It's been a while... the main reason for the slow updates this year: Data had a baby - turns out that is very distracting! However, we have pulled together a super cool thing: Being able to create or edit any planetoid, game mode, pioneer, tool, item, weapon, monster, vehicle, or robot in the world-class editors included here, and then publish them to the new, separate Workshop of Planetoid Pioneers ONLINE:
... and then immediately play with your mod in online multiplayer with whoever subscribes to it! Plus, they will get the latest version automatically when you update it. Yes, you'll be able to play the totally custom content (images, audio, scripts, etc) you or someone else from the community makes - no hassle, no sending files to anyone!
To illustrate this, here's a video of our own mkster working on a new game mode now available in the Workshop:
- PP now has tickbox to publish scenes to PP Online workshop
- Tons of improvments, fixes and new content from PPO
- Added chinese localization (by cyan64)
- Fixed Primoid ending
- Base Defense - Bunkers
- Bomb Ball - Concrete Court
- Bridge Builder - Deep Tunnels
- Bridge Builder - Lava Caves
- Grappling Race - Hookoid
- Room Rush - Ammotoid
- Rover Race - Planium
- Optimized pp_camera by 50%, added makeCalcOncePerFrameFunc()
- Added url DRL Steam, commented out Write test in titleoid
- Added discord buttons
- Added chinese localization (by cyan64)
- Added and bound c2d:SetMainWindowTitle()
- Added and bound GetAimPointRel
- Added effect to saw if thrown while activated
- Polished all grenades and added to bridge battle
- Titleoid gradient added, wip
- Added font gradient functions, set PPORelease config by Release (PP) config
- Menu selection stays even if menu lines get added
- Added mp:getCurrentRealTimePassed() using real time for slowdown average calculation
- Added shift menu hint
- Added math.getMovingAverageCalculator(size)
- Removed add mount joint warning
- Added scene setup and resources to hookoid
- Added Disable Friendly Collisions setting to reactor scene setup
- Added gun_helper.hasShotGun()
- Added table.subTables
- Added to "to complete scene" before goal string in 2 places
- Adjusted some scenes to work with player added
- Added and bound scene:GetAutoMountToWorld()
- Added and bound scene:GetAssembliesToRespawn()
- Added and bound c2d:GetSteamUserName(rID)
- Added and bound c2d:GetSteamFriends()
- Added player IDs to discovered lobbies info
- Added meta.getStandardPioneer(ctrl)
- Added camera:setEnableAutoCam(set) to disable all lua side camera stuff for custom cameras
- Added and bound scene:GetScenesWithTag
- Added all scenes unlock cheat
- Added discovery lights to ammotoid
- Added discovery lights to ammotoid
- Added camera:setEnableCoopCam(set)
- Added and bound PS:GetChildPSs()
- Closed off bridge builder map, added heat to holes
- Added double click RMB for placing the same hologram as before
- Added achievement DROPPED_SCENE
- Added and bound audio effects to controller. SetReverbDecayTime and others
- Added local coop cam
- Added Lua files to game data SHA, also materials now comparing text
- Added and bound ctrl:GetSteamAchievement()
- Added and bound ctrl:SetSteamAchievement()
- Added lots of achievement checks
- Added more rich presence info and moved and cleaned code into pp_steam
- Add pp_steam.lua for rich presence and achievements
- Added frames behind info in dev rel
- Added GetClientUserTagValue() bug repro in titleoid
- Added c2d:ResetAllSteamStats(), calling StoreStats after SetAchievement or ResetAllSteamStats
- Added return to lobby button when choosing scene for playing while waiting
- Added steam rich presence info
- Added and bound c2d:SteamSetRichPresence and SteamClearRichPresence
- Added and bound c2d:SetSteamAchievement()
- Added and bound c2d:GetGameDataSHA() to compare required local data is the same for connected clients
- Added import Scenes (only) with drag and drop in PPO Release
- Added util.getFirstScreenControllers()
- Added and bound Scene:GetClientSceneSHA
- Added and bound Controller:GetSceneSHA
- Added util.cutLine(from, vec, ignoreAssembly)
- Added client param to ActivateGameOverlayToUser
- Added and bound c2d:HasSteamFriend
- Added friendadd test
- Added steam users ID sharing in lobby, added and bound c2d:ActivateGameOverlayToUser(dialog, clientID)
- Added controller to Titleoid
- Attaching game controllers again in SP mode, added controller to Titleoid
- Added pp.isPPO()
- Added param rIncludingNonMappable to scene:GetAllUserScenes and ctrl:GetAllUserScenes
- Added and bound scene:GetClientUserTagValue and GetClientUserTagValueNumber
- Added and bound c2d:GetGameName()
- Added descriptions to most scenes
- Added stomping rule to bridge battle
- Added string.splitToLines, getReadTime
- Added offline play setting
- InterruptConstruct also sets Controller's construct being added to none
- Added reactor set blueprint unobtainable, pioneer in base sky island unobtainable
- Added Gastos to credits
- Added missing particle System
- Added offline play and connection errors
- Added new team bridge battle scene: temple
- Added new weapon sniper rifle
- Added play tutorial button to settings
- Added util.getHumanAssemblies()
- Added table.randomize
- Added tutorial
- Disabled add player hint in online play
- Added some sounds to menu
- Added new blueprint bouncer to replace elevator
- Added new bp: concrete pillar
- Added more det. checks and separated joint pin solve to two steps
- Added checks to solver, separated solver steps
- Added reactor add resources
- Added and bound Set/GetShareBlueprintsGroupID to control blueprint sharing between shuman controllers
- Pioneer throws everything like tools with reliable velocity set instead of added
- Readded missing resp stations from bridge battle
- Added camouflage component
- Added new pointer emoji particle System
- Added pio.pointAtBG(pos, time)
- Added respawn protection to resp station
- Added new tier 1 weapon saw
- Added five more places when all MOs velocity is checked for determinism
- Base war: added intruder alert, game over camera on core destroyed
- Added quick vote to replay scene
- Added camera:setAllowZooming(set), camera:setEnableAutoZooming(set)
- Added new zoom level for things tagged 'ship', tagged coalition ship ship
- Added reactor set hue
- Disabled auto walking in coalition climber and added more death conditions and behaviour
- Added fpu infos and mo area
- Added enable trigger to respawn station
- Added new scene: base war planium hills
- Added reactor add resources
- Added new base war scene prototype
- Added wrangloid easy to hostable scenes
- Hookoid: players indestructible, added hook blueprint
- Players can vote to start, added admin, moved missmatch warning
- Added multi screen support for clickable menu
- Added set respawn to random station setting to scene setup reactor
- Added create game settings
- Added option to garage to set veh not obtainable, set that in bridge builder
- Added chaseoid activity
- Added on back target to resp station
- Added new clickable game menu with all lobbies visible
- Added and bound c2d:GetSteamWorkshopEnabled()
- Made PP the default config, and added a PPORelease config for PPO to all projects and solution
- Can join any scene thats hosted, added cheat to host more scenes
- Added new race map: planium race
- Added CameraWrap, wip
- Added cooldown to tennis racket
- Added start resources to defendoid
- Copy player tools test in player adder
- Bridge Builder - removed some assemblies, added fourth player
- Added and bound scene:GetControllersByScreen
- Added and bound PS:PlaySoundUI with pitch parameter
- Added hud.getAnyBPMenuOpen(ctrls), floaty texts for single screens, set some hud things to only render for relevant screen
- Added and bound scene:GetCameraByPoints
- Added and bound scene:WriteToScreenByWorldPosFC and WriteToScreenRelFC
- Added camera.shakeAllScreens()
- Added and bound scene:GetControllersPerScreen
- Added camera.setAllCameras(pos, zoom) and temporary camera.getControllersPerScreen()
- Added ctrl:GetCamera():AddShaking() test to ammotoid too
- Added and bound GetCameraByAssemblies(rAssembliesIDs, rController)
- Cleaned Controller code, removed old stuff, added comments
- Added emoji wheel
- Added util.scheduleUpdate(func, time, ...)
- Added util.getClosestAssembly(pos, tag, filter, maxRange), util.flash also takes tables as argument
- Added screen ID to controller, bound it to lua, mixing cameras by screen id
- Added and bound scene:ActivateZonesAtPoint(pnt)
- Added math.noise(x,y)
- Added color.gray
- Temp: auto adding missing pioneers on build
- Added pio.destroyIncludingTargetAssemblies()
- Added and set SNNeoNoire font
- Added force start
- Added to bomb tennis: scoring, game win, effects, outs
- Added util.schedule(func, time, ...)
- Added new scene: bomb tennis
- Added new tool racket
- Added util.boomPSAssembly(psName, target) and util.addTrail(target, time)
- Added respawn.setRespawnAsStandardPio(set) to make all players respawn as standard pioneer in respawn station
- Added util.flash(asm, time, lightness)
- Added vehicle building phase in racetoid
- Added little feedback to construction elevator
- Added hud.add/stop_floaty_PS(name, target)
- Added gun_helper.setAllowGiveBPOnExplosion(set)
- Filled all ammotoid arenas, added sounds
- Gun_helper: added addGunModifier(func) and removeGunModifier(id) to apply and remove modifier to/from all current and future guns
- Ammotoid: prepared all arenas, added shape to planet, set mappable
- Added cleanup to ammotoid for better performance
- Added missing pp_ai function
- Ammotoid: added crowns for winners, more AIs in loot bubbles, loot bubbles dont spawn items players have in hands, nicer effect and random delay for loot bubble respawn
- Ice bug checks all broken off pieces to explode, added particle System trail effect when falling down dead
- Loot bubble spawns helper AIs, floats around randomly, added particle Systems
- Added start tips to ammotoid
- Added trail white particle System
- Added tiny tool activation delay after pickup to avoid firing first shots out of control
- Ammotoid added temporary winning
- Added AI player to ammotoid
- Added effects to booster
- Pop plant doenst add trail to tiny stuff
- Ammotoid: added some juice
- Added tool booster prototype
- Pop plant adds trail to target shot up
- Added loot bubble
- Added feedback to shield metal when blocking a shot
- Added respawn.setAllowRespawning(bool)
- Added ammotoid prototype
- Added state indicators to both knuckles
- 4x faster performance of UI, optimizations in pioneer
- Optimized gun_helper in with many guns, mostly primoid
- More optimizations
- Set 'Whole program optim' and 'FPU model Fast' on PPO DevRelease and Release
- In regular PP now preloading all blueprints to also solve blueprint Preview pictures in particle Systems
- Disabled pp.AI auto assigning teams, which breaks things like respawning sometimes
- Prepared primoid achivement
- Changed so MO can be charged with aurium while it is being consumed
- Tweaked rocket aurium consumption and breaking
- Rocket using aurium
- Enabled whole program optimization for PP Release config
- Optimized GetMOsInRange and similar functions
- Made GetAssembliesInRange with optional param include hidden, same for other functions GetAssembliesInRangeByTag, GetMOsInRange, GetExplosiveMOsInRange, GetJointsInRange
- Showing all IO warnings in dev release
- Made GetHumanControllerTC local test
- Changed PP DevRelease config to FPU:fast and whole program optimization
- Floaty texts use new write function
- Fixed new Write update pos and background glitch
- Joint updates for crazy physics fix, wip. not affecting current physics
- Updated menu write() test
- Detecting steam overlay activated and pausing game if single-player
- Chat string max 100 chars
- Mad Enter key activate chat too, unbound form EnterExit during game but not in menu
- Another small update to blank planetoid
- Updated blank planetoid
- Can host workshop scene after sub without restarting game test
- Flashing game window if new player joined lobby
- Showing scene info when selecting lobby scene
- Hosting workshop scenes test
- Changed bubble font for more readability in chinese locale
- Updates for chinese font to be more readable
- Showing other lobbies count wehn in lobby
- Using aimPointRel() in pioneer
- Set outline color in old write to screen functions back to black
- Finished new scene:Write and WriteUpdate functions
- Trap death effect
- Stricter clean up including old tools and other assembled stuff, tweaked some blueprints to die for clean up
- Removed out announcements from bomb ball since they dont count as typical outs anyways
- Respawn protection effect also in pioneers tools
- New font Write functions, including textured, wip
- Moved titleoid script to lua file, showing ping of all lobbies
- Updated gradients
- Race: handling disconnected player on start, showing button to enter vehicle
- Removed weird exe in shaders dir
- Implemented newest SDL 2.09
- Merged two messages about kick into one
- Team left checker off by default
- Removed two potentially IP infringing textures
- "Saving Failed" error only in dev release
- Disabled saving in tutorial
- 20 sec delay on game start before auto kicking
- FPU try to setup to standard on game start
- Updated memory req. and recomm. check for PPO / PP
- Updated the version text
- Testing ending game when complete enemy team left in bb temple
- Not winning bridge battle if all other leave
- Not respawning disconnected players
- Bridge battle: handling disconnected players
- Base def: sounds, after completing all waves spawns waves with double enemy count, then triple etc
- Resp station chooses randomly between multiple in hands and on back targets
- Timing out faster on error
- Disabled "tell max this happened"
- Bomb ball adjustments
- Bb temple: updated light map
- Made respawn protection more visible last 5 secs instead of 7
- Using "singleplayer" tag for offline recommendation, tagged hookoid
- Commit so files match
- Enabled friendly collisions in race levels
- Physics solver optimizations and old code cleanup
- Made Grappling Race players collide
- Removed a print
- Fly out test
- Temporary disabled fly out copy of pioneer to mounted stuff
- A bit of optimization on physics solver and old code cleanup
- BB temple: platfrom is shifted and slippery to avoid too many items
- Tower Builder - made some objects unobtainable
- Set loot chest tesselation higher for better breaking perf
- Bb lava caves resp station starts activated
- Chnaged all pioneers head mats from flesh to bone dense
- Reactor scene setup has enable friendly collisions trigger instead of disable since they are disabled by default (soon)
- Set default zoom a little bit more unzoomed for PPO
- Commented out pioneers collisons disabling code
- Can not obtain start pioneer blueprint
- Shortcut for hiding user interface enabled in release
- Disabled team player collisions by default
- Testing FF off via reator in base def bunkers
- Put CheckAssembliesFlyOutColliding before blueprints scripts run
- Disabled play while waiting feature
- Scene cleanup also cleans guns when ammo is off
- Made reset user's config to load tutorial instead of old vote scene
- Overhauled names of ALL the PPO scenes, their descriptions, and organization in the game menu They are now named: [Game mode name] - [Location name].png
- Added colon to the complete scene string that shows up at beginning of PPO battles
- Base def not sharing BPs, using standard pioneer
- Assembly lock assembly is hologram style
- Allowed '-' char in names
- Smoother bomb tennis cam
- Menu scenes by tags: "Online Multiplayer" and "Singleplayer", tagged all scenes
- Renamed bridge builder to bridge builder lava caves
- New wip scene: bridge builder deep tunnels
- Updated todo miros
- Disabled auto download workshop items in PPO for determinism reasons
- Commented out RDRandom overloads, replaced NDRandom in Ammotoid and disabled steam workshop
- Test: NDRand funcs return rand
- Disabled cam in ammotoid
- Setting ready done via engine again
- Ammotoid 4 player support
- Updated Base Defense
- Removed send error on discovery
- Removed checks
- Error checks
- SwithcToMenu catch
- Base def: more wait time, inf ammo test
- File match commit
- First player is host
- Fixed tool Booster making Pio's legs freeze for a second after jump
- Updated mini ship to break when any jet broken, added and bound MOSet:BreakMOAtRandomPoint()
- Unbound Scene sound effect functions, since they're moved to Controller. (SetReverbDecayTime,...)
- Sniper reloads faster
- Updated bridge builder, lava fall equal to gravity, less harming, pit shapes
- Can restart game alone
- Enabled achievements
- Less loud snoring
- Reverb calculated per screen
- Updated hidden state of assembly by all linked objects
- Completed steam achievements
- Removed c2d:SetSteamAchievement
- Updated Chaseoid, made terrain easier to walk and jump to places
- Made omni lights smaller in PPO for more performance
- Updated active zones in bridge builder
- Updated Tower Builder
- Updated bridge builder
- Implemented Coherent
- Updates on PP and PPO workshops
- Correct coherent js files
- Polished bomb tennis
- More achievements and some other polish
- Removed Binding folder
- Removed two old unused .c2d files
- Renamed bridge battle to bridge battle islands
- More achievments
- Removed stomping from bridge battle, shoots up pioneer when stomping
- Changed http request fail (due to connection loss) to warnings instead of general error
- Removed the wrong is friend when holding shift
- Res filler polish
- Updated c2d:GetGameDataSHA()
- Drone takes 2x longer to explode
- Res filler doesnt fill dead and detached pioneers
- Experimental: showing pointy finger for everyone
- Forgotten file
- Ammotoid can be completed offline, polished ending
- Got back 'inline' to math functions
- Can not host locked scenes
- Disabled zooming in carnageoid
- Set button repeating a bit faster
- Pp.leaveScene completes scene unless called with false
- Resetting menu selection when jumping between menus
- Made scene start with random random seed in SP too
- Prepared scene unlocking and showing in menu
- Showing if scene completed in menu
- Updated meta save funcs to save to ctrl
- Scene hint disabled in edit mode
- Scene not recommended for offline play turn gray
- Removed double scene tip from base war
- Bridge builder: replaced rope with thether
- Disabled auto cam shaking
- Cant start game if scenes are different
- Removed desc, goal from vote scene
- Optimized SetSceneTagValue
- Updated LuaManDocs
- Tweaked ammotoid throwing rule again
- GetClientSceneUserTagValue changed to GetClientUserTagValue
- Plank stability nerf
- Updated friend add test
- Working playing while waiting
- Merge commit
- Titleoid gets all user scenes
- Updated user interface Enter to select and joypad hat to work for choosing too
- Updated tutorial desc
- funcs per ctrl
- Players start with even less in base defense
- User tag values shared over network in game, bound related lua functions to controller
- Ui:getMenuTopY()
- Updated showing scene info in menu
- Showing scene info on start
- Playing while waiting prep
- Made game load tutorial on start
- Nerfed booster
- Updated comment on interrupt construct
- More code polish and old stuff removal
- Tweaked bouncer
- Loot chest stays active when dropping, better target finding
- Loot chest crumbles after drop
- Using sin and cos from engine
- Removed more test stuff, got back collisions and joints solver into one step
- Removed more det. checks, using piles of MOs again
- Bound C2DMath_Sin and C2DMath_Cos to Lua
- Temporary math functions replacement test
- Base defense improvents, enemies coming from both sides
- Fading out menu when settings are open
- Forgotten file
- Experimental: showing pinged at assembly
- Base defense updates
- Grenade launcher is tier 3 now
- Not showing left click hint when already assembling
- New wip mode: base defense
- Tutorial scene
- Updated determinism checks
- Change to save terrain if TOs count is > 20k
- Showing scene desc and goal in menu test
- Updated determinism checks, updated Maths fmod functions
- Removed deep det. tests
- Getting exact values in joint solver desync
- Removed front turret in base war planium hills
- Base war: weapon blueprints can not be obtained, nerfed coalition turret
- Removed determinism checks from regular PP
- Added bouncer to sky island, updated map
- Updated joint solver, checking more values
- Disabled zooming while blueprint menu is open
- Removed key shortcut that is for internal test only
- Flame trap lighter
- Scheduled updates stop when returning true
- Trap flamethrower attacks enemies
- Another new determinism checks
- New determinism checks
- Merge comitt
- Updated base war scenes with add blueprints reactor
- Blueprints are shared by teams
- Many more det. checks in solver
- Showing plr game slow down instead of ping
- New determinism checks
- Saw can be thrown on + other tweaks
- Thruster component is colder
- Bridge battle map tweaks and active zones
- Removed the biggest boulder from bridge battle
- Space teleporter doesnt count players that left
- Polished pointing at stuff
- Pio.pointAtBG() not doing anything when carrying something
- Updated det. checks, switched off MO sleeping
- MiroMode tweaks
- Det. logs backup
- Updated determinism checks
- Updated determinism checks
- Made Pioneer Imperatus a little less massy, as per Filipex' req
- Light reset - also unlink old render meshes
- Removed doors in Colliseumoid
- Aslo removed plank buff in tower builder
- Removed plank buff in bridge builder
- Moved map ping to emoji menu, pioneer points at what he pings
- Emoji wheel appears at middle of screen again
- Bridge battle respawning automatically when falling down
- On start of game showing you as you
- Minor tweaks in tether
- Bridge battle map tweaks
- Resp station doesnt do actiate effect if set to respawn to random stations
- Planks 30% more stable
- Bridge builder: removed roly poly from inside wall
- Bridge builder made rest of lanet not accessible
- Bridge battle: players get res when someone dies, blueprints can not be obtained by atomizing
- Coalition turret: cannon destructible, dies when deattached fully from wall
- Line endings merge
- Removed mIndexBufferQuadsSet from render data, using index buffer directly
- Disabld corutines again
- Removed trap claw from bridge battle
- Enabled corutines
- Forgotten code
- Replay with LoadSceneMP insetad of c2d:Reset()
- More MOs velocity checks inside identified desync zone of code
- Titleoid user interface doesnt react when settings open
- Wep containers have bigger tessellation for less lag and noise
- New scene: bridge battle
- Moved all MO velocity det. checks to physics solver
- Det logs backup
- Disabled lua side zooming in titleoid
- Made zoom rubberband values adjustable, set higher in base war
- Coalition turret smaller clip size
- Shield metal now has mount joints!
