Hey folks!
We're happy to announce that the Rising World Soundtrack is now available on Steam!
It includes two volumes, which contain the music of the game as downloadable audio files. Volume 3 is already in the works and will be added to the Soundtrack in the future free of charge!
Please note: This is only the Soundtrack, i.e. downloadable mp3/flac files. It neither affects the main game nor is it required to play the game.
Stay tuned!
[ 2025-02-14 18:23:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
Finally the new version is ready! This means that it is no longer in a separate beta branch, and we've also updated the store page accordingly.
If you're already playing the new version, or if you want to keep playing the old Java version, you can find more information at the bottom of this post.
We spent the last year reworking the game from scratch and move it to a new engine. We didn't simply want to port the game, instead we decided to use this opportunity to rework most game mechanics - especially those which weren't that great in the old version.
The new version not only provides better graphics and sounds, it also generates more credible and immersive landscapes, and most features are a lot more polished.
Compared to the Java version, the new version received some features which didn't exist in the Java version, e.g. seasons, flowing water, crafting progression and more.
The new version also provides more biomes, which are much more versatile compared to the biomes in the Java version.
While the new version doesn't feature the same animals as the Java version, it still has more animals than the Java version - and they're more polished, especially in terms of animations. For most animals, we now have a male, female and baby variant - so features like animal husbandry, breeding and taming are within reach.
Last but not least, we've reworked the building system. The new version provides a much more powerful building system compared to the Java version.
Every construction element can be freely resized, moved and rotated without any limitations. The new version also provides a powerful snapping tool, which is very helpful in order to create rounded or even organic surfaces.
This update also introduced some changes (compared to the previous update), but mainly smaller changes and bugfixes, because we mainly focused on replacing the Java version. Expect new content with the next update. However, you can find the changelog here.
Important features from the Java version, which are still missing, are dungeons and fishing. The latter will be added with the next update.
Stay tuned! If you want to get more information about development, you can check out our roadmap on Trello: https://trello.com/b/t5Leypcj/rising-world-development
Technical information
This update changed the folder structure of the game. This has implications for players who already played the game before. Don't worry: All worlds and blueprints are still there.
Information for users who already played the new version
If you've already played the new version in the past (i.e. if the beta branch was active), the new version was installed in a separate "_New Version" subfolder. However, with this update, the new version gets installed into the main game folder (/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorld). When launching the new version, it will move all previous worlds from the Java version into a separate "_Java Version" folder, and move all worlds and blueprints from the "_New Version" folder into the main folder. If something goes wrong, the game will show a warning in the main menu. In this case, it could be necessary to move the game files manually.
Information for users who want to keep playing the Java version
The new version is shipped with the Java Version for now - the Java version gets installed into a separate "_Java Version" subfolder in the game directory. To launch the Java version, you have to navigate to that subfolder and launch the game from there. If you don't want to get the new version and want to stay on the Java version, you can enable the "java - Legacy Version" beta branch - this will keep things untouched. To enable the Java branch, right-click on the game in your Steam library, select "Properties", go to the "Betas" tab and enable the "java - Legacy Version" branch (no code is required). Note: Don't do this if you want to play the new version as well! If you run into any problems or if you have any questions, please create a new topic in our forums about that and we will gladly help you.
Steam Cloud Save
Unfortunately we had to disable Steam cloud save with this update. This means that save games won't be synced with your other computers anymore. Worlds will also no longer be recovered automatically if you uninstall Steam or format your computer. We will add Steam Cloud support for the new version in an upcoming update.
[ 2025-01-31 16:49:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks,
A new update is available, which adds a lot of new content and features, putting a bigger focus on survival and player progression!
One of the main features in this update are seasons: while the environment is now lush in spring and summer, foliage turns yellow and orange in the fall. In winter, you will experience snowfall and cold temperatures. Plants won't grow and animal spawn is also greatly reduced in winter.
Each season lasts 31 days. It's possible to disable seasons or to change it manually with the new "season" console command.
The game now also changes the current weather based on your region.
With this update, temperature now also plays a role. The current season and weather has a significant influence on the temperature. It will be necessary to get proper clothes before winter or before traveling to cold regions. Beware of blizzards in winter, which can be deadly.
If it's getting too cold, you can either get into a building or cave, or craft a campfire to warm yourself up.
This update changes how ore spawn works - ores like gold and aluminum are now only found in arid and arctic regions. If you want to craft more advanced items, it will be necessary to travel to these regions.
To get more information about where to find certain resources, you can check out the new journal: you can open it by pressing J. It serves as a guide for new players, but also provides information about various resources. In addition to that, you can add custom notes to your journal.
The update also introduces a first implementation of crafting progression. When starting a new world, most crafting recipes are unavailable and get unlocked the more items you craft. If you move your cursor over an unknown recipe in the crafting menu, the game will provide some hints about what's required to unlock the recipe. Please keep in mind that this is not yet the final implementation and that it may still be subject to change based on feedback.
Another feature of this update: most items now have a limited durability. When hovering an item in your inventory, the current condition will be visible. The condition also affects the appearance and the sounds of the items. If you keep using a broken item, it will eventually break.
Most tools can be repaired though (as long as they're not broken yet). The newly introduced grindstone can both repair and sharpen your tools and weapons.
In addition to the new features, this updates adds various new items and objects. A calendar object is useful to show the current day and season and a pocket watch shows the current ingame time. There is also a magnifying glass (which increases the max zoom level, which is useful while building with small parts).
We've also ported some objects from the Java version like the drawbridge or manhole covers. Apart from that, we've also added a beartrap, various primitive furnitures and also a new chainsaw. For the sailing boat, you can now craft an optional storage box. Speaking of sailing boats: you can now customize it by adding a custom image/logo to the sail!
Last but not least terrain materials are now obtainable in survival mode. Some of them are necessary to craft certain items (e.g. smelt sand to raw glass), but all terrain materials can be placed back in the world now. When placing terrain materials, you can either add them or replace existing terrain - in both cases a preview should show up, indicating how the change would look like.
As always, please find the full changelog below. If you run into any problems or if you have any questions, please let us know :)
Store Page Update
The new version is still kept in a beta branch for now. If you want to play the new version, make sure to have the Beta Branch enabled (see this topic for more information). Once all remaining issues are sorted out, we will update the store page and replace the Java version with the new version (but the Java version will still remain playable of course - see below for more information). However, we will need a few more days for testing and to make sure that worlds will not be lost during the transition, so it will most likely happen after the holidays.
Java Version
If you still prefer the Java version and don't want to play the new version, we've added a new Beta Branch specifically for the Java version. If you enable the "java - Legacy Version" Beta Branch, you won't get the new version automatically when we update the store page. To enable the Java Beta Branch, just right-click on Rising World in your Steam library, select "Properties", go to the "Betas" tab and select "java - Legacy Version" from the drop-down list (no code required). Close the window and then you should be able to continue playing as usual. _____________________________________
Changelog 0.8 (2024-12-17):
- [New] Seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter)
- Seasons affect overall color of vegetation and environment
- Weather and temperature depends on season
- Shorter and darker days during winter
- Snowfall during winter (including snow storms/blizzard etc)
- Saplings and seedlings no longer grow during winter
- Each season lasts 31 ingame days
- [New] Items like tools and weapons now have a limited durability
- Item condition is visualized in inventory (when hovering the item)
- If an item wears out, the appearance, sound and stats of the item change
- Most items can be repaired to a certain degree (see grindstone)
- If you keep using a broken/ruined item, it will fully break eventually
- [New] Temperature now affects the player
- Icon in status bar indicates if temperature is too cold or too warm
- Cold temperature adds damage to the player, hot temperature dehydrates player
- Icon also indicates if player temperature is currently falling or raising
- Temperature is determined by weather, environment, season and region
- If player is wet/damp, temperature will be lower
- Temperature is lower at night or on high altitudes
- Staying in buildings or caves have positive impact on temperature
- Staying close to a heat source (e.g. fireplaces) increases player temperature
- [New] If player is wet/damp, a status icon is now displayed
- [New] You can now get terrain materials (e.g. stone, dirt, sand etc) in survival mode and place it in the world
- [New] New crafting station: grindstone, which is used to sharpen and repair tools and weapons
- [New] New item: chainsaw
- [New] New item: pocket watch (to see the current time)
- [New] New item: magnifying glass (to increase max zoom level when holding Z)
- [New] New objects: primitive chest, primitive chair, table and shelf (craftable at primitive workbench)
- [New] New object: calendar (showing current ingame day and season)
- [New] New object: beartrap
- [New] New object: rotating beacon light
- [New] Added drawbridge
- [New] Added 4 different manhole covers
- [New] Added optional craftable storage for sailboats
- [New] New clothes: wolf mask and skull mask (headgear)
- [New] Added bacon, which is obtainable from pigs
- [New] You can now add custom images/logos to the sail of the sailing boat (hold F while looking at the boat)
- [New] Sand can now be smelted to raw glass (crafting requirement for various items)
- [New] Added journal (J), which contains various information and help
- [New] You can store custom notes in your journal (shared across worlds)
- [New] Cold and arid regions now have separate weather effects and are no longer affected by global rain or snow
- [New] Tools and weapons you loot can now have a modifier, affecting their stats (displayed when hovering)
- [New] Added new weather effects
- [New] Added new music disc track
- [New] The map now shows the last location where you died
- [New] Added several new map markers for multiplayer (also available in singleplayer by setting Game_MapEnableAllIcons to true)
- [New] When building with blocks, you can now rotate the grid (i.e. change the grid orientation) with the new "gridrotation" command
- [New] Terrain type and elevation settings in superflat worlds can now be changed on multiplayer servers (in server.properties file)
- [Change] Updated engine to Unity 6
- [Change] Improved rendering of volumetric clouds
- [Change] Picking up ores from a furnace works a bit better now (reduced chance to turn on the furnace accidentally)
- [Change] It's now possible to place blueprints (with some limitations) above the max vertical chunk limit (e.g in orbit)
- [Change] You cannot plant saplings or seedlings anymore if the ground is frozen (relevant during winter season)
- [Change] Player now has a shadow when riding horses
- [Change] Increased minimum fall distance at which the player gets fall damage
- [Change] Improved render quality of grass and certain plants
- [Change] Grid (G) works more reliable now when placing objects (like furniture, doors etc)
- [Change] If a door was obstructed, it will now keep the correct position after a reload
- [Change] Interaction key (F) can now also be used to close chests or crafting menus
- [Change] Creative-mode F8 edit tool (1) now remembers the previously used rotation
- [Change] Game now shows an error message if saving a blueprint to disk fails
- [Change] Skipping nights (by sleeping in a bed) now also affects the weather
- [Change] Plants and grass now get wet during rain
- [Change] Walking up on mountains is a bit more difficult now
- [Change] Reduced speed reduction of sailing boat if inside a building or in a cave
- [Change] Clothes now show their stats (insulation, protection etc) in inventory (when hovering them with the cursor)
- [Change] Updated miningdrill sounds
- [Change] Water is now no longer rendered in front of volumetric clouds
- [Change] Add separate "rough refractions" setting to enable/disable blur on certain glass panes (e.g. milk glass)
- [Change] Improved readability of chat and other hud texts
- [Bugfix] Fixed perceived framerate being lower than actual framerate if it was above 60 (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which caused the game to ignore disabled npc settings for cave and hell npcs (affected spiders, ghouls and firewolves)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which caused boats to become indestructible
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which allowed players to ride horses without a saddle
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong blueprint bounds when placing it if it contains resized objects (e.g. small doors etc)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong render order of construction elements and transparent elements in blueprint previews
- [Bugfix] Fixed map falling through the ground when throwing it away
- [Bugfix] Fixed "renderconstruction" console command sometimes causing distorted icons in inventory
- [Bugfix] Fixed visual artifacts on water splash effect
[ 2024-12-18 16:21:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
A new update is available now! It introduces a lot of new content, including various enemies, new animals like wolves, a female character, a map and much more!
This update introduces hostile bandits (which spawn at night) and barbarians (which spawn in arid regions). In addition to this, there are various new monsters which spawn in underground areas: there are firewolves and ghouls which spawn in hell, and spiders in caves.
This update introduces a new, experimental feature: an optional setting to let skeletons spawn at the surface at night. They despawn at dawn automatically. This feature is disabled by default, but you can enable it in the misc settings. Please give us some feedback about that!
Several new animals were added with this update, but the new wolves are particularly worth mentioning: unlike other animals, they have a defensive-aggressive behaviour. This means that they won't attack on sight (unlike bears, for example), instead they will try to warn the player. If the player ignores the warnings and still gets closer to the wolves, they will attack though.
This update adds a new vehicle: a sailing boat! The game has a detailed sailing mechanic, but it isn't 100% realistic due to reasons of accessibility. Sailing is quite simple: just make sure that the sail is aligned to the wind. A small flag on top of the mast indicate the current wind direction.
If the sails are set, you can still leave your seat, but it's not recommended to jump off the boat (however, the sail is automatically furled if the player is too far away, so the boat does not sail on indefinitely).
You can also give a custom name to your sailing boat btw, which will then be visible on the hull. In a future update, you will also be able to set a custom image/emblem for the sail.
Finally this update introdues a map. Unlike the Java version, this map mainly focuses on navigation: it provides a topological overview of the current island. Of course you can still create markers (like in the Java version), and in multiplayer, other players are also visible on the map (this can be disabled). If creative mode is enabled, you can teleport to any location on the map (via right-click).
An additional map view like in the Java version is still planned for a future update. However, there is a new command "renderworld" available which renders a top-down view of the currently generated world and stores this image in the screenshots folder in the game directory.
Female character
A female character is available now! A new tab "Character" is available in the main menu which enables you to change your character - including gender, hairstyle and colors, facial tattos etc. Changing your character has no impact on your progress in a world or a server, it only affects your appearance.
The current character editor is just a temporary solution: we're already working on a better version for that, but unfortunately it didn't make it into this update.
Npc editor
After spawning an npc, you can type "editnpc" into console (while looking at the npc) to bring up a small npc editor. It enables you to change the appearance of the npc, but you can also change their clothes or equipped item (only for humanoid npcs).
Apart from that, you can override their default behaviour towards the player, i.e make a hostile npc friendly or vice versa.
This update introduces 15 new block shapes (almost every shape that was requested by the community in the past) and also terrain materials (like dirt, stone, gravel etc) for construction elements.
If you're still missing any shapes or if you run into any issues, please let us know!
Of course there are also various other new features, changes and bugfixes. For example, vehicles can now be disassembled (to get the construction kits back), there are several new moon phases available during night and this update also introduces new items and objects. In addition to this, the inventory now contains a button in creative mode to bring up an item spawn menu. Alternatively this menu is also available when typing "item" into console.
This update also fixes the wrong player sync when riding a horse in multiplayer, and there are many changes and additions to the Plugin API (link).
To get an overview of all changes, please find the changelog below!
Please let us know if you have feedback or if you run into any problems with this update! :)
Changelog 0.7.5 (2024-08-30):
- [New] Added map item
- Map shows entire current island
- Player position and orientation is always visible (TBD)
- You can create various markers
- Multiplayer: You can create global markers (visible for all players)
- In creative mode, you can rightclick on a position to teleport there
- Optionally you can visualize the terrain altitude/elevation (as color gradient)
- Multiplayer: Other players are visible on the map (optional)
- [New] New defensive-aggressive animal: wolves and arctic wolves (including several variants)
- [New] New enemy: bandits (including several variants) which spawn randomly at night
- [New] New enemy: barbarians (including several variants) which spawn in arid regions
- [New] New monsters: firewolf and ghoul which spawn in hell
- [New] New critter: scorpion which spawns in arid regions
- [New] New animals: foal, fox cub and arctic fox cub
- [New] Added sailing boat
- [New] Implemented sailing mechanic (sail/wind direction, furl/unfurl etc)
- [New] You can set up a custom name for your sailboat (which will be visible on the hull)
- [New] Added 15 new block shapes (half sphere, hollow half sphere, hollow block, quarter cone etc)
- [New] Terrain materials are now available for construction elements
- [New] Added new swords (for bandits and barbarians)
- [New] New objects: loom (required to craft clothes) and weather vane (shows current wind direction)
- [New] Female character is available now
- [New] Added character editor (in main menu) to change the visual appearance of your character (work-in-progress)
- [New] Added various haircuts and beards/mustaches (see character editor)
- [New] Added various facial tattoos (see character editor)
- [New] Added various moon phases during night (full moon, new moon, waxing/waning moon etc) with different light intensities
- [New] Added "editnpc" console command to edit an animal/npc (provides many new options compared to the Java version)
- [New] You can override the behaviour of animals/npcs now (make them hostile or friendly etc), see "editnpc" command (experimental feature)
- [New] You can now disassemble boats (hold interaction key)
- [New] In creative mode, there is a new button in inventory to bring up an item spawn menu (also available when typing "item" into console)
- [New] Melee weapons now show their damage and DPS value in inventory (when hovered)
- [New] You can now get saplings from cotton plants
- [New] Poster menu now has a search bar (to search for a particular image)
- [New] Plant and texture selection menu in creative mode now also have a search bar
- [New] Added "posterinfo" console command to get all information about a particular poster in the world
- [New] Plants now support a "DisableSnowiness" and "ForceSnowiness" edit flag/attribute (to force or remove snowiness from a plant)
- [New] Added support for non-latin characters (japanese, korean, chinese, greek and cyrillic characters). Please let us know if you still run into any problems
- [New] Added sort options for the singleplayer world list in main menu
- [New] Added "renderworld" console command to render a top-down view of the currently loaded world part (stored in "Screenshots" folder)
- [New] Added option to always show the grid on construction elements
- [New] Added permissions "changeskin" and "changeclothes" ("general" section)
- [New] Added permission "destroyownvehicles" ("general" section)
- [New] Added area permissions "create", "delete", "addplayer", "removeplayer", "setpriority", "setpermission", "setclaimable" ("area" section)
- [Change] Updated engine to Unity 2023.1
- [Change] Updated FMOD (audio engine) to 2.02.22
- [Change] You can now get sticks from dead bushes
- [Change] Reduced damage dealt by wild animals
- [Change] You can now properly move single items in inventory via rightclick while dragging an item
- [Change] The game now properly keeps settings which were changed manually in the config file, even if they're out of default range
- [Change] Npcs no longer die due to fall damage when using the "toggleterrain" console command
- [Change] Npcs now open their mouth when making noises
- [Change] Locked doors or chests are now 4 times stronger (when trying to destroy them)
- [Change] Nights are now a bit darker in general
- [Change] Bears no longer spawn on grass fields
- [Change] Sun and moon have smoother movement now
- [Change] Empty blueprints now require paper instead of lumber
- [Change] If creative mode water edit tool is active (F5->5,6,7), the flatten tool level is now properly aligned to the water surface
- [Change] Cobblestone (terrain material) now properly keeps the underlying/surrounding material
- [Change] Footprints are now also visible on sand and mud
- [Change] Building radial menu now provides more precision values
- [Change] Console command "size" works properly with window frames now
- [Change] Areas in creative mode (F9) can now also be edited while standing inside them
- [Change] Reduced flickering on overlapping areas (F9 in creative mode)
- [Change] If area permissions override the "group" field (under "info"), it's now shown in the playerlist (i) in multiplayer
- [Change] Slightly increased ore spawn rate on "high" and "very high" settings
- [Change] Projectile ricochets can now occur again
- [Change] Updated and improved various sound effects
- [Bugfix] Multiplayer: Fixed wrong player sync when riding a horse
- [Bugfix] Fixed dummy npcs sometimes wearing different clothes suddenly
- [Bugfix] Fixed visual artifacts on clothes (specifically on medieval suit)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong tooltip when using a knife on the tanning rack
- [Bugfix] Fixed random crash at 10% when loading a world (caused by invalid npc data)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong steering direction of the RIB (motorized boat) in reverse gear
- [Bugfix] Updated some wrong item names
- [Bugfix] Fixed underwater area sometimes being clearly visible for a brief moment when jumping into water
- [Bugfix] Fixed player sometimes getting fall damage when dismounting a horse
- [Bugfix] Fixed "reloadpermissions" messing up permissions if a player was inside an area
- [Bugfix] Fixed colors not being correctly recognized in permissions if they didn't have a leading "#" or "0x"
[ 2024-08-30 15:23:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
Finally, a new, massive update is available! It introduces new biomes, underground caves, ridable horses, aggressive animals, new items and much more!
First of all, the biggest change are the biomes: The game now has two new climate regions (dry and cold region), which consist of 14 new biomes, including deserts, savannahs, tundras, taigas etc.
Existing worlds will remain compatible! But if you experience any issues with your existing worlds, please let us know. The game also creates a backup of your world automatically, so even if something goes wrong during world conversion, the world can still be recovered.
To make sure the new regions are as varied as possible, this update introduces many new plants and trees as well as new animals.
Another new feature is that some animals will now attack you (bears, polar bears, wild boars, lions and snakes). Unlike the Java version, the game now indicates if an aggressive animal has detected you. To fight back, this update introduces many new swords (some of them cannot be crafted and can only be looted from chests).
Talking about loot: the arctic regions randomly contains a few frozen chests containing various items. More loot spots are planned for future updates.
In addition to the new biomes and animals, this update also introduces caves: the upper layers consist of caves similar to the ones in the Java version (but they're more branched and have less dead ends). The lower layers consist of big caves which are partly filled with water. Below these "deep caves", you'll find the hell.
Apart from caves and biomes, this update also adds ridable horses to the game! Horse movement is now more flexible compared to the Java version. In order to ride a horse, you just have to craft a saddle (optionally you can also attach some bags to it).
We've also done some improvements to the world generation: the game now generates bigger islands and less mountains. It should be easier now to find flat spots. If this isn't sufficient, the world creation dialog now has an additional slider to change the steepness of terrain. Furthermore, a new world type ("superflat islands") is available.
As mentioned above, there are various new items and objects in this update. One item worth mentioning is the toolbelt, which can be used to expand the available number of slots in your hotbar.
Of course there are also many new QoL changes and smaller features. There a few pieces of clothing available now, you can spawn a "dummy" human npc and there are new building options available (e.g. the ability to change texture alignment or to enable a local move mode).
To get an overview of all changes, please find the full changelog below.
The next update will now focus on a map as well as more npcs - stay tuned! :)
Changelog 0.7 (2024-02-02):
- [New] New climate regions: cold and dry regions (including many new biomes, e.g. deserts, savannahs, tundras, taigas etc)
- [New] Implement caves
- [New] Deep elevations now consist of big caves filled with water
- [New] Added hell (below deep caves)
- [New] New ridable horses (14 different horse variants)
- [New] Added saddle and optional saddle bags
- [New] New item: toolbelt, which increases the number of available slots in your item hotbar
- [New] New item: weed whacker
- [New] New items: several swords
- [New] When creating a world, you can now determine how flat or steep the terrain should be
- [New] New world type: superflat islands
- [New] New aggressive animals: bear (4 variants), polar bear, lion (2 variants), spider, snake
- [New] New passive animals: penguin, elephant (2 variants), rhinoceros, zebra (2 variants)
- [New] Bulls, goats, rams and mooses now attack you if you attack them first (also applies to rhino and elephant)
- [New] Wild boars now always attack the player
- [New] Aggressive animals play a "warning" animation first before attacking the player
- [New] Heartbeat sound is audible when the player has been detected by an aggressive animal
- [New] Added dummy human npc that can be spawned via console command ("spawnnpc dummy", optionally with "locked" parameter)
- [New] New crafting station: tanning rack
- [New] You can now get pelts and hides from animals and turn them into leather at the tanning rack
- [New] Added optional craftable storage for inflatable boat (RIB)
- [New] Added 2 doors (old wooden door from Java version)
- [New] Added gift (including several variants)
- [New] Added safe object (to store items)
- [New] Added small trashcan object
- [New] Added gramophone object (including 3 music discs)
- [New] Added several special variants of some animals
- [New] Added 20 new cacti (also removed the old ones)
- [New] Added several new trees (mesquite, aleppo pines etc)
- [New] Added several new smaller plants
- [New] Added new music tracks
- [New] Added medieval fur coat (clothing piece)
- [New] Added new headgear/accessory items (vanity): pilgrim hat, felt hat, wizard hat, fedora, cowboy hat, redcoat hat, boonie, safari hat, sombrero, wooly, cappy, captain hat, chef hat, fez, jester hat, jockey helmet, crown, cylinder, ushanka, unclesam hat, xmas hat, pickelhaube, bear mask, goat mask, pig mask, teddy mask, bunny mask, aviator glasses, sunglasses, groucho mask
- [New] Added diving goggles (which remove blurriness underwater)
- [New] Northern lights (aurora borealis) are now visible in snow biomes, depending on weather
- [New] Building radial menu (C) now enables you to change the texture alignment for the active construction element
- [New] Building radial menu (C) now enables you to change the move mode (when manual positioning is active)
- [New] New weather effect: blizzard (strong snowstorm)
- [New] Repeating rifle now requires ammunition
- [New] Cutting grass now adds grass blades to your inventory (to replant grass)
- [New] Smoothing wet ground with a rake now randomly spawns earthworms
- [New] You can now disable shadows for individual lamps and torches (hold F)
- [New] Info text (lower left screen corner) now always shows the name of the element the player currently looks at (e.g. plant name, animal name etc)
- [New] Added optional key to toggle voice chat (per key press)
- [New] Added forbidden objects permission (to lock objects like furniture etc in multiplayer)
- [New] Added forbidden crafting permission (to lock certain crafting recipes in multiplayer)
- [New] Branches now spawn randomly on the ground (can be picked up to get sticks)
- [New] Added setting to change the max resolution for custom images (posters)
- [New] Added setting to change the sort mode for blueprint files
- [New] Character preview is now visible in inventory screen
- [New] Drag clothes on character to wear them (or vice-versa)
- [New] Auto-Run setting is now available in controls setting
- [New] World backups can now be restored from the world menu (to do that, rightclick on the world entry in singleplayer menu)
- [New] Rightclick on world in world menu now gives an option to copy the seed to clipboard
- [New] Rightclick on UID in main menu now gives an option to copy it to clipboard
- [New] Added command "swapsize" to swap the size of two axes of your currently active building element
- [New] Added command "deletesector" to delete/reset an entire sector/island (use with caution!)
- [New] Added command "overrideregion" to change the climate region of a sector (use with caution!)
