This is the first post-release update and includes a number of fixes.
- Added Windowed mode for PC & Mac that allows resizing and auto-fixing to 16:9 resolution.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the No Target Left Behind & Aye 'Fer An Eye achievements from firing.
- Fixed some resolution issues.
- Fixed conflict between Play Button, Pause Menu and TM Overlay button on the Scene Select Map Menu.
- Updated the description of Thine Fate Is Shield achievement.
- Added cinematic before secret/unlockable Princess MB level, with new music and dialogue.
- Fixed Target Maestro's googly eyes on first TM Level.
- Princess MB no longer clips with scaffolding on Level 3.
- Changed controller popup wording on Steam Deck to emphasize touch screen controls.
- Fixed issue where unlockable level buttons wouldnt stay visually highlighted when pressing the TM Overlay button on the Scene Select Map Menu.
That's it for update 1.01 - I'm already working on a second update that should add some quality of life updates to the game based on user feedback, the goal is to push that next Wednesday (2/7).
Thanks everyone!
Casual Archery Puzzles Embark on archery escapades across a whimsical world following the adventures of five different protagonists.
Handcrafted Levels With Unique Challenges Conquer strategies for over 40 handcrafted stages and unlock achievements, characters and levels on your way to win the big tournament.
Quirky Dialogue Stroll through walkable levels and connect with the locals.
Little Slices of Life Unlock cozy dioramas and charming lore through achievements and story progression.