I've been working on RNPS a lot over the last few weeks, and I'm looking for some testers to help me test some things here and there, however I should make it very clear that being a tester doesn't mean you just get early access. You'll be preforming some somewhat structured tests in the game in which I explain the basic direction I want you to go, and then you do it, explaining everything you do along the way and reporting any issues you find, along with providing feedback on things such as preformance, gameplay and overall changes.
You can apply to be a tester on this google forms page here
You are a nuclear power plant operator working at the Rasvyat Nuclear Power Station. You and up to 5 other players operate the historic RBMK-1000 reactor, after learning how to operate it, you and your fellow operators must start up the reactor and keep it stable, along the way you may face various issues and have to preform various tasks.
Once started you must keep the reactor online for as long as possible, however various events can occur, including various system malfunctions, power outages, earthquakes and more.
Every action made by you and your fellow operators has an effect, even a discission made for convenience or something done an hour ago could eventually cause a problem, any mistake threatens the reactor, risking damage to equipment or even a reactor meltdown.