- [New] Added command "togglewater" to enable/disable underwater rendering
- [New] Added command "locknpc" and "unlocknpc" to freeze/unfreeze npcs
- [New] Added command "gap" to set the gap size directly while placing multiple construction elements in a row
- [New] Added commands "surfacescale" and "surfaceoffset" to edit the surface of the current construction element
- [New] Added commands "texturealignment" to change the active texture alignment for construction elements
- [New] Added command "renderplayer" to save a rendered image of the player model on the hard drive
- [New] Added edit flag "DisableOffset" for construction elements (to disable offset to prevent flickering)
- [Change] Updated moving behaviour of animals
- [Change] Some animals will now attack if you attack them first (e.g. goat, ram, moose etc)
- [Change] Wild boars are now aggressive
- [Change] Game now generates less mountains by default (more flat areas)
- [Change] When editing signs for the first time, the previously used settings (font, size etc) are now used
- [Change] You can now also use the sledgehammer to dismantle and pick up objects/furniture
- [Change] Elements are now picked up automatically when deconstructing them with a sledgehammer (can be disabled in config file)
- [Change] Creative mode removal tools now show a confirmation dialog before removing any elements (can be disabled in game settings)
- [Change] Slightly improved text editor for signs (hold font size buttons, added tooltips and help etc)
- [Change] Plants are now always removed during large terrain edits in F5 creative mode (if plant gravity is enabled)
- [Change] If a bow or rifle is equipped, the remaining amount of ammo is shown on the right side now
- [Change] Player health is now also shown in inventory (next to character preview field)
- [Change] Slighly increased interaction radius for chests
- [Change] Improved falling-through-ground detection (player should now under no circumstances fall through the ground anymore)
- [Change] Reworked weather snow effects
- [Change] When driving a boat, the camera rotation is now updated depending on the driving direction (can be disabled in misc settings)
- [Change] Collecting fruits from plants placed in creative mode (F6) will now cause the fruits to regrow
- [Change] Preview element when placing construction elements now has the correct size (difference was visible when placing big elements)
- [Change] Update ore detector text and it now also detects coal
- [Change] Console command "sql" now supports queries/select-statements (result is printed to console)
- [Change] Crafting glass doors now requires a modern workbench
- [Change] Blueprints are now consumed when saving a structure in survival mode
- [Change] Disabled sporadic player pain sounds in creative mode if bones are broken or health is low
- [Change] Changed crafting recipe for rope (reduced required ingredients)
- [Change] Changed crafting recipe for rope blocks and fabric blocks (reduced required ingredients)
- [Change] "Manual positioning mode" status (active/inactive) is now also shown on the left side of the HUD (only while building)
- [Change] You can now stack empty blueprints
- [Change] Touching a tall cactus now inflicts damage
- [Change] Improved snow rendering on steep cliffs
- [Change] Increased light intensity of large flashlight and penlight
- [Change] Improved visibility of selected item in hotbar (cursor around item)
- [Change] When using the "Copy Block" key (middle mouse button) in creative mode, the block color is now properly taken into account (can be disabled in config file)
- [Change] When searching a crafting recipe, a tooltip now shows the category of that recipe
- [Change] Selecting a crafting recipe now also highlights and selects the according crafting category
- [Change] When using the "commands" console command, the output is also stored in your system clipboard (use that to paste it into a text file, for example)
- [Change] The game now automatically creates a backup of the world before performing a world conversion
- [Bugfix] Fixed various issues with color picker
- [Bugfix] Fixed custom console commands (see controls settings at the bottom) not being saved properly
- [Bugfix] Fixed item animation sometimes being broken (e.g. after equipping an item which is identical to the currently equipped item)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues if "interaction" and primary/secondary action were bound to the same key
- [Bugfix] Signs are now correctly rendered behind glass panes
- [Bugfix] Fixed ingame permission overview (esc) not showing custom image permissions
- [Bugfix] Fixed scroll issue in creative mode plant selection menu (F6)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong ingredient requirement for crafting recipes if ingredient wasn't consumed (e.g knife when crafting a jack-o-lantern)
- [Bugfix] Closing a chest no longer closes the chest UI for all other players in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed a crash when loading certain blueprints containing terrain data
- [Bugfix] Fixed some smaller translation issues
- [Bugfix] Fixed low elevation of volumetric clouds when being far away from the world origin
[ 2024-02-02 19:04:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
Another update is available now! It introduces posters, signs, new crafting stations and several new items.
Posters enable you to upload custom images from your hard drive and place them in the world. Of course this also works in multiplayer, so other players can see these images. And of course you can also change the poster color. In addition to that, the new version also features "decals": they are similar to posters, but they're projected on the surface - this is quite handy if you want to place an image on an uneven surface, for example. You could use that for markings, or smaller details like fallen leaves on the ground etc.
In addition to posters and decals, this update introduces several writable signs. A new features is that you can change both the font and font size, but you can also set an arbitrary font color. Signs support rich text, so you can set a different style or color for parts of your text.
Apart from posters and signs, this update adds a lot more content to the game: There are two new crafting stations - a grinder and paper press. The grinder is used to crush cloth to rags or certain other items (like coal or sulfur) to powder, while the paper press is used to turn rags into paper.
You can now find wheat, which spawns randomly in your world. Collect it and use a grinder to turn it into flour, which can then be used to create dough for bread or cookies. Fittingly, there is now a masonry oven to bake the dough.
Apart from various other new items (e.g. a bow and arrow, bomb etc) and objects (e.g. several new doors), this update finally introduces some headgear: A medieval miner's helmet and two modern helmets with a lamp. The handling for clothes isn't fully ready yet, so to wear them, rightclick on the item and select "Wear". When wearing any of these helmets, press L to enable the light.
Last but not least this update contains several changes and bugfixes. We've reworked the color picker, fixed some multiplayer-related issues, and now the new version should finally work on Apple Silicon hardware again!
In addition to that, we've added new methods and made a lot of changes to the Plugin API - you can find the full changelog here: https://forum.rising-world.net/thread/12721
Stay tuned for the next updates! We'll now put a bigger focus on mounts, aggressive animals and biomes & caves :)
Changelog 0.6.7 (2023-06-30):
- [New] Posters, which enable you to place custom images from your hard drive in the world
- [New] Decals, which act similar to posters, but align to uneven surfaces
- [New] Writable signs, placard and text object
- [New] Text editor for signs, including multiple fonts and rich text support
- [New] New plant: wheat (including different growth stages)
- [New] New crafting stations: paper press and grinder
- [New] New cooking station: masonry oven (to bake bread)
- [New] New ranged weapon: bow & arrow (including 3 types of arrows)
- [New] New explosive items: bomb and explosive arrow (for bow)
- [New] New items: paper and rags
- [New] New food: baked steak, flour, dough, cookie and bread
- [New] New gear: miner's helmet (medieval), 2 modern helmets and 2 modern helmets with a lamp
- [New] Added 20 new doors, including glass doors and saloon doors
- [New] Added several new music tracks
- [New] New command "setofflineplayergroup" to set the permission group of offline players (multiplayer)
- [New] New temporary command "undress" to remove all clothes (until proper handling is implemented)
- [New] New command "rendernpcs" to render icons of all npcs
- [Change] Updated to Unity 2022.2.21f1
- [Change] Color picker now allows you to switch between HSV and RGB mode
- [Change] Trash icon in inventory is now always visible in creative mode
- [Change] The game now also detects regional languages (if you want to create custom localizations)
- [Change] Changes to texture scale (in building menu) are now stored persistently
- [Change] Increased timeout in loading screen (relevant when downloading lots of plugin assets when joining a server, for example)
- [Change] Updated Steamworks SDK version (1.57)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong nametags in multiplayer (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that caused certain music tracks to never play
- [Bugfix] Fixed blueprint permissions ("create" and "createown") not working (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that caused trees and other plants to not grow sometimes
- [Bugfix] Fixed sporadic (and rare) error when joining a multiplayer server
- [Bugfix] Fixed some issues with vehicle sync in multiplayer (still work-in-progress)
- [Bugfix] Fixed underwater effect still being active after returning to the main menu
- [Bugfix] Player should no longer get stuck when walking up scaffoldings
- [Bugfix] Mac: Fixed engine crash on Apple Silicon (M1/M2)
- [Bugfix] Mac: Fixed plugins not working correctly on MacOS
[ 2023-06-30 16:59:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
The first (experimental) version of the new Plugin API is now available! It enables you to modify the game in many ways. You can hook into game events (e.g. if the player picks up an item or receives damage) and respond to them accordingly. You can also load custom 3d models, play custom sounds or internet streams or create new UI elements.
The Plugin API has a few advantages compared to traditional modding: In multiplayer, plugins are always executed on the server - this means the client does not have to download any plugins or mods in order to play on that server. This also increases the security for the client (because no - potentially malicious - code is executed on his end). In addition to that, the game handles sync between clients automatically, which makes it a lot easier to create multiplayer-compatible plugins.
Plugins usually remain compatible after a game update btw, and the risk of plugins interfering with other plugins is a lot lower.
Unlike the old API, the new Plugin API now supports Unity Asset Bundles: This enables you to load prefabs created in Unity, which may contain almost any Unity component (e.g. custom materials and shaders, particle effects, physical components etc).
Custom VFX particle effects created in Unity and loaded through the Plugin API (through an Asset Bundle)
But of course you can also load model files (like .obj or .fbx) directly. The API also enables you to modify the models (or any sub-component) retroactively.
Custom 3d model (fbx file) loaded through the Plugin API
Please bear in mind that this is still an experimental release! Some events and methods may still not work, and you may also run into other issues or bugs when using plugins. If you encounter any bugs or if you have any questions or requests for new API methods, please let us know! We have a dedicated section for the API in our forums: https://forum.rising-world.net/board/36
Old plugins from the Java version are not automatically compatible btw - but upgrading them to the new API should be quite easy (there were only minor syntax changes). However, this is something that can only be done by the plugin creator.
We'll provide updated example plugins and a detailed guide about how to set up your IDE soon, but in the meantime, you can find some basic information here: https://forum.rising-world.net/thread/12493
Apart from the new API, this update also introduces a few new other things. There are various new objects (scaffoldings, chests, seating, cooking grill etc) as well as several changes and bugfixes.
In addition to that, we've implemented some improvements to the network system. This should fix some lags some people were experiencing in multiplayer.
As always, you can find the full changelog attached. Stay tuned for the next updates :)
Changelog 0.6.5 (2023-04-12):
- [New] Plugin API
- [New] Added 10 scaffolding objects, including ladder elements and a trapdoor
- [New] Added seat object (similar to the seat in the Java version, but now resizable)
- [New] Added 3 new chests
- [New] Added campfire grill (to grill meat)
- [New] Cutting a tree or destroying an object now scares nearby animals
- [New] Creative Mode F8 (1) tool now provides continuous editing (hold left mouse button)
- [New] Added new music tracks
- [Change] Updated to Unity version 2022.2.12f1
- [Change] You can now paint boats (by using the paint roller)
- [Change] Search bar in crafting menu now also accepts block ids (to search for a particular block material)
- [Change] The "setp" console command now supports smaller values (0.0001 and smaller)
- [Change] Reduced damage radius of campfires
- [Change] You no longer get fall damage if fly mode gets disabled due to permission change (e.g. when entering areas etc)
- [Change] Sent private chat messages are now also shown in your chat (multiplayer)
- [Change] Placing objects no longer works if the spot is already occupied by an idential object with identical transform
- [Change] Single construction element edits are now also covered by "undo"
- [Change] Improved performance if lots of torches were placed in the world
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that prevented plants from growing sometimes
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when trying to load a Demo world
- [Bugfix] Blueprint selection area now gets reset after changing item
- [Bugfix] Rake works properly underwater now
- [Bugfix] Spawning blocks with an invalid id no longer clears the inventory
- [Bugfix] Fixed warnings being spammed when placing certain inverted objects
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing animation for locked doors
- [Bugfix] Fixed stuttering if chunks with lots of objects (e.g. furniture) were loaded
- [Bugfix] Fixed objects breaking when trying to pick them up (in multiplayer)
[ 2023-04-12 17:28:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
A new update is now available which finally introduces the first animals to the new version!
In total, this update introduces 29 different animals as well as different variants for some animals (13 variants in total). This includes male and female animals for most animals as well as cubs.
Animals will spawn persistently in unmodified chunks - new animals will also respawn if the animal population becomes too small.
You can now get wool from sheeps by using shears and meat from dead animals by using a knife - currently there is only one type of meat available (as a placeholder), but more types of meat will be ready in the near future. To make the meat edible, you can either cook it on a campfire (by using a skewer), or use the drying rack to dry and preserve the meat (which is easier than cooking meat, but this also takes a lot longer).
Apart from animals, this update also introduces new items: A modern mining drill and an ore detector. Both items can be crafted at the modern workbench. There is also a new playable piano available with this update. We've also added a new creative mode edit tool (F8) - this acts like the "edit" console command, but you can modify multiple elements simultaneously. Right now this is only supported for constrution elements, but we will also make this tool available for objects like furniture or lamps.
It's now possible to store terrain in blueprints by the way. And of course this update introduces various other changes and bugfixes, please find the full changelog below.
We've now also finalized some preparations for releasing a first experimental version of the new Plugin / Modding API. We'll provide more information about that soon - probably within the next 2 weeks.
Stay tuned for the next update! :)
Changelog 0.6 (2023-03-01):
- [New] Animals: pig, piglet, cow, bull, calf, goat, billy goat, goatling, sheep, ram, lamb, chicken, chick, hare, earthworm, deer, stag, deer calf, red deer, wild boar, wild sow, wild piglet
- [New] 13 different variants for various animals
- [New] New item: miningdrill
- [New] New item: ore detector
- [New] New item: steak/meat (raw, cooked, burned, dried)
- [New] New item: wool
- [New] New object: skewer (used to cook meat)
- [New] New object: playable piano
- [New] New object: snowman
- [New] You can now use the drying rack to dry meat
- [New] Added creative mode edit tools (F8) for construction elements (single edit and area selection)
- [New] You can now also save terrain in blueprints
- [New] Added IPv6 support for dedicated servers (multiplayer)
- [New] You can now access and loot the inventory of dead players
- [New] Added options to identify or hide dead bodies (radial menu)
- [New] Added "DisableGravity" attribute (see "edit attribute" command) to objects (like furniture) and plants (to disable gravity per element)
- [New] Main menu now shows a warning if there is a DirectX/graphics error caused by an outdated or broken graphics driver
- [New] Blueprint menu now also shows the blueprint size / dimensions
- [New] Added setting to graphics menu to enable/disable wind on grass and trees
- [New] Added two new music tracks
- [New] Added console command "toggleterrain" to hide/show the terrain
- [New] Multiplayer: Player list (i) now has an option to teleport a player back to his last spawn point
- [New] API: Added "uidebugger" console command to retrieve the path of any UI element on the screen
- [Change] Updated to Unity version 2022.1.23f1
- [Change] The item hotbar (when selecting an item with the mouse wheel) is more responsive now
- [Change] Fire (torches, campfires etc) gets now extinguished when the area is flooded with water
- [Change] Torches and other small objects are now stackable in inventory
- [Change] Singleplayer settings (fly mode, stamina, fall damage etc) are now also applied in P2P multiplayer sessions ("Play with friends")
- [Change] Hotkeys for compass and light are now exposed in controls settings
- [Change] To change a block shape retroactively, a primitive workbench is now sufficient
- [Change] Improved detection of nearby crafting stations (in crafting menu)
- [Change] Color picker is now also available for windows in crafting menu
- [Change] More shapes are now available in crafting menu for glass material (e.g. half cylinder, cone etc). NOTE: You can always use the "item pnb" command to get all shapes with glass material
- [Change] If game gets stuck during load (e.g. due to out-of-video-memory error), you will now get an error message
- [Change] "Rotate" key binding in controls settings now works (useful for controllers or to rotate elements in manual placement mode)
- [Change] Texture selection (inventory key) is now also available for creative mode terrain area tool (F5 -> 4)
- [Bugfix] Console command "findbase" now works properly
- [Bugfix] Fixed texture issue on construction elements when you're far away from the world origin
- [Bugfix] Fixed precision issues on blueprints when being placed far away from the world origin
- [Bugfix] Fixed rendering issue of torch flame in front of glass (while holding torch in hands)
- [Bugfix] Fixed fire not being visible behind glass panes
- [Bugfix] Fixed "edit resize" command not working properly when editing mirrored elements
- [Bugfix] Fixed size command not working properly if element had a negative size (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "Game_Username" setting in config.properties file not working in non-Steam versions
- [Bugfix] Rain no longer quenches thirst if player is inside a building or cave
- [Bugfix] Changing the color of a lamp or luminous block no longer resets the brightness
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when killing a player in a boat (in multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed players being invisible sometimes in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed players not being added to areas properly in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed misplaced hairs from player models on screenshots (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed stretched HUD on screenshots when playing in windowed mode (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed resolution setting not working for screenshots
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong icon in inventory when exchanging two blueprint items
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong player nametags in multiplayer
[ 2023-03-01 17:38:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks,
finally the world generation update is available! This is a real game changer, because the game now provides a very varied, randomly generated world.
The game now generates various huge islands surrounded by an infinite ocean. These islands contain many details like bays, lakes and mountains. Tall mountain peaks are covered with snow.
There are also temperate climate biomes available, like diverse forests, and the game also generates various terrain details to keep the landscape rich in variety.
Water is now dynamic (albeit still experimental), this means it will adapt to the terrain if you dig up the banks of a lake, for example. In creative mode, you can either place dynamic water or static water (which makes building a bit easier sometimes) - there are also various new water-related tools available in creative mode now. However, this isn't the final water implementation yet, so this still has some limitations. There will be another, dedicated water update in the future.
In order to travel between islands, this update introduces two boats: A rowboat and a rigid-inflatable boat. More vessels, especially larger ships are planned.
When creating a new world, you can now also create superflat worlds (similar to how they worked in the Java version). Old demo worlds (created prior to this update) also stay compatible. If you wish to create a new demo world, just use the seed "Demo" ;)
There are also new ores available (which spawn underground), a new pumpkin plant as well as various new items, including a measuring tape, which allows you to measure the distance between two points (which is quite helpful when building).
Another handy change affects the paint roller and paint brush: right click now brings up a color selection dialog, including a color picker.
There is now a ton of other Quality-of-Life features available (hotkeys for inventory, preview on blueprint items etc), backup functionality (especially relevant for multiplayer), we've done some optimizations to speed up the creative mode terrain and removal tools and of course we've also fixed a lot of bugs.
Apart from the new content, we've also reworked the Steam P2P multiplayer mode (i.e. the "Play with friends" option). It's now based on Steams new "Networking Sockets", which should provide better performance compared to the legacy P2P networking.
The game spawns a lot more vegetation now, which may have performance implications unfortunately, especially on lower hardware. We're aware of this problem and we're working on some optimizations which will handle vegetation much more efficiently. Unfortunately this wasn't ready in time, but we will get it ready as soon as possible.
As always, if you find any bugs or if you have questions or feedback, please let us know! Stay tuned for the next update, which will introduce NPCs! :)
Changelog 2022-10-31 (0.5):
- [New] World generation
- Random island generation
- Infinite ocean
- Random generation of bays and lakes
- Random generation of tall mountains
- High mountain peaks are covered with snow
- Randomly distributed temperate climate biomes (forests, meadows etc)
- Randomly generated terrain details
- [New] Flowing water (experimental)
- [New] Added 30 new terrain materials / textures
- [New] New boats: Rowboat and RIB
- [New] Rowboat is expandable with a storage compartment
- [New] New item: Measuring tape to measure the distance between two points
- [New] New ores: gold, aluminium, tungsten, coal and sulfur
- [New] New cultivable plant: pumpkin plant
- [New] New items: pumpkin, pumpkin slices and jack o' lanterns
- [New] New items: cloth, fibers, yarn, rope, wires, circuitboard
- [New] Spinning wheel, which is used for spinning yarn from fibers or cotton
- [New] World creation dialog where you can change ore amount and world type (default and superflat)
- [New] Paint roller now brings up a color selection menu on right click (which also enables you to select a custom color)
- [New] New creative mode water tools (F5): Place water (5), Paint water (6) and Water area tool (7)
- [New] New "edit attribute" console command to change element attributes (e.g. prevent doors from getting obstructed)
- [New] New "recalculatelods" console command to regenerate currently loaded LOD chunks (to fix gaps between chunks, for example)
- [New] Crafting menu now automatically scrolls to the last position
- [New] Sort and merge buttons are now also available for storages
- [New] Added teleport options to player list (i) context menu (multiplayer)
- [New] Added option to duplicate an item in inventory in creative mode (rightclick on item in inventory or hotkey while hovering item)
- [New] Added optional hotkeys to split items in inventory, duplicate item in inventory or change block shapes
- [New] Added small lamp icon to the lower right screen corner which is shown when the creative mode light (L) is active
- [New] If a world conversion is necessary, the game first creates a backup of the world (in case something goes wrong)
- [New] New "worldbackup" command to create a backup of the currently loaded world (also works in multiplayer, compatible with scheduler)
- [Change] Implemented new Steam P2P Multiplayer (based on "Steam Networking Sockets", which provides better performance)
- [Change] Added more details to terrain materials
- [Change] You get more stone now when mining terrain
- [Change] Improved transition between various terrain materials
- [Change] Added text showing the current elevation of the creative mode terrain (F5) flatten tool (enter)
- [Change] Greatly sped up undo command for large blueprints
- [Change] Sped up creative mode removal tool (when removing lots of elements simultaneously)
- [Change] Sped up creative mode terrain tools when working with a large brush
- [Change] Terrain tools in creative mode (F5) now show preview images of terrain textures
- [Change] Increased max stacksize of cotton to 999
- [Change] Blueprint item icons now contain a preview image of the blueprint content
- [Change] When adding new items to inventory, the game first checks for any existing item stacks they could be added to
- [Change] Update crafting recipe of bandages and certain other items (temporarily)
- [Change] Elements now also align their rotation to the world element if manual pivot snapping is active
- [Change] Hunger and thirst is now enabled by default
- [Change] Creative removal tool now only removes elements if the selection area contains at least 50% of them
- [Change] Increased range of paint roller
- [Change] "Copy block" key now only adds a single item to your inventory (can be changed in config file)
- [Change] Hotkey to drop an item now also works in inventory (press the key while hovering the item you want to drop)
- [Change] You can now switch to inventory while you're in crafting menu (and vice-versa) by pressing the inventory/crafting hotkey
- [Change] You now get damage when standing right on top of a smelting furnace or when getting too close to the fire
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that caused furnaces to smelt a single ore only (while smelting over night)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that caused terrain to disappear in rare cases when using creative mode terrain tools
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong billboard (depending from view angle) of spruce
- [Bugfix] Fixed error when joining a multiplayer P2P session through the Steam friend list
- [Bugfix] Fixed blueprints not placing construction elements correctly if they contain a modified surface and the blueprint was resized
- [Bugfix] Fixed various issues with the console and command suggestions
- [Bugfix] Planting chili saplings no longer results in instantly fully grown plants
- [Bugfix] You no longer fall through the ground after sleeping in a tent
- [Bugfix] Fixed error when trying to send a report while using a large screen resolution
- [Bugfix] Fixed mouse button input sometimes being suddenly no longer recognized
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that prevented you from climbing inclined ladders
- [Bugfix] Fixed floating plants sometimes not being removed while using creative mode terrain tools
- [Bugfix] Fixed server browser sometimes not finding LAN games
- [Bugfix] Depth-of-field effect no longer blurs the night sky
- [Bugfix] Fixed some smaller typos and other issues
[ 2022-10-31 18:10:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
this update is a preparation for the upcoming world generation update - it introduces lots of new plants and trees, vegetables and fruits, farming and plant growth as well as volumetric clouds!
In total, this update introduces more than 60 new trees (including saplings and young versions), more than 30 plants and crops (without taking the various growth stages into account) and 11 rocks and dead tree trunks. This update also introduces more than 10 new edible fruits and vegetables as well as two new smelting furnaces (which are reworked versions of the furnaces from the Java version).
Various plants can be cultivated now: Similar to how it worked in the Java version, you can get a seedling from crops by using the sickle, which can then be planted on arable land (which can be prepared with a hoe).
Apart from the new content, this update also introduces a first version of volumetric clouds: Unlike a flat sky texture, they're actual "fluffy" 3D elements in the world. While you can't directly interact with them, it's still possible to have tall mountains or skyscrapers which soar above the clouds.
While the clouds are rendered very efficiently, they still have a small impact on performance, so if your machine is already struggling with the new version, it may be necessary to disable them - this can be done in the graphics settings.
Clouds already change depending on the weather. For instance, if you type "weather overcast" into console, you will see how the clouds will become bigger and more dense.
One note about the cloud altitude: The clouds may appear to be at a relatively low altitude currently, but actually the spawn point in the demo world is already at a relatively high elevation. This will change with the 2nd part of the world gen update.
We also took this opportunity to rework the vegetation shader - there is now a much better wind effect on trees and a better shader for snow. This also applies to plants and other elements like boulders or tree trunks.
Some of the new plants and trees will already spawn in the demo world, but if you want to check them all out, you can use the new creative mode vegetation placement tool: To do that, enable the creative mode by opening the console (press ~) and type "gm 1" (without quot. marks), then press F6 to enable the placement tool. Open your inventory to select one of the new plants, and hold C to bring up a radial menu with various settings.
The new content will provide a good foundation for the upcoming 2nd part of the world generation update. We've prepared two screenshots which will give you an idea of the how the upcoming forests will look like, for example:
As always, this update also fixes various issues, bugs and introduces some other improvements under the hood: For instance, terrain modifications will work considerably faster now. Please find the full changelog below.