- Set component joints voluntary
- Pioneer doesnt turn when placing BP, doenst collide with things not colliding with his tools like components
- Components dont react when selecting or placing blueprint
- Coalition turret is weaker
- Coalition ship dies a little easier
- Base war planium: different color themed BPs, closed of sides a little
- Coalition ship hides seats when flying
- Garage supports teams, has hue shift setting
- Disabled math.random() right away on lua state init just in case, then overwritten in c2d_math.lua
- Disabled lua coroutines
- Removed accidental commit
- More FPU checks, DetLogs backup, new version
- Prepared another FPU checks
- Pioneer restores friction of thing on back on death
- Can not get pioneer blueprints from respawn station bodies
- Coalition turret range way lower
- Coalition ship can die, stops jets when all pilots leave
- Power core flashes when loosing area
- Sky island: resp stations enabled from start, removed first chest with nail gun
- Resp stations assigns team immediatley
- Coalition turret slightly lighter to use < 1000 metals
- Tool booster doesnt activate when driving vehicle
- Panning back cam when zoomed out far and opening blueprint menu
- Bomb tennis camera not affected by players on other screens
- Lots of base war tweaks
- Disabled stealing tools from other pioneers
- Lootchest gives blueprint to everyone in team instead of near players
- Showing ms ping in shift menu again
- Base war: wep drops and blueprint drops x2 slower
- Respawn stations support teams
- In menu showing ping as word and ms
- Cant open emojis in vote scene
- Handling disabled steam workshop in some blueprints
- Clickable vote scene, with multi votes now, also showing names and randomizing if multiple scenes have the same amount of votes
- Getting steam app ID and using it for game network version
- Moved clickable menu funcs to c2d_ui
- Forcing different standard pioneers for now until defualt pioneers work
- Chasoid: random respawn station, eliminated players are red in list, new blueprints every 20 secs insted of 10
- Gun helper also can set atomizable again
- Loot container guns turn atomizable after 20 secs
- Showing abandon body tip only for that client
- Defendoid: players start with jetpack instead of grappling hook
- Thruster less heavy and less big
- Drone takes a bit longer to explode
- Nicer clean up with fade out and better cleaning rules
- Set chaseoid to delete garbage MOs
- Removed blueprints from titleoid, they made a lot of sounds
- Updated Tower Builder with active zones and a bit longer caves between areas to separate them for objects activity
- Updated buildconfig.lua, removed steam_appid.txt, because it's not supposed to be shipped with build
- Properly handling disabled workshop in planium race
- Chaseoid - updated script, set four players
- Updated Chaseoid, easier to move around, camera focus, background terrain holes fixes,
- New planetoid Chaseoid prototype
- Merge commit
- Added new loading screen, lil updates on steam matchmaking
- Prepared steam matchmaking callbacks
- Steam matchmaking wip
- Implemented newest Steam API 1.44
- Steam_appid.txt now contains right app ID (PP or PPO), deleted in release mode before steam is init
- Temporary workaround for speech bubbles user interface with new camera
- Trigger on zoomed to limit only checks first controller
- Updated sky texture in Minotaurus with new one
- All players fade out when finishing gmae with space teleporter
- Bird has light and less breakable when player controlled
- Lua-wrapped another class: ConstructWrap
- Finished CameraWrap
- Set fading back to black instead of red (which was for a test)
- Changed old background stars texture to new in 7 scenes
- Made net games start with different random seed each time
- Defendoid: players gain resources on each completed wave, more loot, steam altar in steam shop behind steam door
- Defendoid skip wave button no 5 sec wait
- Made gui hints compatible with new camera and enabled again
- Emoji wheel shows just with abandon vote when no spark or assembly there
- Not leaving scene when in edit mode
- Better bird controls
- Welder pull force buff
- Made tower builder map more interesting and longer
- Not entering selected veh in racetoid
- Made bridge indestructible in racetoid
- Made floaty_text FC rendering work with remote controllers
- Disabled max packet size measure
- Set emojis always active
- Max packet size measuring enabled
- Showing player names longer on game start
- Short emoji wheel cooldown after world ping
- Testing emoji wheel opens at mouse pos
- Made Titleoid work with joypad, and any device currently used, updated buttons, bound ctrl:GetGameControllerType() to lua
- Hand also blue when placing blueprint and assembling
- Disabled assembling and atomizing in menu
- Updated Hookoid
- Updates on oversized packets
- Measuring max packet size disabled in the end, seems useless
- Updated Titleoid
- Updates on max packet size measuring
- Init work on max packet size measure, comments, red fade test
- Not disconnecting from sever if game desynced
- Made Bridge Builder a bit nicer
- Missing space in desync warning
- Scene fragment night sky for easy apply to other scenes
- Made Vote Scene a bit nicer
- Showing which players are still loading in loading screen
- Esc while waiting others to load disconnects player and switches to menu scene
- Cleaned up pp_camera
- Testing effect to indicate player is in blueprint menu
- Not going to vote scene on death if all players left
- Using getControllersByScreen in hud.writeToScreen
- Removed remaining old cam code from pp_respawn
- Removed cam from wrangle and vote scene
- Removed scene:GetShowMinimap from pp_bpmenu
- Made zoom_map stuff work with new camera
- Bound c2d:FlashAppWindowIconInTaskbar, safe to even every frame, it does this only once a three seconds
- App icon flashes in taskbar when window in unfocused
- Not showing resources bar in menu scene
- Made emojis work with sparks too
- "no backup" too
- Press again to abandon body only showing on relevant screen
- Updated attaching joypad also when Esc, Enter or Space is pressed
- Game proj settings changed
- Bound more Btn_.._Repeat functions
- .....
[ 2019-12-20 16:23:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been really cool seeing people have so much fun with the various game modes since launch - and it's a blast to be joining you from time to time too!
We have also been working hard on nailing the biggest issues people have been having with Planetoid Pioneers Online, and this update addresses the performance one in two big ways:
- First, multi-threading of the physics is working again - now alongside our perfectly deterministic networking system! That was not easy to track down.
- Second, we have improved the way objects on the ground are being cleaned up during long or intense gameplay sessions.
The really neat thing coming out today though: The coolest in-game chat you've ever seen! Comic-book style speech bubbles over your Pioneer's head... cooperate, coordinate, and taunt - but try to keep it civil, please. We're working on a muting feature, so if what you're saying isn't appreciated, other players can just muzzle you.
We have opened up our community Discord server to everyone, and made all previous Contributor Edition owners special members there. Come join us to coordinate games with people, edit game modes, and talk shop:
- In-game chat using comic-book style speech bubbles! Just press [T]
- Improved performance with parallel physics solver
- Improved performance with better scene clean up script
- New Menu!
- Better waves in Wave Defense mode, getting much harder!
- Added ServerMan
- Added active games count
- Added discord buttons
- Added and bound c2d:SetMainWindowTitle()
- Added and bound GetAimPointRel
- Added effect to saw if thrown while activated
- Prepared hosting and downloading workshop scenes
- Implementing chat to network and server, wip
- Input updates for game chat
- Game chat, wip
- Updated PP build number
- Changed bubble font for more readability in chinese locale
- Updates for chinese font to be more readable
- Showing other lobbies count wehn in lobby
- Using aimPointRel() in pioneer
- Set outline color in old write to screen functions back to black
- Updated build number for the coming perf update!
- Enabled play while waiting, returning player to lobby if someone joined
- Finished new scene:Write and WriteUpdate functions
- Trap death effect
- Stricter clean up including old tools and other assembled stuff, tweaked some blueprints to die for clean up
- Removed out announcements from bomb ball since they dont count as typical outs anyways
- Respawn protection effect also in pioneers tools
- Added server and lobby count to play while waiting, fixed some errors and warnings
- Fixed Write javascript error
- Fixed parallel physics solver for determinism
- Fix:ignoring hologram MOs in auto-mounting joints
- Fixed disconnect reason was nulled in discovery state, added kicked from lobby/game
- Fixed blueprint category sorting when translation is missing
- Fixed camo engine not dying when removed from body
- Base def: improved performance, fixed negative wave counter
- Fixed ppo settings in pp
- Fixed pioneer jumping in opposite direction if cursor behind sometimes
- Room rush: fixed now showing "final arena"
[ 2019-07-27 12:12:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
A heads up that the launch discount for Planetoid Pioneers Online expires in only a few hours, so if you had fun playing it for free last weekend, you might want to jump on it now:
Especially since our server stats show that most of you didn't even get to some of the deeper but most fun game modes, like Base Battle:
It's one that most reminds us of classic Cortex Command action: back-and-forth struggle to smash the sensitive core barricaded inside each teams' base bunker!!
[ 2019-07-18 07:03:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
(image by Arne and community member MaximDude)
It's a monumental day for Data Realms..
Not only are we launching our first online multiplayer game today: But we are also letting our first baby out into the world! Cortex Command was something that started as a passion project in high school, and ended as a title with such an unexpected long-lasting community and staying power that we're very proud of. Despite oodles of official content, many feel that Cortex Command was never "finished" - and we're actually extra proud of that fact. The game both grew into something far beyond our own hopes, and also remained open-ended and flexible enough to let others pick up and take it even further! One of those people is Weegee, who joined us from the community, and has in recent years contributed a tremendous amount of work and features to the official codebase that we are releasing to the public today. Not only did he add a ton of additional interfaces to the scripting and ini files for modders to use when accessing the engine, he has even worked out a functional networked multiplayer mode for Cortex Command! This is an impressive feat, and uses non-traditional techniques - albeit it only works well on local networks (LANs) for now. Anyway, the codebase today contains all that good stuff, and can be considered as Build 33, with the short form changelog to be found at the end of this post.
Without further ado, here is the now open source'd repository: We anticipate that releasing this will ensure CC lives on and stays vibrant for even longer than it already has! We wish you luck and hope you have fun digging through the high-school-era code in some of the older parts in there ;)
Major features:
LAN Multiplater Implemented mass and passengers count constraints for crafts Dynamic pie menus Dynamic buy menus
Reworked loading screen to reduce loading time. Added an option "DisableLoadingScreen" in settings.ini to disable loading screen completely to reduce loading time (Thanks Duh102, CrazyMLC, MaximDude) Fixed InvincibleCrafts and ToughCrafts global scripts (Thanks 4zK) Fixed a bug when AEmitter flash was drawn in the wrong position if emitter was not emitting. Fixed a bug in Siege when incorrect units wear spawned. Fixed a crash when calling TimerMan.TicksPerSecond in Lua script Fixed a situation where flipped crafts dropped units in invalid direction.
Added shortcuts and bindings:
Added binding UI for weapon pick, drop, next, prev and reload for "keyboard only" and "keyboard" control schemes. You can press CTRL + ~ (ConsoleMan.ForceVisibility = true) to toggle console which does not grab input. F1 - Shortcut help F2 - Reload all scripts F3 - Dump console text to file F4 - Dump console input to file F5 - Clear console log
New global scripts:
Added Low Gravity and Faster walking global scripts. Added bulky drop ships global script. Added global scripts to disable buy menu constraints. Added Global scripts Better jetpacks, Constant Gold Income and All Units Are Brains
New collections:
MOSRotating.Emitters MOSRotating.Attachables Scene.Deployments Emitter.EmissionList PresetMan.Modules DataModule.Presets
[ 2019-07-12 01:33:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Well folks, it's been a decade-long journey here, but today we launch our first internet-multiplayer game, built with our own Crush2D networked physics game engine:
To celebrate, we are making the game FREE to play this whole weekend - so get your friends in on some of the carnage! We're also giving everyone a 50% off the already low price.
Finally, those who supported us by buying Planetoid Pioneers Contributor Edition, get a free copy of Planetoid Pioneers Online to keep! We love you guys.
Pass around the trailer to get some people interested in joining you for some bashin':
[ 2019-07-11 16:36:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here's today's super intense game modes:
PvE with your buddies against waves of baddies coming after your hide!
Who will be the last pioneer standing - one of the most intense modes!
[ 2019-07-10 14:18:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
This month marks exactly TEN years since we started building the Crush2D game engine, which now finally also supports networking with perfect sync the super detailed game-affecting physics on up to four computers over the internet! We are proud to present Planetoid Pioneers ONLINE:
This technology has allowed us to make some really crazy physics-driven game modes for networked multiplayer, TWELVE of which will ship with even the Early Access launch of Planetoid Pioneers Online THIS WEEK!
Leading up to that big day, we are doing a video series showcase, demonstrating two unique game modes every day until launch. These are the first three days' worth:
PvP back-and-forth battle, room by room
Co-op building of structures to reach the highest heights
Co-op defense of you and your pals' base against AI baddies
Race customized rovers around entire planetoids; don't die
PvP battle on tiny sky islands which can be bridged
Frantic race with grappling hooks ONLY - concussions guaranteed! Stay tuned for the coming modes in the coming days - and the Early Access launch of Planetoid Pioneers Online itself on Thursday!
[ 2019-07-10 09:14:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
We had a bit of a date-based meltdown after the new year rolled around, so the game would start but the ship would be stuck on the loading screen forever... oops. This, along with the Cyrillic characters in the install path preventing the game from even starting, are only two of many (enjoy scrolling below) fixes and improvements in Release Build 9, out now!!
- 2k19 bug fix
- Game start with russian and other computer names now
- Prep for upcoming online multiplayer (oh snap)
- Added settings flag to multiplayer menu scene too
- Added emoji wheel
- Added util.scheduleUpdate(func, time, ...)
- Added util.getClosestAssembly(pos, tag, filter, maxRange), util.flash also takes tables as argument
- Added screen ID to controller, bound it to lua, mixing cameras by screen id
- Added and bound scene:ActivateZonesAtPoint(pnt)
- Added math.noise(x,y)
- Added color.gray
- Temp: auto adding missing pioneers on build
- Added pio.destroyIncludingTargetAssemblies()
- Added and bound c2d:DisconnectPlayerFromServer(ctrlID)
- Added GetGameInfo().players.disconnected and desynchronized
- Added and set SNNeoNoire font
- Added force start
- Added and bound c2d:GetGameInfo
- Added and bound c2d:LobbyStartGame()
- Added gameNetVer to lobbies, discoverying servers all time for now
- Added and bound c2d:GetLobbies(), JoinGame and CreateGame
- Added c2d:GetNetworkState()
- Added c2d:ConnectToServer(id) and added id to discovered servers
- Added game keys mechanism to filter out pirated versions from servers
- Added PP_ONLINE_GAME def, disabled workshop
- Added SimpleDoc JSON parser, getting online servers from ServerMan
- Added minimal reaction chat test
- Added to bomb tennis: scoring, game win, effects, outs
- Added util.schedule(func, time, ...)
- Added new scene: bomb tennis
- Added new tool racket
- Added util.boomPSAssembly(psName, target) and util.addTrail(target, time)
- Added respawn.setRespawnAsStandardPio(set) to make all players respawn as standard pioneer in respawn station
- Added util.flash(asm, time, lightness)
- Added vehicle building phase in racetoid
- Added little feedback to construction elevator
- MiroMode adds 3 loot bubbles and resets every 5 mins
- Added more info into det. debug frame - obj added from Lua/engine, deleted timers info
- Added miroMode
- Added created timers debug info
- Added checkbox to show/hide net status
- I shortcut disabled in net game, added shortcut 7 to start game with debug
- Added debug determinism setting before starting game
- Added hud.add/stop_floaty_PS(name, target)
- Added gun_helper.setAllowGiveBPOnExplosion(set)
- Added random seeds check also to simple determinism check
- Added info about server's determinism frames checked
- Added frames-behind status
- Filled all ammotoid arenas, added sounds
- Gun_helper: added addGunModifier(func) and removeGunModifier(id) to apply and remove modifier to/from all current and future guns
- Ammotoid: prepared all arenas, added shape to planet, set mappable
- Added cleanup to ammotoid for better performance
- Added missing pp_ai function
- Ammotoid: added crowns for winners, more AIs in loot bubbles, loot bubbles dont spawn items players have in hands, nicer effect and random delay for loot bubble respawn
- Ice bug checks all broken off pieces to explode, added particle System trail effect when falling down dead
- Loot bubble spawns helper AIs, floats around randomly, added particle Systems
- Added start tips to ammotoid
- Added trail white particle System
- Added tiny tool activation delay after pickup to avoid firing first shots out of control
- Added net traffic info also in bits/sec
- Added simple version of determinism checking, without debug info
- Ammotoid added temporary winning
- Added AI player to ammotoid
- Added effects to booster
- Pop plant doenst add trail to tiny stuff
- Ammotoid: added some juice
- Added tool booster prototype
- Added total packets sent and received to network info
- Added client PPS limit, disabled SHA packets check
- Added data flow info and debug determinism checkbox
- Added ask for missing frames delay
- Netgame - added run-time-settable option to limit Packets per Second sent by server game
- Pop plant adds trail to target shot up
- Added loot bubble
- Added feedback to shield metal when blocking a shot
- Net settings exposed in gNetCfg and games connect controls added into Editor
- Added respawn.setAllowRespawning(bool)
- Added ammotoid prototype
- Added state indicators to both knuckles
- Set vote scene not mappable
- More varied featured planetoids
- Turned off fake online mode
- Visual polish for multiplayer shift user interface
- Fixed util.scheduleUpdate passing wrong time to update function
- Emojis scale by zoom
- Updated showing player info and shift click highlight
- Setting ctrl cam target after cam update, because script can change ctrl's cam pos
- Ammotoid uses controller cameras only
- Ammotoid: always activating active zone in current arena
- Optimized NetGames:GetGameByID
- Joystick input over network (vector instead of abs point), wip
- Optimized NetClients:GetByAddr with hash table lookup
- Also showing all zone activating points yellow X in active objects and zones wires (ctrl+shift+K)
- Disabled game controller functions for PPO - returning constants.
