Hello, Heroes!
Were making steady progress on our pre-production, and the end goal is approaching fast!
Our characters designs are almost done, as are our environments, and now were polishing the last details, and validating our rigs, before we embark on our big journey.
Bloodlines is a very exciting story, and were giving our best to ensure our graphics and systems are ready for it!
Our team has been hard at work, and, honestly, Im very, very impressed. When I saw the latest version of our characters, my jaw dropped. I cant wait to see them in action!
Soon, production will begin, and itll be time to officially begin our next adventure!
As always, thank you so much for all your support! Forbidden Fantasy is amazing, and, without you, it wouldnt exist! So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
See you soon,
[ 2025-03-21 21:47:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Raven, the Succubus, is about to get her voice and we need your help to choose!
We've selected two amazing voice options to bring Raven to life, each with its own unique intensity.
Click the link below, listen to both options, and vote for your favorite!
Listen and vote here: https://oppaiman.typeform.com/to/NPnON287
See you soon,
[ 2025-03-19 12:08:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
We're choosing the perfect voice for Christine, and your vote will make all the difference!
Christine is a young mage apprenticefull of energy, a bit clumsy, but with immense potential. The question is: which voice can truly capture her mix of sweetness, excitement, and hidden power?
Listen to the 3 options and vote for your favorite!
Your choice will help bring Christine to life in the game. We can't wait to see which voice wins your hearts!
See you soon, OppaiMan.
[ 2025-03-14 23:00:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Ophelia is not just a powerful clericshe is a relentless strategist, the leader of the Acolytes, and a warrior who has secured countless victories for the elven kingdom.
Her voice must reflect her unwavering strength and unshakable conviction.
Listen to both options and vote here: https://oppaiman.typeform.com/to/PfdxLwmp
Which performance best captures her presence?
The choice is in your hands, Hero.
See you soon,
[ 2025-03-13 22:00:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
The powerful and enigmatic Helenor is about to come to life, but we need you to make this crucial decision! Which of the two voices best represents her commanding and seductive presence?
Click the link below, listen to the options, and vote for your favorite! Your choice will help shape the essence of this character in the game.
See you soon,
[ 2025-03-12 21:04:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
The choice is yours! Nows your chance to decide the look of three iconic characters in the game. Vote and help shape their style!
Ragnas Outfit The undefeated warrior! Big, muscular, and incredibly fast, she surprises her enemies with her lethal agility.
Morganas Hairstyle The enigmatic Oracle of the Demon Kingdom! Her gaze holds ancient secrets... How should her hair reflect her power?
Khrons Hairstyle The unstoppable hunter! With sharp senses and colossal strength, he always senses danger before anyone else. Which style suits him best?
Click the link and vote now! https://oppaiman.typeform.com/to/xUAMhcoG
See you soon, OppaiMan.
[ 2025-03-06 20:00:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Arlian, the precise and ruthless elven archer on the battlefield.
Verena, the human queen whose loyalty to her people is unwavering.
Each has their own strength, but now they need you to define their new looks!
Which hair style best reflects their personality and power?
The choice is in your hands!
Vote now: https://oppaiman.typeform.com/to/GuD6pRJ6
Thank you for your support
See you soon,
[ 2025-02-27 20:38:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Christine, an experienced Mage with great potential in battle, has just received three new looks!
You can help us decide which one best represents her strength and style.
Vote now and help define the perfect look for Christine!
Thank you for your support.
See you soon,
[ 2025-02-26 12:12:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Helenor, the majestic Elven Queen. Ophelia, the powerful Elven Cleric. Two legendary women, each with their own unique presence.
Now, its up to you to choose the styles that suit them best!
Vote now: https://oppaiman.typeform.com/to/d4sf2Ltv
See you soon,
[ 2025-02-24 21:33:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Luna and Raven are inseparable friends, even with their completely opposite personalities. Now it's your turn to decide which looks suit them best!
Click on the link below and vote for the hairstyles and outfits that define the perfect style of these two heroines!
Your choice could make all the difference! Which look will best represent each of them?
Comment your answer!
See you soon,
[ 2025-02-21 23:52:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
A new warrior is joining Forbidden Fantasy, and she's not just anyone. Ragna is strong, fast and dominates one-on-one duels like nobody's business. One look and you know she means business.
Now you can decide how she'll appear in the game!
Vote for Ragna's details:
- Hairstyle
- Hair color
- Eye color
[ 2025-02-20 22:00:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Zhara, our favorite half-demon, is about to get a new look - and you decide what it will be!
Three hairstyles have been chosen, each bringing a new layer of mystery and seduction to this lethal warrior. But only one will be official...
Which hairstyle suits Zhara best? Do you prefer a wilder look? Sophisticated? Or a touch of demonic rebellion?
Vote now and help define Zhara's new look!
Your choice shapes Forbidden Fantasy. Thank you for your constant support.
See you soon,
[ 2025-02-19 21:00:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, heroes!
The majestic Helenor, Queen of the Elves, rules her people with a firm hand and unparalleled beauty. Now you have the chance to decide her final look!
What should we choose?
- Hairstyle
- Hair color
- Eye color
[ 2025-02-17 22:25:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Epic battles and intense moments in Forbidden Fantasy deserve a hero with the perfect look. And who better to decide that than you?
