Hello runners,
It's update time! Beside some minor bugfixes, we focused on equipment balancing in this update. Several suggestions came straight from the active community on the Running with Rifles Discord.
The modding community also spent some energy on creating new content after we announced that we are open for a new community box. And today, we have the COMMUNITY BOX 6 ready for you!
Thanks to all the modders for the submissions and also to those whose work didn't make it into this community box.
In no particular order, credits go to Mr. Bang, Unit G17, KF Redfox, Warbro, Xe-No, MarcusKrug, Kiruex, oche34, NC0032, Veliki Shef, CN memories, GhostNZ, Waltarron, Return_Dirt, P90 rush B and MoistGoat.
While we thought pretty much everything has been covered, we have some new interesting weapons there, from an explosive arrow alternate fire mode for the Compound bow to an incendiary grenade launcher by way of a reverse-recoil light machine gun. Most new weapons in today's community box use the feature we implemented for EDELWEISS release, i.e. an alternate fire mode.
We've also prepared an update for PACIFIC and EDELWEISS!
The major content includes the Enfield P14 Sniper Rifle and Beardmore-Farquhar LMG for the UKF, the Boys Mk I AT Rifle carried by all Allied forces in both PACIFIC and EDELWEISS, and the M9A1 Bazooka for the USF. For vehicles, the M10 Wolverine tank destroyer has been added for USF forces! The M4A3 Sherman has also been made available on late-war Pacific maps.
Alongside these, a wide variety of balance and quality-of-life changes have been deployed that are sure to make playing more enjoyable, of these the most noticeable being the removal of friendly fire for certain explosive weapons. For the full list of changes, look below!
Changelog 1.84 (Vanilla):
- equipment: binoculars now show the distance to target when "shooting" at it (not in quick matches)
- items: community box #6 added
- weapons: Compound bow - alt version with explosive arrow added
- weapons: Buckshot Bess Musket - alt version with bayonet added
- weapons: Ninjato - alt version using firecrackers (stun) instead of ninja stars added
- weapons: Ares Shrike - alt semi-automatic version added
- weapons: 44 Magnum - alt rapid fire version added
- weapons: AK47 with alt fire underbarrel grenade launcher (GP25) added
- weapons: M16 with alt fire underbarrel grenade launcher (M203) added
- weapons: G36 with alt fire underbarrel grenade launcher (AG36) added
- weapons: Zweihander melee primary weapon added
- weapons: Cavalry Saber secondary melee weapon added
- weapons: Mac10 secondary MP added and alt suppressed fire version (MAC10 SD) added
- weapons: Hunter double-barrel shotgun with double shot alt fire mode added
- weapons: Kulakov incendiary grenade launcher added
- weapons: Golden MP5SD primary suppressed weapon added
- weapons: RPD light machine gun with bipod alt version added
- weapons: Ultimax 100 reverse-recoil light machine gun with magazine and and alt fire version with drum added
- weapons: ASh-12.7 battle rifle with alt fire underbarrel flash grenade launcher added
- misc: Ammo backpacks for WB-II Microgun, Flamethrower and KAC Chain SAW
- equipment: stronger vest version for EOD ai soldiers
- weapons: EOD soldiers now can be equipped with a TTI-Combat Shield
- weapons: stock MPs - accuracy increased slightly when walking and also overall improvements (recoil, bullet decay)
- weapons: Stoner62 - improved recoil
- weapons: Chainsaw - damage significantly increased to reliably cut down weaker vehicles and emplacements
- weapons: Compound bow - increased kill decay start time significantly
- weapons: Buckshot Bess Musket - reload time decreased by 25%
- weapons: Shotguns - recoil recovery rate slightly increased
- weapons: Sawn-off shotgun - reload speed increased
- weapons: Dragon's Breath - reload speed increased and projectile pulldown decreased
- weapons: APR - recoil recovery rate slightly increased
- weapons: M712 Schnellfeuer - projectile speed increased
- weapons: PF-98 - reload time decreased by 30%
- weapons: Milkor MGL - uses a cycle animation instead of retrigger timer to prevent reload spam
- weapons: 44 Magnum - animations reworked
- weapons: Ares Shrike - recoil reworked
- weapons: TTI-Combat Shield - overall effectiveness increased
- maps: minor tweaks here and there
- models: standard winter soldier model colors tweaked so that brown and grey are easier to distinguish from each other
- animations: Claymore placing animation reworked - takes less time to activate
- equipment: Claymore despawn time increased from 90 to 180 seconds
- equipment: C4 despawn time increased from 30 to 45 seconds
- wearables: all costumes now have a broken state, instead of just disappearing when damaged
