Hey there This is just a tiny update that fixes a tiny bug!
- Fixed a bug where absolutely no one would come to a shop.
[ 2025-02-28 14:44:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there and happy new year This is a tiny update to fix a few bugs reported by the community.
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed corrupted saves that led to not being able to continue the mission (infamous 555 bug).
- Fixed some rare issues encountered on the Fully Upgraded and Customer Listener achievements.
- Added Wholesome Games Presents and Doot Tiny Games logos to splash screen.
[ 2025-01-06 11:32:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Steam page of Kabuto Park is live! Time to add the cutest bug collection game to your wishlist I really hope you'll like this new tiny game I'm working on https://store.steampowered.com/app/3376990/Kabuto_Park/
[ 2024-12-13 18:06:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
There are so many great cozy relaxing games that came out this year! We'd love it if you nominate us for this award, but here is a list of other lovely games if you want to take a look:
- Tiny Glade
- Fields of Mistria
- Spirit City: Lofi Sessions
- Rusty's Retirement
- Broken Lens
- Flock
[ 2024-11-27 18:01:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ema the Tanuki Plushie
Bring Minami Lane's cutest resident home with this limited edition Ema the Tanuki plush! With her soft fur, charming tanuki hat, and a tiny leaf in hand, she's the perfect companion for snuggles. Stop thinking about increasing your villagers' satisfaction and start increasing your own with the cuddliest friend you could ask for! This is a limited-time offer and wont be available again once the campaign ends. Pre-order now on Makeship! It will get funded if we reach 200 backers (you get your money back otherwise!) Help us make it happen!! PS: IT'S EVEN SOFTER THAN IT LOOKS AHHHH PS2: Every purchase comes with a Minami Lane Steam key to gift to a friend!
[ 2024-09-07 16:16:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minami Lane is now available in Traditional Chinese! We also fixed a few tiny bugs and typos. Minami Lane sold more than 100k copies, we are so happy! Thanks everyone
[ 2024-07-04 10:22:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
You can now enjoy Minami Lane on you favorite device!
- Full controller support with lots of button shortcuts and an enhanced virtual cursor
- Touch screen support
- Trackpad support
- Popup keyboard to rename shops
[ 2024-06-11 08:05:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there This is a tiny update to fix a few bugs and typos! Thanks to everyone who reported those!
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed thought save button sometimes not working as expected.
- Fixed numbers of trash collected not displaying correctly if higher than 20.
- Fixed hidden object sometimes getting behind the yokai tree house.
- Fix resolution options on very small screens (less than 720p)
- Fixed 2 typos
[ 2024-06-10 15:59:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there This is the biggest update to Minami Lane since its release, and it brings two very requested additions: new languages and native gamepad support! We also added several visual and quality of life upgrades, reworked some stuff and fixed a lot of tiny sneaky bugs. Minami Lane should be cozier than ever now
6 new languages
Minami Lane is now available in a total of 7 languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Japanese
- Simplified Chinese
Full Gamepad support
Minami Lane can now be played comfortably with a gamepad or on any handheld platform Like Steam Deck or ROG Ally. Xbox, Playstation and Steam Deck controllers will all show native input prompts, and other ones will use Xbox prompts. The "verified" tag for Steam Deck should come very soon!
Visual improvements
- New Tanuki objects! One of them might be a hint of a nice announcement coming very soon
- Mission 4 now has nice decorations on electric cables.
- New falling leaves animation on some trees.
- Tanuki workers are less sneaky.
- Comas, dots and apostrophes of Bodo Amat font are now a bit bigger.
- Buttons text position is now a bit better.
- Better tooltip placement around middle of screen.
QoL and other improvements
- Minami Lane's size on disk is now almost 10 times smaller! With better assets management and compression, we went down from more than 2GB to around 235MB without any quality loss.
- Loading times might be a tiny bit faster on some setups.
- New buttons to move from one shop to another directly from the shop management panel.
- New buttons to move from one building to another directly from the upgrade panel.
- Villager Thoughts will scale with zoom for better readability.