Were designing a brand-new skin for Syd, but before we finalize the details, we need your input on which style fits him best! Your choice will shape how he looks in the next update.
Cast your vote now and help define Syds next skin style!
A great skin isnt just cosmetic it enhances immersion, reflects your personality in the game, and makes every moment even more legendary!
See you soon,
[ 2025-02-13 21:00:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, heroes!
We're defining Christine's style - a young mage with great potential - and you can help us decide!
- Hair style
- Hair color
- Eye color
[ 2025-02-11 16:38:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
A new character is coming to Forbidden Fantasy, and youll play an important role in shaping her look!
Ophlia is a powerful and experienced Cleric who loves her people and will do whatever it takes to protect them.
Now we want to know: how do you imagine Ophlia?
Cast your vote to decide:
- Hairstyle
- Hair color
- Eye color
[ 2025-02-07 22:00:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Our preproduction is going great, and this week we made incredible progress! Our characters are getting ready for their new adventure, and this was a pivotal week in their development.
Were almost halfway through with our character designs, and your feedbacks have been crucial in this process. This week we got great feedback on MC, Faust, Luna, Raven and Ophelia, and also designed hair for Luna, Raven, Helenor, Christine, Ragna and Ophelia!
Next week well return with more character polls, and a new sneakpeek into our new environments! Were also auditioning Voice Actors for our new characters, and, of course, well want to hear your opinions about them soon!
Forbidden Fantasy: Bloodlines is a very exciting story, and our team is hyped to tell it! Soon, preproduction will be over, and our new adventure will begin!
Thanks for your support and patronage. Forbidden Fantasy is amazing, and we cant wait to share more of it with you!
See you soon,
[ 2025-02-07 21:00:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Heroes!
Two new characters are coming to Forbidden Fantasy, and you can decide their final look!
Luna and Raven - which tattoo suits them best?
What kind of horns should they have?
And which eye color will make them truly unforgettable?
Your vote is important! Click on the link and help shape their design.
See you soon,
[ 2025-02-04 18:49:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Fausto stands ready beside the Demon King, but his final form is up to you. Skin, eyes, and hair every detail will be decided by the community!
Make your choice and leave your mark on Forbidden Fantasy!
Vote now: https://oppaiman.typeform.com/to/acGj2CMJ
See you soon, OppaiMan.
[ 2025-01-31 21:31:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
The Demon King is about to take his final form, and your choice will define his ultimate look!
We need your opinion on three crucial details:
- The horns Which shape gives him the imposing presence he deserves?
- The arm His mastery over flames is stronger than ever. Which version best represents his power?
- The eyes Blue, red, or yellow? Which color best reflects his dark essence?
[ 2025-01-30 13:42:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Were expanding our casting roster!
Were looking for vocal talents to bring new characters to life in upcoming dubbing projects. If youre an actress with a passion for voice acting, this is your chance to join our creative team.
What Were Looking For:
- Experienced voice actresses or talented beginners.
- Vocal versatility for different character styles and personalities.
- Availability for future projects.
- Ability to record high-quality audio (having your own recording studio or access to professional equipment is required).
- To be comfortable voicing NSFW scenes (moanings, dirty talk and such).
[ 2025-01-27 14:30:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Its been another great week of work, and weve got great news to share with you!
As you know, over the past few weeks, we shared our story outlines for Forbidden Fantasys sequel with you. We were exploring two different ideas: Exile and Bloodlines, and we wanted to hear your thoughts about them, and get as much feedback as possible before making a final decision.
After reading your opinions and feedbacks, and lengthy internal discussion, our path for the future is clear! Forbidden Fantasy: Bloodlines is the story were going to tell in our sequel!
Our team is very excited about this story, and we want to thank you for giving us so much feedback! Hearing you has given us a clearer perspective, and opened up a few different paths we hadnt seen before. So thank you for being so involved, and for believing in the future of Forbidden Fantasy!
Well polish our script a lot, fix a few issues you found in it, and give this story everything we have! Forbidden Fantasy is amazing, and I cant wait to share more about Bloodlines with you! Soon, well have Character Design pools, so stay tuned!
Thank you for believing in us, and for loving the games we create!
See you soon,
[ 2025-01-24 21:11:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
After an amazing feedback round on The Exile storyline, we want to share our next storyline, Bloodlines, with you!
You can read it and leave your feedbacks on this link (HEAVY SPOILERS FOR FORBIDDEN FANTASY AND THE SEQUEL):
Your feedbacks are going to guide us on this journey, and, ultimately, help us select which adventure were going to create!
These are happy times, and our team is ready to start a brand-new story! We love both of these outlines, and I think these are powerful, sexy and fun stories, that deserve to be told. Which of these is your favorite?
As always, thank you so much for your love and support! Together, were creating something incredible, and I personally cant wait for our next chapter to begin!
See you soon,
[ 2025-01-20 20:15:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
This is a very, very exciting time, and weve got a lot to share with you this week!
As you know, were in the pre-production stages for our next adventure! Were evolving our tech, training our team, improving characters, creating new ones, and, of course, getting an amazing story ready for you.
Were currently working with two possible storylines: The Exile and Bloodlines. We spent weeks obsessing over these stories, and now, we want your help to choose which of these we should tackle!
