Startup bugs fixed; ONLINE foreshadowing
[ 2019-01-09 06:26:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
We had a bit of a date-based meltdown after the new year rolled around, so the game would start but the ship would be stuck on the loading screen forever... oops. This, along with the Cyrillic characters in the install path preventing the game from even starting, are only two of many (enjoy scrolling below) fixes and improvements in Release Build 9, out now!!
- 2k19 bug fix
- Game start with russian and other computer names now
- Prep for upcoming online multiplayer (oh snap)
- Added settings flag to multiplayer menu scene too
- Added emoji wheel
- Added util.scheduleUpdate(func, time, ...)
- Added util.getClosestAssembly(pos, tag, filter, maxRange), util.flash also takes tables as argument
- Added screen ID to controller, bound it to lua, mixing cameras by screen id
- Added and bound scene:ActivateZonesAtPoint(pnt)
- Added math.noise(x,y)
- Added color.gray
- Temp: auto adding missing pioneers on build
- Added pio.destroyIncludingTargetAssemblies()
- Added and bound c2d:DisconnectPlayerFromServer(ctrlID)
- Added GetGameInfo().players.disconnected and desynchronized
- Added and set SNNeoNoire font
- Added force start
- Added and bound c2d:GetGameInfo
- Added and bound c2d:LobbyStartGame()
- Added gameNetVer to lobbies, discoverying servers all time for now
- Added and bound c2d:GetLobbies(), JoinGame and CreateGame
- Added c2d:GetNetworkState()
- Added c2d:ConnectToServer(id) and added id to discovered servers
- Added game keys mechanism to filter out pirated versions from servers
- Added PP_ONLINE_GAME def, disabled workshop
- Added SimpleDoc JSON parser, getting online servers from ServerMan
- Added minimal reaction chat test
- Added to bomb tennis: scoring, game win, effects, outs
- Added util.schedule(func, time, ...)
- Added new scene: bomb tennis
- Added new tool racket
- Added util.boomPSAssembly(psName, target) and util.addTrail(target, time)
- Added respawn.setRespawnAsStandardPio(set) to make all players respawn as standard pioneer in respawn station
- Added util.flash(asm, time, lightness)
- Added vehicle building phase in racetoid
- Added little feedback to construction elevator
- MiroMode adds 3 loot bubbles and resets every 5 mins
- Added more info into det. debug frame - obj added from Lua/engine, deleted timers info
- Added miroMode
- Added created timers debug info
- Added checkbox to show/hide net status
- I shortcut disabled in net game, added shortcut 7 to start game with debug
- Added debug determinism setting before starting game
- Added hud.add/stop_floaty_PS(name, target)
- Added gun_helper.setAllowGiveBPOnExplosion(set)
- Added random seeds check also to simple determinism check
- Added info about server's determinism frames checked
- Added frames-behind status
- Filled all ammotoid arenas, added sounds
- Gun_helper: added addGunModifier(func) and removeGunModifier(id) to apply and remove modifier to/from all current and future guns
- Ammotoid: prepared all arenas, added shape to planet, set mappable
- Added cleanup to ammotoid for better performance
- Added missing pp_ai function
- Ammotoid: added crowns for winners, more AIs in loot bubbles, loot bubbles dont spawn items players have in hands, nicer effect and random delay for loot bubble respawn
- Ice bug checks all broken off pieces to explode, added particle System trail effect when falling down dead
- Loot bubble spawns helper AIs, floats around randomly, added particle Systems
- Added start tips to ammotoid
- Added trail white particle System
- Added tiny tool activation delay after pickup to avoid firing first shots out of control
- Added net traffic info also in bits/sec
- Added simple version of determinism checking, without debug info
- Ammotoid added temporary winning
- Added AI player to ammotoid
- Added effects to booster
- Pop plant doenst add trail to tiny stuff
- Ammotoid: added some juice
- Added tool booster prototype
- Added total packets sent and received to network info
- Added client PPS limit, disabled SHA packets check
- Added data flow info and debug determinism checkbox
- Added ask for missing frames delay
- Netgame - added run-time-settable option to limit Packets per Second sent by server game
- Pop plant adds trail to target shot up
- Added loot bubble
- Added feedback to shield metal when blocking a shot
- Net settings exposed in gNetCfg and games connect controls added into Editor
- Added respawn.setAllowRespawning(bool)
- Added ammotoid prototype
- Added state indicators to both knuckles
- Set vote scene not mappable
- More varied featured planetoids
- Turned off fake online mode
- Visual polish for multiplayer shift user interface
- Fixed util.scheduleUpdate passing wrong time to update function
- Emojis scale by zoom
- Updated showing player info and shift click highlight
- Setting ctrl cam target after cam update, because script can change ctrl's cam pos
- Ammotoid uses controller cameras only
- Ammotoid: always activating active zone in current arena
- Optimized NetGames:GetGameByID
- Joystick input over network (vector instead of abs point), wip
- Optimized NetClients:GetByAddr with hash table lookup
- Also showing all zone activating points yellow X in active objects and zones wires (ctrl+shift+K)
- Disabled game controller functions for PPO - returning constants.
