Welcome to our fifth blog post on the development of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo. This time we want to talk about one of (if not) the most important parts of the game: The characters!
The world of Limbo is brought to live (ironically) by those who inhabit it. Its through the characters that you connect with the world that you explore.
Most of the residents of Limbo are cursed into these lands due to unresolved business from their time in the world of the living. A huge part of the game is becoming familiar with these souls and learning their story and what has brought them here.
The Notebook will help you keep track of important details!
Now, lets go over the many colorful folks youll meet on your adventures!
Kulebra The Star of the Show
No better place to start than with the one youll be seeing this world through: Kulebra, the snake with a heart of gold!

Kulebras adventure starts waking up at the bottom of a chasm. He seems to have no recollection of how he ended up in this place, but it soon becomes clear that he has died and is now in Limbo. As with all other souls trapped in Limbo, there are deep regrets within Kulebras soul that are shackling into Limbo, even if hes still not fully aware what that is. Fortunately, Kulebra has a special trait that makes him distinct from other souls; hes a Bright Soul.

A Bright Soul is a spirit with an inherent desire to help others; their kindness, working as a guiding light for those souls unable to find their way back on their own. One key trait that separates Bright Souls apart is their resistance to the curse of Limbo, which traps souls in a time-loop, repeating the same day over and over. Why was he given this role? Theres hope that Kulebras journey through Limbo will help him answer this question and find his purpose in this new world. Kulebra is a snake of VERY few words, but he doesnt have trouble communicating. He is a very skilled individual with many techniques at his disposal, such as rolling for fast traveling, eavesdropping, and even lockpicking (dont ask where he learned that last one, lets just say hes a pretty sneaky guy).

Theres plenty of more folks to meet, so what do you say we let them share the spotlight too.
Friends along the way
Kulebras not the only one willing to show kindness in Limbo, there are plenty of others that will more than happily give you a hand.
The Old Lady
The Old Lady is the first person(?) you meet after waking up. After helping her out of a precarious situation, she introduces you to the world of Limbo and reveals your nature as a Bright Soul.

She claims to just be an Old Lady that accidentally trapped herself, but its clear that theres more to this Old Lady than what she claims to be. Nonetheless, she helps to ease you on your new journey by directing you to a place where youll find your reason for being in Limbo. Theres probably much worse things to encounter in your first time in the afterlife. The question remains: Whos this Old Lady? And why is she so keen on helping you? Whatevers the case, this is likely not the last time youll cross paths.

Krow and the Wing Union
Theres another helpful little fella thats crucial to your adventure, and this one looks a lot livelier: Krow!

Ever chirpy and hardworking, Krow is a delivery bird working under the Wing Union; an organization tasked with assisting souls trapped in Limbo. His latest assignment includes delivering letters and packages to Kulebra. Krow might not be as knowledgeable of the inner workings of Limbo as a certain lady we just talked about, but his innate curiosity and frequent travels let him into rumors and gossip from all around Limbo. If you need to know something, chances are Krow knows a thing or two. Hes a reliable guy!

Even though Krow is wandering in Limbo, hes still very much alive and still has a long life ahead! Birds are able to enter the realm of the dead as visitors. Better yet, theyre completely unaffected by the curse of Limbo, which is what allows the Wing Union to operate! There are, however, some less-than-honest birds that take advantage of this for their own selfish gains. Krow knows someone like that. There will be many more Wing Union members thatll assist you in your quest. Youll become acquainted (and even friends) with many of the birds that are keeping the gears of this union going. Some might not be as enthusiastic as our Krow, but they all play an important role!

Other Souls in Limbo
I think its time to look at the other souls that are on their own journey through Limbo as well!
Flora & Rosa
The first two lost souls youll meet are the two residents in Dead Valley: Flora and Rosa!

Flora and Rosa are the owners of Rosas Flower Shop. This daughter and mother duo sell flowers to those interested (and skilled enough). Theyre having a liquidation sale and are relocating once theyve sold all their inventory, including the rare Estrella flower. A place named Dead Valley its probably not the best spot to find potential customers interested in gardening, though.