Today, I want to hear your thoughts about The Exile storyline. We expanded it a bit, and made a description for each chapter were planning.
You can read it and leave your feedback on this link (HEAVY SPOILERS FOR FORBIDDEN FANTASY AND THE SEQUEL): https://oppaiman.typeform.com/to/sGlGdA2j
We love having you tag along on our adventures, so your notes, thoughts, and opinions are going to be crucial in our decision. Keep an open mind and follow your heart!
Next week well be back with a Bloodlines storyline! After we get feedback on both storylines, well compare votes and notes, discuss internally and make a final decision.
This is a very exciting time, and our team is already shaking with anticipation! Our minds are bubbling with ideas, new worlds, interesting characters, and sexy times. Forbidden Fantasy is an amazing game, and I cant wait for our next adventure to begin!
Thank you so much for your support, feedback, and for being a member of our party! Creating amazing games is our dream, and, thanks to you, its now a reality!
See you soon,
[ 2025-01-17 20:47:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
After a fierce vote, the two most voted voices have been selected, and now, the final decision is in your hands!
Watch the video showing the two finalists and vote for the one you like best.
Every detail of the choice will add even more emotion and personality to your journey as the hero of the prophecy.
Vote now!
Thank you so much for being part of this incredible adventure.
See you soon,
[ 2025-01-16 14:51:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, heroes!
We're excited to choose the voice of Forbidden Fantasy 's main character and we want to hear what you think!
After a vote on Patreon, now it's the Steam community's turn to help decide which voice will represent this important character.
Watch the video showing all the voice options and cast your vote!
Your choice will be key to bringing even more life and emotion to the world of Forbidden Fantasy.
Thank you for your support!
See you soon,
[ 2025-01-14 19:43:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed issue where the finale screen, where choices made at the end of a chapter are shown, had broken font in Russian
[ 2025-01-09 20:12:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Checked and fixed an issue reported in the comments of yesterday's update where achievements were not being granted.
[ 2024-12-19 18:54:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, heroes!
We need your help to choose the perfect voice for one of our main characters! We've selected some incredible voice actors, and now it's up to you to decide. Which voice do you think fits best? And why?
Vote and help make Forbidden Fantasy even more engaging!
See you soon,
[ 2024-12-19 14:23:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Major Fixes
- Interface adjustments:
- New back button;
- Improved usability of the skin change screen;
- Adjusted music volume in main menu;
- Added sounds to the interface;
- New finale and chapter change screens;
- Updated renders of the protagonist in the opening scenes (character update);
- Mac version released;
Minor Fixes
- Skin fixes;
- Adjustment to Zhara's portrait on the chapter start screen;
[ 2024-12-18 14:40:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Our pre-production for Forbidden Fantasys sequel is going strong, and this week we had a lot of progress!
After getting your inputs on the three possible storylines, we got back to brainstorming, and identifying what you loved and hated about each one. With this in mind, we started developing our final outline. Our plan is to take the best things from each story, and combine them in a new and improved version. After that, well show you what we got, and get new feedbacks! Im very excited about this process, and I think were on our way to making something truly special here.
This week, we also discovered our MCs voice! You helped us select the right voice actor, and soon, every line in Forbidden Fantasy will be fully voiced. As always, players that want to play the game without dubbing will be able to do so. I believe this feature will increase immersion and give our players an even better experience.
While our story team is working hard on our new outline and expanding world building, our artists and animators are improving the base game, and, testing new tech. Specifically, what were most excited about is a new hair system. In extreme detail, our new system is particle based, instead of card based. Particle hair will improve visual quality, animation fidelity and render times. Ill be back with polls on the new visuals soon!
As always, thank you so much for your support, and for being with us on this new. Forbidden Fantasys new chapter will be amazing, and our team is very excited for it!
See you soon,
[ 2024-12-14 01:00:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Heroes,
Community Items are finally here! Now, by playing the game, you can get Trading Cards, Profile Backgrounds, Badges and Emoticons.
You can also trade them with friends, or get them through the Community Market or Point Shop (https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/app/2638560)
[ 2024-12-13 12:40:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Save 20% on Parasite Black on Steam
Parasite Black is a mature, dark fantasy RPG set in the world of Mirnos, where a deadly race known as the Demorai threatens everything. With your newfound "gift," you may hold the key to turning the tide of war and saving the realm from destruction.
Unlock dozens of erotic scenes with unique characters and revisit them anytime in your personal gallery. Embark on an adventure full of steamy encounters and exciting choices. Will you build a harem, fall in love with someone special, or get caught up in secret affairs? Maybe you'll give in to darker desires, using the power of your new gift
Explore a vast, immersive world! Embark on thrilling and perilous journeys across the lands of Mirnos. Conquer enemies, face deadly challenges, and romance captivating women along the way.
Battle countless monsters and formidable bosses in your human or parasite form. The road ahead is tough, so gather a team of powerful allies to stand by your side on this epic journey!
Enhance your main character and party members by customizing their attributes, skills/talents. Unlock unique perks that shape every interaction with the world, giving you full control over their growth and abilities.
Embark on quests, craft or obtain items to enhance your attributes, and dive into books to uncover the lore and learn about your enemies. Solve riddles and interact with a diverse cast of characters, many of whom you will be able to romance!
[ 2024-12-09 16:08:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Today, wed like to show you the stories weve been working on, and hear your thoughts about them!
