-Minigame time scores now display only to 3 decimal places
-Ultrawide resolutions should display correctly now, though you'll see out of bounds in some locations and cutscenes will look incorrect
-Fixed other UI issues for various aspect ratios
-Npcs now use the same voice sounds in non-english languages as they did in english
-New menu transition animation
-Stopped a bug that caused your arm to become obstructed while grabbing onto a climb region
-Changed the 20 game clear achievement to 10 clears (Lunacy)
-Shooting star section slightly adjusted (one more star and slightly less grab space toward the top)
It's planned to have trail color customization, and I will be replacing the 10 clear cosmetic reward
New achievements for:
-Racing the ghost in the tower minigame
-Getting 30 targets in the caves break the targets minigame
-Beating the game in under 60 minutes
-Beating the game in under 30 minutes
-Beating the game in under 10 minutes
Sklime is a brutally difficult twin stick climbing game made to be played with a controller. Play as a slime who has fallen to the bottom of the depths and struggle to climb through many unique environments and obstacles to return home. The journey back up demands great patience and determination.
-Aim the joysticks to move your arms The arms move faster to catch up if they are farther away. Simple input but difficult to master, make sure to stretch your thumbs!
-All progress forward and backward is saved Sorry, no checkpoints. But maybe some inhabitants of the Depths will help you on your way..
-7 Environments each with unique challenges Your journey will never get dull with each area providing new mechanics and minigames to play. Take a break with a minigame, set a highscore and compete with friends