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Patch Note 0.3.0 (beta)

Patch Note 0.3.0 (beta)

You can now test the reworked shop in this patch.

Since it's a beta version, there may be many bugs or placeholder texts included.
(How to Participate in the Beta Branch)

For save data that hasn't completed the tutorial in the previous version, conflicts may occur, so we recommend testing for users who have completed the tutorial.

This test version intentionally excludes all other update elements except those directly related to the shop. Therefore, some items that may confuse you are temporarily disabled.

[h2]Why is shop rework necessary?[/h2]

Basically, the existing shop overwhelmed new players with too many choices, leading to confusion. Also, there was an inherent problem where the game's depth decreased despite the increased burden on the player, because there were actually fewer meaningful choices in the existing shop. Therefore, the structure of the shop was completely redesigned.

[h2]How was it reworked?[/h2]

[h3]1. The goals of the revamped shop are primarily threefold:[/h3]

First, we aim for new players not to be overwhelmed by too many choices offered in the game and to naturally concentrate on the game.

Second, compared to the previous version's shop, we hope to be able to choose where to focus. For example, in versions prior to 0.2.0, you could always get the necessary elements, but in version 0.3.0, when the shop configuration that suits me appears, you can choose whether to lock the shop, allowing you focus on the necessary elements.

Also, with the reduction in reroll prices, it will be much easier to focus on obtaining desired badges, balls, bets, etc., compared to before. In other words, I hope that players will have more control over their strategies.

Third, we hope to address the issue of the previous version's shop, where players could attempt desired builds every match. The shop in version 0.3.0 opens up the possibility of trying out new builds by offering discounted items, while at the higher HE, players won't just clear using the preferred build, but rather, balance the initial build based on discounted items, and strategically find supporting items. This direction is aimed at balancing to encourage players to compose their early builds based on discounted items and strategically find supporting items for later stage of the game.

[h3]2. Separated the upgrade elements.[/h3]

By separating the way tokens are strengthened, we've resolved the problem of balancing balls and bets properly, which was difficult in the existing method. (The current state doesn't mean good balance, but it means that it is now structurally possible to adjust the values for each element separately. Compared to the previous version where multiple elements were tied to one upgrade.)

[h3]3. Created item tags.[/h3]

We've adjusted the appearance probability of each item based on the tags attached to the items. For example, items that can only be used in specific situations (e.g., items that give additional scores in pockets 6 and 28) have been modified to have slightly lower appearance probabilities when there is not many pockets 6 and 28. This reduces the probability of items that are overly suitable for specific situations from filling up the shop. But, unless specifically stated otherwise, there won't be an increase in item appearance probability over base value. (Currently, there is an issue where the variety of items feels less than before due to this change, and we plan to address this by quickly adding more items.)

[h3]****Added detailed descriptions for upgrades****[/h3]

Added a feature where you can view detailed descriptions of certain items or token upgrades by pressing the left Shift key. In-game explanations and UI for detailed descriptions, and controller support will be added at official release.

[h2]Balance Adjustments:[/h2]

- Now the shop displays 6 items, and among them, 2 are non-rerollable discounted items that can be purchased at a lower price than the original price.
- The reroll price has been reduced to 1 gold.
- A loan feature has been added to the shop. When used, you receive 1 gold in that turn, and you must repay 2 gold in the next round. It can be used up to 3 times in one shop turn.
- The shop now has predefined layout types, and when rerolling, it will only provide items from the same category.
- Each layout can be maintained for the next shop through locking.
- Now, the scoring upgrades for tokens and the special abilities upgrades for balls/betting are separated. Typically, the cost for token upgrades, which could previously be 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, has been changed to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. However, token upgrades no longer enhance the abilities of balls or betting. The abilities of balls or betting can now be strengthened by purchasing ball ability upgrade or betting ability upgrade from the shop. Through these enhancements, special abilities can be upgraded up to +3 levels(when not upgraded, it will have a +1 level).
- The way of equipping bets to tokens has been reworked, now choosing bets no longer overwrites the existing bets. Now bets are divided into betting types and betting abilities. Betting type determines where to place the bet, (such as color, odd/even, corner, etc), while betting ability refers to enhancing the bet (such as Ice Bet, Gold Bet, Echo Bet, etc). Now, instead of purchasing a single bet combining both type and ability, you can purchase betting types and betting abilities separately.
- Each badge now has a tier. Purchasing Unique badges will decrease the probability of other unique badges appearing. Additionally, the starting bonus, the rare item box, has been changed to provide unique badges. Furthermore, each badge is tagged to have different appearance probabilities depending on the situation. Specific tag will be shown in UI with the official update.
- The chip gift / point gift / score gift has been added to the shop. Instead of selecting one out of three like a random item box, these gifts immediately provide a randomly selected badge from the corresponding category. These items will no longer appear if you already own at least one item with the corresponding tag.

