Hey all! This is a small one. Version 1.4.1 is now out. This update adds some fixes to some bugs.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to stop working sometimes when you load a save. Some players may have experienced plants or ores not regrowing. This should now be resolved.
- Fixed an issue that caused the offline progression menu not to show up sometimes.
- Fixed an issue that caused workers to appear behind furnaces.
- Fixed an issue that caused anvils to magically make tools whilst offline.
- Fixed an issue that caused signs to sometimes not update. This was common when fishing.

[ 2025-03-17 22:28:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Today I am happy to announce version 1.4 update to Idle Fields. This update brings out a brand new way to play Idle Fields with the first game mode, Skill Locked. More saves are also available and Smithing now has two smelters and some experience/recipe balancing changes.
Skill Locked
This brand new game mode allows you to play Idle Fields in a new way. When creating a new save, you can now select between the regular mode and Skill Locked. Skill Locked will by default have every skill locked. As you start, you get to choose 1 gathering skill to unlock for free. Any content within other skills will not be available until you have purchased the skill that it requires.
Save Slots
Idle Fields now allow you to create up to 3 different saves. This is so that you do not have to delete all of your main progress if you wish to play Skill Locked. You can also make multiple saves if you wish to challenge yourself in other ways.
The last update, v1.3 introduced Smithing. I have received much feedback on this skill being a lot slower than others. To combat this, a new smelter has been added to the mountain area. All smelting recipes have also been reduced from 3 ores to 2 (exception of Steel). Crafting tools never provided experience. This issue has been resolved.
- New Gamemode: Skill Locked. Progress Idle Fields 1 skill at a time! In this mode, every skill is locked by default. You must use gold to unlock the next. Be careful, each skill becomes more expensive!
- Introduced new save slots. 3 slots are available now!
- Changed how saves work to try and fix an issue where the game crashing deletes all progress made for the session.
- Added an extra smelter with a new worker for the mountain area.
- Tools now provide smithing xp when made at an anvil.
- Balloons are now a lot more common.
- The Minecart event in the mountain area now gives resources instead of exchanging them for xp.
- Fixed an incorrect tile by the lake in the farming area.
- All smithing recipes for making bars now require 2 ores instead of 3.
Finally, I want to ask for your opinion. With the introduction of a new Game Mode, I am curious if everyone wants more achievements for reaching milestones for Skill Locked specifically. I wanted to publically ask before adding any since I realise it would require completing the game twice to fully unlock all achievements. Let me know what you think! Thank you, KotieDev
[ 2025-02-26 00:58:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello all! Today I am happy to announce a major update for Idle Fields, version 1.3! This update introduces two brand new skills, Mining and Smithing, and the introduction of controller support.
Mining is a brand new skill to Idle Fields. Within the mountains, you can now mine ores and hire workers to help you. There are 7 total ores to mine and 50 new levels to unlock!
Smithing is another new skill to Idle Fields. Smith ores into bars and turn those bars into new tools. You can make axes, pickaxes, and new fishing rods to boost your other skills' productivity. One worker is also available for smithing to automatically smelt ores.
Controller Support
Controls have been re-worked entirely to work on gamepad. This should work as soon as you pick up your controller. This is a feature that has been requested for a bit and I am happy to finally say it is here. As I am not a controller player, please feel free to leave any feedback! Either leave a message on the community page or join our Discord for instant feedback.
- New Area: The Cave. This new area houses two new skills, mining and smithing.
- NEW SKILL: Mining. This skill allows you to get ores that can later be smelted.
- NEW SKILL: Smithing. This skill introduces smelting of ores and the idea of creating new tools on anvils. Few workers are available for this only for smelting of ores.
- Added tools. Pickaxes, axes, and fishing rods can now be upgraded to deal more damage or catch fish faster. Tools must be selected for each worker in the outfits tab. Tools cannot be granted by recyclers.
- Added two new outfits. One for mining, one for smithing.
- Removed the ability to re-size the window due to it causing problems. Setting the game's resolution when not in full-screen will adjust the window size accordingly.
- Decreased global fishing time by 1 to accommodate for the new tools.
- Increased health on trees to accommodate for the new tools. Trees will be harder to cut without tools.
- Birds now give 50% less gold.
- Balloons will no longer give blocked currencies. This includes tools, limited-timed festive currencies, and burnt food.
- Recyclers will no longer give random items of any type. Instead, it acts like balloons and gives you a random previously obtained item that is not blocked.
- Removed the Unity Splash screen.
- Reworked all input to work with controllers. Idle Fields now has full controller support.
- The offline progression UI now closes when hitting escape.
- Added a credits section to the main menu.
- Certain UI will now scale up and down when hovered/selected to make it more visible that the element is selected (e.g. shops).
- Reworked all UI to work with controllers.
- Fixed a bug where the game would be extremely laggy when first going into a level.
- Fixed a bug where cookers could not be used if the barn was left whilst sell mode was toggled.
- Fixed a bug where the window size would take over the last set resolution in options.
- Fixed a bug where all recyclers would activate if 1 piece of junk was obtained, resulting in duplicate loot.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Discord text in the main menu to be offset.
- Fixed a bug that caused offline progression to be wrong with construction and cooking workers.
[ 2024-11-24 19:12:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello! Today I'm happy to announce a new change that should make your barn look a little less boring by default. Construction now has walls and floors!
- Construction now has walls and floors. These come in all wood forms. More variants will be added eventually.
- Easter event is over. Items from the event are still in shops and can now be purchased with gold.
- Added junk from fishing.
- Added a recycler that can be used to turn junk into random items. This can be placed in your barn, found under the "other" category.
- Added a cooking range that can be placed in the barn.
- Added lamps to place in the barn.
- Added a cooked trout recipe.
- Added a cooked beef recipe.
- Selling items in the barn now requires to toggle on the mode. This should stop everything being hovered saying "Hold to sell". Also allows to interact with items such as lamps or the recycler
Fixed an issue that caused plants to render behind windows in the barn. That's all! I'm already working on V1.3 which will introduce 2 new skills so stay tuned for that!