- Camera moves a bit faster.
- Added a "Say Goodbye" button to the menu after finishing Mission 5 if player decides to continue playing.
- Added conditions to some Daily News events.
- New backup fonts will let you use more characters for naming your shops.
- Sandbox now uses random music from the 3 mission tracks.
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed Elders tastes rarely having twice the same item in selection shops and leading to a very hard or impossible Mission 4.
- Fixed previously saved thoughts appearing when restarting a mission.
- Fixed unwanted default saved thought in Mission 3.
- Fixed several bugs caused by opening some menus when selecting or customizing a new building.
- Fixed several bugs caused by the "Start Day" button being there when it shouldn't.
- Fixed animations of cats and bikes on click behaving weirdly when time is paused.
- Fixed upgrade preview staying active when exiting the upgrade panel with Escape while hovering an available upgrade.
- Fixed several visual bugs on the upgrade buttons.
- Fixed zoom sometimes not getting back to previous level after building selection or management.
- Fixed invisible mouse in the report panel after photo mode was activated for the day.
- Fixed villager's hitbox being active before they spawn. this caused the cursor to turn blue randomly and made some hidden objects or trash difficult to click on in some very specific situations.
- Fixed tooltip placement with big cursor and unconventional resolutions.
- Fixed several typos or gramatically incorrect sentences in the English version.
- Fixed credits scene sometimes not showing exit button properly after credits ended.
- Fixed mission skipping or weird bugs caused by multiple clicks on the "Next Mission" button.
- Fixed zoom stuck when following villagers even if the "Zoom on villagers" option was not selected.
- Fixed Yokai satisfaction and thoughts in selection shops.
- Fixed several bugs and save sometimes not working properly on Daily News events.
- The switch to the new event system might have fixed the rare infinite click bugs a few users were having.
- Credits were reworked and now include Localization and Playtesters.
- New settings for language selection and gamepad cursor speed.
[ 2024-05-28 15:05:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Trading cards, profile backgrounds, badges and emojis are now available for Minami Lane! You'll get 1 card every 30 min. Crafting badges will earn you items such as profile backgrounds and emojis! On another note, we are hard at work on localization currently, we'll probably have news for you in the coming weeks! Stay tuned!
[ 2024-04-04 21:22:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
You can now play the game on mac I'm so happy! Thanks a lot to playtesters who helped us a lot with this. We tested it as we could, but there could still be some bugs with the mac version that we didn't see. If you encounter any issue, please report them in the community discussions, the discord server or by mail. Have fun and share with your mac owner friends!
[ 2024-03-12 21:12:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there Big news today! We managed to port the game to mac! I'm so happy! Thanks a lot to playtesters who helped us a lot with this.
New Platform
- Minami Lane is now playable on macOS! We tested is as we could, but there could still be some bugs with the mac version that we didn't see. If you encounter any issue, please report them in the community discussions, the discord server or by mail.
QoL improvements
- New accessibility setting: Big Cursor. This makes the cursor 2.5x bigger for a better visibility.
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed missing flag on pink color of bookstore.
- Fixed top right menu behaving weirdly if you activated photo mode while it was open.
- Fixed two typos.
- Fixed "Press Escape to go Back to Menu" text position for ultra-wide screens in ending credits.
- Resolutions with a height:weidth ratio lower than 16:10 (such as 4:3) are not selectable anymore. I could not find a way to make them fully playable with perfect responsive UI, so I prefer to remove them for now.
- Rephrased Mission 3 and 4 objectives to make them clearer.
- Switched sandbox "Continue" and "Restart" buttons to make it coherent with mission buttons.
[ 2024-03-12 20:09:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! We are absolutely delighted with how well the release is going. It was very stressful to put our game out there and seeing all the positive feedback is incredibly heartwarming A big thanks too to people who reported bugs and issues on the Steam forums and on our discord. We are working on fixing as much as we can, and here is a first post launch update with a lot of little improvements! I hope it makes your experience even better.
Visual improvements
- Main menu looks better than ever on Ultra Wide resolutions.