- Deleting all workshop blueprints and scenes on start if workshop not enabled
- Updated and used (not) STEAM_WORKSHOP_ENABLED for PPO
- C2d:GetDateTime returning 'not avail...' when network game and not edit mode
- Disabled switch to menu when zoomed out in PPO
- Returning to vote scene after finished rounds on all planetoids, made hookoid completable
- Game can be completed in multiplayer too by leaving with rocket
- Showing player info with shift test
- Ctrl+N to show/hide netgame on-screen status
- Optimized det. debug frames
- Checking edit mode in det. debug
- Finished server to work in fast devrelease mode
- Turned OFF client catchup
- Turned ON client catch up for a test and turned OFF activating zones by camera
- Updates on Server
- Can only create 2 plr gmae for ammotoid for now
- Disabled restarting game when no backup found and double pressing X
- Showing if a player left or this computer lost connection
- Showing esc button hint in vote scene
- Finished server will be closing feature
- Updates on server user interface
- First implementation of Server user interface
- Net game uses camera pos now to activate zones
- Removed camera:GetFocusArea
- Temporary solution for net game: attaching keyb to all controllers so GetAttachedGameControllerType() returns 3 as it should
- Disabled ctrl+X in PPO in game mode and when network is enabled
- Terminating game if client is the last remaining player on server
- Temp: hold ESC to leave game
- Tracking disconnected players, can leave in vote scene with esc
- Temp: deleting all pioneers without controller in multiplayer on build
- Turned off client catch up
- Got back client catchup for test
- Forced to load vote scene for game scene on startup to load game faster. anyway the game scene re-loads on network game start
- Editors disabled in PPO release
- Drag and drop allowed in edit mode only for PPO
- Optimized - deleting old net debug frames
- Renamed pp_chat to pp_multiplayer and cleaned up code
- Voting now happens in vote game scene
- Optimizing game recording to keep only several seconds of game in buffers, to save memory mainly for server games
- Got back original font
- Fixed WriteToScreenRel, updates on net game
- Titleoid change
- Showing player names
- Pp_chat emoji test
- Always refreshing lobbies after disconnect
- Floaty particle System polish
- Floaty particle Systems move up
- Updated crush2d domain everywhere
- Showing more lobby and connection state info
- Included server version in statistics
- Can choose lobbies and create new ones
- Updated and bound c2d:DisconnectFromServer and ConnectedToServer
- Showing lobbies instead of servers
- Update: discovery after load only, not during load engine anymore, otherwise ping is incorrect
- Lobby test
- Disabled our debug warnings and hints in release version
- Floaty texts stack smoothly
- Multiple floaty texts stack
- Can only vote to abandon once
- Join first server with E btn
- Esc triggers test abandon vote in multiplayer
- Net code polish and some clean up
- Scene no more paused when waiting for connected game to start
- Working scene vote prototype
- Set up communication between map and menu
- Titleoid scene vote test
- Chat disabled in single player
- Tower builder 3p
- Bomb tennis 3p
- Pioneer height ray canclel test
- Updates on determinism debug
- Update on finding suspicious det debug frame
- Always debug determinism updates
- Always debug determinism update wip
- Checking game network version, so only players with the same version can connect to the same game
- Checking server version, bound c2d:GetServerVersion and GetGameNetworkVersion
- Saved Jet race scene to Hookoid, scaled down whole planet, added two gates, updated ceilings
- Game now sends error log to db from dev debug sessions
- Set Titleoid to menu scene, enabled grids, disabled zooming into game and menu
- Updated discovering servers
- Updated Earthoid to start on any key press, and not loading it as game scene if set so from last play/edit
- Created PP Online project, made Earthoid its menu
- Auto connect to server with ctrl+shift+1..4, only connects to specified IP now in editor
- Server statistics update
- Server gains and sends statistics
- Server registration updates
- New scene: tower builder
- Server now registers with ServerMan, updated SimpleDoc with JSON output
- Bomb tennis: respawns, sounds, effects
- Racket checks LOS to target
- Polished racetoid: enter vehicle to get ready, can upgrade animals too, no AIs in network play, other small polish
- Made grappling hook more responsive
- Can always respawn in networked play
- Done rotating hologram in net game
- Updates on blueprint menu handling over network
- Polished bridge builder
- Welder is more powerful
- Made assembly lock work with reactors
- Garage is alwyas ready to produce if nothing is linked to set it ready
- Blueprint menu over network - wip
- New scene: bridge builder
- Removed old assembly
- Polished ammotoid clean up
- Ammtoid restarts after game over
- Ammotoid AIs use booster randomly
- Chnages to ammotoid
- Russian lang updates from PPTest
- Pause game when determinism debugger finds error
- Freeing memory of checked debug frames
- Finished determinism debugger working now over internet
- Debugger update
- Debug slows down game when waiting for missing data
- Updates in det debug
- Updates on determinism debugger
- Disabled drag and drop when playing over network
- Jet Race prototype
- Ammotoid showing Bot/controller type with icon over player
- Ammtoid turned off restart tip and gun helper giving blueprints
- Fixed rencent update on radnom seeds check
- Updated random seed desync check in simple det. test
- More info on pp_respawn missing game controller error
- Spikes grenades synchronize timers with connected grenades
- Disabled clamping gui hints to screen border for now cause it breaks determism
- Switched off determinism debug for other testing
- Deleting old det. debug check frames
- Slowing down game when some client's computer is slow
- Strings are displayed with "" in debug things
- Showing line of code it happened at in error
- Removed determism breaking relative camera pos funcs from carnageoid
- Pause not allowed with O in net game, optimized determinism checking
- Network game pausing and unpausing
- Determinism debug updates
- Determinism debug updates
- Updates on determinism debg
- Updates on determinism debug
- Determinism debugger updates
- Updated on determinism debug, wip
- Network - finished over-sized packets sending and re-sending lost parts
- Loot bubble starts dead so AIs dont attack it
- Updated oversized packets on server
- Ammotoid changes
- Heavy machine gun now has dual shot
- Gun_helper supports shooting multiple bullets at the same frame and takes particle System link to MO direction into account for aim correct
- Dx11 topology
- Network updates
- Ammotoid: loot bubble contains group of drones
- Loot bubble loot doesnt collide with looter for 0.5 secs
- Loot bubble can have multiple loot items
- Radar helper: doesnt trigger '?' if enemy got killed
- Simplified particle System debug string
- Minor changes and code comments
- Not fading from black when restarting with editor mode, hacky lua way for now
- Net game updates, loading scene, temp. determinism fix in c2d:GetNDRandom functions
- Re-throwing error exception in non-release mode, updates on network
- Handling and writing on screen desync and disconnected state of all clients
- Updates on determinism check and clients connection timeout disconnecting
- Polished booster controls more
- World pin unmounts from world if mounted object gone
- Up to 4 players
- Blank planetoid for three players test
- Default players count 1 for my faster tests
- Port change
- Server updated: handling client disconnecting and empty games deleting
- Ammotoid: set up teams, AI players always see enemies, more bubble loot with better randomization
- Loot bubble supports vehicles as loot
- Default players to 2 for a game for faster testing on two computers
- Updates on net game. ping measuring, number of players setting
- Started on vertex buffer code for dx11
- Updates on missing frames and simulated packets drop
- Updates on net game
- Older net code clean up
- Updates on C2DServer and network game
- Updates on C2DServer
- Updates on C2DServer
- Loot bubble can not be shot to collect loot
- Ammotoid: smoother cam, testing vertical cam follow
- Lots of updates on server and net communication
- Ammotoid cam set by arena borders now working with all screen resolutions
- C2DServer wip
- Ammotoid: pioneers die when not functional, updated arenas
- Booster breaks harder, doesnt work when pioneer dead
- Reactor set background also sets assemblies to not collide with particles
- Grenade spikes explodes when damaged, only attaches to destructible assemblies
- Sticky launcher can only shoot 3 grenades at a time
- Reactor set indestructible also includes joints of target
- Pioneer cancels tool name tip if tool broke
- Ammotoid: assemblies thrown at enemies head are lethal, loot bubbles respawn, added some particle System effects, updated arenas, fixed incorrect blueprint images in loot bubble
- Grappling hook can not connect rope to other ropes (at your own risk)
- Disabled perf log again
- Pioneer turns when aiming behind him and shooting, but doesnt shoot while turning anymore
- Pioneer lua optimization: calculating some values only once per frame
- Removed expensive particle System impulse check from pioneer only checking for area loss to flash from shots
- Pioneer can not lift alive enemies with an area bigger than 3
- Removed warning about locale settings being in development
- Updated client send timing
- Updated net game start with proper loading state message
- Updates on net game code
- Splitting constant buffers for dx11 shaders
- Forgotten changes
- Simplified net code using net states, made connect and game start communication work with lost packets
- Polished loot bubble
- Ammotoid: added stomping rule, new arenas, updated loot bubble
- Applying jump velocity control to carried items too for smoother, reliable jump
- Removed debug thing
- Net game update: handling and sending missing frames optimally
- Implemented GameRec in network data
- Start of advanced GameRec game recording class
- Testing some new ideas in ammotoid
- Blank Planetoid for testing
- Simplified Assembly, MO and camera strings
- Updated build number
- Start of loading shaders in dx11
- Extracting RenderToTextureMan into reusable across API code
- Gun helper guns dont explode when touching structures
- Removed weapon tag from oil vase
- Blacklisted OP bots dalek, pixelsoilder and beef worm in coliseum
- Fixed starting network only if PP_ONLINE_GAME defined now
- Fixed util.getDateTime() in net play
- Fixed featured planetoid not working in years > 2018
- Fixed ugliness with even number of emojis in wheel
- Fixed util.schedule not scheduling multiple things for the same frame
- Fixed lua error in analytics when toggling net play
- Fixed particle System crash in editor when render in user interface and ticked off render in scene or lightmap
- Fixed hologram orientation, unbound unused camera functions
- Fixed player leaving game not returning to menu
- Fixed some cases where multiplayer game could switch to menu, added pp.leaveScene() to switch correctly
- Fixed all players leaving if one player disconnects
- Fixed space teleporter in mp, text positioning and player fade out effect
- Fixed 4 player setup in bomb tennis
- Bomb tennis player order fix attempt
- Fixed wrong player count abandon game
- Fixed bomb tennis for up to 4 plrs, fixed bat not setup correctly on respawn
- Server: new stuff fixes and polish
- Fixed welder starting on
- Fixed lua error in vote scene
- Fixed silent crash and bugs when user name is wide string
- Fix: much smoother picture motion after removed time catch up in client, what is now handled by slowing down game by server
- Fixed GameRec resets for new game on server
- Fixed game recording optimization
- Fixed server start into db statistics and server version
- Fixed and enabled start tips in ammotoid
- Fixed WriteToScreenRel pixel offsets
- Fixed network communication while loading scene or engine
- Fixed waiting load finish
- Fixed loading done on server
- Oops fixed disconnect doesn't work
- Server fixes
- Fixed scene completion with space telporter and made it return players to vote scene in multiplayer
- Server fix and server discovery call right after disconnected
- Fixed server lobby
- Fixed floaty text not using delta time
- Fixed server receive data threading
- Fixed threading of network data receive
- Fixed calling create game
- Added more scenes to vote and fixed invalid voter
- Fixed http functions, getting servers now on game load, also starting network engine on load
- Fixed error in pp_respawn
- Fixed lua error in title scene
- Fixed racket for 3p
- Fixed error log scene field
- Fixed menu in det debug and closing menu
- Fixed tool tether targeting itself
- Fixed can atomize somtimes in ammotoid
- Fixed lua errs in jet rocket and pio_ai
- Fixed jet dissapering from back
- Fix in debug frame compare
- Shards particle System fix for determinism
- Fixed lua error in gun helper
- Fixed load scr fade out, added reset scene to net game
- Fixed pioneer ai not restoring friction of items on death
- Fixed pioneer_ai.knockout() and ragdoll() funcs not working right
- Fixed booster and jet rocket always active
- Fixed AI spamming !s when target has a grappling hook in hands
- Fixed enemy hint positioning on defendoid
- Fixed lua error in defendoid, fixed skip wave tip not above terminal
- Fixed tool rope hanging in air when attaching to terrain
- Fixed data write of det. frame checked
- Fixed ZOrder of crowns in ammotoid
- Quick fix for racetoid breaking determinism
- Small fix in determinsm debug
- Fixes in determinism debugger
- Improved errorHandler: fixed nil upvalues not showing, displaying key value pairs the same everywhere, showing depth of retrieved locals and upvalues, improved code
- Fixed pioneer not mirroring tool about to explode
- Fixed wearable problems like mirroring on pioneer and incorrectly setup blueprints
- Fixed gun going crazy when pressing both mouse buttons
- Fixed GetPacket params
- Temporary fix for net game: standard pioneer is Crazy Bob for all
- Fixed aurium staff projectiles going crazy when throwing tool
- Fixed determinism checking was bugged on server
- Fixed ice bug shard cone on death unpredictable
- Fixed lua error in pp_ai
- Fixed analytics error
- Fixed lua error in analytics
- Radar helper: fixed AI getting triggered constantly when touching tools
- Fixed input lag cumulating in server's game client input buffer
- Workaround fix for missing tostring() of nil objects causing errors in error handling and print functions
- Jetpack has more reliable controls, also fixed not working with controller
- Fixed birds stealing from friends
- Fixed lua error in grinders
- Fixed ropes possibly breaking shortly after build
- Fixed net game player focus by net client ID
- Net game ping fix
- Net game small fixes
- Net game fixed sending / receiving missing frames
- Fixed AIs going nuts when encountering constructs, added, set) to overwrite standard enemy tags for all AIs
- Fixed lua error when pioneer lifts off with rocket for the first time
- Ammotoid: added active zones, better instructions, fixes and polish
- Fixed lua error in pioneer when collision dissapeared
- Added loot bubble.setLoot() and fixed some weapons missing preview images
- Fixed ropes breaking on build in some cases
- Fixed ropes wobbling a lot on start
- Fixed loot bubble items where atomizable
- Fixed sticky bomb launcher shooting through assemblies
- Fix on loading done net messages
- Fixed pioneer could not take grappling hook from other pioneers back
- Fixed booster lua error
- Fixed loose world joints in cable and rope
- Fixes in stomping rules and loot bubble, higher booster cooldown
- Fixed flamethrower not strong enough
- Fixed 2 bugs making pioneer jump unreliably
- Fixed pio.set_ignore_knockouts() not working correctly
- Small fix in netgame code
- Fixed somme ammotoid bugs, added random weapons
- Fixed workshop scenes textures and sounds FN adjust, fixed asteroid belt TOs
- Fixed structure tag missing from space teleporter
- Fixed lua error in knuckles
- All enemies flash when knocked out, flip bot freezes and falls over instead of slacking, tweaked breaking values of many bots, fixed swinging broken pieces on broken flip bot
[ 2019-01-09 06:26:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Well folks... the Planetoid Pioneers team have outdone themselves yet again, and brought you much closer to the intended experience of this labor of love! If you were bothered by the long load times before, or the old segmented ropes/cables, or any of the loooong list of issues listed below now fixed and polished, it's high time to dive right in anew.
We are working hard to improve all these critical areas in preparation for some far bigger things we are cooking up for this fall, so stay tuned for very exciting announcements here soon!
--> Please remember to write a Steam review of what you think about the game! <--
- SEXY ROPES with curved rope renderer
- Ice can now melt from heat
- Major performance and loading time improvements
- Most enemies indicate if they are hunting someone with a "!" and if they lost a target with "?"
- Re-tweaked a lot of breaking values and fixed many unbreakable blueprints
- Tons of bug fixes and polish thanks to feedback from the steam forums, discord and twitch streams
- Added and bound JointSet:SolveSoftlyCancel
- Added and bound Joint:SolveSoftlyCancel()
- Added back Aurium Sarcophagus
- Added warning to loot chest if assembly doesnt extist
- Added util.testAssemblies() function to test correct setup of breaking, atomizing, etc on assemblies
- Added and bound scene:SetActivateZonesByCameraPosWhenNoPlayerPresent
- Added and bound MO::GetCollidedWithTOPoint
- Added ? and ! indicators to sentry camera, all birds, zombies and vendor bot
- Added ? and ! indicators to all AIs using pp_ai radar helper
- Added AI funcs to indicate enemy found and lost with ! and ?, testing with bot flip
- Zombies can only see whats in front of them
- Defense drone adds more flying power to carry things up that mounted it
- Added latest romanian translation
- Added little cooldown to entering vehicles to avoid sound spam and weird physics
- Added debug info to LoadDiscoveryMap
- Added latest pl.json
- Deleting temporary texture, audio and script files on startup, if detected this is an update
- Birds drop carried stuff when dying
- Removed rope renderer from tentacle
- Directx11 compiles; now the real work begins
- Set ice blueprints to break to less pieces, causes a lot of decals, sounds and geometry perform
- Changed default breaking values for new MOs
- Set up breaking for all junk blueprints
- Setting blueprint auto mount joints to involuntary on load, just for blueprints that are older than this version. newly saved blueprints will not change involuntary option on load
- Flamethrower also has sharpness damage to be useful against metal things too
- Set all Construction blueprints mount joints involuntary
- New material feature: melting from heat, added Melt Water PS, updated materials
- Directx graphics will compile (hopefully no opengl breakages)
- Lump and Ice blueprints set to not allow burning
- Renamed too long function name to SetActivateZonesByCameraPos
- Stopping loop sound when linked object inactivates
- Splitting CPUMemStat class into own file and aligning DX classes to current platform independent renderer
- Tweaked material decals density, was too high on some materials, like ice and snow
- Made Ice and Snow material break decal not that huge
- DXRenderMesh and DXRenderTexture initial work
- Start of dx11 work
- Updated hull and core labels color in editor
- Updated editor MO breaking core value disabled when allow break core disabled
- Updated setting min impulse to break hull and core of MO
- Set more blueprints not to burn
- Set a lot of blueprints to not allow burning
- Fixed recent update on joint solver - it fixes vehicles breaking
- Updated materials, replaced old funky decals with nicer
- Fading out some text in asteroid belt when zooming out too far to avoid overlapping text
- Updated drag and drop to auto extract files from cache, fixed saving scene sounds
- Saving terrain to Scene only if it contains more than 10.000 terrain objects
- Force load Primoid when P is pressed three times on start
- Adapted scene saving to new cache system
- Lots of updates on reading files directly from packed and cached PNGs, extracting blueprint that is loaded to editor, editor can load files from packed blueprints too
- Renamed to
- Update sound playing and managing due to new data caching
- Adapted pictures twin optimization to new data cache
- Removed old caching small pictures
- Updated Scenes cache
- All textures and sounds now load directly from cached packed scene and blueprint PNGs
- Simplified no matching overload error
- Simplified VectorF string output
- Pioneer properly colors all broken off parts when dead
- Doesn't lose the high precision setting.
- Shader load flavour
- Vendor bot pushes enemy away when grabbed by it
- Bomb and ice bugs also carry things with more power
- Removed rope renderer from tentacle and silverback, tweaked some breaking values
- Tool rope connects to MOs too
- Floaty text uses highest point + 0.5 if no offset passed
- Displaying assemble tip with better position using highestPointAboveCenter function
- Removed 'test' error label
- Finding assembly to respawn now done lua side, prioritizing bodies in the same area and then outside the area
- Fix: rendering closing app text after calling c2d_update.on_game_quit()
- Update: hiding c2d error text after 15 seconds
- Bound Assembly::GetFrameWhenCreated and SetFrameWhenCreated
- Update: added Reset and Save Scene option when script changed to Activity editor
- Finished and bound ctrl:GetTeamTag, GetLastKnownPosition and GetFrameWhenCreated
- DX / GL renderer inherit in Renderer.h
- Prepped lua side getAssemblyToRespawn() with preference for assemblies in the same area
- Removed updateStretching() from all ropes
- Using rope renderer in silverback arm, chain, tentacle, balloon rope, rope grenade
- Update: special bezier curve rendering for ropes and cables
- Disabled texture compression for sure
- Not asking to confirm if pioneer shows abandon body hint already
- Experimental: exploding guns explode instantly on contact
- Polished zoom slecting in asteroid belt a bit
- Replaced down arrow with down button in all trap doors
- Removed empty print in weapon container
- Hot fix: crash in PS. many updates on non extracting files version, wip, switched OFF so far
- Updated saving config to cloud
- Testing: weps from loot container set not atomizable
- Simplified remaining english blueprint names
- Using GetAllBrokenOffAssemblies in ai onDeath function
- Fixed camera shake in intro
- Fix: keeping menu scene files in cache
- Fixed multiple skeltons spawing at respawn station if clicking many times
- Fixed zombies not setting lifted item back to old friction when dying with it in hands
- Fixed out of shape joints in golem metal causing weird floating body when broken
- Bp_grappling_hook.lua - fixed ropes mirroring soft joints solve bug.
- Fixed Rover Climber with radar nil checks
- Fixed all functions returning empty AssemblyWrap to return nil instead (including AddAssembly func)
- Fixed and optimized particle Systems visibility check
- Fixed bug slide joints weird moving
- Fixed lua errs in assembly lock
- Fixed climber rover spikes not working when one wheel broke, creating radar differently
- Fixed nail gun not damaging some things
- Fix: on load a non mount joint is also to involuntary if the joint auto-mounts objects
- Fixed breaking assembly adding slide joints to the logic
- Fixed activating inactive and collided objects when active zones list and active circles didn't change
- Fix: particle disappears and does nothing else when it hits inactive object
- Documented good numbers for breaking in util and tweaked all breaking values for all animals and fixed unbreakable animals
- Fixed GetHighestPointAboveCenter also looking for hidden MOs
- Fix: activating inactive object when hit by active object
- Fixed active flickering when respawing into something very close
- Fixed pioneer flying through MO hes standing on when continuing save
- Fixed things become inactive too soon when respawn sparking
- Fixed fly-out of assemblies when gone from sleeping
- Fixed respawn spark taking longer for traveling longer distances again
- Fixed lag when respawn spark is flying through map by not setting things along the way active unnecessarily
- Fix in physics: objects started to collide with fly-out objects sometimes after gone from sleeping state to not sleeping
- Fix: un-mounting involuntary mount joints when assembly becomes dead (not always when dead)
- Fixed sorting blueprint menu sub lists items by original blueprint name now
- Fixed particle System align particles to grid, didn't work for child particle Systems
- Fixed particle System emitting from sleeping particles
- Fixed sometimes missing particle System glow
- Fixed burning, added hot triangles red option to material, set to false for ice, snow and water materials
- Fixed IO activating everything on load and causing lag for 5 secs
- Fixed sounds handling when there's corrupted sound loaded
- Fixed sound handles were not released properly
- Fixed paths in material decals files
- Fixed Golem Ice, had light linked to non hidden eye
- Fixed rope ending curve when attached to different assembly than self
- Fix:some small sized and corrupted OGGs caused freeze in gorilla when played as audio stream from memory
- Fixed, optimized and tested terrain saving in scene
- Fixed lua error in pp_respawn
- Fixed error in error handler when calling error() with no arguments
- Fixed bird feathers on ground flying up again if bird thrown
- Fixed weak leg joints in pink horror and red devil that would break to easy
- Fixed tool rope flying glitch and polished mounting
- Fix: physics - gear joint solving, much less crazy physics on objects break
- Fixed joints solving, less crazy physics, more stable gear joints
- Fixed entry hole particle System direction
- Fix: set joint break angle max value to 160
- Fix: CleanUp Scene and start new button didn't clean up all in scene
- Fix: AddPercScannedToBPInMenu now doesn't trigger blueprint effect added when it was already completed
- Fix: re-saved blueprints with wrong preview pictures to fix them
- Fixed rendering blueprint preview picture when asembly is small
- Fix: blueprint types sort alphabetically by localized string again in blueprint menu
- Fixed little omni pioneer's light in Carnageoid to be not ray light
- Fixed rope segment texture Y flip
- Fix of the red channel use also in older version of shader Discovery Map Light Render.fs
- Fix: tweaked rope connection joint position on Tool Tether
- Fixed could abandon body with blueprint menu open
- Fixed incorrect take over hint before controller attached
- Fixed minimap selection font color not always unique per player
- Fixed loot orb spark effect not having aurium color
- Fixed ai getting angered by pioneer atomizer particle System
- Fixed loot orb smoke flying away weirdly
- Fixed workshop store not filtering out badly rated items
- Hot fix: rendering to discovery map shader fixed
- Fixed asteroid belt handling deleted scenes etc like they where not
- Fixed featured scene has rocks on in asteroid belt
- Fixed asteroid belt not letting player zoom into planetoid sometimes
- Fixed lua error in gun helper
- Fix: renderer was swapping buffers twice
- Fixed extracting files in extracting all version
- Fixed dropper spawning bomb when placing
- Fixed grinders grinding when they shouldnt be grinding
- Fixed minigun and assault rifle are too easily obtained
- Deprecated util.getAllBrokenOffMOs() use scene:GetAllBrokenOffAssemblies() instead
[ 2018-09-09 17:54:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks, good news for our Deutschen followers. We now support your native language throughout the game and all menus! Have fun and tell your friends - there's some nice lil updates in here too:
- Added drag and drop string to all languages
- Added one more store string to all languages
- Added german translation
- Tweaked and added bone material effects
- Added function to generate ordered, formatted steam log from git output
- Updated all languages with new translation strings
- Simplified some more blueprint names
- Simplfied most english blueprint names
- Resaved all Particle Systems with optimized sounds
- Made internal tool to resave all particle Systems with optimized sounds
- Gitignore my audio convert folder C2D/Audio/!audio convert
- Optimally converted 3800 sound files correctly, keeping twins optimization
- Made internal tool to update all sounds to optimally converted
- Resaved all Blueprints with optimized sounds
- Update: added internal tool to optimize all Blueprint sounds
- Update: optimized Bluepritn textures even more by cropping the ones that can be cropped
- Update: auto-optimize blueprint button in Blueprint editor now available, with even better optimization including cropping the pictures.
- Included act_kill_the_target in scene
- Removed old blueprints from carnageoid
- Added some synced sfx from pptest
- Included asteroid belt lua file in scene
- Removed primoid lua files and included in scene
- Converted race and coliseum to in scene lua file
- Fixed lua error when loading save game with custom pioneer wihtout necessary function
- Fixed sounds for bones material
- X86 build compilation fix
- Fix: removed test code from Blank Planetoid
- Fix: blueprint menu items selecting now scrolls when holding WSAD key or joypad stick
- Fixed join player hint overlapping blueprint menu
- Fixed some overlapping UI in carnageoid
- Fixed carnageoid lua error and included lua file
- Fixed Reactor Scene Setup
- Fixed activity script was un-escaped when changed
[ 2018-08-04 11:12:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another month; another massive update! We have completely reworked and replaced the in-game GUI/HUD, which now scales and works well on any TV/display. There's a ton of improvements around that, like li'l pioneer heads next to each player row, so it's easy to tell who's who when co-op action is on. Blueprints now also show much more clearly, with their stats and data written out in the GUI, instead of crowded onto the thumbnails.
That's only the beginning of the many areas of improvement and fixes in here this time around - loading should be MUCH faster yet again (advanced tip: especially if you clean up old bloated textures etc with the special "Delete Temporary and Backup Folders and Files.bat" in the install folder), and the game runs way better on weaker computers due to texture size optimizations.
FINALLY, we think we have squashed the last remaining save data bugs... this whole system is quite complex with all the stuff going on in the huge Planetoids, so we were chasing these for way too long. Now your progress data really should be safe.
As usual, here's the complete list of the multitude of things we've improved, now sorted by category for your perusal pleasure:
- Reworked Blueprint Menu UI
- Reworked look of resource bars
- Improved memory usage, performance and loading times
- Fixed save data loss bugs
- Prepared remaining english parts of the game for translation
- Added external lua scripts for scenes
- A lot of other requested bug fixes and polish
- Added % to carnageoid script to test bug
- Added detailed time logs when loading scene when engine loads.
