Hi everyone, the moment we've all been waiting for is finally here!
Thank you so much to everyone who has been patiently waiting.
Cats Around Us: Giant Cat is now released!
This project is a special one for us as its our first pilot project, where we collaborated with an artist from another medium (comic). Shout out to Kathrinna Rakhmavikathank you for working with us and providing such an engaging comic.
[quote=UB]To be honest, I was a bit nervous about releasing this since the format is a bit different from the Cats and Seek series. I wanted this series to focus more on the comic's storytelling, so there aren't as many interactive elements as in Cats and Seek. Let me know if the difference is clear enough between Cats Around Us and Cats and Seek, or if they still feel the same. What do you think we should add to make these two series distinct? [/quote]
We hope this project brings joy to your hearts. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please share them in the discussion forum. Ill be delighted to read them.
And of course, no game is free from bugs. We've tested it multiple times, but some issues may have slipped through. If you encounter any problems or bugs, please report them here, and I'll fix them as soon as possible.
Thats all from us. Enjoy Cats Around Us: Giant Cat!
Warm regards,
UB & Estu
P.S. Please support us by wishlisting our next game ^^
This is the third title of Cats and Seek series. In this third series, we will explore Kyoto and greet the cats there 😃 😻 Let's play hide and seek with the cats in Kyoto! ❤️ Can you find them all? ❤️