- Deleting all workshop blueprints and scenes on start if workshop not enabled
- Updated and used (not) STEAM_WORKSHOP_ENABLED for PPO
- C2d:GetDateTime returning 'not avail...' when network game and not edit mode
- Disabled switch to menu when zoomed out in PPO
- Returning to vote scene after finished rounds on all planetoids, made hookoid completable
- Game can be completed in multiplayer too by leaving with rocket
- Showing player info with shift test
- Ctrl+N to show/hide netgame on-screen status
- Optimized det. debug frames
- Checking edit mode in det. debug
- Finished server to work in fast devrelease mode
- Turned OFF client catchup
- Turned ON client catch up for a test and turned OFF activating zones by camera
- Updates on Server
- Can only create 2 plr gmae for ammotoid for now
- Disabled restarting game when no backup found and double pressing X
- Showing if a player left or this computer lost connection
- Showing esc button hint in vote scene
- Finished server will be closing feature
- Updates on server user interface
- First implementation of Server user interface
- Net game uses camera pos now to activate zones
- Removed camera:GetFocusArea
- Temporary solution for net game: attaching keyb to all controllers so GetAttachedGameControllerType() returns 3 as it should
- Disabled ctrl+X in PPO in game mode and when network is enabled
- Terminating game if client is the last remaining player on server
- Temp: hold ESC to leave game
- Tracking disconnected players, can leave in vote scene with esc
- Temp: deleting all pioneers without controller in multiplayer on build
- Turned off client catch up
- Got back client catchup for test
- Forced to load vote scene for game scene on startup to load game faster. anyway the game scene re-loads on network game start
- Editors disabled in PPO release
- Drag and drop allowed in edit mode only for PPO
- Optimized - deleting old net debug frames
- Renamed pp_chat to pp_multiplayer and cleaned up code
- Voting now happens in vote game scene
- Optimizing game recording to keep only several seconds of game in buffers, to save memory mainly for server games
- Got back original font
- Fixed WriteToScreenRel, updates on net game
- Titleoid change
- Showing player names
- Pp_chat emoji test
- Always refreshing lobbies after disconnect
- Floaty particle System polish
- Floaty particle Systems move up
- Updated crush2d domain everywhere
- Showing more lobby and connection state info
- Included server version in statistics
- Can choose lobbies and create new ones
- Updated and bound c2d:DisconnectFromServer and ConnectedToServer
- Showing lobbies instead of servers
- Update: discovery after load only, not during load engine anymore, otherwise ping is incorrect
- Lobby test
- Disabled our debug warnings and hints in release version
- Floaty texts stack smoothly
- Multiple floaty texts stack
- Can only vote to abandon once
- Join first server with E btn
- Esc triggers test abandon vote in multiplayer
- Net code polish and some clean up
- Scene no more paused when waiting for connected game to start
- Working scene vote prototype
- Set up communication between map and menu
- Titleoid scene vote test
- Chat disabled in single player
- Tower builder 3p
- Bomb tennis 3p
- Pioneer height ray canclel test
- Updates on determinism debug
- Update on finding suspicious det debug frame
- Always debug determinism updates
- Always debug determinism update wip
- Checking game network version, so only players with the same version can connect to the same game
- Checking server version, bound c2d:GetServerVersion and GetGameNetworkVersion
- Saved Jet race scene to Hookoid, scaled down whole planet, added two gates, updated ceilings
- Game now sends error log to db from dev debug sessions
- Set Titleoid to menu scene, enabled grids, disabled zooming into game and menu
- Updated discovering servers
- Updated Earthoid to start on any key press, and not loading it as game scene if set so from last play/edit
- Created PP Online project, made Earthoid its menu
- Auto connect to server with ctrl+shift+1..4, only connects to specified IP now in editor
- Server statistics update
- Server gains and sends statistics
- Server registration updates
- New scene: tower builder
- Server now registers with ServerMan, updated SimpleDoc with JSON output
- Bomb tennis: respawns, sounds, effects
- Racket checks LOS to target
- Polished racetoid: enter vehicle to get ready, can upgrade animals too, no AIs in network play, other small polish
- Made grappling hook more responsive
- Can always respawn in networked play
- Done rotating hologram in net game
- Updates on blueprint menu handling over network
- Polished bridge builder
- Welder is more powerful
- Made assembly lock work with reactors
- Garage is alwyas ready to produce if nothing is linked to set it ready
- Blueprint menu over network - wip
- New scene: bridge builder
- Removed old assembly
- Polished ammotoid clean up
