Hello, everyone!
V0.7.3 adds 20700~ words to the story, 4 CG sets, and 2 sex scenes. It also adds the first choice, although, as of right now, you can only choose one option out of the two. Like the development of the original, we're going about it in a linear order. So one ending at a time. Would be too complicated to have multiple endings developing at the same time.
Next month will be the last update before we start the first ending. So we're getting dangerously close to the end of the game. Well, I say relatively because, while we will be starting the first ending, it will still take about two updates to complete it, and we have three more endings after that one so yeah. If everything goes well, we should complete Aya Edition either in October or November.
I've also been losing a bit too much time on the commentaries. I know how much you love those retarded bits, so of course I'm going to waste multiple hours on them. Seriously though, I love to give myself a headache.
In any case, I was in a hurry to release the update, and so I haven't looked at the text as much as I would have liked it. Let's cross our fingers and pray I didn't blunder.
Changelog V0.7.3
Prompted into action by the promise he made to his girlfriend a year ago, Harry finally made a huge breakthrough in his quest for success by scoring a major deal for his company, in doing so setting into motion his inevitable promotion. But what he didn’t foresee is that the byproduct of his unshakable resolve would unintentionally invite an undesirable presence into his life. The representative of the subcontracting company—his old bully from high school. A Promise Best Left Unkept - Aya Edition is an alternative version of A Promise Best Left Unkept where Aya is the main heroine of the game. It brings a brand new narrative of more than 300k+ words long, with new events and characters.