[h2]Ball or Bets Adjustments:[/h2]

- Multi Balls base point increases from 5,7,10,10,12,15,15 to 5,7,9,11,15,19,25
- Multi Ball rolls 3/4/5 balls at each ability level.
- Super Balls base point decreased from 25,40,60,85,115,150,190 to 15,20,25,35,45,55,75
- Super Ball grants 2x/2.5x/3x base point at each ability level.
- Repeat Ball ability grants 1/2/3 times repeat at each ability level.
- Frozen Ball freeze 9/13/19 pockets at each ability level.
- Heart Ball is fragile after 1/3/5 uses at each ability level.
- Large Ball has 3/5/7 times the size at each ability level.
- Large Ball can now interact with pocket related badges multiple times with one roll.
- Pocket Balls base point increases from 5,7,10,10,12,15,15 to 5,7,9,11,15,19,25
- Pocket Ball is fragile after 1/2/3 uses at each ability level. (Will be adjusted later)
- Target Ball target 7/5/3 pockets at each ability level.
- Wave Balls base point increases 3/6/10 points per roll at each ability level

- Gold Bet now retains 1/2/3 times before turning into normal bet at each ability level.
- Ice Bet now freeze 6/8/12 nearest pockets at each ability level.
- Echo Bet now grants 0.5x/1x/1.5x chips at each ability level.
- Flash Bet now grants 2x/2.5x/3x chips at each ability level.
- Mirror Bet now grants 1.5x/2x/2.5x chips at each ability level.
- Straight Up Bet is now called Straight Bet

[h2]Badge Adjustments:[/h2]

- Badge Rarity is properly added to all badges. (It will be shown in badge description at official patch)
- The price of Bailout is adjusted from 9 coins to 11 coins.
- The price of The Cavalry is adjusted from 9 coins to 8 coins. Token multiplier changed from 1.5x to 2x.
- The threshold for Scrooge decrease has been reduced from 5 gold to 3 gold.
- Betsudo provides 90 chips instead of 100. Reduced chip for empty pocket has been reduced from 20 to 15
- Prime Number provides 75 chips instead of 60.
- Slot four Discard provides 1 discard instead of 2 discards.
- The price of Flash Duration is adjusted from 11 coins to 9 coins.
- The price of Longer Echo is adjusted from 10 coins to 9 coins.
- The price of Repulsion is adjusted from 5 coins to 7 coins.
- The price of Harbinger Ball is adjusted from 5 coins to 9 coins.
- The price of SubZero is adjusted from 11 coins to 9 coins.
- The price of Wave bet is adjusted from 9 coins to 11 coins.
- The price of Aftershock is adjusted from 9 coins to 11 coins.
- The price of Ascending Order is adjusted from 9 coins to 11 coins. Token multiplier changed from 0.4x to 0.5x.
- The price of Splendor is adjusted from 7 coins to 11 coins. Multiplier changed from 2x to 2.5x.
- The price of Growing love is adjusted from 7 coins to 11 coins. Provides 40 points instead of 20.
- Get Over Here provides 60 base chips instead of 40.
- The price of Prince and The pauper is adjusted from 7 coins to 11 coins. Multiplier changed from 4x to 5x.
- Indecisive pocket now records slot changed before buying the badge.
- Keep the change now records spending money before buying the badge.

