Alright, so this is it. I don't know how to feel about this update. I knew we would have to tackle it at some point, but it was always far away in my mind.
First of all, for the things that were added. 21k words~, 6 CG sets, and 1 sex scene. I know, 1 sex scene sounds low when we're at this point in the story, but it is how it is.
Now, it will sound kind of hollow coming from me since I say it pretty much every single time. But this worries me. I tried my best to think of a way to avoid what's happening in this update but it's not possible. This is the problem with Aya, pretty much. I never thought she was compatible with NTR, and this update encapsulates the reason why perfectly. I won't say more about it until after everyone had the chance to play the update, but that's just my personal opinion and I want to share it.
I also feel let down by how the sex scene ended up looking like. I wanted to animate it, but it would have cost too much. Also, the direction could have been better. I tried something, but I think it didnt work all that well.
Other important scenes are also suffering from bad direction, I feel like. I know it's a visual novel, and there's a limit to how I can portray things, but it still doesn't mean I can't be disappointed by it. In my head, I had a very clear image of what I wanted to show but it lacks something. It's hard to put into words.
In any case! I know me, whining, is stupid. I should be building up hype, not shooting it with a shotgun. So I'll stop here. Depending on people's reactions, I'll post something more thorough in the next couple of weeks explaining my thoughts on the matter. For now, happy disappointment!
[ 2025-03-08 18:14:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, everyone!
V0.7.3 adds 20700~ words to the story, 4 CG sets, and 2 sex scenes. It also adds the first choice, although, as of right now, you can only choose one option out of the two. Like the development of the original, we're going about it in a linear order. So one ending at a time. Would be too complicated to have multiple endings developing at the same time.
Next month will be the last update before we start the first ending. So we're getting dangerously close to the end of the game. Well, I say relatively because, while we will be starting the first ending, it will still take about two updates to complete it, and we have three more endings after that one so yeah. If everything goes well, we should complete Aya Edition either in October or November.
I've also been losing a bit too much time on the commentaries. I know how much you love those retarded bits, so of course I'm going to waste multiple hours on them. Seriously though, I love to give myself a headache.
In any case, I was in a hurry to release the update, and so I haven't looked at the text as much as I would have liked it. Let's cross our fingers and pray I didn't blunder.
Changelog V0.7.3
- Added 4 CG sets
- Added 2 lewd scenes
- Added 20.7k~ words to the story
[ 2025-02-03 18:42:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're finally back to our usual monthly releases. Hopefully, this won't happen often. I'm able to release this early in the month mainly because I worked on the update in November.
While November wasn't a break per se, it still wasn't enough to give me a chance to release a bigger update. This update is pretty much the same length as the other one. It's a bit more than 20k words, it adds 6 CG sets and 3 lewd scenes. I mainly needed more time because there were a bit more animations this time around. This can really mess up my schedule.
As for the content of the update, there are a lot of things I would like to say about it. I made a few mistakes, I also feel like things are moving fast but this is kind of ridiculous when you think about it. We're 300k words deep in the story. Almost no NTR games are this long. And we still have around 10 months worth of updates to go. So yeah hope you guys enjoy it
Changelog V0.7.0
- Added 6 CG sets
- Added 3 lewd scenes
- Added 20k~ words to the story
[ 2024-12-19 21:05:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
V0.6.6 is more of a transitional update. It doesn't have as much action as I would like it to, but it's important story-wise.
As for the actual content, about 27k words have been added, 3 CG sets, and two-ish lewd scene. One thing I need to make clear is that I have been having a hard time with the animations these days. In fact, the scene from last month that missed an animation is still not animated. I'll make sure to animate it before the next update, so yeah that's kinda frustrating.
Something I realized is that with working with three projects at the same time, the thing that is taking a hit is the coding/direction. I feel like I've been lazier and lazier with the way I direct the scenes. I don't know if it's noticeable or not, but I'm not quite satisfied with this update. Maybe I'm just thinking too much, but if you guys notice it, I would like to know.