- Ammtoid restarts after game over
- Ammotoid AIs use booster randomly
- Chnages to ammotoid
- Russian lang updates from PPTest
- Pause game when determinism debugger finds error
- Freeing memory of checked debug frames
- Finished determinism debugger working now over internet
- Debugger update
- Debug slows down game when waiting for missing data
- Updates in det debug
- Updates on determinism debugger
- Disabled drag and drop when playing over network
- Jet Race prototype
- Ammotoid showing Bot/controller type with icon over player
- Ammtoid turned off restart tip and gun helper giving blueprints
- Fixed rencent update on radnom seeds check
- Updated random seed desync check in simple det. test
- More info on pp_respawn missing game controller error
- Spikes grenades synchronize timers with connected grenades
- Disabled clamping gui hints to screen border for now cause it breaks determism
- Switched off determinism debug for other testing
- Deleting old det. debug check frames
- Slowing down game when some client's computer is slow
- Strings are displayed with "" in debug things
- Showing line of code it happened at in error
- Removed determism breaking relative camera pos funcs from carnageoid
- Pause not allowed with O in net game, optimized determinism checking
- Network game pausing and unpausing
- Determinism debug updates
- Determinism debug updates
- Updates on determinism debg
- Updates on determinism debug
- Determinism debugger updates
- Updated on determinism debug, wip
- Network - finished over-sized packets sending and re-sending lost parts
- Loot bubble starts dead so AIs dont attack it
- Updated oversized packets on server
- Ammotoid changes
- Heavy machine gun now has dual shot
- Gun_helper supports shooting multiple bullets at the same frame and takes particle System link to MO direction into account for aim correct
- Dx11 topology
- Network updates
- Ammotoid: loot bubble contains group of drones
- Loot bubble loot doesnt collide with looter for 0.5 secs
- Loot bubble can have multiple loot items
- Radar helper: doesnt trigger '?' if enemy got killed
- Simplified particle System debug string
- Minor changes and code comments
- Not fading from black when restarting with editor mode, hacky lua way for now
- Net game updates, loading scene, temp. determinism fix in c2d:GetNDRandom functions
- Re-throwing error exception in non-release mode, updates on network
- Handling and writing on screen desync and disconnected state of all clients
- Updates on determinism check and clients connection timeout disconnecting
- Polished booster controls more
- World pin unmounts from world if mounted object gone
- Up to 4 players
- Blank planetoid for three players test
- Default players count 1 for my faster tests
- Port change
- Server updated: handling client disconnecting and empty games deleting
- Ammotoid: set up teams, AI players always see enemies, more bubble loot with better randomization
- Loot bubble supports vehicles as loot
- Default players to 2 for a game for faster testing on two computers
- Updates on net game. ping measuring, number of players setting
- Started on vertex buffer code for dx11
- Updates on missing frames and simulated packets drop
- Updates on net game
- Older net code clean up
- Updates on C2DServer and network game
- Updates on C2DServer
- Updates on C2DServer
- Loot bubble can not be shot to collect loot
- Ammotoid: smoother cam, testing vertical cam follow
- Lots of updates on server and net communication
- Ammotoid cam set by arena borders now working with all screen resolutions
- C2DServer wip
- Ammotoid: pioneers die when not functional, updated arenas
- Booster breaks harder, doesnt work when pioneer dead
- Reactor set background also sets assemblies to not collide with particles
- Grenade spikes explodes when damaged, only attaches to destructible assemblies
- Sticky launcher can only shoot 3 grenades at a time
- Reactor set indestructible also includes joints of target
- Pioneer cancels tool name tip if tool broke
- Ammotoid: assemblies thrown at enemies head are lethal, loot bubbles respawn, added some particle System effects, updated arenas, fixed incorrect blueprint images in loot bubble
- Grappling hook can not connect rope to other ropes (at your own risk)
- Disabled perf log again
- Pioneer turns when aiming behind him and shooting, but doesnt shoot while turning anymore
- Pioneer lua optimization: calculating some values only once per frame
- Removed expensive particle System impulse check from pioneer only checking for area loss to flash from shots
- Pioneer can not lift alive enemies with an area bigger than 3
- Removed warning about locale settings being in development
- Updated client send timing
- Updated net game start with proper loading state message
- Updates on net game code
- Splitting constant buffers for dx11 shaders
- Forgotten changes
- Simplified net code using net states, made connect and game start communication work with lost packets