Despite the store being named after Rosa, Flora does most of the work around the store nowadays (shes still got her youthful energy after all). Her plans have hit a snag: Shes unable to find the keys to the flower shops garden; very unusual from Flora given that she is pretty good at staying on top of things. Rosa on the other hand, is exclusively spending her time tending to the Estrella flower shes always carrying around, which she takes VERY seriously. She rarely leaves her reclining chair too, and her memory hasnt gotten any better over the years. She seems content with her daughters handling of the store, nonetheless.

While on the surface they dont look troubled, theres certainly something [TO FINISH]. At times you catch a glimpse of the underlying grief. May there be a connection between their troubles and their goal of selling all their flowers? Is there anyone else besides Flora & Rosa that knows their story? And Flora & Rosas tale is only one of many...
Many More Stories to Witness
Limbo is a home to many stories that are still in need of a conclusion: An astronomer looking for a friend they grew apart from; a bartender organizing a coup to overthrow a sheriff ruling with an iron fist; A merchant robot traveling the lands to fulfill their purpose; A wrestler that lost his passion for what he once fought for; A sibling trying to ease up the pain to the person theyve hurt the most. And more. The pen to write the happy ending of these souls lies within your hands.
Blanc Souls
And then there are Blanc Souls! Spirits in Limbo that dont have strong attachments, and thus, have a weaker presence in land of the dead.

Sport fanaticism exists even in the afterlife. These guys dont have complex issues, and quite frankly, are not the sharpest tool in the box. However, their simplicity means that it doesnt take a lot to help them find their way out of Limbo. There are many types of Blanc Souls with different personalities and attires, but if theres one thing they all have in common, its being silly.

Daytime vs Nighttime. He lost the fight.
The Not so Friendly Folks
Unfortunately, there are also many souls that will prove to be an obstacle to reaching the end of the tunnel. Even pacifists like Kulebra are unable to avoid confrontations.
Dark Souls
If a soul that is unable and unwilling to face their problems is forced to confront them, theres a good chance theyll lash out to avoid facing the truth. The result is the soul losing their identity and becoming whats known as a Dark Soul. To help them come back to their former self, youll need to remind them who they were by answering various personal questions regarding their previous identity. Getting to know the characters that inhabit Limbo is the key to opening the way forward.

An Ominous Entity
Theres also hints of a dark entity that has become aware of your actions helping other souls in Limbo, and theyre not happy. Its unknown why this entity is bothered by your intervention in helping these souls, but one thing is certain: Youll need to be careful.

(Note: Theyve got a little makeover since the demo was first released. Weve been busy!)
What do you think?
We hope you enjoyed looking at a part of the cast that will be joining Kulebra in his adventure through Limbo. Thank you very much for checking it out and we hope to see you here on our next development blog post. Toodle-oo!
[ 2025-02-25 16:04:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello souls of Limbo!
Looking for something wholesome, warm, and whimsical to play during Steam Next Fest? Check out the demo for Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo, the upcoming Latin-American flavored narrative adventure from Galla Games and Fellow Traveller!
As Kulebra, a loveable (and quite dead!) snake, you will undertake an afterlife adventure consisting of time loops, puzzle-solving and soul-searching investigations in an effort to break the curse of Limbo - a phenomenon that causes the residents to experience the same day on repeat - and help those lost souls move on.
Along the way, youll use your sharp investigative skills, slithery charm and excellent rolling ability, all whilst enjoying a laugh or two.
Check out this segment on the game from last year's Latin American Games Showcase.
You can also find out more about the world of Kulebra in Galla Games series of developer blogs which cover the fascinating world of Limbo, showcase the game's unique art and environments, and much more.
Keep your eyes peeled for a new blog later this week!
So don't delay. Grab the demo today and join Kulebra and his friends on an afterlife adventure through the world of Limbo.
If you're looking for more Kulebra Kontent, be sure to join the Galla Games Discord where you can get exclusive art & wallpapers, behind the scenes updates, chat with fans, or even learn a little Spanish!
For more updates on Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo, follow Galla Games on Bluesky, Twitter/X or Instagram.
For more information on story-rich indie games, follow Fellow Traveller on Bluesky, TikTok, Instagram or Threads. You can also join our official Discord.
[ 2025-02-25 00:33:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo is participating in the Laughs & Smiles Game Festival, a digital showcase celebrating games that will make you laugh and/or smile!
The event is hosted on Steam and will between January 30th and February 6th. Check it out here: https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/CrunchingKoalas/sale/LaughsAndSmiles2025
Please try out our demo!
Until next time,
[ 2025-01-30 19:00:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Everyone, welcome to our fourth development blog post!
Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo has been in development for a long time now. Today were looking into our development journey and how we landed on the idea of a time-loop journey helping souls in the land of the dead!
If you havent had a chance yet, you can read our previous blogs here, here and here!
The journey to the making of Kulebras journey.
We have a Bluesky account!
Before anything else, wed like to let you know we have an official Bluesky account. Its a good place to keep up to date with the games development! Give us a follow!