Thank you, KotieDev
[ 2024-04-19 20:14:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello all! Today I am glad to announce the first update for Idle Fields, version 1.1! This update introduces Offline Progression, the 2024 Easter event, and the start of re-balancing.
Offline Progression
This feature was a very highly suggested addition to the game. Offline progression in Idle Fields is something I have always thought of but was never sure if it fit the game, clearly, I was wrong :D Offline time will by default start with 1 hour and can be upgraded for each skill up to 8 hours. How does it work? Each worker will help by gathering you resources when you are offline. This is calculated for every skill close to the same value as when you are online. When you log into Idle Fields, you will see a new menu that shows you levels increased, xp gained, and resources collected/lost. Balancing this will take me some time so if it feels overpowered or too weak in any areas, please let me know!
Easter Event
The first seasonal event has arrived to Idle Fields! Head over to your farm to find chicks, random Easter eggs, bunnies with party hats, bunny ears for workers, and new decorations for your barn. The Easter event will end Monday 15th of April. Bunny ears and barn decor will stay even after the event so do not fear. You will not miss out on this new content even after the event concludes. Changes
- Offline progression. The first pass of offline progression is now out! Earn items from workers whilst you are offline. Upgrade offline length for each skill to see even more progress
- Easter event! Hop in-game and earn Easter eggs. Spend them on bunny ears, and barn decorations!
- Increased the amount of construction xp you get from making planks
- Increased the price planks sell for
- Forced the game to launch with VSync enabled to fix performance issues some players have
- Updated the art for raw beef
- Added a discord icon to the main menu
- Added a news menu to the main menu
- Made it possible to move using arrow keys
- Fixed a bug that caused some players' game to be stuck in a poorly translated language. English will now be the default
- Fixed a bug that caused the birch table to look like a window
- Fixed a bug that caused the main menu sounds not to care about volume settings
- Fixed a bug that caused workers' stats not to update if the worker menu was open
- Fixed a bug with text displaying incorrectly when interacting with the crab
[ 2024-03-31 23:42:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Idle Fields is now out!
I hope you all enjoy the game and help us make this awesome!
Fun Stats
The demo received over 7000 claims and over 400 plays! I hope you all enjoyed it and wish to continue your journey to level 50 in all skills.
What's Next?
So what is the plan after? I am currently combining a big list of feedback and suggestions. Here's a few things that you can expect to see in Idle Fields
- Better construction. This means the ability to move items, change out wallpaper, floor, more plants, more furniture, skill trophies, and functionality for some placed items!
- New skills! Skills are the core part of Idle Fields and I definitely want to add more. There are 2 skills that are planned for one of the first game updates.
- Cross-skill interactions. I want skills to interact with each other. This could be construction allowing you to build a better cooking range or cooked items giving workers a boost. Any ideas would be great for this!
- Mini-games. This is a core part of the game that I know I want to add. Fishing will be the first skill to have a mini-game added. The idea is to populate the world with more things to do
- Add ways to train skills whilst idle without workers. Fishing is a prime example. You start, go afk, and that's it!
- Offline progression? I am still considering this as I am not sure if this is what people want. If you want this, please let me know! The more answers, the better.
- World improvements. I just want to add more to worlds, even if it is visual additions.
- Skill upgrades. Currently, the only upgrades are workers. I want to introduce more ways to upgrade skills.
- A better tutorial. It's as simple as that. I don't feel like the tutorial covers everything that it should and I plan to revisit it.