- Photo Mode now also hides cursor. (press P during daytime to toggle Photo Mode)
QoL improvements
- On Steam Deck, keyboard now opens automatically when renaming shops.
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed "Green thumb" achievement. It counted people instead of beauty.
- Fixed negative number of youth leading to save corruption. This could happen if you destroyed all your houses after getting a specific Daily News event.
- Fixed Yokai behavior and preferences.
- Fixed villager thought save button not refreshing properly when following a villager who went to two shops one after another.
- "Mercury is in retrograde" Daily News now correctly make you lose money.
- Fixed save issue when quitting directly to desktop from mission after winning and continuing.
- Fixed "recipe" written instead of "selection" in some places of the end of day report.
- Rephrased mission 4 objectives to make them more understandable.
- New daily tips about thought saving in missions 2 and 3.
- Added tip about saving at the beginning of Sandbox.
- Added a few high contrast words in Ema's dialogue to highlight important information.
[ 2024-03-02 15:52:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
One last hotfix before the release!
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing "Ring Ring!" achievement to be completed.
- Fixed a save bug where you could complete "Ring Ring!" and "Found you!" achievements by saving and loading your game near the end of the mission.
- Fixed service building blue button showing up uninvited during daytime if you clicked on a button in the top right menu.
[ 2024-02-28 09:18:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
That's it! We did everything we could, and are actually quite proud of our little game right there. Can't wait for you to try it when it releases tomorrow!
- Mission 2 money objective is now a bit easier.
Visual improvements
- Added missing variety to street decorations in sandbox mode.
- Adjusted "Loading" text on loading screen so that it's not cut on Steam Deck default resolution.
- Centered text on button of Daily News.
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed big nasty bug that counted optional time objectives as constraints and made you lose the game while that was supposed to be impossible.
- You cannot build more than 40 buildings in a street. Come on, it's a street builder not a city builder! (but mostly the game is not made for that so this should avoid crashes)
[ 2024-02-27 21:05:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Only one day left before the full release! This might be one of the last updates before launch
- Mission 3 secondary objective is now a bit easier.
- Replaced Mission 5 secondary objective.
Visual improvements
- Daily tips look better.
- Loading screen looks better.
- Better shadow and position of tanuki bag form.
- Better green text color to make it a bit more color blind friendly.
- Added a small blue background to shop level (stars) to make it more readable.
QoL improvements
- Most menus can now be closed with the Escape key.
- Menus close when needed if another conflicting menu is opened.
- The default setting for following villager on click is now on.
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed some button being out of screen on the default Steam Deck resolution.
- Money can't go under 0 anymore (could happen with a specific daily event).
- Fixed achievement Clients listener not behaving as expected.
- Fixed birds sometimes stopping in the sky near the Karaoke.
- New daily tips in every missions.
- Tips during main loading screen.
- More villagers thoughts.
- Better win sound.
- Better end credits.
[ 2024-02-27 15:05:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
And here is another one for today! So close to release, and our known bugs list is now almost empty
- Reworked random recipe rules for some shops
- Slightly lowered Youth satisfaction on medium prices
Visual improvements
- Calmed down Park animation
- Daily News Button is not weirdly stretched anymore
- Better layout for Unlock text
Bugs and fixes
- Fixed unclickable thought save button
- Fixed settings not loading on game start sometimes
- Fixed Mission 4 perfect recipe / selection objectives. You could complete them with twice the same recipe, not anymore.
- Fixed objectives checkmarks not refreshing correctly on save reload of an already won mission.
- Swap Mission 2 and Mission 3 music
- Reworked dialogue and button of Mission 5 ending
- Reworked some Daily News names (better jokes)
- Better wordings for some objectives in Mission 3 and 5
[ 2024-02-26 17:35:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are now two days away from release and still hard at work on the game! These last updates on the road to 1.0 will focus on visual polish, balancing and bug fixes.
- You now start mission 2 with a bit more money.
- Villagers talk a bit more about prices (lowered too much in the last update)
Visual improvements
- End credits are looking better than ever with cute animations.