We compiled three of them in short paragraphs, and we want to know which is your favorite, why, and what impressions did they give you? Your feedback is crucial for us, and will help us decide which story well work on in the sequel!
Here they are (WARNING: MAJOR spoilers for Forbidden Fantasy):
Forbidden Fantasy: Two Heroes (working title)
The demon king plans a new attack on the human capital, but his descent into the realm of men doesn't go as planned when an artifact reveals the truth: the demon king is not who he thinks he is. There is a hidden past, where he was a human hero, even a friend to those who oppose him at this time. Faced with this discovery, he now needs to find out who or what caused these changes in history, in addition to reconnecting with his old allies.
During his newfound journey, he will try to remember his past with the girls (Arlian, Zhara and new ones too). He will need to gain the trust of each of them, and then use the artifact to unlock his memories, as well as theirs. As he learns more about the past, the bonds between him and the girls will strengthen, with possibilities for more intimate scenes. The closer he gets to the truth, the closer they all will be to danger. An entity was behind the altered memories, trying to maintain a certain order in things, always having a demon king and a hero.
Discovering the truth about this entity, the demon king/hero intends to end the cycle forever. With the help of the girls, and their newly strengthened confidence, they make an attack against this mysterious being, only to see him, in a last resort move, use his powers to erase our hero from the memories of all the girls. Alone, our hero must now face this entity and restore everyones memories back.
Forbidden Fantasy: Bloodlines (working title)
Upon becoming the Demon King, the reluctant hero discovers that everything he knew about demons is wrong. Instead of cruelty and malevolence, he finds a generous and kind people, who have been subjugated for millennia by the powerful Central Government. Without fertile lands, and without access to powerful weapons, the only recourse for many demons is to steal what little they can to survive. Captivated by his new people, he decides to fight for them and for their dignity. Determined to change things, the demon king begins to help his people obtain resources and stabilize themselves, but soon, his actions are met with violent retaliation from the people of the surface.
Outraged, the new sovereign of the demons then decides to declare open war on the surface.
The declaration of war makes things tense between the realms, and Arlian and Zhara (now well-known heroines) are sent to the Demon Realm as ambassadors of peace. They suggest that before attacking, the demon king speaks with the Council of Kingdoms and tries to find a diplomatic solution. At the Council, he asks for peace and preaches coexistence among races, but his words are met with hostility and, above all, concern and betrayal by those who benefit from the demons' current situation. In the confusion, the demon king meets up with old allies and begins to discover a hidden truth about demons and elves: they have the same origin.
Together with his allies, old and new, he seeks to discover the truth. Born of the same origin, the conflict between Elves and Demons comes from a conflict between brothers, which generated an eternal cycle of hatred, revenge and pain.
Along with this revelation, our hero discovers his own origin: he is also a half-breed. Born half-human and half-elf, our hero has spent his entire life representing a fierce side of this conflict. Now that he is also a demon, he becomes the personification of what he defends, a union between the kingdoms, and will do everything to make it a reality.
Forbidden Fantasy: The Exile (working title)
Ten years after the new demon king took the throne, the conflict between the human kingdom and the demon kingdom reaches its peak. Increasingly estranged from his humanity, and with few memories of who he once was, the hero feels compelled to make a difficult decision: trust his former companions and avoid a great war, or use the full force of his new army to invade the human kingdom once and for all, preventing his people from suffering due to severe food shortages.
While the former demon queen, now demoted to a vassal of the demon king, and his new friend and advisor Faust (the blue demon), try to convince their king that once he has assumed the position of king of the demons, he must leave his human memories behind, and value the lives of his subjects. Despite being considered demons, in the distant past this race was once one of a prosperous people, living in harmony with humans, elves and dwarves, until they were betrayed and banished by the Elves, forced to live for centuries in Exile, an inhospitable land, separated from the human world by a thin layer of arcane magic that prevents demons from crossing freely.
During a raid in search of food, a group of demons is intercepted by Arlian and Zhara and after a bloody battle one of the demons, even though wounded, manages to escape, reporting the fact to his king, who, upon seeing Arlian's arrow engraved in his shoulder, recovers part of his memories, leading the hero to investigate his past. Divided between the sad memories of his human life and the benefits of being a King, indulging in drinks and pleasure provided by his subjects and the Succubus, he ponders an important decision: whether or not to declare open war on those who exiled his people.
However, Verena and Helenor, queens of the human kingdom and the elven kingdom, do not intend to remain idly by, waiting for the Demon King to decide the future of their kingdoms, while their cities are constantly plundered. The Acolytes, a group composed of four elite warriors, receive orders to invade the demon world to kill their king, a former companion of the group.
So, what do you think? Would you like to see any of these stories become the sequel for Forbidden Fantasy? If so, which one? And why? Let us know in the comments below!
See you soon,
[ 2024-12-06 20:53:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Explore a Rich, Dark World
Travel through the beautifully twisted landscapes of Mirnos and Alderay, where danger lurks around every corner and every decision carries weight.
Mature Themes for Mature Audiences
Dive into a deeply immersive narrative filled with intrigue, conflict, and moral dilemmas. This isnt just an adult gameits a gripping dark fantasy that happens to embrace adult themes.
