Hey Runners!
After two crazy weeks it looks like the online attendance has slowed down a bit to give us some time to breathe, pheww. While being very stressful, we were amazed about how much a single influencer could boost the interest for RWR with a single (very well-done though!) video that was responsible for a good chunk of nearly 200.000 new Runners within a week! Thank you so much for that, SONAR!
In case you are curious about the video, here is the Bilibili and here the Youtube version.
We seized the occasion of the unprecedented influx of new players to work on making server browsing a bit easier as it was starting to be cumbersome to look for a specific server when you had dozens of pages to browse. In the 2 previous hotfixes, we added a new online play section consisting of a list of servers which Steam friends are playing on, and improved the way player slots are reserved when joining a server so that in the case of an almost full server, it won't be a race of whose computer loads the map resources faster anymore.
As of today's update, we made some changes related to the AI behavior of "backdooring" bases, either by lonewolves units or some offense squads who went after random bases other than the one targeted by the commander. In online, the more players are on a server, the less own AI units are available to defend the back bases, hence the issue with backdooring. It could be very frustrating when you captured almost all the map and suddenly the enemy deploys far behind the frontlines to capture everything back. Now, the more players on the server, the less those backdooring units are spawning. On a 32-men server, they don't spawn anymore at all.
Another topic on today's update is that server browsing now also features a list of dedicated mod servers, so finding your favorite hosted mods is a breeze. Speaking of favorite mods, kudos to the mod "Girls Frontline: Fallen Eagle" which since recently peaks the subscription chart of the RWR mods in the workshop, congrats to Xe-No and his team!
We've also prepared a small update for PACIFIC and EDELWEISS.
Changes include some bug fixes and balance changes, including a pass over most Sub-Machine Guns intending to improve their lethality at short and medium range, and a nerf to the blast radius of the Light Artillery call-in shells (including the Light Naval Artillery.)
Don't forget to join the fun on Running with Rifles Discord and we'd be more than happy if you could let us know if you like the game and the WW2 DLCs by leaving a review on Steam, as it helps us a lot! Thank you and keep on running!
Your Osumia Games
Vanilla changelog v1.84.1:
- online: Added Steam friends server list view
- translations: Fixed some translations
- online: Added player slot reservation on servers which improves joining when servers are close to being full
- maps: few fixes here and there
- dominance: spawnpoints issue fixed in Islet of Eflen KotH mode
- invasion: added a supply quad at Leg SW in Tropical Blizzard
- items: added CB5 goodies to the lottery pool
- ui: server list for dedicated servers running mods
- server: serverlist_url added for start_server command
- AI: changed enemies to attack less to side bases and spawn less lonewolves when more players are on the server
BALANCE Changes:
- items: player version of Assault Gear no longer grants immunity to Stun (such as from Concussion Grenades). AI soldiers remain immune since they often use those grenades very aggressively
- call-ins: reduced the explosive radius of Light Artillery shells from 10m to 7.5m
- vehicles: raised damage of the twin-.50cal turrets from the downed B29 Bomber (on Peleliu Island), making it more threatening
- vehicles: raised damage of the PT boat twin-.50cal turret
- vehicles: increased the rate of fire of the Tiger I main cannon; lowered reload time from 7s to 6.5s
- weapons: added extra vision range to the Boys AT Rifle, almost as much as as Sniper Rifle
- weapons: Type 100 Grenade Discharger - raised blast radius to match Allied hand grenades (6m) and lowered cost from 25 to 20rp
- weapons: added a small amount of extra vision range to the Type 97 AT Rifle, quite mild
- weapons: improved reload time and accuracy stance-change rate of FG 42 to match M1918A2 BAR Heavy
- weapons: tweaked performance of most SMGs, including secondary-slot folded SMGs. Mostly their recoil recovers faster, giving them more of an edge in short and mid-range engagements