The next update will be the 2nd part of the world generation: It will enable you to create randomly generated worlds, it will contain various islands and more diverse landscapes (forests etc), and it will also introduce flowing water - this also means the islands will no longer be surrounded by gravel, instead there will be actual oceans. Feel free to check out the development status on our Trello Roadmap :)
Changelog 2022-06-22 (0.4.8):
- [New] Volumetric clouds
- [New] First implementation of farming (use the hoe to prepare arable land, and use the sickle to collect seedlings from crops)
- [New] New cultivable plants: tomato, chili, potato, watermelon, lettuce, corn, carrot, hemp
- [New] New trees: acacia (x2), appletree, araucaria, birch, cactus (x4), cypress, hickory, london-plane (x2), palm, red maple, spruces (x6), weeping beech, willow oak
- [New] New saplings, young versions and dead versions of almost all trees
- [New] New saplings and different growth stages for all cultivable plants
- [New] New plants: cotton, henbane, hogweed, monstera (x2), dandelion (x3), fern (x7), aloe vera, flowers (x7), ivy (x3), bushes (x5)
- [New] New world objects: 9 new rocks, 2 tree trunks
- [New] New food: bell pepper, carrot, chili, cookie, corncob, gingerroot, lettuce, pear, potato, tomato, watermelon
- [New] New objects: Smelting furnace and big smelting furnace
- [New] New creative mode tool: Vegetation placement (F6)
- [New] New wind and snow shaders for vegetation
- [New] Plant growth duration can be changed in the game settings
- [New] Blocks with unit size which are placed in the grid can now be rendered more performantly
- [New] New "Copy block" key: Adds a copy of the block in the world you're currently looking at to your inventory, or equips it if it already exists
- [New] Pressing 1-5 while hovering an item in inventory moves it to the according slot in the hotbar
- [New] Pressing the mouse wheel button while hovering an item in inventory equips the item
- [New] It's now possible to set up a custom "JavaTextures.txt" file containing custom texture replacement definitions for Java blueprints
- [New] Item count in crafting menu can now be entered directly by clicking on the count label
- [New] Added "skyrotation" console command to change the sky orientation (affects direction where the sun rises and sets)
- [New] Sleeping (skipping nights) now speeds up ore smelting and plant growth accordingly
- [New] Added setting ("View adjustment") to enable optional cinematic black bars at the top and bottom of the HUD
- [New] Added setting ("Misc") to change blueprint rotation pivot behaviour (toggle between center of object [default] or center of area [similar to Java version handling])
- [New] Multiplayer: New "lock" and "unlock" input command (also available via Scheduler) to prevent players from connecting (may be useful during restarts, for example)
- [New] Multiplayer: Added permissions "info_shownametag" and "info_nametagalwaysvisible"
- [New] Multiplayer: Permission "forbidden_items" now supports "#inherit" entry to inherit all forbidden items from the parent permission
- [New] Added "edit shape" command to retroactively change the shape of a block in the world
- [New] Added "printkeybindings" console command to create a text file containing all current key bindings
- [New] Update to Unity 2022.1
- [Change] Terrain modifications (creative mode terrain tools) are considerably faster now
- [Change] Improved rendering of distant trees
- [Change] Reduced "tiling" on distant terrain textures
- [Change] Greatly improved performance when trying to place lots of elements in a row
- [Change] Count label when placing multiple elements in a row is now visible through walls
- [Change] Texture IDs are now visible for window frames in crafting menu
- [Change] When deconstructing construction elements with a sledgehammer, the original element size is taken into account when spawning the item
- [Change] Glass pane size is now reset again after snapping to window frames
- [Change] In P2P or LAN games it's no longer possible to kick or ban the host
- [Change] If a view distance greater than the max value in options is set, changing graphics settings no longer override this value
- [Change] Changed appearance of the planet when player is in orbit (Y > 5000)
- [Change] Pressing enter in chat no longer interferes with building tools
- [Change] Blueprints will now only be reloaded if the game detects any changes in the blueprints folder
- [Change] Changed color of header labels in settings menu (increases visibility)
- [Change] Increased precision of rock collision shapes (for large-scaled rocks)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which prevented you from cutting down trees in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed sandstone materials not being selectable in crafting menu
- [Bugfix] Fixed minor precision issues when placing a block right after rotating it
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong texture alignment on blocks in inventory
- [Bugfix] Fixed texture sometimes getting stretched on arc block shapes
- [Bugfix] Fixed pivot / snapping issues on overlapping blocks (game sometimes couldn't decide which block to snap to)
- [Bugfix] Fixed blocks in hands not always updating properly after exchanging them with another stack of blocks in inventory
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when placing lots of elements in a row (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Hopefully fixed bug causing sudden data loss, i.e. missing construction elements etc (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which caused the game to use more than 2 directions when placing elements in a row (despite different setting)
- [Bugfix] Fixed black borders on panorama screenshots (use "panorama" console command)
- [Bugfix] Using console commands no longer resets the game window size (when playing in windowed mode)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "blueprints" console command
- [Bugfix] Fixed "cleanup items" console command
- [Bugfix] Fixed blocks being removed from inventory even though they could not be placed
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with dedicated server if it was launched from the Steam client
- [Bugfix] Fixed error when game could not initialize an audio input device
- [Bugfix] Fixed error when changing paint roller color
[ 2022-06-22 19:13:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
the blueprint update is now available! This means that it's now possible to create and place blueprints in the new version of Rising World. This update also introduces 46 new building materials, 12 different window frames as well as various new objects.
In addition to that, chests are now fully working, which means you can finally store items in them.
Blueprints can be freely placed and rotated, and they can also be aligned to the grid (G). Old blueprints from the Java version are compatible, i.e. they can be loaded in the new version - but please keep in mind that the game will convert these blueprints, meaning you won't be able to use the same files in the Java version anymore.
Blueprints are managed at a specific workbench: the blueprint table. It provides a good overview of all blueprints as well as the corresponding folder structure, and in addition to it, you can move blueprints to other subfolders or rename them. It also provides a search function. New blueprints can be added during runtime, and you can also delete them at any time.
This update also provides an export feature for blueprints, which allows you to export them to .obj files, so you can load them in an external model editor (like Blender). This is, however, still an experimental feature.
Of course this update also introduces a bunch of changes, improvements and bugfixes. Grass is now correctly occluded by construction elements, reflections work better inside buildings, and various other issues have been sorted out.
Our main focus will be the world update now: This includes a proper world generation (so you don't have to play the demo world every time), a lot more plants and trees, new terrain materials and also a first version of water. This will be a very extensive update, so maybe we will split it into several updates, especially considering that there is still a Unity bug which prevents the game from running on Windows 7 - Unity already confirmed this bug and it will probably take them a few weeks to fix this issue, so we can release an update in a timely manner.
Changelog 2022-01-31 (0.4.5):
- [New] Blueprints
- Added separate crafting station to craft blueprints
- Added menu to browse, search and organize blueprints
- Compatibility with blueprints from the Java version (only construction elements and blocks)
- Blueprints are resizable (only proportionally for now)
- Blueprint can be fully moved and rotated while placing
- Support for grid when placing blueprints
- Undo option to revert placed blueprints
- New blueprints can be added to the blueprint folder during runtime
- Multiplayer servers can restrict blueprint creation to player's own buildings only
- Blueprints can be exported to .obj format
- [New] Chests are now fully working
- [New] Added 46 new construction materials (textures), many of them are based on materials from the Java version
- [New] Added 12 different window frames
- [New] Added a shooting target (for target practice)
- [New] Added two trashcan objects which can be used to dispose items
- [New] When destroying a chest containing items, these items will spawn in the world
- [New] Added additional pivots (in building mode) to cylinder, hollow cylinder and pillar
- [New] Note about new version is now shown in main menu
- [New] Added "fog" command to temporarily disable fog (for testing purposes)
- [New] New chest permission: useallchests (in "general" category), which determines if players are allowed to access chests of other players
- [New] New blueprint permissions: place, placelimitsession, maxsize, maxelements, create, createown (all in "blueprint" category)
- [Change] Reduced horizon fog intensity during default and sunny weather
- [Change] It's no longer possible to place two identical construction elements at the same spot
- [Change] If blocks in inventory have a color, it is now displayed in the item tooltip (when moving the mouse cursor over the item)
- [Change] Console command history now ignores identical entries
- [Change] Increased max light limit (in graphics settings) to 100
- [Change] Reduced brightness of white plaster material
- [Change] Improved screen space reflections to reduce flickering on marble floors
- [Change] Precision changes while building via "setp", "setl" or "setr" commands are now saved persistently
- [Change] Added pivot for walltorch
- [Change] Increased max allowed size for creative mode removal tool
- [Change] Option if distant buildigs should stay visible is now exposed to the graphics settings
- [Change] Adjusting area size in creative removal tool works much faster now
- [Change] Reduced intensity of grid (while building)
- [Bugfix] Grass now gets properly occluded by construction elements
- [Bugfix] Felled trees can no longer be cut into pieces with a single hit
- [Bugfix] Fixed permission issues regarding creative removal tools (which allowed users to destroy things without permission)
- [Bugfix] Fixed trees sometimes falling over for no apparent reason
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when certain objects were painted
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong shadows on construction element surfaces
- [Bugfix] Fixed some missing sounds
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with noclip command (flymode)
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing emojis in chat (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed minor visual issue in player list (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed visibility of creative mode terrain flatten tool (F5 -> Return)
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing text in password dialogs
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing construction elements if an invalid texture was assigned to them
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which caused a server to create multiple player instances in certain situations when a player joins
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong context menu position when rightclicking on items in inventory
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong tooltip position if it was close to the screen edge
[ 2022-01-31 18:27:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
The crafting update for the new version is now available! It introduces loads of new items and objects, a new crafting functionality, iron ore and the ability to smelt it, as well as many bugfixes and other changes!
Crafting: It works a bit different compared to the Java version: You no longer have to access a workbench to see the crafting recipes, instead you can access all recipes at any time. If you want to craft an item, the particular workbench just needs to be in your proximity. To keep the crafting menu structured, there are various categories and sub-categories. There is also a search bar which allows you to search for a particular recipe.
Please note that many recipes - or more precisely, the required ingredients - are still placeholders: The reason behind this is that many basic crafting resources are still missing. We will update the crafting recipes in the future.
Please also keep in mind that you can currently access all recipes. In a future update we want to add additional requirements for crafting modern and advanced items (which will then be unlocked the further you progress).
Ore smelting: We've introduced iron ore and a primitive smelting furnace for now. Smelting mostly works like in the Java version: You place ores in the furnace, fuel the furnace then wait until the ore is smelted. However, the new version introduces a few changes to make your life easier: To place ores quickly, you can keep your mouse button pressed while moving your mouse over the individual slots. Once the ores are smelted, there is a radial menu available to take all ingots at once from the furnace.
There is also another detail when smelting ores: Ores now begin to glow before they turn into ingots. And while ingots are still hot (i.e. glowing), they cannot be taken from furnaces. This is a preparation for another feature we want to introduce in a future update.
By the way: You can now adjust the time it takes to smelt ores. Of course this works in both singleplayer and multiplayer.
Items: In order to make sure that the crafting menu isn't too empty, this update introduces a bunch of new items. We've migrated many tools from the Java version to the new version - and created new textures with much higher detail for them from scratch. This covers the axes, sledgehammers, rakes, hoes, scythe and sickle. We've also added a new steel scythe and steel sickle (these tools weren't available in the Java version before). These tools (except the hoes) are fully functional.
We've also added new flashlights, a penlight, a canteen and waterskin, some medical items (bandage, splint and medkit), compasses and other items. One special item we've added is a spear: It serves both a melee weapon, but can also be thrown.
Objects: There are also new objects available, including tents, a new workbench, anvil and various other objects. In addition to that, there are now also a few lamps available. One special features regarding lamps is that you can change the light color (we've added a new color picker for that) and brightness.
Luminous blocks are now also fully functional: Just like any construction element, they are fully resizable. Use them for neon signs, as LED strip lights etc. Like regular lamps, you can change their color, brightness and turn them on or off (just hold your interaction key while looking at them). Once electricity is implemented, it will give you full control over these elements.
Building: This update introduces a new "undo" command, which is quite handy. Use it to revert the last destructive actions. By default, it tracks the most recent 50 actions.
This update also fixes several bugs (especially regarding permissions in multiplayer) and introduces some useful changes. For instance, doors can be blocked by construction elements. In addition to that, the paint roller works much faster now (there is now also a new paint brush, which now behaves like the paint roller previously did). Please find the full changelog attached.
Stay tuned for the next update, which will introduce blueprints. Many parts of that update are already implemented, so it will take a lot less time until it's ready. After the next update, we will focus on finalizing the world generation.
Changelog 2021-01-12 (0.4):
- [New] Added lots of new items:
- Tools for cutting trees: axe and steel axe
- Tools to deconstruct blocks: sledgehammer and steel sledgehammer
- Tools to smooth the ground: rake and wooden rake
- Tools for cultivation: hoe and steel hoe (not usable yet)
- Tools for cutting grass: scythe, steel scythe, sickle and steel sickle
- Receptacles: canteen and waterskin
- Compasses: old and modern version
- Light sources: torch, penlight, flashlight and spotlight
- Medical items: bandage, leg splint and medkit
- Weapon: primitive spear (which can also be thrown)
- Primitive items: stone axe, stone knife
- Other items: soccer ball, rubberduck, combat knife, pouch and various resources
- [New] Added ore smelting:
- Added primitive smelting furnace for now (more furnaces will follow)
- Smelting mostly works like in the Java version
- Smelting duration can be customized in the settings
- Mouse button can be held while placing ores (faster placing)
- Radial menu on furnace gives option to take all smelted ingots at once
- Ores begin to glow before they turn into ingots
- Ingots cannot be taken from furnaces while they're hot (i.e. while glowing)
- [New] Updated engine to version 2021.2
- [New] Luminous material (ID 800) is now fully functional
- [New] Added new crafting stations: modern workbench and anvil
- [New] Added two tents: one-person-tent and modern tent
- [New] Added shelters: primitive shelter and two canopies
- [New] Added other objects: woodenbarrels, trough, old bench, cabinet, crowdbarrier, meat dryer, mattress
- [New] Added lights: two bulkhead lamps, street lamp and floodlight
- [New] A radial menu can be accessed on luminous materials and lamps (hold interaction key) to change light color and brightness
- [New] Added "undo" command to revert the last destructive actions (only in creative mode)
- [New] Added option to select the active monitor (if more than one monitor is connected)
- [New] Added animations for sitting (on chairs) or lying (on beds)
- [New] Added "chatnamesuffix" permission (info), to add a suffix to the player chat name
- [New] Added "usealllights" and "useallobjects" permissions (general)
- [New] When using the "item" console command to get a construction element, you can now append a color code (e.g. "item block #FF0000")
- [New] Plain grass terrain texture is now available
- [New] Added console command "bag" to spawn a pouch containing other items
- [New] Added console command "shutdown" in multiplayer to shut down the server
- [New] Added console command "serverinfo areas" to get a list of all areas (including all info)
- [New] Added console commands "loadpreset" and "savepreset" to load/save a build size preset (similar to radial menu)
- [New] Added option (graphics settings) to disable glass distortion and refraction
- [New] Added option (misc settings) to toggle grid visibility on the preview element
- [New] Added option to always show the grid on terrain (set "Game_AlwaysShowTerrainGrid" in config to "true")
- [New] Mouse wheel scroll direction can now be changed in controls settings
- [New] Double-clicking an item in inventory (or shift+click) moves it to the hotbar and vice versa
- [New] Added "zoom toggle" key binding to controls settings
- [New] Pressing the "Adapt to World Element" key while the paint roller is equipped now applies the color of the world element to the paint roller
- [Change] Reworked many sound effects
- [Change] Blocked doors and chests can no longer be opened (need feedback)
- [Change] Player nametags can now be modified through permissions (prefix, suffix, color)
- [Change] Fly mode and creative mode are now disabled when entering an area where they are not permitted
- [Change] Improved performance when rendering lots of dense construction elements
- [Change] Small improvements in terms of performance when having lots of lights in the scene
- [Change] It's now possible to sit on benches
- [Change] Paint roller now instantly paints elements (while the new paint brush now behaves like the paint roller previously did)
- [Change] Server header image no longer gets stretched when using different aspect ratio than 2:1
- [Change] Quickslots are now slightly bigger (size can be changed in config)
- [Change] Color changes on construction elements (via "edit" command) work faster now (i.e. take less time to update the mesh)
- [Change] Improved ingame time sync in multiplayer
- [Change] Game window (when playing in windowed mode) is now resizable)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong ingame time on multiplayer servers
- [Bugfix] Fixed player permission group not working properly after reconnecting to a server
- [Bugfix] Fixed default new player permission in multiplayer not being set correctly
- [Bugfix] Fixed admin tag not being shown in player list for admins
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong UV scale on cone and pyramid block shapes
- [Bugfix] Fixed item animations of other players sometimes not being properly reset in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing localization in multiplayer menu and player list
- [Bugfix] Fixed error on Mac when trying to join a multiplayer server
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues regarding LAN mode on Mac
- [Bugfix] Fixed UI issues while scrolling
- [Bugfix] Alt key no longer gets stuck when tabbing to the desktop
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong message when using the "edit texture" console command
- [Bugfix] Fixed construction elements as item having wrong texture
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with removing large scaled objects
[ 2021-12-01 18:04:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks,
A new update is ready which introduces Multiplayer. This includes support for Steam P2P (the "Play with friends" option), LAN support and actual dedicated servers. The dedicated server files are also available on Steam (as a separate beta branch on the "Rising World Dedicated Server" app).
It was important for us to get the multiplayer feature ready ASAP, because this makes bug tracking in this area a lot easier - the later we release multiplayer, the harder it would be to find and fix bugs. But please keep in mind that this is the first multiplayer release, so it may contain bugs. If you run into any issues, please let us know, so we can fix them ASAP.
The new version provides much better player sync compared to the Java version. The connection to servers should also be more stable now. There are also ragdoll physics available for dead player bodies (of course the same also will apply to npcs in the future). We've added better hit detection for firearms (which will make gunfights more fun) and implemented a basic foot IK system for players, which corrects their feet and legs depending on the ground.
This update already includes built-in "Area Protection" functionality. You can create areas in creative mode, assign custom names to them (which will be shown to players who enter the area) and specify custom permissions per player. You can find more information about this feature here: Area Protection
The dedicated server also provides a lot more functionality compared to the Java version - this includes a new, powerful scheduler, restart functionality, ability to set up custom server descriptions and header images, extensive logging of world events and more. We were also working on a new RCON tool (which will be web-based), but unfortunately it wasn't ready in time. But it will become available soon.
If you want to play with your friends, just go to the singleplayer menu, select a world and hit the green "Play with friends" button. This starts a P2P session and friends can join your game through the friends list. It doesn't require any port forwarding or additional setup.
If you want to join a public multiplayer server, go to the multiplayer menu to bring up the server browser. Please bear in mind that there may be almost no servers available right now, considering this is the first multiplayer release for the new version. This will likely change in the next few days.
If you want to host your own dedicated server, you find more information about that here: Dedicated Server Setup
But hosting a dedicated server requires some additional steps, so it's usually easier to rent a game server, or if you just want to play with your friends, use the "Play with friends" option mentioned above.
It's now our intention to focus on more survival- and gameplay-related features. The next big updates will introduce a fully working world generation, water and npcs. In the meantime, we also want to get crafting and blueprints ready. It's now also about time to introduce more content in general, like new items, plants etc. Stay tuned for the next updates!
Changelog 2021-08-31 (0.3):
- [New] Multiplayer
- [New] Added support for Steam P2P ("Play with Friends")
- [New] Added LAN mode
- [New] Added kick, ban and other multiplayer-related commands
- [New] Added dedicated server (Multiplayer)
- Restart functionality
- Whitelist and Blacklist functionality
- Ability to set reserved names
- Input listener (for direct server commands)
- Custom server console
- Logging (with optional auto-removal of old logs)
- Custom header images (for server browser)
- Custom description (for server browser)
- [New] Added areas and area protection
- Areas can be created and modified in creative mode (F9)
- Radial-Menu to setup area (name, priority, permissions)
- Areas can have an arbitrary name which is optionally shown to players
- Areas can have a default permission and individual permissions per player
- Ability to prevent players from entering/leaving an area (like an invisible wall)
- [New] Added extensive scheduler (multiplayer)
- Three different timer tasks (interval, fixed time, time offset)
- Event-based tasks
- Built-in variables and access to server options
- [New] Serverbrowser with various filters and sort modes
- [New] Serverbrowser can also discover LAN servers (in local network)
- [New] Keeping track of server history and favorites
- [New] Added player list / scoreboard (i)
- [New] Added extensive logging of world modification events (multiplayer)
- [New] Added permissions (multiplayer)
- [New] Added UI to show the current permissions
- [New] Added hit marker for firearms (when hitting a target/player)
- [New] Added ragdoll physics for dead player bodies
- [New] Added player foot IK (adapt player foot and leg position to the ground)
- [New] Added private chat messages (chat messages beginning with '@' followed by the player name)
- [New] Added supersonic crack for fast projectiles flying by
- [New] Added basic voice chat (WIP)
- [New] Current world snowiness and wetness is now saved persistently
- [New] Command "edit" which allows you to change transform, color or texture of a construction element (like "editc" in the Java version)
- [New] Added "fake-color" to paint roller as placeholder which can be used to decolor objects
- [New] Added singleplayer world list (full functionality will be available with the future world generation update)
- [New] New Main Theme
- [Change] Improved visibility of building grid on distorted or frosted glass
- [Change] Latest world changes now get properly saved when shutting down the game
- [Change] Reduced grid line thickness on construction elements
- [Change] Updated chat font size and emojis
- [Change] Equipping an item from inventory now closes the inventory automatically
- [Bugfix] Fixed rare crash after placing or removing construction elements
- [Bugfix] Fixed rare error showing up when hitting a tree or object
- [Bugfix] Fixed broken block id label (in texture selection window) under certain resolutions
- [Bugfix] It's no longer possible to shoot through walls if you stand right in front of them
- [Bugfix] Fixed rare issue which caused plants to become unremovable
- [Bugfix] Fixed changes to no-clipping in flymode not being saved correctly
- [Bugfix] Fixed input dialogs (e.g. when saving a building preset) sometimes closing instantly
- [Bugfix] Fixed "No fall damage" setting not being applied after restarting the game
- [Bugfix] Other changes and fixes
[ 2021-08-31 18:21:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks,
This update introduces various glass panes and a total of 19 glass textures, as well as lots of bugfixes and Quality-of-Life changes.
Construction elements now spawn debris when destroying them (this can be disabled), and we've also reworked the grid (G) for the building tools (it's now similar to the grid in the Java version). Speaking of building tools, when placing multiple blocks on a row, you can now change the gap between elements. It's also possible to assign names to your size presets, and we've changed the pivot size for very small elements.
We've also added removal tools for the creative mode (F7) - this helps you to remove trees, objects or construction elements in no time. You can also enable the good ol' creative mode light (L). If desired, you can change the light intensity in the settings.
If you want to create an equirectangular image (360 image), try out the "panorama" command - it works properly now.
Apart from these things, we've also made some changes when it comes to the graphics: We've fixed a few issues with certain construction textures, the ambient occlusion effect is now improved, shadows get properly updated whenever the environment is modified, and the game can now handle direct specular reflections, which improves the visual appearance of reflective and wet surfaces (e.g. after rain).
Last but not least there are some other, smaller changes and several bugfixes. Find the full changelog below. We're currently working on Multiplayer, which includes P2P support ("Play with friends" option) and dedicated servers. We'll provide more information about that soon, so stay tuned!
Changelog 2021-06-21 (0.2.1):
- [New] Added 19 glass textures
- [New] Added 6 different glass panes (construction shapes)
- [New] Construction elements now spawn proper debris when destroying them
- [New] Added new grid for building tools (similar to the grid in the Java version)
- [New] When placing multiple blocks in a row, you can now change the gap between them
- [New] Added specular reflections to items and the environment
- [New] Block texture selection categories are now collapsible (default state can be set in options)
- [New] Added creative mode light (L) (intensity can be changed in settings)
- [New] Added creative mode removal tools (F7)
- [New] You can now assign names to your building size presets (see building menu)
- [New] Added quality settings for ambient occlusion effect
- [New] Screenshots now optionally include the HUD and UI (can be changed in settings)
- [New] Panini projection can now be changed in graphics settings ("view adjustment")
- [Change] "panorama" command (to create panorama screenshots) no longer includes player arms
- [Change] Disabling building marker no longer hides block count numbers
- [Change] Reduced pivot size for small elements
- [Change] Changed alignment of some building textures
- [Change] Creative mode terrain flatten tool (return key) level no longer resets if distance is too great
- [Change] Projectiles now deal damage to construction elements (depending on material)
- [Change] You no longer get kicked from a singleplayer game for using an invalid player name
- [Change] It's no longer possible to shoot with a firearm while sprinting
- [Change] Updated Unity version (2021.1.11f1)
- [Bugfix] Fixed certain construction textures appearing pixelated if directly lit
- [Bugfix] Fixed seams between cylinders and hollow cylinders
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong surface offset on flipped/mirrored construction elements
- [Bugfix] Fixed underground blocks not loading properly in certain situations
- [Bugfix] Fixed motion blur causing issues on screenshots and panorama screenshots
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with object gravity (objects breaking for no apparent reason etc)
- [Bugfix] Fixed sporadically missing collide sounds of felled trees
- [Bugfix] Changing visibility of creative mode toolbar works properly now
- [Bugfix] Changing the shadow view distance in the settings work properly now
- [Bugfix] Placing or removing construction elements now properly updates shadows of nearby lights
[ 2021-06-21 15:40:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! Finally the building update is available for the new version! It introduces almost 200 different materials and 27 different construction shapes.
Unlike the Java version, there is no longer a distinction between blocks and construction elements. Instead every block can now be freely rotated and resized, which gives a lot more freedom compared to the old version.
We've also created new building tools from scratch, introducing various new features. For example, the modular snapping is now very powerful and enables you to easily create rounded structures in no time. There is also a visual radial menu now which allows you to change various building settings without having to use console commands.
Compared to the Java version, you will now experience much smoother texture transitions between different materials and also significantly less flickering on overlapping elements.
Unfortunately the crafting part is not fully implemented yet, so we've set up a temporary material selection at the workbench. The same material selection also shows up if you use the "item" command: Typing "item block" into console brings up the texture selection. Alternatively you can also just type "item construction" to bring up a shape selection as well.
We appreciate any feedback regarding the new building tools. We've implemented them in a modular way, so we can modify them quite easily if necessary. If you find any issues with the building tools or if you have any suggestions about them, please don't hesitate to let us know!
Apart from the building part, this update also introduces a few other changes and additions. Rain now produces proper puddles on terrain, and we've also added reflections for puddles and smooth construction materials (like metal or marble). We've also improved lots of sounds, implemented the "misc" settings menu (giving you access to various game options), changed the way how grass is generated, and if you prefer using a high FOV or if you play on an ultra-wide screen, you can now enable "panini projection" to reduce screen distortions. Find the full changelog below!
It's now our intention to add multiplayer and blueprints. We've already implemented large parts of the multiplayer, so the next update will be available a lot faster. Stay tuned!