Kulebra and the Souls of Limbos Origins
As you may already know, our first game before Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo was an endless scroller for Android and iOS where you would avoid obstacles by zig-zagging in a journey through a land called Limbo. The game was called Culebra. Sounds familiar, yeah?

The environment would change depending on how far you got. Originally, the main character was intended to be a living snake, but we just couldnt get the tail right. It was pretty hard to achieve a long seamless tail in the game engine, it would look like blocks following each other. In order to get around this, we went through a lot of ideas and permutations, eventually ending up with the skeleton design which allowed us to separate the tail into parts without it looking weird. The rest of the theme was born around the solution to that one limitation!

Id never imagine how far that one decision would take us. After we finished the mobile games development, we completed our goal of having a smaller scale project out there, but we thought that the world and characters of this game had potential for much more than what we could do on our first steps into game development. We decided to take the concept and re-imagine it for an adventure game focused on helping souls move to the afterlife. That idea was closer to the games we felt helped us start our game dev journey. The games we loved, and still love, playing.
Our First Steps
The core gameplay and lore aspects of the game were set very early on. Youre a snake that wakes up in Limbo, tasked with helping other souls solve their lingering problems and allowing them to finally rest. The souls in Limbo are trapped in a time-loop, and youll need to account for their routine to find the breadcrumbs thatll lead you to your goal of helping them move on from this, well, Limbo. We originally started with a first-person visual novel perspective. You would interact with the environment and characters with a cursor.

Concept art for the first-person view version of the game. We eventually decided to experiment with a 3rd-person perspective. We decided that having a tangible presence in Limbo is a very important part to make it feel alive, so to speak! We started with a little space as proof of concept, experimenting with different art styles as we put things together.

Our very first build!
The First Demo
After cleaning up the visuals, we decided to start working on a small prologue that would work as a sample of the game in our spare time. This prologue eventually became the first chapter of the game and the demo thats currently available for play. We started development in 2017 using our spare time. Throughout our work in the demo,we managed to settle on a structure for the game. Everything fell into place.

The journey to our first demo. The demo ended up being a lot bigger than we expected. We were very happy with the result and the reception of it. After a complete demo, a successful Kickstarter campaign, and the support from our publishing partner, Fellow Traveller, we finally had what we needed to kick things into full gear!

Through working on the demo, we nailed what Kulebra was all about!
Game Development
Since 2022, weve been working on the full version of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo. Weve taken a multiple passes approach. We worked on a chapter draft from start to finish, and then we moved to the next one until we had a draft of the complete game. Then we returned at the start and started polishing each chapter again, making our way forward to the ending.
Chapter Development
We start with a draft of the chapter: A very simple version that has a lot of placeholders, but its playable from start to finish. On our second pass, we start adding colors and music and work on adjusting gameplay and story elements. We do the same on our third pass, but at this point we make sure we reach a complete look: No more placeholder assets.

A visual representation of our passes approach. We might make some additional passes to some areas that can be tweaked here and there, but at this point were mostly set. This method goes for all aspects of the game: story, gameplay, art, dialogue, music, all of it!|

The final version is always smaller in size. Nice and compact is better!
Using this method with the characters, we start with one still black and white image as part of the draft phase. Later we refine the design and add animations to it, though they remain in black and white. Once we have all the animations we need, we proceed to color them to finish it.

Draft, black and white, and final.
Development Report
We report on our progress on our Kickstarter page every month on how the games development is going. Our backers trust us to complete the game, so its important for us to let them know that were fulfilling our promise! If youre curious about seeing them, you can see all our development posts here!