- Added feature: particle orientation by gravity
- Added and bound Assembly::GetHighestPointAboveCenter(SINGLE rWithDistance)
- Added and bound assy:GetHighestPointAboveCenter()
- Added and bound scene:IsIncludedBP(rBlueprintName)
- Added some missing drag and drop strings to en/de
- Added localization strings for drag and drop to en/ge
- Added new featured scene
- Added missing strings to pl,ro,ru
- Added 'cancel' to translation
- Added missing lines to c2d/locale files for spark station hint - needs re-translation in all locales unfortunately
- Added size and color option to particle System UI Text
- Added missing death effect to all golems
- Added face pictures to res panel
- Added missing actions to en and de
- Test code removal in recent added function
- Added text feature to particle System in UI
- Added latest RU
- Added controller button tips to map clickables
- Added new translation strings to RU.json
- Added action names to en and de
- Added CATEGORY word to en and de translation strings
- Added latest RO.json
- Added latest RO translation
- Added translation strings for blueprint popup
- Added Scanning and Completed! labels above particle System added BP
- Added Scanning and completed labels above added blueprint eff
- Added locale menu works with controller
- Added blueprint menu strings to en.json
- Added loading times to log
- Added Durango as additional platform
- Added blueprint menu translation strings
- Un-commented resources strings transl in Ru, added Polish localization
- Added store page translations to en.json
- Update: Activity script exports to file and edited via ZeroBrane Studio now
- Pioneer plays jump anim when jumping out of vehicle
- Adjusted controls tip position and size in carnageoid
- Removed old label 'Loading scene-name", now only in edit mode
- Updates and reviews of loading engine procedures
- Merged in Todd's updates on Joint and particle System editor tool tips
- More detailed time logs in steam init and items retrieve
- Ignore steam_appid.txt
- Updated LuaManDocs
- Renamed GetAssembliesByOriginID to GetAllBrokenOffAssemblies
- Removed old ps:SetTexture from some places
- Steam shop uses new blueprint bg
- Set ship hud marker to be rotated by gravity
- Correctly displaying vehicle arrow at highestPoint above joint
- Optimized all blueprints textures size
- Updated Tip * Arrow particle Systems by gravity, fixed positioning to/from pos
- Hid cbobs secret face
- Updated GetHighestPointAboveCenter by gravity
- Using highestPointAboveCenter for vehicle names
- Texture clear test disabled
- Test: clearing text layer texture and stencil before rendering into it
- Send error log and quit app if Coherent UI init failed
- Update: choosing user config from local or cloud based on date-time
- Coherent
- Updated copy hints for drag and drop
- Made drop icon bigger
- Increased max table length in debug outputs
- Localised "Cancel" button in blueprint menu when using joypad
- Printc prints readable tables
- Ai doesnt attack pioneer capsules
- Fully translated the previously bugged terminal hint in de
- When standing next to body take over is instant
- Updated robot death effect
- Updated blank planetoid strings
- Fix not showing res bars when player dead or respawning - and ui is not being updated
- Updated Blank Planetoid text PS
- Crazy bob with eye balls in UI panel
- Intrinsic zero
- Pioneer picks weapons from back of dead pioneer more reliabely
- Also moved resume text to where pause text is
- Blueprint popup texts dissapears a bit faster so
- Moved down pause text so it doesnt overlap with area name
- Fixed c2d_update.on_start_fading_to_menu() call was missing
- Slower zooming on mouse wheel in menu scene
- Updated Blank Planetoid and removed test stuff
- Reworked all HUD particle Systems to use text feature
- Finished particle System - Render in UI feature and set that to all HUD PSs
- Mergin in updates on particle System in UI
- Removed old label "loading scene...
- Removed now unused image processing library source code from external directory tree
- Gorilla.lib for xbone
- Ga_xaudio2.cpp as c++
- Gorilla audio ga_xaudio2 must be compiled in c++ mode with xaudio2 2.9
- Xbone lua51 library and build configuration
- Upgrade to lua 5.1.5
- Not asking player to confirm abandon body when he is seeing the take over tip
- Players can not fall asleep when looking at map
- Windows build solution update
- Upgrade external sources lua-5.1.4 to lua-5.1.5
- Spellchecker pass de.json
- Completed german translation
- Introducing luajit-2.0.5
- Remove temporary build files from luajit-2.0.3
- Translating gladitator names and weapons in coliseum
- Removed some prints
- Fixed crash when trying to play music file out of list bounds
- More info in saving error
- Updated pl.json
- Updated de.json
- Removed old BPs
- New feature, wip, particle System in UI
- Simplified english vehicle and tool names
- Hiding texts when blueprint menu open, the simple way for now
- Polished blueprint popup blinking
- Not deleting all blueprint progress in savegame when cheating BPs
- Visual tweaks to blueprint popup
- Bpmenu: showing name also in status color, using same color for new stuff as in lua, removed blinking since it was too annoying then
- Blueprint popup: showing if blueprint is new, all popups blink synchronous, using default lua green color
- Code revision and old stuff removal in Renderer.cpp
- Synced en.json
- More de translations
- Commented out example of not working innerhtml for labels
- Re-saved all blueprints with new preview picture sizing
- Made saving blueprints with bigger preview picture
- Path to UIViewListener.h file corrected
- Link with w2_32.lib on xbone
- Xbone entry point (main)
- Exclude OpenGLBackend from xbone build.
- Do not spawn things for dragging in xbone. it does not exist anyway.
- Macro guarding dropfile code out of xbone compilation in G2DGame.cpp
- Temporary compile guards for xbone (will not be using GL in reality)
- Use modern locale API available on xbone.
- Start abstracting UI and graphics for xbone
- No droptargets on xbone
- Compile guards for xbone
- No getenv on xbone
- Project settings for xbone compilation.
- No drag and drop on xbone
- Removed two more bps
- Updated de.json
- Removed some old bps
- Update: blueprint menu scaling now by resolution
- Made blueprint label blinking when other that 'Blueprint Ready'
- Not showing blueprint ready if not enough resources
- Blueprint menu displays kg instead of %
- Displaying "new blueprint!" colored
- Made c2d blue the same as lua blue
- Other than selected blueprints darker now in blueprint menu
- First pass compiling core library.
- Changed blueprint background and resaved all BPs, also without HUD
- Finished blueprint menu layout
- Updates on blueprint menu, wip
- Ifdef out WIN32 specific code determining locale
- Ifdef out WIN32 specific performance code
- SPlatformGetEnv implementation for *nix/osx
- Introduced sPlatformGetEnv simplifying multiplatform FileSys code a little
- Flag not using precompiled headers in all build types (debug, release, devrelease, quickbuild)
- Use ApplySubstitution instead of ApplySubstitutionInplace as was attempting to operate on temporary object
- Remove steam_appid.txt from build script on osx
- Made lua and c2d error write with text layer
- Blueprint menu types reworked using text layer
- Reworking resources panel to use true font and accept scaling due to display resolution
- Latest langauge files for german and romanian
- Added "WIP" to unfinished translations
- Got back the FLAG word to Settings and Planetoid
- Fixed C2d logo loading scrreen
- Syncing what's in PPLoc 's ru translation
- Renamed FLAG Settings and FLAG Planetoid to a word without FLAG, so it gets localized right
- Updated quitting screen using coherent text layer
- Moved ru up in language list
- Fixed one ru translation issue with the settings/planetoid asteroid belt GUI buttons
- Added german, synced best russian locale version from pptest
- Removed german, not ready yet
- Fixed lua error when pressing X in carnageoid
- Re-saved blueprints with fixed and fine scalled preview images
- Fixed blueprint preview images rendering and tweaked scale
- Fixed: some UI particle Systems were rendered in lightmap
- Fixed climber rover shivering and reworked its jump
- Fixed set_allow_atomize/assemble not working on build frame
- Function return fix
- Fixed new blueprint popup wrong color for 0.1 seconds
- Fixed save not loading right pioneer if hes inlcuded in scene
- Fixed pioneer respawned into is set to fly out with everything
- Fixed hud creating hundreds of PSs
- Fixed lua error in pp_ai
- Fixed spot light on on pioneer in capsule
- Fixed pioneer imperatus legs falling off all the time
- Fix: now updating mixed camera on every frame, some labels and bubbles were shaking in coop mode
- Fixed reverb - none on surface, good value in caves
- Fix: checking all GL functions that Coherent needs are present and throwing error with incompatible system and missing function name
- Fixed a bug where restarting in edit mode and then pressing no buttons could fail scenes
- Fix: blueprint menu closing hint
- Localized Drag and Drop texts, fixed 'add to activity' label
- Fix: alpha now working for labels of WriteToScreen
- Fixed part of IO save could get lost
- Fixed table2string not counting depth correcly
- Fixed pioneers dying in capsule not set dead correctly with all effects etc
- Fixed lua error in pp_respawn
- Fixed blank planetoid texts again
- Fix: When game is paused and moving cam around in editor HUS particle System texts get spammed evrywehre
- AB: fixed scene info overlapping with arrow and plaentoid
- Fix: now not showing UI particle Systems and texts when any blueprint menu is visible
- Fix: HUD particle System texts have to disappear when particles disappear
- Fixed lms lua error
- Fixed player join hint overlapping with res bars if there is too many players
- Fixed some boulders not obtainanble
- Fixed restart hint appearing before starting game
- Fixed 'scene completed' appearing over dead pios
- Fix: disabled text selecting in text layer
- De spelling fixes
- Fixed overlapping text hints for map clickables
- Fixed mouse can hover multiple clicables and not playing controllers can select stuff too
- Fixed camera not working in some cases with clickables and a lua error
- Fixed spelling of february
- Fixed wrong button hint in shop manager
- Fixed lua error in workshop box
- Fixed lua error in gun helper
- Fixed lua error in loot orb
- Fixed drone shooting itself
- Prolly fixed cover falling off from door
- Fixed clickables not working sometimes
- Fixed typo in speech bubble
- Fixed CATEGORY prefix cut when no translation found
- Added CATEGORY prefix to blueprint Types in blueprint menu for translation fix
- Fixed drag and drop in whole editor
- Fixed New Scene button action in editor
- Fixed lua error i just added
- Fix: now not rendering res panel nor blueprint menu when fading in or from game
- Fixed resetting game scene from menu scene left game scene selected
- Fixed blueprint menu items sorting alphabetically and also by chosen language
- Fixed res bar blinking white when empty, set bars opacity back to 100
- Fixed pioneer not using new translations for pickup text hint
- Fixed font border
- Polished font scaling code, fixed C2D logo image
- Fixed blueprint menu scaling and positioning
- Fixed text positions in blueprint menu
- Fixed warning and spelling
- Fixed res bar not showing when no bar visible
- Removed pch_ headers from CoherentUIView, ResourceFileHandler and UIViewListener until fixed in Coherent
- Fix OSX compile errors
- Fixed writing lua error only when opened editor at least once as it was before
- Fixed texts cumulating bug when game paused or paused by editor
- Fixed pioneer not respawning in right body when clicking respawn station
- Deprecated get_highest_point and using GetHighestPointAboveCenter everywehere
[ 2018-07-29 18:28:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Cortex Command, our previous game that Planetoid Pioneers is actually a prequel of, enjoyed a vibrant - and to us surprisingly large - following in Russia. Also here, we have noticed a lot of our Russian friends and fans are paying close attention to Planetoid Pioneers, so we thought we'd start with that wonderful language for one of our first localization efforts!
So, here is build update six, which is kicking off our quest to bring this game to as many people around our planet as possible! As usual, there's a LOT of other good updates and fixes in here, so enjoy!
Most notable updates this time around:
- Russian Translation, almost completely everywhere
- Nicer-looking loading screens
- Printed capsules can be clicked when zooming out to respawn into them
- Fixed black screen on start for users playing offline or with very slow internet
Full changelog:
- Fixed pioneer not respawning in right body when clicking respawn station
- Fixed potential lua error in pioneer
- Fixed lua error not showing locals and upvals if stack is more then 1 function deep in C
- Fixed missing localization in en
- Localized Paused and Unpausing using coherent text layer, removed Engine Settings.xml not using anymore
- Fixed pioneer shop error and weird behavior if pioneer is not there for some reason
- Fixed clean up cleaning pios
- Fixed game switching to menu on game over when editing
- Fixed pioneer shop pioneers selectable on minimap
- Added scene cleanup option to scene setup trigger and added to defendoid for better perf in long games
- Colisum zooms closer in match and on winner, doesn't show next up during fight
- Synced two scenes from PPtest to repo
- Updated 'Restarting' to nice screen with coherent font for localisation
- Fixed PS::SetTrailTexture()
- Got back and aligned loading screen PS
- Including pch_geom.h
- Fixed camera weirdness on unlock
- Fixed coliseum getting stuck
- Fixed AB stuck
- Renamed the planetoid flag string too for consistency
- Settings flag is seperate translation string for special solution in german
- SMall sync with english loc
- Error when saving failed in meta functions
- Fixed AB breaking when no connection to steam
- Small reorganisation of Coherent subclasses
- Orb and chest also open when in vehicle
- Added missing translation in steam and pioneer shop
- Game over: taking longer to zoom out and letting player choose to restart now or zoom out
- Not putting player in veh on load and setting things spawned on load to fly out
- Improved positioning of hud vehicle arrows slightly
- Fixed uneven line lengths in AB, fixed overlap with ptoid
- Fixed scene name localization
- Switched off html shadows for a test
- Added missing vehicle to en.json
- Turned save fail warning into error
- Tweaked game menu background to translucent black
- Steam altar opens workshop only in steam version
- Repaced ApplySubstitution with LocalisedWithSubstitution everywhere
- Added new featured planetoids
- Fixed: allowed to play music when sounds cannot, f.e on first scene frame, when loading engine etc
- Fixed positioning of center label when long
- Start of Coherent Renior OpenGL21Backend
- MP compile option also set to Render in DevRelease and Release
- Update: setting default language on factory reset. adjusted Render project to use more memory for compiling as it failed on that often. also used MP option
- Modified various scripts to use `loc()` to provide example, and re-bound translation.LocalisedWithSubstitution as well
- Added lua function `loc` is global translation shorthand, works with plain string, as well as string and substitution object, substitution table, substitution list, or free substitution arguments.
- Added 2 simpler versions of LocalisedWithSubstitutions for lua "find and replace" solution for mkster
- Added and updated German and Russian translations from the public repo
- Fixed lua error in wrangle
- Fixed lua error in coliseum
- Added missing mine traps to localisation and removed prototype from their name for that
- Fixed lua error in lms
- Added loc strings for primoid metamap markers and flight terminal tool
- Spin lock barrier
- Added, used in code and bound to Lua LocalisedWithSubstitution (just one sub, easy use)
- Fixed wrong string in en.json
- Added missing tank localization to en.json
- Using file author as fallback if steam to slow
- Added missing translation for "ABUI By {AUTHOR}" in english
- Added lua LocalisedWithSubstitutions that accepts a lua table of subs for easier/less typing translation
- Fixed text fade in on second and next loading screen
- Made the two longer lines use smaller font size (13) in loading screen
- Font size 15 for loading screens
- Polish: replaced C2D::Translation with Translation in files
- Updated localization label game mode/ edit mode and build id
- Polished loading screen fading in lag and text fade
- Updated ApplySubstitutionInplace to also translate the string
- Release build X translation fix
- Added release build to loc strings
- Added Zone textures
- Updaed loading screens using coherent and nice backgounds
- Forgotten translation in lms
- Fixed error in coliseum
- Fixed prints invisble when unhiding
- Fixed loot sphere deleting in wrangleoid
- Added missing translations: weapon-, tool-, vehicle popup, missing scenes, lua error
- Forgotten translations in ABUI
- Fixed typo in GetSystemLocaleID
- Modified toggle button for auto download also uses star/no star indicator (like video settings boxes)
- Added both menu and game scene reset on applying locale
- Added settings and planetoid prompt obey translation (cannot adapt to very long strings though)
- Added more localisation support to act_defendoid and act_wrangle
- Added better (utf8-aware) js string conversion for writeToScreen and friends
- Removed Weapon Impulse Rifle
- Todd's updates on PS editor tooltips and labels
- Fixed bug in PS, ScalingRatioSizing was not saved at all
- Fixed BP preview picture in BP editor, updated loading engine screen
- Fixed scene panel not showing localized scene name
- Using localized scene name everywhere
- Committing missed file changed SceneWrap.h
- Added assembly feature OriginID, added and bound scene:GetAssembliesByOriginID() and assembly:GetOriginID()
- Todd's updates on PS editor tool tips and labels
- Fixed determinism bug in AddPSFromMaterialPSLib
- Added Network Game ID to avoid frames from previous game, fixed frames corruption on client, polished network class, fixed mutex using in public functions
- Localization strings for resource bars
- Localization strings: loading screen, pause and other on screen messages
- Update: setting language by system on first start (after language updates)
- Added missing localizables to steam shop
- Fixed lua error in pio
- Respawn stations displays localized area names
- Made primoid areas localizable
- Added wrangle localization strings
- Added localization to last man standing, race and coliseum
- Using tokens where needed in all loc strings now
- Made selecting body to respawn on zoom out work fully
- Added some loc strings for colliseum and lms and renamed some strings
- Forgotten file
- Added loc strings for AB
- Added localization strings to BPs
- Made pioneer and all c2d script stings localizable
- Updated locale with latest from the public repo
- Scene:RespawnController(ctrl, assy) lua bind fix
- Added debug list of added and deleted assemblies to editor / tests, marked problem in bp_loot_sphere.lua
- Updated wrangloid and wrangloid easy with new target capture amounts (less to collect on easy mode, you get the idea pretty quick tbh) - can collect more if you want more loot "for fun" though
- Added contingency to wrangloid activity
- Added wrangloid primitive GUI again to prevent people getting confused (still has in-world LCDs as well)
- Fixed some accidental globals in abui
- Prepared bodies to be selected on minimap for respawn
- Clickables can follow assemblies and can be deleted
- Net game packets checking with SHA and integrity check
- Todd's updates on editor tooltips, mostly Particle System
- Memory overwrite error and assign missing opengl functions
- Added libicu and libWTF required by osx. modified install names of libraries to use @rpath instead of @loader_path
- Properly automated xcodeproj build and added opengl backend for OSX
- Steamworks SDK 1.42
- Fixed steam dev mode init
- Added backwards compatibility for old included BPs with external file
- Compiling without pre-compiled headers on ResourceFileHandler, CoherentUIView and UIViewListener for compatibility across platforms.
- Osx doesn't want the precompiled headers
- Fixed checking steam api init failed
- Create the view.
- Extern in header
- Separate UIViewLIstener and ResourceFileHandler for WIN
- Removed a file
- Coherent gt 2.4.0 building and linking on OSX
- Erny session, added log and switches for parallel loop
- Added effects to determinism check
- Improved determinism check debug, fixed determinism bug in UpdateActiveZones
- Added for explaining the translation system to translators. rough pass for now, but serviceable.
- Added index.json controlling which locales are present so no recompile needed when adding/testing new locales
- Modified modals reworked after miro feedback on being incompatible with some languages
- Osx linker fixes
- Not a pointer.
- Windows compile fixes.
- Sony Usleep in wrong place.
- Osx compile fixes
- Fixed loading alt URL since utf8 changes made it not work for local urls
- Fix: sending error log immediatelly if any required GL extension not supported on target system
- Improved version of ThreadPool::ParallelFor (less overhead)
- Forgotten c2d package lua file for zbs
- Added check of all GL extensions that we use are present on the system, quitting app with message if found a nil one.
- Fix: filter out auto mount joint in:
- Fixed MO:MakeHoleAtLocalPoint
- Polished workd grid, tried to save terrain to scene file for faster loading but it is too big file then for Primoid
- Updated LuaManDocs
- Fixed resizing Coherent UI
- Fixed loading PS lib and Mat PS lib in editor
- New Coherent implemented
- Incremented build number (!!) Added a bumch of PSs from PPTest
- Fixed stack overflow when recursive tables are displayed for error
- Fixed c2d:GetRatedWorkshopItem()
- Fixed upvals in error not showing table content if table
- Fixed table2string not showing indexes of nested tables
- Added feature EmitOneWithSpecifiedTextureFrame requested by contributor
[ 2018-06-23 18:39:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yet another update with a HUEG list of new features, improvements, and fixes - check them out below! Especially if the game used to crash on you at start or later, a big update to the GUI middleware we're using should clear many of these issues up (they completely replaced the memory handling system).