[h2]Class Adjustments:[/h2]

- Tricksters ability now more likely to give special ability of each behavior. (ex) If last bought item is pocket, Pocket Changing ability will be more likely to happen than before.
- Now ability granting random badge only proc when last bought item is Badge. You can now control whether you want to gain random badge or not.
- Increased overall chance of mark appearing
- Free reroll ability grants one more free reroll
- Now locking shop also locks mark of trickster

[h2]House Edge or Challenge Mode Adjustments:[/h2]

- Sealing Hipflask now lock only 1 token instead of half of tokens.
- Reroll Bellini now increase reroll price 1 coin per reroll at the shop

[h2]Feature Addition:[/h2]

- When at the betting table, the exception of appearance of the highest number of bets only applies to straight to line betting. Now, for all other bets, whenever the number of bets is not equal, the highest number of bets will always be displayed.

[h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2]

- Fixed a bug where Indecisive Pocket crashes the game.
- Fixed a bug where badges related to the Target ball do not work under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug where the Ice related boss turns a frozen pocket into an unfrozen pocket.
- Fixed a bug where the edges were cut off in the shop display.

[h2]Known Issues Being Addressed:[/h2]

- It has been pointed out that changing pockets feels excessively difficult compared to before. We acknowledge that this is a real issue and adjustments are planned
- Super Ball and Flash Bets base values do not appear correctly in the UI
- Some Bet Ability shows placeholder description.
- Certain item shows text out of bound when pressing Shift

[ 2024-05-06 22:53:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

How to Participate in the Beta Branch


Some of the content we're developing is still in progress and not ready for the official release yet.

If you're willing to participate in the beta testing, it would greatly assist us in refining our updates and implementing new features.

To participate, open Bingle Bingle's properties and go to the "betas" tab. There will be an option to opt into the beta branch.

Please note that the beta version is incomplete, so you may encounter frequent new builds, overpowered items, overly easy bosses, and other unfinished elements. If you wish to discuss anything about the beta version, please do so in the beta discussion channel within Bingle Bingle's official Discord server.

Unlike official game patches, we may not always provide notifications or patch notes for every new build we push.

We sincerely thank those who participate in testing, and we'll see you on the Discord channel!

[ 2024-05-06 22:42:54 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Note 0.2.1 B

[h2]Patch Note 0.2.1 B[/h2]

Fixed a bug where no keys were being inputted anymore when the betting layout opened via token was closed by pressing the "View Betting Table" button at the top.

Added the ability to toggle fullscreen mode by pressing the [ F ] key. This feature is prioritized for users experiencing issues with certain screen configurations, with additional options to address these problems such as monitor settings to be added later.

[ 2024-04-16 13:30:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Note 0.2.1A

Patch Note 0.2.1A

Bug Fixes:
The issue where Hold My Ball crashing game has been fixed.
The issue where Simplist and Prince and the Pauper interact in unintended way , now Simplist will no longer count 0 score ball as least score so next least ball will be scored.
The issue where First Boss round discard is 1 less than intended has been fixed.

[ 2024-04-13 12:28:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Note 0.2.1

Patch Note 0.2.1
In this patch, it includes the addition of 16 new items that were not included in the previous patch, as well as balance adjustments and bug fixes.

[h3]New Items:[/h3]
Adding 16 new items, 12 of which are related to balls, along with 4 universally usable items.

Repeat Repeat: Repeat Ball repeated by Repeat Ball effect gain 40 ball Points.
Get Over here!: Bets placed while Repeat Ball effect is active gain 40 base Chips.
Super Hero: Super Ball used at 0 discard and 1 round Token earn 300% Score.
Splendor: Super Ball used while no bet is placed earn 200% Score.
Prince and the Pauper: When Multi Ball is rolled, balls with most score earn no score and balls with least score earn 400% Score.
Hold My Ball: When Multi Ball is rolled, If there is another multi ball landed in same pocket it earns 300% Score.
Bullseye: When Target Ball land in center of selected range, Gain x3 ball points.
Too Many Targets: If there is no duplicate number in selected range of Target Ball, Gain 80 ball points.
Betting Fraud: Large ball can earn chips from same bet in different pocket as 50% betting value.
Too Big to be Called: If Large Ball earn chips from at least two bets that does not affect same pocket at all, Gain 80 ball points.
Frozen Sandwich: When Frozen Ball lands, Gain 8 ball points for each pocket already frozen.
Subzero: When Frozen Ball activates, extend freeze area for each pockets already frozen or pockets with bet.
Indecisive Pocket: Gain 6 chips permanently when changing pockets at the shop.
Ascending Order: Gain Score(40% x Token Level) more score when next sequential level token is used, starts at 0.
Bag of Balls: Gain 8 ball points for each different balls in the deck.
Do a Barrel Reroll!: Gain 1 ball point permanently when rerolling at the shop.

