Finally, I've added upgrades (passive items) to my roguelike!
So far, there are 24 of them, and I made a quick little video showing what happens when you have (almost) all of them.
I'm aiming to have at least 100 of these upgrades in the game, each with upsides and downsides.
The plan is to replace all shop items with upgrades - so weapons will instead be acquired by killing enemies and finding weapons strewn about the level.
You will have however many points to spend on equipping them, costing more for stronger upgrades, and you'll probably get more of these points by defeating bosses.
Another feature I want to include is changing the order of your upgrades, which will be evaluated from left to right, though this will require a menu in my otherwise non-modal game!
Next week, I plan to add more upgrades and maybe start on making more interesting bullet patterns for bosses, like bullets that curve or split.
If you want to get involved, I've also made a suggestion form for the game.
Rootin' Tootin' Lootin' & Shootin' is a unique fusion of the traditional turn-based roguelike and twin-stick shooters. As a lone wanderer in the desert you seek to uncover the lost city of gold. On your treacherous journey you must pit your wits against cunning enemies to venture deeper into the caves.
The game features staples of the roguelike genre - permadeath, procedural generation and turn-based combat. However, it also has aspects of shoot 'em ups - deadly bullet patterns and dodging.
Dodge any attack With an an emphasis on positioning and dodging bullets, combat is unlike anything you'll find in other roguelikes.
Money, money, money Build up a combo by hitting enemies and get massive amounts of money - Then spend that money on new weapons and upgrades.
Play at your own pace Anyone can play, thanks to simple turn-based controls that let you take your time, or speed through as fast as you like.
Pick up and play Autosaving and short run lengths make it ideal to play at any time, anywhere.