And were still going! The latest one was in December!
And more to go!
Thanks for reading our piece on the development process of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo! We hope it was informative on top of being fun. Personally speaking, looking through old versions of the game makes me realize just how much weve put into this game. Theres still more for us to do, but were very excited to reach the end of the road! Thank you for joining us in the journey to the release of the game, and well be seeing you on our next blog post. Bye!

A silly sketch we found in our old files: Kulebra being used as a weapon.
[ 2025-01-09 23:16:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello to all you bright souls!
We're thrilled to share with you that Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo will be participating in the Latin American Games Showcase, a platform that strives to increase the visibility of the video games being developed in the LATAM Region and Latin Americans in the World.
Make sure you tune in on December 10, 2024 at 4pm PT to catch a special segment on the game, along with a whole bunch of other amazing games!
Visit the website for more information, and don't forget to check out the Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo demo if you haven't already.
[ 2024-12-09 03:25:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, welcome to the third blog post of the development of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo. Today were explaining how the world of Limbo works. This will give you a different lens through which you can experience the story of the game. If you havent had a chance yet, you can read our previous two blogs here and here.
What IS Limbo?
Limbo is not a physical place in the world; You cant point to it on a map. Instead, Limbo is a spiritual realm which lies in an overlap between the living world and the great beyond. The souls of Limbo, being trapped by their unfinished business, are mostly unaware of having passed away.

All souls in Limbo have a reason to be there. Including Kulebra. Unfortunately, theyre unable to make any progress because of the Curse of Limbo. Every night, the world returns to how it was at the start of the day, and the souls forget all the events that transpired. Essentially, theyre stuck in a time-loop. Not all is lost for them, powerful emotions will leave a mark in these souls, letting them bring those memories past the reset. Itll take several cycles, but with proper help, these souls will find a resolution.

At the end of the day, everything will return to how it was. Limbo is a malleable place which adapts and reflects those who inhabit it. Souls that arrive at Limbo will bring part of their living environment with them, so the locales you find are imitations of their living-world counterparts. Once a soul leaves Limbo, the environment they brought with them and their traces will eventually disappear as well, though sometimes other souls (or birds) can repurpose these and make them their own.

The environments themselves tell a story. And nows a good time to segway into the different types of inhabitants in Limbo.
The Souls of Limbo
All the souls in Limbo have one thing in common: A reason that keeps them from moving on. We can separate them into four categories: Lost souls, Dark Souls, Blanc souls, and Bright souls.
Lost Souls
Lost souls are the spirits of people who had a significant unresolved task that is not allowing them to move on. They have a set routine because the curse of Limbo resets all their actions. Most named souls you encounter will fall here.

Rosa and Flora are the first of the many Lost Souls youll meet.
Dark Souls
However, what happens to a lost soul that never resolves their problems? Over time, their frustrations will taint their hearts. These dark emotions will consume them, and once theyre completely taken over, they (and those nearby) will be taken to a dark realm of their own doing to never see the light again. While tainted souls can still be helped, they will be very averse in confronting their situation. In these cases, theres no option but to force them to come face to face with their problems. It is a dangerous situation for everyone involved, but its the only hope they have to heal.

Dark souls wont concede so easily. Will you be able to help them?
Blanc Souls
Blanc souls are ones that have a weak tie to their past lives, usually due to their unresolved issue being relatively simple (sometimes they might even solve it themselves). Since Blanc souls are a piece of a soul, their appearance only reflects small traits of them. Theyre affected by the curse all the same as regular souls. Usually it only takes a slight push to help them find their way out of Limbo, so its never a bad idea to check on Blanc Souls you find on your way.

This Blanc Soul REALLY likes rock-paper-scissors.
Bright Souls
Bright souls are guiding spirits that help other souls find their way out of Limbo. These souls are the product of kind beings that have a natural affinity to help others. Unlike the other souls, Bright souls keep their memories throughout the time-loop, which help in their mission to guide others towards a resolution. Kulebra is one of these souls, a snake with a heart of gold. However, while Bright souls help other souls escape Limbo, theyre not any less trapped than them.