Changelog 2021-04-29 (0.2):
- [New] Update to Unity 2021.1
- [New] Added 27 different construction elements (block shapes)
- [New] Added 198 different textures
- [New] New building tool for construction elements:
- New modular snapping (automatic and manual mode)
- Ability to place multiple elements in a row (1-3 directions)
- Ability to change texture scale
- Upper surface can be modified independently
- Ability resize elements proportional
- Ability to apply size of an existing world element to current element
- New radial menu to change parameters without commands
- [New] Reduced z-fighting (flickering) of overlapping construction elements
- [New] Ability to paint construction elements
- [New] Grass can now grow in all directions (TBD)
- [New] Added "Miscellaneous" settings menu, giving access to various game settings
- [New] Added buttons to sort inventory or merge item stacks
- [New] Added screenspace reflections (still WIP)
- [New] Rain produces puddles on terrain and also gives it a "wet" look
- [New] Added settings to hide pivots or grid in building tools
- [New] Added new background scenes for main menu
- [New] Added optional fly mode speed control (shift+scroll), see misc settings
- [New] Added "panini projection" setting (to reduce distortion when using wide fov)
- [New] Command "item construction" now brings up a block shape selection menu
- [New] If no variation is defined for the "item" command (when spawning constructions), a texture selection menu shows up
- [Change] Added new fire and reload sounds for repeater
- [Change] Added inertia to equipped item
- [Change] Cannot pickup locked doors anymore
- [Change] Increase running speed of player
- [Change] Player lowers equipped items while sprinting
- [Bugfix] Walkie-Talkie and Megaphone no longer crash the game if recording device could not be initialized
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing texts when changing creative mode terrain tool shape
- [Bugfix] Fixed grid rendering on lowest grid sizes (0.0625 and 0.03125)
- [Bugfix] Fixed broken textures (red spots) on LOD terrain
- [Bugfix] Fixed sporadically occurring shadow artifacts on lit surfaces
- [Bugfix] Fixed console key showing up in input line when opening/closing the console
- [Bugfix] Fixed various other issues
Known issues and limitations:
- Sometimes the rotation of the building tool is wrong
- Grass is still visible through construction elements
- Emissive materials are missing / not working
- Glass materials are missing
- Some block shapes don't have proper pivots yet
- Debris (when destroying elements) is missing
[ 2021-04-29 18:48:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear Community! We're pleased to announce that the first playable demo of the new version is finally available! It is available as a separate Beta branch on Steam - if you select it, you will still keep the current Java version and the new version will be downloaded into a separate subfolder. This first demo will serve as foundation for future update, and once it's a bit more fleshed out, it will replace the Java version (but of course you will still be able to play the Java version at any stage).
We've also prepared a new survey for the demo and would appreciate your feedback: https://forms.gle/7Tf95343NQtgSUou8
In order to get the demo, just rightclick on Rising World in your Steam library -> Properties -> Betas -> select "New Version Preview" and wait until the download is ready. When launching the game, a dialog shows up: Select "New Version" to launch the new version of Rising World.
NOTE: Always launch the game from your library, do not launch it right from the "Downloads" section because this always launches the default Java version.
However, there are a few important things you need to know about this version:
Features and Content
This version is quite limited and it lacks several features and any serious gameplay content. It rather serves as "tech demo" and is meant to give you a very first impression of the new version. We've also disabled some features in this version - for instance, only a small part of the world is generated and many plants and forests are missing. Here you find a rough overview of some of the features of the demo version: https://forum.rising-world.net/thread/11064/
We're using Unity new scriptable render pipeline, more specifically the HDRP which has a rather high base overhead - much higher compared to the Java version. In return we're able to achieve much better scalability, especially if the world consists of lot of buildings. This means it's extremely important that your machine meets at least the minimum requirements of the game (which are stated on the store page). However, if you experience performance issues, please let us know! There is definitely room for improvements
View distance
One important note about the view distance: Basically the new version is able to achieve much larger view distances compared to the Java version. On the one hand, chunks are now twice the size. On the other hand, values are treated a bit different in the new version; while a view distance of 20 chunks, for example, referred to 20x20 chunks around the player in the Java version, this value now refers to 20 chunks in each direction (effectively being 40x40 chunks now). In other words: A view distance of 50 in the new version would be equivalent of a view distance of 200 in the Java version
There are a few weather effects available which can be set via console command. Just like in the Java version, type "weather
There are unfortunately a few bugs in Unity which are out of our control. They were reported to Unity. For instance, it's currently not possible to change the resolution on Linux without restarting the game (Mac and Windows are not affected by this issue). There are a few other issues as well, but if you find any bugs, please don't hesitate to contact us
Unfortunately the multiplayer part isn't fully ready yet, but we already wrote the code with multiplayer in mind - so it's basically almost ready. It's our intention to release a working multiplayer shortly after the upcoming building update
Plugin API
Unfortunately the plugin API isn't ready either - this means it doesn't work in the demo yet. There is still some work to do, but we've set up a new section in our forum which contains more information about the new API: https://forum.rising-world.net/thread/11062/
Obviously the demo took a lot longer until it was ready - much longer than expected. We're so sorry about that, but we also appreciate your patience! Good news is that many core mechanics are now implemeted or almost ready (and this was the most time consuming part), so we should soon be able to get into a state where content can be added more quickly
We really hope you enjoy the demo! Even though it's still very limited and cannot be considered a full game, it should already give you a good idea of what Rising World will look like in the near future. We are looking forward to your feedback, please let us know what you think about the new version! As mentioned above, we've prepared a survey for that purpose: https://forms.gle/7Tf95343NQtgSUou8

[ 2020-12-16 17:39:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! We're currently focusing on getting the first playable demo of the new version ready as soon as possible. The first version will be rather a "walking simulator", but it will serve as foundation for future updates. And the demo will still give a good impression of the gameplay and the technical component (graphics, audio etc) of the new version.
The last weeks we've been further improving the terrain generation. The game now generates more realistic, but also much smoother landscapes (i.e. no more "bumpy" terrain). Biomes (including proper forests) and dungeons are still missing, but the world is already more varied than in the old version.
We've also been working on the new building part. Our goal is to keep the freedom of the old system, but improve it to a extent that building becomes a lot less painful. Apart from fixing some issues of the old building system, we've reworked the way how snapping works from scratch. You will be able to change the rotation pivot of an element, and you will also be able to snap the object to a pivot of another element. As a result, creating curved structures will be much easier.
Unfortunately the building part won't be ready for the first demo release, but it will be available in a separate update shortly after.
We also spent some time on a new auto-updater/launcher (for the non-Steam version) and on a Linux build. Unfortunately it looks like Linux/Vulkan support isn't Unitys greatest strength, which is a bit disappointing. We've discovered some bugs which are out of our control - most of the rendering stuff is "black boxed" in Unity and the source code of the engine isn't available. Only thing we can do in this case is to forward these bugs to Unity, however, if you experience any issues or crashes with the Linux version of the game, please don't hesitate to contact us.
As always, you find more information on our Trello roadmap
[ 2020-10-01 18:43:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! It's time for another status update! In the past few weeks we've been mainly working on objects - by this we mean furniture, doors, lamps etc. More specifically, we've been working on object handling, i.e. placement, sync between client and server, interaction etc.
It's our intention to rework most objects from scratch. For the time being, we've been focusing on doors: On the one hand, you will be able to place proper double doors. On the other hand, there will be more options to interact with doors - for instance, you will be able to lock doors. Apart from that, most objects (including doors) will be resizable.
You find more information about objects and doors on our Trello roadmap: https://trello.com/c/IaJZtotN/141-objects
We've also prepared a small video to show the current state of the game. Apart from the new doors, we've been working on new sounds and there are also a few other details (for instance, the player leaves footprints in the snow):
Apart from that, we've been working on lighting. The game internally manages all lights and culls every light source that's either not visible or too far away. To save some performance, you can set up a max amount of lights the game should render simultaneously.
Here is a screenshot of lighting in a cave:
Last but not least we've also spent some time on our build pipeline for Mac and Linux. We've already implemented it for Windows a long time ago, but it's important for us to not only focus on Windows during development, since some parts of the game code are platform dependent (especially the C++ part). So far, everything works as expected though.
Stay tuned for the next status update. Hopefully we will be able to get a playable demo ready soon
[ 2020-08-01 18:05:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
First of all, thank you so much for your active participation in the survey! In total we received 2941 responses. You can find the survey results here: Survey results
Now back to the status update: We've been working on grass in the past few weeks, and are currently working on vegetation, first and foremost trees. This includes wind effects, but also things like plant growth and tree felling.
There is still some work to do, but we're pleased to share a first video of the new version. It's really not much, mainly showing the grass and the current state of vegetation, but expect more videos in the near future ;)
Unlike in the old version, wind is quite dynamic now and takes a direction and random gusts of wind into account.
The new vegetation models also provide a lot more detail compared to the old version. When it comes to tree felling, you will now have a certain degree of control over the fall direction of the log.
If you're looking for more information about the grass, please check out our Trello board - it contains some screenshots and an animated gif about how snow affects grass: https://trello.com/c/KODxdgZS/140-grass
About a playable demo: We will now finalize our work on vegetation, and there are also a few other, smaller things that need to be done before we can release a playable demo - but it's getting closer and closer.
Stay tuned!
[ 2020-06-24 20:00:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! It's time for a new status update, but first we want to ask you for some feedback about Rising World and the upcoming version. We've set up a small survey and it would be awesome if you can give us some feedback - this will help us to focus on the features that are most desired. You can find the survey here: https://forms.gle/MdifGvidirQ3FRQL7
But now let's talk about the status update: The last weeks we've been working on terrain modifications (i.e. the ability to dig holes), added some first items (including proper item and inventory handling) and also implemented a few weather effects.
Compared to the Java version, we will see some exciting improvements in these areas. Speaking of items: We're currently working on the ability to place items (like tools and weapons) persistently in the world. This means you can place your pickaxe anywhere and it won't despawn. Of course you can still store your stuff in chests, but being able to place your tools on a table or put them on a shelf greatly contributes to immersion.
We're also reworking all objects (like furniture, doors etc). There is still a lot of work to do, but the new objects look so much better than the old ones. Here is an early image of the new torch and torch mount:
When it comes to weather effects, snow will now be a separate weather effect. This means you can enable snow even in temperate biomes, at least via command. We're thinking about having snowfall to occur naturally from time to time (covering your world in snow), this feature could then turn into actual seasons in the long run. Please let us know what you're thinking about that.
Last but not least we did some preparation for a new, much more powerful RCON tool and we've also integrated permissions for multiplayer, similar to our old implementation in Java. Main difference is that we're using JSON now instead of YAML, however, the new RCON tool will feature a permission editor so you don't have to edit permission files manually anymore.
As always, you can follow our development on Trello: https://trello.com/b/t5Leypcj/rising-world-development
Stay tuned, and more importantly, stay healthy!
[ 2020-04-19 19:07:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! We want to give you a small status update of our recent progress.
The last weeks we've been mainly working on textures and proper terrain shaders. Unlike the Java version of the game, we're using physically-based rendering, which is basically a more realistic approach to render materials.
Materials no longer consist of a single texture, instead there are various maps which allow the game to render the material accurately (including surface structure, glossiness etc).
When it comes to the terrain shaders, or more specifically, to the transition between multiple materials (e.g. sand, dirt, gravel etc), we're now taking the "height" of the particular material into account instead of just blending the materials. As a result, transitions between materials are more realistic now (compared to basic blending)
We've also been tweaking the terrain generation and started working on new vegetation. This is something we want to get ready before we can release a first playable demo of the new version. We know things take quite long, but we're sure you'll like it once it's ready :) Anyway, we are very grateful for your patience!
Last but not least we want to share a screenshot of a fairly high mountain. Even if it doesn't look that tall, but this mountain has a total height of more than 800 blocks! Just as a reference, the highest mountain in the old version had a max height of ~230 blocks. So yes, you can build much higher in the new version ;)
Stay tuned for the next status update! To get more information about what's happening in the meantime, please check out our Trello Roadmap
[ 2020-03-04 16:57:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! Today we want to share a few more screenshots with you.
Brief summary
The new version will provide much more realistic lights and shadows. In addition to that, lights no longer pass through walls. In terms of modding, we've started working on the new Plugin API and decided to stick to Java for the API.
Long story
As mentioned in our previous announcement, we will see some major improvements regardings lights and shadows in the new version. In the current Rising World most lights were static (i.e. computed once by the CPU during chunk generation) - this provides good performance, but the visual results weren't that great. In the new version, all lights will be fully dynamic, resulting in a much more realistic lighting. In addition to that, lights are able to cast shadows now. To make sure performance doesn't suffer too much, we will use a deferred renderer (which can handle lots of lights fairly efficiently) and a smart shadow updater (which regenerates shadows only if the environment changed). We've prepared a small comparision between the new lights (still work-in-progress) and the static lights in the old version of the game:

Shadows play a big role and can be a real game changer. When exploring dungeons, for example, or walking through forests at night (just equipped with a torch), shadows create a completely different atmosphere.

Another big improvement thanks to proper shadows: Lights no longer pass through walls in the new version!

Apart from lights and shadows, we also started working on the new Plugin API. We decided to stick to Java for the API, since this language provides a much better performance (and full multi-threading support) compared to scripting languages. This also means that large parts of the current API stay compatible, however, there are still a few changes to the API so existing plugins need to be updated for the new version. We will post more information about that soon. Stay tuned for the next status update! If you want to get more information in the meantime, make sure to check out our development roadmap on Trello :)
[ 2020-01-13 17:00:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope you enjoy the holidays and have a great time!
We would like to take the opportunity to give you a small status update of the new version. Right in time for Christmas we have a new screenshot for you:
The log cabin and fireplace were built with construction elements. As you can certainly see, lighting and shadows will improve considerably with the new version. In addition to that, we will use more detailed models (for the furniture, for example) and higher resolution textures.
Apart from that, we decided to stick to FMOD as audio engine. We've implemented a voice chat recently, with the ability to post-process the voice data (e.g. when the player uses a megaphone or walkie-talkie).
Unfortunately there will be no playable demo this year, because it's still too unfinished. However, we'll try to get a playable demo ready in early 2020.
As always, if you want to get more information about the development progress, you can check out our roadmap on Trello: https://trello.com/b/t5Leypcj/rising-world-development
Stay tuned for a thrilling year 2020!
[ 2019-12-23 14:28:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! Today we want to give you a status update of the ongoing changes (if you aren't aware of our plans to move to a new engine, please check out our previous announcement).
Brief summary
We've finalized the terrain generation (see some first screenshots below) and also implemented a few other interesting features. For example, the new version will be able to handle larger view distances and much higher mountains. In addition to that, we've added full gamepad support, we created a new UI from scratch (supporting various resolutions and aspect ratios), and also implemented a fast, UDP-based network system. Btw, there is also a new update for the Java version available, you can find the changelog in our forums.
Long version
We've made a lot of progress in the past months, but of course there is still a lot of work to do. One of the biggest (and most time-consuming) features we're currently working on is the new world generation. When it comes to this feature, we have two main priorities: On the one hand, we want to create more interesting and appealing landscapes, and on the other hand, it's our intention to enable larger view distances (without killing the performance). In fact we've made some great progress in this regard and will be able to handle larger view distances as well as higher mountains. We can't give exact numbers yet (because we haven't implemented all world features yet), but our first results look very promising! Here are some first screenshots of the new terrain generation. Please keep in mind that they use mostly placeholder-textures (and we don't have any vegetation or fancy shader effects yet), but they should give you a rough idea of the new terrain:

In addition to that, we've implemented a native bridge that allows us to write performance-critical code in C++. This made our terrain generation, for example, a lot faster compared to regular C#! C++ also gives us more control over memory (no garbage collector involved) and allows us to use CPU features like SIMD.

Summary of the most important features
Here is a small overview of the most important features we've implemented so far:
- New terrain generation: The new version features more appealing and realistic landscapes compared to the old version. It also enables much greater view distances and higher mountains (this also means you can create higher buildings accordingly).
- Better player physics: We tried to create a player controller similar to the current one (in the Java version), but we made some improvements. On the one hand, there is no more "jitter" when standing on slopes, on the other hand, the character is no longer able to walk up steep inclines like a mountain goat. However, we found out that we definitely need some climbing gear now ^^
- New UI: We're creating a new UI from scratch. We understand and agree that the old "wood" design wasn't really appealing, so we're focusing on a flat, modern design now. The new UI scales properly depending on the screen resolution and aspect ratio (so far we support 16:9, 21:9 and 32:9)
- Gamepad support: We've implemented full support for Xbox360/One, PS4 and common XInput controllers. You can use your mouse/keyboard and gamepad simultaneously, but if desired, the game is also fully playable without a keyboard
- UDP based networking: The new version will use "connection-less", UDP based networking. This should result in better performance compared to TCP, but most and foremost, this should help us to get rid of connection resets and other losses of connections
- C++ integration: Not necessarily a "feature", but we've implemented a bridge between C# and C++ - this allows us to write performance-critical code in C++, resulting in less overhead and better performance
- Localization: While we still don't have support for any other languages yet, we have at least support for chinese and cyrillic characters. The language files are easily accessible and modifiable, so community translations can be incorporated conveniently
[ 2019-11-05 16:40:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear Community!
It's about time to let you know what's currently going on, and what the future of Rising World will probably look like. Sorry for the wall of text!
Some of you may remember that we mentioned some traffic changes on Steam last October. Valve changed the algorithm that decides which games are promoted and which are not. There aren't many details known about how the algorithm works exactly, but it seems that the algorithm is mostly favoring top-sellers now - there are lots of other serious indie developers out there who were negatively affected by the algorithm change.
We lost a lot of our visibility "over night" and therefore our game sells a lot worse than before. Of course it's up to Valve to decide what's best for the store, but this change makes it much harder for us to survive - especially in combination with the introduction of Steam Direct in 2017.
The development of Rising World is not about making money, but of course we have running costs and have to pay bills just like everyone else. We will never abandon Rising World, no matter what happens, but if we're having trouble covering the costs, this will inevitable slow down development - to a point that becomes unacceptable. But even if we somehow make it to the 1.0, it would be a pity if the journey ends at this point (since there is still so much unused potential in this game).
It couldn't go on like this, so we had to find the best solution for the community and the game.
To cut a long story short, we decided to move Rising World to another engine. This allows us to bring Rising World to a new level (from a technological point of view). Graphics isn't everything, but it still plays a big role when it comes to the first impression of the game. But moving to a new engine also allows us to release the game on more platforms - for example consoles. Of course the PC will still be our main platform, but being able to bring the game to consoles (or maybe even something like Stadia) could ensure the future of the game.
We are sure that the vast majority of players will benefit from this measure in the end, since the result will be a much more polished game. The bad news is, that moving to another engine means a rewrite of the game. This sounds worse than it actually is, though. When implementing a new feature, most of the time is spent on the conceptual design - and there is no need to redo that now in this case. The actual implementation, i.e. the "programming part" is in fact the smallest part.
But apart from that there are several "core mechanics" that had to be reworked anyway, for example the world generation. It makes sense to use this opportunity to do that now.
Nevertheless, it will still take some time until the "new version" is ready. In order to speed things up, we have a new fulltime dev now (so we're two people focusing on the programming/implementation part). This wasn't really an option before, since the game already consists of more than 250k lines of code, and getting used to it would take a lot of time.
I'm still afraid that it will take up to 1 year until the current version of the game can be fully replaced by the new version (but at this stage, it will already feature the reworked core mechanics). But once we have a playable version, we will make it accessible (as "Beta" in Steam) - we're confident that this still happens this year.
We already have some preview screenshots we want to share with you. Please keep in mind that these are some very early screenshots, but they give at least a rough idea how the game could look like in the future:
Just to avoid any misunderstandings: If you already own the game, there is of course no need to buy it again. Once the new version is ready, it will replace the current version and you will be able to access it.
However, the Java version will still be available (as well as the according server files). Once the new version replaces the current one, the Java version will be moved to a separate Beta branch in Steam which will always be accessible. So if you don't like the changes and want to stick to the old version, that will be possible. We are still going to provide bugfixes for the Java version.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or if you think that it's a bad idea to move to a new engine, please let us know :) Either leave a comment here, or create a new post in the forums.
We've set up a small FAQ by the way which provides some more information: https://steamcommunity.com/app/324080/discussions/0/1642042464740355178/
[ 2019-07-11 17:33:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks!
The new update is finally available! First of all, thank you very much for your patience!
This update introduces a lot of new features and changes, but our main focus was on reworking the NPC behaviour as well as adding new hostile NPCs. You will now find small groups of bandits roaming the forests during night, and underground dungeons are now populated with skeletons. In addition to that, spiders spawn randomly in deep caves.
When fighting with bandits or skeletons, you can use your sword to block their attacks (so you take less or even no damage, but keep an eye on your stamina). Obviously this only applies to melee attacks - so watch out for enemies equipped with bows and arrows!
Of course you can disable any NPC you want, and you can also change the spawn rates for both animals and enemies. So if you don't want to deal with bandits or monsters, you can simply turn them off.
But when talking about NPC related things, that doesn't mean that this update is only about enemies. We improved the NPC AI and collision detection with this update, so NPCs should no longer be able to walk through walls, fall through the ground or warp to the roof of your building. In case you still experience any of these issues, please let us know!
We also reworked the spawn behaviour of NPCs: they are able to respawn in chunks which haven't been modified, and animals mostly spawn in herds now. Alerting one herd animal also alerts all other herd animals.
There is also another important feature in this update: it's now possible to load custom items (e.g. tools or weapons) through the plugin API. This makes modding a lot easier. We will update the plugin API and also release a few example plugins in the next few days.
Apart from that, we implemented several other new features and changes. Blueprints can now store terrain data and water, there are some new items (weed whacker and venison), we added several new music tracks, we reworked the screenshot feature (it's much more powerful now) and last but not least we've fixed a lot of bugs. Check out the changelog to get an overview of all changes.
Changelog 2019-03-12 (0.9.5):
- [New] New NPCs: bandits and skeletons with various equipment and outfits
- [New] Bandits spawn randomly in forests (during night), while skeletons spawn randomly in dungeons
- [New] Animals / NPCs can now respawn after a given amount of time
- [New] Animals usually spawn in small herds now
- [New] When a herd animal is alerted, other herd animals are also alerted
- [New] Spiders and rats spawn randomly in caves and abandoned cabins
- [New] When creating a new world, you can select a starting biome / area now
- [New] Custom / modded items can now be added via API
- [New] New tool: weed whacker
- [New] Added 7 new music tracks
- [New] Added settings for screenshots (resolution, quality, hud etc)
- [New] Added settings to change the animal and enemy spawn rate
- [New] Added venison, which is obtainable from wild animals
- [New] Terrain can now also be stored in blueprints
- [New] Added "Toggle Crouch" and "Toggle Walk" key bindings
- [New] Added gloss effect / environment mapping for some clothes (e.g. armor)
- [New] Added settings for grass view distance
- [New] Added support for DNS SRV Records (Multiplayer/"Connect to IP")
- [New] Added "continuous editing" for creative terrain tools (keep mouse button pressed to edit the terrain)
- [New] Creative mode terrain tools now have "water" as textur (i.e. the paint [3] and area tool [4] can now be used for water)
- [New] Added proper headshot detection for other players
- [New] Added new filter to server list to hide password-protected servers
- [New] Added command "disablenpc" to permanently disable an npc for the current world
- [New] Implemented GPU skinning to improve the performance regarding animations
- [Change] Player no longer gets "stuck" on walls when walking against walls
- [Change] Projectiles / Arrows despawn now after a given amount of time
- [Change] NPCs now also take damage from traps (with a few exceptions)
- [Change] Increased range for picking up items
- [Change] Increased range for "editconstruction" command
- [Change] Reduced height of player while riding a horse or donkey
- [Change] There is a small cooldown now when using tools by clicking the mouse button rapidly
- [Change] Deleting a custom image now removes all instances in the world
- [Change] Toggle aiming with a weapon is now disabled by default (can be changed in settings)
- [Change] Grenade / TNT cooking is now possible
- [Change] Water is now correctly rendered in front of a blueprint preview if it is opaque (press Return-key)
- [Change] The "flatten tool" in creative mode terrain tools (F5, press Return-key) now shows the current elevation
- [Change] Blueprints can now still be loaded if they were accidentally unzipped after downloading them
- [Change] Chainsaw is slightly more efficient now
- [Change] Reworked sword animations
- [Change] Player no longer takes damage from projectiles / arrows in creative mode
- [Change] Arrows and firework rockets can no longer be abused to climb walls (removed collision)
- [Change] If fly mode is disabled, double tapping F2 no longer teleports you to the surface
- [Change] Improved some sound effects
- [Change] Removed CPU load diagram, since it was causing performance issues on some operating systems
- [Change] Removed some unnecessary debug outputs from log
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue that chunks sometimes became invisible while editing them
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with "undoblueprint" command (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with modular construction element placement (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed random native crash (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue that some objects became unusable sometimes for no reason
- [Bugfix] Fixed item stacks disappearing sometimes when moving them from chests to inventory
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues when placing blocks or construction elements (weird collision behaviour)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues when posters were referring to an already deleted custom image
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with projectile collision detection when standing close to a wall
- [Bugfix] Fixed extreme "z-fighting" (flickering) when walking against walls
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong animation of dead animal corpses in some situations
- [Bugfix] If "Keep Inventory" is enabled, you no longer lose your inventory when quitting the game without respawning
- [Bugfix] Player should no longer fall through the ground in certain cases when teleporting (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed problem that sometimes teleported the player to sky when using the "gotospawn" command
- [Bugfix] Headgear of dead players is no longer in the wrong position
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong custom journal element position if "pivot=center" was set
- [Bugfix] Fixed memoryleak related to gun sounds
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with picking up items
Changelog 2019-03-12 (
- [Bugfix] Removed red debug square
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash related to plugins which modify npc positions
[ 2019-03-12 20:58:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! Today we want to show you some preview screenshots of the upcoming update.
It will introduce some hostile npcs, including groups of hostile bandits roaming the forests during night and also skeleton warriors guarding the dungeons. You will still be safe when staying home, but you have to be careful when exploring the world.
Of course there will be also an option to disable hostile npcs when creating a world.
On the other hand, the update will also improve the npc AI as well as the collision detection. As a result, animals should no longer be able to walk through walls.
Last but not least we're also expanding the plugin API, so it will be possible to create custom items (tools, weapons etc) for Rising World. We will prepare an example plugin which offers an easy way to load custom items into the game.
Unfortunately we have no ETA for the update yet. We try to get it ready as soon as possible, but recently there were some unexpected changes introduced to Steam which have a big impact on Rising World and its future development. We can't say much about these changes yet, but we will definitely keep you informed about the current status.
[ 2018-12-11 19:20:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello folks!