- wearables: Black Ops vest can survive one small blast to be more effective against grenadiers
- weapons: Milkor MGL uses a cycle animation instead of retrigger timer to prevent reload spam
- minimodes: players drop items on teamkills to avoid respawning with the teddy close to an armory in teddy hunt substages
- minimodes: players drop items on disconnection too
- minimodes: encumbrancy of the Teddy carry item increased from 22 to 50%
- minimodes: Teddy Hunt - teddy now showing properly on the map when carried by a player
- minimodes: fixed a case where Islet of Eflen was spawnlocked
- dominance: weapons adapted to the changes in other game modes
- invasion: online invasion player faction from Brownpants to Greenbelts
- objects: fixed destructible wall material handling
- ai: fixed a collision avoidance issue with steering around vehicles while in water
- campaign: fixed a bug with campaign continue while hosting the game online causing stuck script
- online: added workaround for possible problems with Steam Cloud based authentication
Changelog 1.84 (WW2):
- vehicles: M10 Wolverine added to USF faction, available through call-in on every USF map except for Sicily and Bastogne
- weapons: Enfield P14 Sniper Rifle, UKF medium-tier rare carried by Sniper soldiers, can be unlocked via Briefcase
- weapons: Beardmore-Farquhar LMG, UKF high-tier rare carried by Veteran soldiers
- weapons: Boys Mk I Anti-Tank Rifle, Allied medium-tier rare carried by UKF, USF, and USMC Sniper soldiers, can be unlocked via Briefcase for UKF and USMC
- weapons: M9A1 Bazooka, Allied medium-tier rare carried by new USF Tank Hunter soldiers, can be unlocked via Briefcase
- soldiers: USF Paratrooper "Tank Hunter" AI soldier, behaves exactly like the Wehrmacht "Tank Hunter" soldier and will spawn on St. Marie, Bastogne, and Varsity
- features: the following weapons can no longer deal damage to friendly infantry or the shooter: all AT rifles, AT rifle grenades, autocannons, flamethrowers, and the Panzerwurfmine
- bayonets: the M1941 Johnson can now attach a bayonet
- bayonets: the Type 44 Carbine can now toggle its bayonet on or off
- sounds: Panzerfaust and PIAT have a new sound distinguishing them from other Rocket Launchers
- sounds: Heavy and Light tank cannons have new sounds distinguishing them from Medium Tanks
- map balance: M4A3 Sherman added to US Marine Corps call-ins on Iwo Jima, Peleliu and Downfall (both Axis and Allied campaign)
- map balance: M4A3 Sherman added to USF Airborne call-ins on every USF map except Sicily and Bastogne (both Axis and Allied campaign)
- map balance: M3 Halftrack added to USF Airborne call-ins on every USF map except Sicily and Bastogne (both Axis and Allied campaign)
- map balance: enemy "special soldiers" during the Varsity and Sealion boss fights no longer spawn with RP in Campaign (still possible in Invasion)
- map balance: removed a respawning Panzer IV from Arnhem to make it a bit less vehicle-crowded for the Allies to fight against (Allied campaign only)
- weapons: adjusted commonness of many weapons to become more standardized across all factions, should also raise commonness of high-tier rares in Campaign
- weapons: cost of Flamethrowers reduced from ~150RP to ~100RP
- weapons: StG 44 Vampir damage range raised to represent how its IR optics make for easier targeting
- weapons: M1941 Johnson LMG firepower greatly boosted and cost raised to better reflect its high-tier rare status
- weapons: MG 42 Extended Belt reload time set same as other belt-fed MGs
- weapons: MG 42 Mobile belt size raised from 100 to 150
- weapons: VGO No. 2 Mk I - improved firepower both when hip-firing and when using bipod
- weapons: MG 34 completely redesigned - moved from being a medium-tier rare weapon to being a common armoury weapon
- weapons: Winchester Automatic Rifle has had its accuracy and recoil control improved to better reflect its high-tier rare status
- weapons: M2 Hyde reload speed slowed down, long-range firepower slightly nerfed
- weapons: Type 96 LMG is no longer replaced by the Type 99 LMG but rather augmented by it once it becomes available
- weapons: M1903A3 is now available alongside the M1 Garand on the Western Front (formerly only mid/late-war Pacific maps)
- weapons: minor changes to most LMGs, HMGs, secondary-slot Carbines, the M1941 Johnson Rifle, Scoped FG 42, Sterling
- weapons: adjusted the cost of some rare guns to better reflect performance
- briefcases: UKF now unlocks the Lanchester SMG instead of the M1928 Thompson w/ Drum
- briefcases: USMC can now unlock Scoped M1D Garand
- briefcases: IJA can now unlock Scoped Type 99 Rifle and Type BE SMG
- briefcases: WH can now unlock the Panzerschreck
- briefcases: IJA must now unlock the Sniper Gear camouflage suit with Briefcases like every other faction
