Hi folks,
Finally, a new, massive update is available! It introduces new biomes, underground caves, ridable horses, aggressive animals, new items and much more!
First of all, the biggest change are the biomes: The game now has two new climate regions (dry and cold region), which consist of 14 new biomes, including deserts, savannahs, tundras, taigas etc.
Existing worlds will remain compatible! But if you experience any issues with your existing worlds, please let us know. The game also creates a backup of your world automatically, so even if something goes wrong during world conversion, the world can still be recovered.
To make sure the new regions are as varied as possible, this update introduces many new plants and trees as well as new animals.
Another new feature is that some animals will now attack you (bears, polar bears, wild boars, lions and snakes). Unlike the Java version, the game now indicates if an aggressive animal has detected you. To fight back, this update introduces many new swords (some of them cannot be crafted and can only be looted from chests).
Talking about loot: the arctic regions randomly contains a few frozen chests containing various items. More loot spots are planned for future updates.
In addition to the new biomes and animals, this update also introduces caves: the upper layers consist of caves similar to the ones in the Java version (but they're more branched and have less dead ends). The lower layers consist of big caves which are partly filled with water. Below these "deep caves", you'll find the hell.
Apart from caves and biomes, this update also adds ridable horses to the game! Horse movement is now more flexible compared to the Java version. In order to ride a horse, you just have to craft a saddle (optionally you can also attach some bags to it).
We've also done some improvements to the world generation: the game now generates bigger islands and less mountains. It should be easier now to find flat spots. If this isn't sufficient, the world creation dialog now has an additional slider to change the steepness of terrain. Furthermore, a new world type ("superflat islands") is available.
As mentioned above, there are various new items and objects in this update. One item worth mentioning is the toolbelt, which can be used to expand the available number of slots in your hotbar.
Of course there are also many new QoL changes and smaller features. There a few pieces of clothing available now, you can spawn a "dummy" human npc and there are new building options available (e.g. the ability to change texture alignment or to enable a local move mode).
To get an overview of all changes, please find the full changelog below.
The next update will now focus on a map as well as more npcs - stay tuned! :)
Changelog 0.7 (2024-02-02):
- [New] New climate regions: cold and dry regions (including many new biomes, e.g. deserts, savannahs, tundras, taigas etc)
- [New] Implement caves
- [New] Deep elevations now consist of big caves filled with water
- [New] Added hell (below deep caves)
- [New] New ridable horses (14 different horse variants)
- [New] Added saddle and optional saddle bags
- [New] New item: toolbelt, which increases the number of available slots in your item hotbar
- [New] New item: weed whacker
- [New] New items: several swords
- [New] When creating a world, you can now determine how flat or steep the terrain should be
- [New] New world type: superflat islands
- [New] New aggressive animals: bear (4 variants), polar bear, lion (2 variants), spider, snake
- [New] New passive animals: penguin, elephant (2 variants), rhinoceros, zebra (2 variants)
- [New] Bulls, goats, rams and mooses now attack you if you attack them first (also applies to rhino and elephant)
- [New] Wild boars now always attack the player
- [New] Aggressive animals play a "warning" animation first before attacking the player
- [New] Heartbeat sound is audible when the player has been detected by an aggressive animal
- [New] Added dummy human npc that can be spawned via console command ("spawnnpc dummy", optionally with "locked" parameter)
- [New] New crafting station: tanning rack
- [New] You can now get pelts and hides from animals and turn them into leather at the tanning rack
- [New] Added optional craftable storage for inflatable boat (RIB)
- [New] Added 2 doors (old wooden door from Java version)
- [New] Added gift (including several variants)
- [New] Added safe object (to store items)
- [New] Added small trashcan object
- [New] Added gramophone object (including 3 music discs)
- [New] Added several special variants of some animals
- [New] Added 20 new cacti (also removed the old ones)
- [New] Added several new trees (mesquite, aleppo pines etc)
- [New] Added several new smaller plants
- [New] Added new music tracks
- [New] Added medieval fur coat (clothing piece)
