchange for some penalty.
Along with that come TOASTS! The traditional way most games notify you about stuff any more is through toasts, but doing that in a way that meshed with Endless Dark was a little interesting. I decided to keep a separation between the Custodian and the Toast - a toast notification is data that is sent to the player, not the Custodian, and the Custodian will therefore never react to a toast. So far, only a few things will provide a Toast - unlocking a memory, building modules, passengers unaliving, and a few other things, while we work out what the best combination between informative and not intrusive.
Full patch notes for 0.6.3:
* 25 MEMORIES/ACHIEVEMENTS are now available to unlock through in-game actions
* MEMORIES can be activated in later runs to change the behavior of the game
* Toast Notifications will now appear for a variety of events
* The bot no longer spins randomly in New Game selection
* Selecting narrative arcs also now shows you which bots have completed which arcs
* An overhauled Paperdoll now shows you your full inventory including schematics and modules
* Paperdoll now adds another column if you have a huge number of effects
* A few minor bugfixes
Patch 0.6.2 is here, and it extends the new game screen from 0.6.1. Now, the new game screen will not only let you select any arc you wish, but also inform you which bots have completed which arcs. If you have already completed an arc, the game currently assumes you did it with ROBBIE. However, there's also now a new cli command you can use to force-complete any arc immediately as whatever bot you are playing
* Game now tracks which bots have completed which arcs
* complete_arc (1-10) console command will immediately complete a given arc as your current bot
Previously, narrative progress has been strictly linear from arcs 1 through 4, followed by the choice of which order to tackle 4, 5, and 6 in. There are strong narrative reasons to do them in this order, but the only technical ones were the modules available to you. No longer is such a constraint a thing, and now, when starting a new game, you can choose from any released arc to start immediately. If an arc requires a specific module, the game will ensure you are given the schematic for it on launch.
While you still get the best story by completing the arcs order (or at least, in order from 1 through 3), if you want to replay a specific arc or skip one altogether, that choice is now yours. You can repeat this any time you wish!
Additionally, a few minor typos and issues from 0.6 were corrected, and all narrative arcs begin on turn 8 instead of turn 10.
It's our second major update, and it is a DOOZY. As is traditional, let's start with the new blood:
* The first iteration of a fully interactive tutorial is now enabled by default * Three new types of insanity added * Observation Window can now trigger a Glitch Storm * Prototype for endgame scoring now functional, positive scores are technically possible * Fixed an issue with A NEW YOU that would allow you to use the wrong door
* Fixed a softlock bug where on a new profile you would not have any module slots to install Radiation Hardening in during Contingency * Fixed an audio playlist issue that resulted in high psychosis music almost never playing * Various typos and other fixes
Patch 0.5.3 will add a little bit more variety into ship failures, especially early game. Breaker Surges being too common, we have introduced a new mechanic: Glitches. These will fill in some early game gaps and be a regular tool for the Director, and will temporarily change the behavior of a system. Each Glitch lasts only a single turn, and will cause a system to misbehave in various ways. Currently, six glitches are supported:
* Fixed bug that caused saves to be deleted if you used Save to Menu * Fixed bug that caused the Robot's Run insanity to conclude immediately instead of the following turn * Inconsistencies and a showstopping door lock bug in A NEW YOU fixed * Radzones, EMP Zones, and Dust Zones now have additional impact, which is described in their tooltips
It's our first major update of Early Access! First things first, let's say hello to our new Custodian: Annie!
Blessed with a very strong sense of self, Annie lacks many of the obsessive hang-ups that Robbie has, and gains much less stress when the ship is not just-so. The ship doesn't need to be just-so, because SHE is just-so. Always, and forever. Of course, this self-confidence quickly turns into introspection as stress builds up...which isn't good for a Custodian trapped in an iron shell in deep space.
Annie represents an implosive response to stress, and retreats inside her rich fantasies as things get bad. She starts with a permanent insanity, and can choose to make any insanities she acquires permanent as well. Even better - don't like an insanity you got? You can change it! Annie can choose to shuffle non-permanent insanities at the Observation window.
What weaker minds call insanities, though, Annie simply calls the burden of perfection. She loses Stress at the end of every turn for every insanity she has active - and loses still more the more Psychosis she has. However, any Stress left over will cause Annie to retreat further into her inner universe, gaining Psychosis at the beginning of the next turn.
Annie has a doubled chance to gain an insanity per turn, and cannot install the ECC module. Not that she needs it - why would there be any errors to correct in such a clearly perfect specimen?
Annie is far from the only thing in this update, though, so without further ado, onto the juicy patch notes!
A pretty hefty update today! NEW FEATURE: Automatic opening doors. If it's safe to do so, all doors in the game will now open automatically as you approach them. This feature can be toggled on and off at will via the Command station, and it disables itself during certain insanities or if Command is damaged. NEW FEATURE: Environmental hazards. The previous small spills you could ignore forever will now not only get worse, but eventually become a catastrophe if you do not intervene. Oil leaks become slicks that make you sticky, and water will eventually cause a hallway to collapse BALANCE: Stress upkeep for all modules has been reduced substantially BALANCE: Fatigue costs for many actions were lowered BUGFIX: Disabled and locked systems will no longer flash on the minimap BUGFIX: Numerous event fixes and an audio fix that was preventing sound in some cases
Some big changes today, including some sorely-needed "ease up" events for when things are really going bad! First off, new features: * INSPIRATIONS: Certain conditions will now trigger an offer to receive an "Inspiration", which will provide a temporary boost to the custodian. DETERMINED ENGINEER, for instance, fires when the player fails a repair due to stress, and will make all repairs guaranteed successes for 2 turns. * COOLDOWNS: More heavy hitting than Inspirations, COOLDOWNS are big anvil events that arrive in the mid to late game when you have been struggling for an extended period of time, and will offer some significant boost to your run. * SHIP STATUS BAR: Now all systems will have an entry in the ship status bar, and have full tooltips that explain what state they are in, why, and what impact that state has. * Overclocking Command will now increase Custodian speed Bugfixes: * Hit detection for leaks is greatly improved * Numerous fixes for breakers * Sync issue insanity will no longer teleport you while performing an action
* Feedback-driven accessibility improvements * Crisis Capacitor bugfix * New stress break option
* 4 more types of insanity, bringing the total to 20 * Observation Window overhaul, now has 11 different outcomes * Numerous passenger-related events now offer different rewards
* Crash fix when failing a repair * Audio improvements * Numerous typos fixed * Radiation Hardening log spam fix
* Sound effects for doors and a lot more ambient metal fatigue
* Many actions now have sound effects attached * Robbie now beeps menacingly when betraying you * Fixed bug causing insanity effects to repeat without seeing them all * Fixed typos in various events and logs
* Crash fix when Robbie betrays you and powers off the reactor * Better error handling when the game cannot load an object * Main Menu shows you what version of save your game came from * Fade in / fade out is smoother, with fewer popping lights
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