The future plan for adding items: Items necessary for basic builds and designs will be added first, followed by universally usable items sequentially.

Making all balls fragile was not a good design choice for gameplay. This excessively restricts the perks available to users and turns the act of rolling balls multiple times into an undesirable playstyle. In reality, the addition of fragility to balls was not primarily due to a need for fragility in design but rather as a temporary measure to balance the game to solve other issues. However, it was found through various feedback channels that this tied interesting balls to fragility, preventing them from being properly utilized. Through playtesting, it was confirmed that the initial change was a mistake. Therefore, the fragility of both balls is being removed.
Although there is concern that this decision may excessively increase the power level of the two balls, adjustments can be made through means other than fragility in the future if necessary.

Wave ball is not fragile anymore.
Multi ball is not fragile anymore.

[h3]Heart Ball:[/h3]
Heart ball was designed as a "scoring ball" but practically has been used only for synergy purposes. While creating various synergies is important, the magnitude of such synergy in the case of heart ball was often 20-30 times higher than other items, and this problem seemed likely to worsen as more items are added in the future. Therefore, instead of increasing the base value of heart ball at higher levels, the number of times heart ball can be reused at higher levels has been reduced.

The base score of Heart Ball is nerfed. 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 -> 15, 20, 25, 35, 45, 55, 75
Number of times Heart Ball can be resued is nerfed. 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 -> 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4.

[h3]Frozen Ball:[/h3]
Ice bet became a powerful betting as one of the special bets due to the previous patch, but ironically, ice ball lost some of its usable areas.
Therefore, Frozen ball has been slightly strengthened at lower levels, and a function to not freeze the betted pocket early has been added. Additionally, ice ball now freezes the pocket it lands in.

Freezing area of Frozen Ball is . 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 -> 15, 15, 17, 17, 19, 19, 21

[h3]Mirror Bet:[/h3]
The previous mirror betting was too unintuitive and difficult to use, so it has been patched to allow for combinations with specific items.

Now, Mirror Bet select two areas, and one of them randomly receives a +, while the other receives a -.

[h3]Boss Adjustments:[/h3]
Depredation: Instead of applying to all items, it applies to items in active status.
*So, the actual number of locked items has decreased*

[h3]Gold Adjustments: [/h3]
Gold decreased by 1 gold in the first round.
Gold increased by 1 gold for all boss rounds.

[h3]House Edge: [/h3]
Clarified some ambiguous descriptions in certain House Edge features.
Instead of strengthening Pizza House Edge by 50, it has been changed to be strengthened by 100.

[h3]Quest Adjustments: [/h3]
Investment was nerfed because its clear difficulty was too low and it was too easy to use and it will be modified later to interact more with the user's choices.

Requirements for completion: 25 -> 35
Additional betting points per coin: 10 ->7

Fixed a bug where the new version of the Betting Table was working unintuitively. It now shows each bet with a maximum count.

[h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3]
The issue where the House Edge's Quest Varoni did not work when the game was restarted, has been fixed.
The issue where the Quest count number text was obscured by token UI has been fixed.
The issue where the Fragile Legacy value was not reset in the next round has been fixed.
The issue where the Snow Drop value was not reset in the next round has been fixed.
Now, the description of Snow Drop explicitly states that it changes only from Normal Bet to Ice Bet.
The issue where items such as Betsudo and Elite Number were not applied immediately after purchasing from the shop has been fixed.
The issue where Large Ball did not interact with various slot items has been fixed.
The issue where Trickster did not receive effect of Investment under certain circumstances has been fixed.
The issue where the Wood Token effect applied to the next perk when Wood Token was discarded has been fixed.
The issue where Permafrost was considered as activated items has been fixed.
The issue where Love and Hate triggered when the next ball was Heart Ball instead of triggering when the next-next ball was Heart Ball has been fixed.
The issue where items modifying the shop were still applied in the next game when restarted via options has been fixed.
The issue where Bet Diversity worked even when locked has been fixed.
The issue where the House Edge did not increase from 290 to 300 has been fixed.