Finally a new update is available. Sorry for the long delay, getting the update ready took longer than expected, but it introduces some quite interesting features.
Fishing is now available in Rising World. This means you can craft a fishing rod and use it to catch fish. There are six different types of fish available, and you can use a bait (earthworms, which spawn randomly while raking the ground) to increase your chances to get a fish. There is also a chance to obtain a small pouch, which contains valuable loot.
We also added a small rowboat and a motorized inflatable boat. While the rowboat only has room for a single passenger, the inflatable boat has enough room for up to 4 passengers. Currently the inflatable boat does not consume any fuel, but this will change in the future.
Apart from that, the environment temperature plays a big role now. Going into a snow biome with insufficient clothing can kill your character. Going to a desert with thick clothings causes your character to dehydrate faster, accordingly. But even a rain shower during night has a negative impact on your body temperature, so keep an eye on it and take appropriate measures (make a fire, wear warm clothes etc).
There are a few new items, like a semi-automatic rifle, a medkit, consumable pumpkins (you can cut them into edible slices) or new haircuts for your character.
This update also contains several important changes: For example, you are no longer able to access items or chests through walls. We also updated the hit detection for melee weapons and tools, and changed the movement to prevent players from abusing the "jump spam".
Of course there are several bugfixes and smaller changes, too. Tnt is now more useful since it can now be used for mining (i.e. explosions caused by tnt spawn ores / stones).
As usual you can find a full overview in the changelog below.
Last but not least this update introduces many changes and additions to the plugin API, you can find a separate changelog in our forums.
We're still working on a better npc AI btw (which is required before we can add more enemies to the game, especially human enemies). You can check out our roadmap to get an overview of our planned features (although it only contains major features).
Stay tuned for the next updates :)
Changelog 2018-09-26 (0.9.4):
- [New] Added drivable rowboat and (motorized) inflatable boat
- [New] Added fishing rod, which can be used to obtain fish
- [New] Added 6 obtainable fishes: salmon, herring, plaice, catfish, perch, tuna
- [New] Weather, environment and clothes now have an impact on your body temperature
- [New] Hypothermia drains your health, while Hyperthermia causes dehydration
- [New] New semi-automatic rifle
- [New] New item: medkit
- [New] New item: bag/pouch, which can contain another item (obtainable from fishing or via command)
- [New] New item: bomb, which works similar to tnt, but only deals damage to players and npc
- [New] Added 8 new haircuts
- [New] New object: "seat", which can be integrated into self-made chairs
- [New] Pumpkins can now be cut into edible slices
- [New] Earthworms (bait) spawn randomly when using a rake, especially when it rains
- [New] Added name and address filter to server browser (WIP)
- [New] Added scroll bars to blueprint list (journal), singleplayer menu, server browser and playerlist
- [New] Added settings to disable hunger/thirst and fall damage in singleplayer survival
- [New] Singleplayer world list now also shows world version (and indicator if conversion is required or not)
- [New] Added proper impact sounds for projectiles (arrows, bullets)
- [New] Projectiles (arrows, bullets) can now destroy small objects and certain construction elements (glass panes)
- [New] Explosions caused by tnt now also spawn ores / stone (can be disabled on multiplayer servers) (WIP)
- [New] Added permission "chat" to disable the ingame chat for particular permission groups
- [New] Added permission "nametagalwaysvisible" to enable player nametags to be visible through walls or not
- [New] Added three new music tracks
- [New] Added Doppler effect for some sounds
- [Change] Improved hit detection for melee weapons and tools (e.g. when hitting animals)
- [Change] Chests can no longer be accessed through walls
- [Change] Items can no longer be picked up through walls
- [Change] Lamps can now be picked up (hold F)
- [Change] Sleeping (skipping a night) also changes the weather (only if there is currently bad weather)
- [Change] Crowbars can now also be used to pick up posters oO
- [Change] Improved player hitbox
- [Change] Reduced intensity of lamps and torches
- [Change] Added small needle to compasses which show to your spawn location
- [Change] Reduced situations which allowed you to look through walls
- [Change] Reduced "jittering" when walking against walls or through too small tunnels
- [Change] Corpse despawn time now also applies to dead npc in singleplayer
- [Change] Command "editconstruction" can also be used to change texture of blocks
- [Change] Reduced stamina regeneration, jumping now also takes stamina
- [Change] Updated to latest MariaDB JDBC driver, this fixes issues with new storage engine versions
- [Change] Reworked small status icons (hunger, thirst etc)
- [Change] Beim Öffnen des Inventars wird zusätzlich Hunger u. Durst in Textform angezeigt
- [Change] Firearms no longer work underwater
- [Change] Repeater automatically aims again after loading
- [Change] Changed damage dealt by firearms and arrows
- [Change] Improved "indoor detection", i.e. detection when a player is inside a building
- [Change] Trees are no longer affected by wind if being placed underground or if you attach an object to them
- [Change] Trees can no longer be cut down just by hitting the leaves
- [Change] Updated main menu, provides better support for small and big (4K) resolutions
- [Change] Updated graphics settings menu, added "display mode" and memory information
- [Change] Updated controls settings menu, added support for alternative keybindings
- [Change] Projectiles can no longer shoot through trees
- [Change] Npc and player* nametags are no longer visible through walls
- [Change] Head rotation is now properly synced in multiplayer when riding a mount
- [Change] Explosions no longer destroy water
- [Change] Reduced jump speed in low-ceilinged rooms
- [Change] Updated and reworked some sounds
- [Bugfix] Player walk sounds are no longer framerate-dependent
- [Bugfix] Fixed visual issues with female medieval leather shirt (invisible skin etc)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong item amount when removing construction elements with the crowbar
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when a custom sound (API) was stopped
- [Bugfix] Fixed "general_pve" permission not working for firearms
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong animal walk sounds on blocks
- [Bugfix] Fixed "jump spamming" issue which was abused to climb walls
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues related to swimming
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong illumination of posters
- [Bugfix] Fixed visual issue with penlight
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong light position of helmet lamp (when looking upwards)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "ghost LOD trees" if trees were planted underground
- [Bugfix] Fixed bullets going through walls or npcs if they were shot too close to them
- [Bugfix] Fixed npcs turning invisible permanently in rare cases (so they were only audible)
- [Bugfix] Fixed broken friend list when using 4K resolution
- [Bugfix] Fixed corpse despawn setting not working correctly
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong crosshair being set after changing crosshair in settings
- [Bugfix] Fixed teleportation issue if player dies while riding a mount
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when equipping a blueprint which was deleted previously
- [Bugfix] Fixed mining drill sound not being stopped correctly in certain situations
- [Bugfix] Fixed collision issues when reducing the view distance without restarting the game
- [Bugfix] Fixed server browser filter settings not being saved correctly
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when unknown "online state" was reported by Steam (probably related to previous Steam beta update)
- [Bugfix] Fixed not being able to sprint with mount while having broken bones
Hotfix 2018-09-26 (
- [New] Added reworked scoreboard (tab), ability to copy UID and playername to clipboard
- [Bugfix] "Seat" can now be crafted at the sawbench
[ 2018-09-26 18:45:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Finally the mounts update is available! It introduces two horses as well as a camel and a donkey. In order to ride on a mount, you have to craft a saddle first. There are optional satchels available which can be attached to the saddles to provide some additional storage space.
We also added a few new items, a binocular, a telescope and a steel sledgehammer, as well as a riding helmet. Apart from that, there are 8 new music tracks for underground dungeons, and various other changes: For example, posters support more levels of transparency now, which means you can place semi-transparent posters in your world. There are also some commands which are useful to edit existing construction elements (e.g. flip them, change the texture etc).
Last but not least, you'll find some smaller additions in this update, e.g. changes to some weather effects.
It's our intention to improve the npc AI now, which will allow us to implement more hostile npcs, especially human enemies (e.g. bandits). Trains, cars and boats are also on our list, as well as some other features, so stay tuned for the next updates!
- [New] New animals: Horse (two variations), donkey and camel
- [New] Ability to mount horses, donkeys and camels (as a method of transportation)
- [New] You can craft saddles for mounts as well as optional satchels (which provide storage space)
- [New] New items: binocular and telescope
- [New] New tool: steel sledgehammer
- [New] Added riding helmet (headgear)
- [New] Added 8 new music tracks for underground dungeons
- [New] Posters now support different levels of transparency (only works for PNG files)
- [New] Added brightness setting to config (graphic_brightness)
- [New] Added "editconstruction" (abbr. "editc") command to edit an existing construction element
- [New] Added "flipimage" command to flip/mirror an existing image (poster) element
- [New] Added "viewdistance" command to change the view distance on the fly
- [New] Added "help
" console command to get information about a certain command - [New] Added permission "ridemount" ("general" section) to determine if a player is allowed to ride mounts
- [New] Added visual effect for thunderstorms
- [New] Player can now leave player groups/parties
- [Change] Improved animations for some tools (pickaxe, axe, sickle etc), fixed wrong hand position
- [Change] Updated recipes for steel tools, they no longer require mithril
- [Change] Plants can now be placed in planters and on construction elements
- [Change] Player light (L) is now brighter in creative mode
- [Change] Player light (L) is no longer affected by item changes
- [Change] Reduced default zoom (Z), for higher zoom levels, use binocular/telescope
- [Change] View distance can now be changed without restarting the game
- [Change] A bigger area on the map (M) gets explored now if detail view distance is high enough (>=15)
- [Change] Horizontal or tilted doors (achieved by using blueprints) open correctly now
- [Change] Reduced walk speed of character
- [Change] Updated to latest FMOD version (hopefully this fixes some issues with certain audio devices)
- [Bugfix] Mostly fixed issue of items falling through the ground (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed some issues with groups/parties
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when debug console was active
- [Bugfix] Game no longer freezes for a short amount of time when browsing the server list
- [Bugfix] Fixed arrows/projectiles sometimes vanishing for no reason
- [Bugfix] Fixed broken chest/barrier/door rotation in certain situations
- [Bugfix] Fixed glitched combo boxes (gui)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong position when placing objects on garden table
Hotfix 2018-05-31 (
- [Change] Map (M) and journal (J) are now also accesssible while riding on a mount
- [Change] Dust now also becomes visible if other players ride a mount (multiplayer)
- [Change] Added proper jump animation for other players mounts in multiplayer
- [Change] Reduced volume of certain animal sounds (camel, horse)
- [Change] Updated horse idle sounds
- [Change] Increased audible range for mount footsteps in multiplayer
- [Change] Added workaround to prevent rendering crash in very rare cases (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues when using drawers, kitchen counters and other storage objects
- [Bugfix] Fixed mounts sometimes being invisible (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing saddles in multiplayer in some cases
- [Bugfix] Fixed some elements not being rendered properly
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong texture id's being used for the "editc" command
- [Bugfix] Fixed rare issue with map which caused the world to disappear
Hotfix 2018-06-04 (
- [New] Added setting to change crosshair ("view settings")
- [Change] Head lamp (L) can now be turned on/off while riding on a mount
- [Change] Reduced storage slots of barrels (number of slots was increased accidentally with last update)
- [Change] Changed warhammer and miningdrill sound
- [Change] Whitelist/blacklist for multiplayer servers now also support format "name:uuid"
- [Bugfix] Fixed collision of doors (you can open/close them correctly now)
- [Bugfix] Fixed signs not being saved correctly if the text was set by a plugin
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong zoom in first person view
- [Bugfix] Fixed some missing sounds
- [Bugfix] Fixed horse idle/hurt sound range
[ 2018-05-30 19:04:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is just a small preview of the next update. It will introduce various mounts, including horses. Mounts are not only a method of fast transportation, they can also carry bags which can be used to store items while travelling.
But the update will also include some other changes, e.g. some reworked animations, new items and several bug fixes. Probably the update will be ready this month, so stay tuned!
[ 2018-05-05 17:54:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! A new update is now available which introduces some new content.
First of all, bows are finally available now. We added three different bows, one of them is only obtainable from dungeons. Currently bows use the same arrows as the crossbow, but maybe this will change in the future.
We also added a chainsaw, so we have a high-tier wood cutting complement to the mining drill.
Apart from that, we have two stylish knights armors in the game now (and three associated helmets). Armors now actually protect you.
Another interesting feature is the ability to spawn human "dummy NPCs". Even though this is a very early and limited feature, it's an important step towards having real NPCs in the game. Unfortunately you cannot really interact with them yet, but nevertheless, they still turn your world into a much livelier place.
In order to spawn them, you can use the "spawnnpc dummy" console command. If you don't want the NPC to wander around, you can lock/freeze it by typing "locknpc" into console. If you don't want your NPC to take any damage, you can use the command "setnpcinvincible". You can also change the appearance of the NPC by using the new "setnpcskin" command. Of course there will be better solutions for NPC handling in the medium run.
Last but not least we reworked the server browser, it no longer uses the Steam masterserver for the time being. This means all servers should be visible in the server list again.
Stay tuned for the next update, which will finally introduce mounts!
- [New] New weapons: three different bows
- [New] New tool: chainsaw
- [New] Added dummy human NPC, which can be spawned via command "spawnnpc dummy"
- [New] Added two knights armors and three associated helmets
- [New] New clothing item for Easter: bunny mask
- [New] Added "locknpc" command to lock/freeze certain NPCs
- [New] Added "setnpcinvincible" command to make certain NPCs invincible
- [New] Added "setnpcskin" command to change skin of certain NPCs
- [New] Added setting (config.properties) to turn off the map grid
- [New] Armor actually protects you now
- [New] Light items float in water now
- [Change] Crosshair is now visible for crossbow and bows
- [Change] Updated dungeon loot
- [Change] Changed visualization of player groups/parties (now uses 3D marker to show members)
- [Change] Server browser no longer uses Steam Masterserver (so you will be able to find all servers now)
- [Change] When spawning an NPC, it now looks into your direction by default
- [Change] Miningdrill sounds are now properly synced in multiplayer
- [Change] Blood effect (when hitting NPCs/animals) slightly changed
- [Bugfix] Fixed new player bans not working properly in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed adding/removing favorite servers in server browser
- [Bugfix] Fixed some syncing issues in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed error in source query protocol which returned a wrong challenge-response
Hotfix 2018-03-22:
- [Change] Command "setnpcskin" no longer overrides parameters which are not set
- [Bugfix] Fixed favorite servers in ingame server list
Hotfix 2018-03-25 (
- [New] You can assign names to NPCs now
- [New] Added GUI to change name and appearance of dummy NPCs (type "editnpc" into console)
- [Change] Tweaked some sounds
- [Change] NPCs should no longer fall through the ground (need feedback)
- [Change] Updated aiming position of bows
- [Change] Dummy NPCs no longer sleep during night
- [Change] Steel hoe can now also be used to craft "farmland blocks"
- [Bugfix] Fixed death animation of npcs getting stuck in endless loop
- [Bugfix] Fixed flickering clothing and items
- [Bugfix] Player no longer falls through ground if it's made out of construction elements and not fully loaded yet
- [Bugfix] Fixed pain and death sounds of female dummy npc
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when debug console was active
Hotfix 2018-03-29 (
- [New] Group members are now visible on the ingame map (M)
- [New] Added setting "game_bows_hide_crosshair" to config to disable crosshair for bows
- [Change] Improved sync of other players chainsaw sound (in multiplayer)
- [Change] Dummy NPCs no longer get scared by gunshots
- [Change] Reduced max view distance of NPC nametags
- [Change] NPC nametags are no longer visible through walls
- [Change] Command "editnpc" is now also available for animals (only for changing animal name)
- [Change] Color codes ("[#RRGGBB]") work properly for NPC names now (allows you to change NPC nametag color)
- [Bugfix] Fixed sitting and laying positions of other players in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing sitting animation
- [Bugfix] Fixed custom color fields in NPC edit window (small gear wheel icon)
- [Bugfix] Fixed broken 3D markers for group members (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] 3D markers of other group members will be removed now when the player disconnects (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which caused the player to get stuck in the loading screen ("Connecting...")
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing debug texts (F3) when playing via P2P
- [Bugfix] Hopefully fixed issue with pitch black clothes and skin (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "offlineban" command
[ 2018-03-22 21:14:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! A new update is now available which introduces some new content.
First of all, bows are finally available now. We added three different bows, one of them is only obtainable from dungeons. Currently bows use the same arrows as the crossbow, but maybe this will change in the future.
We also added a chainsaw, so we have a high-tier wood cutting complement to the mining drill.
Apart from that, we have two stylish knights armors in the game now (and three associated helmets). Armors now actually protect you.
Another interesting feature is the ability to spawn human "dummy NPCs". Even though this is a very early and limited feature, it's an important step towards having real NPCs in the game. Unfortunately you cannot really interact with them yet, but nevertheless, they still turn your world into a much livelier place.
In order to spawn them, you can use the "spawnnpc dummy" console command. If you don't want the NPC to wander around, you can lock/freeze it by typing "locknpc" into console. If you don't want your NPC to take any damage, you can use the command "setnpcinvincible". You can also change the appearance of the NPC by using the new "setnpcskin" command. Of course there will be better solutions for NPC handling in the medium run.
Last but not least we reworked the server browser, it no longer uses the Steam masterserver for the time being. This means all servers should be visible in the server list again.
Stay tuned for the next update, which will finally introduce mounts!
- [New] New weapons: three different bows
- [New] New tool: chainsaw
- [New] Added dummy human NPC, which can be spawned via command "spawnnpc dummy"
- [New] Added two knights armors and three associated helmets
- [New] New clothing item for Easter: bunny mask
- [New] Added "locknpc" command to lock/freeze certain NPCs
- [New] Added "setnpcinvincible" command to make certain NPCs invincible
- [New] Added "setnpcskin" command to change skin of certain NPCs
- [New] Added setting (config.properties) to turn off the map grid
- [New] Armor actually protects you now
- [New] Light items float in water now
- [Change] Crosshair is now visible for crossbow and bows
- [Change] Updated dungeon loot
- [Change] Changed visualization of player groups/parties (now uses 3D marker to show members)
- [Change] Server browser no longer uses Steam Masterserver (so you will be able to find all servers now)
- [Change] When spawning an NPC, it now looks into your direction by default
- [Change] Miningdrill sounds are now properly synced in multiplayer
- [Change] Blood effect (when hitting NPCs/animals) slightly changed
- [Bugfix] Fixed new player bans not working properly in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed adding/removing favorite servers in server browser
- [Bugfix] Fixed some syncing issues in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed error in source query protocol which returned a wrong challenge-response
Hotfix 2018-03-22:
- [Change] Command "setnpcskin" no longer overrides parameters which are not set
- [Bugfix] Fixed favorite servers in ingame server list
[ 2018-03-22 21:14:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! As you may have noticed, we were experiencing several DDoS attacks in the last weeks unfortunately. Since this resulted in some downtimes of the game, we decided to get rid of the hive (which was responsible for user authentication in the first place). With this update, authentication is now solely handled by Steam. Even if our servers are offline, you can still play multiplayer.
As a result, the usernames are no longer unique, since the SteamID is now used to identify a player. This allows you to change the username at any time (menu -> profile). Old worlds will be converted automatically, so you (hopefully) won't lose your inventory.
These changes not only affect authentication, even the server list is handled by Steam. We added support for the source query protocol, and Rising World server can also be found in the Steam server browser now (Steam -> View -> Servers).
Unfortunately there wasn't much time left to work on other features, but we still fixed some bugs and added a few smaller things, like a crowbar (which enables you to deconstruct planks and beams without destroying them). The character is now also able to crouch properly, although this still needs some tweaks. We hope you also enjoy the two new music tracks we added to the game!
If you experience any problems with this update, please let us know!
Stay tuned for the next updates!
Changelog (2018-02-14):
- [New] Usernames can now be changed at any time
- [New] No more need to create an account to play multiplayer
- [New] Added support for Steam server browser
- [New] Game server implements Steam Source query protocol now
- [New] Added "unloadplugins" command (useful for replacing plugin jar files)
- [New] Added "nofalldamage" general permission (multiplayer only)
- [New] Added option "game_mp_hidestatus" to config so friends can no longer the server you're playing on
- [New] Steam offline mode fully supported now
- [New] New item: crowbar (allows you to deconstruct construction elements like planks)
- [New] Added proper crouching for character
- [New] Added two new music tracks
- [Change] Authentication is now fully handled by Steam (no more HIVE)
- [Change] Menu shows player SteamID now (rightclick to copy to clipboard)
- [Change] Increased max stack sizes for torch mounts
- [Change] Servers no longer use temp folder for sql files
- [Change] Steam friends now get highlighted in the player list (tab) in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong size of ingame friend list when using resolutions smaller than 1080p
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when Steam runs in offline mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong lamp alignment when placing on south-facing walls
- [Bugfix] Fixed erroneous wood torchmounts after picking them up
- [Bugfix] Kick messages are now displayed properly when being kicked from a P2P session
- [Bugfix] Fixed random game crash when client lost internet connection
Hotfix 2018-02-15:
- [Change] Increased speed when filling fuel into the furnace
- [Change] Server browser no longer shows server which failed to respond
- [Bugfix] Fixed server detail view in Steam server browser
- [Bugfix] Fixed animation issue (jitter) when holding items in the hand
Hotfix 2018-02-19:
- [New] Added server_query_ip setting to define the query server ip for servers
- [Change] Removed some unnecessary debug output
- [Bugfix] Fixed some server browser issues
- [Bugfix] Players are now able to join your game if the dedicated server was started from Steam
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with music not being muted properly when volume was set to 0
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when running multiple instances of the server
- [Bugfix] Fixed SteamAPI init error when starting the server
[ 2018-02-14 21:34:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! As you may have noticed, we were experiencing several DDoS attacks in the last weeks unfortunately. Since this resulted in some downtimes of the game, we decided to get rid of the hive (which was responsible for user authentication in the first place). With this update, authentication is now solely handled by Steam. Even if our servers are offline, you can still play multiplayer.
As a result, the usernames are no longer unique, since the SteamID is now used to identify a player. This allows you to change the username at any time (menu -> profile). Old worlds will be converted automatically, so you (hopefully) won't lose your inventory.
These changes not only affect authentication, even the server list is handled by Steam. We added support for the source query protocol, and Rising World server can also be found in the Steam server browser now (Steam -> View -> Servers).
Unfortunately there wasn't much time left to work on other features, but we still fixed some bugs and added a few smaller things, like a crowbar (which enables you to deconstruct planks and beams without destroying them). The character is now also able to crouch properly, although this still needs some tweaks. We hope you also enjoy the two new music tracks we added to the game!
If you experience any problems with this update, please let us know!
Stay tuned for the next updates!
Changelog (2018-02-14):
- [New] Usernames can now be changed at any time
- [New] No more need to create an account to play multiplayer
- [New] Added support for Steam server browser
- [New] Game server implements Steam Source query protocol now
- [New] Added "unloadplugins" command (useful for replacing plugin jar files)
- [New] Added "nofalldamage" general permission (multiplayer only)
- [New] Added option "game_mp_hidestatus" to config so friends can no longer the server you're playing on
- [New] Steam offline mode fully supported now
- [New] New item: crowbar (allows you to deconstruct construction elements like planks)
- [New] Added proper crouching for character
- [New] Added two new music tracks
- [Change] Authentication is now fully handled by Steam (no more HIVE)
- [Change] Menu shows player SteamID now (rightclick to copy to clipboard)
- [Change] Increased max stack sizes for torch mounts
- [Change] Servers no longer use temp folder for sql files
- [Change] Steam friends now get highlighted in the player list (tab) in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong size of ingame friend list when using resolutions smaller than 1080p
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when Steam runs in offline mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong lamp alignment when placing on south-facing walls
- [Bugfix] Fixed erroneous wood torchmounts after picking them up
- [Bugfix] Kick messages are now displayed properly when being kicked from a P2P session
- [Bugfix] Fixed random game crash when client lost internet connection
[ 2018-02-14 21:34:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
Finally we managed to finalize the work on the new networking code. This update introduces a new networking system which should be less error prone than the old one. But at the same time, we also added support for Steam P2P multiplayer. This means you can finally host a game on your machine without having to forward ports or use Hamachi or something like that. Now you can simply hit the "Play with friends" button in singleplayer menu and invite your friends through your friendlist - alternatively a friend of yours can simply join your game if you're playing multiplayer.
The new networking system now also contains an automatic reconnect feature. If you lose connection for a brief moment, the game will automatic reconnect to the server - ideally without any interruptions. The typical "10 minutes disconnect" some people were suffering from should be history.
Of course we only had limited possibilites to put this feature to the acid test, so we really need your feedback. If you experience any sudden disconnects or other multiplayer issues, please let us know.
This update also introduces new haircuts and new clothes, or more precisely, new headgear, including two special items of equipment: helmets with integrated lamps, which provide the player with light. The previous debug light (L) is now disabled (but still available in creative mode).
As usual, the updates contains a few bugfixes and changes. For example, we reduced the clipping of the player body through clothes. The result still isn't perfect and it needs more work, but it's an improvement compared to the previous situation.
Apart from that we did some optimizations to the world generation, and also reduced the overall memory consumption.
Stay tuned for the next update! ;)
- [New] Integrated Steam P2P Networking (invite friends without having to forward ports)
- [New] Added Steam friend list support (able to join and invite friends)
- [New] Reworked networking code from scratch (should be less error prone now)
- [New] Added automatic reconnect for multiplayer (to catch small connection interruptions)
- [New] Added two new helmets with integrated lamps (L)
- [New] Added new headgear: cowboy hat, pilgrim hat, cappy (camo), balaclava, chef hat, unclesam hat
- [Change] Reduced clipping of player body (visible through clothes) (work-in-progress)
- [Change] World generates faster now when there are lots of buildings
- [Change] Reduced direct memory consumption
- [Change] Slightly reduced running speed
- [Change] Stamina lasts longer now
- [Change] Beard now gets covered by face masks
- [Change] Updated sounds of wooden sword
- [Change] Updated appearance of military helmet
- [Change] Objects can no longer be placed on animals or players
- [Change] Removed debug light (L) from survival mode
- [Change] Improved performance when placing large blueprints
- [Change] Command "undoblueprint" works much faster now
- [Change] Improved performance of creative removal tool (F7)
- [Change] Player no longer uses sprint animation when having broken bones (Multiplayer)
- [Change] Saplings can be placed anywhere in creative mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed disconnect in multiplayer (in certain situations) after 10 minutes (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed lighting issues of player headgear (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue of players being invisible in multiplayer sometimes (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed being able to place multiple ores into the same furnace slot
- [Bugfix] Spinning wheel no longer consumes too much wool/cotton/fibers (Multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong crossbow position for other players in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing label when picking up clothing items
- [Bugfix] Saplings can only be planted on farmland again (in survival mode)
- [Bugfix] Scoreboard (tab) updates properly now
Bugfix 2018-01-22:
- [Change] Item animations now stop when opening the inventory or any other window
- [Change] Changed default spawn position when creating a new world
- [Change] Changed initial game time when creating a new world (early morning hours)
- [Bugfix] Fixed apperance of glass panes (especially when refractions are turned off)
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing labels in crafting menu
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when starting the game on 64 bit linux
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with wooden torch mount
- [Bugfix] Fixed a sound issue when crafting an item
- [Bugfix] Fixed a crash related to certain clothes
- [Bugfix] Fixed connection issues in multiplayer on MacOS
[ 2018-01-21 20:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
Finally we managed to finalize the work on the new networking code. This update introduces a new networking system which should be less error prone than the old one. But at the same time, we also added support for Steam P2P multiplayer. This means you can finally host a game on your machine without having to forward ports or use Hamachi or something like that. Now you can simply hit the "Play with friends" button in singleplayer menu and invite your friends through your friendlist - alternatively a friend of yours can simply join your game if you're playing multiplayer.
