It's been a while... the main reason for the slow updates this year: Data had a baby - turns out that is very distracting! However, we have pulled together a super cool thing: Being able to create or edit any planetoid, game mode, pioneer, tool, item, weapon, monster, vehicle, or robot in the world-class editors included here, and then publish them to the new, separate Workshop of Planetoid Pioneers ONLINE:
... and then immediately play with your mod in online multiplayer with whoever subscribes to it! Plus, they will get the latest version automatically when you update it. Yes, you'll be able to play the totally custom content (images, audio, scripts, etc) you or someone else from the community makes - no hassle, no sending files to anyone!
To illustrate this, here's a video of our own mkster working on a new game mode now available in the Workshop:
- PP now has tickbox to publish scenes to PP Online workshop
- Tons of improvments, fixes and new content from PPO
- Added chinese localization (by cyan64)
- Fixed Primoid ending
- Base Defense - Bunkers
- Bomb Ball - Concrete Court
- Bridge Builder - Deep Tunnels
- Bridge Builder - Lava Caves
- Grappling Race - Hookoid
- Room Rush - Ammotoid
- Rover Race - Planium
- Optimized pp_camera by 50%, added makeCalcOncePerFrameFunc()
- Added url DRL Steam, commented out Write test in titleoid
- Added discord buttons
- Added chinese localization (by cyan64)
- Added and bound c2d:SetMainWindowTitle()
- Added and bound GetAimPointRel
- Added effect to saw if thrown while activated
- Polished all grenades and added to bridge battle
- Titleoid gradient added, wip
- Added font gradient functions, set PPORelease config by Release (PP) config
- Menu selection stays even if menu lines get added
- Added mp:getCurrentRealTimePassed() using real time for slowdown average calculation
- Added shift menu hint
- Added math.getMovingAverageCalculator(size)
- Removed add mount joint warning
- Added scene setup and resources to hookoid
- Added Disable Friendly Collisions setting to reactor scene setup
- Added gun_helper.hasShotGun()
- Added table.subTables
- Added to "to complete scene" before goal string in 2 places
- Adjusted some scenes to work with player added
- Added and bound scene:GetAutoMountToWorld()
- Added and bound scene:GetAssembliesToRespawn()
- Added and bound c2d:GetSteamUserName(rID)
- Added and bound c2d:GetSteamFriends()
- Added player IDs to discovered lobbies info
- Added meta.getStandardPioneer(ctrl)
- Added camera:setEnableAutoCam(set) to disable all lua side camera stuff for custom cameras
- Added and bound scene:GetScenesWithTag
- Added all scenes unlock cheat
- Added discovery lights to ammotoid
- Added discovery lights to ammotoid
- Added camera:setEnableCoopCam(set)
- Added and bound PS:GetChildPSs()
- Closed off bridge builder map, added heat to holes
- Added double click RMB for placing the same hologram as before
- Added achievement DROPPED_SCENE
- Added and bound audio effects to controller. SetReverbDecayTime and others
- Added local coop cam
- Added Lua files to game data SHA, also materials now comparing text
- Added and bound ctrl:GetSteamAchievement()
- Added and bound ctrl:SetSteamAchievement()
- Added lots of achievement checks
- Added more rich presence info and moved and cleaned code into pp_steam
- Add pp_steam.lua for rich presence and achievements
- Added frames behind info in dev rel
- Added GetClientUserTagValue() bug repro in titleoid
- Added c2d:ResetAllSteamStats(), calling StoreStats after SetAchievement or ResetAllSteamStats
- Added return to lobby button when choosing scene for playing while waiting
- Added steam rich presence info
- Added and bound c2d:SteamSetRichPresence and SteamClearRichPresence
- Added and bound c2d:SetSteamAchievement()
- Added and bound c2d:GetGameDataSHA() to compare required local data is the same for connected clients
- Added import Scenes (only) with drag and drop in PPO Release
- Added util.getFirstScreenControllers()
- Added and bound Scene:GetClientSceneSHA
- Added and bound Controller:GetSceneSHA
- Added util.cutLine(from, vec, ignoreAssembly)
- Added client param to ActivateGameOverlayToUser