Now, monthly, we are automatically featuring a Contributor Community-created Planetoid
right inside the game's Asteroid Belt map! You can now subscribe to, and vote up and down on these Workshop scenes, from the in-game menu. When the author of one of these subscribed-to scenes updates them, they will automatically get pushed to your game, and indicate that they're refreshed. We're kicking off the end of May here with filipex2000's brutal zombie-bashing minigame, which will cycle to something else at the beginning of each coming month! NOTE: If you get one of these messages when launching the game now, don't be alarmed! It just means there's a log file from a previous crash that we would love to take a look at. The game should load fine after you click through this message box:
Most notable updates this time around:
- Featured monthly Planetoids will start appearing in your asteroid belt
- Many if not most of those previous random crashes should be gone now due to updated GUI middleware
- Automatic error reporting which will aide us in fixing the crashes and problems some of you reported
- Working component system to build your own vehicles (more on that later)
- Lots of new reactor blueprints for scene makers
Full changelog:
- Added one more featured planetoid
- Added save slots: offline and networked
- More-robust "special" styling of vote buttons
- Added way to fade appropriate button when already-upvoted/downvoted
- Vote buttons are square
- Todd's updates on editor tool tips
- Fixed AB with nil check
- Got back Blank Planetoid instead of my net-test version
- Switched OFF network shortcuts in release config
- Fixed determinism bug with GetApproxPos
- Determinism test buffer corruption check
- Log update and bug fix on net game
- Made all new code in network thread-safe
- Easier connecting and creating net game on one or two computers
- Net test small update
- Net update - waiting for clients to finish loading
- Net game testing updates
- AB reacts to auto DL setting
- Fixed lines in the way when unlocking new ptoid ,added shakes
- Added simple camera.shake()
- Fixed AB errors without steam, added warning if steam isnt running
- Blank Planetoid net version test
- Server UDP discovery test
- Added functions to start / stop client / server and bound them to shortcuts
- Net frame update fix and Client time catch up
- Updates on net game and bp menu handling
- Polished ui in ab
- Polished unlock hints
- Added optional gravityPoint arg to fade around to math.fadePosition()
- Made AB spark travel much smoother
- Fixed ui lines wrong for one frame
- Fixed lines appearing for one frame when starting scene in AB
- AB: tweaked spark pos and size depending on zoom to be always well visible
- AB: showing which planetoids get unlocked by completing, cleaned up some code
- Added measuring of network ping and game delay between computers
- Applied lua syntax and other errors catching also to LuaMan::RunScript()
- Matched TO colors with fog of war in AB map
- Made lua syntax error and other errors appear in lua errors window
- Adjusted AB TO color to match fog of war
- Adding scene to RemovedScenes immediately on Unsubscribe call
- Fixed and polished fading to game and back to menu
- Removed debug warning and some old TODO MIRO comments
- Removed debug line to create crash
- Fixed MagnetizeMOs caused crash in AB map when PS with explosion was used
- Fading into game remembers zoom in AB, then fades back to menu to that zoom value, clamped to 0.3 .. 2.0
- Fixed some scenes disappearing from AB
- Forgotten file
- Added temp warning for miro about workshop info not found
- Updated dofile
- Fixed AB error when steam not running
- Saving disabled if playing networked for now
- Using Lua dofile instead of dostring, for the debug info file name. switched back ON the game saving
- Added missing button press sounds to some buttons
- Fixed some wrong PS effects in AB
- Added PS effect when unsubbing
- Fixed AB UI not updated when subbing/unsubbing
- Can zoom select into any AB ptoid
- Removed debug measure disabling AB intro sequence
- Modified subscribed or not correctly identified [removed] modal for unsub
- Added subscribe button and logic to show that, the unsub/up/down buttons or nothing appropriately + calling the passed onsub callback as well
- Replaced GetHumanController() in some places
- Updating net game input flow
- Fixed lua err in analytics
- Added util.getPrimaryPlayingPioneer/controller() and replaced getHumanController() in some places with it
- Disabled analytics when playing networked for now
- Fixed zooming to and from AB due to menu min zoom change
- Net game input update
- Zooming much closer into selected planetoid in ab
- Updating input flow of network game
- Changed min zoom for menu and game
- Fixed lua err when clicking deleted scene
- Fixed download progress to 1 when item added
- Ps eff when resubbing scene
- Fixed downloaded state of workshop item
- Polished subbing/unsubbing
- Can resub deleted scenes in AB by clicking them
- Ab_ui calls funcs in ab for sub/unsub
- Fixed refreshing scenes list and auto downloaded location after unsubscribe
- Print() shows empty strings as "" instead of nothing
- Featured scenes are handeled by wsID everywhere to avoid problems
- Fixed featured scene would not be found if subbed already
- Short floaty texts stay up a little longer
- Added do_steam_subscribe() to ab ui for maxk
- Utf8 fixed StringFunc::Narrow and StringFunc::Widen used too small buffer up to 256 chars, what caused crash
- Added and bound c2d:GetWorkshopBlueprintInfoByID and GetWorkshopSceneInfoByID
- Added pio target to resp station
- Fixed slow particles still destroying pios gun
- Showing rating of workshop planetoids
- Removed some debug stuff
- Added workshop button functionality
- Added name to workshop ID temp funcs
- Added steam unsub/upvote/downvote buttons to asteroid belt
- Updated MakeHoleAtLocalPoint returning pos of triangle
- Added requested feature mo: MakeHoleAtLocalPoint and MakeHoleAtWorldPoint
- Added and bound to lua c2d:IsPlayingNetworked
- Fixed Lua err in AB
- Added util.getAllBrokenOffMOs
- Drone flashes before explode
- Fixed showing planetoid pic in menu when that scene is from other than main library, also temp-fixed loading that pic for planet that has '(Featured)' added in the name
- Fixed planet picture was not showing up in menu due to utf8 change
- Fixed showing standard pio texture in editor due to utf8 change
- Temp workaround for IO setting things inactive that should stay active
- Added setting to add assembly trigger to clean up dead stuff
- Added save.getSavingDisabled()
- Respawn station doesn't say game saved if saving disabled
- Updated list of featured planetoids
- Add assembly reactor can set position targets by assembly too
- Finished error handling and sending to server, even when nothing is yet initialized
- More details for exceptions handling, updated Debug Configuration with /bigobj
- Fixed coherent resource reader issue
- Set working directory by exe path on engine init
- Coherent resource reading test
- Utf8 fix opening blueprint Lua file with ZBS
- Added reactor score counter
- Removed testing forced error
- Fixed copying error logs
- Set all projects to catch more error exceptions, to log them
- Added Error logs sending, more errors catching. updated network to auto-close window when one is disconnected from net test
- Fixed resource filler and added on/off target
- Lots of progress on base defendoid
- Removed print
- Added team tag option to assembly spawner
- Added reactor set active
- Bot spot: nerfed, can use its jetpack when picked up
- Fixed lua err in bot spot
- Added setting to not loop to sequence trigger
- Added reactor trigger for each player
- Added reactor trigger
- Fixed featured scene not working when scene wasnt downloaded yet
- First version of code free defendoid
- Fixed showing lua src in error
- Fixed ZORder of the two lcd panels
- Fixed add assembly trigger going inactive an not triggering on assembly death
- Added fail scene trigger
- Added on destroyed to power core
- Added reactor no flash
- Added warning about weird bug that can happen in AB
- Polished code for converting strings to lower and upper case
- Utf8 fixed editor images loading when in other than 'Textures/' path. also some cleanup in EditWindow class
- Utf8 fix on Drag and Drop
- Fixed wrong triggering lcd timer
- Added reactor sequence
- Added on target death trigger to add assembly reactor
- Added trigger limit to trigger repeatedly
- Fixed that weird camera bug on defendoid start
- Added reactor add assembly
- Added triggers to lcd panel
- Fixed lua err in pio
- Http class (post/get) based on curl library
- Updates on net game input handling
- Marked problems for miro in act_asteroid_belt
- Fixed some weirdness in asteroid belt when steam not running
- Todd's updates on Editor tool tips
- Updates on net game controllers input handling and sending
- pioneer shop deals better with auto DLs turned off, removed global from shop manager
- Fixed featured not always highlighted
- Added a little more info on featured ptoid and showing in panel too
- Simplified some asteroid belt code
- Lua error shows locals and upvals when error happens in C func too
- Added missing light to featured ptoids
- If not featured scene given using most recent well rated
- Fixed lua err when steam not running
- Added featured planetoids to AB
- Set ws min score to 0.5, removed some old code
- Added util.getDateTime()
- Fixed scenes maybe never auto downloading
- Updating controller input to meet network game specs
- Disabled saving in trigger tut
- Disabled analytics for now
- Set disc map to 0.1,0.1,0.1 again
- Eliminated 'OnThisComputer' functions from scripts
- Lighting up entire mount pile of pickup focus
- Removed a print
- Fixed pioneer not entering vehicles sometimes and not choosing closest veh
- Changed GetIsHumanAndPlayingOnThisComputer to GetIsHuman in lua scripts
- Initial work for initializing Controllers for network game
- Removed a print
- Partial fix for entering wrong joints
- Shortenign hud names of component vehicles
- Fixed components unmounting from tools when mounting
- Added frag with some component vehicles
- Fixed lua err in pio
- Added feature to play song that is included in scene as soundset with c2d:PlaySceneSong( sound set name [, fade-out time of current music] )
- Not saving driven vehicle if its component, tagged components Component
- Fixed pioneer not able to enter component vehicles sometimes when he should
- Fixed wheel component mounting wrong
- Removed print from wheel
- pioneer can not pick up things in mount pile of vehicle, caused problems with components
- Minigun component lighter, doesnt eat resources
- Tweaked components, made wheel work with scene fragments
- Switched off net client test on start
- Added Added Constructs and Controllers to determinism checker
- Fix of determinism checker
- Oversized debug packets support for determinism debugger
- More updates on determinism debugger
- More improvements on determinism debugger
- Improving determinism debugger
- Network determinism checker implementation
- Added new button in PS edit to select next PS of the same name
- Added DevFastStart to start pp even faster without preloading things, for dev purposes
- Fixed white border when rendering scene screenshot in transition to menu
- Fixed: Edit PSs collided in world grid and caused weird behavior
- Added help button to sound sets
- Added component seat boosted
- Todd's bunch of updates on editor tool tips
- First Network stuff, minor changes in Renderer
- Added balancer component
- Added thruster component
- Added reactor random pick
- Fixed mount joints on some components
- Fixed seat and wheel component doing crazy physics
- Fixed defendoid not working
- Fixed info terminal closing bubble immediately
- Better feedback for broken pop plant
- Removed debug print from pioneer AIf
- Added weapon blacklist to lms and blacklisted bolt action from all arenas
- Removed tier tag from cold launcher since its not deadly
[ 2018-05-25 17:45:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
The last update had some unfortunate crashes for some folks - here's the known fixes to those issues - and another BOATLOAD of additional improvements (see below). We're also making things more robust with our build system, with nightly builds going to the open beta branch on Steam - so if you're having trouble with the default branch, try switching over to beta. We might have fixed it since!
Most notable updates this time around:
- Automatically expanding Asteroid Belt with workshop scenes
- Hopefully fixed new crash bug
- New editor tutorial scene to explain triggers
- New wearables, reactors and new armored skeleton blueprints
Full changelog:
- Trap Grider: PS stop on death. Dies when area < 10%
- Door Dungeon: Removed globals
- Coalition Turret: Increased durability and ammo
- Bot Spot: Fixed lua error Bot Flip: only triggers io once Bot Phoenix: removed debug wire
- Fixed lua error in pioneer
- Removed hud.add_zone_tip everywhere and deprecated functions
- Ship landing fuel tanks don't explode again (works on planium)
- Removed planium from AB since there is no goal
- Plutas and Samroid updated
- Made trigger tutorial Data Realms scene
- Tweaked physics behaviour of grappling hook
- Fixed globals in primoid endings + beginning scripts
- Fixed issues with defendoid and reactor custom code with new globals rules
- Fixed errors with voiceover if voice volume set to zero
- Modified asteroid belt ui script stopped using self overzealously - and many global functions turned local
- Fixed extensive issues with wrangloid
- BP menu: Fixed lua error
- Rover Shocks: Removed globals
- Added Construction Elevator Concrete Constructs: Reduced density so windows can be damaged by the machine pistol
- Coalition Turret: Fixed turret getting stuck at some angles
- Pioneer: Fixed lua error @ line 3531
- Removed test junk from Blank Planetoid
- Recomputed day light anim for planium
- Prototype Drone Defense: Fixed lua error
- Fixed Planium beginning area, could not get out of pit
- Made Test Scene Tentacle not Mappable
- Fix: added activating zones also by camera position if camera is used by script
- Plutas new version from pptest and resaved undiscovered
- Fix PS heat on fly set to 0 for older versions
- Fixed last man standing bug
- Fixed: pioneer doesn't move reactors and triggers anymore when jumping
- Fix: speed of rotating construct with mouse wheel was dependent on FPS
- Fix" intro video was not rendered at all occasionally
- Fix: stops all burning PSs of MO when changed AllowBurning to false, the same with melting
- Showing target string value up to 16 chars in game viewport
- Added tip to screen how to disable / enable lua output
- Including Todd's work on blueprint edit page tips
- Added ability to disable/enable showing lua errors to screen with Shift + L
- Added PS feature - Heat / Cool on fly through (not on collision)
- Todd's updates on scene editor tips
- Fixed radars now not colliding with non-colliding MOs
- Doors: Can open and close again. Radar is only created in auto-control mode
- Pop Plant: Applied velocity to the pioneer is now the same when a tool held by a pioneer touch the plant as when just the pioneer touch the balloon
- Fixed weird light map in menu scene when zoomed out
- Polished game menu button colors
- Race: Omni and ray lights are 10% of original
- Changed look of game menu, buttons still need to improve
- Pioneer: Can no longer ride a tool like a pogo-stick
- Removed globals and unused locals
- Removed debug print from Lua/bp_Door
- Polished editor colors
- Fixed coop blueprint share recategorize for all on completed.
- updated pp_bpmenu.lua to use tables instead of c++ bound structures for added blueprint info
- Added random reactor
- Added and bound assy:GetConnectedTargetNames, fixed GetAllTargetNames
- Added and bound assy:GetAllTargetNames()
- Fixed seat and wheel component
- Removed global from ship landing seat
- Removed more globals
- Loot Orbs: Updated sprites
- Trap Doors: Reduced the risk of the door penetrating TOs
- Golems: Adjusted mass to 999kg
- Bot Acid, Mecha, Phoenix, Wrom & Walker now follow the Pioneer that printed the bot
- Machine Dropper: Joints of cargo is set not to break on spawn. Bot Guard Box & Bot Spot: Can hibernate
- IO: Debug no longer throws errors if an assy have no master MO
- Lua Docs: Added tips about pointers to some classes
- Added wip seat component
- Made components work proper by looking through whole mount pile for ctrl with input
- Correctly loading script of tether
- Tweaked joint stability, size and texture of concrete structures
- Removed Globals Coalition Turret: The body no longer rotates on its own when not mounted to terrain
- Added reactor trigger repeatedly, added to trigger tut
- Added trigger tutorial scene
- Removed go external button from editor window, changed editor color
- Now making backup of log file into Logs folder, if the log contained error message. polished out of memory error catching
- Added one more borderless window mode with ctrl+shift+enter, fixed loading windows layout
- Added features to select PS, Light, TO or Activity blueprint that are far away from scene, not visible in view, but causing quad tree to be huge
- Fixed io debug things collidable
- Finished sound source twins optimization
- Fixed rope set BG done wrong
- Added io.isTriggeredOnStart(asm, connector), fixed door bug with it
- Added text trigger to info terminal to replace zone
- Disabled auto control by default on most doors
- Made exception to play ambient sound loops via sound streams
- Bot Spot: Can follow waypoints and allied pioneers
- Reactor Set Waypoint: Can set AIs to follow assemblies
- Adding workshop scenes when reaching end of Asteroid Belt
- Flying AIs stay above friendly assemblies when following them
- Fixed Wrangloid and Wrangloid Easy to run with new Lua rules
- Set mem align always to 32 - runs faster. and more error log polish
- Birds: Added some more target circles
- Rover Carrier Hover: No longer rotates when parked on the ground
- Silverback: Eats its victims properly again
- Auto DL of workshop scenes now fully working with addWSPlanetoid()
- Removed globals in bpmenu, terminal
- Reenabled save delete when scene completed
- Fixed atomizing object right after it was assembled whn holding a button and it was a construct that was assembled partly before or was a construct included in scene
- Optimized grid algo and eliminated one lag on fade to game
- Fixed atomizing through door
- FIX in sounds (huge memory consumption eliminated), lots of updates in error logging, updated memory consumption logging
- Skeleton Armored: No longer rolls around when dead
- Pioneer AI no longer run out of ammo
- Concrete Window: Increased durability Concrete support: Decreased joint strength Pioneer AI: Bug fixes
- Fixed and unified physics units labels in editor
- Made all things in grazer vacuum local
- Made some activties local
- Removed old act_collect activity
- Mega Worm Long: Removed debug code
- Zoom Map: Removed global funciton
- Pioneer don't duck when standing on a trap door
- Pioneer: Does not duck when standing on an MO tagged "Interactible" that also have a onInteractibleDownPress() function
- Optimization: eliminated many memory allocs and reallocs for better performance
- Power Core: Removed globals
- Made _G metatable unchangeable, disabled rawset()
- Made act_race and act_coliseum local
- Made act_primoid and act_acid_zones local
- Loot sphere drops whole pioneer blueprints
- Fixed MO sleeping and Awake when any particles collides with the MO
- Eliminated the rest of break sounds when atomizing objects
- Removed globals from golems, tools & grenades
- Removed Globals from all Fauna
- Removed Globals from all bots
- Removed globals and redundant locals from various scripts in the Lua folder
- Made Pioneer Imperatus better suited against heat, so player has a use for it in core
- Some improvements to imperatus to make it stronger
- Made a weareable space helmet blueprint too to attach
- Armor set bps to put on creatures seperately
- Removed some globals
- Fauna Skeleton Armored: Can walk again & has stronger joints. Does not get knocked out by riding Knuckles. Vomit is stronger
- Fauna skeleton armored with plates (new bp)
- Editor colors change
- Fixed whole game broken
- Moved global lock to the right place and defined globals Blueprints, Assemblys, Presets lua side
- Fixed text layer not getting show/hide/blur/focus events, not checking for Blueprints, Activitys and Presets table when creating objects in lua
- Fixed multiselect in list in editor
- Added warning when global gets created
- Removed a ton of globals
- Hiding on-screen lua error message after 15 seconds
- Turned ON back the optimizations that work well
- Set a lot of accidental globals local
- Turned off sounds stream optimization
- Added counting opened files and active sound sources
- Maybe fixed a bug in pioneer_ai
- Calling blueprint log functions, removed previous function
- Added and bound functions to log currently builded or updated assembly - name
- Added c2d_update.getLastUpdatedBP()
- Not require()ing debug
- Removed gpu memory info reading (works for nvidia only so far) and added files open/close counter to check files stay open
- Fixed race lua error
- Turned OFF recent four optimizations, added more info to memory log
[ 2018-04-08 20:38:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
The last update had some unfortunate crashes for some folks - here's the known fixes to those issues - and another BOATLOAD of additional improvements (see below). We're also making things more robust with our build system, with nightly builds going to the open beta branch on Steam - so if you're having trouble with the default branch, try switching over to beta. We might have fixed it since!
Most notable updates this time around:
- Automatically expanding Asteroid Belt with workshop scenes
- Hopefully fixed new crash bug
- New editor tutorial scene to explain triggers
- New wearables, reactors and new armored skeleton blueprints
Full changelog:
- Trap Grider: PS stop on death. Dies when area < 10%
- Door Dungeon: Removed globals
- Coalition Turret: Increased durability and ammo
- Bot Spot: Fixed lua error Bot Flip: only triggers io once Bot Phoenix: removed debug wire
- Fixed lua error in pioneer
- Removed hud.add_zone_tip everywhere and deprecated functions
- Ship landing fuel tanks don't explode again (works on planium)
- Removed planium from AB since there is no goal
- Plutas and Samroid updated
- Made trigger tutorial Data Realms scene
- Tweaked physics behaviour of grappling hook
- Fixed globals in primoid endings + beginning scripts
- Fixed issues with defendoid and reactor custom code with new globals rules
- Fixed errors with voiceover if voice volume set to zero
- Modified asteroid belt ui script stopped using self overzealously - and many global functions turned local
- Fixed extensive issues with wrangloid
- BP menu: Fixed lua error
- Rover Shocks: Removed globals
- Added Construction Elevator Concrete Constructs: Reduced density so windows can be damaged by the machine pistol
- Coalition Turret: Fixed turret getting stuck at some angles
- Pioneer: Fixed lua error @ line 3531
- Removed test junk from Blank Planetoid
- Recomputed day light anim for planium
- Prototype Drone Defense: Fixed lua error
- Fixed Planium beginning area, could not get out of pit
- Made Test Scene Tentacle not Mappable
- Fix: added activating zones also by camera position if camera is used by script
- Plutas new version from pptest and resaved undiscovered
- Fix PS heat on fly set to 0 for older versions
- Fixed last man standing bug
- Fixed: pioneer doesn't move reactors and triggers anymore when jumping
- Fix: speed of rotating construct with mouse wheel was dependent on FPS
- Fix" intro video was not rendered at all occasionally
- Fix: stops all burning PSs of MO when changed AllowBurning to false, the same with melting
- Showing target string value up to 16 chars in game viewport
- Added tip to screen how to disable / enable lua output
- Including Todd's work on blueprint edit page tips
- Added ability to disable/enable showing lua errors to screen with Shift + L
- Added PS feature - Heat / Cool on fly through (not on collision)
- Todd's updates on scene editor tips
- Fixed radars now not colliding with non-colliding MOs
- Doors: Can open and close again. Radar is only created in auto-control mode
- Pop Plant: Applied velocity to the pioneer is now the same when a tool held by a pioneer touch the plant as when just the pioneer touch the balloon
- Fixed weird light map in menu scene when zoomed out
- Polished game menu button colors
- Race: Omni and ray lights are 10% of original
- Changed look of game menu, buttons still need to improve
- Pioneer: Can no longer ride a tool like a pogo-stick
- Removed globals and unused locals
- Removed debug print from Lua/bp_Door
- Polished editor colors
- Fixed coop blueprint share recategorize for all on completed.