Discover Your Fantasies
From anal to pregnancy, lactation, BDSM, tentacles, and beyond, Parasite Black caters to a wide range of kinks and fetishes. The games inclusive approach ensures there's something for everyone to explore in this thrilling, uninhibited world.
Build Your Harem
Conquer your enemies and claim your lovers. In Parasite Black, relationships and power dynamics intertwine as you forge bonds with a variety of fascinating characters.
More Than Just an Adult Game
Whether youre here for the thrilling story, the rich world-building, or to explore your deepest desires, Parasite Black is an experience like no other.
Prepare yourself for the ultimate blend of dark fantasy, mature storytelling, and unrestrained imagination.
Join the fight against the Demorai, and take your first step into the world of Parasite Black:
Explore your darkest fantasies. Save a dying world. Claim your destiny.
[ 2024-12-04 12:41:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Heroes and FreshMen,
I have some interesting info to share:
FreshWomen Season 1 sold 120,000 units in week 1 on Steam.
Forbidden Fantasy sold 60,000 units in week 1 on Steam.
And the success of Forbidden Fantasy has given a boost to FreshWomen sales, which means double the success.
This means both games are very, very successful, and I'm very proud of what our studios have accomplished.
We are keeping the success flame active and bright, glowing even stronger than ever.
I can say we're very financially stable and can invest even more to make our games even better.
OppaiMan Store also helped other developers earn 45,000 monthly subscribers for their games and allowed their studios to grow and expand.
We already set some goals for 2025, and I can say that next year will be incredible!
Stay tuned for more!
[ 2024-12-02 22:50:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Major Fixes:
- Multiple skins fixes: issues like hair clipping, wrong clothes, lighting issues and layer issues;
- New skin selection screen;
Minor Fixes:
- Clipping fixes in some renders;
- Correction of the message when finishing a chapter: [strike]Save your game now[/strike] -> Continue to the next chapter. (It's not translated yet)
Upcoming Updates: Mac version next week
[ 2024-11-29 19:19:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
We have some exciting news for you!
Zhara, the half-demon assassin from Forbidden Fantasy, now has her own collectible statue.
How can you get yours?
With the Forbidden Fantasy Supporter Pack, you'll gain access to the exclusive STL file of Zharas statue, ready for 3D printing.
This highly detailed model captures every iconic feature of her character, letting you bring a piece of Forbidden Fantasy into your real-world collection.
Why Zhara?
Her blend of sensuality, ferocity, and mystery makes her one of the most unforgettable characters in the game.
Now, you can showcase that energy on your shelf with a unique and stunning piece.
Ready to have her by your side?
Get the Supporter Pack now and make Zhara the centerpiece of your collection!
Download Now
See you soon,
[ 2024-11-27 20:53:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Discover the Women Who Make Forbidden Fantasy Unforgettable In Forbidden Fantasy, every choice is shaped by powerful encounters with women who embody strength, mystery, and seduction. From formidable foes to surprising allies, they will be both your greatest challenges and your greatest motivations. Prepare to meet the women who will test you at every step of this epic journey. [hr][/hr]
The Demon Queen.

The imposing villain whose challenges go far beyond the physical. His ability to invade thoughts and manipulate emotions turns every confrontation into a battle of willpower as much as brute strength. Resisting his magnetism is the ultimate test of courage and determination.

Arlian - The Elven Archer.

The wise and powerful elf is one of the most revered figures in the game. More than a guide, Arlian is a skilled warrior whose strength and sensuality inspire awe. His relationship with her transcends mere training, pushing him to new physical and emotional limits.

Zhara - The Half-Demon Assassin.

Half-demon and deadly assassin, Zhara is a captivating blend of combat skill and natural charm. Her fierce personality challenges players to earn her trust, whether as an ally or romantic interest, adding layers of tension and desire to the story.

Verena - The Human Queen.

Mysterious and enchanting, Verena rules the human kingdom with an irresistible blend of grace and power. While many see her as a compassionate leader, those who get closer discover a queen capable of inspiring desire and respect in equal measure.

[hr][/hr] They're Waiting for You Each of these intense girls brings depth, mystery, and emotion to your journey in Forbidden Fantasy. Who will be your strongest ally? Who will be your greatest challenge? Download now: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2638560/Forbidden_Fantasy
[ 2024-11-22 23:14:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Heroes,
You might have noticed your protagonist doesn't have voice acting. We chose that option because some people prefer to use their own voice for the protagonist.
But I was wondering if at least 50% of the players would want us to add voice to the protagonist. It can improve the experience and make the game take longer to complete.
So, comment down below on this:
Would play the game with the voice of the protagonist active or not?
[ 2024-11-21 18:39:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
Your journey through Forbidden Fantasy can be even more intense and personalized. With the Supporter Pack, you can not only delve deeper into this universe of desire and adventure, but also bring a piece of it into the real world.
What does the Supporter Pack bring to you?
Exclusive Skins for Arlian, Zhara and Camilla Add a unique touch to your adventures with exclusive and seductive looks for the most striking characters in the game. Each skin was designed to highlight the essence of Arlian, Zhara and Camilla, making every moment with them even more special.
3D Printable Zhara Collectible Statue Zhara, the half-demon, is the first character to receive her own statue. With the exclusive STL file, you can print a detailed and impressive piece, perfect for displaying as part of your collection.