I've also been lazy with testing the game for bugs, so do let me know if you find some.
One last thing, but I'm on a break right now. Been a while since I took anything resembling a break. Although it's mainly because I'm waiting for my animator. So don't expect an update next month. The next update should release here more in January. Sorry about that.
In any case, the next update should have more juicy scenes, I promise. We're slowly getting closer to the endings and so things should ramp up pretty fast.
Changelog V0.6.6
- Added 3 CG sets
- Added 2 scenes
- Added 27k~ words to the story
[ 2024-11-10 22:17:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, guys~
This was tight. And I'm not talking about Aya's pussy or am I?
Seriously though, I'm talking about the animations. I'm having a really hard time having all the animations ready for the month. I guess working on other projects doesn't help either. So the last CG is not animated, I'm sad to say. I'm trying to find a third animator to make sure this doesn't happen again, but it might take some time to find the right fit.
Also, I gave up on writing a commentary due to time constrain.
In any case, let's go down to business. This update is a bit more than 18k words. It adds 4 CG sets and 2 sex scenes. And just to make it clear, the reason the version is 0.6.3 and not 0.6.5 is that we need to adjust to the amount of update left for the game. It has nothing to do with the amount of content in the update per se.
Anyway, I'll let you have your fun now and I'll have mine, by beginning the process of hangovering.
Changelog V0.6.3
- Added 4 CG sets
- Added 2 scenes
- Added 18k~ words to the story
[ 2024-10-11 16:32:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, hello!
I won't bore you guys too much (mainly because I'm tired). V0.6.0 is a bit bigger. It adds more than 26k words, 4 CG sets, and two lewd scenes. I'm a bit happier than last month, as it does include a more action this time around.
There is still something I'm not fully satisfied with, so bear with me. There's one scene that I feel is not implemented very well. It's an idea that I thought was good and original on paper, but couldn't be translated into an illustration I feel was compelling enough. Still, we gotta move on. We live, we learn.
In any case, have fun with Aya for the month!
[ 2024-09-17 19:27:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, guys.
I hope you're having a wonderful day. V0.5.5 adds 22.6k words, 4 CG sets, and 2 scenes. People might see this update as a bit of a downgrade compared to last month, mainly because the pace is slowing down. I think it's important for the corruption process. No worries though, the next update should pick up the pace again.
Also, just want to point out that I might take a month off in the near future. Don't know when yet. Will tell you when it happens.
Changelog V0.5.5
- Added 4 CG sets
- Added 2 scenes
- Added 22k~ words to the story
[ 2024-08-21 21:51:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Simplified Chinese has been added to the game. The option has been there for a while, but now the translation has finally reached the content for the last update. Enjoy!
[ 2024-08-01 22:59:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
For V0.5.0, it's around 20k words. It adds 7 CG sets (kinda) and 3 scenes (kinda). It's the continuation of the date. I'd have liked that the date was one big update, but oh well. With the current speed of my animator, that's not something I can do.
Also, you might notice that you can choose the Chinese language in the settings. For now, Chinese is only partially implemented. Around 150k words out of 220k has been translated. I'm hoping that from next month and going forward, I will be able to update the Chinese version and English version at the same time.
Changelog V0.5.0
- Added 7 CG sets
- Added 3 scenes
- Added 20k~ words to the story
[ 2024-07-15 18:37:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is slightly smaller than the previous ones. Mainly because I would need another animation if I wanted to continue, and it would take too much time to wait for it. And I wanted to continue since it ends pretty much in the middle of the date between Harry and Aya. I was thinking of maybe just skipping this month and having a bigger update next month, but I'm sure a lot of you guys were waiting for this update, so this will unfortunately have to do.
V0.4.5 is 19k+ words in length. It adds 4 CG sets, and 2 scenes. I don't really know how I feel about it. I guess I'm just annoyed that it ends at such an awkward moment.