- Added and bound c2d:HasSteamFriend
- Added friendadd test
- Added steam users ID sharing in lobby, added and bound c2d:ActivateGameOverlayToUser(dialog, clientID)
- Added controller to Titleoid
- Attaching game controllers again in SP mode, added controller to Titleoid
- Added pp.isPPO()
- Added param rIncludingNonMappable to scene:GetAllUserScenes and ctrl:GetAllUserScenes
- Added and bound scene:GetClientUserTagValue and GetClientUserTagValueNumber
- Added and bound c2d:GetGameName()
- Added descriptions to most scenes
- Added stomping rule to bridge battle
- Added string.splitToLines, getReadTime
- Added offline play setting
- InterruptConstruct also sets Controller's construct being added to none
- Added reactor set blueprint unobtainable, pioneer in base sky island unobtainable
- Added Gastos to credits
- Added missing particle System
- Added offline play and connection errors
- Added new team bridge battle scene: temple
- Added new weapon sniper rifle
- Added play tutorial button to settings
- Added util.getHumanAssemblies()
- Added table.randomize
- Added tutorial
- Disabled add player hint in online play
- Added some sounds to menu
- Added new blueprint bouncer to replace elevator
- Added new bp: concrete pillar
- Added more det. checks and separated joint pin solve to two steps
- Added checks to solver, separated solver steps
- Added reactor add resources
- Added and bound Set/GetShareBlueprintsGroupID to control blueprint sharing between shuman controllers
- Pioneer throws everything like tools with reliable velocity set instead of added
- Readded missing resp stations from bridge battle
- Added camouflage component
- Added new pointer emoji particle System
- Added pio.pointAtBG(pos, time)
- Added respawn protection to resp station
- Added new tier 1 weapon saw
- Added five more places when all MOs velocity is checked for determinism
- Base war: added intruder alert, game over camera on core destroyed
- Added quick vote to replay scene
- Added camera:setAllowZooming(set), camera:setEnableAutoZooming(set)
- Added new zoom level for things tagged 'ship', tagged coalition ship ship
- Added reactor set hue
- Disabled auto walking in coalition climber and added more death conditions and behaviour
- Added fpu infos and mo area
- Added enable trigger to respawn station
- Added new scene: base war planium hills
- Added reactor add resources
- Added new base war scene prototype
- Added wrangloid easy to hostable scenes
- Hookoid: players indestructible, added hook blueprint
- Players can vote to start, added admin, moved missmatch warning
- Added multi screen support for clickable menu
- Added set respawn to random station setting to scene setup reactor
- Added create game settings
- Added option to garage to set veh not obtainable, set that in bridge builder
- Added chaseoid activity
- Added on back target to resp station
- Added new clickable game menu with all lobbies visible
- Added and bound c2d:GetSteamWorkshopEnabled()
- Made PP the default config, and added a PPORelease config for PPO to all projects and solution
- Can join any scene thats hosted, added cheat to host more scenes
- Added new race map: planium race
- Added CameraWrap, wip
- Added cooldown to tennis racket
- Added start resources to defendoid
- Copy player tools test in player adder
- Bridge Builder - removed some assemblies, added fourth player
- Added and bound scene:GetControllersByScreen
- Added and bound PS:PlaySoundUI with pitch parameter
- Added hud.getAnyBPMenuOpen(ctrls), floaty texts for single screens, set some hud things to only render for relevant screen
- Added and bound scene:GetCameraByPoints
- Added and bound scene:WriteToScreenByWorldPosFC and WriteToScreenRelFC
- Added camera.shakeAllScreens()
- Added and bound scene:GetControllersPerScreen
- Added camera.setAllCameras(pos, zoom) and temporary camera.getControllersPerScreen()
- Added ctrl:GetCamera():AddShaking() test to ammotoid too
- Added and bound GetCameraByAssemblies(rAssembliesIDs, rController)
- Cleaned Controller code, removed old stuff, added comments
- Added emoji wheel
- Added util.scheduleUpdate(func, time, ...)