Support the Studio
By purchasing the Supporter Pack, you help our studio continue to create incredible experiences like Forbidden Fantasy. This is a direct gesture of support to the developers who work to bring your fantasies to life.
Thank you for Making This All Possible! With the Supporter Pack, you are not only enhancing your journey in the game, but also investing in the future of Forbidden Fantasy. Your support is essential for us to develop new technologies, such as skins for more scenes, even more fluid animations, improved interactive systems and breathtaking graphics.
Get the Supporter Pack Now and be a fundamental part of this evolution.
See you soon, OppaiMan.
[ 2024-11-21 18:15:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
In just over 24 hours, Forbidden Fantasy has reached over 17,000 units sold. You have not only answered the call, but have dived headfirst into a world filled with desire, battles, and choices that define destinies.
And your destiny may cross the path of one of them:
The Demon Queen awaits you
With supreme power, she dominates your thoughts, whispers temptations, and forces you to confront your own weaknesses. Resisting her influence is more than a challengeit is a battle against yourself.
Arlian: Wisdom and Strength
Your elven master combines wisdom and strength in every gesture. A fearless warrior, she is the perfect balance between discipline and desire. Her teachings go beyond training, challenging you to discover how far this relationship can go.
Zhara: Sensuality and Lethality
The half-demon with assassin skills is the perfect combination of sensuality and efficiency. In battle, she is deadly; in intimate moments, she is a temptation that can become your ally or something hotter.
And that's not all! Your choices can lead you to exciting moments in battle, suspense and sex. They are waiting for you, each with its own intensity, beauty and mystery.
Buy Now on Steam and become the hero of the prophecy.
See you soon,
[ 2024-11-20 19:03:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Heroes,
On the launch of Forbidden Fantasy on Steam, we sold over 14,000 units. With these results, I approved the development of a new game in the Forbidden Fantasy universe.
The new game will start and finish a new story with the same characters, and I want to know what are your expectations.
Write your comments about this:
- Do you expect new characters? What should they look like?
- What do you want the new story to focus on?
- Is there anything new you wish we to add?
- Do you have any suggestions?
- What price are you willing to pay for the sequel?
[ 2024-11-20 13:55:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Corrections made to the rendering of Thai language glyphs;
- Corrected position of the game restart button when modifying graphics settings
[ 2024-11-19 20:47:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed bugs to unlock the following achievements:
- Wind Magic;
- Ice Magic;
- Save Arlian;
- Save Zhara;
- Keep Looking;
[ 2024-11-19 15:02:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Would you resist a deal with the devil if the prize was... the Demon Queen herself?
Extremely hot and armed with a deadly lustfulness, she'll tempt you every step of the way. Will you be able to endure every temptation?
Even if you think you will, don't count your cards yet!
As the queen of devils, she can lend you her power to aid in your battles. Here are some essential tips for dealing with her seductive but dangerous offers:
- The Demon Queen is cunning but precise she chooses her words carefully.
- When she makes an offer, shes literal pay close attention to every word.
- Remember, you are the hero of legend! Even though the queen is powerful, you can always find your way out of a deal!
[ 2024-11-17 20:20:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, heroes!
Imagine yourself in the middle of the darkness, with the glare of her intense eyes fixed on you. Zhara never lets her guard down; she's a born hunter, her strength and precision make her relentless.
But there is something more... a silent invitation in her smile, a promise that if you are brave enough, you can discover what lies behind this impenetrable armor.
To deal with Zhara, remember:
- Show confidence, but never arrogance - Zhara respects true strength, and any sign of weakness will be her undoing.
- Stay alert - she can disappear and reappear without warning, testing your reflexes and determination with every move.
- Control your feelings - she comes from a dark past, a very different reality after she met you and Arlian. Let her know you can trust her and be by her side.
[ 2024-11-14 22:30:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Heroes,
Today I want to share a short story on how Forbidden Fantasy was heavily edited by the Community.
We created over 200 blog posts asking the community the following:
- What should be the theme and the plot?
- Who should be the main love interests, their species, skin color, boob size and ass size?
- How should be the protagonist? Old or Young? Small Dick or Big Dick?
- Do you want to see threesomes?
- What is more important? Animations? Minigames? Voice Acting? Graphics?
- Do you prefer a high quality short game? Or a low quality long game?
- What should be the name of the game? Here is a list of 400 different names.
[ 2024-11-13 13:47:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Heroes,
Before you play Forbidden Fantasy, it's important that you know that this is game is about 1/3 of the duration of FreshWomen Season 1.
Because Forbidden Fantasy is something new, and there are no other top-selling fantasy adult games on Steam, I decided to make it a complete game that can receive a sequel only if plenty of players, like you, come and play the first game so we have enough funds to develop the sequel.
Forbidden Fantasy can have 3 possible outcomes:
- Become a top seller adult game: in this case, we'll start developing Forbidden Fantasy 2 as a longer game as soon as possible, and also hire more people to start developing new franchises.
- Small success: in this case, I'll have to carefully evaluate the expected number of sales in the case we make Forbidden Fantasy 2. It's a harder decision for me.
- Sales Failure: There won't be a Forbidden Fantasy 2, and the team will move on to a new project.