Hey, look! Thats you! So, this brings up characters like our dear old Krow, where does he fit?
The Birds among the Dead
Birds are special in Limbo, they are the only living beings capable of crossing to the realm of Limbo. Youll meet many living birds that have come to Limbo for their own reasons.

Krow (left) is a hard-working member of the Wing Union. Pica (right) is a jerk. The Wing Union is an organization of birds tasked to help souls in Limbo find a resolution to the problems. Not much is known about how the Wing Union was formed, but they have grown considerably from their humble beginnings. According to their members, the Wing Unions salaries and benefits are pretty good; They might not offer free dental care, but their employees dont seem to mind.

The Wing Union HQ. Looking sharp!
The Ancient Ruins
A mystery lies within the lands of Limbo. Ruins of a long lost civilization whisper tales of forgotten times. Who they were and what they represent have been lost to time, and most souls that arrive at Limbo dont pay them any attention. Perhaps youll uncover the secrets within these temples.

Open sesame wont work on this door. Until next month! Galla
[ 2024-11-26 08:22:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
[h1Let's talk about the new things coming up!
Welcome to our second Dev Blog! This time we'd like to share with you some of the new features you can expect from the full version of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo.
If you need a refresher of what's already in the demo, you can check our first blog post. But for now, let's not waste any more time and get to it!
A Bigger World
The chapters that come after the demo end will expand the world of Limbo considerably. Chapter 2 alone is about three times as big as Chapter 1.

The extra space gives us more freedom in where and how we set up the puzzles, the lore, and the characters (and more places to hide pearls too). This opening up of the world is what opens the door to all the features we'll be telling you about here. We hope you enjoy exploring the world beyond the frontiers of Dead Valley! We made a big effort to make sure each Chapter of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo has its own flavor.
Blanc Souls
In your journey through Limbo you'll spot many puffy-looking cloud-like folks. These are Blanc Souls, spirits with a shaky, delicate link to something unresolved that keeps them trapped in Limbo.

Because the thing that keeps them in Limbo is relatively trivial, only a part of them manifests, which results in these cuddly clouds. If you have the time, why not set aside a few minutes and see if you can help them? While its not necessary to move the story forward, they're usually pretty generous. In case you're having trouble looking for these fellas, you can always visit the Wing Union's help board to see what souls need some helping.

We have briefly teased this one in our store page. It's time we go more in depth about it!

At various points you'll need to sneak around guards. The "why" might change, but the goal is all the same: Stay out of their line of sight and look out for an opening to get by. If you do get spotted then it's time to shift gears and get the heck outta there! Don't let that happen; Pay attention to the guards and all of the tools at your disposal to succeed. The sneaking sections themselves are a puzzle; Its not only about getting by undetected, youll need to take care of obstacles to reach your goal (A mix of tension and puzzle solving). They bring an occasional change of pace that the games flow benefits a lot from; Same reason why we came up with the Dark Soul encounters. This was originally a one-time thing, but it fit so well that we decided to expand on it (And the game stars a snake, so it's only natural!).

Meteor Pearls
While wandering at night, you will occasionally spot a pink meteor fall from the sky. These are known as "Meteor Pearls", and it's another way to gather pearls in your adventures.

While you won't spot them during the daytime or evening, falling pearls you miss can always be picked up during the next cycle. There might be new pearls in areas you've cleared out before, so it helps to always keep an eye out for their sparkles. If you're in need of some pearls, the "Meteor Pearls Report" around Limbo will help hint you at any nearby pearls. There are some new things after the demo concludes you'll be able to use them for. You wont need to find every single one of them to progress, but dont let that stop you if you want to track them all down. Some of the residents of Limbo might trade you something for them.

It's time we talk about something weve teased in some of our previews on social media, the various new drinks available for purchase!

These drinks will provide effects that will make your time in Limbo easier. This includes things like moving faster, giving you more time in a day, etc. Not only are they convenient, but they might help you get out of a tight spot. It's good to always keep a few on hand just in case.

Messages in a Bottle
One of the many trinkets you can find in Limbo are Messages in Bottles. You can think of these as fortune cookies scattered around Limbo waiting for you to discover them. Some have words of advice, some have a pretty picture, some have both!