- Added util.getClosestAssembly(pos, tag, filter, maxRange), util.flash also takes tables as argument
- Added screen ID to controller, bound it to lua, mixing cameras by screen id
- Added and bound scene:ActivateZonesAtPoint(pnt)
- Added math.noise(x,y)
- Added color.gray
- Temp: auto adding missing pioneers on build
- Added pio.destroyIncludingTargetAssemblies()
- Added and set SNNeoNoire font
- Added force start
- Added to bomb tennis: scoring, game win, effects, outs
- Added util.schedule(func, time, ...)
- Added new scene: bomb tennis
- Added new tool racket
- Added util.boomPSAssembly(psName, target) and util.addTrail(target, time)
- Added respawn.setRespawnAsStandardPio(set) to make all players respawn as standard pioneer in respawn station
- Added util.flash(asm, time, lightness)
- Added vehicle building phase in racetoid
- Added little feedback to construction elevator
- Added hud.add/stop_floaty_PS(name, target)
- Added gun_helper.setAllowGiveBPOnExplosion(set)
- Filled all ammotoid arenas, added sounds
- Gun_helper: added addGunModifier(func) and removeGunModifier(id) to apply and remove modifier to/from all current and future guns
- Ammotoid: prepared all arenas, added shape to planet, set mappable
- Added cleanup to ammotoid for better performance
- Added missing pp_ai function
- Ammotoid: added crowns for winners, more AIs in loot bubbles, loot bubbles dont spawn items players have in hands, nicer effect and random delay for loot bubble respawn
- Ice bug checks all broken off pieces to explode, added particle System trail effect when falling down dead
- Loot bubble spawns helper AIs, floats around randomly, added particle Systems
- Added start tips to ammotoid
- Added trail white particle System
- Added tiny tool activation delay after pickup to avoid firing first shots out of control
- Ammotoid added temporary winning
- Added AI player to ammotoid
- Added effects to booster
- Pop plant doenst add trail to tiny stuff
- Ammotoid: added some juice
- Added tool booster prototype
- Pop plant adds trail to target shot up
- Added loot bubble
- Added feedback to shield metal when blocking a shot
- Added respawn.setAllowRespawning(bool)
- Added ammotoid prototype
- Added state indicators to both knuckles
- 4x faster performance of UI, optimizations in pioneer
- Optimized gun_helper in with many guns, mostly primoid
- More optimizations
- Set 'Whole program optim' and 'FPU model Fast' on PPO DevRelease and Release
- In regular PP now preloading all blueprints to also solve blueprint Preview pictures in particle Systems
- Disabled pp.AI auto assigning teams, which breaks things like respawning sometimes
- Prepared primoid achivement
- Changed so MO can be charged with aurium while it is being consumed
- Tweaked rocket aurium consumption and breaking
- Rocket using aurium
- Enabled whole program optimization for PP Release config
- Optimized GetMOsInRange and similar functions
- Made GetAssembliesInRange with optional param include hidden, same for other functions GetAssembliesInRangeByTag, GetMOsInRange, GetExplosiveMOsInRange, GetJointsInRange
- Showing all IO warnings in dev release
- Made GetHumanControllerTC local test
- Changed PP DevRelease config to FPU:fast and whole program optimization
- Floaty texts use new write function
- Fixed new Write update pos and background glitch
- Joint updates for crazy physics fix, wip. not affecting current physics
- Updated menu write() test
- Detecting steam overlay activated and pausing game if single-player
- Chat string max 100 chars
- Mad Enter key activate chat too, unbound form EnterExit during game but not in menu
- Another small update to blank planetoid
- Updated blank planetoid
- Can host workshop scene after sub without restarting game test
- Flashing game window if new player joined lobby
- Showing scene info when selecting lobby scene
- Hosting workshop scenes test
- Changed bubble font for more readability in chinese locale
- Updates for chinese font to be more readable
- Showing other lobbies count wehn in lobby
- Using aimPointRel() in pioneer
- Set outline color in old write to screen functions back to black
