We are really glad that people tested our game! Your input will be very valuable for the future development of "Mr. Stretch and the Stolen Fortune. We want to hear what you have to say, whether it be a partially complete playtest sheet (due today), a quick comment in our Steam discussion boards, a scathing review, a suggestion on our Discord channel, or a bug report. We know that this is a lot to ask because most of us live pretty busy lives, but we hope that you have enjoyed playing our game regardless.
If you have a play test sheet that is even slightly filled out, please turn it in soon by emailing us at muketronics@outlook.com . With the radio silence we've been getting it would be extra nice to hear from you!
Mr. Stretch will be entering early access with the "Ghost in the Plumbing" update coming on October 28th! If you want to play more of the game, or if you want to support the project, please consider picking up a copy! We intent to do several more huge updates, check them out here.
Join our Discord!Subscribe on YouTube!Check out our website!See our full development roadmap!
Join the late Mr. Stretch on his quest to reclaim his fortune, stolen from him by an old enemy that Mr. Stretch can't quite remember. Mr. Stretch must return to his old manor and gather up all of his treasure so that he can return it to his tomb, and bask in it's brilliance. There must be more than meets the eye to this theft, but Mr. Stretch's memory is getting foggy as he grows older. All Mr. Stretch knows is that he'll do anything to get his fortune back.
Stretch from wall to wall to reclaim your treasure, and move to the exit to escape before the assorted spooks can steal it back.
Navigate dangerous hazards and intriguing obstacles.
Explore 5 differently themed areas, and over 100 challenging levels.
Collect lost journal pages to uncover secrets of the past.
Test your skills and try beating every level with par score.
Best the hidden bosses and beat the game the hard way.
OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7
Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.