- [New] Added new headgear/accessory items (vanity): pilgrim hat, felt hat, wizard hat, fedora, cowboy hat, redcoat hat, boonie, safari hat, sombrero, wooly, cappy, captain hat, chef hat, fez, jester hat, jockey helmet, crown, cylinder, ushanka, unclesam hat, xmas hat, pickelhaube, bear mask, goat mask, pig mask, teddy mask, bunny mask, aviator glasses, sunglasses, groucho mask
- [New] Added diving goggles (which remove blurriness underwater)
- [New] Northern lights (aurora borealis) are now visible in snow biomes, depending on weather
- [New] Building radial menu (C) now enables you to change the texture alignment for the active construction element
- [New] Building radial menu (C) now enables you to change the move mode (when manual positioning is active)
- [New] New weather effect: blizzard (strong snowstorm)
- [New] Repeating rifle now requires ammunition
- [New] Cutting grass now adds grass blades to your inventory (to replant grass)
- [New] Smoothing wet ground with a rake now randomly spawns earthworms
- [New] You can now disable shadows for individual lamps and torches (hold F)
- [New] Info text (lower left screen corner) now always shows the name of the element the player currently looks at (e.g. plant name, animal name etc)
- [New] Added optional key to toggle voice chat (per key press)
- [New] Added forbidden objects permission (to lock objects like furniture etc in multiplayer)
- [New] Added forbidden crafting permission (to lock certain crafting recipes in multiplayer)
- [New] Branches now spawn randomly on the ground (can be picked up to get sticks)
- [New] Added setting to change the max resolution for custom images (posters)
- [New] Added setting to change the sort mode for blueprint files
- [New] Character preview is now visible in inventory screen
- [New] Drag clothes on character to wear them (or vice-versa)
- [New] Auto-Run setting is now available in controls setting
- [New] World backups can now be restored from the world menu (to do that, rightclick on the world entry in singleplayer menu)
- [New] Rightclick on world in world menu now gives an option to copy the seed to clipboard
- [New] Rightclick on UID in main menu now gives an option to copy it to clipboard
- [New] Added command "swapsize" to swap the size of two axes of your currently active building element
- [New] Added command "deletesector" to delete/reset an entire sector/island (use with caution!)
- [New] Added command "overrideregion" to change the climate region of a sector (use with caution!)
- [New] Added command "togglewater" to enable/disable underwater rendering
- [New] Added command "locknpc" and "unlocknpc" to freeze/unfreeze npcs
- [New] Added command "gap" to set the gap size directly while placing multiple construction elements in a row
- [New] Added commands "surfacescale" and "surfaceoffset" to edit the surface of the current construction element
- [New] Added commands "texturealignment" to change the active texture alignment for construction elements
- [New] Added command "renderplayer" to save a rendered image of the player model on the hard drive
- [New] Added edit flag "DisableOffset" for construction elements (to disable offset to prevent flickering)
- [Change] Updated moving behaviour of animals
- [Change] Some animals will now attack if you attack them first (e.g. goat, ram, moose etc)
- [Change] Wild boars are now aggressive
- [Change] Game now generates less mountains by default (more flat areas)
- [Change] When editing signs for the first time, the previously used settings (font, size etc) are now used
- [Change] You can now also use the sledgehammer to dismantle and pick up objects/furniture
- [Change] Elements are now picked up automatically when deconstructing them with a sledgehammer (can be disabled in config file)
- [Change] Creative mode removal tools now show a confirmation dialog before removing any elements (can be disabled in game settings)
- [Change] Slightly improved text editor for signs (hold font size buttons, added tooltips and help etc)
- [Change] Plants are now always removed during large terrain edits in F5 creative mode (if plant gravity is enabled)
- [Change] If a bow or rifle is equipped, the remaining amount of ammo is shown on the right side now
- [Change] Player health is now also shown in inventory (next to character preview field)
- [Change] Slighly increased interaction radius for chests
- [Change] Improved falling-through-ground detection (player should now under no circumstances fall through the ground anymore)
- [Change] Reworked weather snow effects
- [Change] When driving a boat, the camera rotation is now updated depending on the driving direction (can be disabled in misc settings)
- [Change] Collecting fruits from plants placed in creative mode (F6) will now cause the fruits to regrow
- [Change] Preview element when placing construction elements now has the correct size (difference was visible when placing big elements)