- Finished new scene:Write and WriteUpdate functions
- Trap death effect
- Stricter clean up including old tools and other assembled stuff, tweaked some blueprints to die for clean up
- Removed out announcements from bomb ball since they dont count as typical outs anyways
- Respawn protection effect also in pioneers tools
- New font Write functions, including textured, wip
- Moved titleoid script to lua file, showing ping of all lobbies
- Updated gradients
- Race: handling disconnected player on start, showing button to enter vehicle
- Removed weird exe in shaders dir
- Implemented newest SDL 2.09
- Merged two messages about kick into one
- Team left checker off by default
- Removed two potentially IP infringing textures
- "Saving Failed" error only in dev release
- Disabled saving in tutorial
- 20 sec delay on game start before auto kicking
- FPU try to setup to standard on game start
- Updated memory req. and recomm. check for PPO / PP
- Updated the version text
- Testing ending game when complete enemy team left in bb temple
- Not winning bridge battle if all other leave
- Not respawning disconnected players
- Bridge battle: handling disconnected players
- Base def: sounds, after completing all waves spawns waves with double enemy count, then triple etc
- Resp station chooses randomly between multiple in hands and on back targets
- Timing out faster on error
- Disabled "tell max this happened"
- Bomb ball adjustments
- Bb temple: updated light map
- Made respawn protection more visible last 5 secs instead of 7
- Using "singleplayer" tag for offline recommendation, tagged hookoid
- Commit so files match
- Enabled friendly collisions in race levels
- Physics solver optimizations and old code cleanup
- Made Grappling Race players collide
- Removed a print
- Fly out test
- Temporary disabled fly out copy of pioneer to mounted stuff
- A bit of optimization on physics solver and old code cleanup
- BB temple: platfrom is shifted and slippery to avoid too many items
- Tower Builder - made some objects unobtainable
- Set loot chest tesselation higher for better breaking perf
- Bb lava caves resp station starts activated
- Chnaged all pioneers head mats from flesh to bone dense
- Reactor scene setup has enable friendly collisions trigger instead of disable since they are disabled by default (soon)
- Set default zoom a little bit more unzoomed for PPO
- Commented out pioneers collisons disabling code
- Can not obtain start pioneer blueprint
- Shortcut for hiding user interface enabled in release
- Disabled team player collisions by default
- Testing FF off via reator in base def bunkers
- Put CheckAssembliesFlyOutColliding before blueprints scripts run
- Disabled play while waiting feature
- Scene cleanup also cleans guns when ammo is off
- Made reset user's config to load tutorial instead of old vote scene
- Overhauled names of ALL the PPO scenes, their descriptions, and organization in the game menu They are now named: [Game mode name] - [Location name].png
- Added colon to the complete scene string that shows up at beginning of PPO battles
- Base def not sharing BPs, using standard pioneer
- Assembly lock assembly is hologram style
- Allowed '-' char in names
- Smoother bomb tennis cam
- Menu scenes by tags: "Online Multiplayer" and "Singleplayer", tagged all scenes
- Renamed bridge builder to bridge builder lava caves
- New wip scene: bridge builder deep tunnels
- Updated todo miros
- Disabled auto download workshop items in PPO for determinism reasons
- Commented out RDRandom overloads, replaced NDRandom in Ammotoid and disabled steam workshop
- Test: NDRand funcs return rand
- Disabled cam in ammotoid
- Setting ready done via engine again
- Ammotoid 4 player support
- Updated Base Defense
- Removed send error on discovery
- Removed checks
- Error checks
- SwithcToMenu catch
- Base def: more wait time, inf ammo test
- File match commit
- First player is host
- Fixed tool Booster making Pio's legs freeze for a second after jump
- Updated mini ship to break when any jet broken, added and bound MOSet:BreakMOAtRandomPoint()
- Unbound Scene sound effect functions, since they're moved to Controller. (SetReverbDecayTime,...)