- weapons: raised base damage of M2 Carbine to match M1 Carbine and extended maximum damage range to be slightly higher (closer to other "proper" Assault Rifles)
- weapons: raised the damage model of the Type 44 Carbine to match the Type 38 Rifle, also raised moving accuracy slightly
- weapons: raised damage of HMG 34, M1919A4 HMG, M2HB, Vickers HMG
- weapons: raised damage and damage fall-off range of Type 99 LMGs, raised accuracy of Scoped variant
- weapons: lowered recoil of LMG 34 and Extended Belt
- weapons: raised damage and velocity of Type 98 LMG, Stinger
- weapons: slightly raised damage of LMG 42 and Extended Belt. However since it still feels inferior to the Stinger and Type 98, price is now lowered by 100RP
- weapons: raised damage of M1919A6 LMGs and Vickers Mk VI Bipod
- weapons: raised range of M12 Trench Gun
- weapons: raised damage and range of M712 Schnellfeuer
- weapons: slightly raised damage of Type 4 Rifle
- weapons: increased performance of Type Hei to make it more comparable to the Winchester Automatic Rifle
BUG Fixes and Tweaks:
- items: fixed a bug where dying from explosives while wearing the Banzai or Assault vest would cause the vest to drop undamaged
- briefcase unlocks: attempted fix to prevent British unlock weapons from being available to the Americans on Bastogne and Varsity
- calls: fixed sorting order on some maps and gamemodes so that the Airstrike Strafing Run shows up before the heavier, more expensive calls
- vehicles: fixed an issue where the new Ho-Ha rig was difficult to repair
- vehicles: improved the ability of Ho-Ha to shoot without being blocked by its own nose, such as when fighting on hills
- vehicles: fixed an issue where the Sdkfz 251 Flak Halftrack had its wheels located off the axel
- vehicles: attempt to fix the floating barrel of the Tiger I looking odd when driving
- vehicles: adjusted collision of destroyed Coastal Gun so it should clip less
- weapons: fixed a bug where the Gewehr 43 Ostveteran explosive rounds could still teamkill
- weapons: fixed a bug where the MP 40 Folded was less accurate than its normal counterpart
- weapons: fixed an issue where dying with the Type 44 while the bayonet was attached would not allow you to respawn with it
- weapons: increased length of the M12 Trench Gun model
- weapons: darkened colour of MG 34 bipods
- weapons: fixed muzzle-flash position on Beardmore-Farquhar LMG
- weapons: set accuracy stance-change rate of Type 38, Type I, and Type 44 to be equal to all other normal rifles (was formerly slower)
[ 2021-05-27 16:51:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Linux Content [435.96 M]
- RUNNING WITH RIFLES: The Pacific (616850) Depot [294.29 M]
In RWR, you join the ranks of an army as a common soldier, just like the thousands around you.
The open world approach lets you define your own path and story in the campaign. Push back the enemy with your comrades or go deep behind enemy lines to sabotage their efforts and loot valuable items.
As you gain experience, you are promoted with higher command over soldiers and equipment. Call in artillery fire missions or paratrooper reinforcements when the situation gets tight! Use your squad to man armed boats, tanks and APC's, or, become the expert lone wolf you always aspired to be - it's up to you!
- hundreds of locations to explore from trenches to towns, deserts to snowy valleys
- emergent AI that will question if you're as smart as you think you are
- realistic cover system
- dozens of different weapons, support and cover items, radio calls, vehicles
- side objectives to keep you busy: destroy radio towers and other assets, steal cargo trucks, rescue prisoners
- 40+ multiplayer support, dedicated servers, coop, PvP, PvPvE
- speech bubbles!
- deaths and fails, a lot of them, including your own!
- ...and of course, mods!
- Processor: 1.6 GHz Dual CoreMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVidia Geforce 6800. ATI x800. Intel HD3000 or equivalent with 256MB VRAM - please note that the game is not playable with ATI/AMD proprietary drivers!
- Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Try out the latest demo to see if the game will run fine for you.
- Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual CoreMemory: 2 GB RAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Memory: 2 GB RAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
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