- updated pp_bpmenu.lua to use tables instead of c++ bound structures for added blueprint info
- Added random reactor
- Added and bound assy:GetConnectedTargetNames, fixed GetAllTargetNames
- Added and bound assy:GetAllTargetNames()
- Fixed seat and wheel component
- Removed global from ship landing seat
- Removed more globals
- Loot Orbs: Updated sprites
- Trap Doors: Reduced the risk of the door penetrating TOs
- Golems: Adjusted mass to 999kg
- Bot Acid, Mecha, Phoenix, Wrom & Walker now follow the Pioneer that printed the bot
- Machine Dropper: Joints of cargo is set not to break on spawn. Bot Guard Box & Bot Spot: Can hibernate
- IO: Debug no longer throws errors if an assy have no master MO
- Lua Docs: Added tips about pointers to some classes
- Added wip seat component
- Made components work proper by looking through whole mount pile for ctrl with input
- Correctly loading script of tether
- Tweaked joint stability, size and texture of concrete structures
- Removed Globals Coalition Turret: The body no longer rotates on its own when not mounted to terrain
- Added reactor trigger repeatedly, added to trigger tut
- Added trigger tutorial scene
- Removed go external button from editor window, changed editor color
- Now making backup of log file into Logs folder, if the log contained error message. polished out of memory error catching
- Added one more borderless window mode with ctrl+shift+enter, fixed loading windows layout
- Added features to select PS, Light, TO or Activity blueprint that are far away from scene, not visible in view, but causing quad tree to be huge
- Fixed io debug things collidable
- Finished sound source twins optimization
- Fixed rope set BG done wrong
- Added io.isTriggeredOnStart(asm, connector), fixed door bug with it
- Added text trigger to info terminal to replace zone
- Disabled auto control by default on most doors
- Made exception to play ambient sound loops via sound streams
- Bot Spot: Can follow waypoints and allied pioneers
- Reactor Set Waypoint: Can set AIs to follow assemblies
- Adding workshop scenes when reaching end of Asteroid Belt
- Flying AIs stay above friendly assemblies when following them
- Fixed Wrangloid and Wrangloid Easy to run with new Lua rules
- Set mem align always to 32 - runs faster. and more error log polish
- Birds: Added some more target circles
- Rover Carrier Hover: No longer rotates when parked on the ground
- Silverback: Eats its victims properly again
- Auto DL of workshop scenes now fully working with addWSPlanetoid()
- Removed globals in bpmenu, terminal
- Reenabled save delete when scene completed
- Fixed atomizing object right after it was assembled whn holding a button and it was a construct that was assembled partly before or was a construct included in scene
- Optimized grid algo and eliminated one lag on fade to game
- Fixed atomizing through door
- FIX in sounds (huge memory consumption eliminated), lots of updates in error logging, updated memory consumption logging
- Skeleton Armored: No longer rolls around when dead
- Pioneer AI no longer run out of ammo
- Concrete Window: Increased durability Concrete support: Decreased joint strength Pioneer AI: Bug fixes
- Fixed and unified physics units labels in editor
- Made all things in grazer vacuum local
- Made some activties local
- Removed old act_collect activity
- Mega Worm Long: Removed debug code
- Zoom Map: Removed global funciton
- Pioneer don't duck when standing on a trap door
- Pioneer: Does not duck when standing on an MO tagged "Interactible" that also have a onInteractibleDownPress() function
- Optimization: eliminated many memory allocs and reallocs for better performance
- Power Core: Removed globals
- Made _G metatable unchangeable, disabled rawset()
- Made act_race and act_coliseum local
- Made act_primoid and act_acid_zones local
- Loot sphere drops whole pioneer blueprints
- Fixed MO sleeping and Awake when any particles collides with the MO
- Eliminated the rest of break sounds when atomizing objects
- Removed globals from golems, tools & grenades
- Removed Globals from all Fauna
- Removed Globals from all bots
- Removed globals and redundant locals from various scripts in the Lua folder
- Made Pioneer Imperatus better suited against heat, so player has a use for it in core
- Some improvements to imperatus to make it stronger
- Made a weareable space helmet blueprint too to attach
- Armor set bps to put on creatures seperately
- Removed some globals
- Fauna Skeleton Armored: Can walk again & has stronger joints. Does not get knocked out by riding Knuckles. Vomit is stronger
- Fauna skeleton armored with plates (new bp)
- Editor colors change
- Fixed whole game broken
- Moved global lock to the right place and defined globals Blueprints, Assemblys, Presets lua side
- Fixed text layer not getting show/hide/blur/focus events, not checking for Blueprints, Activitys and Presets table when creating objects in lua
- Fixed multiselect in list in editor
- Added warning when global gets created
- Removed a ton of globals
- Hiding on-screen lua error message after 15 seconds
- Turned ON back the optimizations that work well
- Set a lot of accidental globals local
- Turned off sounds stream optimization
- Added counting opened files and active sound sources
- Maybe fixed a bug in pioneer_ai
- Calling blueprint log functions, removed previous function
- Added and bound functions to log currently builded or updated assembly - name
- Added c2d_update.getLastUpdatedBP()
- Not require()ing debug
- Removed gpu memory info reading (works for nvidia only so far) and added files open/close counter to check files stay open
- Fixed race lua error
- Turned OFF recent four optimizations, added more info to memory log
[ 2018-04-08 20:38:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Holy moly, warm up your scrollwheels for this one! The Data Realms team has been cranking real hard on the third and BIGliest update since launch, totally crammed with improvements and upgrades that you have been pining for. Without further ado...
Most notably:
- Fixed save wiping bug (really now); your old saves should even be loaded again now
- Subscribed-to Workshop scenes appear as unlocked scenes in the Asteroid Belt
- Added resolution and screen options!
- Improved loading times
- Improved performance
- Much more useful Lua error messages
- Visual debug mode for reactor logic
- Game quits immediately
Full changelog:
- Added Ctrl F1 performance measuring for c2d_update parts
- Asteroid belt using scene:GetSceneExists(sceneName) again
- Fixed all auto downloaded scenes being added to AB on build
- Much faster loading of workshop on engine load
- Removed light glow over planetoids in Asteroid Belt
- Fixed potential lua errors spam caused by buggy WS pioneers
- Added meta.getVanillaPioneers()
- Scene rectangle fixes for menu
- Set engine loading screen background to gray
- Renamed reactor set joints lose -> loose
- Renamed concrete construction items slightly to appear grouped in Blueprint menu
- Updated scene is mappable check only when in main lib, auto mappable when in other libraries
- Removed newline from no matching overload found err
- Fixed including downloaded scenes in user config all scenes list
- Fixed out of memory log in File class
- Added lua error information when the error comes from workshop blueprint or scene
- Throwing special lua error for Workshop stuff
- Prepped asteroid belt for auto dl scenes
- Added modal dialog warning "Out of graphics memory!"
- Lua Docs: Fixed a bug that caused some functions to be ignored
- Removed path from error and optimized debug.getInfo calls
- Corrected a wrong control hint on controller
- Also canceling abandon body hint correctly on controller
- Canceling abandon body hint when doing so
- Also added missing trigger on veh entered
- Added forgotten to revert files lost in mar 1st incident
- Committed bot spot to repo, used in Primoid
- Using steam user name now when writing author to Blueprint or scene file, polished code storing and using one instance of mUserNameCompName in Userconfig only.
- Print() stays for 10 instead of 5 secs and also stays after opening editor
- Looking up asteroid belt scenes in Workshop for steam name as author
- Fast game exit, not deleting objects, we'll use it for testing only
- Added information about low memory for running the game
- Using new func isSubscribedScene() in AB
- AB: always unlocking subs, fixed 3 planetoids unlocked on new game, added unlock PS to some missing places, fixed a lua err
- Added and bound c2d:IsSubscribedBP and IsSubscribedScene
- Defined 'tostring' for all lua-bound classes
- Removed new line from lua error report
- Lua errors catch polish
- Error handling for activity build/update
- Lua error checking on engine side at some places
- Got rid off compile warning, using string to pass workshop item id to lua and back instead of UINT64
- Selecting or dragging activity Blueprint target now also selects it in editor list of Blueprint targets
- Checking lua error occurrence by the first line only
- Fixed lua error in reactor control tip caused by wrong PS name
- Some more formatting polish of error message
- Removed debug thing
- Finished error handler and using everywhere
- C2d_io: No longer throws errors because of a missing timer
- Fixed AI Reactor's target names
- Work in progress new lua error handler
- Fixed lua error in bee nest
- Added io debug, enabled with io.setDebugMode(set) or open editor
- Cleaned up lua files build/update code, xpcall()ing for stack traceback in errors there too
- Polished targets editing - bool value on click, string and number value shown next to target name if defined
- Wrapped Light class to LightWrap, for improved stability
- Added tag "Dont Save IO Events" and added to reactor trigger once to replace hardcoded exception
- Fixed delayed trigger triggering wrong when activated on frame 0 and potential stack overflow
- Io passes to reactor funcs if they were called during load
- Dereferenced nil object error report via new lua error handling system
- Prints always visible in edit mode
- Picture man twin pictures optimization error fix
- Activity and c2d build and update via new safe call
- Added c2d_update.activity_and_c2d_build(presetID, objectID) and update to update activity from lua too
- Calling also .Build and .Assembled via new safe lua call system
- Blueprint:Assembled() can also be called lua side with new func c2d_update.blueprints_assembled(t)
- Overwriting type() correctly using closure
- Added and bound == operator for SoundSetMan
- Added and bound SoundSetMan::type
- Trigger In Area Loss revert after wrong merge
- Got back lost changes by wrong merge
- Added stack traceback to new Blueprint lua error handling
- Polished lua object and preset registering to not use UINTPTR
- Optimized Rocket Bob PS, contained huge and many smoke particles
- Fixed Asteroid Belt ui creating lots of timers
- Eliminated white rectangle on start
- Reverted Reactor Add Control Tip
- Fixed Blueprints Build and Update optimization, nil check
- Applied the same optimization to Blueprints Build call on scene build
- Bit more polish on Blueprints update optimization
- Polished Blueprint update call optimization
- Blueprints update optim wip
- Added error to Asteroid Belt if missing primoid.png
- Fixed lua err
- Added wip c2d_update.run_Blueprint_function(t)
- Protected calling lua folder builds and updates for better performance and avoiding error breaking execution of all builds/updates
- Added and bound scene:ThrowLuaError(err)
- 30 steps for c2d_update and update in just one step
- Changed how various animals interact with constructs
- Changed how various bots interact with constructs
- Rover Carrier: Can fly higher if there are TOs nearby
- The AI can attack planks that have been printed by the player
- Trap Flamer can be turned on by sentry camera
- Removed old trunks again
- Pioneer passes self in toolActivate/Deactivate funcs
- Tweaked some of the Asteroid Belt effect PSs
- Added some effects to AB
- Trigger On Pain & Sighting: Only triggers once
- Another try to fix drawing to canvases due to Coherent render optimization
- Constructions: No longer mounts to the Pioneer that printed it. Inherits team tag when printed
- Construction Window: BG sprite is destroyed on death
- Laser Assault Rifle: Can damage Construct Wall
- Detection of constructs is improved on several bots
- Construction Walls: Changed death conditions
- Fixed looped sounds that are played via sound stream instead of sample, for sounds optimization
- Construction Walls: Sprites look like concrete
- Fixed picture twins optimizationa
- Divided lua to more separated calls,
- Pioneers are assigned a team based on controller ID insead of assy ID
- Materials: Moved Reinforced Concrete from legacy materials
- Revert of the wrong merge
- Finished DefaultManExt and used everywhere where it makes sense
- DefaultManExt, almost finished, committing to ensure not lose this
- Added latest laval PSs from Anton
- Reverted Blueprint Bot Imperatus rock head mistake
- Rover Carrier: Can fly higher if there are TOs nearby
- Bird Hostile: Does not steal tools from allies
- Fixed a bug where 2 other random planetoids would be unlocked on first game start and bug with calculating when to unlock new ptoids
- Print stays on screen 10 secs instead of 5
- Finished picture twins optimization
- Bird Neutral: Friendly birds steal enemy tools and bring them to the pioneer
- Fixed Blueprint script revert after blueprint save - now removing it from blueprints cache immediately
- Picture twins optimization in progress
- Door Curved: MOs cannot get trapped between the doors
- Added Construction Wall & Window Added material Reinforced Concrete
- [added] ending draft for primoid, trigger it with `primoid_ending:start()` in console on primoid for now
- Pioneer: Can create a custom pose for pioneers with unusually long legs
- Pioneer: Can be set to FlyOutAssembly with a vehicle mounted to the world
- Fixed pio shop showing wrong amount of aur substracted
- Forgotten stuff
- Mouse art for the remaining triggers and reactors
- Added some mouse art to a few reactors
- Removed most control tips from primoid script since they are replaced
- Fixed control tip can not be started deactivated
- Control tip reactor always starts activated
- Added warning if action not defined in control tip
- Fixed lua error in pioneer status reactor
- Added trigger proximity construct
- Added on menu opened/closed triggers to pioneerstatus reactor
- Added reactor zoomed to limit
- Control tip: fixed incorrectly placed tip, and tip getting stuck in air
- Added range target to control tip reactor
- Added percent setting and icon to area loss trigger
- Added trigger on veh entered
- Reactor control tip adds tip over pios in range if no target set
- Optimization of loading and preloading pictures data - part 1
- Mega Worm Long: Can be jointed to terrain with constructs again. Body segments scale up when eating an MO
- Bot Imperatus: No longer has a rock for head
- Better target names for reactor control tip
- Added reactor add control tip, supporting future control changes through options and multi tips in local mp
- Fixed file type in BlueprintsCache
- Enabled little spark and rocket in Asteroid Belt for testing
- Syncing in a bunch of new/udpated Audio and new/updaed PSs for metagame
- Bit more optimization on BlueprintCache
- Special optimization: Blueprints cache, for much faster loading of Blueprints and PSs
- Fixed a lua error in grapple
- Optimization: playing and loading audio files of size over 50 kb as audio streams, saved memory and load time
- Using inner SHA to compare scenes and faster load, resaved all scenes
- Added inner SHA for upcomming loading optimizations
- Bot Walker: Increased toughness and damage output
- Spider Climber: Can walk properly on MOs
- Pioneer: Broken off MOs can always be atomized
- Spider Climber: Lights are smaller Aurium & Fire Crab: No longer burns
- Rover Spider Climber: Moves faster
- Fixed SetAtomizable(Yes) when assy is broken off, at three places
- Got back that feature SetBrokenOffMOsAtomizable code
- Fixed saving/loading blueprint for the new feature
- Commented out mSetBrokenOffMOsAtomizable
- Fixed bugs in setting display modes
- Added functions for setting broken off MOs to atomizable. Not bound to lua yet
- Fixed settings prompt going missing if you opened planetoid panel with video panel open
- Added sections of the video menu don't get visually removed, they just go low opacity and stop responding to mouse events/become unselectable
- Fixed "dispalymodes" typo
- Added gamepad support for video settings
- Added (and then disabled cause it looks bad) friendly display name along with display number from sdl for each display
- Modified fade for planetoid/settings prompt is 2x as fast [added] more video settings work - almost done
- Fixed accidental double-bind
- Added options select element for Asteroid Belt UI
- Modified some bindings for the video settings+separated resolution and display number "should render" calls
- Optimized reload texture, should shorten add assembly time in huge planet
- Pioneer: Set all MOs to not atomizable again
- Lua Docs: DisplayMode functions
- Prepared display settings functions, polished and reworked switching modes functions
- Added dummied-in video controls
- Removed misunderstood target only reactor complete from the objective reactor (now all require reactor completion)
- Fixed potential lua error in egg Blueprint when area goes from 100%->0% in one update (ie when crushed)
- Fixed needless every-frame update of asteroid UI toggle for workshop enable/disable
- Lms: fixed no arm hint on bots
- Not displaying pause message
- AB: fixed bug where new scenes could not be unlocked, fixed light not updating when unlocked, fixed unlocking deleted scenes, colored completed message green
- Added and bound c2d:IsLibraryScene()
- Updated C2DGame::GetGameSceneLoadedAndPlaying with GetSceneFinished()
- Auto-sharing scnned blueprints in coop mode, also immediate sharing scanned mass when atomizng more players together
- Added assembler scan to Starman
- Trap Grinder: Added PS that do damage when the trap is on
- Bot Worm: Wheels only do damage when rotating
- Pioneer AI: Tools held in hands cannot get shot
- Updated auto mounting and showing right the overlapping / automount
- Updates: play sound on construction cancel, atomize while assembling
- Pioneer AI: No longer tries to pick up broken off parts of weapons
- Fixed Asteroid Belt name not correctly centered above scenes
- Moving Platform & Trap Door Long: Added the "Interactible" tag and functions
- Pioneer: Added code for ignoring up/down input when standing on an assy with the "Interactible" tag
- Pioneer: The pioneer is pushed down when stopping, if the legs are not in contact with antything. The feet are not pinned when opening the Blueprint menu if the pioneer is standing on an MO
- Increased resp station range so it works with vehicles
- Testing pioneer only heaving jumps
- Lowered pioneer skidding intencity so he doesnt slip in the air
- Print() messages turn invisible after 5 secs of no printing
- Pioneer also calls self.onInteractibleUp/DownPress() on interactibles overwriting input if found in target
- C2d logger polish and thread-safe error log
- Binding calls out of event, added mutexes to event handers for thread safety
- Added disabled option and lua_check_obj to editor's textbox component, updated it in editors too.
- Uncommitted file push
- Fix for Auto-Download Content toggle to be toggled right on game start
- Applied the fix to master branch
- Fixed bug in new saving discovery maps
- Removed another test scene
- Meaga Worm Long: Added "Big Ailien" sound effects
- Removed four test scenes comitted by mistake
- Fixed Asteroid Belt not shwoing scene completed
- Makes pioneer die if it's not mounted to an assy that has "Spaceworthy" tag when it reaches exit altitude
- Steam fixes
- Fix: RandomSeed sometimes got stuck at 0
- Updated the space travel PS, and also added the ship explosion when player presses button to start
- Fixed last merge
- Reworked assembling update, fixed bugs and updated scan effect with the same rules as when assembling
- Improved look/realism of the intro travel scene background PS, lots of planetoids instead of random images, as bob is traveling through the Asteroid Belt fixed a small cosmetic issue in Carnageoid
- Tuned the stopping power force a little so it's not overly obvious
- Pioneer: Reverted to only jumping when feet are touching the ground
- Made "New Area" text smaller Added "SPaceworthy" tag on Ship Rocket, and made pp_game check for that on all attached assys to player pioneer when reaching the exit altiude, needs help from max to kill player if they're not in a craft Made abandon body confirmation text more clear
- Bird Neutral: Detects tools held by Pioneer
- Fixed placing hologram / adding it on build, assembly position and rotation
- Fix: the same search and ray cast algo for aiming construct, assembler effect and assembling the hologram
- Updated auto download from workshop
- Incremented release build number!!
- Synced in some PSs and latest Samroid to repo from pptest
[ 2018-03-15 01:15:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Holy moly, warm up your scrollwheels for this one! The Data Realms team has been cranking real hard on the third and BIGliest update since launch, totally crammed with improvements and upgrades that you have been pining for. Without further ado...
Most notably:
- Fixed save wiping bug (really now); your old saves should even be loaded again now
- Subscribed-to Workshop scenes appear as unlocked scenes in the Asteroid Belt
- Added resolution and screen options!
- Improved loading times
- Improved performance
- Much more useful Lua error messages
- Visual debug mode for reactor logic
- Game quits immediately
Full changelog:
- Added Ctrl F1 performance measuring for c2d_update parts
- Asteroid belt using scene:GetSceneExists(sceneName) again
- Fixed all auto downloaded scenes being added to AB on build
- Much faster loading of workshop on engine load
- Removed light glow over planetoids in Asteroid Belt
- Fixed potential lua errors spam caused by buggy WS pioneers
- Added meta.getVanillaPioneers()
- Scene rectangle fixes for menu
- Set engine loading screen background to gray
- Renamed reactor set joints lose -> loose
- Renamed concrete construction items slightly to appear grouped in Blueprint menu
- Updated scene is mappable check only when in main lib, auto mappable when in other libraries
- Removed newline from no matching overload found err
- Fixed including downloaded scenes in user config all scenes list
- Fixed out of memory log in File class
- Added lua error information when the error comes from workshop blueprint or scene
- Throwing special lua error for Workshop stuff
- Prepped asteroid belt for auto dl scenes
- Added modal dialog warning "Out of graphics memory!"
- Lua Docs: Fixed a bug that caused some functions to be ignored
- Removed path from error and optimized debug.getInfo calls
- Corrected a wrong control hint on controller
- Also canceling abandon body hint correctly on controller
- Canceling abandon body hint when doing so
- Also added missing trigger on veh entered
- Added forgotten to revert files lost in mar 1st incident
- Committed bot spot to repo, used in Primoid
- Using steam user name now when writing author to Blueprint or scene file, polished code storing and using one instance of mUserNameCompName in Userconfig only.