[h3]Known Issues Being Adressed:[/h3]
The feature indicating the pocket number with the most holdings in The Favorite Pocket item description. (It couldn't be implemented due to issues with the current item display method, but will be added later with UI updates).

We will announce the next patch schedule tomorrow.

[ 2024-04-12 19:11:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

-House Edge- Update Now Live

Patch Note 0.2.0
In this patch, we've introduced the new difficulty level House Edge as mentioned, along with several new items, as well as minor UI improvements. It includes a significant balance adjustment to accommodate various builds and tweaks to the abilities of bosses to address excessive helplessness in certain builds. Additionally, several bug fixes are included.

[h2]Balance Adjustments:[/h2]
In previous versions, gameplay centered excessively around gold acquisition. While managing the economy through features like Gold Bet or Golden Token to increase gold and purchase more items is a desirable playstyle, focusing solely on gold detracts from the overall enjoyment of the game. Therefore, we have reduced the maximum amount of gold obtainable when heavily investing in gold acquisition, while maintaining the overall amount of gold obtainable from items themselves. Now, achieving near-infinite gold will only be possible very occasionally through synergies with more items.

Base Coin & Discard Adjustments:
The number of coins provided in each round is decreased by 1.
The number of coins provided in the first round of each stage increases by 2.
The Discard increases by 1 across all rounds.
The gold given in Challenge Rounds increases by 4.

Gold Bet
The method of gaining gold upon successful gold betting will be changed from being based on probability to being always applicable.
Gold bet that has finished its coin collection will be changed to normal bet.
Successful gold betting at all levels will now reward 1 coin instead of gold. However, the number of times it can be used before becoming fragile will increase according to the level.

Coin Token
Originally, Coin Token was designed to generate money instead of having an opportunity cost. However, in previous versions, Coin Token could be exchanged after accumulating enough gold, eliminating any opportunity cost. Additionally, adding more coin token became easier once enough coins were earned. Now, players must decide whether to use coin token to earn money or to use it for emergency situations.
The gold supply function of Coin Token becomes fragile, so it will be destroyed when discarded.
Coin Token no longer provide coins corresponding to levels but instead provide 1 coin per 2 levels.
The price of Coin Token decreases from the previous 8 gold to 6 gold.
Midas: The effect of the Midas item will be changed from adding Coin +1 to gold betting to converting all owned bets into gold betting.

Ice Build
We have noticed that Ice Bet and Ball are significantly less used compared to other builds. Therefore, adjustments have been made to items related to the ice. The freezing area of Ice Bet and Frozen Ball increases at all stages, and they no longer freeze the selected (arrived) pocket.
The freezing area of Ice Straight up~Street increases from 6,6,8,8,10,10,12 to 10,10,12,12,14,14,16.
The freezing area of Ice Corner~Line increases from 4,4,6,6,8,8,10 to 8,8,10,10,12,12,14.
The freezing area of Ice Column~Color increases from 2,2,4,4,6,6,8 to 6,6,8,8,10,10,12.
The price of all types of Ice Bet decreases by 1 coin.
Ice Bet no longer freezes the betted pocket.
The name of Ice Ball has been changed to Frozen Ball for clarity in keyword explanation.
The freezing area of Frozen Ball significantly increases at all stages, from 4,4,6,6,8,8,10 to 10,12,14,16,18,20,22.
Frozen Ball no longer freezes the betted pocket. (Now, It will function to adjust the desired pocket in correspondence with other balls.)
The base score of Frozen Ball is buffed from 15,20,25,30,35,40,45 to 15,20,25,35,45,55,75
The price of Frozen Ball is decreased from 6 to 5
We acknowledge the current lack of visual clarity in some aspects. We plan to clearly indicate where the freezing occurs through future patches.

Flash betting has been adjusted as it was efficient even in builds that roll the ball multiple times.
The multiplier for Flash bet compared to Normal bet changes from 3/3/3/4/4/4/5 to 2/2/2/2.5/2.5/2.5/3
Flash betting is no longer fragile and its price decreases from 7 gold to 6 gold.