- Sniper reloads faster
- Updated bridge builder, lava fall equal to gravity, less harming, pit shapes
- Can restart game alone
- Enabled achievements
- Less loud snoring
- Reverb calculated per screen
- Updated hidden state of assembly by all linked objects
- Completed steam achievements
- Removed c2d:SetSteamAchievement
- Updated Chaseoid, made terrain easier to walk and jump to places
- Made omni lights smaller in PPO for more performance
- Updated active zones in bridge builder
- Updated Tower Builder
- Updated bridge builder
- Implemented Coherent
- Updates on PP and PPO workshops
- Correct coherent js files
- Polished bomb tennis
- More achievements and some other polish
- Removed Binding folder
- Removed two old unused .c2d files
- Renamed bridge battle to bridge battle islands
- More achievments
- Removed stomping from bridge battle, shoots up pioneer when stomping
- Changed http request fail (due to connection loss) to warnings instead of general error
- Removed the wrong is friend when holding shift
- Res filler polish
- Updated c2d:GetGameDataSHA()
- Drone takes 2x longer to explode
- Res filler doesnt fill dead and detached pioneers
- Experimental: showing pointy finger for everyone
- Forgotten file
- Ammotoid can be completed offline, polished ending
- Got back 'inline' to math functions
- Can not host locked scenes
- Disabled zooming in carnageoid
- Set button repeating a bit faster
- Pp.leaveScene completes scene unless called with false
- Resetting menu selection when jumping between menus
- Made scene start with random random seed in SP too
- Prepared scene unlocking and showing in menu
- Showing if scene completed in menu
- Updated meta save funcs to save to ctrl
- Scene hint disabled in edit mode
- Scene not recommended for offline play turn gray
- Removed double scene tip from base war
- Bridge builder: replaced rope with thether
- Disabled auto cam shaking
- Cant start game if scenes are different
- Removed desc, goal from vote scene
- Optimized SetSceneTagValue
- Updated LuaManDocs
- Tweaked ammotoid throwing rule again
- GetClientSceneUserTagValue changed to GetClientUserTagValue
- Plank stability nerf
- Updated friend add test
- Working playing while waiting
- Merge commit
- Titleoid gets all user scenes
- Updated user interface Enter to select and joypad hat to work for choosing too
- Updated tutorial desc
- funcs per ctrl
- Players start with even less in base defense
- User tag values shared over network in game, bound related lua functions to controller
- Ui:getMenuTopY()
- Updated showing scene info in menu
- Showing scene info on start
- Playing while waiting prep
- Made game load tutorial on start
- Nerfed booster
- Updated comment on interrupt construct
- More code polish and old stuff removal
- Tweaked bouncer
- Loot chest stays active when dropping, better target finding
- Loot chest crumbles after drop
- Using sin and cos from engine
- Removed more test stuff, got back collisions and joints solver into one step
- Removed more det. checks, using piles of MOs again
- Bound C2DMath_Sin and C2DMath_Cos to Lua
- Temporary math functions replacement test
- Base defense improvents, enemies coming from both sides
- Fading out menu when settings are open
- Forgotten file
- Experimental: showing pinged at assembly
- Base defense updates
- Grenade launcher is tier 3 now
- Not showing left click hint when already assembling
- New wip mode: base defense
- Tutorial scene
- Updated determinism checks
- Change to save terrain if TOs count is > 20k
- Showing scene desc and goal in menu test
- Updated determinism checks, updated Maths fmod functions
- Removed deep det. tests
- Getting exact values in joint solver desync
- Removed front turret in base war planium hills
- Base war: weapon blueprints can not be obtained, nerfed coalition turret
- Removed determinism checks from regular PP
- Added bouncer to sky island, updated map
- Updated joint solver, checking more values
- Disabled zooming while blueprint menu is open
- Removed key shortcut that is for internal test only
- Flame trap lighter
- Scheduled updates stop when returning true
- Trap flamethrower attacks enemies
- Another new determinism checks
- New determinism checks
- Merge comitt
- Updated base war scenes with add blueprints reactor
- Blueprints are shared by teams
- Many more det. checks in solver
- Showing plr game slow down instead of ping
- New determinism checks
- Saw can be thrown on + other tweaks
- Thruster component is colder
- Bridge battle map tweaks and active zones
- Removed the biggest boulder from bridge battle
- Space teleporter doesnt count players that left
- Polished pointing at stuff
- Pio.pointAtBG() not doing anything when carrying something
- Updated det. checks, switched off MO sleeping
- MiroMode tweaks
- Det. logs backup
- Updated determinism checks
- Updated determinism checks
- Made Pioneer Imperatus a little less massy, as per Filipex' req
- Light reset - also unlink old render meshes
- Removed doors in Colliseumoid
- Aslo removed plank buff in tower builder
- Removed plank buff in bridge builder
- Moved map ping to emoji menu, pioneer points at what he pings
- Emoji wheel appears at middle of screen again
- Bridge battle respawning automatically when falling down
- On start of game showing you as you
- Minor tweaks in tether
- Bridge battle map tweaks
- Resp station doesnt do actiate effect if set to respawn to random stations
- Planks 30% more stable
- Bridge builder: removed roly poly from inside wall
- Bridge builder made rest of lanet not accessible
- Bridge battle: players get res when someone dies, blueprints can not be obtained by atomizing
- Coalition turret: cannon destructible, dies when deattached fully from wall
- Line endings merge
- Removed mIndexBufferQuadsSet from render data, using index buffer directly
- Disabld corutines again
- Removed trap claw from bridge battle
- Enabled corutines
- Forgotten code
- Replay with LoadSceneMP insetad of c2d:Reset()
- More MOs velocity checks inside identified desync zone of code
- Titleoid user interface doesnt react when settings open
- Wep containers have bigger tessellation for less lag and noise
- New scene: bridge battle
- Moved all MO velocity det. checks to physics solver
- Det logs backup
- Disabled lua side zooming in titleoid
- Made zoom rubberband values adjustable, set higher in base war
- Coalition turret smaller clip size
- Shield metal now has mount joints!