- Print() stays for 10 instead of 5 secs and also stays after opening editor
- Looking up asteroid belt scenes in Workshop for steam name as author
- Fast game exit, not deleting objects, we'll use it for testing only
- Added information about low memory for running the game
- Using new func isSubscribedScene() in AB
- AB: always unlocking subs, fixed 3 planetoids unlocked on new game, added unlock PS to some missing places, fixed a lua err
- Added and bound c2d:IsSubscribedBP and IsSubscribedScene
- Defined 'tostring' for all lua-bound classes
- Removed new line from lua error report
- Lua errors catch polish
- Error handling for activity build/update
- Lua error checking on engine side at some places
- Got rid off compile warning, using string to pass workshop item id to lua and back instead of UINT64
- Selecting or dragging activity Blueprint target now also selects it in editor list of Blueprint targets
- Checking lua error occurrence by the first line only
- Fixed lua error in reactor control tip caused by wrong PS name
- Some more formatting polish of error message
- Removed debug thing
- Finished error handler and using everywhere
- C2d_io: No longer throws errors because of a missing timer
- Fixed AI Reactor's target names
- Work in progress new lua error handler
- Fixed lua error in bee nest
- Added io debug, enabled with io.setDebugMode(set) or open editor
- Cleaned up lua files build/update code, xpcall()ing for stack traceback in errors there too
- Polished targets editing - bool value on click, string and number value shown next to target name if defined
- Wrapped Light class to LightWrap, for improved stability
- Added tag "Dont Save IO Events" and added to reactor trigger once to replace hardcoded exception
- Fixed delayed trigger triggering wrong when activated on frame 0 and potential stack overflow
- Io passes to reactor funcs if they were called during load
- Dereferenced nil object error report via new lua error handling system
- Prints always visible in edit mode
- Picture man twin pictures optimization error fix
- Activity and c2d build and update via new safe call
- Added c2d_update.activity_and_c2d_build(presetID, objectID) and update to update activity from lua too
- Calling also .Build and .Assembled via new safe lua call system
- Blueprint:Assembled() can also be called lua side with new func c2d_update.blueprints_assembled(t)
- Overwriting type() correctly using closure
- Added and bound == operator for SoundSetMan
- Added and bound SoundSetMan::type
- Trigger In Area Loss revert after wrong merge
- Got back lost changes by wrong merge
- Added stack traceback to new Blueprint lua error handling
- Polished lua object and preset registering to not use UINTPTR
- Optimized Rocket Bob PS, contained huge and many smoke particles
- Fixed Asteroid Belt ui creating lots of timers
- Eliminated white rectangle on start
- Reverted Reactor Add Control Tip
- Fixed Blueprints Build and Update optimization, nil check
- Applied the same optimization to Blueprints Build call on scene build
- Bit more polish on Blueprints update optimization
- Polished Blueprint update call optimization
- Blueprints update optim wip
- Added error to Asteroid Belt if missing primoid.png
- Fixed lua err
- Added wip c2d_update.run_Blueprint_function(t)
- Protected calling lua folder builds and updates for better performance and avoiding error breaking execution of all builds/updates
- Added and bound scene:ThrowLuaError(err)
- 30 steps for c2d_update and update in just one step
- Changed how various animals interact with constructs
- Changed how various bots interact with constructs
- Rover Carrier: Can fly higher if there are TOs nearby
- The AI can attack planks that have been printed by the player
- Trap Flamer can be turned on by sentry camera
- Removed old trunks again
- Pioneer passes self in toolActivate/Deactivate funcs
- Tweaked some of the Asteroid Belt effect PSs
- Added some effects to AB
- Trigger On Pain & Sighting: Only triggers once
- Another try to fix drawing to canvases due to Coherent render optimization
- Constructions: No longer mounts to the Pioneer that printed it. Inherits team tag when printed
- Construction Window: BG sprite is destroyed on death
- Laser Assault Rifle: Can damage Construct Wall
- Detection of constructs is improved on several bots
- Construction Walls: Changed death conditions
- Fixed looped sounds that are played via sound stream instead of sample, for sounds optimization
- Construction Walls: Sprites look like concrete
- Fixed picture twins optimizationa
- Divided lua to more separated calls,
- Pioneers are assigned a team based on controller ID insead of assy ID
- Materials: Moved Reinforced Concrete from legacy materials
- Revert of the wrong merge
- Finished DefaultManExt and used everywhere where it makes sense
- DefaultManExt, almost finished, committing to ensure not lose this
- Added latest laval PSs from Anton
- Reverted Blueprint Bot Imperatus rock head mistake
- Rover Carrier: Can fly higher if there are TOs nearby
- Bird Hostile: Does not steal tools from allies
- Fixed a bug where 2 other random planetoids would be unlocked on first game start and bug with calculating when to unlock new ptoids
- Print stays on screen 10 secs instead of 5
- Finished picture twins optimization
- Bird Neutral: Friendly birds steal enemy tools and bring them to the pioneer
- Fixed Blueprint script revert after blueprint save - now removing it from blueprints cache immediately
- Picture twins optimization in progress
- Door Curved: MOs cannot get trapped between the doors
- Added Construction Wall & Window Added material Reinforced Concrete
- [added] ending draft for primoid, trigger it with `primoid_ending:start()` in console on primoid for now
- Pioneer: Can create a custom pose for pioneers with unusually long legs
- Pioneer: Can be set to FlyOutAssembly with a vehicle mounted to the world
- Fixed pio shop showing wrong amount of aur substracted
- Forgotten stuff
- Mouse art for the remaining triggers and reactors
- Added some mouse art to a few reactors
- Removed most control tips from primoid script since they are replaced
- Fixed control tip can not be started deactivated
- Control tip reactor always starts activated
- Added warning if action not defined in control tip
- Fixed lua error in pioneer status reactor
- Added trigger proximity construct
- Added on menu opened/closed triggers to pioneerstatus reactor
- Added reactor zoomed to limit
- Control tip: fixed incorrectly placed tip, and tip getting stuck in air
- Added range target to control tip reactor
- Added percent setting and icon to area loss trigger
- Added trigger on veh entered
- Reactor control tip adds tip over pios in range if no target set
- Optimization of loading and preloading pictures data - part 1
- Mega Worm Long: Can be jointed to terrain with constructs again. Body segments scale up when eating an MO
- Bot Imperatus: No longer has a rock for head
- Better target names for reactor control tip
- Added reactor add control tip, supporting future control changes through options and multi tips in local mp
- Fixed file type in BlueprintsCache
- Enabled little spark and rocket in Asteroid Belt for testing
- Syncing in a bunch of new/udpated Audio and new/updaed PSs for metagame
- Bit more optimization on BlueprintCache
- Special optimization: Blueprints cache, for much faster loading of Blueprints and PSs
- Fixed a lua error in grapple
- Optimization: playing and loading audio files of size over 50 kb as audio streams, saved memory and load time
- Using inner SHA to compare scenes and faster load, resaved all scenes
- Added inner SHA for upcomming loading optimizations
- Bot Walker: Increased toughness and damage output
- Spider Climber: Can walk properly on MOs
- Pioneer: Broken off MOs can always be atomized
- Spider Climber: Lights are smaller Aurium & Fire Crab: No longer burns
- Rover Spider Climber: Moves faster
- Fixed SetAtomizable(Yes) when assy is broken off, at three places
- Got back that feature SetBrokenOffMOsAtomizable code
- Fixed saving/loading blueprint for the new feature
- Commented out mSetBrokenOffMOsAtomizable
- Fixed bugs in setting display modes
- Added functions for setting broken off MOs to atomizable. Not bound to lua yet
- Fixed settings prompt going missing if you opened planetoid panel with video panel open
- Added sections of the video menu don't get visually removed, they just go low opacity and stop responding to mouse events/become unselectable
- Fixed "dispalymodes" typo
- Added gamepad support for video settings
- Added (and then disabled cause it looks bad) friendly display name along with display number from sdl for each display
- Modified fade for planetoid/settings prompt is 2x as fast [added] more video settings work - almost done
- Fixed accidental double-bind
- Added options select element for Asteroid Belt UI
- Modified some bindings for the video settings+separated resolution and display number "should render" calls
- Optimized reload texture, should shorten add assembly time in huge planet
- Pioneer: Set all MOs to not atomizable again
- Lua Docs: DisplayMode functions
- Prepared display settings functions, polished and reworked switching modes functions
- Added dummied-in video controls
- Removed misunderstood target only reactor complete from the objective reactor (now all require reactor completion)
- Fixed potential lua error in egg Blueprint when area goes from 100%->0% in one update (ie when crushed)
- Fixed needless every-frame update of asteroid UI toggle for workshop enable/disable
- Lms: fixed no arm hint on bots
- Not displaying pause message
- AB: fixed bug where new scenes could not be unlocked, fixed light not updating when unlocked, fixed unlocking deleted scenes, colored completed message green
- Added and bound c2d:IsLibraryScene()
- Updated C2DGame::GetGameSceneLoadedAndPlaying with GetSceneFinished()
- Auto-sharing scnned blueprints in coop mode, also immediate sharing scanned mass when atomizng more players together
- Added assembler scan to Starman
- Trap Grinder: Added PS that do damage when the trap is on
- Bot Worm: Wheels only do damage when rotating
- Pioneer AI: Tools held in hands cannot get shot
- Updated auto mounting and showing right the overlapping / automount
- Updates: play sound on construction cancel, atomize while assembling
- Pioneer AI: No longer tries to pick up broken off parts of weapons
- Fixed Asteroid Belt name not correctly centered above scenes
- Moving Platform & Trap Door Long: Added the "Interactible" tag and functions
- Pioneer: Added code for ignoring up/down input when standing on an assy with the "Interactible" tag
- Pioneer: The pioneer is pushed down when stopping, if the legs are not in contact with antything. The feet are not pinned when opening the Blueprint menu if the pioneer is standing on an MO
- Increased resp station range so it works with vehicles
- Testing pioneer only heaving jumps
- Lowered pioneer skidding intencity so he doesnt slip in the air
- Print() messages turn invisible after 5 secs of no printing
- Pioneer also calls self.onInteractibleUp/DownPress() on interactibles overwriting input if found in target
- C2d logger polish and thread-safe error log
- Binding calls out of event, added mutexes to event handers for thread safety
- Added disabled option and lua_check_obj to editor's textbox component, updated it in editors too.
- Uncommitted file push
- Fix for Auto-Download Content toggle to be toggled right on game start
- Applied the fix to master branch
- Fixed bug in new saving discovery maps
- Removed another test scene
- Meaga Worm Long: Added "Big Ailien" sound effects
- Removed four test scenes comitted by mistake
- Fixed Asteroid Belt not shwoing scene completed
- Makes pioneer die if it's not mounted to an assy that has "Spaceworthy" tag when it reaches exit altitude
- Steam fixes
- Fix: RandomSeed sometimes got stuck at 0
- Updated the space travel PS, and also added the ship explosion when player presses button to start
- Fixed last merge
- Reworked assembling update, fixed bugs and updated scan effect with the same rules as when assembling
- Improved look/realism of the intro travel scene background PS, lots of planetoids instead of random images, as bob is traveling through the Asteroid Belt fixed a small cosmetic issue in Carnageoid
- Tuned the stopping power force a little so it's not overly obvious
- Pioneer: Reverted to only jumping when feet are touching the ground
- Made "New Area" text smaller Added "SPaceworthy" tag on Ship Rocket, and made pp_game check for that on all attached assys to player pioneer when reaching the exit altiude, needs help from max to kill player if they're not in a craft Made abandon body confirmation text more clear
- Bird Neutral: Detects tools held by Pioneer
- Fixed placing hologram / adding it on build, assembly position and rotation
- Fix: the same search and ray cast algo for aiming construct, assembler effect and assembling the hologram
- Updated auto download from workshop
- Incremented release build number!!
- Synced in some PSs and latest Samroid to repo from pptest
[ 2018-03-15 01:15:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Little over a week after launch, we have made an even bigger batch of improvements, fixes, and polishings on Planetoid Pioneers, based on your patient feedback and our observation of many hours of playtests.
Most notably:
- Final preventative fix for rocket parts not adding up in Primoid
- Improvements to Pioneer responsiveness
- Fixed crashes and some other bugs in Co-Op
- Fixed problems with resolution on some screens
What's next:
- Further control and feel improvements
- Reducing long loading times
- General performance
Full changelog:
- Fixed the save-wiping bug (hopefully the last one!)
- Fixed AddBlueprintToMenuPartlyScanned returns false only when scanning already finished
- Temp fixed rover min and shocks controlling when BP menu is open
- Fixed pio getting pinned when opening BP menu in vehicle
- Updated atomizing - now can atomize through voluntary mounted assemblies
- Assembling now has better visual feedback of where placed holograms can be assembled right away
- Fixed crash in coop when atomizing and assembling
- Disabled J key shortcut
- Fixed AddBlueprintToMenuPartlyScanned not triggering eff when parameter is false
- Fixed ctrl:AddBlueprintToMenuPartlyScanned, fixed scan effect sometimes appeared without progress bar
- Saving discovery maps to user config (also on cloud) and fixed loading / saving / cleaning discovery map
- Removed gate XOR is in gate AND now, and replaced everywhere in primoid
- Allowed atomizing/assembling in all rovers
- Added new snowboard BP
- BP Loot chest stays removed over save games
- IO load warning only triggers once
- Added screen_print.clear()
- Added percentage target to BP chest
- Pioneer: Added a magic force to make stopping more predictable
- Fixed restart not possible when whole last pioneer gone
- Added confirmation for abandoning body
- Fixed take over hint showing on capsules with already taken over player inside
- Made neutral birds more successful in stealing gun in beginning of Primoid
- Fixed pioneer using interactibles with mouseclick too when liftable in hands
- Gun helper does not give blueprint % on explosion if the blueprint can not be obtained from atomizing
- Fixed carnageoid slowing down game when zooming out in wrong moment
- Fixed bindleoid uncompletable
- Mega Worm Long: Fixed lua error
- Added Machine Camera Aurium. It has a green light and only detects pioneers by default
- Spider Climber: Pioneer cannot burn while inside the rover
- Savegame can not be overwritten anymore if load interrupted by lua error, showing warning instead and disabling saving
- Showing if entered area is new
- Fixed potential saving bugs where data could get lost and unloadable
- Carrier Hover: Lift is decresed after ~20m above ground
- Spider Climber: Cools pilot with PS. Cannot burn. Better movement
- Fixed close blueprint menu sound not playing wehn closing with ESC
- Added antons new flame effect to flamethrower
- Pioneer jump grunt has only 20% chance to play
- Added todds new descriptions and goals for planetoids
- Pioneer: Increase the radius from 1.1 to 1.5 for mounting vehicles, so the Spider Climber can be reliably mounted
- Plasma Rifle: Now use gun helper and needs one Aurium to fire one shot
- Gun Helper: Activates and sets BrokenOffMOsFriction to 0.9, if not already activated
- Pioneer: Better compatibility with broken workshop weapons
- Added multiple settings tweaks
- Added settings/planetoid prompt has "glowy" mouse hover image
- Removed old html stuff from before coherent was understood
- Modified: (x) for "start" button matching spec (and correct image)
- Weakened impulse pioneer applies to things he walks over
- Pioneer shop 4x cheaper, blueprint shop up to 2x cheaper
- AB: turned off bugged time after completion, status messages appear under planetoid
- Added steam altar to defendoid
- Fixed chests decomression PS not stopping anymore
- Fixed: showing master object points huge on some machines
- Updated: allow burning and melting is set to MO when you change material, controls are close to material choosing so the change is visible
- Fixed lua error in respawn code
- Fixed waking up player falling asleep instantly
- Added missing assembler scan PS to test dummy
- Sparks from cable do not cause fire anymore
- Maybe fixed parts of dead pioneers not Atomizable
- Crazy bob doesn't cause error when deleting his eyes
- Pioneer: Can aim tools that don't have a "Tool Mount Shoulder" joint
- Drone Defense: Increased the req scanning mass to 700%. Added tag "Tier 3"
- Drone Defense: Added sound loop. Fixed aim so the drone does not shoot low anymore
- Lamps: Added on/off sound
- Ice Bird: Moves at random when LOS to the target is blocked by friendlies
- Bot Vendor: Follows the Pioneer that printed it even when not in hostile mode
- Trap Grinder: Added sound loop
- Fixed AllowBurning, MOs with value set to false didn't burn up but catched fire
- Fix: disabled zooming on joypad when blueprint menu is open. also a bit smoother zooming with joypad
- Fixed fullcreen was stretched on some machines
- Fixed 'F9' hints in editor to reset scene
- ESC closes blueprint menu
- Bound controller:CloseMenu
- Atomizer no more atomizes half made holograms
- Ice Bird: Attacks with ice shards and drags the player to its nest Bot Phoenix: Increased durability
- In coop pioneer stays awake when atomizing/assembling
- Shield and welder drop in loot orb
- Slightly bigger preview image in AB UI - can already see it in the AB though, maybe a bit pointless
- Removed rewards description (they're the same each time) and a lot of vestigial code about unlocking/cost/reward
- Description and goal are adaptive - they vanish neatly if empty strings are passed in
- Incremented build number
- Fixed lua errors in grenade cood and simple
- Fixed lua error in pioneer
- Pioneer: Feet are pinned to the world when opening the blueprint menu
- Pop plant not liftable, pins to anything
[ 2018-02-18 15:01:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Little over a week after launch, we have made an even bigger batch of improvements, fixes, and polishings on Planetoid Pioneers, based on your patient feedback and our observation of many hours of playtests.
Most notably:
- Final preventative fix for rocket parts not adding up in Primoid
- Improvements to Pioneer responsiveness
- Fixed crashes and some other bugs in Co-Op
- Fixed problems with resolution on some screens
What's next:
- Further control and feel improvements
- Reducing long loading times
- General performance
Full changelog:
- Fixed the save-wiping bug (hopefully the last one!)
- Fixed AddBlueprintToMenuPartlyScanned returns false only when scanning already finished
- Temp fixed rover min and shocks controlling when BP menu is open
- Fixed pio getting pinned when opening BP menu in vehicle
- Updated atomizing - now can atomize through voluntary mounted assemblies
- Assembling now has better visual feedback of where placed holograms can be assembled right away
- Fixed crash in coop when atomizing and assembling
- Disabled J key shortcut
- Fixed AddBlueprintToMenuPartlyScanned not triggering eff when parameter is false
- Fixed ctrl:AddBlueprintToMenuPartlyScanned, fixed scan effect sometimes appeared without progress bar
- Saving discovery maps to user config (also on cloud) and fixed loading / saving / cleaning discovery map
- Removed gate XOR is in gate AND now, and replaced everywhere in primoid
- Allowed atomizing/assembling in all rovers
- Added new snowboard BP
- BP Loot chest stays removed over save games
- IO load warning only triggers once
- Added screen_print.clear()
- Added percentage target to BP chest
- Pioneer: Added a magic force to make stopping more predictable
- Fixed restart not possible when whole last pioneer gone
- Added confirmation for abandoning body
- Fixed take over hint showing on capsules with already taken over player inside
- Made neutral birds more successful in stealing gun in beginning of Primoid
- Fixed pioneer using interactibles with mouseclick too when liftable in hands
- Gun helper does not give blueprint % on explosion if the blueprint can not be obtained from atomizing
- Fixed carnageoid slowing down game when zooming out in wrong moment
- Fixed bindleoid uncompletable
- Mega Worm Long: Fixed lua error
- Added Machine Camera Aurium. It has a green light and only detects pioneers by default
- Spider Climber: Pioneer cannot burn while inside the rover
- Savegame can not be overwritten anymore if load interrupted by lua error, showing warning instead and disabling saving
- Showing if entered area is new
- Fixed potential saving bugs where data could get lost and unloadable
- Carrier Hover: Lift is decresed after ~20m above ground
- Spider Climber: Cools pilot with PS. Cannot burn. Better movement
- Fixed close blueprint menu sound not playing wehn closing with ESC
- Added antons new flame effect to flamethrower
- Pioneer jump grunt has only 20% chance to play
- Added todds new descriptions and goals for planetoids
- Pioneer: Increase the radius from 1.1 to 1.5 for mounting vehicles, so the Spider Climber can be reliably mounted
- Plasma Rifle: Now use gun helper and needs one Aurium to fire one shot
- Gun Helper: Activates and sets BrokenOffMOsFriction to 0.9, if not already activated
- Pioneer: Better compatibility with broken workshop weapons
- Added multiple settings tweaks
- Added settings/planetoid prompt has "glowy" mouse hover image
- Removed old html stuff from before coherent was understood
- Modified: (x) for "start" button matching spec (and correct image)
- Weakened impulse pioneer applies to things he walks over
- Pioneer shop 4x cheaper, blueprint shop up to 2x cheaper
- AB: turned off bugged time after completion, status messages appear under planetoid
- Added steam altar to defendoid
- Fixed chests decomression PS not stopping anymore
- Fixed: showing master object points huge on some machines
- Updated: allow burning and melting is set to MO when you change material, controls are close to material choosing so the change is visible
- Fixed lua error in respawn code
- Fixed waking up player falling asleep instantly
- Added missing assembler scan PS to test dummy
- Sparks from cable do not cause fire anymore
- Maybe fixed parts of dead pioneers not Atomizable
- Crazy bob doesn't cause error when deleting his eyes
- Pioneer: Can aim tools that don't have a "Tool Mount Shoulder" joint
- Drone Defense: Increased the req scanning mass to 700%. Added tag "Tier 3"
- Drone Defense: Added sound loop. Fixed aim so the drone does not shoot low anymore
- Lamps: Added on/off sound
- Ice Bird: Moves at random when LOS to the target is blocked by friendlies
- Bot Vendor: Follows the Pioneer that printed it even when not in hostile mode
- Trap Grinder: Added sound loop
- Fixed AllowBurning, MOs with value set to false didn't burn up but catched fire
- Fix: disabled zooming on joypad when blueprint menu is open. also a bit smoother zooming with joypad
- Fixed fullcreen was stretched on some machines
- Fixed 'F9' hints in editor to reset scene
- ESC closes blueprint menu
- Bound controller:CloseMenu
- Atomizer no more atomizes half made holograms
- Ice Bird: Attacks with ice shards and drags the player to its nest Bot Phoenix: Increased durability
- In coop pioneer stays awake when atomizing/assembling
- Shield and welder drop in loot orb
- Slightly bigger preview image in AB UI - can already see it in the AB though, maybe a bit pointless
- Removed rewards description (they're the same each time) and a lot of vestigial code about unlocking/cost/reward
- Description and goal are adaptive - they vanish neatly if empty strings are passed in
- Incremented build number
- Fixed lua errors in grenade cood and simple
- Fixed lua error in pioneer
- Pioneer: Feet are pinned to the world when opening the blueprint menu
- Pop plant not liftable, pins to anything
[ 2018-02-18 15:01:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Planetoid Pioneers had quite the launch this week!! Highlights include someone having a special birthday for over twelve hours on launch day, and another champ became a total ninja playing the game with their feet!
We also got a boatload of direct feedback and observed issues that players were running into. Even after years of playtesting, nothing can fully prepare a game getting out in the hands of thousands of passionate players in the real world - especially a chaotic physics-driven one like Planetoid Pioneers.
Over the past three days since launch, the whole team has been listening, watching, and working feverishly to fix and improve the problems, starting with the most important ones. One of those was that sometimes, the Rocket wreckage scattered around the first Primoid adventure would not amount to a whole Rocket Blueprint when collected! Which is obviously a predicament if you're trying to get off that rock and complete its story.
In order to address this for anyone with a save stuck in that situation, we have provided an emergency drop (as in a "drag-and-drop") for you:
Fire up the game at that save, make it windowed by pressing alt+enter, and simply drag and drop the above image of the box in your browser right next to your Pioneer in the game window! Next, we will focus on optimizing loading times, fixing some reported issues with co-op, and continue to improve the Primoid based on further feedback from you all!
Changelog since launch:
- Made Pioneers not slide/wiggle down steep inclines on their own
- Fixed editor crash bug when typing into text fields
- Bosses death states are saved properly
- Added [F] tip to some vehicles in Primoid
- Placed first hologram higher in tutorial to avoid it not respawning
- Added all four resource golems to appropriate dungeons
- Some switches in Primoid remain pressed in when pressed
- Made all skeleton BPs drop zombie again
- Fixed completed scenes count in Asteroid Belt map not updating
- Prepared fix for half-assembled capsules death screaming
- Fast fall asleep time a bit higher
- Maybe fixed capsules not being atomizable sometimes
- Focused Planetoid is centered again in AB for smoother zoom out and in
- Added feature to set indestructible trigger to affect broken off parts too
- Pioneer prefers pickup over activate, but activate over drop
- Set Pio shop interactive for to avoid accidental buying
- Pressing [E] at steam altar opens workshop
- Fixed switch liftable
- Silverback flashes when hitting weak point and pulses a bit
- Rover Climber activates spikes with down
- Gun helper explosion breaks robots too
- Fixed bad joint on Steam sign
- Newly joined players fall asleep quickly in the first 10 secs then only after 20 secs of no input
- Fixed gear being destructible again
- Synced PPTest with AB map HUD markers, some mountain BPs, and Updated Primoid script for the Area tweaks
- Fixed loading alt url, unescaping passed url to compare
- Pioneer: Reduced pull force on feet when standing still
- A lot of BP'acquirement balancing based on playsessions
- Loot orbs give smaller percentages
- Not calling IO On Death in frame 0
- Added reactor break apart and set dead for bosses
- Knuckles Boss: Increased toughness Knuckles & Boss: No longer atomize things
- Plasma weapon penetration down from 375k to 10k
- Plasma Rifle: Now use gun helper
- Fixed unhinging ice trap, can be broken, feedback when broken, flamethrower trap feedback when broken too
- Fixed resp station could unhinge
- Fixed tank wreck giving invalid BP
- Switch Sandstone: Added "Stay Down" target
- Adjusted some HUD icons
- Fauna Egg Bird: Egg cargo no inherit the team of the egg
- Bot Vendor: Always friendly to the player if printed
- Drone Defense: Added engine sound. Follows any enemy if gun is destroyed
- Resouce Golems: Activates HUD icon on spawn
- Defendoid enemies, added more variety
- Defendoid waves required for complete = 10
- Defendoid: described goal, more pio shops, lower steam shop timer
- LCD timer limit can be set with number
- Fixed loot orb offset effect
- Sandstone less fragile
- 1T Ice block harder to break for easier transport
- Reactor trigger objective potentially global function?