Wooden Token
The previous Wooden Token was completely useless, so it has been redesigned to interact with other items.
Wooden Token no longer consume round token.
The price of Wooden Token changes from the previous 6 coins to 5 coins.

Metal Token
It was observed that Metal Token was forming builds that could easily score infinitely, so its function has been adjusted. Infinite builds will now be occasional occurrences due to interactions with more items.
Now, Metal Token become fragile after one use.
The price of Metal Token changes from the previous 6 coins to 5 coins.

Pocket Ball
The function of Pocket Ball was difficult and counterintuitive, and the play that converted all pockets into one number was too powerful, so the function is adjusted. It is still possible to convert all pockets into one number, but it will not be possible just by picking up Pocket Balls as before.
Pocket Balls become fragile.
The function of increasing the number of balls according to the level up of Pocket Ball has been removed and replaced with increasing the number of usable times according to the level.
The price of Pocket Ball increases from the previous 6 coins to 7 coins.

The price of Alpha Token is adjusted from 7 coins to 6 coins.
The price of Omega Token is adjusted from 7 coins to 8 coins.

The usage available per round for Heart Ball is adjusted from 2,2,2,4,4,4,6 to 2,2,3,3,4,4,5
The price of Heart Ball is adjusted from 5 coins to 6 coins.

The base score of Wave Ball changes from 5,10,10,15,15,20,20 to 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
The growth score of Wave Ball changes from 5,5,8,8,11,11,15 to 2,3,4,6,8,10,14
Now, Wave Ball accumulates growth scores according to various ball addition mechanisms including Double Token.
Fragility is added to Wave Ball. (Due to proper interaction with Double Perks, the high scores are similar to or higher than before, but it will not be a good option unless invested properly.)
The base score of Repeat Ball is nerfed in the upper level range from 5,10,15,20,25,30,35 to 5,10,15,15,20,25,25.
The base score of Large Ball is buffed from 15,20,25,30,35,40,45 to 15,20,25,35,45,55,75
The base scoreof Target Ball is buffed from 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 to 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,45
The base score of Super Ball is buffed from 25,30,40,55,75,100,130 to 25,40,60,85,115,150,190

Basic Bets Adjustments
Straight up: Nerfed from 140, 200, 260, 380, 500, 620, 760 to 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700
Split: Nerfed from 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 620 to 80, 120, 160, 240, 320, 400, 540
Street: Nerfed from 80, 120, 160, 240, 320, 400, 500 to 70, 105, 140, 210, 280, 350, 460

[h2]Boss Adjustments[/h2]
Some bosses are perceived to lack adequate counterplay or possess stronger abilities than intended, hence they are being nerfed. Bosses should still present a challenge that requires thoughtful consideration in how to approach them, but encountering them should not feel like death.
Tyranny Remake: 50% of the pockets with the same number as the pocket where the ball stops become green 0 pockets. (The previous boss is being remade as it didn't effectively fulfill its role as the final stage boss. While maintaining its role of disrupting multi-roll plays, the debuffs it applies are being made more intuitive.)
Depredation Remake: Deactivates 1 item for every 3 items. Deactivated items change each time a token is used. (The previous version of Depredation was unclear in how to counter it and its power was excessively strong. Now, the boss's debuffs are made more intuitive, while making it possible for players to respond simultaneously.)
Roots around Adjustment: Now adds 2 "Decayed Wood Tokens" instead of additional basic tokens. (Decayed Wood Tokens are fragile level 1 basic tokens.) (Practically, every build suffered excessive impact when accommodating this. Since we only wanted to target builds that focus on using the same token repeatedly, adjustments are made.)
Keen Eye Adjustment: Repeating bets multiplier changed from 0.1x to 0.3x.
Strong Claw Adjustment: Second bet multiplier changed from 0.2x to 0.5x.
Sharp Beak Adjustment: Changed from converting all special bets to normal bets to converting 3 special bets to normal bets.
Distracted Adjustment: Second ball multiplier changed from 0.7x to 0.75x.
Simplify Adjustment: Only the ball with the highest score will be applied to the total score

[h2]Class Adjustments[/h2]
Trickster's base discard is increased by 2. (Trickster was adjusted as it was perceived to be too underwhelming compared to Archer at higher levels of house edge.)