- Polished loot bubble
- Ammotoid: added stomping rule, new arenas, updated loot bubble
- Applying jump velocity control to carried items too for smoother, reliable jump
- Removed debug thing
- Net game update: handling and sending missing frames optimally
- Implemented GameRec in network data
- Start of advanced GameRec game recording class
- Testing some new ideas in ammotoid
- Blank Planetoid for testing
- Simplified Assembly, MO and camera strings
- Updated build number
- Start of loading shaders in dx11
- Extracting RenderToTextureMan into reusable across API code
- Gun helper guns dont explode when touching structures
- Removed weapon tag from oil vase
- Blacklisted OP bots dalek, pixelsoilder and beef worm in coliseum
- Fixed starting network only if PP_ONLINE_GAME defined now
- Fixed util.getDateTime() in net play
- Fixed featured planetoid not working in years > 2018
- Fixed ugliness with even number of emojis in wheel
- Fixed util.schedule not scheduling multiple things for the same frame
- Fixed lua error in analytics when toggling net play
- Fixed particle System crash in editor when render in user interface and ticked off render in scene or lightmap
- Fixed hologram orientation, unbound unused camera functions
- Fixed player leaving game not returning to menu
- Fixed some cases where multiplayer game could switch to menu, added pp.leaveScene() to switch correctly
- Fixed all players leaving if one player disconnects
- Fixed space teleporter in mp, text positioning and player fade out effect
- Fixed 4 player setup in bomb tennis
- Bomb tennis player order fix attempt
- Fixed wrong player count abandon game
- Fixed bomb tennis for up to 4 plrs, fixed bat not setup correctly on respawn
- Server: new stuff fixes and polish
- Fixed welder starting on
- Fixed lua error in vote scene
- Fixed silent crash and bugs when user name is wide string
- Fix: much smoother picture motion after removed time catch up in client, what is now handled by slowing down game by server
- Fixed GameRec resets for new game on server
- Fixed game recording optimization
- Fixed server start into db statistics and server version
- Fixed and enabled start tips in ammotoid
- Fixed WriteToScreenRel pixel offsets
- Fixed network communication while loading scene or engine
- Fixed waiting load finish
- Fixed loading done on server
- Oops fixed disconnect doesn't work
- Server fixes
- Fixed scene completion with space telporter and made it return players to vote scene in multiplayer
- Server fix and server discovery call right after disconnected
- Fixed server lobby
- Fixed floaty text not using delta time
- Fixed server receive data threading
- Fixed threading of network data receive
- Fixed calling create game
- Added more scenes to vote and fixed invalid voter
- Fixed http functions, getting servers now on game load, also starting network engine on load
- Fixed error in pp_respawn
- Fixed lua error in title scene
- Fixed racket for 3p
- Fixed error log scene field
- Fixed menu in det debug and closing menu
- Fixed tool tether targeting itself
- Fixed can atomize somtimes in ammotoid
- Fixed lua errs in jet rocket and pio_ai
- Fixed jet dissapering from back
- Fix in debug frame compare
- Shards particle System fix for determinism
- Fixed lua error in gun helper
- Fixed load scr fade out, added reset scene to net game
- Fixed pioneer ai not restoring friction of items on death
- Fixed pioneer_ai.knockout() and ragdoll() funcs not working right
- Fixed booster and jet rocket always active
- Fixed AI spamming !s when target has a grappling hook in hands
- Fixed enemy hint positioning on defendoid
- Fixed lua error in defendoid, fixed skip wave tip not above terminal
- Fixed tool rope hanging in air when attaching to terrain
- Fixed data write of det. frame checked
- Fixed ZOrder of crowns in ammotoid
- Quick fix for racetoid breaking determinism
- Small fix in determinsm debug
- Fixes in determinism debugger
- Improved errorHandler: fixed nil upvalues not showing, displaying key value pairs the same everywhere, showing depth of retrieved locals and upvalues, improved code
- Fixed pioneer not mirroring tool about to explode
- Fixed wearable problems like mirroring on pioneer and incorrectly setup blueprints
- Fixed gun going crazy when pressing both mouse buttons
- Fixed GetPacket params
- Temporary fix for net game: standard pioneer is Crazy Bob for all
- Fixed aurium staff projectiles going crazy when throwing tool
- Fixed determinism checking was bugged on server
- Fixed ice bug shard cone on death unpredictable
- Fixed lua error in pp_ai
- Fixed analytics error
- Fixed lua error in analytics
- Radar helper: fixed AI getting triggered constantly when touching tools
- Fixed input lag cumulating in server's game client input buffer
- Workaround fix for missing tostring() of nil objects causing errors in error handling and print functions
- Jetpack has more reliable controls, also fixed not working with controller
