🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
🌟 Special thanks to our amazing supporters:
✨ $10 Tier: [Geeks Love Detail]
🌈 $5 Tier: [Benedikt][David Martínez Martí]
Patch 0.12.0 Update! : Welcome all you new Champions! Its been amazing to see you all playing Total Loadout and battling away - thank you so much from our whole team! Steam Next Fest is a massive week for us, we hope youre having a great time, and if you are, do let your friends know about us ;) We dont want to be too risky with major game changes during this week - that said, heres a patch with some quality of life improvements based on your feedback Weve also added Russian and Korean languages to the game too. Weve had lots of great thoughts already on gameplay, items and more, and would love to hear what you think! Please come join our community on Discord and say hello - https://discord.gg/b4TsE7XPvr See you on-stage! -Team 1TK- Big Changes: Training Division/Tutorial -Weve added a Training division, where new players play one tournament against pre-created bots/builds. We had feedback that our starter division could be challenging for new players to the genre - this should give people a more gentle introduction to the game, without taking too much time. Let us know what you think! Added Russian and Korean Languages in-game / ! Bug Fixes: Found a bug? Hit the settings button and report bug in-game! Items: -Carbon Fibre Plating Trinket - now giving 5hp on Taunt Items as intended -Modular Sword - level 3 Modular Sword now gets correct amount of health. -Red Paint Brush - fixed a bug where the Red Paint Brush would only trigger once per turn, even if multiple consumables were triggered during that turn. Other Bugs: -Fixed a bug where users with Steam usernames shorter than 3 or longer than 20 characters could not log in. Oops - a left-over from our web testing! -Fixed a Connection Lost bug some players were experiencing, when their connection was fine. It wasnt you, it was us. Sorry - should be better now! -Fixed a crash when revive items were placed next to Recurring Shiv, We are delighted to enable further necromancy. -Fixed a bug where you could get promoted beyond our current top division. Congratulations to the player who managed to achieve this steamhappy -Fixed a bug where weapon tooltips did not show their updated stats after being revived and losing their temporary buffs. User Interface and Visual Changes: Art: -Updated battle screen visuals Were trying a new battle screen that hopefully helps people focus on the action a bit more. Let us know what you think! UI: -Added a warning popup when trying to enter battle without a weapon. -Added a hide button for trinket select popup (no interactions are possible until trinket selected). A community requested feature, and one weve wanted in for a while! Thank you! -Added a back button in tutorial messages. -Darkened tutorial overlay and added a sound to each step. Feedback from you that this was easy to miss on occasion - does this help? -Added a feedback popup when quitting the game. -Added tooltips on empty trinket slots, unequip all button and item catalogue. -Added a concede confirmation popup -Added displaying added reflect value in floating text.
Buy legendary weapons and items, then position them carefully to make your perfect loadout. Test your skills in tournaments by battling other players in a game of both brains and brawn.
Will you take home the Total Loadout Trophy?
Total Loadout is a turn-based, PvP inventory management auto battler where heroes and villains from across space and time clash with powerful weapons, in a high-stakes gameshow broadcast across the Multiverse!
[All screenshots are work in progress!]
Will you forge one powerful sword, gunblades that come back from the dead, or simply try to blow everything up with Pinatas?
Choose your weapons, place them in weapons slots, then carefully place items to support and shape your strategy.
In Total Loadout, your weapons and inventory of supporting items are key.
Make your loadout more powerful by merging your items together to upgrade them! Items have a wide variety of sizes, shapes and effects - take your time to rotate and carefully position items on the grid.
Test your tactics in battles against other players from around the world! As battles play out, learn new builds and strategies as you fight to win a tournament. Watch the battle play out turn by turn and slow down, speed up or see replays of battles to see how you can improve your grid.
With no time limits, play at your own pace!
Pick your favourite hero (or villain!) from across the Multiverse, each with their own special ability, unique items and trinkets that you can buy during your tournament. Whether you prefer perplexing opponents with potions or simply hitting them with a huge cudgel (BONK), different Legends give you many different playstyles and strategies to choose from.
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