- [Change] Update ore detector text and it now also detects coal
- [Change] Console command "sql" now supports queries/select-statements (result is printed to console)
- [Change] Crafting glass doors now requires a modern workbench
- [Change] Blueprints are now consumed when saving a structure in survival mode
- [Change] Disabled sporadic player pain sounds in creative mode if bones are broken or health is low
- [Change] Changed crafting recipe for rope (reduced required ingredients)
- [Change] Changed crafting recipe for rope blocks and fabric blocks (reduced required ingredients)
- [Change] "Manual positioning mode" status (active/inactive) is now also shown on the left side of the HUD (only while building)
- [Change] You can now stack empty blueprints
- [Change] Touching a tall cactus now inflicts damage
- [Change] Improved snow rendering on steep cliffs
- [Change] Increased light intensity of large flashlight and penlight
- [Change] Improved visibility of selected item in hotbar (cursor around item)
- [Change] When using the "Copy Block" key (middle mouse button) in creative mode, the block color is now properly taken into account (can be disabled in config file)
- [Change] When searching a crafting recipe, a tooltip now shows the category of that recipe
- [Change] Selecting a crafting recipe now also highlights and selects the according crafting category
- [Change] When using the "commands" console command, the output is also stored in your system clipboard (use that to paste it into a text file, for example)
- [Change] The game now automatically creates a backup of the world before performing a world conversion
- [Bugfix] Fixed various issues with color picker
- [Bugfix] Fixed custom console commands (see controls settings at the bottom) not being saved properly
- [Bugfix] Fixed item animation sometimes being broken (e.g. after equipping an item which is identical to the currently equipped item)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues if "interaction" and primary/secondary action were bound to the same key
- [Bugfix] Signs are now correctly rendered behind glass panes
- [Bugfix] Fixed ingame permission overview (esc) not showing custom image permissions
- [Bugfix] Fixed scroll issue in creative mode plant selection menu (F6)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong ingredient requirement for crafting recipes if ingredient wasn't consumed (e.g knife when crafting a jack-o-lantern)
- [Bugfix] Closing a chest no longer closes the chest UI for all other players in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed a crash when loading certain blueprints containing terrain data
- [Bugfix] Fixed some smaller translation issues
- [Bugfix] Fixed low elevation of volumetric clouds when being far away from the world origin
[ 2024-02-02 19:04:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Linux_x64 [185.91 M]
Rising World is an open-world sandbox game with randomly generated, fully destructible environments.
Starting with the most basic of tools, collect resources to survive in the wildness. Evolve your world to create one of the biggest cities of all time or a gigantic castle, or simply let your imagination run riot! If being creative is all too much, just connect with your friends and get them to help.
Anything is possible!
- Randomly generated worlds
- Completely modifiable environment
- Both single and multi-player modes
- 200 different building materials
- Place customised images in your world
- Complex and deep network of underground caves
- Environmental physics - trees and items
- Interact with just about everything, right down to playing the piano!
- Day-night-cycle
- Serverside script support (LUA)
Your purchase entitles you to receive all future updates free of charge!
- OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04 (64 bit) or higher
- Processor: 2+ Cores. e.g. Intel Core i3Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: 4 GB VRAM. Vulkan compatibleNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 20 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Java 8 compatible operating system. Proprietary graphics drivers have to be installed to ensure full OpenGL support. this may only apply in some cases. Important: For future versions of the game. a Vulkan compatible graphics adapter is required
- OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04 (64 bit) or higher
- Processor: 4+ Cores. e.g. Intel Core i7Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: 6+ GB VRAM. e.g. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 25 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Java 8 compatible operating system. Proprietary graphics drivers have to be installed to ensure full OpenGL support. this may only apply in some cases. Important: For future versions of the game. a Vulkan compatible graphics adapter is required
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