- Fixed birds stealing from friends
- Fixed lua error in grinders
- Fixed ropes possibly breaking shortly after build
- Fixed net game player focus by net client ID
- Net game ping fix
- Net game small fixes
- Net game fixed sending / receiving missing frames
- Fixed AIs going nuts when encountering constructs, added pp.ai.set_default_enemy_tag(tag, set) to overwrite standard enemy tags for all AIs
- Fixed lua error when pioneer lifts off with rocket for the first time
- Ammotoid: added active zones, better instructions, fixes and polish
- Fixed lua error in pioneer when collision dissapeared
- Added loot bubble.setLoot() and fixed some weapons missing preview images
- Fixed ropes breaking on build in some cases
- Fixed ropes wobbling a lot on start
- Fixed loot bubble items where atomizable
- Fixed sticky bomb launcher shooting through assemblies
- Fix on loading done net messages
- Fixed pioneer could not take grappling hook from other pioneers back
- Fixed booster lua error
- Fixed loose world joints in cable and rope
- Fixes in stomping rules and loot bubble, higher booster cooldown
- Fixed flamethrower not strong enough
- Fixed 2 bugs making pioneer jump unreliably
- Fixed pio.set_ignore_knockouts() not working correctly
- Small fix in netgame code
- Fixed somme ammotoid bugs, added random weapons
- Fixed workshop scenes textures and sounds FN adjust, fixed asteroid belt TOs
- Fixed structure tag missing from space teleporter
- Fixed lua error in knuckles
- All enemies flash when knocked out, flip bot freezes and falls over instead of slacking, tweaked breaking values of many bots, fixed swinging broken pieces on broken flip bot
[ 2019-01-09 06:26:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Planetoid Pioneers
Data Realms
Data Realms, LLC
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
🎮 Full Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
(350 reviews)
The Game includes VR Support
Public Linux Depots:
- Planetoid Pioneers Linux [398.91 M]
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT buy this special edition UNLESS you want to get your hands dirty in the ongoing development of Planetoid Pioneers, which is inspired by classics such as Blaster Master (‘88), Metroid (‘86), and Exile (‘88). At this point, we are looking for those with a genuine interest in creating and remixing content within the unique Crush2D engine and the modular game structure we have already established.
If you simply want to experience a polished physics-driven game (nothing wrong with that!), feel free to add Planetoid Pioneers to your wishlist and wait until it exits its Early Access period. By that point, it will contain a complete yet expanding action-exploration adventure, hand-built by not only us on the official development team, but also in collaboration with the Contributor Community.
Explore, survive, and ultimately build a resource-intensive spacecraft to escape the dangers and mysterious caves of this circular world. Onto the next uncharted Planetoid for a completely different adventure - built by us or anyone in the Contributor Community!
If you simply want to experience a polished physics-driven game (nothing wrong with that!), feel free to add Planetoid Pioneers to your wishlist and wait until it exits its Early Access period. By that point, it will contain a complete yet expanding action-exploration adventure, hand-built by not only us on the official development team, but also in collaboration with the Contributor Community.
However, if you do choose to purchase the Contributor Edition today, you will:
- Become part of the emerging Contributor Community, where you can collaborate and directly share content with the development team and your fellow contributors.
- Be able to submit your creations for consideration to be integrated into the official shipping game, with your name then appearing in the credits.
- With a single button press, have the ability to publish whatever you make to the free Steam Workshop, for anyone to rate, comment, and subscribe to.
- Be among the first to have your very best Blueprints and Scenes considered for the Curated Item Workshop on Steam - where you would earn money on them!
About the first ‘Primoid’ Planetoid that will initially ship with Planetoid Pioneers:
After your space yacht undergoes an irksome Rapid Unplanned Disassembly, you find yourself marooned on a large Planetoid outside the orbit of Mars. To overcome this interplanetary Robinson Crusoe scenario, you need to use your Atomizer and Assembler tools to gather local resources and turn them into various vehicles, contraptions, and even organic life forms.Explore, survive, and ultimately build a resource-intensive spacecraft to escape the dangers and mysterious caves of this circular world. Onto the next uncharted Planetoid for a completely different adventure - built by us or anyone in the Contributor Community!
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