- soldiers: Tank Hunter soldiers can no longer kill themselves or friendlies with their Rocket Launcher
- soldiers: Assault soldiers can no longer spawn with medium-tier or high-tier rare guns
- soldiers: Banzai soldiers can now spawn with SMGs and occasionally the Type BE
- soldiers: IJA Veterans can now spawn with the Type BE (not just the IJN)
- soldiers: Added rank names and icons for the UKF and the Polish Armoured
- soldiers: fixed an issue where Axis Veterans were not spawning with HE Rifle Grenades
- soldiers: Banzai Chargers more reliably follow their Officer into attack
- soldiers: Banzai Officer will be less likely to join player squads
- quickmatch: added some Heavy Tanks to some of the maps
- quickmatch: all items and weapons normally unlocked by Briefcase sales in Campaign are now immediately available in Quickmatch
- soldier models: carrying an M9A1 Bazooka or Panzerschreck will now attach a rocket-ammo backpack onto the soldier model
- soldier models: improved the model of the USMC Assault soldier
- AI: fixed a bug regarding collision avoidance while in water
- calls: fixed an issue where Jeep call-ins were not working for the UKF Paratroopers on Arnhem
- calls: fixed an issue in Quickmatch where the M3 Halftrack call-in on Hell's Highway would spawn a bunch of other vehicles and cost a ton
- calls: fixed Strafing Run call in not working in Quickmatch
- calls: Wehrmacht Infantry call-in can now deploy from the base 'Best' on Hell's Highway
- calls: now show barrage radius outlines in Quickmatch
- items: adjusted the appearance of the Victoria Cross and Iron Cross HUD icons
- maps: placed a Stash on the South Bridge base for Axis to use when arriving at Arnhem
- maps: adjusted the extraction point on Arnhem leading to Hell's Highway for Axis campaign to make more sense
- sounds: added some airplane airdrop ambience to maps that feature Paratrooper drops
- music: raised the distance boss-music plays at when away from the tank for all bosses, especially on Sealion where the nearest on-map Armoury is quite far
- weapons: tweaked the HUD icon and model of the Scoped M1D Garand sniper rifle
- weapons: tweaked the HUD icon of the Type 44 Carbine to show its bayonet turned out
- weapons: added explosive visual effect to Bofors and AA guns projectiles
- weapons: fixed an issue where the 20mm Anti-Aircraft Gun was not able to damage Sentry soldiers
- weapons: increased the size of all Grenade models to make them more visible (like Vanilla)
- weapons: fixed an issue where the UKF were unable to buy Binoculars on Arnhem
- briefcases: fixed an issue where the Commander would not report back 'nothing left to unlock' when that was the case
- vehicles: tweaked spots of Opel Blitz and Austin K5 so that no crew will die when disembarking at full speed
- vehicles: adjusted animations of the Ka-Tsu machine gun crew
- vehicles: fixed missing weapon-mount mesh on Willy's MB Jeeps
[ 2021-05-11 16:20:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Linux Content [435.96 M]
- RUNNING WITH RIFLES: The Pacific (616850) Depot [294.29 M]
In RWR, you join the ranks of an army as a common soldier, just like the thousands around you.
The open world approach lets you define your own path and story in the campaign. Push back the enemy with your comrades or go deep behind enemy lines to sabotage their efforts and loot valuable items.
As you gain experience, you are promoted with higher command over soldiers and equipment. Call in artillery fire missions or paratrooper reinforcements when the situation gets tight! Use your squad to man armed boats, tanks and APC's, or, become the expert lone wolf you always aspired to be - it's up to you!
- hundreds of locations to explore from trenches to towns, deserts to snowy valleys
- emergent AI that will question if you're as smart as you think you are
- realistic cover system
- dozens of different weapons, support and cover items, radio calls, vehicles
- side objectives to keep you busy: destroy radio towers and other assets, steal cargo trucks, rescue prisoners
- 40+ multiplayer support, dedicated servers, coop, PvP, PvPvE
- speech bubbles!
- deaths and fails, a lot of them, including your own!
- ...and of course, mods!
- Processor: 1.6 GHz Dual CoreMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVidia Geforce 6800. ATI x800. Intel HD3000 or equivalent with 256MB VRAM - please note that the game is not playable with ATI/AMD proprietary drivers!
- Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Try out the latest demo to see if the game will run fine for you.
- Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual CoreMemory: 2 GB RAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Memory: 2 GB RAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
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