https://t.me/hypersomnia_io Ask devs about anything, or just ping others to have a match!
[ 2024-10-22 19:30:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
WE HAVE RELEASED ON CRAZYGAMES.COM!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.crazygames.com/game/hypersomnia You can sign in with Google or Facebook to play ranked matches with your CrazyGames account! CrazyGames is a web game portal with 30 MILLION UNIQUE USERS monthly, and Hypersomnia is finally tapping into this market - we're on the front page!!! PREPARE FOR A WAVE OF NEW WEB PLAYERS! It was hell of a grind to get to this point... half a year of porting to the Web, and additional two months of integrating with crazygames (porting the game to a single thread, adding sdk, 4 rounds of feedback etc.) - this is, indeed, a crazy milestone for the project! The game is now fit to be added to many many other portals offering free browser games - in fact, crazygames itself will distribute it to other sites!
[ 2024-08-08 12:17:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
There was a bug in the config saving routine that is now fixed, but some of your configs might already have saved broken faction colors - e.g. blue for resistance, gray for metropolis. If you experience this, you can simply go to Settings -> Open user folder in explorer. Then edit the config.json file (it will be highlighted) and remove the entire "faction_view" section. Alternatively for a quick solution just press Settings -> Reset all settings to factory defaults and configure your game again from scratch. Sorry for the inconvenience!
[ 2024-07-31 14:02:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Game settings have been reset. Your old settings can still be found in user/config.lua for reference (Settings -> Open user folder in explorer), but you need to set them again manually. Forgive the inconvenience! All other user data (maps etc.) remains 100% intact. We have migrated from LUA to JSON for improved security, efficiency and Hypersomnia codebase simplicity - removed two major dependencies! On a positive note, you now don't have to worry about copy-pasting someone else's config which could previously potentially execute malicious lua code! I would have to do this at some point on the way to scripting because the old Lua version has to be replaced with Roblox's Luau dialect. Great news community server admins! You can now manage MULTIPLE INSTANCES with a SINGLE SERVER PROCESS! No f*ing around with 10s of appdata folders! No 10s of configs flying around! Just pass this to one of your existing ranked server configs: "num_ranked_servers": 4, "num_casual_servers": 2 And a single AppImage process will automatically manage several ranked + casual server instances with incrementing port numbers and name suffixes! This was done to prepare for crazygames.com release so we can instantly scale in case of a sudden influx of players. Other fixes: - Netcode improvements: the game goes back on its feet faster after a lag spike. I upped the maximum number of messages per packet which was too low. - Fixed a nasty interpolation glitch on connect. - Auto-assign based on team score, THEN player count. - Marginal balance updates: Deagle muzzle vel: 5000 -> 5100 (+2%, so it's viable against the revolver), Szczur kill award: $600 -> $900
[ 2024-06-25 16:32:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
YOU CAN NOW PLAY HYPERSOMNIA IN THE BROWSER!!! https://hypersomnia.io/ Your friends don't have to install ANYTHING to play with you! Just send them the browser join link from ESC -> "Invite to join" dialog! Web users and native users can always play on the same servers! You can even play RANKED MATCHES - the web version lets you sign in with Discord! You can still play as guest on casual servers. Happy slacking off at school and at work! Let me know on our Discord if you experience any issues as it's still in development. This is a MASSIVE milestone for us - with the web port ready, we will soon be releasing on crazygames.com - this should bring a whole new wave of players!
[ 2024-06-09 21:55:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Although a little late - I'm extremely proud to announce Hypersomnia is played at this year's PolyLAN event between 10-12th of May! The first tournament was held with 12 TEAMS of 2 competing in Hypersomnia for the first time ever in real life!
Incredibly grateful to all valiant contestants!
The duo at the bottom right have been preparing for months, and, to nobody's surpise, they enjoyed a pretty much landslide victory, winning all 6 matches they partook in!
I would like to thank Legrems, the core event organizer for choosing Hypersomnia to be on this event.
See https://polylan.ch/ for more information.
[ 2024-05-10 18:54:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Deagle: Price: 1200 -> 1600 Muzzle velocity: 5400 -> 5000 (Datum rifle is 5100 for reference) Award: 900 -> 400 (like ak) Weight: 6.95 -> 8.01 (example measured walking speed: 870 units -> 850 units) Pro90: Penetration: 20 -> 50 Muzzle velocity: 5050 units -> 5200 units Cyberspray: Muzzle velocity: 5700 units -> 5950 units
[ 2024-04-23 15:28:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
It was related to client falling way behind the server and interpolation performing wrongly as a result. I also deployed a massive optimization (or rather a fix) to the netcode that should improve performance when the network conditions are good - there was a bug that caused the client to resimulate the world every frame even though it was not necessary whenever it predicted the world correctly.