[ 2024-11-12 18:04:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Heroes,
I spent a day deciding the price proposal of Forbidden Fantasy on Steam, and you can see them in the image.
This was how I got to this price:
- The duration of the game is around 120 minutes
- There are 6 sex scenes
- The graphic quality is above average, with 4K and 60 FPS support.
- All characters are voiced, except the protagonist (add your own voice while playing)
- After December 2022, all new games had to use a new price suggestion table created by Steam, which had a significant price raise in Brazil, Russia, Turkey and Argentina. This is something out of our control. (read more here: https://steamdb.info/blog/valve-price-matrix-2022-update/ )
[ 2024-11-05 01:13:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Heroes,
Our trailer for Forbidden Fantasy (Complete game) is ready, and we need your feedback.
WATCH THE TRAILER: https://app.frame.io/reviews/4a9ac2a5-dc20-4d9c-91c7-23e7cc44a9a6/5924681a-bda3-4627-9caa-6cf33ff71da1?version=26e57d84-d153-4604-af84-f67cbe58616e
Your feedback is welcome so we can deliver the best first impression to a new, huge audience.
[ 2024-11-01 14:02:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Heroes,
The full release of Forbidden Fantasy on Steam is getting close, with an estimated launch on November 19.
I believe some of you might have questions or feelings you want to share, and I'm here to hear what you have to say, acknowledge your doubts or anxieties and write back to you in the next post.
Please write your sincere messages on this topic or on our blog, so I can read.
[ 2024-10-31 19:30:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Heroes,
Forbidden Fantasy is coming to Steam on November 19 as a full game.
We need the game to be translated into the following languages:
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Czech
- French
- German
- Italian
- Korean
- Polish
- Russian
- Spanish
- Thai
- Turkish
[ 2024-10-24 14:45:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Seven Realms is a fantasy, story-driven, adult visual novel where your choices will shape the fate of the Realms and the people around you. The choices are yours to make.
You have tried to maintain a semblance of peace throughout the Realm for four hundred years.
Since the queen's death and a great apathy seized the king, it fell to you, the prince of the vampires, to restore order. So when you smell an unfamiliar scent that should not have been amongst a party of humans, you investigate and meet Leyala. She seems to be hiding something, and by trying to undercover what, you start a chain of events that will cause you to venture across all Seven Realms.
Will you be a strong or a fair ruler? Will you inspire fear in your subordinates or let them think of you as weak? Are you going to forgive or hold your grudges forever? The choices are yours.
Grow close to the three main love interests and eight other romantic encounters during Realms 1 & 2. Will you be a one-woman-only kind of man, or will you start building your harem?
Also, don't forget to Wishlist our next episode
[ 2024-10-18 20:56:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Heroes!
We're gearing up for our big release on Steam, and our team is currently hard at work in Chapter 4! We'll release Forbbiden Fantasy on Steam as soon as Chapter 5 is done!
Today, I bring you the most amazing offerings: scorching hot preview animations from chapter 4! Zhara and Arlian look amazing in these, and I cant wait to hear your thoughts about them. These are just a few of the animations youll see in Forbidden Fantasy! Are you ready?
Our animator is really shining in those, huh? Were working very hard to make this chapter extra special for you! Heres a quick summary of our progress in Chapter 4 so far:
- Storyboard: 7 scenes done, 2 in progress, 2 to go
- Blocking: 7 scenes done, 1 in progress, 3 to go;
- Lighting: 7 scenes done, 4 to go;
- Facial Expression: 7 scenes done, 4 to go;
- Cloth Simulation and Polish: 6 scenes done, 1 in progress, 4 to go;
- Animations: 16 in polishing stage, 22 to go;
- Characters and Script are done!;
[ 2024-08-24 01:08:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
You know that we've been working for a long time on our own store which already offers all the latest episodes of FreshWomen and many other titles.
The latest game to be added is the great Eternum, which is available 100% FREE for you to download now.
You just need to create an account and download the game. 100% free.
We hope you enjoy it.
[ 2024-05-20 18:30:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Watch now: http://oppai.me/watch_sex-with-the-demon-queen-steam
Hey FreshMen,
I made an 11 minutes long video where you can enjoy the #1 Hottest Sex Video With the Demon Queen
Click here to watch the first minutes for FREE
[ 2024-03-14 20:43:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've just released chapter two of Forbidden Fantasy. And it's fantastic!
Our hero finally has the chance to get intimate with Arlian, the hottest elf you've ever seen.
You can check out Chapter 2 NOW!
Click on the link below and check it out!
[ 2024-03-06 20:54:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey FreshMen,
We have a new trailer focusing on Arlian, the Elf Girl.
Watch the trailer and comment what you think about it:
Want to keep up with all the releases, news and updates?
Access now: oppaiman.com
[ 2024-02-29 01:08:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Arlian is a very intelligent elf who helps you throughout your journey. She's very shy when it comes to love affairs, but as the journey goes on the mood will warm up, and you'll be surprised when she finally surrenders to her desires and unleashes her greatest fantasies.
Add it to your wish list now and be one of the first to know when Forbidden Fantasy is released here on Steam.
[ 2024-02-27 15:38:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have a big surprise for you.
We've prepared a compilation with over 150 of the most beautiful images and videos we've produced this year. All in 4k for you to enjoy.
We have exclusive images of Allysa, Chloe and Gabby, which one is your favorite?