[h2]Item Adjustments[/h2]
Struere Two: Now it only operates if the bet on the pocket containing the number 2 is successful, but the values are slightly buffed. This change aims to address clarity issues and prevent it from being a universally beneficial item when simply picked up without much thought, making it more rewarding for builds with a higher presence of 2s.
Growing Love: Now permanently grants 4% score boost and provides 20 points to other Heart Balls per Heart Ball activated during the round (stackable).
Midas: The effect of the Midas item will be changed from adding Coin +1 to gold betting to converting all owned bets into gold betting.
Betsudo: The amount of points deducted per empty slot increases from 10 to 20.
Precious Token: Provides 30 points instead of 16, and decreases by 6 points per turn if tokens remain.
Scrooge: Provides 30 points instead of 20, and decreases by 6 points if you have less than 5 gold at the end of the shop phase.
The Commons: Provides 40 points instead of 20, and the decrease amount has increased from 4 points to 10 points. (However, the decrease calculation applies from the second number onwards.)
No Turning Back: Provides 20 points instead of 10.
Elite Number: Changes from providing 1 point per empty slot to providing 10 points per 6 empty slots.
Cycle Point/Chip: Buffed from 5/20 to 10/30.
Duality: Nerfed from 30 to 20 points.
Slot Prime Number: Buffed from 40 to 60 points.
Keep the change has been nerfed. Now, the stack is reset if you bought or upgraded more than once in the shop

[h2]Quest and Reward Adjustments[/h2]
Runshed Upgrade adjustment - now upgrades 1 token by 2 levels instead of 3 tokens by 1 level. (This change is expected to significantly increase the value of early game breakthroughs.)

Now players choose quests after receiving rewards for clearing the first boss.(
This is to provide a bit more freedom in choosing quests, and it will alleviate some of the issues where certain quests were excessively difficult to clear. By receiving an additional reward, the introductory difficulty will become easier, but this will be offset by the House Edge difficulty. We hope to lower the difficulty for beginners instead of increasing it, allowing players to access more challenging levels as they play more.)
Monochrome's base requirement is relaxed from 36 to 32.
Natural Selection's copied tokens now provide 2x value instead of 1.5x.
Round Robin now upgrades 2 tokens instead of 1 if the player doesn't use discards after clearing.
Permafrost's freezing range is buffed from 4 spaces to 6 spaces.
With the changes in fragile items, the value of the Fragile Legacy quest is increased to 50% from the previous 25%. (Now, players must use synergy with items like Wood Tokens rather than simply using any special bets.)
Snow Drop no longer prevents the betted pockets from freezing.
Choosing Snow Drop now converted the top 3 bets to Ice bets based on the token list.
The clear condition for Snow Drop is changed from freezing a certain number of pockets to clearing 3 rounds with 24 or more frozen pockets.
Relay Race's base ratio is nerfed from 50% to 40%.

[h2]Challenge Mode Adjustments[/h2]
The scoring rate in Challenge Mode is being adjusted to increase more gradually.
We don't want the Challenge Mode to feel like a chore by being too lengthy. In previous versions, the score increase was too abrupt in the early stages and decreased in the later stages, failing to provide an ideal gameplay experience. We've slightly reduced the rate of score increase in the early stages and increased it in the later stages to mitigate extreme gameplay outcomes where players either clear until the end or die early in the game, aiming to reach an appropriate max round based on the deck's power.

[h2]Feature Addition[/h2]
Now displays the number of free rerolls available.
Option has been added to adjust spin speed and score speed separately in the settings. (In the future, a feature will be added to skip score speed even faster.)