[ 2024-04-10 00:22:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
The app would sometimes close on its own when alt-tabbing. HRTF would sometimes show as unsupported for headphones that report themselves as 7.1 (the ones using DTS 2.0, e.g. Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset). HRTF should now be enabled on all headphone models increasing gaming comfort.
[ 2024-04-07 19:52:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch implements Linear instead of Exponential interpolation which makes the game incredibly smoother in the 144-400 fps range. There are also separate keybindings to toggle walk and sprint if you prefer to press them once instead of holding the key.
[ 2024-03-28 18:10:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch comes with a manually built GLFW library with both X11 and Wayland frameworks supported natively.
[ 2024-03-22 13:09:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update fixes an extremely rare crash related to multithreading. The Linux build now uses GLFW which fixes some issues with French keyboard layout and possibly gives a better fullscreen behavior. Other minor fixes: - Prevent "AFK!" kick when match is suspended. - Prevent kicking AFK spectators during ranked.
[ 2024-03-21 16:25:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
This should fix a lot of window positioning/sizing issues as well as cursor clipping and even some startup bugs.
[ 2024-02-13 00:12:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ranked matches are live!
Invite your friends to play and steal their MMR! Your nickname and your rank will appear FOR EVERYONE in the main menu!

Will you be the first to reach the legendary Sol Invictus rank (MMR > 55.00)? We're using OpenSkill to calculate MMRs after each match. Don't worry and play 1v3 or 1v2 if you just have 3 players - the algorithm will take even massive team disparities into account! You can track all matches and MMR changes that happened here: https://hypersomnia.xyz/matches
Ranked server commands:
/go - Start match immediately - to work, everyone has to send it. /next - Choose a random next map from the cycle. /map de_metro - Loads a specific map: "de_metro". Map must be in the ranked cycle. These can only be used once during countdown and only once every 30 seconds.
[ 2024-02-02 22:38:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
The game should now launch fine regardless of current locale.
[ 2024-01-20 15:51:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Made some important bugfixes during the game's launch process. It should resolve all errors related to "try_generate_sanitized_filename" at startup.
[ 2024-01-20 15:45:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
In short: this update nerfs SMGs, dual-wielding, and buffs sniper rifles and utility grenades so they are all a bit more reliable. Dual-wielding walking speed penalty: 15% -> 22% (Nerf) Pro90 weight: 3.98 kg -> 4.84 kg (Nerf) (affects movement speed) Cyberspray weight: 1.47 kg -> 1.96 kg (Nerf) (affects movement speed) Cyberspray price: $2100 -> $2600 (Nerf) Hunter muzzle velocity: 10000 px/s -> 14000 px/s (Buff) Awka muzzle velocity: 11000 px/s -> 18000 px/s (Buff) Flashbang radius: 1250 px -> 2100 px (Buff) PED radius: 700 px -> 1100 px (Buff) Others: You can now throw grenades further while running. Dashing makes them go even further. Interference grenades now ignore armor. This means they are now extremely reliable for deactivating people's stamina for good several seconds. PISTOL STANCE HITBOX HAS BEEN FIXED!!! Previously, it was EXTREMELY HARD to get a hit on the pistol/smg-wielding opponents. That's because the hitbox, while rotated 90 degrees, still didn't match the silhouette perfectly - e.g. on this screenshot, you could shoot through the opponent's arm like this without dealing damage at all. This has now been fixed.
[ 2023-12-31 13:45:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Hypersomnia is a hardcore arena mixing eSports with pixely nostalgia.
Every match will be unforgiving - every duel a psychological battle.
More of a peaceful soul?
Unleash your creativity in the WYSIWYG in-game map Editor that lets you instantly playtest your maps online.
It's all free and open-source.
Written without a game engine, in bare C++. Only 50 MB.
Feel free to build it yourself from GitHub and modify Hypersomnia to your heart's content.
- 24 unique firearms.
- 2 game modes: Bomb defusal (team-based) and Gun game (free-for all).
- 6 magic spells, 4 grenade types and 7 melee weapons.
- An in-game map editor that lets you host a work-in-progress map to test with your friends in a single click. Quickly iterate your map unlike in any game engine.
Declare allegiance to one of the three factions whose apple of discord is a disparity between prevailing notions of moral excellence:
Metropolis. Atlantis. Resistance.
Will you take revenge for the unethical simulation of an inferior universe? Will you support the cruel experiments to win total control over metempsychosis? Or will you join the underground civilization that awaits the end of war in this dangerous afterlife reality?
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.0Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 128 MB available space
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