The new networking system now also contains an automatic reconnect feature. If you lose connection for a brief moment, the game will automatic reconnect to the server - ideally without any interruptions. The typical "10 minutes disconnect" some people were suffering from should be history.
Of course we only had limited possibilites to put this feature to the acid test, so we really need your feedback. If you experience any sudden disconnects or other multiplayer issues, please let us know.
This update also introduces new haircuts and new clothes, or more precisely, new headgear, including two special items of equipment: helmets with integrated lamps, which provide the player with light. The previous debug light (L) is now disabled (but still available in creative mode).
As usual, the updates contains a few bugfixes and changes. For example, we reduced the clipping of the player body through clothes. The result still isn't perfect and it needs more work, but it's an improvement compared to the previous situation.
Apart from that we did some optimizations to the world generation, and also reduced the overall memory consumption.
Stay tuned for the next update! ;)
- [New] Integrated Steam P2P Networking (invite friends without having to forward ports)
- [New] Added Steam friend list support (able to join and invite friends)
- [New] Reworked networking code from scratch (should be less error prone now)
- [New] Added automatic reconnect for multiplayer (to catch small connection interruptions)
- [New] Added two new helmets with integrated lamps (L)
- [New] Added new headgear: cowboy hat, pilgrim hat, cappy (camo), balaclava, chef hat, unclesam hat
- [Change] Reduced clipping of player body (visible through clothes) (work-in-progress)
- [Change] World generates faster now when there are lots of buildings
- [Change] Reduced direct memory consumption
- [Change] Slightly reduced running speed
- [Change] Stamina lasts longer now
- [Change] Beard now gets covered by face masks
- [Change] Updated sounds of wooden sword
- [Change] Updated appearance of military helmet
- [Change] Objects can no longer be placed on animals or players
- [Change] Removed debug light (L) from survival mode
- [Change] Improved performance when placing large blueprints
- [Change] Command "undoblueprint" works much faster now
- [Change] Improved performance of creative removal tool (F7)
- [Change] Player no longer uses sprint animation when having broken bones (Multiplayer)
- [Change] Saplings can be placed anywhere in creative mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed disconnect in multiplayer (in certain situations) after 10 minutes (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed lighting issues of player headgear (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue of players being invisible in multiplayer sometimes (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed being able to place multiple ores into the same furnace slot
- [Bugfix] Spinning wheel no longer consumes too much wool/cotton/fibers (Multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong crossbow position for other players in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing label when picking up clothing items
- [Bugfix] Saplings can only be planted on farmland again (in survival mode)
- [Bugfix] Scoreboard (tab) updates properly now
[ 2018-01-21 20:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
First of all, we wish you all the best for the New Year and hope you have a healthy start into 2018!
A new update is now available. It introduces several new items and also some other new features.
Just in time, a firework rocket is now available ;)
We also added new clothes, including a samurai armor, new haircuts and also lots of new weapons - most of them cannot be crafted, they can only be found in dungeons. Speaking of dungeons, we improved the loot spawn in dungeons. It still needs some tweaks, but now the loot you can get from dungeons should be more valuable.
This update also introduces "stamina", so the player is no longer able to sprint indefinitely. This only applies to survival mode, although there is an option to disable it.
There are some changes to the API as well, we will release the API changelog shortly!
Last but not least we did some bug fixes and some smaller changes, but we're still working on some optimizations, in particular we want to reduce the overall memory usage. Expect another update in January.
We also can't wait to release the other things which are already in their starting holes, e.g. mounts and other transportation options, like trains and boats.
Which one of these features do you actually prefer and want to see first? ;)
[ 2017-12-30 21:53:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks!
Finally the new update is available! We're sorry that the update took so long. As explained in our previous announcement, there were some factors that caused this huge delay.
We decided to split the update, this means it does not contain all features, and some features are not polished yet.
Nevertheless, this is still a big update:
First of all, this update introduces new player models, including a male and female character. It's customizable and clothes can be changed. Of course this introduces completely new animations as well.
We also reworked nearly all items. Most models were made from scratch. Although this still needs some works (some items are missing or broken), this provides a new feeling when playing the game.
We did not only rework the existing items, we also added a bunch of new items. An important new feature: ranged weapons, or more precisely, a crossbow, a musket and a repeating rifle.
Unfortunately some items are still not ready, for example the bow or the chainsaw. They will be added in one of the next updates.
There are also some animations which aren't fully ready yet and need some rework, as well as issues with the sync in multiplayer and visual issues with the different clothes. We're confident that all these issues will be sorted out within the next few weeks.
Please note: Due to the excessive changes to the game, we want to make sure to not break any existing save games. We are currently uploading the game as public nightly/beta to Steam (it will be ready in a few minutes), so we can fix at least severe bugs.
You can get the update by rightclicking on Rising World in your Steam lib -> Properties -> Betas -> Select "0.9 - preview".
Probably this update goes live in a few hours, your game will update automatically then.
- [New] Added several new items:
- Ranged weapons: Crossbow, musket and repeater and related ammunition
- New electric tool: Miningdrill
- New pickaxes and axes (iron and steel version)
- New primitive stone axe
- Two new compasses and clocks (modern/old version)
- Two new swords
- Properly animated canteen/waterskin
- [New] New character models, including male and female character
- [New] Character customization which allows you to change haircut, beard, skin color, hair color, eye color (main menu -> profile)
- [New] New animations for nearly all items and movements (still work in progress)
- [New] Finally visible hands for first-person view (can be disabled in config file)
- [New] Over 80 different clothes (all clothes are available for men and women), most of them can be combined with each other
- [New] New variations for bear, goat and cow
- [New] New object: primitive smelting furnace
- [New] New statue (decoration) of the old player model
- [New] Added different moon phases
- [New] Added detection for speed hacks (multiplayer only)
- [New] Added removal tools for plants, constructions and objects in creative mode
- [New] All crafting recipes are now always accessible in creative mode (inventory -> crafting)
- [New] Added infos about grinder, paper press, spinning wheel and tanning rack to the journal
- [New] A marker will be created on your map upon death (showing the location of your dead body)
- [New] A preview will now be visible when placing dirt, sand etc.
- [New] Added command "size" to set the size of a construction element manually
- [New] When placing a construction element you'll see the texture id of the element you're currently looking at
- [New] When placing a poster you'll see the image id and name of the poster you're currently looking at
- [New] Added command "reloadjournal" to reload the custom journal while the server is running (MP)
- [New] Added API support for custom sounds (see API changelog)
- [Change] Other players (multiplayer) hold items correctly now (still need to fix some items)
- [Change] Improved world generation speed, especially in cases where lots of lights were used
- [Change] Hopefully fixed the lighting errors (sharp edges, wrongly lit underground) (need feedback)
- [Change] Increased walk and sprint speed
- [Change] Reduced memory consumption
- [Change] Backside of images is now flipped horizontally
- [Change] Elements can now be placed on other objects (e.g. furniture)
- [Change] Changed male sounds and added new female sounds
- [Change] You can see your character now when opening the inventory
- [Change] Flymode is now disabled by default in survival mode (can be changed in the settings)
- [Change] Reduced 10 seconds cooldown between placement of two blueprints to 2 seconds
- [Change] Multiplayer servers automatically get re-added to the server list if the master server was offline temporarily
- [Change] Increased minimum spawn rate of acacia saplings
- [Change] Animals now run away from nearby gunshots or explosions
- [Change] You can now also place ores in the furnace by holding your mouse button (faster loading)
- [Change] You can also keep your interaction key pressed to pickup items from a furnace (faster unloading)
- [Change] Placement collision detection improved when placing ores in the furnace
- [Change] Ore orientation has small variation now when placing in furnace
- [Change] "Armor" slots in inventory were replaced by "Ammo" slots
- [Change] Ingame time will be updated during the loading process now, avoids "bright flashes" when spawning
- [Change] A proper message will be shown now if the Steam API could not be initialized
- [Change] Slightly increased transparency of rain
- [Change] If the inventory data gets corrupted, players can still join the server/load the world now
- [Change] Added detection for outdated Intel HD Graphics driver
- [Change] Changed fullscreen/display mode handling, hopefully this fixes fullscreen issues on Linux (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Saloon doors finally work properly now
- [Bugfix] Animals can no longer run on water surfaces
- [Bugfix] Fixed broken position of dead player bodies
- [Bugfix] Fixed broken hitbox of other players
- [Bugfix] Grid (G) is now displayed correctly on construction elements
- [Bugfix] Fixed fly permission not being set correctly in singleplayer sometimes
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong image position when placing a poster on a table
- [Bugfix] Fixed overlapping text in journal/blueprints-section
- [Bugfix] Fixed "chatnamecolor" in permissions
- [Bugfix] Objects can now also be placed on the small garden table
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with granting/revoking admin rights from other players in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed plugins not being loaded properly in rare cases
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue on mp servers when "settings_admins_allpermissions" was set to false
[ 2017-11-30 23:05:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! We know that many of you are eagerly waiting for the new update. It's already taking much longer than expected to get it ready, it definitely takes too long. We are sorry for this huge delay, but there are a few reasons why the update isn't available yet. First and foremost, it's a really big update. It's not only about new player models, it's also going to introduce a bunch of new items (including ranged weapons) and it's basically the foundation for all future survival features (we are aware that the game really needs more survival elements). Unfortunately it requires us to implement many extensive changes "under the hood" in order to handle the new animations properly. Apart from that, we're working with external freelancers when it comes to the models/animations (since everything is created from scratch), which makes the coordination more difficult and results in some additional delays. We are trying to get the update ready as soon as possible! However, there are at least some good news: once this update is out, the subsequent updates will be available much faster. And while working on the animations, we also had to prepare some things for future updates (e.g. mounts, boats, trains), so these things may be available sooner than expected. Thank you for your patience and your understanding! :)
[ 2017-10-03 06:33:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! We are happy to present the first screenshots of the upcoming player models. All models and animations were made from scratch.
We have prepared a male and a female character as well as lots of different clothes (medieval and modern ones). The models will be customizable, i.e. you can change your skin color, haircut, facial hair etc.
The upcoming update will also introduce several new items, including new tools and ranged weapons like bows and a musket.
But the most important aspect will be the fact that this update will serve as a foundation for several future survival features, which will be added in subsequent updates.
The models still need some adjustment, especially when it comes to the animation part. We also have to rework some of the ingame mechanics in order to handle the new player models properly (e.g. proper syncing of the customized characters in multiplayer, ability to change clothes, armor etc). We can't say for sure when the update will be ready, hopefully it won't take too long, but we try to get it ready as soon as possible.
Maybe we will split this big update into several smaller updates.
Last but not least we also want to announce that our stats page is practically finished. This page gives you an overview of the various multiplayer servers, i.e. amount of online players, average player count etc. Server owners are able to customize their server overview page (e.g. add a custom description, custom screenshots etc) by adding their name as "webadmin" in the server.properties file.
Expect the stats page to be available in the next few days: https://stats.rising-world.net
[ 2017-06-26 19:25:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! We are happy to present the first screenshots of the upcoming player models. All models and animations were made from scratch.
We have prepared a male and a female character as well as lots of different clothes (medieval and modern ones). The models will be customizable, i.e. you can change your skin color, haircut, facial hair etc.
The upcoming update will also introduce several new items, including new tools and ranged weapons like bows and a musket.
But the most important aspect will be the fact that this update will serve as a foundation for several future survival features, which will be added in subsequent updates.
The models still need some adjustment, especially when it comes to the animation part. We also have to rework some of the ingame mechanics in order to handle the new player models properly (e.g. proper syncing of the customized characters in multiplayer, ability to change clothes, armor etc). We can't say for sure when the update will be ready, hopefully it won't take too long, but we try to get it ready as soon as possible.
Maybe we will split this big update into several smaller updates.
Last but not least we also want to announce that our stats page is practically finished. This page gives you an overview of the various multiplayer servers, i.e. amount of online players, average player count etc. Server owners are able to customize their server overview page (e.g. add a custom description, custom screenshots etc) by adding their name as "webadmin" in the server.properties file.
[ 2017-06-26 19:25:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks!
A new update is finally available! It took longer than expected, but introduces some interesting features.
Most important feature of this update is a map. This should help you to navigate through the world. The map provides a detailed representation of the world, has several levels of zoom and also allows you to place markers.
In order to create a map, you will get in touch with more new content: This update introduces a paper press, which can be used to turn cloths to rags, and rags to paper. To use it, first put some cloths on the press, push the press down to turn it into rags, then add some water to the rags (by using a bucket) and push the press down again.
Of course this update also introduces more things: new dungeons (a desert pyramid as well as a underground maze [if a maze spawns, it will be connected to pyramids]), several new plants (corn, sugarbeet, chili etc), new options for server admins, lots of changes to the plugin/modding API (we will release a separate changelog for this) and much more. And - as usual - we also fixed a lot of bugs, especially some Mac related issues. Find the full changelog attached.
The next update will introduce the new playermodels, expect a preview in the near future. Stay tuned :)
- [New] Ingame map, including several levels of zoom and allows you to place markers
- [New] New dungeons: desert pyramids, desert underground mazes
- [New] New items: paper, rags, corncob, sugarbeet, chili pepper
- [New] New cultivable plants: corn, sugarbeet, chili
- [New] New plants: hogweed, nettles
- [New] New crafting station: paper press, which turns cloths to rags and rags to paper
- [New] New object: stone chest
- [New] Buiding preview of other players is now synced in multiplayer (only objects, construction elements and plants)
- [New] Command "undoblueprint" to remove the last placed blueprint (only works within the first 5 minutes)
- [New] Added command "rotation" to change rotation type for construction elements (world, local, legacy)
- [New] Added new ingame music
- [New] Custom journal ("server notes") now also supports images
- [New] Multiplayer servers can now put their logo on the loading screen (server_custom_logo)
- [New] Weather can be enabled/disabled in the game settings now (Singleplayer only)
- [New] Weather preset (sunny, default, unsettled) can be selected in the game settings (Singleplayer only), MP setting also available
- [New] Added options to disable dungeons and water when creating a new world
- [New] Game runs in offline mode now if Steam authentication fails
- [New] Account creation can now be skipped optionally
- [Change] Grass no longer gets occluded by elements placed beneath the surface
- [Change] Improved biome arrangement
- [Change] Improved animal pathfinding in caves and dungeons (still WIP)
- [Change] Further adjustment of construction element textures, should be much more appropriate in most situations now
- [Change] Changed rotation behavior of construction elements (world/local rotations)
- [Change] Further reduced gaps/cracks between construction elements (only affects newly placed elements)
- [Change] Improved several sound effects
- [Change] Increased visible distance of images (depending on their size), can be adjusted in config file
- [Change] Chat no longer opens when playing piano
- [Change] Adjusted spawn chance of some plants
- [Change] Adjusted "aggro range" of animals
- [Change] Improved performance of rain effect
- [Change] Adjusted SSAO effect for dense fog
- [Change] Wireframe mode is only available for admins in multiplayer
- [Change] Increased visibility of shallow waters when "refractions" are disabled
- [Change] Changed some recipes
- [Bugfix] Fixed water being visible through walls on integrated Intel HD graphics adapters
- [Bugfix] Fixed grass occlusion issues on MacOS
- [Bugfix] Animals should no longer fall through the ground
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue of duplicate objects/constructions in blueprints (did not affect placement)
- [Bugfix] Torch light of other players is now visible in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Rain is no longer visible in buildings on MacOS (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Saplings can no longer be duplicated when cutting them with a sickle
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue when loading plugin assets in certain cases
- [Bugfix] Custom journal pages will be reset correctly when leaving a server now
- [Bugfix] Chatcolors in permissions are recognized correctly now
[ 2017-04-20 21:20:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! A new update is available now, it introduces some new items and especially new crafting stations: a grinding station, a tanning rack and a spinning wheel. These are fully interactive crafting stations, i.e. there is no GUI, so you interact with them directly (like the smelting furnace).
The grinding station is used to crush stone to gravel (in the future it will be used to crush many other items as well), the tanning rack is used to turn rawhides (which can be obtained from animals) into leather (a hunting knife is required), and the spinning wheel is used to spin a yarn (from wool, cotton or hemp fibers).
In addition, we also did some smaller changes to the game (e.g. when destroying a chest full of items, these items will spawn in the world instead of disappearing), polished some existing features and fixed some bugs. As usual, find the full changelog attached ;)
Stay tuned!
- [New] New crafting stations: grinder, tanning rack, spinning wheel
- [New] New construction element: wood log (cylinder)
- [New] New items: waterskin, tiger and jaguar pelt, leather, thread reel, hunting knife*
- [New] New two new music tracks (day+night)
- [New] When destroying a chest with items in it, all items will drop on the ground (experimental feature)
- [New] Added background scenes to main menu
- [New] Added intensity slider for "Ambient Occlusion" to the graphics settings
- [Change] Chunks will be "smoothly" detached now, this should prevent short white areas between chunks while travelling
- [Change] The weather stays good for longer now
- [Change] Improved drag/drop responsiveness (especially when the framerate is low)
- [Change] Improved water rendering around shore in LOD chunks
- [Change] You can change the text on signs now by pressing the interaction key (F) twice
- [Change] You can also chat now while sitting or sleeping (multiplayer)
- [Change] You can reset the size of a construction element by holding the "resize" key (shift) while pressing the reset key
- [Change] Improved appearance of ores (no more "white" spots or messed up textures)
- [Change] Reduced cracks / seams between construction elements (planks, beams etc)
- [Change] When picking up an item while the inventory is full, the item will drop to the ground now
- [Change] Slightly changed the wordings in the "first steps" section of the journal
- [Change] Increased max flyspeed to 400% (need a powerful computer so world generation can keep up)
- [Change] Raking sand, snow, mud, gravel etc. no longer turns it into dirt (same applies to the sledgehammer)
- [Change] Picking up an item wakes up all nearby physical items, to avoid floating items (only applies to physical items)
- [Change] Changed recipe of small trashcan
- [Change] You can fuel the smelting furnace faster now
- [Change] Slightly improved overall performance
- [Bugfix] Fixed an issue which disabled some graphics features when starting the game for the first time
- [Bugfix] Fixed placement issue with radiators (can only be placed on north/west facing walls)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which prevented animals from spawning when spawn rate was set too high (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Weather will be synchronized correctly now when joining a multiplayer server
- [Bugfix] Color vibrance value will be saved correctly now
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing needle on ore detector on some machines (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Different farmland block shapes (cylinders etc) are recognized as farmland now
- [Bugfix] Fixed rare bug which prevented chunks from loading properly
Bugfix (2017-02-14):
- [Change] Chat closes now when pressing return while the input field is empty
- [Bugfix] Fixed erroneous grinder rotation
- [Bugfix] Fixed misplaced needle on ore detector
- [Bugfix] Fixed item icons being stuck on cursor when moving them to/from chests
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when mining resources (ores etc)
[ 2017-02-14 02:40:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
We wish you a Happy new Year!
Hi folks! Finally the long awaited update is available! It introduces dungeons, but also some other features like weather, new items, a gramophone (which can play music) and much more! The dungeons include underground generated structures, abandoned cabins in the woods and underwater ruins. More dungeons will follow in the near future. Unfortunately there are no enemies in the dungeons yet, but once that changes, the dungeons will be much more interesting!

Apart from the dungeons, this update introduces weather, including rain, snow, fog, thunder etc. More effects (like sandstorms) are planned.

This update also introduces several new items, new animals (a deer, boar and a polar bear) and some new objects, including a working gramophone! You can find some records for the gramophone in abandoned forest cabins. Last but not least we did a lot of changes under the hood, including a reworked rendering, and especially the implementation of a logarithmic depth buffer. This greatly improves the rendering precision, reducing z-fighting (i.e. the "flickering" of construction elements or posters) drastically. Unfortunately, the logarithmic depth buffer has an impact on performance - to improve your framerate, you can disable it in the config.properties file (set "graphic_logarithmic_depth_buffer" to false). Have fun with this update and stay tuned for the next one! :)
- [New] Dungeons, including underground dungeons, underwater ruins, forest cabins
- [New] Spike traps and ground traps, which spawn randomly in dungeons
- [New] Weather, including rain, heavy rain, snow, storm, thunder, fog, cloudiness
- [New] New animals: boar, polar bear, deer, rat
- [New] New creative mode tools: block placement and terrain area edit
- [New] New object: gramophone, which can be used to play records
- [New] New item: record (including 10 different classical pieces)
- [New] New items: wooden grill spit and skewer (can be used to cook meat)
- [New] New objects: torture rack, iron maiden, judas cradle, cages, bones, bone throne, bone torch, bone statue
- [New] New objects: bear skin rug, mattress (useful for custom beds), old piano, old table, old shelf
- [New] New items: bear pelt, polarbear pelt, deer pelt, moose pelt, goat pelt, fox pelt, sheep pelt, boar hide, cow hide, pig hide
- [New] New block textures: grass, dirt, stone, gravel, farmland, sand (terrain textures)
- [New] Added glare effect to torches and lights (can be disabled)
- [New] Logarithmic depth buffer, which provides much better precision (greatly reduces flickering of objects [e.g. posters] at large distances)
- [New] New underground music (3 new tracks)
- [New] Added footstep sounds to animals
- [New] Added fire sound to torches (which are placed in the world)
- [New] Added size info to area selection tool (e.g. blueprint area selection)
- [New] Added breath/air indicator when underwater
- [New] Added dummy image for images which are still downloading
- [New] Added settings for color vibrance
- [New] Added slider to change intensity of the depth-of-field filter
- [New] Added setting "graphic_fog" to the config.properties file to enable/disable fog
- [New] Added setting "mp_query_timeout" to the config to change the server query timeout value (milliseconds)
- [New] Added audio settings to adjust volume of weather effects and world music (gramophone)
- [New] Added "offlineban" command to ban players who are currently offline
- [Change] Greatly reduced flickering of overlapping construction elements (e.g. planks)
- [Change] Improved overall framerate
- [Change] Improved performance of dynamic lights (i.e. flares, flashlights etc)
- [Change] Blueprints which contain blocks can be rotated now (in steps of 90°)
- [Change] Blueprints will be kept in inventory after using them (in creative mode)
- [Change] Added illuminated display to the ore detector, also added red/green indicator lamp
- [Change] Thirst will be slowly quenched when it's raining or snowing
- [Change] Ground gets wet when it's raining (only affects footstep sounds at the moment)
- [Change] Tweaked sunrise/sunset effect
- [Change] Animals will now drown when they are underwater
- [Change] Grass will be removed now when placing a blueprint
- [Change] Increased visible range of grass (increased render distance)
- [Change] Improved many sound effects
- [Change] You can hold the keys now when selecting a blueprint area
- [Change] You can use the PgUp and PgDown keys to vertically resize blueprint areas
- [Change] Changed some recipes (some recipes are just placeholders until we have proper items in place)
- [Change] Changed font of status messages (improved visibility)
- [Change] Changed preview shape when placing dirt, stone etc.
- [Change] Adjusted depth-of-field effect
- [Change] Increased SSAO (ambient occlusion) intensity
- [Change] Increased spawn chance of willow saplings
- [Change] "Inventory full" message stays visible for a longer time now
- [Change] Did some minor tweaks to some gui dialogs (e.g. being able to tab in blueprint creation dialog etc)
- [Change] Plugin "onEnable()" will only be called once all plugins are loaded now (added onLoad() method)
- [Change] Plugin database implements AutoCloseable now (i.e. you can use it in try-with-resources statements)
- [Bugfix] Fixed DPI scaling issues in combination with certain monitor types (Windows 7-10 only)
- [Bugfix] Fixed DPI related issue which caused the camera to spin randomly
- [Bugfix] Fixed tnt not causing any visible damage to blocks
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing name for ramp corner block
- [Bugfix] It's now possible to respawn when dying in creative mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed broken grass occlusion when enabling this setting during runtime
- [Bugfix] Fixed grass removal when placing multiple blocks
- [Bugfix] Fixed post-processing effects not loading properly in rare cases
- [Bugfix] Fixed jumping behaviour when player is in shallow water
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which allowed users to create accounts with invalid usernames
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing water splash sound (when player jumps into water) in creative mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed rare crash when starting the game
[ 2016-12-31 17:43:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! A new update has been released, which introduces some new features. Especially two interesting items are now available: On the one hand you're now able to craft flares, which are quite useful to light the area around you, they work even under water, and - most important - they won't extinguish if you drop them.
On the other hand, this update introduces dynamite. Not much to say about that, just use it to blow everything up. This way it's quite easy to create a "tunnel", although you have to keep in mind that you won't get any resources that way. Also make sure to keep enough safety distance ;)
Apart from that, this update also introduces new music for underground caves - which is a good preparation for the upcoming dungeons. The same applies to some other changes we did, for example we added reverbs/echos to underground caves.
Last but not least this update contains a lot of bugfixes, as usual. Stay tuned for the next update :)
- [New] New item: dynamite (let's blow something up!)