Thank you, KotieDev
[ 2024-02-20 18:32:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello all! Thank you to everyone who participated in the demo during Steam next fest. The demo will be up until the 20th when the game releases. I wanted to use this thread to discuss the plan for post-release. I am currently working on adding suggestions and implementing quality of life updates, as well as thinking of new skills and more content!
Release - What to Expect
With the release around the corner, here is what you can expect!
- More sounds
- All skills having a level cap of 50
- More content for each skill. All items past level 30 are now unlocked.
- More workers!
- Achievements
Future Updates
So what is the plan after? I am currently combining a big list of feedback and suggestions. Here's a few things that you can expect to see in Idle Fields
- Better construction. This means the ability to move items, change out wallpaper, floor, more plants, more furniture, skill trophies, and functionality for some placed items!
- New skills! Skills are the core part of Idle Fields and I definitely want to add more. There are 2 skills that are planned for one of the first game updates.
- Cross-skill interactions. I want skills to interact with each other. This could be construction allowing you to build a better cooking range or cooked items giving workers a boost. Any ideas would be great for this!
- Mini-games. This is a core part of the game that I know I want to add. Fishing will be the first skill to have a mini-game added. The idea is to populate the world with more things to do
- Add ways to train skills whilst idle without workers. Fishing is a prime example. You start, go afk, and that's it!
- Offline progression? I am still considering this as I am not sure if this is what people want. If you want this, please let me know! The more answers, the better.
- World improvements. I just want to add more to worlds, even if it is visual additions.
- Skill upgrades. Currently, the only upgrades are workers. I want to introduce more ways to upgrade skills.
- A better tutorial. It's as simple as that. I don't feel like the tutorial covers everything that it should and I plan to revisit it.

Thank you, KotieDev
[ 2024-02-16 21:43:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all, today I wanted to announce that I will be streaming the latest update during next fest!
Come along, say hi, ask questions, or simply enjoy some gameplay
Thank you,
[ 2024-02-08 20:50:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all, today I announce the first new version for the game v0.0.6!
What's New?
Cooking has been revamped! Workers now only have a 3% chance of burning food. Being out of resources will also no longer remove the selected recipe. Instead, when you gain more resources, the recipe will start.
Construction workers will now search for resources if they previously ran out. No more need for re-selecting the same recipe!
Birds will now scale to your level. Higher total level means more money!
Visual Elements
- Cooking and Construction now show costs of recipes whenever you collect it.
- Placing farms now show the cost when you placed them.
- Selling farms will now show gold gained.
- Selling barn objects will now show you gold gained.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused weird text to show up when trying to sell objects in the barn that items on top.
- Fixed a bug that caused weird text to show up when interacting with the crab.
- Fixed a bug that caused the crab to be interacted with less.