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
The issue where scaling-related items didn't function properly at 100% has been fixed.
The issue where Pocket Fixer triggered again after round 2 restarts; overall issues related to restarts will be addressed in future versions has been fixed.
The bug where Struere Two only calculated the first slot of the Large ball has been fixed.
The issue where the effect of 8 Ball on the last ball of a round triggered in the following round has been fixed.
The issue where Relay Race had a -50% multiplier has been fixed.
The issue where the game crashed if Trickster encountered an item problem when no items remained has been fixed.
The issue where Trickster's ability didn't apply to item boxes has been fixed.
The issue where bosses didn't work when the game was restarted has been fixed.
The issue where Snowdrop's counter text appeared even when there was no change between rounds has been fixed.
The issue where additional values from the Wave Ball disappeared in the Sharp Beak boss round has been fixed.
The issue of the same item appearing in the item box has been resolved. (only Pioneer appears when purchasing an item box with all items).
The issue where the Pocket Ball text didn't appear in certain situations has been fixed.
The issue where chips or points were calculated as multipliers when they were 0 has been fixed.
The issue where the Repeat Ball mark didn't disappear when the tile it should go into was frozen has been fixed.
Fixing a display error or crash when exceeding 999999999 points using multi-balls due to int overflow (while the patch will allow displaying scores over 999999999 in the future, the maximum score is temporarily set to 999999999 to resolve the crash).
The issue where Round Robin crashed when all tokens were at maximum level has been fixed.
The issue where Double tokens halved their value when restarted has been fixed.
The issue where Unfortunate only added a value of 0 points in specific situations has been fixed.
Text Adjustments:
Specifying cycle base chip; further clarification of specific terms will be done through menus like glossary.
Fixing an error where Snowdrop was incorrectly labeled as Round Robin when selected.
Correcting a typo in the description of Fickle.

[h2]Known Issues Being Adressed[/h2]
Fixing the issue where items in the shop don't show how much they would boost when purchased.
Correcting the problem where activated bets aren't displayed properly.

An additional patch containing the content that couldn't be added due to some serious bugs is scheduled to be released within few days. We will also release a specific roadmap along with the patch.

[ 2024-04-04 19:01:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Enjoy 'Bingle Bingle' during the Deck Building Festa

Enjoy 'Bingle Bingle' at a discounted price during the Deck Building Festa!

The Deck Building Festa runs until April 1st at 10:00 AM (UTC-7).

[ 2024-03-25 19:47:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Solution for resolving Linux execution errors

[ 2024-03-25 19:42:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

Support for Steam Cloud and Linux devices, along with fixes for monitor issues.

. To run Bingle Bingle on Linux:

-If you're downloading it for the first time, it should run normally without any additional steps required.

-If you've previously downloaded the game, delete it first. Then, in your library, right-click on Bingle Bingle, select "Properties," and uncheck "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" under the "Compatibility" tab. (If it's already unchecked, check it, then uncheck it again.) After that, reinstall the game, and it should run.

2. Fullscreen mode will appear on the monitor where the windowed mode is located.

3. Steam Cloud save is supported. Users who have previously played must first log in with the device where the save data exists before using Cloud Save to prevent the save data from being deleted.
The save file storage path for Windows: %appdata%/KnittingGames/BingleBingle
The save file storage path for Linux: $XDG_DATA_HOME/KnittingGames/BingleBingle

Since we don't have multiple devices, there might still be some issues. If you encounter errors, please report them to us. And there appears to be a bug where cross-platform saves between certain Linux devices and Windows systems are not functioning properly. If you encounter any related bugs, we would appreciate it if you could report them. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Knitting Games

[ 2024-03-24 02:26:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.1.1

Thank you for your tremendous support for Bingle Bingle.

Initially, we had planned to release the first update two weeks later. However, upon seeing many of you enjoying the game, we realized the need to add immediate content for your enjoyment, even if it's rougher than we planned. Additionally, we identified certain items and bets as overly powerful, leading to a problem where only specific builds were being encouraged to play. Therefore, we will patch the following content:

*Adjusted the value of several items and bets.

*Fixed various bugs and text errors reported by players.

*Fixed a bug where the luck-related mechanism that should only apply in the tutorial was triggering in regular stages under certain circumstances.

*Added a rough version of Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode can be accessed after clearing all regular stages, where players will face bosses with rapidly increasing target scores each round. (This is different from the 'House Edge' difficulty we introduced in our roadmap.)
Put your build to the challenge!

*Your final reached round and high score will be displayed on the main menu.

[ 2024-03-20 01:03:51 CET ] [ Original post ]

Bingle Bingle now available!

Bingle Bingle's Steam Early Access has begun!!

You can now bingle your balls by visiting the Steam Page
Thank you to those who have shown interest to the game, and we would like to provide a brief update on the schedule!

[ 2024-03-18 18:02:56 CET ] [ Original post ]