By the way, I added a menu to see (kind of) the rules of the game between Aya and Luca. It should be in the quick menu during Aya's perspective. Someone told me that he had a hard time following their game and so this menu might refresh the memories of some people. Though... it might introduce bugs because of how late I implemented it. And I might have forgotten a few things... If you notice anything, please let me know.
Changelog V0.4.5
- Added a menu for the game rules between Aya and Luca
- Added 4 CG sets
- Added 2 scenes
- Added 19k~ words to the story
[ 2024-06-20 00:28:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, guys!
There's been a lot of things going on lately. I just released my side project, and it's kinda been non-stop work.
V0.4.0 is 22.6k words. It adds 3 CG sets and 2 sex scenes. I also added an animation to one of the CGs. I won't say which one. You'll probably notice it pretty quickly.
I don't have anything interesting to say regarding this update. I guess you will be the one telling me what you think about it. The pacing is what makes me worry more. But I won't start, else I'll bring a negative vibe for no reason.
Changelog V0.4.0
- Added 3 CG sets
- Added 2 scenes
- Added 22.6k words to the story
[ 2024-05-19 04:44:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, guys! Just want to let you know that a small project I was working on the side, NTR'd By Clumsiness, just came out of Early Access and has now been fully released on Steam! Check it out if you're a fan of dumb humor, NTR, and accidental sex! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2277300/NTRd_By_Clumsiness/
[ 2024-05-16 04:41:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello! V0.3.5 is 24000 words long, it adds 2 sex scenes and 6 CG sets. While the pacing is not exactly as I want it to be, we're definitely getting closer to the kind of action that I'm more used to.
You can reach the new content by using the "Jump to version" menu in the Extra section.
Also, don't forget to join my Discord server if you want more news about my games!
In any case, hope you enjoy your read.
Changelog V0.3.5
- Added 6 CG sets
- Added 2 scenes
- Added 24k words to the story
[ 2024-04-19 20:21:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
It's been a few months since I started working on the alternative version of A Promise Best Left Unkept, A Promise Best Left Unkept Aya Edition, and I feel like it has enough content to be released on Early Access.
Aya Edition is a version of A Promise Best Left Unkept where Aya becomes the main heroine. You don't need to have played the original version as the two games share the same beginning. And so, for those who have already played the original version, you can easily skip the beginning by choosing the 'skip the common route' option when starting a new game.
Here are a few of the features available as of V0.3.0 (not counting the common route):
-More than 25 CG sets
-More than 8 sex scenes
-More than 100k words
-Most of the sex scenes are animated.
I'm planning to update it every month as this is my main project.
I hope you have fun reading Aya and Harry's tumultuous relationship because it's only going to get worse.
For more info on my other projects, or simply to become part of my community, don't forget to become a member of my discord server!
[ 2024-03-26 18:06:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys, just want to point out that there are less than three weeks left before the release of A Promise Best Left Unkept - Aya Edition on Early Access!
Aya Edition is an alternative version of A Promise Best Left Unkept. While the beginning of the game is the same as the original version, the game quickly branches out, telling a brand new story with our favorite blond Japanese girl as our main heroine!
Don't forget to add the game to your wishlist!
Also join the discord server for more news about my upcoming works!
[ 2024-03-07 01:07:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Prompted into action by the promise he made to his girlfriend a year ago, Harry finally made a huge breakthrough in his quest for success by scoring a major deal for his company, in doing so setting into motion his inevitable promotion. But what he didn’t foresee is that the byproduct of his unshakable resolve would unintentionally invite an undesirable presence into his life. The representative of the subcontracting company—his old bully from high school.A Promise Best Left Unkept - Aya Edition is an alternative version of A Promise Best Left Unkept where Aya is the main heroine of the game. It brings a brand new narrative of more than 300k+ words long, with new events and characters.
Planned Features
- 300k+ words of new content
- Multiple perspective
- 40+ CG sets
- 30+ Sex scenes
- OS: Linux x86/x86_64
- Processor: Core 2 DuoMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 1280 x 720
- Storage: 2 GB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]
[ 1732 ]