- Set component joints voluntary
- Pioneer doesnt turn when placing BP, doenst collide with things not colliding with his tools like components
- Components dont react when selecting or placing blueprint
- Coalition turret is weaker
- Coalition ship dies a little easier
- Base war planium: different color themed BPs, closed of sides a little
- Coalition ship hides seats when flying
- Garage supports teams, has hue shift setting
- Disabled math.random() right away on lua state init just in case, then overwritten in c2d_math.lua
- Disabled lua coroutines
- Removed accidental commit
- More FPU checks, DetLogs backup, new version
- Prepared another FPU checks
- Pioneer restores friction of thing on back on death
- Can not get pioneer blueprints from respawn station bodies
- Coalition turret range way lower
- Coalition ship can die, stops jets when all pilots leave
- Power core flashes when loosing area
- Sky island: resp stations enabled from start, removed first chest with nail gun
- Resp stations assigns team immediatley
- Coalition turret slightly lighter to use < 1000 metals
- Tool booster doesnt activate when driving vehicle
- Panning back cam when zoomed out far and opening blueprint menu
- Bomb tennis camera not affected by players on other screens
- Lots of base war tweaks
- Disabled stealing tools from other pioneers
- Lootchest gives blueprint to everyone in team instead of near players
- Showing ms ping in shift menu again
- Base war: wep drops and blueprint drops x2 slower
- Respawn stations support teams
- In menu showing ping as word and ms
- Cant open emojis in vote scene
- Handling disabled steam workshop in some blueprints
- Clickable vote scene, with multi votes now, also showing names and randomizing if multiple scenes have the same amount of votes
- Getting steam app ID and using it for game network version
- Moved clickable menu funcs to c2d_ui
- Forcing different standard pioneers for now until defualt pioneers work
- Chasoid: random respawn station, eliminated players are red in list, new blueprints every 20 secs insted of 10
- Gun helper also can set atomizable again
- Loot container guns turn atomizable after 20 secs
- Showing abandon body tip only for that client
- Defendoid: players start with jetpack instead of grappling hook
- Thruster less heavy and less big
- Drone takes a bit longer to explode
- Nicer clean up with fade out and better cleaning rules
- Set chaseoid to delete garbage MOs
- Removed blueprints from titleoid, they made a lot of sounds
- Updated Tower Builder with active zones and a bit longer caves between areas to separate them for objects activity
- Updated buildconfig.lua, removed steam_appid.txt, because it's not supposed to be shipped with build
- Properly handling disabled workshop in planium race
- Chaseoid - updated script, set four players
- Updated Chaseoid, easier to move around, camera focus, background terrain holes fixes,
- New planetoid Chaseoid prototype
- Merge commit
- Added new loading screen, lil updates on steam matchmaking
- Prepared steam matchmaking callbacks
- Steam matchmaking wip
- Implemented newest Steam API 1.44
- Steam_appid.txt now contains right app ID (PP or PPO), deleted in release mode before steam is init
- Temporary workaround for speech bubbles user interface with new camera
- Trigger on zoomed to limit only checks first controller
- Updated sky texture in Minotaurus with new one
- All players fade out when finishing gmae with space teleporter
- Bird has light and less breakable when player controlled
- Lua-wrapped another class: ConstructWrap
- Finished CameraWrap
- Set fading back to black instead of red (which was for a test)
- Changed old background stars texture to new in 7 scenes
- Made net games start with different random seed each time
- Defendoid: players gain resources on each completed wave, more loot, steam altar in steam shop behind steam door
- Defendoid skip wave button no 5 sec wait
- Made gui hints compatible with new camera and enabled again
- Emoji wheel shows just with abandon vote when no spark or assembly there