Thank you, KotieDev
[ 2024-02-08 20:46:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, time for the demo livestream!
Come watch us play the demo. Chat with us, get a feel for the game, and provide any feedback!
I hope to see you there,
Thank you
[ 2024-02-03 18:44:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone. Today I wanted to announce our free demo, the release date, and show you all 3 new skills and worker customisation!
Free Demo
The game will have a demo that is starting during the Steam Next Fest on February 5th! This demo will be available until the game releases.
What's in the demo?
Every skill! The demo features everything the game has to offer until you reach level 30 in your skills. Once you have reached level 30, you can no longer level up skills until you get the full version of the game. This means some content above those levels will not be available. I hope you all enjoy the demo. Any feedback is much appreciated!
Release Date
Let us talk about the release date. It is already shown on the store page but for anyone who missed it, Idle Fields is launching on February 20th. This means you will not have to wait long between the demo and the full version!
What's New?
A lot has happened since the last post. The remaining 3 skills have been introduced, a tutorial has been made, the flying bird event has been added, workers can now be customised, and much more!
Skill - Woodcutting
Woodcutting is a new skill that allows you to travel to the forest and cut different types of trees. There are currently 4 types of trees: Oak, Birch, Pine, and Maple. You can purchase workers to help you cut down all the trees!

Skill - Construction
Construction is a new skill that will give you the ability to turn logs into planks. These planks can be used to decorate your barn! Construction workers are purchased in the forest and the barn can be accessed from the farm by interacting with the door. In there, you can decorate your home as much as you want! Levelling up construction gives you more building options. For the barn, we plan on introducing more decorative options in the future such as wallpaper, and floor tiles.

Skill - Cooking
Cooking will give you the opportunity to turn raw products into cooked variants which are sold for me. We plan on adding more cooking items in future updates. To cook, go up to a fire in the fishing area and select a recipe. If you have the resources, the item will start to cook. Make sure to collect it before it burns! Workers can also become chefs but may not be very skilled at cooking newly learned recipes.

Worker Customisation
You can now unlock outfits for your workers! There is currently 16 items to give to your workers. You can mix and match these however you like!

I could not post an update without a little bonus image so enjoy the frog!

There is a lot more new and exciting parts to the game. I cannot wait for you all to try it out in the demo! Thank you, KotieDev
[ 2024-01-25 21:16:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone. I wanted to post an update on what has been happening to the game since it has been on the store page for a while! I have been re-working a lot in the background, making sure to iron out bugs. This however, does not mean that new content isn't present. Let's take a look at what's new
Skills have been introduced. Previously you would aim to get gold and prestige within the game, resetting all content. This did not fit the game very well as resetting all progress felt like a punishment. Skills are here to replace that punishment and instead provide a linear progression method. There are currently 6 skills planned for the game
- Farming (Present)
- Fishing (Present)
- Husbandry (Present)
- Cooking (Planned)
- Woodcutting (Planned)
- Construction (Planned)

Workers have received an overhaul. The previous walking crops have been replaced with a little cute being that you can customise. Currently only names can be changed but clothing is work in progress!

World Events & Weather
Random events and weather has been added! The only current present world event is a chance of balloons spawning. These balloons will give you a few resources of you have collected them before. Besides that rain has been introduced. Rain speeds up how fast you catch fish and how fast crops grow

New Animals!
Animals have not been showcased before (exception of the rabbit) so we figured you'd like to see all of them

That's it for now! There is a lot more going on in the background but this what we felt like showing for now. More updates are coming soon! All feedback is highly appreciated. The goal is to make a game we all enjoy. Thank you, KotieDev
[ 2023-08-19 13:58:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Idle Fields is a relaxing Idle game where you grow crops, fish, cook, decorate your house, take care of animals, and complete everything possible by leveling up skills and unlocking rewards.
Level up Farming, Husbandry, Fishing, Cooking, Woodcutting, and Constrution.
Automate every task by acquiring workers to do tasks for you. Level up skills to gain more resources! Purchase cosmetics for them. 25 total workers to unlock!
Purchase and attend to a total of 7 animals on your farm. Collect their produce and sell it for profits.
Unlock many achievements and follow as the game receives more updates! There is a lot more content to come.
Join our Discord. Player impact is a huge factor of this game. Every suggestion has a chance to make it into the game!
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7
- Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHzMemory: 250 MB RAM
- Memory: 250 MB RAM
- Graphics: 512 MB VRAM