A good chunk of these messages have been brought to you by our wonderful Kickstarter backers. We hope you enjoy reading them!
And Plenty to Discover
There are many more things to look forward to, but of course we don't want to spoil the surprises! For now, we hope these previews give you a better idea of what to expect, and we hope you're just as excited as we are to the full release. Thank you for ready, and peace!
[ 2024-10-24 23:50:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Annual Fellow Traveller Publisher Sale is now on with up to 90% off story rich games!
Take me to the Publisher Sale There are plenty of indie narrative titles on sale from Fellow Traveller - so whether you're looking for something new, a bargain, some cool soundtracks and bundles, or even something to play on Steam Deck, we're sure to have something just for you. While you're there, check out the first blog from Galla, the developers of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo. There's also a generous demo available on the store page, so why not give it a try? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246470/Kulebra_and_the_Souls_of_Limbo/ Sale ends 24th September, so get in quick!
[ 2024-09-12 09:50:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Welcome to the beginning of our series of blog posts for Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo! Leading up to the release of the game, we'll be sharing with you some "kool" details about the game every month! We're talking things like upcoming game mechanics, early character and world designs, behind-the-scenes work, and a lot more!!

For today, we want to introduce you to the world of Limbo and some interesting things to look forward to!
The World of Limbo
Limbo is a place where troubled souls linger in search of fulfilling something that they couldn't in their lifetime. Unable to let go of their worries, they are cursed to repeat the same day over and over, unless they're helped and guided towards reaching a resolution.

You'll follow the journey of one of these many souls, Kulebra. A snake with a heart of gold, Kulebra is somehow able to remember events from previous cycles. A mysterious Old Lady indicates that Kulebra is a "Bright Soul", a compassionate spirit that can also illuminate the way for those lost in Limbo. Perhaps guiding others along their path can help shine that light on your own and answer the mystery of Why are YOU here?

While Limbo is the land of the dead, that has not stopped some lively and featherly friends from making their way into it. The Wing Union is an organization who have taken it upon themselves with aiding the lost souls in finding their way. Krow is one of its many members that will be accompanying you in your journey!

A Detective from, and for, the Great Beyond
Knowledge and items are your main tools to the challenges that await you in Limbo. Through exploration (and snooping around) you'll learn about its inhabitants and will find many objects at your disposal. It's up to you to connect these puzzle pieces to discover more about the inhabitants and continue on your journey in this land of the dead!

There are three main things you can do with items: Use, Combine, and Examine. Using an item depends on the context; Use a key to open a door, give a letter for someone to read. Combine will allow you to, well, combine two compatible items into one. And lastly, examine will let you spot details that might be hidden at first glance. The how and when to use them will be revealed by the clues you find! You can think of them as keys with locks that you'll have to discover through clever thinking.

As for these clues I keep mentioning, dont worry, you dont need a perfect memory! This is where your trusty Notebook comes into play. It'll keep track of important notes about the folks you meet. It will also track objectives and side-quests so that you can get right back on track if you take a break! It's definitely one of the features that ended up being a lot more useful than we initially thought!

Breaking the Cycle
One of the koolest features in this game is its time and schedule system! As you play, time will progress, bringing changes to the environment and characters within it. A day is divided into three sections: Daytime, evening, and nighttime; Each one brings a different mood to the world, and a change to the world's characters depending on their routine. Learning of the events throughout a day is a crucial part of the game!

The curse of Limbo keeps souls trapped in a never-ending time loop. At the end of the day, you'll be sent back to the start, with the souls you've met forgetting everything they (or you) did. But don't fret, not only is this something you can turn to your favor, but there's also a way for your actions to not end in vain. If you manage to have a strong impact on a soul, these memories will linger even after a reset in the form of a "Soul Mark". As a Bright Soul you have the ability to leave lasting changes on this cursed land and the denizens within it.

The Darkness in those who Refuse
Every soul in Limbo has a different reason for ending up there, and some are not willing to leave and let go that easily. Those that refuse to confront their problems will be slowly poisoned by them, eventually turning them into a "Dark Soul".