- Not leaving scene when in edit mode
- Better bird controls
- Welder pull force buff
- Made tower builder map more interesting and longer
- Not entering selected veh in racetoid
- Made bridge indestructible in racetoid
- Made floaty_text FC rendering work with remote controllers
- Disabled max packet size measure
- Set emojis always active
- Max packet size measuring enabled
- Showing player names longer on game start
- Short emoji wheel cooldown after world ping
- Testing emoji wheel opens at mouse pos
- Made Titleoid work with joypad, and any device currently used, updated buttons, bound ctrl:GetGameControllerType() to lua
- Hand also blue when placing blueprint and assembling
- Disabled assembling and atomizing in menu
- Updated Hookoid
- Updates on oversized packets
- Measuring max packet size disabled in the end, seems useless
- Updated Titleoid
- Updates on max packet size measuring
- Init work on max packet size measure, comments, red fade test
- Not disconnecting from sever if game desynced
- Made Bridge Builder a bit nicer
- Missing space in desync warning
- Scene fragment night sky for easy apply to other scenes
- Made Vote Scene a bit nicer
- Showing which players are still loading in loading screen
- Esc while waiting others to load disconnects player and switches to menu scene
- Cleaned up pp_camera
- Testing effect to indicate player is in blueprint menu
- Not going to vote scene on death if all players left
- Using getControllersByScreen in hud.writeToScreen
- Removed remaining old cam code from pp_respawn
- Removed cam from wrangle and vote scene
- Removed scene:GetShowMinimap from pp_bpmenu
- Made zoom_map stuff work with new camera
- Bound c2d:FlashAppWindowIconInTaskbar, safe to even every frame, it does this only once a three seconds
- App icon flashes in taskbar when window in unfocused
- Not showing resources bar in menu scene
- Made emojis work with sparks too
- "no backup" too
- Press again to abandon body only showing on relevant screen
- Updated attaching joypad also when Esc, Enter or Space is pressed
- Game proj settings changed
- Bound more Btn_.._Repeat functions
- .....
[ 2019-12-20 16:23:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Planetoid Pioneers Linux [398.91 M]
If you simply want to experience a polished physics-driven game (nothing wrong with that!), feel free to add Planetoid Pioneers to your wishlist and wait until it exits its Early Access period. By that point, it will contain a complete yet expanding action-exploration adventure, hand-built by not only us on the official development team, but also in collaboration with the Contributor Community.
However, if you do choose to purchase the Contributor Edition today, you will:
- Become part of the emerging Contributor Community, where you can collaborate and directly share content with the development team and your fellow contributors.
- Be able to submit your creations for consideration to be integrated into the official shipping game, with your name then appearing in the credits.
- With a single button press, have the ability to publish whatever you make to the free Steam Workshop, for anyone to rate, comment, and subscribe to.
- Be among the first to have your very best Blueprints and Scenes considered for the Curated Item Workshop on Steam - where you would earn money on them!
About the first ‘Primoid’ Planetoid that will initially ship with Planetoid Pioneers:
After your space yacht undergoes an irksome Rapid Unplanned Disassembly, you find yourself marooned on a large Planetoid outside the orbit of Mars. To overcome this interplanetary Robinson Crusoe scenario, you need to use your Atomizer and Assembler tools to gather local resources and turn them into various vehicles, contraptions, and even organic life forms.Explore, survive, and ultimately build a resource-intensive spacecraft to escape the dangers and mysterious caves of this circular world. Onto the next uncharted Planetoid for a completely different adventure - built by us or anyone in the Contributor Community!
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