It doesn't matter, you'll get them all.
Click on the link below and enjoy now! It's FREE!.
[ 2024-02-22 20:27:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, my dear FreshMen!
Now we want to know which of these screenshots are the best for our store page!
What do you think?
See you soon,
[ 2024-02-21 16:32:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
You better start to build up your strength and stamina, the Demon queen it is not easy to handle, but we ashore you, it is worth it.
You sure you can handle her?
If you think you are ready, just add it to your wishlist, and you will be one of the first ones to face and satisfy her.
[ 2024-02-15 14:35:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Who wouldn't want to start the week like that?
It's even better if it's in the company of Zhara and Arlian. Right?
You can't imagine how fantastic Forbidden Fantasy is. We are really proud off, and we think it is one of our most beautiful works so far. We can't wait for it to be released here on Steam, and we're very close to achieving our wishlist goal.
If, like us, you can't wait to see these girls in action, you can give us a hand and add-it to your wishlist. It's free, it only takes a second, and it really helps us to launch the game as soon as possible.
You just have to click on the blue button right here on the page.
Oppai-Man Team
[ 2024-02-05 12:40:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi guys, 2024 is here, and we are very excited to launch Forbidden Fantasy on Steam as soon as possible. For this to happen, we need your support more than ever.
For our game to be successful on Steam, we need a certain number of Wishlist before the official launch. This is a must for Steam to give us the visibility we need to continue developing new episodes for our entire community.
It's very simple, you just have to click on the green button on our main page, it's free, and will help us a lot.
If you like our work, you can also can share it with your friends
The more wishlist we have, the sooner we got to launch.
Oppai-Man Team
[ 2024-01-19 22:54:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
[img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-08-922_1.jpg[/img] [img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-09-314_2.jpg[/img] [img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-10-028_3.jpg[/img] [img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-10-395_4.jpg[/img] [img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-08-857_5.jpg[/img] [img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-09-671_6.jpg[/img] [img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-09-077_7.jpg[/img] [img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-10-319_8.jpg[/img] [img url=http://oppai.me/sraS]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_13-12-2023-02-43-09-145_9.jpg[/img] As you know, every project is a different and exciting challenge for us, and Forbidden Fantasy is no exception. It's been quite the journey so far, and we're thrilled about the results and the feedback we're getting. We love creating immersive, fun and exciting games, and we know for a fact that the beautiful environments in which our stories take place are a vital part of the gaming experience. And to create these amazing worlds, we have artists 100% focused on research, brainstorming, creation and detailing of each scenario. So today we'd like to share some of the fantastic work of Gustavo Wielewski, the Environment Artist and mastermind behind the beautiful scenarios in Forbidden Fantasy, Chapter 1. Which one is your favorite so far?
- 1. Elven Kingdom
- 2. Elven Room
- 3. Hills Cabin
- 4. Human Kingdom Walls
- 5. Human Castle Room
- 6. Frozen Mountains
- 7. Elfhouse
- 8. Elfhouse Interior
- 9. Combat Arena
[ 2023-12-13 15:00:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
[img url=http://oppai.me/8eCu]https://freshwomen-rewards-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/34986506_08-12-2023-10-35-22-771_Forbidden%20fantasy%20-%20Who%20is%20your%20favorite_.jpg[/img] Who is your favorite Forbidden Fantasy girl? Would you like to take a sneak peek and get to know our Forbidden Fantasy girls a little better? Each one has a unique and captivating personality that matches their look and their deepest fantasies and desires. Which one is your favorite? Zhara Wild. Zhara is a half-demon who has lived in other lands and is not very civilized, sometimes acting "dumb" because she doesn't understand social conventions. She acts on impulse, and her first response is usually violence. However, she knows how to infiltrate and blend in, and she can be very kind when she finds someone she likes. Arlian Intellectual. She always believes she knows things and is stubborn when she's wrong. She's also shy when it comes to love affairs, even though she's worked up the courage to kiss the Chosen One. Oracle Wise and mysterious. She appears and gives Arlian the prophecy about the Chosen one. The Oracle is a beautiful, mysterious and mystical being. Demon Queen She's powerful and likes to show off. The Demon Queen is intelligent and a stone-cold strategist. She has been developing a plan to not only defeat the hero but to corrupt him to her side. Vote Now!
Comment now Want to keep up with all the releases, news and updates? Access now: freshwomen.net[ 2023-12-08 22:54:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
- [0 B]
Forbidden Fantasy Chapter 1 has:
- Over 250 4K static images;
- 26 animations in 60 FPS;
- ~30 minutes of fresh gameplay;
- The thrilling beginning of a new adventure;
We planned 4 chapters totaling 2000 renders, 100 animations and 2 hours of gameplay when the game is done.
Build your harem guild
Convince magical women to join your group and travel the world. Make the right choices to get on their good side.
Fulfill your Forbidden Fantasy
Seduce Elves, Demons and Succubi. Explore all of your Forbidden Fantasies.
Satisfy the Demon Queen
Prove you’re the chosen one. Survive the temptation, or surrender to the desires of the Demon Queen.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04+ or Kernel 3.x+ based distributions
- Processor: 2.0 GHz Core 2 DuoMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible
- Storage: 5 GB available space
[ 6017 ]
[ 1260 ]
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