When pushed to confront their deep-rooted fears, these "Dark Souls" lash out in an effort to deny them. If not brought back to their senses, they will eventually be consumed by their darkness, dragging those nearby with them somewhere where there is no return. In these cases, you'll need to guide the "Dark Souls" back to their former selves by answering questions about things you've learned about them. You can think of these as a "final exam" of sorts. Think carefully about what you say to them, and use your notebook if you're not sure. Otherwise, you might end up making things worse! These are tense conflicts that bring a sense of danger to the experience.

Moving Forward
This game has been our biggest endeavor thus far. It's been 6 years of work and love we've put into this project, and there's still lots to go! We've only gotten this far thanks to the support and encouragement of the many wonderful people we've met during all these years. From our early players, fellow developers, our Kickstarter backers, friends and family, and the folks at Fellow Traveller; This project is only here thanks to all of them.

There's still so much to talk about, and this is just the beginning of it. Next post we'll go over some new features that will be present in the full version of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo! If you haven't played the demo yet, please give it a whirl and tell us what you think. We're excited to bring you along with us and thank you for joining us on this journey of ours! Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day!

[ 2024-09-11 17:01:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Check your watch and avoid stepping on any butterflies! Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo is taking part in the Time Masters Festival, running from July 22-29 10:00am Pacific!
As Kulebra youll explore Limbo, a vibrant, Latin American flavored afterlife full of danger, intrigue, humor, sneakery, and deep, dark mystery. Youll be using many tricks and skills to help the colourful (literally) residents of Limbo accept and embrace their issues of loss, trauma, and the consequences of not letting go as they repeat their days again, and again.
The demo is currently available for you to play during the Festival, so be sure to check it out, and don't forget to wishlist!
[ 2024-07-22 17:00:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join the brothers Paulo Lara and Pavel Lara as they play through their upcoming game Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo. They'll casually discuss details of the game's development, flavored with plenty of silly comments as the Wing Union keeps them in check through the bird cam!
So hop in and enjoy the stream with the Galla team and Tiara, the Wing Union's manager!
[ 2024-05-02 01:05:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
It was recently announced that the wholesome 3D adventure, Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo has joined the Fellow Traveller family! We sat down with the developers, Galla Games Paulo and Pavel Lara, to get to know them and the game a little more.
First up, please introduce yourselves! Who are Galla Games and what is your journey so far?
We're a team of two brothers originally from the Dominican Republic. With Paulo Lara being the main artist, and Pavel Lara being the main programmer, we started into game development back in 2014 inspired by the games we enjoyed as kids. Our first game was an endless-runner mobile game released in 2015. By the time it was released we had already moved to the United States, and it's where we're currently located. In 2017, with the help of a talented musician, we started development on our first full game that is Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo.
Tell us a bit about Kulebra and how development has gone to date.
I have to say that development is going great. At least it's the most fun I've had tackling a project by far! At a very early stage the development of the core gameplay was quite the slow and heavy process. Putting the main aspects of the game took many iterations, and a few shifts in direction, but once the core idea was established, it's been a pretty smooth and interesting process. Of course, being an adventure game, every chapter we tackle brings its own box of surprises, but having the core gameplay in vision has always helped us to keep things manageable while being fairly consistent, refreshing, and fun. It's been interesting to look back at ideas from years ago and see them materialize. It is always an impressive experience during the process.

What was the inspiration behind the main character, Kulebra? Why are they a snake?
This is a fun one! Kulebra was first designed for a simple mobile game focused on lore elements around it. It was endless runner zig-zagging game in which you had to avoid hitting obstacles, and we thought a snake was the perfect main character. Due to some technical limitations, we couldn't have a typical snake tail moving fluidly in game, so we decided to chop the tail in pieces and that's where the tail made of separate bones came from. The whole world of Kulebra grew from that initial idea. The mobile game took place in the same Universe of today's Kulebra, but the lore elements were shown as rewards for reaching further distances in game, like written letters, new characters, toys, etc. Kulebra and his universe grew on us quite a lot, so we had a pretty hard time shelving them for who knows how long. With that also came the feeling that the mobile market was not fitting for what we wanted to create, so we decided to restart the world of Kulebra and make it into a game we'd really be proud of. So when you look back at the character's history it makes much more sense!
Did you set out to create a wholesome game or was that something you stumbled across in development?
I would say that we didn't set out to create a wholesome game, but it came as a secondary effect because of the game's core nature. We think presenting a fun and interesting world with engaging characters is one of the most important aspects for a game to be impactful. With a game set in the afterlife, we thought the best way to experience it was by getting to know its people and helping them. I guess everything else comes from the subjects the game tackles. Grief, love, happiness, and the search for selfless fulfillment. All wrapped around a colorful and inviting art style with the idea of letting the player know that they can approach these characters and their problems with a certain sense of humbleness and looseness that only comes from true kindness of the heart. A happy accident of some sort.