- Added animations to Karaoke and Ramen Shop lanterns, fixed animation on Konbini flag.
- Buildings now have shadows.
- Vilagers shadows don't go out of the pavement anymore.
- Ramen and Boba recipe visual assets adjusted slightly.
- Better cloud colors.
- Villagers have a bit less Z-Fighting.
Bugs and fixes
- Fix Mission 3 optional objectives counting trash as cats.
- Fix Mission 2 first objective progress bar not filling properly.
- Fix sorting of villagers thought bubble (no more stuff in front that messes with the text).
- Fix HUD animations getting stuck when coming back from Photo Mode.
- Fix hidden objects sometimes entirely hidden (could happen if you build an upgrade 1 Modern house just after a boba caf).
- Fix text of cat satisfaction in daily report of Mission 1 and 2.
- Fix wrong text on bottom left corner at mission start.
- Tanuki is now named Ema
- Winning the game resets time speed to default.
- Winning SFX volume lowered.
[ 2024-02-26 13:55:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Since we started sending content creators and press keys and some people now have early access to the game, I'll start posting logs for updates on Minami Lane! This first one is tiny but it fixes a nasty bug that made mission 1 way too hard.
Bugs and fixes
- Fix Start Day button not appearing when it should on mission 1.
[ 2024-02-25 08:06:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, I hope you are having a beautiful day Game release is just around the corner, and we have a few announcements to share with you!
Minami Lane Pricing
Minami Lane is going to cost $4.99 As a reminder, the game will stay small, with 5 missions and a sandbox mode at release, and minimal content added after that. Expect 2-4h of cuteness, cats and villagers complaining there is too much tea in their tea! There will also be a small discount around release! Buying the game close to release helps a lot indie devs like us because it's good for the Steam algorithm, so we want to thank players who do just that
Demo availability
Minami Lane Demo stays available up until Feb 15th. The Steam Next Fest ends today, but we want to give players who missed it a last chance to try our demo, so we decided to keep it up for 3 more days. The full game is coming out just 2 weeks after that! Also, a big thanks to the 12k+ players who already played Minami Lane's demo and gave us great feedback! This is waaaay more than what we expected. We are really grateful Now back to work, we still have a lot to do before Feb 28th! See you then
[ 2024-02-12 08:11:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Have a look at our upcoming game Minami Lane with Kimchica The demo is free to play for the whole Steam Next Fest, give it a try! We hope you'll like it
[ 2024-02-05 12:25:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Have a look at our upcoming game Minami Lane with Kimchica The demo is free to play for the whole Steam Next Fest, give it a try! We hope you'll like it
[ 2024-02-05 12:15:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! We prepared a little demo so you can try our game before it releases on Feb 28th! The demo will be up until the end of the Steam Next Fest (Feb 12th) Feel free to tell us what you think of the game in the Steam community or on our discord: https://discord.gg/cswGqac5XT
[ 2024-02-01 15:41:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Minami Lane is a cozy little management game set in a Japanese-inspired street. Create & manage your own street, make sure everyone is happy and watch people live their life!
Build your own little street!
Every day is a new opportunity to make your street thrive! Add a new building, upgrade existing ones and customize them as you please. By making the right choices, you will bring more people in, make more money and increase the overall beauty of your neighborhood.Manage your shops!
With great power comes great responsibility. Shops you create will need your careful guidance to find their perfect recipes and prices. Lead them to success and attract more customers!Enjoy daily life!
As your street grows, more and more people will fill your pavement with life. Sit back and watch them hang out but don't forget your responsibilities! Keep your street clean and make sure everyone have their needs fulfilled. Oh, and you can pet the cats too.Do it again until you reach your objectives!
Whether you need to make a busy shopping street or a relaxing haven for your local community, carefully plan your constructions to complete your missions. Keep track of random events and use them to your advantage!- OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7
- Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Integrated graphics should be enoughAdditional Notes: If you have a very potato PC and the game runs slowly on it. feel free to contact me so I can update this.
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