- [New] New item: flare
- [New] New ore: sulfur ore (can be processed into sulfur)
- [New] New music for underground caves
- [New] Added reverb/echo to caves
- [New] Added new sound effects
- [New] Added "unban" and "deleteplayer" commands (see permissions) in multiplayer
- [New] Added command "resetphysics" as a temporary workaround in case your character suddenly gets stuck
- [Change] Improved update speed (i.e. place/remove elements etc) of chunks with lots of construction elements
- [Change] Improved placement speed of blueprints
- [Change] If an error occurs in a plugin, a proper exception will be thrown now
- [Change] Errors caused by plugins will be printed in chat now (in addition, an error dialog comes up when too many errors occurred)
- [Change] Removed cobalt (ore and ingot)
- [Change] Changed some sound effects (e.g. hitting wood blocks)
- [Change] Increased max size of windows (construction elements)
- [Change] KeyInputEvents will no longer be triggered when textfield is focused or game is paused
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing item hotbar when changing from creative mode to survival
- [Bugfix] No longer getting stuck for no apparent reason (physics freeze)
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash related to physics engine
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues when compiling plugins on the fly (invalid classpath)
- [Bugfix] Fixed commit issues when a plugin accessed the world database
- [Bugfix] Fixed Plugin API related issues, did some changes and added new functions (see API changelog)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with connections when plugins queried MySQL world database
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue when placing multiple planks in a line in creative mode
[ 2016-11-02 20:12:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new update is available :) It mainly focuses on the new plugin API, so it is possible now to run your plugins. The plugin API can be considered as a "lite" version of modding, especially since it became quite powerful over the last weeks. Of course it's not exactly the same as creating real mods (e.g. a "total conversion" mod wouldn't be possible this way), but in return, it's much easier to use, and when playing in multiplayer, there is no need to download anything in order to join the server. But the plugin API not only relevant for multiplayer, but also for singleplayer. Here are a few examples what could be achieved with the new API, just to give you an impression of the potential of the API (especially since it cannot be compared to the old Lua API):
- Elevators (not just basic command/teleport stuff, instead a cabin you can step in, select the target floor, and it will actually move to the desired location)
- Windmills with rotating sails
- A tool rack for your items
- A huge mining drill
- ...

We are also going to provide a new AreaProtection plugin very soon. Probably the current Lua API will still be supported for 6-8 weeks until it will be discarded. If you need any help converting your scripts to the new API, or if there are any Lua scripts you urgently need for your server, just let us know. We are not going to leave anyone out in the cold ;) Apart from that, we also did some changes to the game of course, and fixed some bugs. Among others, we added a "pause" mode (when pressing esc), added a new mini pig (just for fun), fixed some lighting issues (rough light transitions between chunks), reworked and improved many sound effects, and got rid of some crashes. As always, you find the full changelog attached. We will fully concentrate on the dungeons now. We are really sorry that the dungeons update takes so long. Working on the API was actually quite time consuming, but it was really important for us to get it ready as soon as possible.
- [New] Full release of the new Plugin API
- [New] Plugin sourcefiles can be compiled "on the fly" and will be loaded directly from your project folder
- [New] Added command "reloadplugins" to reload plugins during runtime (also added permission)
- [New] Game will pause now when pressing ESC (singleplayer only), can be disabled in settings
- [New] Added banister corner element
- [New] Added minipig (currently only spawnable via command "spawnnpc minipig")
- [Change] Returning to main menu should be much faster now
- [Change] Speeded up game startup time
- [Change] Improved animal collision (especially object collision)
- [Change] Reworked and improved many sound effects
- [Change] Blocks which are "half sunken" into the terrain will spawn above the ground now when removed by a sledgehammer
- [Change] Preview when placing stone, dirt etc. can be disabled in config (game_show_terrainfillselector)
- [Change] Sticks and lumber are now also craftable at the sawbench
- [Change] Increased min/max size of glass panes
- [Bugfix] Fixed lighting issues (rough light transitions between chunks)
- [Bugfix] Static lights are now visible in lod chunks again
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong light colors when placing several lamps in hell
- [Bugfix] Objects (furniture etc) will now be affected by new lights (which have just been placed) correctly
- [Bugfix] Slegehammer can now also be used to deconstruct loam blocks
- [Bugfix] Fixed rare crash when changing resolution
- [Bugfix] Items no longer disappear when dropping them from a chest
- [Bugfix] Fixed red colored screen (when player had low health) when returning
- [Bugfix] Apples can no longer be collected from cut appletrees (same applies to lemon and cherry trees)
[ 2016-10-17 21:00:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! A new update is available now, it took much longer than expected, and we are really sorry about that. First of all: This is unfortunately not the dungeon update. They're still in the works, but other things (Plugin API etc) caused a big delay.
Nevertheless, this update is quite mentionable. It can be considered as a preparation for the dungeons, but it also introduces some new features, and many bugs have been fixed (especially the annoying "falling-through-ground" bug - if you still encounter it, please let us know).
Main focus of this update was the improvement of the animal behaviour (that was necessary for the upcoming dungeons update). Animals still need work (proper water detection, better AI etc), but especially the collision detection should work much better now - in other words, animals will no longer be able to walk through walls or fences (which happened sometimes in the past), so you should be able to create a small farm now and fence in some animals.
Apart from that, animals now also get fall damage (and die eventually) when falling from a certain height.
Please keep in mind that we did many extensive changes to the animal implementation, and of course there is a chance that there are bugs or other unforeseen issues, or that the animals simply don't work as intended, so we need your feedback on this. If you encounter any issues with the animals, just let us know.
Apart from these changes, this update introduces some new features: For example there is now a chance that animal attacks can cause bleeding. This can be cured by using a bandage, which is introduced with this update as well.
There are also two new plants in this update, a hemp plant and a cotton plant. You can can get hemp fibers / cotton from these plants, which can be used to craft cloths (which are needed to craft bandages).
By the way: Be careful when breaking your bones, since this has a negative impact on your mobility now. It can be "cured" with a splint (requires sticks and bandages), but even though it restores your mobility, it takes some time until the broken bone is really cured. During that time you should be very cautious, even minor falls can break your splint and deal some extra damage.
Furthermore, you have "infinite" stacks of items in creative mode now. This makes building a lot easier. Another new comfortable feature is the ability to place multiple blocks vertically now.
Last but not least placed blocks can be "deconstructed" (i.e. you can pick them up) by using the sledgehammer.
There are several other additions and changes, to get a full overview, check out the changelog.
PS: Probably the Plugin API will be available by the end of this month.
- [New] Added moon to nightsky
- [New] Bleedings can now occur when being attacked by an animal
- [New] New item: bandage, which can be used to stop bleedings
- [New] New item: splint, which can be used to heal bone fractures
- [New] New items: hemp leaves, hemp fibers and cotton (can be used to craft clothes)
- [New] Added notification when collecting items/resources
- [New] New objects: various sized wooden crates (can be used to store items)
- [New] New door: saloon door (15 variations)
- [New] New plants: hemp and cotton (can be cultivated)
- [New] Item stacks are infinite now in creative mode (new creative permission: infiniteitems [true/false])
- [New] Multiple lines of blocks can be placed vertically now
- [New] Added spawn protection for 20 seconds (hostile animals will not attack), can be adjusted in properties
- [New] Added "makeadmin", "revokeadmin" and "setplayergroup" as direct input command for the server
- [New] Added information about smelting furnace to the journal
- [New] Placed blocks can be deconstructed (and collected) by using the sledgehammer
- [Change] Improved collision of animals, they should no longer be able to walk through walls (need feedback!)
- [Change] Aggressive animals can no longer hit you through walls
- [Change] Animals get falldamage now when falling from a certain height
- [Change] You hear a notification sound now when block or object placement is not possible
- [Change] Block placement is now less restrictive if the player is very close
- [Change] Signs need to be labelled manually now after placing them
- [Change] Previously hit block/plant/object is stored now, so the damage does not reset when you stop hitting it
- [Change] Improved many sound effects and also added new sounds
- [Change] Screencolor slightly changes now when player is on low health
- [Change] Improved ladder climbing (no longer getting stuck)
- [Change] Improved player and item sync in multiplayer
- [Change] Slightly improved readability of gui texts
- [Change] Slightly changed color of day sky
- [Change] Changed date format
- [Change] A server restart will be advised after 24 hours now (can be disabled in properties)
- [Change] Bone fractures now reduce movement speed of the player
- [Bugfix] Fixed various bugs which caused some crashes in certain situations
- [Bugfix] Greatly reduced occurrence of "falling-through-the-ground" bug (if you still encounter it, please let us know)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "invisible animals" attacking you in rare situations
- [Bugfix] Fixed underwater fogginess
- [Bugfix] Fixed water lod surface generation (sometimes resulted in disrupted water surfaces previously)
- [Bugfix] Fixed other players being invisible in multiplayer sometimes (need feedback)
- [Bugfix] Fixed ban message (reason was not displayed)
- [Bugfix] Fixed custom image permissions not being applied correctly in some cases
- [Bugfix] Fixed filling up of furnaces (sometimes it was possible to place ores between the slots)
[ 2016-09-19 18:50:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! A preview version of the new Plugin API is now available. You can get an impression on what is possible with the API, and you can also start working on your first plugins. You find a new section in the forum now, which is dedicated to the Plugin API. You can ask questions or discuss any API related things there, or request new features in the Feature Requests section. In contrary to the Lua API, a documentation (JavaDoc, which also contains some examples) is also available. In can be downloaded with the Plugin API (you can load it in your IDE and access it while coding), or alternatively you can watch the online version here Unfortunately you can't add the plugins to your server yet. The servers will be updated within the next weeks, you can take advantage of the time to get used to the new API, or to prepare your plugins. Once the servers have been updated, the old Lua API will still be supported for ~ 4-8 weeks until it will be removed. Please note that a few events and functions are still missing, they will be added soon. If there is something wrong with the new API, or you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave your feedback :) Download link: https://download.rising-world.net/api/Pre-PluginAPI.zip
[ 2016-08-14 17:18:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! A new update will be available soon, but today we want to give some information about two important upcoming features.
As you know we're currently working on dungeons, they're going to be available very soon. This includes various underground dungeons, underwater ruins, but also other "abandoned" buildings like old shacks in the woods. Here we have two preview screenshots for you (still work-in-progress):

Plugin API
We are also working on a new, Java based plugin API, which will replace the current Lua API. The new API allows you to create custom "gamemodes" and influence the gameplay, basically it can be considered as a "lite version" of Modding. The first release of the plugin API allows you to (among others):
- Take control of various events
- Create custom gui elements, including images
- Place and move custom 3d models in the world
- Get full access to the world database
- Query keyboard events of a player
- Spawn items and modify player inventories
[ 2016-07-27 19:41:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! A small update is available. This time it's mainly about furnaces: Now you will need fuel in order to use a smelting furnace. Currently you can either use coal or lumber to fuel a furnace. This update also introduces a new, bigger version of the smelting furnace. Apart from that, we did some smaller tweaks and fixed some bugs, you find an overview of all changes in the changelog. Have fun :)
- [New] Smelting furnaces require fuel (coal or lumber) now
- [New] New object: Big smelting furnace
- [New] Dedicated server now accepts input commands (say, yell, tod, saveall, shutdown [now])
- [New] Total amount of available/existing servers now visible in server browser
- [Change] Half-filled canteens can now be refilled at watersources
- [Change] Removed some debug output messages of dedicated server
- [Change] Decreased timeout for servers in serverlist (so high ping servers no longer delay the result)
- [Bugfix] Fixed invisibe door placement indicator
- [Bugfix] Fixed whitelist/blacklist issue in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed items sometimes spawning multiple times in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Hopefully fixed furnace bug ("ghost" ore remaining in furnace) in multiplayer (need Feedback)
[ 2016-06-29 20:32:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! Another update is available. It gives server owners the ability to create custom pages in the journal. This may be useful if you want to put the server rules there, or any other information regarding the server.
This update also introduces modular scaffolding objects, as well as two new items: A bucket (which can be used to place water in the world) as well as a canteen (if you want to drink water while traveling).
Apart from that there is an experimental command to find your base - in case you get lost. If it works well, it will be added to the creative mode. However, it's still recommendable to build a bed at your base and sleep in it (so you will always respawn there, and the compass can also lead you to that position then).
Custom Journal:
Last but not least this update contains several changes as well as bugfixes. Check out the changelog to get an overview of all changes.
We are also working on dungeons at the moment, probably a few preview screenshots will be available soon.
- [New] Server admins can add custom pages to the journal ("server notes")
- [New] New item: bucket, can be used to collect and place water
- [New] New item: canteen, can be used to drink water
- [New] New object: Scaffolding
- [New] Added experimental console command "findbase" to find your base coordinates (singleplayer only)
- [New] Added preview grid when placing dirt or stone etc, it's also possible to move the grid with your arrow keys
- [New] Added help screen (F1) when filling up terrain
- [New] Added player whitelist and blacklist feature for multiplayer servers
- [New] Added "savep", "saver" and "savel" commands to permanently save current setp/setr/setl values (also reset-commands to reset values)
- [New] Added "technical" smoke object to create artificial smoke (don't place too many of them)
- [Change] Changed night sky (no longer blurred)
- [Bugfix] Water is no longer invisible when it's behind a transparent object
- [Bugfix] Fixed particles being invisible when in front of water
- [Bugfix] Fixed sound distance of sledgehammer
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with Steamworks not being initialized correctly
- [Bugfix] Fixed "dummy world folders" being created when joining a multiplayer server
- [Bugfix] Fixed rare crash when placing construction elements
- [Bugfix] Fixed movement issue with blueprints
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong memory arguments on Linux
- [Bugfix] Fixed LWJGL issue ("no display modes found") on Linux/Fedora
Bugfix 2016-06-22:
- [Change] Adjusted collision of scaffoldings (ramps)
- [Change] Lua terrain edit function now also accepts water id
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with wrong object and construction placement (being unable to remove or interact with them)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with custom journal not being loaded properly in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing messages when being kicked from a server
[ 2016-06-22 17:27:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! It took a long time, but finally the long anticipated water update is available :) You will find water in ponds and lakes, randomly spread over the world, as well in big oceans.
Please note that this is only static water, in other words, it does not adapt to the terrain when you dig up the banks of a lake, for example. But it's our intention to implement dynamic water in the long run.
There are of course a lot of other new features, like the ability to drink water (key F), or new vegetations and objects, as well as several bugfixes. You find an overview of all changes in the changelog.
If you have trouble loading an old world, please let us know.
Have fun :)
- [New] New feature: Water
- [New] New biome: Ocean
- [New] Ponds and lakes in regular biomes
- [New] Creative terrain tool to place water
- [New] New trees: Cherry tree, dead willow, dead rowan, maple (swamp variation)
- [New] New plants: Sea plant, tube sponge (although it's an animal)
- [New] New objects (decoration): Wicker beach chair, life saving ring
- [New] You can drink fresh water now to quench your thirst (use interaction key)
- [New] Added error handling for native crashes
- [New] Added detection for outdated graphics drivers
- [New] Added square terrain edit area (Creative mode)
- [New] Added option to keep inventory on death (settings -> miscellaneous)
- [New] Added various other options to settings menu (allow commands, flymode, change custom images resolution etc)
- [New] Added new permission "general_keepinventory" (to keep inventory on death)
- [New] Added falling leaves when cutting a tree or plant
- [New] Added option to set window resizeable (only via config at the moment, will be changed shortly)
- [New] Added various new soundeffects
- [New] Added 'setl' command (to change resize precision for construction elements)
- [New] Added 'clearinventory' console command
- [Change] Greatly increased growth time for plants and saplings
- [Change] Blueprints can hold much more construction elements now (~65 million)
- [Change] Fixed refraction leaking (i.e. wrong refractions when objects were in front of refractive surfaces)
- [Change] Multiplayer: Admins gain full permissions now (unless 'settings_admins_all_permissions' is set to false)
- [Change] Increased despawn time for dead bodies in singleplayer (30 minutes now)
- [Change] Did some smaller visual adjustments to snow biomes
- [Change] Reduced thirst interval, increased hunger interval
- [Change] Command "setr" now also works for image placement
- [Change] Traffic cones can be picked up now
- [Change] Changed some object descriptions
- [Change] Improved some sound effects
- [Change] Commands and Lua output now show up in rcon tool
- [Change] Inactive physics objects (items, chopped trees) will be reactivated on nearby activity
- [Change] Changed recipe of sandstone blocks
- [Change] Updated detection for unsupported graphics adapters
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented you from walking through doors after teleporting
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with invisible collision after cutting trees
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with still getting damage from lava (hell) after respawning
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with chunks suddenly disappearing after respawn and regenerating
- [Bugfix] Fixed start problems on some machines
- [Bugfix] Greatly reduced occurrence of "flying plants" over cave entrances
- [Bugfix] Inventory no longer closes when looting corpses using the interaction key
- [Bugfix] Fixed false graphics card warning with integrated Intel graphics adapters
- [Bugfix] Fixed some localization issues (message dialogs)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with ingame registration
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong fog calculation for distant objects (furniture etc)
- [Bugfix] Fixed a crash when the clipboard (e.g. in chat) was not available
Bugfix 2016-05-26:
- [Change] Lakes spawn more frequently now
- [Bugfix] Fixed load/conversion problem with old worlds
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue when loading a world once again
- [Bugfix] Fixed permissions not working correctly for admins (Multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with water effect when reloading a world
Bugfix 2016-05-27:
- [New] Creative water tool can now also be used to remove water
- [New] Added setting to enable/disable water reflections
- [New] Added serveroption (Multiplayer) to determine if Lua output should be forwarded to Rcon
- [Change] Creative paint tool no longer affects water
- [Change] Native crash dialogs are shown in correct language now
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash on Linux and SteamOS
- [Bugfix] Fixed sound issues on some machines (loud, distorted or missing sounds etc.)
Bugfix 2016-05-28:
- [Bugfix] Fixed start problems with 32 bit operating systems
[ 2016-05-25 21:23:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's Deal: Save 33% on Rising World!*
Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!
*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2016-04-16 17:02:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! As promised we will show you some first screenshots of the upcoming water update! Please keep in mind that it's not in its final state yet, so the appearance may change until release.
The first water release will only feature static water, i.e. it does not have any physical behaviour yet, but it will still look like water, feel like water and you can of course swim in it ;)
It won't take too long until the update is finally ready, eventually there might be another small update in the run-up to the water release. Stay tuned!
[ 2016-03-25 14:05:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! This update just brings some smaller changes, mainly some technical changes, so it works properly with our new servers, and of course several bugfixes. But this update also brings two new features: You can now harvest pumpkin and melon seeds (and replant them accordingly), and there are also some new colored blocks available, since several people asked for that in the past (you find them in the "Plaster" category at the blockbench). Of course the "real" painting feature will still be added in the future ;) Stay tuned for the next update, which will contain some screenshots of the upcoming water update!
- [New] You can get replantable watermelon- and pumpkinseeds from watermelons/pumpkins now
- [New] Added different colored plaster blocks (red, green, blue, yellow, purple, black)
- [Change] Updated to latest JRE version on Linux OS
- [Bugfix] Fixed id preview when targeting certain block shapes (cylinders, ramps etc)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong walking sounds in certain situations
- [Bugfix] Opened manhole covers no longer give wrong walking sound
- [Bugfix] Reconnect to HIVE after losing connection should work properly now
- [Bugfix] Fixed raking dry and frozen grass
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong collision of manhole covers after opening them
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong collision of drawbridge (depending on its rotation)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with world conversion when loading a relatively old world
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when loading corrupted worldpart files
Bugfix 2016-03-04:
- [Change] Returning to main menu should be a little bit faster now
- [Change] Refreshing serverlist should be faster now
- [Bugfix] Fixed minor connection issues
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that crashed the game in rare situations
[ 2016-03-03 19:57:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! Today another update is available, it includes some preparations for the water update, so the water update will not mess up your worlds as the biomes did.
Apart from that, we fixed several bugs, and also introduced some new content: New doors are available now, including manhole covers and a medieval drawbridge.
In addition to that, a new creative tool is available: The ability to place vegetations (F6). You can choose any plant from a list, then simply place it in the world.
Stay tuned! :)
- [New] New object: medieval drawbridge
- [New] New doors: 2 old wooden doors, 1 wooden door, 1 metal door, 3 manhole covers
- [New] New tool for creative mode: Vegetation placement
- [New] Piano key mapping can be changed in config.properties file
- [New] Added id info about targeted block (bottom left of the screen) when placing blocks
- [Change] Improved walksound, takes objects (e.g. furniture) and constructions into account now
- [Change] Worldinformation will be stored on your hdd now, resulting in faster loading of explored areas
- [Change] Last used crafting recipe will be stored now
- [Change] Future biome updates (incl. water update) will no longer mess up your world
- [Change] Changed craftomg recipes for doors
- [Change] Increased timeout for http requests
- [Change] Arrows in blueprint list (journal) are now clickable
- [Change] Chest- and Crafting menu can also be closed with the interaction key now
- [Change] Updated to latest JRE, should fix issues with Windows 10
- [Bugfix] Fixed NullPointerException spamming chat in some cases
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing parts when saving huge buildings (which consist of more than 65k parts) in a blueprint
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong collision of barrier-object
- [Bugfix] Fixed framedrop when opening doors in some cases
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing sound when changing page in journal
- [Bugfix] Fixed sudden framerate dependent changes in flyspeed when flymode is enabled
- [Bugfix] Fixed random crash when opening a door while the chunk was modified at the same time
- [Bugfix] Server no longer crashes when a client sends a malformed packet
[ 2016-02-24 20:58:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! Another update is available, it does not introduce much new content, but instead it fixes a bunch of nasty bugs and annoying crashes that kept us busy the last weeks. Due to extensive changes on the technical side of the game, we had to do multiple tests before we were able to release this update (especially in multiplayer) to make sure it does not break anything. This update also introduces a lot of important optimizations and improvements in terms of memory management, performance and world generation speed, especially in multiplayer, but also in singleplayer. Apart from that, this update also fixes a crash (when geometry instancing was enabled in combination with amd graphics cards) that has been around for a while now. So if you disabled the "graphics_instancing" flag in the config file in the past (as a workaround), you should be able to re-enable this feature again (resulting in less memory consumption). Though this update is mainly about bugfixes and optimizations, at least one new feature is now available: The ability to trade with other players. You can invite a player for trading, and if the accepts, you can exchange items with him. Eventually some sort of currency will be added in the medium term, too. Of course we are still working on some other stuff in the background, among others water and new playermodels, animations and items. We can probably provide some previews soon ;)
- [New] You can trade items with other players now (barter trade)
- [New] Debuglight (L) can be disabled via permissions (general->debuglight: false)
- [New] PVE (killing animals) can be disabled via permissions (general->pve: false)
- [New] Added command 'setofflinegroup' to change permission group of a player that is currently not online
- [Change] Increased speed of world generation
- [Change] Optimized database queries
- [Change] Improved overall performance
- [Change] Game should no longer begin to stutter when walking large distances
- [Change] Reduced memory consumption of the game
- [Change] Flyspeed can be adjusted now by holding shift and using the scroll wheel
- [Change] Changed debug output when pressing F3
- [Change] Server automatically renames "permissions.example" folder to "permissions" now if it is not available yet
- [Change] Added "chat transparency" slider to view adjustment menu
- [Change] Animal reverb sounds will be adjusted correctly now
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash to desktop (jint_disjoint_arraycopy)
- [Bugfix] Fixed AMD graphics cards related crash when 'graphic_instancing' was enabled*
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which prevented the game from saving the world correctly
- [Bugfix] Fixed inventory not saving correctly (sometimes occurring rollback to previous state)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with suddenly reoccurring plants
- [Bugfix] Fixed "black blueprint previews" in some cases
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue when placing blueprint with many objects (resulting in missing chunks)
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing snow texture when 'graphic_instancing' is set to false
- [Bugfix] Fixed lighting issues when 'graphic_instancing' is set to false
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong input when opening console directly after spawn
- [Bugfix] Fixed "jittering" of other players when they spawn in flymode
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when removing favorites from serverlist
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong sun intensity when returning from hell
- [Bugfix] Setting for "anisotropic filtering" will be saved correctly now
- [Bugfix] You get the correct amount of saplings when cutting a plant now
- [Bugfix] Spruce saplings can now be picked up again
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with some sound effects
- [Bugfix] Fixed start problems on some machines (when Windows wasn't up-to-date)
Bugfix 2016-01-29:
- [New] Added "general->invulnerable", "general->nohungerthirst" and "creative->nohungerthirst" permissions
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue that prevented digging in underground areas
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue that caused the game to spam chunk requests to the server
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that prevented animals from moving
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that animals were able to attack you even when you was at a mich higher elevation
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that caused trees to vanish when cutting them (only when graphic_instancing was set to false)
Bugfix 2016-01-31:
- [Change] Slightly increased amount of saplings you get from a lemon tree
- [Change] Increased performance when using MySQL
- [Change] Old world backups (>2 weeks) in ".backup" subfolder will be deleted automatically now (nur SQLite)
- [Change] Reduced gap between images and walls
- [Change] Hostile animals no longer hunt you if 'general->invulnerable' permission is set to true
- [Bugfix] Fixed chunk loading problems
- [Bugfix] Fixed server crash when player connect took too long
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with players being unable to connect to a server
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue when too many construction elements were placed in the same chunk
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug that caused the server to generate the world extremely slow sometimes
[ 2016-01-27 22:05:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
First of all: We wish you all a Merry Christmas!! :)
Finally the long awaited biomes arrived, just in time for Christmas! You will find a bunch of new landscapes in Rising World now, among others deserts, savannas, snowy areas and more. Of course this also includes a bunch of new animals (for example penguins, giraffes, elephants or tigers) as well as new plants (cactus, acacia, poplar and more).
More biomes will follow in the future, together with the water update.
You will also find new sound effects (especially new ambience sounds for the different biomes) and 4 new music tracks in this update.
As usual we also fixed several bugs or did other improvements, you find the full changelog attached.
Have fun and a Merry Christmas :)
Changelog 2015-12-24:
- [New] Biomes, among others desert, savannah, tundra, taiga, polar region
- [New] New animals: Penguin, giraffe, elephant, rhinoceros, tiger, jaguar
- [New] New tree types: Acacia, cactus, palm, poplar, dead trees (spruce, maple, apple)
- [New] New plants: Welwitschia, scrubs
- [New] New grass types: Flowers, dry grass, frozen grass, snowy grass
- [New] New ambience sounds for different biomes
- [New] Added 4 new music tracks
- [New] New decoration object: Christmas tree (3 different sizes)
- [New] Added version check for multiplayer server (you see a notification in the output console on startup)
- [New] Old serverlogs will now be deleted after a given amount of time (can be adjusted in server.properties)
- [New] Added beep to ore detector
- [New] New Lua function: 'player:getPlayerGroup()' to get the current (permission) group of a player
- [Change] Increased max world height (sky) by 64 blocks (total world height: 1216 blocks)
- [Change] Changed ore textures
- [Change] Changed some world textures (e.g. sand) and added new ones (e.g. dry grass)
- [Change] Adjusted some animal sounds (e.g. rooster)
- [Change] Adjusted previews when placing objects/plants/constructions etc.