Is there any particular message you want players to take away from their time with Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo? The game presents many different situations and perspectives that you can experience and learn from, but a central theme of Kulebra is showing both the good and the bad that comes from helping others. Is it worth the effort and sacrifice? That's for you to decide, but we like to think so. Thanks for your time! Were looking forward to seeing more of Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo in the near future! To stay up to date with all things Kulebra and the team at Galla Games, visit their website, follow Galla Games and us on Twitter, and join in the discussion on the Fellow Traveller Discord server. Dont forget to play the demo and wishlist Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246470/Kulebra_and_the_Souls_of_Limbo/
[ 2023-09-19 17:00:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Annual Fellow Traveller Publisher Sale starts today, with up to 90% off narrative games
Take me to the Publisher Sale There are plenty of indie narrative titles on sale from Fellow Traveller - so whether you're looking for something new, a bargain, some cool soundtracks and bundles, or even something to play on Steam Deck, we're sure to have something just for you. Sale ends 1st October.
Along with Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo, there are two new games joining the Fellow Traveller family; Scrabdackle and Wander Stars - read up on each of them below!

- Wander Stars: Follow the story of Ringo and Wolfe as they join forces to collect the pieces of the Wanderstar Map in this turn-based RPG with roguelite elements! Use words to create your own fighting techniques, befriend your rivals, and explore the universe in an adventure inspired by 90s anime.
- Scrabdackle: As a novice wizard, discover the intricate world of Scrabdackle and experience the impact wizardkind has unknowingly had upon it. Scrabdackle is a hand-drawn, non-linear adventure with a vast, intricate overworld, tight and responsive combat, cheeky banter, and pages of lore to discover.
[ 2023-09-18 17:00:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today, we are thrilled to reveal that Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo will be published by Fellow Traveller! Be sure to wishlist to follow developments for the full game.

Hi everyone! We wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who have checked out the prologue for Kulebra, and to share the awesome news that Fellow Traveller will be publishing our game! As the publisher of such great narrative indie games as Citizen Sleeper, Paradise Killer, The Pale Beyond and Beacon Pines, just to name a few, we think they will be a perfect fit for our tale of the mystery of Limbo.

Fellow Traveller are an indie publisher focusing on narrative video games, check out their full catalogue here. Fellow Traveller also run LuddoNarraCon, the annual digital convention celebrating narrative video games, hosted on Steam. We're delighted to be working with them to bring you Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo, and we look forward to bringing you more news on the full game soon!
[ 2023-09-14 13:52:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo is a 3D adventure game where you’ll meet the many good and not-so-good folks of Limbo, a place where souls with deep regrets are cursed into repeating the same day on a loop. Use your wits and keen eye to gather clues from the residents and find items that will help you to breach the obstacles in your path one by one.
You play as Kulebra, a dead snake with a heart of gold that wakes up in Limbo. With his only lead being the words of a strange Old Lady, he embarks on a quest to find his purpose while sharing his light with the residents in hopes of helping them as well.
- Explore and interact with the world to gather clues and items that will help you open doors in your quest (figuratively and literally).
- A game that will reward you for interacting with the world, paying attention to details, and connecting the dots.
- Full of characters with their own quirks, side stories, and schedules that bring life to this world despite most of them being very dead.
- An in-game day, dusk, and night cycle that will change the world and characters, ending with the curse that resets the souls of Limbo back to the start.
- A notebook will keep track of important details for you, so you can't blame me if you weren't paying attention.
- Confront the dark souls attempting to put out your light; Overcome their challenges that will test everything you’ve learned in this journey.
- Bilingual! This game supports the English and Spanish languages.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04+ (64-bit)
- Processor: AMD A6-5200 APU 2.0GhzMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Radeon HD 8400-R3
- Storage: 3 GB available space
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