- Added unified gamepad interaction in AB UI - fixed restart modal missing
- Fixed some bridges not connecting to assemblies when printed
- Added asteroid belt UI never removed, only closed - should deal with the sometimes-missing-ui bug, thanks to Miro's separation of layers (so they don't show up in-game)
- Added modal fades out the stuff behind it (blocks hover effects and adds visual focus)
- Remove "Publicly display" as something that's prohibited in our EULA - we invite people to stream the game and editors, of course
- Disabled voting in WS shop for now, needs improvement
- Added assembler scan PS to remaining pios
[ 2018-02-11 17:45:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Planetoid Pioneers had quite the launch this week!! Highlights include someone having a special birthday for over twelve hours on launch day, and another champ became a total ninja playing the game with their feet! Wow. We also got a boatload of direct feedback and observed issues that players were running into. Even after years of playtesting, nothing can fully prepare a game getting out in the hands of thousands of passionate players in the real world - especially a chaotic physics-driven one like Planetoid Pioneers. Over the past three days since launch, the whole team has been listening, watching, and working feverishly to fix and improve the problems, starting with the most important ones. One of those was that sometimes, the Rocket wreckage scattered around the first Primoid adventure would not amount to a whole Rocket Blueprint when collected! Which is obviously a predicament if you're trying to get off that rock and complete its story. In order to address this for anyone with a save stuck in that situation, we have provided an emergency drop (as in a "drag-and-drop") for you:
Fire up the game at that save, make it windowed by pressing alt+enter, and simply drag and drop the above image of the box in your browser right next to your Pioneer in the game window! Next, we will focus on optimizing loading times, fixing some reported issues with co-op, and continue to improve the Primoid based on further feedback from you all!
Changelog since launch:
- Made Pioneers not slide/wiggle down steep inclines on their own
- Fixed editor crash bug when typing into text fields
- Bosses death states are saved properly
- Added [F] tip to some vehicles in Primoid
- Placed first hologram higher in tutorial to avoid it not respawning
- Added all four resource golems to appropriate dungeons
- Some switches in Primoid remain pressed in when pressed
- Made all skeleton BPs drop zombie again
- Fixed completed scenes count in Asteroid Belt map not updating
- Prepared fix for half-assembled capsules death screaming
- Fast fall asleep time a bit higher
- Maybe fixed capsules not being atomizable sometimes
- Focused Planetoid is centered again in AB for smoother zoom out and in
- Added feature to set indestructible trigger to affect broken off parts too
- Pioneer prefers pickup over activate, but activate over drop
- Set Pio shop interactive for to avoid accidental buying
- Pressing [E] at steam altar opens workshop
- Fixed switch liftable
- Silverback flashes when hitting weak point and pulses a bit
- Rover Climber activates spikes with down
- Gun helper explosion breaks robots too
- Fixed bad joint on Steam sign
- Newly joined players fall asleep quickly in the first 10 secs then only after 20 secs of no input
- Fixed gear being destructible again
- Synced PPTest with AB map HUD markers, some mountain BPs, and Updated Primoid script for the Area tweaks
- Fixed loading alt url, unescaping passed url to compare
- Pioneer: Reduced pull force on feet when standing still
- A lot of BP'acquirement balancing based on playsessions
- Loot orbs give smaller percentages
- Not calling IO On Death in frame 0
- Added reactor break apart and set dead for bosses
- Knuckles Boss: Increased toughness Knuckles & Boss: No longer atomize things
- Plasma weapon penetration down from 375k to 10k
- Plasma Rifle: Now use gun helper
- Fixed unhinging ice trap, can be broken, feedback when broken, flamethrower trap feedback when broken too
- Fixed resp station could unhinge
- Fixed tank wreck giving invalid BP
- Switch Sandstone: Added "Stay Down" target
- Adjusted some HUD icons
- Fauna Egg Bird: Egg cargo no inherit the team of the egg
- Bot Vendor: Always friendly to the player if printed
- Drone Defense: Added engine sound. Follows any enemy if gun is destroyed
- Resouce Golems: Activates HUD icon on spawn
- Defendoid enemies, added more variety
- Defendoid waves required for complete = 10
- Defendoid: described goal, more pio shops, lower steam shop timer
- LCD timer limit can be set with number
- Fixed loot orb offset effect
- Sandstone less fragile
- 1T Ice block harder to break for easier transport
- Reactor trigger objective potentially global function?
- Added unified gamepad interaction in AB UI - fixed restart modal missing
- Fixed some bridges not connecting to assemblies when printed
- Added asteroid belt UI never removed, only closed - should deal with the sometimes-missing-ui bug, thanks to Miro's separation of layers (so they don't show up in-game)
- Added modal fades out the stuff behind it (blocks hover effects and adds visual focus)
- Remove "Publicly display" as something that's prohibited in our EULA - we invite people to stream the game and editors, of course
- Disabled voting in WS shop for now, needs improvement
- Added assembler scan PS to remaining pios
[ 2018-02-11 17:45:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Planetoid Pioneers is Now Available on Steam and is up to 25% off!*
Welcome to Planetoid Pioneers, a cooperative sci-fi Physicsvania where kooky old astronauts fall over themselves with QWOP-like action to explore the Asteroid Belt beyond Mars. It’s been built on the unique Crush2D physics engine and can be played on your couch with or against your friends in seamless pick-up-and-play Co-Op and PvP action.
To celebrate the launch from Steam Early Access, the Contributor Edition is 25% off*. Owners of Cortex Command receive an additional 25% off the Contributor Edition.*
*Offers end February 15 at 9AM Pacific Time
[ 2018-02-08 18:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ladies and gentlemen, this craft taking off today has been over eight years in the making...
Powered by a world-class 2D physics engine, a unique and modular game design on top, massive and varied content built with fully integrated editors (all included!), and extreme integration with the Steam Workshop for endless expansion, we at Data Realms are incredibly proud to present:
Planetoid Pioneers - the Physicsvania prequel to Cortex Command!
Speaking of Cortex Command, as a thank you to all owners of that previous game of ours, we are offering a 25% Loyalty Discount to them on top of the 25% Launch Discount for the special Contributor Edition of Planetoid Pioneers! This means, as an owner of Cortex Command, you end up paying 25% less than the base price for Planetoid Pioneers, and also get bonus access to the official Contributor Community Discord server, where you can easily share your content with other creatively-minded people and chat directly with the core development team. We hope you enjoy exploring the current crop of wildly different worlds that ship today in the Asteroid Belt of Planetoid Pioneers, and look forward to seeing many more automatically pop up on that map from the Steam Workshop as the community grows and continues to create!
- Completely filled the main story 'Primoid' Planetoid with ten distinct areas and many hours of content to play
- Added an exploration metagame to the Asteroid Belt in which you can unlock Planetoids by completing their different goals
- Shiny new asteroid belt UI
- Intro story sequence for first-time players
- Added proper settings menu
- Entire game and all game menus can be navigated via gamepad
- Voice over for Bob, Lily, and robot players
- Much more robust and seamless saving; no more closed doors you opened before, and your exploration progress of cave systems is preserved
- AI players to battle in the official PvP planetoids Carnageoid and Racetoid when you're alone on the couch
- Objective system for Primoid using the zoomed-out Planetoid as a minimap
- Gigantic performance improvements in game, and also the edit mode
- Faster loading times (these will still be improved soon)
- Overhauled control schemes for both Keyboard+mouse and gamepads
- Improved Pioneer locomotion and climbing onto and over ledges
- New audio all over, by the great Joonas Turner
- Updated soundtrack and new ambient audioscape
- New and updated weapons
- Added lots of new Reactors to make complex scene logic easy to build without touching code
- Lots of other new and updated Blueprints: tools, structures, vehicles, creatures, robots, loot, etc...
- Updated Lua script editor ZeroBrane Studio that comes with the game to the latest version
- The full game runs in 64 bit now. No need to switch between versions anymore, and can load gigantic Planetoids (like the Primoid!)
- A METRIC CRAP TON of polish, balancing, and bug fixes
[ 2018-02-08 17:24:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Folks, it's an exciting time over here at Data Realms. Next week we are launching our NEW game,
Planetoid Pioneers - which is actually a prequel to our previous game, Cortex Command!
In celebration of that, we are making Cortex Command FREE for an entire weekend! Yes, you get to keep it forever after, too. (edit: yes, really you get to keep the full thing, never have to pay)
AND, if you own Cortex Command by the time Planetoid Pioneers launches on Thursday next week (Feb 8), you also get an 25% OFF it! Just add PP to your wishlist to be reminded!
[ 2018-02-03 13:53:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Workshop items are now appearing in your game, automatically
Blueprints from the workshop will now appear in various places and ways in the game. You don't have to subscribe to them to make them appear; they'll be downloaded from the Workshop (if they have a positive rating) and automatically infused into the official game content!
Items will appear:
- In various Item Shops in Primoid and Defendoid (see image above)
- As vehicles to choose from in Racetoid
- As weapons to fight with in Carnageoid
- As Gladiators and weapons for them in Coliseumoid
- Your subscribed items will be awarded as blueprints in a steam altar which is currently in the North Hub area
Additional Changes:
- Improved Defendoid, including highscores
- Additional Defense-style Planetoid, where you defend a base
- Improved performance in Primoid - still much more to come
- New Weapons!
- New audio for all guns, and in general
- Improved pioneer walking and climbing after jumps
- Added step sounds for walking
- Changed controls for placing holograms
- Pioneer drops his resources as lumps on death
- Restructured North Hub area in Primoid
- Improved every dungeon of the Primoid
For Contributors: here is how to get your Blueprints to appear in everyone's games!
Make sure to upload your creations to the Workshop (from inside the editors). Items are picked by tag, depending on the context. The tags currently used are: Vehicle, Gladiator, Pioneer Tool, Weapon and Golem. To setup a shop in your own scene place one of the Shop scene fragments in your scene or place the Structure Shop Pioneer blueprint. For an example of how to download and spawn Workshop blueprints in scripts see this example Enjoy making and playing all that community content goodness!
[ 2017-11-18 02:11:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
This summer, part of the Data Realms team got together in our annual "Summer Stugan" in Slovakia to collaborate for a few weeks and then playtest the game in our booths at Gamescom, PAX, and Tokyo Games Show. The result of these INTENSE months of work is distilled into today's huge update to Planetoid Pioneers! It is a big step toward its eventual release out of Early Access.
Here are the highlights:
- Polished Beginning section of Primoid a LOT based on all the feedback we have gotten from you and the players at Gamescom, PAX, and TGS. We also added some seeeecrets.
- Added still work-in-progress Defendoid, which is a new wave-defense style planetoid, which is already very tense and fun!
- Improved Carnageoid with new entirely new arenas and lots of polish.
- Reworked all weapons to actually aim where you point, have nice effects, juicy feedback and have ammo, explode and give you the blueprint when they are empty. We also added some new ones.
- Improved stability. The majority of the crashes have been caused by Lua scripts corrupting memory. Miro and Brian wrapped most of the classes used in Lua so Lua can not crash the game that way anymore.
- Scenes load faster by optimizing library load times and removing texture compression.
- The game saves in all relevant scenes and continues where you left off. Hopefully, most of the bugs with saving should be fixed too. Let us know if you find any, though!
- The coliseum uses all workshop blueprints tagged "Gladiator". This is the start of integrating workshop items into the game seamlessly. Stay tuned to the LIVE NEVERENDING CARNAGE and start tagging your published blueprints to see them automatically show up in the Coliseum :]
- The coliseum also uses the new Pioneer AI. Try it yourself by activating the AI connector on pioneers in the scene editor.
- We started using the loot system which will give you random loot including resources, weapons, blueprints and pioneers on Primoid through loot orbs.
- New control scheme for Xbox controllers. Making better use of the ABXY buttons and relying less on bumpers. To get closer to what you are used to.
- Added line from Pioneer to cursor for aiming shots and throws and also help identifying your cursor in coop.
- Better pioneer crawling controls.
- AFK players fall asleep after more than 20 seconds of no input
- Made all texts bigger so they read better on TV screens, videos and steams.
- As always lots of bug fixes and polish. There should be way fewer Lua errors now.
[ 2017-10-05 00:17:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have been pushing a bunch of updates since the Game-Only release two weeks ago, with a big lump of em going live now. Get the scoop:
- Saving now works in Co-Op and on every relevant planetoid incl. Contributor-made ones
- Auto saving on game quit
- Auto saving every 60 seconds - in case there are any crashes (should be fewer)
- Saving partial blueprints and fixed other saving bugs
- Pioneer adjusts his legs to uneven terrain when standing - see this card for details
- Inactive players in Co Op get removed automatically from active gameplay by falling asleep
- Fixed gamepad controls in Asteroid Belt map
- Made pioneer selection clearer in Asteroid Belt map
- Added WIP objective marker to zoomout map in Primoid tutorial
- Lots of other little tweaks to tutorial based on new player feedback
- Fixed player respawning into wrong capsule in Primoid tutorial
- Added industrial fragments to texture library
- Crashes should be greatly reduced - but please report any!
[ 2017-08-03 01:23:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
After years of using our own engine and tools to build actual playable game content, we are super proud and happy to present the Game-Only Edition of Planetoid Pioneers for only TWO FIVE DOLLAR BILLS! Check out the shiny launch trailer
So if you or anyone you know hesitated to dive into the more expensive Contributor Edition, you can now just enjoy the pure gameplay that is ready to be experienced properly - solo or in Co-Op with pals!
For all the details, read the full press release
[ 2017-07-21 03:13:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
The team has really pulled together quite the game experience for our Game-Only Edition that is coming out... well, just stay tuned this week :) Please help us by playing the Primoid and let us know your thoughts and issues you run into in the Contributor Community Discord server (find access to it on the Steam Forums here once you log in!). Better yet, build or improve existing areas with the Crush2D tools and show us your ideas! If we like them enough, we'll see about integrating them and giving you official credit in the game.
Changelog highlights:
- Massively improved all existing areas of the Primoid
- Added new very WIP South Hub and Mountain areas
- New Wrangleoid minigame Planetoids
- Automatic save game system
- Improved pio locomotion: proper jump, slide, uphill walk etc
- Completely overhauled and much nicer sounds for material impacts, etc
- Reverb system with echo depending on distance to walls
- New much more robust physics solver and other performance improvements
- Activity editor target system and IO system to easily make everything trigger anything without code
- Redesigned background art in lots of the old Planetoids
- New loot system with tiered weapons and different new loot items
- Lots of new and improved Blueprints (including new enemies like zombies!)
- As always, more bug and crash fixes than we can list. See the repo echo bot for details
[ 2017-07-16 12:32:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are nearing the launch of our Early Access game-only preview, which will cost a lot less than the special Contributor Edition! (however, it won't include editors or access to the Contributor Community) In preparation for this, we have been busy building the real caves and challenges that will eventually fill the "Primoid" Planetoid completely. With this fourth update to the Contributor Edition, we invite everyone in the Contributor Community to use the built-in feedback forms to tell us, but also wield those Crush2D editors to show us what you would change or improve!
Highlights of the goods:
- A good THIRD of the entire first adventure Planetoid, aka the "Primoid", now has playable content and is ready for your feedback and improvement:
- Tutorial, where baby Pioneers learn how to walk
- North Hub, which connects several areas. Also serves as a rocket silo, suitable for the eventual construction and launching of a reusable spacecraft. You will need that to escape this rock in and complete this first Planetoid's Robinson Crusoe-esque scenario.
- half of Carbon Cave, where deadly organic creatures lurk, ready to tear you apart.
- half of Metals Mine. Remains of a mining operation by humans to get the Aurium buried deep inside this Planetoid. They seem to have dug too deep and bad things happened. Various robots and mining machinery can be found here, useful for collecting the resources you need for building that rocket.
- and the Surface, a terribly dangerous gauntlet in a vehicle, and downright suicidal without one. Creepy fauna and natural obstacles present extreme hazards, but it's the only way to get to the southern hemisphere (for now).
- Playtesting feedback forms integrated into the game at the end of each area named above - can you get to all four? Tell us directly what you liked and what you'd like to see improved.
- Massively improved locomotion mechanics of the Pioneer, also consistent over all the main Pioneers
- Lots of improved creature behavior (bird pooping AI is a go)
- A massive amount of bug fixes and betterment everywhere as we "eat our own dog food" producing the real game content with the Crush2D editors
- Breakable lamps make for fun target practice. Also, atomize them for resources, and Assemble them wherever you want to improve the ambience. Or toss one at a monster, maybe it will scare them. (light-sensitive creatures may be a thing)
Spoiler Alert!
To get an overview of what we're planning for the entire Primoid, and an up-to-the-minute state of development, go check out our Trello board here
[ 2017-02-06 11:58:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you have been tempted to take the plunge with the one of the world's most powerful 2D physics engine and tools, right now is a good time to jump since the Planetoid Pioneers Contributor Edition is a solid 20% off this weekend!
With it, you get a killer game development environment seven years in the making, and now also a real juicy preview of what the game we are building with it will play like. As a Contributor, you have a real chance to take an active part in the development of this unique action adventure!
The newest version with much of the content and features we put together during our team's summer sprint called "Project Slovakia" is in this Contributor Build 3 (already available to our Contributor Community for a few weeks now).
Some of the highlights:
- New local PvP game mode/Planetoid ("Carnageoid") with three arenas
- New tutorial segment on the "Primoid" Planetoid
- Visual overhaul of many Planetoids
- Smooth zoom out on large Planetoids, minimap overview system
- Blueprint mass scanning unlock sytem
- Refined pioneer controls and behaviours
- Massive optimizations everywhere, and more to come
- Pio can pickup any assembly up to 150kg
- Pio and creatures can get knocked out by hard hits, especially to head
- Pio can carry 200kg lumps of resources and throw them
- Pio automaticaly prints lumps when he cant carry more resources
- Pio can stow things on back, swap them with what is held in hands
- Pio can use one-handed tools
- Improved AI systems with behavior Zones in scene for simple setup
- AI and Pioneer team tag system - build pets and helpers!
- Improved player feedback via HUD
- Tons of new and improved blueprints like tools, weapons, and structures
- Fancy new particle systems, terrain assets, sounds
- Hundreds of bugfixes, see them all here:
- Lots of new useful Lua functions
[ 2016-11-26 08:51:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
So we're a bit late with this one - it was supposed to be out a month ago, but we had several (good!) things distract us, like preparing for our two-month sprint with the core team together in a cabin in Slovakia, which is now ongoing:
ProjectSlovakia images on Twitter
Anyway, we did have some great feature news to share even back then, like:
- New Labroid Planetoid Scene and Activity, with a monster boss battle in the core
- Several new Blueprints like teleporter, flamethrower trap, new chests, etc.
- Pioneers can now pick up and throw smaller, circular resource chunks (200kg) vs the huge and frankly unrealistic 1000kg ingots before (which required physics cheats to be lifted). The large ingots are still useful for storage and maybe for towing in a mining cart that is pushed or pulled by a robust Rover.
- Entire Asteroid Belt maps can (theoretically) be completed now and are shown as such on the metamap. They are completed by successfully finishing all the Planetoids in them.
- BP Fauna Knuckles: The first AI that is mountable, rideable, and controllable after having been printed (so it is friendly toward its creator). KNUCKLES SMASH!
- Most printed AIs now ignore the Pioneer that printed it.
- Abstracted out and added a generic biped move-behavior to the lua folder. Used both by Bot Flip and the new blueprint, Bot Sentry.
[ 2016-07-16 05:06:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
The first major build of Planetoid Pioneers Contributor Edition has been released, and it's a juicy one! Major improvements include:
- Primoid gameplay runs much faster
- All Editor modes run the simulation MUCH faster
- Carnageoid with last-man-standing gameplay
- Lots of Scene Editor improvements and added layer control features
- Steam controller support now works again
- Better full-screen handling; two alternatives with Alt+Enter and Ctrl+Enter
- Screen shake!
[ 2016-05-14 10:36:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Planetoid Pioneers Linux [398.91 M]
If you simply want to experience a polished physics-driven game (nothing wrong with that!), feel free to add Planetoid Pioneers to your wishlist and wait until it exits its Early Access period. By that point, it will contain a complete yet expanding action-exploration adventure, hand-built by not only us on the official development team, but also in collaboration with the Contributor Community.
However, if you do choose to purchase the Contributor Edition today, you will:
- Become part of the emerging Contributor Community, where you can collaborate and directly share content with the development team and your fellow contributors.
- Be able to submit your creations for consideration to be integrated into the official shipping game, with your name then appearing in the credits.
- With a single button press, have the ability to publish whatever you make to the free Steam Workshop, for anyone to rate, comment, and subscribe to.
- Be among the first to have your very best Blueprints and Scenes considered for the Curated Item Workshop on Steam - where you would earn money on them!
About the first ‘Primoid’ Planetoid that will initially ship with Planetoid Pioneers:
After your space yacht undergoes an irksome Rapid Unplanned Disassembly, you find yourself marooned on a large Planetoid outside the orbit of Mars. To overcome this interplanetary Robinson Crusoe scenario, you need to use your Atomizer and Assembler tools to gather local resources and turn them into various vehicles, contraptions, and even organic life forms.Explore, survive, and ultimately build a resource-intensive spacecraft to escape the dangers and mysterious caves of this circular world. Onto the next uncharted Planetoid for a completely different adventure - built by us or anyone in the Contributor Community!
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