- [Change] Keybinding for console can be changed in the config.properties now
- [Change] Plants will now be influenced by static light
- [Change] Reduced strength of tree stumps
- [Change] Adjusted some item sounds (e.g. sickle)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong sounds when breaking blocks
- [Bugfix] Fixed "transparency" of plants
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues when creating a world with too long seed
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong calculation of light direction on plants
- [Bugfix] Fixed glass panes being partly visible through plants
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which caused a crash in some situations
Bugfix 2015-12-25:
- [Change] The new animals (tigers, elephants etc) can be disabled now when creating a new world
- [Change] Adjusted spawnrate of animals and trees in snow biome
- [Bugfix] Fixed ore texture (items)
- [Bugfix] Fixed texture preview in terrain edit tools (creative mode)
- [Bugfix] Fixed rotation issues with objects, images and construction elements
- [Bugfix] Poplars drop saplings now
- [Bugfix] Rotation of construction elements no longer resets when closing the console
[ 2015-12-24 21:32:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks!
A new update is available! But before going into detail, a few information about the biomes: We are currently working on them and hopefully they should be ready soon. This is probably the last update before the biomes update (with the exception of smaller bugfixes eventually).
Until the biomes are ready, you get some new toys with this update: The first version of the creative mode as well as the extensive permission system for multiplayer.
If you're wondering why we decided to push out these updates now: Probably the biomes update will cause some ugly transitions in your existing worlds, and since a lot of people don't want to discard their work (this would be horrible especially for multiplayer servers), the creative mode has all tools to fix those issues easily.
Right now the creative mode is not completely ready, you just get the terrain modification tools. We will add more modes - object placement, vegetation placement, npc placement and more - over time.
You find an overview of the current state of the creative mode as well as a detailled description here: https://forum.rising-world.net/index.php/Thread/3180-Creative-Mode/
Since probably not every admin wants to grant full access to the creative mode on his server, we had to release the permission system, too. It is very extensive and offers a lot of different settings. Find a big wall of text here: https://forum.rising-world.net/index.php/Thread/3179-Permissions/
Last but not least we did a lot of other nice changes: You can specify the ore spawn frequency now when creating a world (and also disable particular animals, if desired), we fixed some issues with the lod terrain (you remember those remaining black shadows after removing a mountain? they're gone now), and did some other changes. Find the full changelog attached ;)
Stay tuned!
Changelog 2015-12-04:
- [New] Creative Mode (experimental, still work-in-progress), including terraforming tools (add/subtract, raise/lower, smooth, paint)
- [New] Permission system for multiplayer (work-in-progress), ability to specify what a particular player should be able to do and what not
- [New] Players can be assigned to custom groups now (determine chatcolor, nametagcolor etc), in combination with specific permissions
- [New] Ability to disable specific items for particular groups (affecting all players of this group) (crafting/pickup/drop)
- [New] Chatcolor and nametagcolor as well as prefix/suffix can be changed
- [New] Ability to set ore frequency and to disable certain animals when creating new worlds
- [Change] You can craft items for free now if creative mode is active (permission in mp required)
- [Change] Slightly reduced memory consumption of custom images
- [Change] "Permissions" button in ingame menu works now
- [Change] Reduced Z-Fighting of custom images in certain situations
- [Change] Windows Dedicated Server uses memory parameter from 'server.properties' file now
- [Change] Singleplayer world list slightly adjusted (shows gametype now)
- [Change] Chunk recalculation after modification (digging etc.) improved
- [Change] 'setp' command also works for blueprints now
- [Bugfix] Fixed lighting issues ("black shadows") after removing mountains or hills
- [Bugfix] Fixed/improved wrong LOD calculation in some situations
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues with volume slider for animalsounds
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue when creating a new worlds with the name of an existing world
Bugfix 2015-12-06:
- [New] Grass material (w/ blades) now available in creative terrain edit mode
- [New] Added material name to material selector in terrain edit mode
- [Change] If a group permission is faulty, it will no longer stop loading other groups
- [Change] When disabling item pickup from chests in the permission, you can't drop items from chests anymore
- [Change] Removed some unnecessary debug output
- [Change] Removed "pending connections" port warning message when hosting a LAN game
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong worldname when creating new worlds
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented you from using custom images in singleplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong texture for grass material (w/o blades) in terrain edit mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing cursor when receiving a message after uploading a custom image
[ 2015-12-04 17:36:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks!
A new update is available, bringing some new features, for example several different customizable signs, private chat messages in multiplayer, and the ability to replant grass (finally you can get rid of the dirt spots on your map).
This update also greatly increases the spawnrate of ores, so there is a much higher chance now to find ores while digging. Maybe the spawnrate need some further tweaking in the future.
When loading an existing map for the first time, it needs to be converted. Depending on the map size, this may take some time, so please take that into account (especially when running a multiplayer server, have an eye on the console).
Have fun with this update :)
- [New] You can send private chat messages in multiplayer now (use "@playername" as prefix)
- [New] New objects: Signs (78 variations), which can display text
- [New] New object: weathervane (currently just for decoration)
- [New] Ability to replant grass (use your sickle to get blades of grass)
- [New] Last "connect to ip" will be saved now
- [Change] Increased spawnrate of ores outside of caves
- [Change] Cannot turn furnace on/off accidentally anymore when putting ores in it
- [Change] Reduced minimum size of glasspanes and windows
- [Change] Removed minor visual gap between construction elements
- [Change] Reduced range of oredetector
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong color in chat after wrapping to the next line
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing blocks when placing large blueprints
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing glass objects in blueprint preview
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when placing specific blueprints
- [Bugfix] Fixed some lighting issues (black walls)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "delay" when opening the console on some machines
- [Bugfix] Fixed different types of the same item (e.g. torches) when picking them up (only affected few items)
- [Bugfix] It's no longer possible to cut trees when too far away (vertically)
Bugfix 2015-11-12:
- [Bugfix] Fixed missing text on signs in some situations
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when using blueprints containing a block
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong light calculation with inner ramp corner block
- [Bugfix] Fixed problem with malformed umlauts
- [Bugfix] Chat supports square brackets now as well as upper case umlauts
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong text position on some signs
[ 2015-11-11 09:40:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks, another small update is available! It fixes some issues with blueprints as well as some other bugs (e.g. the infinite-lumber-bug). Apart from that, we did some changes to blueprints, for example it is possible to store them in different categories now. Old worlds will also be converted, so all duplicate objects and constructions (due to erroneous blueprints) will be removed. If something goes wrong during conversion, please let us know. Last but not least this update introduces a small gadget: An ore detector, which helps you to find veins of ore. Admittedly it's still not easy to find ores, so we will increase the spawnrate with the next update ;)
- [New] Oredetector which helps you to find veins of ore
- [New] Blueprints can be separated into categories now
- [Change] Cannot pickup chests anymore as long as there are items in it
- [Change] Blueprint filenames contain the name of the blueprint now
- [Change] More objects are now considered as table (relevant when placing items on them)
- [Change] It's slightly easier to place plant pots now
- [Change] Cleanup of duplicate objects and construction elements on old maps
- [Bugfix] Fixed "infinite-treelog-bug" when crafting
- [Bugfix] Fixed erroneous preview images of blueprints
- [Bugfix] "Inventory full" warning works properly now when picking up objects
- [Bugfix] Camera no longer flips out when dying
Bugfix 2015-10-20:
- [Change] Removed some unnecessary debug output
- [Bugfix] Fixed an issue related to picking up objects
Bugfix 2015-10-23:
- [New] Implemented fallback when Steam Web API is offline (so you can start the game anyway)
- [Change] Audio outputtype can be specified manually if necessary
- [Change] Added missing ornament block texture (id 212) to blockbench
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash related to blueprints
- [Bugfix] Fixed "null" entries in journal when deleting a blueprint
- [Bugfix] You should be able to browse blueprint groups correctly now
[ 2015-10-20 18:23:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! Another update is live, mainly doing some performance changes, especially reducing the memory consumption of the game. This should solve the "out of memory issues" some people are experiencing.
We also lowered the grass around plants, this should make it easier to find smaller plants like potatos, or strawberries. Apart from that, saplings from trees are also easier to spot now.
This update also introduces a new animal, a chicken, and of course you can get meat from it. By the way, you no longer have to kill sheeps to get wool, but can just shear them.
Last but not least there are some new decoration objects, like plant pots, as many people requested it. Speaking of objects: You can now pickup most objects directly by holding your interaction key, so no more waste of resources when misplacing furniture for example.
Expect another small update within the next days.
Since this is more an "experimental" update (concerning some technical changes), please let us know if you still run into performance or memory issues.
- [New] New animal: chicken (you can also get meat from it)
- [New] New objects (decoration): seven different plant pots (plus variations), hunting trophies
- [New] You can shear sheeps now to get wool from them
- [New] Ability to pickup most objects (e.g furniture) by holding the interaction key
- [New] You can get antlers from mooses now (used to craft a hunting trophy)
- [Change] Reduced memory consumption of the game
- [Change] Saplings after cutting a tree are now much easier to spot in the grass (as long as "grass masking" is enabled in settings)
- [Change] Reduced grass height around plants, this should make it *slightly* easier to find smaller plants
- [Change] Changed recipe for compass and clock, now craftable at workbench I
- [Change] Removed slot numerations in chests
- [Change] Game starts faster now
- [Change] Did minor modifications to terraingeneration
- [Change] Increased amount of saplings you can get from a tree
- [Change] Increased visibility of aluminum and silver ore
- [Bugfix] Fixed audio issues in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Tree logs no longer get "pushed away" when removing a treestump
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong spawn of potatos, strawberries, lettuce and broccoli plants
- [Bugfix] Fixed game crash when "Worlds" folder contains invalid files/filenames
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong lightcolors of lamp1
- [Bugfix] Fixed some minor typos
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash in some situations when aborting world loading procedure
- [Bugfix] Animals no longer get stuck on ferns and other small plants
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented you from using your tools in creative mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed audio output device not being set correctly when starting the game
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues when splitting stacks of objects or construction elements
Bugfix 2015-10-13:
- [Bugfix] Fixed issues on MacOS
- [Bugfix] Fixed problem with "ghost trees" when returning to main menu and loading a world again
[ 2015-10-12 20:02:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
A big update is available! This update greatly improves the visuals, especially since all trees and plants have been reworked, and most textures have been replaced. In addition, we did some major improvements to all existing sounds, and also added ingame music! Those changes create an even denser atmosphere, and increase the immersion factor.
This update also provides more possibilities when it comes to farming: You can cultivate more plants now, among others potaoes, lettuce or broccoli - time for a healthy diet ;)
Another important change, you no longer have to search apples in dense grass after cutting down a tree: Just pick some from an appletree now. Or what about a tasty lemon, from a lemontree?
Even though this update brings so many changes, one important aspect is missing, contrary to expectations: Biomes. They still need more work, and since we want to provide you some great looking results, it's necessary to put more time in it. We hope you understand that. It shouldn't take too long until they're finally available!
Also note: The new changes are still work-in-progress. Expect another update within the next days. Feel free to leave some feedback and let us know what you think ;)
- [New] New tree types: Spruce, forest spruce, birch, weeping willow, maple, appletree, lemontree, rowen
- [New] New plants (can be cultivated and provide food): Strawberry, potato, lettuce, broccoli
- [New] Added ingame music
- [New] Added loads (!) of new soundeffects
- [New] Added higher resolution variations for some textures (WIP)
- [New] New objects (incl. different variations): roadbarrier, boom barrier, cone, delineator
- [New] Itemstacks can now be splitted in your inventory by using your mousewheel while dragging
- [New] Sheeps drop wool now (used to craft cloths)
- [New] Added support for Nvidia Optimus and AMD Dynamic Switchable Graphics (Windows 64-bit only)
- [New] Object placement keybindings can now be changed in the settings
- [New] Audio output device can now be changed in the settings
- [New] Added options to adjust volume of different audiogroups (e.g. ambience, animals, footsteps etc) individually
- [New] Added different light colors (green, blue, yellow, orange, white) for red lamp model (lamp1)
- [New] Added new variations for some lamps
- [New] Added warning when your inventory is full while digging
- [New] New Lua functions: "player:setCreativeModeEnabled(set)" to enable creative mode, "player:slap(damage)" to hurt a player and "player:playSound(soundname, position)" to play a sound for a player
- [Change] Moved to FMOD soundengine, OpenAL is non longer used
- [Change] Improved many soundeffects (e.g. ambience sounds)
- [Change] Improved tomatoplant and watermelon model
- [Change] Flowers can now be replanted
- [Change] Game takes less time to start now
- [Change] General performance improvements
- [Change] When changing the resolution, you have to confirm a dialog within 15 seconds
- [Change] Game now automatically selects another fullscreenmode if current mode is not supported
- [Change] If an error occurs, the game provides more useful information now
- [Change] Improved settings menu, added reminder to save changes and appropriate option to revert changes
- [Change] Increased visibility of glasspanes when placing
- [Change] Sickle and scythe are no longer able to destroy objects
- [Change] Did minor adjustments to main menu
- [Change] Some recipes require cloths now as ingredient
- [Change] Adjusted loadingscreen for certain resolutions/aspect ratios
- [Change] Replaced logo on gamestart
- [Bugfix] It's no longer possible to put chest items into wrong inventory slots
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue when too many objects were placed in the same chunk
- [Bugfix] Fixed camera jittering when standing at slopes
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong fog calculation in LOD chunks
- [Bugfix] Piano sound is no longer audible over large distances (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue that prevented a multiplayer server from loading Lua scripts in some cases
- [Bugfix] Game no longer crashes when no audio device is connected
- [Bugfix] Fixed error when removing a WorldElement (e.g. 3DText) via Lua
Bugfix 0.6.1:
- [Change] Adjusted some soundeffects
- [Change] Improved logging when game_debug_console is enabled
- [Change] Adjusted size of tree logs in inventory
- [Bugfix] Fixed cutting a plant with the sickle (now needs only 1 hit)
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong positioning of blocks when using blueprints
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented you to change resolution in some cases
- [Bugfix] Fixed picking up watermelons and pumpkins
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash on startup on some machines
- [Bugfix] Fixed recipes for wooden blocks
[ 2015-09-28 21:29:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks,
As you know we're currently working on the biomes update. It is slowly coming to an end, but probably takes a few more weeks. Today we want to show you some first screenshots, please keep in mind that they're still unpolished, so the appearance will most likely improve until release.
The update does not only introduce biomes (e.g savanna, desert, tundra etc.), but also many new plants (time for farming), trees and animals. This includes some predators, for example lions.
Of course there will be more features this update is going to introduce, so stay tuned!
[ 2015-08-30 18:36:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello folks! This is only a minor update for blueprints, which enables block- and object placement and also allows you to rotate your blueprints (around all axis). Unfortunately there is one last restriction: You can't rotate blueprints when it contains one or more blocks. Since position and rotation precision for construction elements and objects greatly increased, old worlds need to be converted. This happens automatically when loading the world for the first time. It may take some seconds up to a few minutes on huge worlds, please do not cancel this procedure. Apart from that we fixed some bugs (some of them caused a lot of trouble for a few people). This is probably the last update (except for some bugfixes) before we release the long expected biomes update. Stay tuned! :)
- [Change] Blueprints now support blocks and objects (placement)
- [Change] Blueprints can be rotated now (only constructions and objects)
- [Change] Improved position and rotation precision for construction elements and objects
- [Change] Keybinding for flymode can now be changed in the config.properties file
- [Bugfix] Lua scripts will be reset correctly in singleplayer when returning to main menu
- [Bugfix] Blueprint constructionelements will be placed correctly now
- [Bugfix] Multiplayer settings for blueprints work correctly now
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented the dedicated server to start on some vservers
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented some players to join a multiplayer game
Bugfix 2015-07-29:
- [New] "setp" console command which allows you to change precision of construction element movement (when freezed), basically the same as "setr" (which sets rotation precision)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented the game from starting
- [Bugfix] Glass panels now correctly adapt to window elements
- [Bugfix] Server: Cannot load newer worlds with old server versions anymore (messed up the world)
Bugfix 2015-08-01:
- [Bugfix] Fixed size of gap when placing several construction elements in a row
- [Bugfix] Using texture id's higher than 128 when spawning a construction element via command (e.g. woodplank or woodbeam) works correctly now
[ 2015-07-28 22:24:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Finally the next update is available! As promised it introduces blueprints* and custom images are now synchronized in multiplayer, in other words, all players can see the images you place in the world.
Unfortunately there is a limitation: blueprints do not fully work yet. You can create blueprints (i.e. save your buildings) without problems, but placement is currently restricted to construction elements (so no blocks or furniture). Also you don't need any resources to reconstruct a blueprint at the moment.
But you can bet on it that we will fix this very soon! ;)
Serverowners can disable the blueprint feature on their servers by the way.
Apart from that, we fixed several annoying bugs. Find the full changelog attached.
- [New] Blueprints*, which allow you to save your buildings (see journal)
- [New] Custom images are now fully synchronized in multiplayer (i.e. every player can see your placed pictures)
- [New] Infotext showing total blockcount when placing multiple blocks in a row
- [New] New Lua world functions: 'placeVegetation(position, rotationy, type)' and 'placeObject(position, rotationx, rotationy, rotationz, type, variation)'
- [New] Added RCON PlayerKill event
- [Change] Slightly increased visibility of placement previews (objects, constructions)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with LOD chunks being always visible (blurred texture)
- [Bugfix] Fixed connection issues when several players are connected (> 10)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "neverending connecting" when connecting to an invalid IP
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with disappearing menus
- [Bugfix] Fixed random crash related to GUI issues
- [Bugfix] Removed some unnecessary message dialogues when closing a multiplayer game
[ 2015-07-20 22:27:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! A small "pre-update" is available, this time it's mainly a multiplayer oriented. We added an RCON interface to the server, so admins can remote control their server. Find an RCON tool on our homepage: http://download.rising-world.net/tools/rcon.zip Just execute the "rcon.jar" to start the program (java is required). Another update will be available [strike]around the next weekend[/strike] (delayed by a few days), which will finally synchronize custom images in multiplayer (i.e. you will be able to see all images of other players and vice versa). Admins can use the RCON tool now to have a look at all current images that have been uploaded to the server in the past. We recommend to do this before the next update goes live, and to delete all images with inappropriate content. Also expect some fresh content and new features with the next update :) Of course we still work in the biomes update, but it's coming slowly to an end. Expect some screenshots soon.
- [New] RCON server interface to monitor and control your game server
- [New] IPv6 address support when connecting to a multiplayer server (via IP)
- [Change] Contextmenu also listens for key input now (arrow up, arrow down, interaction key)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which prevented you from loading a map in rare cases
- [Bugfix] Serverbrowser now correctly reports if a server is password protected
- [Bugfix] PlayerDeath Lua event will now be triggered correctly when killed by an animal
- [Bugfix] Fixed small issue when teleporting a player via Lua
[ 2015-07-07 19:03:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! A small "pre-update" is available, this time it's mainly a multiplayer oriented. We added an RCON interface to the server, so admins can remote control their server. Find an RCON tool on our homepage: http://download.rising-world.net/tools/rcon.zip Just execute the "rcon.jar" to start the program (java is required). Another update will be available around the next weekend, which will finally synchronize custom images in multiplayer (i.e. you will be able to see all images of other players and vice versa). Admins can use the RCON tool now to have a look at all current images that have been uploaded to the server in the past. We recommend to do this before the next update goes live, and to delete all images with inappropriate content. Also expect some fresh content and new features with the next update :) Of course we still work in the biomes update, but it's coming slowly to an end. Expect some screenshots soon.
- [New] RCON server tool to monitor and control your game server
- [New] IPv6 address support when connecting to a multiplayer server (via IP)
- [Change] Contextmenu also listens for key input now (arrow up, arrow down, interaction key)
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which prevented you from loading a map in rare cases
- [Bugfix] PlayerDeath Lua event will now be triggered correctly when killed by an animal
- [Bugfix] Fixed small issue when teleporting a player via Lua
[ 2015-07-07 19:00:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks! A small update is available, introducing a new ingame journal, which contains a small tutorial (first steps and explanation of the inventory and craftingmenu). This should be helpful for new players, but in the future, we will also expand the journal step by step (for example, it will contain your blueprints, or serveradmins will be able to add own custom pages to it etc).
Apart from that, we added several new lamps and a chandelier. And - as usual - a lot of bugs have been fixed, e.g. the "dummy player" bug in multiplayer. Maybe you will also notice the new chat, now it has a background (transparency can be changed in the settings) and linewrapping.
Last but not least we added a new Lua function to create 3D texts in the world (i.e. holographic texts, comparable to the player nametags).
We're btw. also still working on the biome update, so stay tuned ;)
- [New] Several new lamps and a chandelier
- [New] Journal, which contains some sort of a "tutorial" (first steps etc.)
- [New] Improved chat, now has a background and linewrapping (transparency can be changed in the settings), also allows scrolling with pageup/pagedown
- [New] Lua 3DText to create a 3D text in the world
- [Change] Increased spawnrate of aluminium ore
- [Change] Timespeed does work correctly now, also in multiplayer (changeable in the server.properties)
- [Change] Lava (in hell) no longer gives you instant damage
- [Change] Scrollarrows in serverbrowser are now clickable
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue when creating a world and the name contained wrong characters
- [Bugfix] Fixed dummy players in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue after account creating (game tried sometimes to connect to a server automatically)
- [Bugfix] Fixed GUI issue causing the main menu to be visible after loading a world (in rare cases)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "goto playername" command in multiplayer
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong scaled loading screen background on some resolutions
Bugfix 2015-06-17 (
- [Change] Added max char limit to chat
- [Change] Objects are now also useable when in flymode (e.g. open doors, open craftingmenu etc.)
- [Change] Replaced inventory and crafting images in journal (German version)
- [Bugfix] Fixed color issues with chat (when using color codes)
- [Bugfix] Fixed pending "closeConnection" in rare cases (multiplayer)
- [Bugfix] Fixed 'goto #spawn' console command (teleports you to the correct spawn position now)
- [Bugfix] You should no longer fall through the ground when using teleport commands
- [Bugfix] Fixed some minor typos
[ 2015-06-16 19:54:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here is another update! It introduces a new modern workbench. At the same time we moved some recipes to this new workbench. Expect more crafting stations (especially a "modern version" of the blockbench and sawbench) in the near future ;) We also added new items, e.g. a wooden torch holder, and many new basic resources (e.g. lightbulb for lamps). Apart from that, this update brings several tweaks: First of all, you can now move items to chests directly by a doubleclick on them. Of course this also works the other way around. Now you also find a "MIN" and "MAX" button in the crafting menu. When hitting the "MAX" button, the count is automatically set to the maximum (note: it only sets the amount that is still craftable, i.e. if you can craft 24 items, the count is only set to 24 then). Another change concerns the construction elements: We changed the minimum and maximum size of these items, allowing you to build with even higher precision. You can now also change the rotation precision (currently only via console command: 'setconstructionrotation [value]'). Last but not least this update contains a lot of bugfixes. Among others the "falling through ground" bug should now occur less often. Have fun! :)
- [New] New item: wooden torchholder (made out of sticks instead of iron)
- [New] New items: lightbulb, fluorescent lamp (needed to craft lamps)
- [New] New items: copperplate, copperrod, aluminiumplate, aluminiumrod, silverplate, silverrod, goldplate, goldrod, tungstenplate, tungstenrod
- [New] New craftingstation: Modern workbench
- [New] When using a chest, double click on an item to move it directly into the chest (and vice versa)
- [New] Added MIN and MAX buttons to the crafting menu
- [New] New global Lua functions: 'httpRequest(string)' to send a HTTP POST or GET (result is returned as string), and getVersion() which returns the current game version (as string)
- [New] Consolecommand to change rotation precision for construction elements: 'setconstructionrotation value' (low, default, high, veryhigh).
- [Change] Reduced occurrence of the "falling-through-ground" bug
- [Change] Changed minimum size of woodplanks and woodbeams
- [Change] Slightly increased max length of woodplanks to match with woodbeams
- [Change] Changed some recipes
- [Change] You can no longer craft items if there is no more room in your inventory
- [Change] Added smoke effect for fireplaces
- [Change] Lua Vector library is now accessible to create Vector2f,2i,3f,3i,4f,Quaternion (usage example: local vector3f = Vector:createVector3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
- [Bugfix] Fixed problem causing the fireplace grill not to cook meat
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug with smelting furnace light
- [Bugfix] Fixed tiling issues with silver- and tungsten ore texture
- [Bugfix] It is no longer possible to pick up the same object or plant multiple time (item duping)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue with disappearing tree when cutting it into pieces too fast (using creativemode command)
- [Bugfix] Fixed minor typos
- [Bugfix] Fixed rotation of lamp when placing
Bugfix 2015-06-02 (
- [Bugfix] Fixed some recipes (items required "ore" instead of stone)
- [Bugfix] Fixed "inventory is full" issue when crafting placeable objects
[ 2015-06-02 03:10:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Linux_x64 [185.91 M]
Rising World is an open-world sandbox game with randomly generated, fully destructible environments.
Starting with the most basic of tools, collect resources to survive in the wildness. Evolve your world to create one of the biggest cities of all time or a gigantic castle, or simply let your imagination run riot! If being creative is all too much, just connect with your friends and get them to help.
Anything is possible!
- Randomly generated worlds
- Completely modifiable environment
- Both single and multi-player modes
- 200 different building materials
- Place customised images in your world
- Complex and deep network of underground caves
- Environmental physics - trees and items
- Interact with just about everything, right down to playing the piano!
- Day-night-cycle
- Serverside script support (LUA)
Your purchase entitles you to receive all future updates free of charge!
- OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04 (64 bit) or higher
- Processor: 2+ Cores. e.g. Intel Core i3Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: 4 GB VRAM. Vulkan compatibleNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 20 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Java 8 compatible operating system. Proprietary graphics drivers have to be installed to ensure full OpenGL support. this may only apply in some cases. Important: For future versions of the game. a Vulkan compatible graphics adapter is required
- OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04 (64 bit) or higher
- Processor: 4+ Cores. e.g. Intel Core i7Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: 6+ GB VRAM. e.g. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 25 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Java 8 compatible operating system. Proprietary graphics drivers have to be installed to ensure full OpenGL support. this may only apply in some cases. Important: For future versions of the game. a Vulkan compatible graphics adapter is required
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]